

Thursday, May 10, 2012


As we all heard on Wednesday, our "Dear Beloved Leader", Barry "Almighty", after having given the matter much thoughtful consideration and, of course, after speaking with his wife and daughters, none of whom are gay, made what has been termed as being a historic announcement that he now fully endorses same-sex marriage. And even though our "Fearless Leader" has been down this road before, his most recent public pronouncement, uttered during interview with ABC News following "Slow Joe" Biden's supposed verbal slip-up, is now being treated as big news. In fact, Barry has a rather complicated, some might even say bizarre, history regarding this very same issue. Because, again apparently, he was for it, before he was against it, before he was for it again.

Take, just for instance, a little article that appeared in a publication called the 'Windy City Times back' back in 1996. It was in that little piece that Barry, then a candidate for the Illinois State Senate, affirmed his ”unequivocal support for gay marriage.” This declaration came during an interview that Barry provided at the time during which he very proudly proclaimed, “I favor legalizing same-sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages.” But an odd thing seems to have happened in 1998, just two short years later, in that Barry’s proudly proclaiming of being in “favor” made a turn, of sorts, to where he was then rather lukewarm to the whole idea. During yet another election cycle, he answered that his position on the issue was “undecided."

And then in 2004, yes, yet another election year, but all just a coincidence I'm quite sure, Barry took a much more middle-of-the-road kind of approach, as he publicly supported domestic partnerships and civil unions. He also took the opportunity to say that, unlike his statement in 1998, he did not support gay marriage. “I am a fierce supporter of domestic-partnership and civil-union laws,” he said. “I am not a supporter of gay marriage as it has been thrown about primarily just as a strategic issue.” Don't you just love how it is that guys like Barry are allowed to alter their positions as needed and are said to be evolving or as becoming more sophisticated while at the same time those on the more conservative side are always accused of be being hypocritical flip-floppers and political opportunists.

And now fast-forward again, a few years, to yet another election cycle, this one in 2008 to be exact, during which Barry once again supposedly reaffirmed his position as being one where he believed marriage to be between one man and one woman. “I am not in favor of gay marriage,” Barry said. “But when you start playing around with constitutions, just to prohibit somebody who cares about another person, it just seems to me that’s not what America’s about.” He also said: ”I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian … it is also a sacred union.” Yup, old Mr. Smoothy here is always pretty well scripted when there's an election anywhere in the vicinity, always to be very generic in his comments so he can never really be pinned down.

And then in 2010, after having assumed the White House, Barry busily got to work setting up the groundwork, or so it seems, for what would later be termed what would be called his “evolution” on the matter. In other words, just a fancy way of saying his continuing to see which position would garner for him the most benefit. Only, at no point did he ever mention the 1996 endorsement that he purportedly gave same-sex unions. In fact, while discussing the issue, he acted as though he had always held a position against gay marriage. “I have been to this point unwilling to sign on to same-sex marriage primarily because of my understandings of the traditional definitions of marriage,” he said. “But I also think you’re right that attitudes evolve, including mine.” RIGHT!

Then came what has been described, by everyone from Ellen DeGenerate to the Germany's Foreign Minister, as being his "brave" and "courageous" statement, and just six months before yet another election, Barry's, once more, changing his tune on the issue. “I’ve been going through an evolution on this issue,” Barry told ABC News on Wednesday. “At a certain point, I’ve just concluded that for me personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married.” Hence my curiosity regarding Barry "evolving" position and election cycles. Look, I think most people, at last those with half a brain, will recognize this for exactly what is it. After all Barry is nothing if the consummate political opportunist. And that's really all this is.

So I guess this is what things have now come down to. Our country's going to Hell in a hand-basket, and Barry is out there pulling out all the stops to distract our attention away from that fact. Come on, are birth control and gay marriage REALLY the issues that we need to be addressing right now? Here we sit with the future of our children literally hanging in the balance and all we see making headlines is that the worst president in our history is busy trying to score points by declaring that he has now "evolved" to the point where he is now strongly in favor of allowing gays to marry. Ok, I am not now, nor have I ever been, in favor of gay marriage. Having said that, I'd like to think that there will be at least a little left of this country left to hand over to my daughter.

We have to tackle things one at a time. And we simply cannot allow ourselves to be distracted. After all, if the country tanks, how much is it really going to matter whether or not gays can get married. The rescuing of our country has got to be what's front and center right now. But again, at the same time we cannot allow ourselves to be bullied into supporting something that is so profoundly unacceptable, as gay marriage. The gay agenda must not be allowed to somehow trump the economic and financial survival of this country. If any issue can be seen as being secondary, gay marriage is most definitely it. But we can perhaps use this latest ploy of Barry's to our advantage in bringing about his defeat. When put beside the financial and economic collapse of our country, gay marriage pales in comparison.

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