

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Now I have to be honest here, I'm having a little bit of a difficult time trying to figure out if this latest stunt of Carville's is real or nothing more than some sort of a cockamamie ploy of his. Because as much as I think this guy is nothing more than a flaming asshole, he does, I suppose, deserve a certain amount of credit for what he does. Anyway, lately old James has been sounding a call to arms, warning his fellow Democrats that they could very well lose the presidency to Romney because of a lazy “incumbent mentality” that seems to be taking hold among many party activists and donors. “We’re a long way from having this thing in the bag,” Carville told CNN’s John King Tuesday. “It’s going to be a brutally tough election.” Sometimes I just have to wonder if what's not really going on here isn't just an attempt to distract or to create some sort of a false sense that Barry may be more vulnerable than he really might be. Those on the other side are always so much more sleazy than the guys on our side. It just seems that they are always a bit more ruthless and have this win at all costs mentality that's sorely lacking from those our side.

In a little opinion piece of his recently posted, where else but, on the Communist News Network's (CNN) website, old Carville was his very typical nutty self, but he also appeared to be pretty blunt in making his assessment of the looming match-up between Romney and Barry "Almighty". “My message is simple: WTFU. Translated — wake the you-know-what up, there is an earthquake,” he said, adding that recent polls showing Romney ahead or tied with Barry “are not that encouraging” for Democrats. Carville also pointed to the elections in France and other European countries as clear evidence that incumbents are falling out of favor around the world. Now I know he is supposed to be some sort of a political genius, but I just think it's more than a stretch to connect what happened to Sarkozy to what might happen to Barry. After all, Barry is much closer, philosophically speaking, to the guy who beat Sarkosy, than he was to Sarkozy himself. Frankly, my fear is that with, what at least appears to be, a growing resurgence of Socialism, in what seems like everywhere, it would only serve to enhance Barry's chances of getting re-elected.

And in a pointed reference to Barry, he said, “You can shoot five bin Ladens, you can save 10,000 banks and 20 car companies, even pass the most sweeping legislation in modern American history; if people don’t think that you are connected to their lives and are fighting for their interests they will vote your tush out of office in a nano-second.” Adding, “If we don’t get on the offense, reconnect with the American people, talk about how the middle class is in a struggle for its very existence, hold the Republicans accountable, and fight like the dickens, we are going to lose,” Carville said. He talks of "reconnecting with the American" people but I question whether that connection was ever that strong in the first place. I mean during the 2008 campaign Barry served up all manner of flowery platitudes but when he got into office very few of them seemed to apply. Now granted, possessing some sort of death wish, those in the black community will vote for him no matter what, but the connection there is purely a racial one. Those of us who actually care about the future of this country and how Barry is trying to destroy it, I don't think feel that connected to Barry.

I guess what's always bothered me about guys like Carville, and most others on the left, is the cutthroat manner in which they approach the election process. The motivation on the left is all centered around winning so that you can then create an environment that then facilitates you getting re-elected. The general welfare of the country as a whole is something viewed as being secondary or even tertiary. What's important is the winning of elections. There seems to be no genuine concern for our staggering amount of debt that generations stretching as far into the future as you can imagine will still be paying for. Any concern exhibited revolves around being able to win the next election. Those on the left, like Carville, are either completely oblivious to the fact that we're hanging by a thread here, or they simply just don't care. And sadly I no longer have any confidence whatsoever that the American people, or at least a majority of them, possess the will required to do what I think we all know will be necessary, first put the breaks on and to then take the steps, that are sure to be very painful, to get this whole thing turned around. The very first step is going to require us to boot this guy, Barry, from office.

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