

Thursday, October 17, 2024


Clearly the closer we get to the next election the more unhinged the Democrats seem to become. To the point where you almost have to wonder how it is that any rational individual can look at the party and see anything other than a bunch of raving lunatics who apparently think they can name call their way to victory in an election that is now less than three weeks away. Collectively these people are suffering a meltdown reminiscent of that suffered by the ‘Wicked Witch of the West’ when Dorothy doused her with a bucket of water. Only this time, that bucket of water is none other than President Trump. The more any of these people talk, the crazier they sound.

And the antics that we’re all being made to witness would be funny except for the seriousness of the situation. Our country is in a mess, fiscally, morally, socially and in just about every other way a country can be a mess. And it’s the Democrats who are at fault for making it a mess despite their endless attempts to blame Republicans and, more specifically, President Trump. As I have pointed out before it’s the Democrats who have controlled the White House 12 of the 16 years, and so to claim that any of the problems this country faces today are somehow because President Trump was president for the other four years would seem to more than a bit ludicrous.

But, of course, that’s not quite how Democrats see it. And more specifically that’s not how Hitlery sees it. And it was just this past Wednesday that Hitlery once again made that very clear. You see it was then, during an appearance on MSDNC’s “The Last Word” that Hitlery did her best to argue that President Trump was “unqualified to be president” because he is “increasingly unstable and unhinged.” But riddle me this, just who is it that continues to sound “increasingly unstable and unhinged?” It sure as shit ain’t Donald Trump. That would be none other than Hitlery herself and just about any other Democrat that anyone would care to mention. They’ve all lost it!!!

And in what I can only assume was an attempt on Hitlery’s part to defend Cumala after what was, by most accounts, a rather disastrous interview on Fox News, Hitlery said, “The vice president has pivoted toward the closing argument. The closing argument has two parts. The closing argument is what kind of country do we want to be? What kind of people are we? Do we want to be divided? Do we want to be set into arguments with each other that we can’t agree on solving our problems? She is qualified to bring our country together and he is not.” That’s an idiotic claim, and as such is not even worthy of being addressed. Hitlery knows it bullshit!!!

She said, “He’s increasingly evidencing as he did at that bizarre 39 minutes on the stage bopping to the songs that he plays at Mar-a-Lago, that he is unqualified to be present. He’s qualified by temperament. He’s a qualified by behavior. He’s unqualified by experience. He’s unqualified by the Project 2025 agenda. I think she’s converging those two arguments. Really that is the argument. People have to ask themselves, I may not agree with her, it’s the kind of Liz Cheney argument, I may not agree with her but I agree with her that our democracy is at stake. I want to protect our freedom and rights and the rule of law and everything we hold dear she’s our only choice."

Hitlery added, “He is increasingly unstable and unhinged. We have seen evidence of that but now it’s every day. He’s increasingly threatening and dangerous. You were 100 % right in your opening two point out he has threatened to put the American military in our streets. Not only to deport people he thinks should be deported but the rest of us who don’t agree with them, who have a different view what is the best interest of America. I think it’s a positive argument for her but more importantly for our country, for our democracy and freedom. It’s a reminder how dangerous he is.” Always nice to see Hitlery still hasn’t come to grips with her loss to Trump in 2016.

And so it was once again that Hitlery crawls out of her hidey hole to again, to the best of her ability, besmirch not only President Trump but his millions of supporters as well. This woman, and the vast majority of those in the ‘fake news’ media, have yet to recognize the fact that this woman has outlived her 15 minutes of fame and that her never-ending bitter and hateful views of President Trump and we “deplorables” continue to fall on deaf ears. Hitlery’s comments are becoming more hysterical, more malicious, more malevolent and more delusional with each, and every, passing day. She is the one who is becoming both increasingly “unstable and unhinged."

And, might I add, hideous. Hitlery is yet another those who either seems to have forgotten, or simply chooses to ignore, the fact that Donald Trump has already been elected president once, and not all that long ago, politically speaking. And with luck he may be about to be president a second time. But what’s best of all is the fact that she will never be president. It was as president that Donald Trump gave the American people, and this country, four of the best years that we had experienced in decades. It was Hitlery who was clearly unqualified to be president, and thankfully there were enough Americans who are able to recognize that fact and who voted accordingly.

Hitley speaks of unifying the country? What her comments should actually signify is how stupid the left believes the American electorate to be. When Hitlery says “Harris will unite the country”, what she really means is that Republicans will keep going to work, keep paying their bills, keep raising their families no matter who wins. But Democrats will burn cities to the ground for weeks if they lose. Let them burn cities to the ground. It's where the Democrats live. There is no unifying this country, that is sugar coating a shit sandwich. At this point there’s just no getting along with liberals, it is about forcing our will on them, just as they have been doing to us.

I can only assume that the racist narrative, which has been their go to tactic for decades, simply isn’t working anymore, so now they’re all going all in and have started using the unstable narrative. The talking point now is that President Trump is increasingly unhinged and unstable! Not qualified to be president!! That’s what all the sheep are saying these days! Because they’re the ones who are unhinged and unstable!! Oh, the irony of it! The unstable and unhinged talking point has been making the rounds because I’ve heard it dozens of times over just the last couple weeks. Along with how he’s a Nazi and will be a dictator. Blah, blah, blah.

And since when is Hitlery someone who’s qualified to determine anyone’s qualifications for president?  According to the Constitution, one need only to be 35 years old, or older and a natural born American citizen to qualify to be President of the United States of America. Now the last time I checked; Donald Trump meets those qualifications. And yet we continue to hear this insane drivel from the same woman that Donald Trump crushed back in 2016 despite her many dirty tricks. She’s still butt-hurt by her failure to live out her lifelong dream of being President, and it hurts all the more because her archenemy, Donald Trump, is the person who ended it.

Frankly, I seriously doubt anyone really cares what Hitlery has to say, she’s become irrelevant which, I suppose, eats away at her more than just about anything else. She’s one of the most overprivileged people in the entire country. She has zero self-awareness. Hitlery acts as if nobody ever found out she paid for Russian collusion and spun the country into chaos for four years while she sat back and watched her lie fester, and didn’t give two shits about it. Now she lectures us like we never found out. It's clear that Hitlery is a spent force. She is as delusional as Joey and just as much a liar. She doesn’t worry me anymore, she’s more of a source of amusement.

Millions of us will never “unite” with those people who are desperate to force big government Socialism and evil social policy upon its citizens. Cultural Marxists and Constitutional Conservatives cannot peacefully co-exist. It’s physically impossible, they are 180 degrees opposite from one another. I have virtually nothing in common with those on the other side, and yet I am somehow expected to set aside my beliefs in order to peacefully coexist. Bullshit. Those on the left are never willing to compromise on any of their nutty positions. Those things I believe in are just as important to me as those things they believe in are to them.

More tripe from a former presidential candidate, who has failed at every previous government position she ever held or been elected to. Someone who has single-handedly done more to destroy our republic than any foreign enemy could ever hope to. Hitlery is the very last person in the world who should be calling anyone unhinged or unstable. This latest tactic of calling President Trump unhinged and unstable shows the level of desperation on the part of the Democrats. On the contrary, a vote for President Trump is a vote for a strong, prosperous and free America. He understands that the first duty of government is to protect the people, not to run their lives.

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