

Friday, October 4, 2024


I have likely asked this question before, but is there a bigger lying skank in all of Congress than Nancy Pelosi? Somehow, I just don’t think so. And I say that because President Trump, regardless of how it came to be, has not been in office since January 20, 2021, when Joey, and his sidekick Cumala, first slithered into office. And yet, Pelosi, along with any number of other Democrats, claims that the recent escalation of the ongoing conflict taking place in the Middle East, like everything else that has gone so horribly wrong since that day, is to be blamed on President Trump. And as ludicrous as that may sound that’s their story and, by God, they’re sticking to it.

This past Wednesday, during an appearance on CNN’s “Inside Politics,” Pelosi made the idiotic claim that Iran is now in a stronger position “nuclear wise” because of the “failed policy of Donald Trump.” Pelosi said, “We want to avoid a bigger war. As you know, full well, that masterfully President Obama had a plan to reduce the capacity of the Iranians to produce a nuclear weapon. The next president in line, he came in and eliminate it that unfortunately, because now Iran is on a path again for enriching uranium or fully taking it closer to having the capacity for a weapon.” She said, “I don’t know how close they are to that and if i did, I wouldn’t say."

And she said, “So again, we want to avoid a bigger war. We do know that Hezbollah and Hamas are proxies for Iran. They are the troublemakers in the region. The fact that Israel was attacked with 200 ballistic missiles coming into Israel, thank God without any major effects shows they must be stopped. But I don’t think we should get into that with an open discussion now, as to how we deal with their nuclear. Again we had a plan to do that. I think that there are other countries as we had said before, who had worked together to do that. But the reason that they are in the strong position they are today nuclear wise is because of the failed policy of Donald Trump."

But who was it that sent pallets of cash to Iran and lifted the sanctions on Iran's oil? That would be Democrats! Ignore your lyin' eyes and ears, and your own memory of a better, more prosperous, more stable America and world when President Trump ran things and instead, heed only what Pelosi is telling you. The year is 2024. The team of Joey and Cumala has had four years to do what they wanted and now Iran is closer to a nuke. That is on the Democrats. Iran is stronger because Joey/Cumala unfroze billions of dollars to allow Iran in turn weaponize Hezbollah terrorists. ‘BO’ also gave deference to Iran’s leader, and he too gave piles of cash directly to Iran.

On the other hand, President Trump kept Iran in check during his entire time in office. Democrats know what they’ve done to bring on this war. They have to blame someone else for their actions as always. The Democrats have turned into a pathetic cabal of clowns. All they do is obsess over President Trump and make up lies about him. Pelosi is unhinged. Iran was on its heels financially in January 2020 because of the sanctions President Trump had placed against them. And it was shortly after taking office that Joey reversed those sanctions. Democrats know they can lie about anything, and their voters will believe it and those in the ‘fake news’ media will echo their lies.

Frankly, I don't remember Iran launching nearly 200 ballistic missiles, drones and cruise missiles at Israel during President Trump’s tenure. Democrats have been in control for 12 of the last 16 years and somehow, we’re supposed to believe that its ALL President Trump’s fault. That Joey, and Cumala, has nothing to do with the fact that both ‘BO’ and Joey sent billions and billions to Iran who in turn used that money to buy weapons and to supply their proxies. And what about the billions of dollars in equipment that Joey left in Afghanistan. Try as they may wish, there’s no way that the Democrats can connect President Trump to this fiasco of their own making.

And am I the only one to have noticed how it is that over the years it’s been whenever we have Democrats in power that they always claim to be the ones responsible for every good thing that happens, while blaming any bad things on the previous Republican, even if that was four or eight years earlier! But when the Republicans in power, the Democrats claim that all good things are due to the previous Democrat administration, while all bad things are due to the current Republican administration. Kinda weird, don’t you think? But then, Desperate politicians say desperate things, especially when they’re in a losing position and on the wrong side of public opinion.

Whenever I hear some lunatic like Pelosi spewing her bullshit, the question that always immediately comes into my mind is, do these morons actually believe the delusional nonsense they spew? It’s hard to say. But every time they open their mouths all they do is further cement their status as the village idiots. They do, however, continue to get elected to positions of power. And how that happens is a mystery for the ages. The only thing Pelosi is doing right now is to go on any ‘fake news’ show that will have her to lie and gaslight. And as is usually the case, there’s literally never any questioning or pushback on it by any of our supposed ‘journalists.'

Just once I’d like to see some enterprising ‘journalist’ challenge any Democrat regarding the garbage they continually spew. To call them out and leave them babbling as try to come up something that sounds believable to back up their many lies. And it’s amazing how she continues to make up such bold face lies. She is the perfect poster child when it comes to the disgraceful and unacceptable behavior of you average Democrat politician. The truth is the exact opposite of what this feckless witch says. Imagine how different things would be if we did have a news media that took an interest in doing its job instead of simply perpetuating all of the lies.

Finally, President Trump had Iran on its belly, whimpering in the doghouse of the global community. Then the Democrats stole the election, ended the sanctions against Iran, shut down our own energy production, and stole billions of America taxpayer dollars, surrendering it all to the Mullahs. Iran is the chief sponsor of global terrorism. The Democrat Party is the chief sponsor of Iran. And if we’re being honest, we can trace this ongoing mess all the way back to another failed Democrat president, Jimmy Carter, the ultimate pacifist president. Democrats make horrible presidents; they always have and they always will. And yet, we may actually elect another.

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