

Friday, May 11, 2012


Ok, so let me see if I've got this right. We’re now expected to believe that old “Slow Joe” Biden apologized to Barry for supposedly upsetting the White House’s timetable for Barry's 'revealing' what has been his longtime, at least since 1996, support for same-sex marriage. Come on, REALLY? If we can believe what we’re being told here, which by the way we can’t, old "Slow is said to have delivered this fictional apology to the president the morning of May 9, before Barry was set to give that now 'courageous' interview to ABC News in which he said he has had a 'change of heart' and now fully supports legal gay marriage. We're intended to interpret that Biden’s comments on a May 6 broadcast of NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he is “absolutely comfortable” with same-sex marriage as being just another instance where "Slow Joe" publicly, and prematurely, stepped on the administration’s message. We’re also expected to believe that those remarks then forced Barry to speed up his timetable for 'revealing' his position on gay marriage, or so it is now being claimed by administration officials. “The president has been the leader on this issue from Day One and the vice president never intended to distract from that,” says some bimbo by the name of Kendra Barkoff, who has the task of being "Slow Joe's" press secretary, in an e-mail. Ya know, these people are so full of shit it's just amazing. And they insist on thinking that we're just too stupid to see through all of this smoke and mirror BS!

In this silly little ABC News interview, if you chose to watch it, in which Barry, in his very typical bullshit fashion by the way, ‘revealed’ his shift, he said that old "Slow Joe", “probably got out a little bit over his skis” in making his remarks “out of a generosity of spirit.” While Barry said he would have preferred to announce his position “in my own way, in my own terms,” there were no hard feelings. Well Hell's Bell's, that's mighty white of him, don't ya think? Barry added, “All’s well that ends well.” "Slow Joe's" reputation for verbal gaffes was established long before Barry selected him as a running mate and was used this time to what they see as being their advantage. Apparently, at least to a fella by the name of Steve Jarding, who is supposed to be some Democratic political consultant and fancies himself a lecturer at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. He says such lapses as those displayed by "Slow Joe" may not be so politically damaging if they demonstrate candor. Is that what "Slow Joe" was demonstrating, candor? “People are so cynical, so turned off, so distrustful and disillusioned with politics and politicians,” Jarding said. “In and of itself, having a guy speak his mind I don’t think is necessarily a bad thing.” So Joe was just speaking his mind? Supposed Democratic political consultant Paul Begala, whom Rush fondly refers to as “The Forehead”, made the claim that Biden connects well with blue-collar whites, an especially important constituency in such battleground states as Ohio and Pennsylvania.

So we're also supposed to believe that its "Slow Joe's" squirrelly demeanor that is seen as being something that 'leavens' the professorial manner that many see in Barry. Barry, who is constantly touted as being a graduate of Harvard Law School, to the point of making you want to puke. And still we've yet to see just how well Barry might have done there, as a student, grade-wise. Obviously there's something well worth hiding there or we would have seen that information a long time ago. Interesting though how our media has no interest in pursuing such things but has the time dig up how it was that Romney supposedly bullied some gay kid 47 years ago. But I digress. “He speaks middle class,” Begala said of "Slow Joe". Despite 36 years in the U.S. Senate, “he doesn’t talk like a senator. He talks like a guy whose Dad sold cars in Scranton.” No, he talks like a complete blithering idiot. So am I to assume that that's how Begala views those of us in the middle class, as a bunch of Biden clones? Come on, is that not some of the most idiotic drivel you ever heard? I have to wonder exactly who it is that Paul might be trying to convince here that "Slow Joe", the common man, is so able to speak middle class? Himself or us. Because let me tell ya something, I'm out here in the middle class and this moron certainly doesn't speak to me! He's nothing but a flippin retard who was fortunate enough to get himself elected to the Senate 6 times by an entire state of retards! And now he's a heart attack away from the big chair! SCARY!

The administration officials who 'briefed' reporters on Barry’s decision to make public his new found support for same-sex marriage made the claim that Barry had supposedly changed his position earlier this year. What they should have said is that Barry was only reverting back to his original position that he's essentially held going all the way back to at least back in 1996. So we're now supposed to believe that Barry and about a half-dozen aides were still 'deliberating, the time and place for the announcement, and Barry was yet to complete his "wrenching personal transformation" when Biden made his remarks on “Meet the Press.” What a freakin crock! Barry’s advisers knew that "Slow Joe", though speaking on his own, would effectively be voicing a new policy when the recorded interview aired. Gay rights advocates stepped up pressure on the White House for Barry to take a stand in favor of same-sex marriage following broadcast of "Slow Joe’s" statement. Education Secretary Arne Duncan also expressed his support when asked about the issue the day after Biden’s statements aired. While Barry’s spokesman, the imbecile Jay Carney, said on May 7 he didn’t have any update on the president’s previous declaration that his view was “evolving,” other members of Barry’s team were working on ways to present the issue. On May 8, before Barry left Washington for a trip to Albany, New York, to talk about the economy, Barry’s communications office called ABC News to arrange the interview, officials said.

In that interview, Barry really laid it on pretty thick, maybe a little too thick. He described having many supposed conversations “over the course of several years” with family, friends and neighbors as he worked to successfully navigate to his ultimately achieving what we are supposed to believe was some startling metamorphosis regarding the issue of gay marriage. He said he was moved by seeing members of his staff who are in long-term same-sex relationships and gays serving in the military who aren’t able to commit themselves in marriage. “I’ve just concluded that, for me personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married,” Barry said. Man, don't that just bring a tear to your one good eye? Yeah, he was moved alright. What he was moved by was politics, and nothing else. Look, the bottom line here is that he doesn't give a squat about gays or gay marriage. It's all nothing more than one more wedge issue he hopes to use to further divide this country as he and his team seek ways to distract attention away from the fact that he has worked tirelessly since January 21, 2009 to destroy this country. And apparently gays don't mind being used in such an unseemly way, if in the end they get to marry. But what happens when the entire country goes down the tubes? I mean gays need jobs. Gays pay taxes. What happens when Barry takes us over the cliff? Will married gays be happy with just having each other? Because that's all they're gonna have left. Just like the rest of us!

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