

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Here's a little more proof, as if we really needed any, that there really is very little, if anything, that will dissuade blacks from voting for Barry, recently proclaimed as being the 'First Gay President' by Newsweek magazine. We've always been told how it is that the black community stubbornly refuses to accept the whole notion of same-sex marriage. But now suddenly, and apparently because of Barry's having recently completed his 'wrenching personal transformation' on the subject, we're supposed to believe that a shift has now occurred in that position. Previous polling has always appeared to show that large numbers of blacks found gay marriage unacceptable but now courtesy of a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, I know not the most reliable of sources, apparently more than half of blacks suddenly find themselves as being very comfortable with same-sex marriage. So, to what might we attribute this apparent shift? Are we to conclude that they too have experienced some 'wrenching personal transformation'? Or, is it because that on their list of priorities, the receiving of a government check far outweighs any opposition they may have to gay marriage?

This most recent polling shows that 54 percent of blacks have a favorable impression of Barry’s endorsement of same-sex marriage, while just 37 percent have an unfavorable view. In November, a Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation poll found 58 percent of blacks called same-sex marriage “unacceptable,” while just 35 percent said it was “acceptable.” What this recent poll would seem to indicate is the fact that blacks, as a community, have absolutely no core values which they are willing to remain committed to. And it very clearly demonstrates the fact that they are very willing to bend in whatever direction that may be needed in order for them to justify they're voting for Barry. Because, as always, race is the most important consideration for these people in determining who to vote for. Everything else pretty much pales in comparison. And yet, if I refuse to vote for Barry, I'm automatically assumed to be a racist. But as far as I'm concerned, Barry's race really has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I could never bring myself to vote for him. What I object to is the fact that he's a devout socialist as well as someone who hates my country!

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