

Friday, June 29, 2012


I’ve never spent much time watching Current TV, but the few times that I have, the experience has always left me feeling, well, like I’ve been on a week long bender. It’s like I wake up in a room not sure how it was that I got there and then I have the urge to look out my front window to make sure my car is in the driveway. It’s a rather unpleasant experience that has me promising myself I’ll never do that again. My most recent episode came about when I was exposed to former “BJ” Clinton miniature Labor Secretary, the very tiny Robert B. Reich. “Little Bobby” was appearing on Current TV as a sort of pseudo-fact checker regarding Mitt Romney’s recent statements that Obamacare raises taxes by $500 billion, and cuts Medicare by $500 billion. “Little Bobby” claimed that both ascertains simply weren’t the case, and cited absolutely no evidence to support his claim other than to say that Romney’s plans are worse. Well, alright then, that’s good enough for me. You?

I think “Little Bobby’s” claims are a bit delusional to say the least. Why, you ask? Well because first of all he says that he doesn’t know of a single credible study that says that Obamacare will raise taxes by $500 billion. Now I am far from being any kind of an expert, and unlike “Little Bobby”, I’ve held any position in government that would provide to me a level knowledge that most of have. But I’m pretty sure that the Congressional Budget Office is something that can be considered as being a credible source. ABC News reports:  The Romney campaign’s explanation for why Obamacare is rife with taxes is testimony from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will raise approximately $500 billion in taxes over its first 10 years. According to the CBO, this claim is right. According to the CBO’s latest, revised estimates released in March 2012, the reform law raises “$510 billion in receipts and other budgetary effects, including the “individual mandate” tax penalty and penalties on employers.

And what about the Medicare claim? Well, funny thing about that too. Because you see, according to the Chief Actuary for Medicare and Medicaid, that’s also true, albeit with some caveats. Again, from ABC News’ fact check: So does it “cut” Medicare by $500 billion?  Medicare spending will continue to grow, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), but ACA will slow that growth. According to a report from the Kaiser Family Health Foundation over the next 10 years, the federal government will devote about $500 billion less to Medicare than it would have without ACA. CMS and the Kaiser Family Foundation tell ABC News that there will be no benefit cuts to Medicare. They say instead of Medicare’s being cut, there will be much more spending at the end of a 10-year window, but it does slow the rate of that growth. This is all unless Congress makes drastic changes to Medicare, for example passing House Budget Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan’s Medicare Plan.

So “Little Bobby” is essentially two for two here. Now you would think with his being a former Labor Secretary he would know how to read government data, but alas, that is apparently not to be. Which, I suppose, shouldn’t come as to big of a surprise to anyone, because we’ve been hearing all manner of leftist drivel from this clown for decades. When dealing with pathetic characters like “Little Bobby”, one very quickly come to realize that the truth is nothing more than something to be sacrificed as soon as it ceases to be of any benefit. More often than not Democrats like “Little Bobby” have very little use for the truth. For them it pretty much has the same effect as sunlight has on vampires. There’s an age-old tactic that Democrats have become very proficient at utilizing. It’s where they take an obvious falsehood and together with their willing cohorts in the state controlled media, repeat it ad nauseam as if it was a solid gold fact. “Little Bobby” is but the recent example.

* When I first posted this little piece, you would have been able to watch the video of "Little Bobby" lying through his teeth.  But since that time this 'network' that spews more lefist crap than MSNBC, appears to have made all of their videos private and only viewed by the like-minded morons who comprise, what I can only imagine is, their rather miniscule viewing audience. 

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