

Friday, June 8, 2012


According to old “Stretch”, Nancy Pelosi, well-known liberal dingbat and the boob who the House Democrats chose to be their leader, said the reason why so many of us folks oppose Obamacare is because, now get this, “the understanding of it has been jeopardized by misrepresentations,” adding that the public’s opposition is “not about the bill, it’s about the message of it.” Ok, so I ask you, is old ‘Stretch’ a little bit loony, or what? She presented what is I guess the basis of her rationale of why 68 percent of the American people now want all or part of this thing, fondly referred to as Obamacare, struck down, while at a Capitol Hill press conference on Thursday. Old 'Stretch' was asked about a new CBS News/New York Times poll showing that 41 percent of Americans want to see the Supreme Court overturn the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare) in its entirety, and another 27 percent said they want to see just the mandate requiring all citizens to buy health insurance struck down.

After citing those numbers, a reporter asked her, “Why do you think that is and what does that say in terms of the chance that the Supreme Court striking it down?”  Old “Stretch” responded by saying, “I’m very proud of the Affordable Care Act. I think that the understanding of it has been jeopardized by misrepresentations that have been put out there relentlessly, largely by the industries that have -- I shouldn’t say not benefited because they all, everybody benefits from this health care bill -- but who claim to have suffered from the bill.” She continued, “Here’s the thing: the American Affordable Care Act stands there with Social Security, Medicare, health care for all Americans as a right, not a privilege. It was opposed vigorously by two forces, one the health insurance industry and secondly by anti-government ideologues who do not believe that there should be a government role in either in clean air, clean water, as well as health care in our country."

And then proceeding to continue to lie through her pearly whites, she said, “We don’t want our proposal to have any more government than it needs.” And then actually went on to claim, “It’s very private-sector oriented. It’s market oriented. It’s about prevention. It’s about innovation. It’s about life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness for the American people because it frees them, unlocks them from a job that they may keep only because of the health benefits to pursue their happiness.” Not one Democrat, including Barry, has ever uttered one word of truth about what is nothing more than an outright attack on our individual freedom. And in what was yet another example of her stretching the truth to the absolute breaking point, she added, “If there were no other reason to do the health care reform bill than the fact that it is -- the status quo at the time was financially and fiscally unsustainable for individuals the rising cost of health care and the uncertainty of what those costs would be for businesses."

And sadly, she was far from finishing her idiotic rant. She said, “The same thing for governments whether it’s local government, county government, or state government, federal government, [it is] unsustainable,” she said, “the rising cost of health care and for our economy because the cost of health care is a competitiveness issue and our business, and our private sector would find hard to compete globally with this anvil of ever increasing uncertain health cost increases. So, it was unsustainable.” She the repeated myth that Obamacare will reduce health care costs and increase coverage for Americans. What the health care law “does is take us to a place where will we bend the curve, reduce the cost of health care, not only to the federal government, but to our economies and to families,” said Pelosi, adding “that it will improve the quality of care, that it will increase access and it will do so in a way that is very innovative about the future, a heavy emphasis on prevention and wellness that also reduce cost."

And in her attempt to pull out all the stops, Pelosi continued, “The public doesn’t generally know that, that children in American, over 80 million people in America have already benefited from the bill; that whether there is ending discrimination against children because of an existing medical condition; whether it was these wellness prevention once-a-year check ups that are now people, specially our seniors are getting; whether it’s lowering the cost of prescription drugs for seniors by closing the donut hole. But I bet you if you went to a pharmacy right now and you saw a senior purchasing pharmaceuticals, prescription drugs, and they know, and those drugs are cheaper now because of the bill, they would not relate it to the Affordable Care Act.” “And so it’s not about the bill, it’s about the message of it,” she said. “And, again, the public was so inoculated against any positive message about the bill because of those who were trying to defeat it, that it’s a long road back."

Look, I think most of us, at least those of us who were paying any attention at the time, and who took time to actually read the important parts of this thing, knew when it was being shoved down our throats that what we were being told about its cost was a lie. And in March 2012 we were proven right, as if we needed to be, when the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said that Obamacare will be double the cost, or $1.76 Billion, of its original $900 Billion 'projected' price tag. And not only that, we were also lied to when we were told by Barry that we'd all be able to keep our present coverage if we desired to do so. Well, also courtesy of the CBO, another Democrat lie has now been fully exposed in that it has projected that between 3 and 5 million people will ultimately lose their employer-provided health care coverage and that another 1 to 2 million people will not qualify for the insurance exchanges provided under the law. Overall, 30 million will still lack health coverage under the law, the CBO reported.

A reporter followed up and asked, “What happened to the Democratic side of message war, because it seems to be going to only one side?” And in her providing a response, old 'Stretch' did what slimy Democrats do best, she pointed a boney old finger at those who she enjoys accusing of being against middle class America. “Well when you have endless money and money is really a factor in opinions and elections in our country,” Pelosi said, later emphasizing that “the misrepresentations [and the] endless money misrepresenting suffocate the debate. It’s a dangerous thing.” Actually, If anyone can be said to have been busy misrepresenting this thing it's the Democrats. Hell, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, another rather warped individual, Kathleen Sebelius, even went out and hired some high-dollar PR firm to come up with a campaign designed to do nothing more than to deceive the American public. This nonsense has to be brought to an end. And the election this November will provide to us that opportunity. We cannot afford to waste it.

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