

Thursday, October 3, 2024


At first, I wasn’t going to say anything, I was just going to consider the source and let it slide. Hence my delay in making any sort of a comment on this past Tuesday night’s ‘debate’ between JD Vance, ‘Tampon Tim’ A-Walz, and the two CBS ‘moderators,’ and I use that term very, very loosely. Now while I don’t want to seem like I’m piling on, these two ‘moderators’ have clearly provided more than enough reason to never again have two female ‘moderators.’ For one reason, both demonstrated and serious lack of both knowledge and understanding of the truly important issues and it seemed like it might have been ‘that time of the month’ for both of them.

I guess my gripe is all of accusations of “mansplaining.” You see according to some at MSDNC, mansplaining would seem to know no gender boundaries, and it was two of the geniuses there at MSDNC who argued that was exhibited by Mr. Vance during his debate on Tuesday with A-Walz. Hosts Rachel Maddow and Nicolle Wallace claimed that Vance attempted to “mansplain,” a term typically used to describe how a man talks down to a woman if done condescendingly, to A-Walz and moderators Norah O’Donnell and Margaret Brennan, an aspect of illegal immigration. Might I just say that it would appear like Vance was the only man present on Tuesday night.

And it’s a partial transcript of their idiotic commentary that follows:

WALLACE: Can I say something about the moderators? They did a great job and they also used their mic-muting power We spent a lot of time on it before the debate. I actually think if you’re a woman, that might be the worst moment JD Vance had because he was going to mansplain right over that mute button. He was, and again, I don’t pretend to know how everyone will react to this, I think that a lot of women in positions of authority that should command respect just by virtue of that dynamic will see themselves and some dude that, disrespected them and talk over them.

There was a moment like that in the Harris-Pence vice-presidential debate, where she said, “I’m speaking.” There’s this real belief that what he was saying was more important than the debate rules and the moderators.

MADDOW: And to Joy’s point — the substance of that moment was when he was lying about immigrants in Springfield, Ohio again, and Tim Walz had called him out on it and then was saying, ‘Oh, no, no, no, I’m not lying, let me tell you why I’m calling them illegal immigrants,’ even though they are not illegal immigrants and let me mansplain the law to you. And the moderators at that point muted his mic and said, “Thank you for explaining the law. That’s not what we’re asking."

‘Womansplaining’ is the only thing that I saw on display Tuesday night. Also known as being a bitch. Vance’s closing remark should have included, “Thank you for the opportunity to debate the three of you.” I mean, clearly, we had one young man who’s clearly comfortable in his own skin and perfectly confident in his own masculinity. And then we had an old man who looked a bit like Don Rickles on massively high doses of amphetamines. Yes, Vance is a man, he is both educated and successful. Meanwhile. A-Walz and moderators are all clearly stupid. So, what should Vance have done instead, simply allowed them to continue to be stupid?

“Mansplaining” is, of course, nothing more than a liberal sniveling catch phrase, a euphemism, to enable liberals to focus their hatred or their prodigious sniveling about some imaginary thing. Just like systemic racism, global warming, white supremacists, voter suppression, diversity training, democratic socialism, safe space, social justice, undocumented immigrant, human infrastructure, structural racism, common sense gun control, hate speech, toxic masculinity, micro-aggression, racial justice, white privilege, gun violence, community activist, climate justice, white nationalists, white Christian nationalists, implicit bias, moral infrastructure, non-binary and more.

I mean, do these women really not understand just how truly stupid they sound when using the term “mansplaining?” They sound like unserious, sophomoric, little college girls. Personally, whenever I hear this type of leftist girl jargon, I completely tune out anything that comes forth from the speaker’s mouth. I get the impression that these women live in a world of feminist cliches where real men are few, submissive or condescending toward them. They sound totally brainwashed, as if they live in a cult. And may I just point out that O’Donnell and Brennan are clearly both idiots, to the point where no amount of “mansplaining” is going to help them to understand.

Mansplaining is term that feminists like to use to harass intelligent men. They get aggravated any time any man shows the least bit of intelligence because it contradicts their bigoted ideology that claims all men are stupid. Any woman who claims to have been “mansplained,” most likely needed it. Feminists hate the fact that they women; they want to be men and therefore hate men because they aren’t one. And if you think that sounds crazy; you would, of course, be spot on. They are crazy, bat shit crazy. In fact, it’s Maddow who spends every broadcast “mansplaining.” I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that she has more testosterone than old A-Walz.

So, to believe their claim you must believe two things: 1) A-Walz is an effeminate girly-man, who cannot defend himself, and 2) The moderators KNEW the premise of their argument was faulty (a lie) and could not emotionally handle being exposed to the truth. Ladies, you really shouldn’t be offended when someone sees that you’re obviously confused, or negligent of the facts, and goes out of their way in an attempt to bring you up to speed. When all else fails, those on the left will always try to play victim. If you’re a man and you take time to explain ANYTHING to others, they always try to hide their stupidity by making you seem like the bad guy.

These race whiners and sex whiners, the flakes and the fairies are really that all the left has, and they’re absolutely pathetic. The lack of self-awareness is always stunning. Laying out the FACTS in the face of aggressively biased media types is NOT “mansplaining” (an Ebonics based ghetto term if ever there was one), it’s called discourse, the arguing of facts. Maybe there shouldn’t be women moderators, if a candidate can’t respond to lies that they’re pushing? Have only men do these debates and be a bit more insistent regarding the ‘news’ organizations involved. These are quite the trash talkers, but they clutch their pearls at anyone pushing back on them.

And when a man responds to a woman who is being rude, disrespectful and blatantly lying, it isn't “mansplaining.” These clowns should at least try to be adult enough to acknowledge when you’ve been caught out in a lie and corrected. I must say, that Mr. Vance was far more respectful than he needed to be when addressing those two biased idiots. No matter what President Trump or Mr. Vance may say, the left is going to dig up ways to criticize them. Again, it’s all they have. They can’t talk about policy or achievements, and they don’t do interviews. They simply use teams of people to dig up excuses and dirt on any candidate but always go overboard.

If “mansplaining” is defined as correcting a false narrative or statement, which is exactly what Mr. Vance was doing, then I’ll accept that definition. More often than not, you have to mansplain to liberal women. Most of the time they only hear what they want to hear the first time you say something to them. So, often times you find yourself having to repeat yourself in small, easy to understand bit and pieces for them in order for improve the odds of them actually being able to understand what was being said. Then when the dim light above their head finally lights up, they get all mad because you treated them like the child they are. It’s really quite bizarre.

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