

Friday, May 4, 2012


Ranking right with the likes of many other screwy Hollywood liberals like Tom Hanks, Sean Penn and Steven Spielberg to name just a few, we now have another “actor”, and someone who views himself as being self–professed “activist”, George “Loony” Clooney who is said to now be busy organizing what the Hollywood Reporter describes as the biggest political fundraiser in history. A party that will supposedly raise an estimated $12 million for our “Dear Beloved Leader”, Barry “Almighty” in a single night. Don't you just love these holier than thou sycophants who think they're just so much better than the poor schmucks who see their movies?

An estimated 150 high rollers -- including studio heads, celebrities and an array of entertainment industry execs -- have paid $40,000 apiece to dine with the president at Clooney's Studio City home on May 10. The New York Times recently reported that, because of anger with Barry on Wall Street, donations have fallen off considerably and the campaign is demanding more money than ever from liberals like "Loony" Clooney in Hollywood. DreamWorks Animation chief Jeffrey Katzenberg, the president's major entertainment industry fundraiser, has been spearheading the event along with Hollywood political consultant Andy Spahn.

This little 'dinner' alone at Clooney's house will bring in between $5 and $6 million for Barry's campaign coffers. Online donations could hit an additional $6 million. Apparently the demand for tickets at the event was so great that organizers tried to limit the guest list to those living in Southern California. The campaign has even been conducting an online sweepstakes with the winner to receive two seats at the head table with Barry "Almighty" and "Loony" Clooney himself. The winner of the contest is expected to be announced by the campaign in the coming days. Man, I bet there's so many waiting on pins and needles!

Let's get real here, that last time I went to the movies it was over 10 bucks a head. Therefore, these days, I go far less often than I used to. Used to be on a Friday or Saturday night if I really had nothing better to do, I'd go to the movies. Back then it was a low risk proposition, if the movie sucked I wasn't out all that much in the way of cash. These days, it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that the movie gonna suck, and for me and the family it's now become a $60 to $70 dollar night out with tickets and munchies, so I very rarely, if ever, go. It's cheaper to just rent some movie and if it sucks I'm out a lot less, and I can furnish my own snacks.

So, I guess I’m more than just a little curious about something here. I mean, there seems to be a not so slight disconnect here. Just where is it that old "Loony" Clooney thinks that us regular folks are going to come up the money, especially during these dark years of the Barry economy, to go out and see his lousy movies. We're busy paying more in higher taxes, more on groceries and much more on gas and all because of his buddy, Barry. That doesn't leave much to blow on a night out at the movies. What, are we just supposed to start hocking our stuff so we can pay to go watch assholes like him on the "big screen"? Nope, don't think so! Ain't happenin!

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