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"I'll hold my breath until I turn blue!" |
Ya know, it must be nice to be able to go through life literally screwing up everything you come in contact with, for example this country’s economy, and to then swear up and down that you had nothing at all to do with the screwing up. Not only that but to be able to get away with actually accusing those who are trying to fix things, as being the ones guilty of screwing things up in the first place. Now we have Group A, or those who have been very busy screwing things up for that last 70+ years, accusing Group B, those who are actually trying to repair all the damage created by Group A, of purposely sabotaging the efforts of Group A and of fighting them every step of the way as they try to repair the damage that they say Group B is actually responsible for. But that’s the Democrats, or Group A, story and by God they’re sticking to it.
So the question is, are those shifty, mean-spirited Republican lawmakers, as whiny-assed Democrats say they are, deliberately stalling the economic recovery for no other reason than to hurt Barry “Almighty’s” re-election chances? Well I suppose that it will come as a surprise to absolutely no one that many top Democrats are now saying yes, pointing to GOP stances on the debt limit and other issues that they claim are causing unnecessary economic anxiety and retarding growth. The latest Democratic complaint came after House Speaker John Boehner said Tuesday that when Congress raises the nation’s borrowing cap in early 2013, he will again insist on big spending cuts to offset the increase. Boehner, R-Ohio, continues to reject higher tax rates, which Democrats ‘demand’ from the wealthy. Demand?
That comment by Mr. Boehner led little Chuckie Schumer, DEMOCRAT, to go nearly apoplectic, saying Boehner is virtually assuring another debt-ceiling crisis as bad or worse than the one that shook financial markets nine months ago. “The last thing the country needs is a rerun of last summer’s debacle that nearly brought down our economy,” Chuckie said in a statement. In an interview, Chuckie added: “I hope that the speaker is not doing this because he doesn’t want to see the economy improve, because what he said will certainly rattle the markets.” Somebody needs to inform old Chuckie that the last thing this country actually needs is to be spending more money than we don’t have, but Democrats like Chuckie don’t want to be hearing that. But it makes no sense to think that we can go on spending like this.
Boehner responded with a statement of his own: “Republicans have passed nearly 30 bills that would help small businesses create jobs and we are waiting on Senate Democrats to vote on these common-sense measures. The failure to act on these jobs bills, as well as our crushing debt burden, is undermining economic growth and job creation.” Naturally, Democrats counter accusing Republicans with loading up their jobs bills with provisions certain to doom them in the DEMOCRAT controlled Senate, such as restrictions on unions and on regulatory agencies such as the EPA. Well that would be because Democrats are literally strangling our economy with their creating of tens of thousands of new regulations, by they’re obvious favoring of public sector unions and by allowing agencies like the EPA to operate completely off the chain.
Regardless of whether Chuckie’s self-serving suspicions are correct, which they most definitely are not, there’s evidence that unceasing partisan gridlock and the prospect of big tax increases and spending cuts in January are causing some companies to postpone expansions. Even small economic slowdowns are bad news for Barry, who is seeking re-election amid high unemployment. The Washington Post this past week compiled a list of military contractors, hospitals and universities that are delaying hires and bracing for cuts, partly because of fears that Washington’s partisan divisions will not abate. There is little hope of compromise mainly because of a high level of arrogance that borders on being psychotic, on the part of Democrats who feel that it should never be they who are made to compromise.
Unless some miracle happens and a lame-duck Congress can make some deals, the economy will suffer a double whammy of large tax increases and spending cuts, starting Jan. 1. The tax increases would hit virtually every working American and the spending cuts would affect military and domestic programs. Economists say that what Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke calls a “fiscal cliff” could possibly lead to another severe recession. On top of that, perhaps by late January or so, Congress and the president, be it Barry or Republican Mitt Romney, will again confront the need to raise the country’s borrowing limit or else trigger a first-ever government failure to pay its debts. A partisan showdown over this issue last summer led to a downgrade in the nation’s credit worthiness and a sharp stock market drop. Both of which can be laid directly on Barry’s doorstep.
Chuckie and other top Democrats have said for months that GOP lawmakers may be trying to strangle the economic recovery for political reasons. “Their strategy is to suffocate the economy for the sake of what they think will be a political victory,” Barry’s campaign manager, Jim Messina, wrote to supporters last October, when Congress was debating a jobs bill. “Dingy Harry” Reid, DEMOCRAT, said his Republican counterpart was not cooperating on that legislation “in hopes that he can get my job, perhaps.” And then we have Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, another proud tax and spend DEMOCRAT, who worked to perpetuate the same level of nonsense last year, saying some GOP lawmakers, “through their intransigence, cleverly set up a situation for America’s economy to fail, either by needlessly driving us to default, or needlessly driving us into massive public-sector layoffs."
GOP lawmakers want Congress to act this year to ensure that none of the Bush-era income tax cuts will expire, as scheduled, on Jan. 1. Such assurance, they say, could lead investors and business owners to start expanding and hiring now. Democrats say the move, by itself, would increase the deficit dramatically. They want to end the tax cuts for the wealthiest and they note that the economy boomed during “BJ” Clinton’s presidency, before the big tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 were enacted. Boehner’s aides say the speaker supports tax law changes, including eliminating some loopholes and exemptions, that could result in greater revenue even if rates remain the same or are reduced. It has been proven time and again by raising taxes you bring in less revenue. And I would make the claim that any boom during “BJ’s” term was a hold over from the Reagan tax cuts.
As for the debt limit, “allowing America to default would be irresponsible,” Boehner said Tuesday at an economic forum. “But it would be more irresponsible to raise the debt ceiling without taking dramatic steps to reduce spending and reform the budget process.” Democrats say that’s precisely the type of economic saber-rattling that can frighten investors and employers, and damage Barry’s re-election hopes. Boehner disagrees. “I said that we should not wait until the 11th hour to address these issues,” Boehner told reporters Thursday. “The only ones who are talking about drama or brinksmanship are my Democrat colleagues.” The danger of another credit-rating downgrade “comes from continued inaction on the deficit, and our piling debt,” he said, not from “calls for action.” And in this particular instance he’s is 100 percent right.
So because they continually make the silly claim that they only have the very best of intentions, they are never to be considered as being at fault for any of the unintended consequences that may result from their idiotic ideas. Now if this were a perfect world, then maybe, just maybe, some of the cockamamie ideas that Democrats dream up might actually work. But as anyone with even half a brain can pretty easily recognize, the world that we live in is pretty far from perfect. And ya know, even their claim to be operating as having the best of intentions doesn’t really ring true, but it’s very obvious that the only lives they are really out to improve are their own. But because they are essentially able to buy votes through all manner of chicanery, and execute some very “creative” tactics during every election, they remain able to win elections. The American people would be serving themselves much better if they simply choose to ignore Democrats.
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