

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Well it's now official. Planned Parenthood, that group that advocates what can only be described as mass infanticide, has jumped headlong into the presidential fray, on Wednesday, with it officially announcing their full fledged support for Barry "Almighty’s" reelection bid. And as such it has now come out swinging against Republican nominee Mitt Romney. Courtesy of something referred to as The Planned Parenthood Action Fund, supposedly a non-profit advocacy group affiliated with the mass-abortion provider, it is in the process of launching a $1.4 million political advertising campaign blasting Romney for his supposed stance on women’s health issues.

The ad, (above) attempts to use Romney’s own words during the primary, against him, and accuses the Republican nominee of actually wanting to deny women access to critical healthcare services: “When Mitt Romney says, ‘Planned Parenthood, we’re going to get rid of that,’ Romney is saying he’ll deny women the birth control and cancer screenings they depend on.” Even The New York Times has noted that the ad’s text “can be misleading,” NO SH!T, a characterization echoed by Romney’s campaign, which has since clarified that he wants only to end federal funding of Planned Parenthood but that he will not seek the organization’s outright dissolution.

To officials at Planned Parenthood, the distinction is moot. “Mitt Romney has been much clearer and more direct even than John McCain in his interest in dismantling women’s health care,” said Dawn Laguens, the group’s imbecilic executive vice president. “The threats have intensified. The Republican primary laid bare and made clear what their agenda is.” Romney’s campaign, for its part, is again hanging its hat on the sluggish economy, arguing that women voters will be more swayed by an indictment of Barry’s economic record, and smart enough to see right through any selective deployment of wedge issues that are as transparent as this latest exaggeration by Planned Parenthood.

The Planned Parenthood Action Fund is running the ad in the West Palm Beach, Fla., Des Moines, Iowa, and northern Virginia media markets. Now I'm not sure exactly the demographic that they are hoping to play to, but they seem to be sparing no expense in their effort in trying to do so. It seems like most of those who are likely to agree with the premise being put forth in this little composite of pieced together statements, are those mushy headed females who, I would venture to guess, have no intention of voting for Romney in the first place. So it would seem to me to be nothing more than a monumental waste of $1.4 million. But hay, it's not my money. Well at least I don't think it is.

Frankly, I just don't understand people who see it as being their primary mission in life, the murdering of helpless babies. And to the point where these people are willing to spend $1.4 million in an effort to allow them to keep doing do. I mean what kind of a sick monster do you need to be to have it in yourself the capability to kill millions of babies? And on top of that Barry is one of those who sees no problem whatsoever to take a baby who survived an abortion and to simply leave it to die. Now how twisted is that? Is this really where we are now are as a society? Now I understand there will be those rare and unfortunate occasions where the health of the mother may become a factor, and sacrifices need to be made, but that is a far cry from the wholesale infanticide that's presently underway.

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