

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


As the next election grows closer, that which will most assuredly prove to be a very formidable army of very rich Democrat donors including, billionaire nut and progressive zealot, George Soros, is now in the early stages of putting together a plan that they hope will ultimately pump more than $100 Million into Barry "Almighty's" effort to gain re-election. That money destined to reach the campaign via any number of very liberal entities that refer to themselves as 'grass-roots' groups. “[I]nstead of going head to head with the conservative 'super PACs' and outside groups that have flooded the presidential and Congressional campaigns with negative advertising, the donors are focusing on grass-roots organizing, voter registration and Democratic turnout [emphasis added],” Nicholas Confessore writes for, who else but, the New York Times. Of course we all know how 'creative' Democrats can be when it comes to 'voter registration'. You don't even need to be breathing.

That well known nemesis of individual liberty, George Soros, seems to have taken a very active role in that he has personally pledged to donate $2 million to America Votes, some wacko environmentalist, abortion “rights,” and civil rights groups, as well as to some group called American Bridge 21st Century, an outfit that describes itself as being an election research oriented super PAC. But why do you suppose people like old George are now focusing so much on ground level organizations instead of powerful PAC groups? Well, those much smarter than me say that there are two possible reasons: first, because of what the wealthy donors say (that they can’t possibly compete with the type of money Romney is now able to raise because of the Citizen's United decision). And second, because the voter registration fight is occurring at the grass-roots level. Which reason do you think is more likely? I seriously doubt that they'll any problem raising more money that Romney.

According to some clown by the name of Michael Vachon, who I guess is some kind of official spokesman for Soros, “George Soros believes the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United opened the floodgates to special interests’ paying for political ads.” he goes on to say, “There is no way those concerned with the public interest can compete with them. Soros has always focused his political giving on grass-roots organizing and holding conservatives accountable for the flawed policies they promote. His support of these groups is consistent with those views.” So we're all just supposed to believe our old buddy George's claims, that this is all about his being concerned about the public interest. Look, the only thing George Soros is interested in is, George Soros. He is desperate to smother that last remaining vestige of individualism that it the United States. His desire is to have us all enslaved to government for our own good because from his rather skewed perspective, government knows best.

And the fact that the wealthier donors are now focusing on grass-roots groups is definitely beginning to show. The pro-Obama super PAC with the rather innocuous sounding name of Priorities USA Action, “has struggled to raise money against better-financed conservative groups like American Crossroads, which expects to spend $300 million on the presidential, House and Senate elections,” Mr. Confessore claims in his little piece. Is that not a load of pure, unadulterated bullshit? Confessore argues that the reason PACs like Priorities USA Action have had such a hard time raising cash is because major Democrat donors have been focusing primarily on research and voter-outreach groups since 2004. “The idea that we’re going to engage in an arms race on advertising with the Republicans is not appealing to many liberal donors,” said David Brock, the founder of American Bridge 21st Century. Is anyone really buying any of this? The number of 'leftist' groups capable of raising cash are many.

The Times article names a few of the groups most likely to benefit from what are expected to be some rather substantial donations from sleazy characters like Soros: Catalist: which 'specializes' in voter lists for allied liberal groups ProgressNow: “a network of state-based Web sites for liberal opinion and activism.” Latino Engagement Fund: A group dedicated to registering and turning out Latino Democrat voters. “Liberals outside the Democracy Alliance are also likely to make significant contributions, as are labor unions, which plan to spend up to $400 million on state, local and federal races, and advocacy groups like the Sierra Club,” Confessore writes. Steve Phillips, founder of the super PAC, PAC+, which plans to spend $10 million on advertising and organizing for the Latino vote, sums up the strategy nicely: You can dump 10 or 20 million in TV ads in Ohio and try to reach the persuadable swing voters there, or you can up voter turnout among Latinos in Colorado and Arizona and win that way. It’s much cheaper.

It's slimy characters like Soros and his fellow conscripts in this army of wealthy degenerates, who are trying to steal our country from us. And the fact that they have a very willing ally in the White House eager to assist them in that endeavor has energized them. They see what they view as being a golden opportunity to make their 'utopian' nightmare a reality and will spare no expense to achieve their goal. Now those of us who love freedom can either sit idly by and allow that to happen or we can rise up and fight with everything we've got. It's either that or risk losing everything that we have, and then some. Remember now, it was just a week or so ago that we heard how George 'Loony' Clooney is also now planning to help Barry "Almighty" raise money, putting together a 'little' fundraiser that it is said will raise $12 Million. This is what we are now up against. How this next election turns out will be largely up to those of us who still love this country, and the lengths to which we are willing to go to fight for it. Or, in the end, will we be more like the French?

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