

Monday, May 21, 2012


First off, when I first heard this news and started to really think about it, I found myself wondering just how it was that 53,000 dead voters could have managed to stay on the rolls for as long as they apparently have. First of all, I thought it was all just some sort of a mistake, some clerical error or something. But after doing a little research then I found the solution to my quandary as being quite simple. Apparently Florida hadn’t been using the best available data revealing which voters were now among the deceased. Florida is now using the nationwide Social Security Death Index for determining which voters should be purged because they are no longer among us, the living.

But here's where the bad news comes in, folks. Because as it turns out, this could just be just the tip of a very substantial iceberg. Because you see, most states aren’t using the same database that Florida is now using. In fact, rumor has it that some election officials won’t remove voters even when they are presented with a death certificate. Now how screwed up is that? That means that there is a very good chance that voter rolls all across the nation remain filled with God knows how many dead voters. But surely there aren't people who would actually go out and vote using the names of dead voters. Would they? Well, not according to those who are now working so diligently in their effort kill tougher voter identification laws.

And as much as we would like to think that people are above such behavior, sadly it's just not the case here. Voter fraud has always been as it continues to be, a serious problem. Consider the case of some clown by the name of Lafayette Keaton. Now this here rocket scientist not only voted for a dead person in Oregon, but it was his dead son that he voted for. Making Keaton’s fraud easier was Oregon’s little vote by mail scheme, which has opened up all manner of gaping holes in the integrity of elections. This incident in the very Blue Oregon just scratches the surface of the problem. Massachusetts and Mississippi are but two other examples of where the dead seem to make a rather miraculous rising around every election day.

Don't get me wrong, Florida should be applauded for finally taking the problem seriously, even if Eric "I'm a Racist" Holder’s Justice Department and many state election officials don’t. But hay, out buddy Eric has got bigger fish to fry. You know, like suing Arizona and working to cover his ass over all of this "Fast and Furious" stuff that's going on. Nope something like this simply doesn't rise to the level necessary to be investigated by our stellar Justice Department. Instead they've sent a team to Florida to go about investigating to see whether or not the civil rights of a dead black teen 'might' have been violated. I mean where's the incentive for Holder to investigate this potential voter fraud issue when nearly all of the dead that who will show up to the polls this November will be voting for Barry?

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