

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Ya know, with each day that passes by I find myself wondering just a little bit more how it is that anyone can take this guy seriously. There is absolutely nothing in anything that he says that would indicate, at least to me, that he possesses even the slightest interest in reining in some of his crazy spending. Now I know he is in hot pursuit of that ever elusive Socialist utopia, but you would think that even he would eventually see that if he hasn't managed to get us any closer to it after three years and $16 Trillion dollars worth of debt, then maybe now might be a good time to head off in some other direction. But nope, it just ain't sinking in. He seems to be more determined than ever to run this country right into the ground. The fact is we have no more money to spend, and yet on we go. And the amount of money that has now been spent, and all for nothing, is astronomical!

The insanity continued on Thursday afternoon with Barry in someplace called Newton, Iowa, where he set about pitching his latest hair-brained idea consisting of $5 billion in new tax credits for companies that manufacture equipment, such as windmill blades and solar panels, for “clean energy” companies. “Nobody wants a handout,” Barry said. “Nobody wants to get something for nothing.” Oh really? It just so happened that Barry was visiting TPI Composites, a company that manufactures, you guessed it, blades for windmills, to pitch the fourth item on the five-item “To-Do” list of legislative actions he says he would like Congress to take this year. This particular item is: “Create Jobs By Investing In Affordable Clean Energy.” Barry has been the engineer of this little 'green energy' crazy train for over three years now, and just how many jobs have been created? ZERO!

And in some cockamamie statement that was put out by the White House on Thursday the attempt was made to explain the substance of Barry "Almighty’s" request. “Congress needs to help put America in control of its energy future by passing legislation that will extend the Production Tax Credit to support American jobs and manufacturing in the wind industry alongside an expansion of the 48C Advanced Energy Manufacturing Tax Credit that supports American-made clean energy manufacturing,” the White House said. “The Production Tax Credit, which expires at the end of 2012, provides a 2.2 cent per kilowatt hour credit for utility scale wind producers,” said the White House. Actually what needs to take place here, is for Barry to focus his efforts more on things that will actually work to put us more in control of our energy needs, you know like allowing us to drill.

In Newton, Barry told the crowd assembled there at TPI Composites, that companies like TPI will take a hit if Congress does not act on this item of his “To-Do” list. “Nobody wants a handout. Nobody wants to get something for nothing,” Barry said. Adding, “But if we've got a chance to create energy and create value and put people back to work, why wouldn't we do that? He said, “So I'm here today because, as much progress as we've made, that progress is in jeopardy.” Barry went on to say, “If Congress doesn’t act, those tax credits that I mentioned--the ones that helped build up the wind industry, the ones that helped to bring all these jobs to Newton, those tax credits will expire at the end of the year if Congress doesn't do anything. If Congress doesn’t act, companies like this one will take a hit." So the I guess rest of us should take the hit instead?

Look, just how much more money, that we don't have, needs to be poured down this bottomless "green energy" rat hole? And for what? Because liberals insist that there is something occurring, namely climate change or global warming, that isn't? There is nothing in any of their failed science that would indicate that anything man has done has had any effect on our climate. Zero, zip, zilch, nadda. It's just another work of pure fiction being foisted on the rest of us in an effort to destroy the greatest economic system every devised. All in an effort to replace it with what? Socialism, that's what! But that little pipedream, no matter how many times it is shown to never yield anything by abject misery and suffering, is continually sold as being that path which virtually guarantees the creating of an environment of 'fairness'. But it's all just a bunch of CRAP!

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