

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


You can always tell when a guy hasn’t got much of a career left, he’s always willing to stoop pretty low and to do just about anything in an effort to gain for himself some level of attention. Like, for example, when such a guy resorts to appearing on one of the biggest wastes of time in all of daytime television, ABC’s ‘The View.’ And what does it also say about a guy who prides himself on being a serious professional ‘journalist’ that he would choose to appear with those hapless hags who share hosting duties for this bizarre little menagerie. Which brings to Chris Wallace, a guy who is clearly on the downhill slide of what has been a spectacularly uninspiring career.

And it was just this past Tuesday that Wallace chose to appear with the halfwit hags of “The View” to spew more of his trademark drivel. And he would be hard-pressed to find a more willing audience. You see it’s Wallace’s opinion that President Trump is “sticking to the basement” like then-presidential candidate Joey did back in 2020. And was one of this gaggle of goofs, Sara Haines, who asked, “Your dad, the late, great Mike Wallace, was an incredible investigative journalist and one of the original correspondents on 60 Minutes. What did you think of the former president refusing to do a 60 Minutes interview, which has been a tradition for more than half a century?"

Wallace said, “You know, I don’t have a firm answer in terms of but I have a gut feeling. And my gut feeling is that debate on some level scared Donald Trump and he realized that, one, giving a platform to Kamala Harris is a bad idea, which is why he’s not going to do another debate which would attract 50, 60, 70 million people. And if he were to appear on 60 Minutes alongside her, people were going to one, compare them and two, it was going to attract a bigger audience. And I think he feels I’m going to stick into my area. Look, he’s got a huge base that is going to support him despite all of the reasons that you guys have been talking about today."

He went on to say, “And I think he thinks, you know, to the degree, in a funny way, I think he’s doing what Joe Biden did in 2020, which is sticking to the basement.” He added, “I think he’s a little bit scared about being seen and compared to Kamala Harris.” Wallace is nothing if not a Democrat sycophant! Where else but on ‘The View’ would he find anyone stupid enough to listen to such drivel and not laugh in his face? It really is pretty sad that these are the kind of people you need to associate with in order to be taken seriously. I mean, it’s doubtful that there is one functioning braincell in the entire studio, including those bimbos there in the audience.

And so, I’m curious, what world is it that Wallace is living in? After all, it’s not President Trump who’s been hiding out afraid to do any sort of a real interview afraid of being asked the hard questions. And how can you have three different active assassination attempts made against you, in less than three months, if you’re hiding in the basement? President Trump is flying around the country every day, sometimes multiple times, getting endorsements from the Border Patrol Union, speaking at Townhalls, speaking at a Turning Point summit, delivering disaster relief supplies, speaking at the Detroit Economic Club, and holding rallies all across the country.

And on the subject of debates, Wallace is once again doing little more than talking out his ass. President Trump didn’t say he wouldn’t do a debate, he said he’d do a debate at a less biased network and Cumala refused because, as we’ve already seen, she requires a certain caliber of ‘moderator’ in order to survive. If the debate wasn’t rigged, if Cumala wasn’t provided with the questions, being fed answers on her earpiece, and aided by the ‘moderators,’ of course President Trump would want a debate. The more people see and hear the real Cumala, the more they dislike her. She is clearly the worst candidate ever to run for the presidency, period.

President Trump was asked to do debates and each and every time it was in a very hostile venue, conducted hostile moderators furnished by equally unfriendly networks with debate rules that the Democrat Party was allowed to come up with. Cumala has been in the basement right out of the gate, with zero press conferences to speak of and only doing one taped interview on an ‘unfriendly’ network, but with a friendly interviewer by the name of Bret Baier. The comparisons are clear. Everyone sees the comparisons. Cumala is amateur hour versus President Trump. President Trump wanted a Fox debate months ago and Cumala said no. And now she gets a free throw.

She’s agreed to do what is really nothing more than a non-interview interview on Fox News with, of all people, a guy of whom it can safely be said likely hates President Trump as much as she does. Baier is the milk toast interviewer they selected from Fox and they’re going tape the interview? And does anyone have any doubts that it will be Cumala’s campaign that has final say on the editing? Oh, and of course, no transcripts! Why bother even watching? Baier is a Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) sufferer who will probably announce that Cumala has won Arizona with no votes in at the end of the ‘interview.’ Baier is really no better than Wallace.

Wallace is stupid enough to believe that people don’t see President Trump out there outworking the Democrats 100-1. Out of all the propaganda and lies that come out of the ‘fake news’ media, this has to be one of the more outrageous ones. President Trump does rallies with tens of thousands of people. He does interviews constantly, even with the networks that lie about him. He does podcasts. He does interviews with radio hosts. These ‘fake news’ liars are disgusting. No matter how much you hate them, it’s not enough. They’ve allowed themselves to become the ‘Ministry of Propaganda for Democrats, and in so doing have become the enemy of the people.

Wallace is nothing more than another arrogant talking head whose ratings were always in the basement. He is where he belongs at CNN where he will have even less of an audience than he did when he was at Fox!  Wallace is a yellow journalist of the first kind. President Trump has gone into lion’s den numerous times to speak with interviewers. Meanwhile, it’s been Cumala who has only sat down with those who likely promised beforehand not to venture into territory that might prove difficult for the candidate. Subjects such as our border crisis or inflation or the rise in crime that has taken place over the course of the last three years would be strictly verboten.

Look, ever since President Trump correctly portrayed the ‘fake news’ media as being an “enemy of the people,” and chose to point out the blatant collusion taking place between the Democrats and the ‘news’ media in the fabricating of political narratives favorable to Democrats, those, like Wallace, in the ‘fake news’ media have been hard at work churning out all manner bogus accusations directed at President Trump. Millionaire talking heads like Wallace are part of the American elite, disdaining working people while deigning it their prerogative to dictate what constitutes ‘fact’ and ‘truth.’ President Trump has said adios to the chattering classes.

Wallace is really speaking to himself and only himself here. He wants to believe in something that is patently untrue, and he wants his few listeners to agree with his skewed beliefs. He has no facts to support his beliefs and no audience to follow him. He is operating in the equivalent of media solitary confinement, no interesting or compelling opinions and no one to convince. He has effectively cancelled himself. People like Wallace are mad they can’t ambush President Trump on their terms. President Trump is busy talking to us on a personal level, at rallies all over the country, while Cumala pals around on ‘The View’ and other liberal talk shows.

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