

Friday, June 29, 2012


In what is yet another example of the old adage, truth is stranger than fiction, especially whenever you're dealing with blacks in this country, the Dallas, Texas, chapter of the NAACP has now made it quite clear that it doesn’t particularly like the Texas lottery. Why is that you ask? Well, apparently, it's because this collection of self-promoting racial sociopaths seem to think hat it’s a regressive institution that offers only a minuscule chance of financial success in exchange for taking gigantic amounts of money cettain “vulnerable populations” every year. Presumably, and as something that should come as no great shock to anyone, they would rather that Texas make up the revenue it gets through the lottery with higher taxes on the rich. The NAACP, which long ago ceased serving any useful purpose, wants to stop seeing low income Texans pumping money into the state lottery by, you guessed it, putting the entire lottery out of business. And that's even though it's in poorer communities that the lottery does seem to offer the best chance at a life otherwise considered to be out of reach.

Now, David Anderson is a fella that collects disability but still manages to spend a few bucks every week in what is an effort to test his luck. “It’s up to me, spend this five dollars or should I go buy a loaf of bread and hamburger to feed the kids,’ he said. And I have to say htat I agree with him. He's a grown adult and there is no one standing behind him holding a gun to his head forcing him to spend his money on the purchase of lottery tickets. The whole thing is completely voluntary. So why shut down something that’s raking in the money? So far in 2012 Texans have spent more than $3.3 billion in lottery tickets. Anyway, the rationale here is quite the typical one for those who seem to be so determined that we need to be protected from ourselves. “They have this delusion that they’re going to win,” said chapter president, and complete moron, Dr. Juanita Wallace. “I want them to shut it down,” she said. “Our people are spending their little money, their life savings away in hopes of winning.” The group has actually voted to urge state officials to do away with the lottery. And just what is this imbecile a doctor of, exactly?

Now strangely enough, this may actually be the first time that we’ve ever seen one liberal organization’s need to be paternalistic clashing with an equally obsessive desire of so many on the left to ensure as much money as possible ends up being sent to government coffers. Their idiotic little argument here, in attempting to justify this particular little puritanical outing is unlikely to surprise anyone. This is a real reach, as well as being nothing but one more instance where the accusations regarding the existence of some perceived racial victimhood, or injustice, is less than persuasive. And I'm not sure how these clowns at the NAACP see the making of such a foolish argument s being anywhere near constructive toward they're being successful in meeting their their supposed stated objectives. But it does raise more than a few questions. For one thing, while we can‘t speak to Texas’ public school system specifically (but based on the increasingly grim state of public education generally), might investing money in the lottery be a more reliable route toward upward mobility?

And on what I hope will be seen as being on a less sarcastic note, what is the lottery, exactly, if not a symbol of the risk inherent in upward mobility? It’s not as though no one ever wins the thing, in fact, more often than not it's quite the news story when someone does. How exactly is it hurting “vulnerable populations” to let them partake in something that will provide to them a little hope, even if it's a rather slim hope? Also, does the Dallas NAACP really think that those “vulnerable” populations so incapable of impulse control that they’ll spend themselves into oblivion on the something as silly as a lottery? And how might those who comprise these “vulnerable populations” view a NAACP that sees them as being so stupid that they would spend the family food money on lottery tickets? In fact, might the answer to this last question call the non-racist credentials of the Dallas NAACP into doubt? I mean, I thought it was just us white folks who were supposed to have such a low opinion of blacks. And with so many questions floating around the proposal, perhaps the only vulnerable population the Texas NAACP should be looking out for are their own arguments.

So, is it just me, or has there been a definite increase in declaring all things racist ever since we screwed up and elected our first truly black president? Not counting "BJ" Clinton. I get a little tired of being lectured to by those who insist upon residing in the shallower end of the gene pool or who remain firmly affixed to the lower rungs of the evolutionary ladder. Race has become the defining issue for nearly everything these days, even those things that you would not normally consider as being, and in no possible, tinged by anything racial. Race should never be factored into any equation when it comes to stipulating who should and who should not be 'permitted' to be involved in something so inconsequenctial as playing a lottery. And why should those of us who do not fall under the supposed guardianship of the NAACP be punished just because this group thinks blacks are too stupid to be responsible? Who died and left these knuckleheads boss anyway? I like buying ticket every once and while myself, and why shouldn't I be able to just because the NAACP seem to be of the opinion that blacks are somehow being victimized?

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