

Friday, May 4, 2012


Will that which used to be referred to as the American spirit make a comeback in time for the 2012 election? Will enough people come to realize that, yes, this is the greatest nation the world has ever known? Will enough Americans, in spite of what our president may think, come to recognize the fact that there is such a thing as American exceptionalism? With each passing day I become less and less certain and I feel like the number of people who feel about this country the way I do are slowly but surely dwindling in number. It saddens me that I meet very few, these days, people who actually possess a true sense of patriotism, and who genuinely love this country.

And I think it very fair to say that the majority of those in the black community no longer possess any real sense of patriotism. These days it all boils down to what they can get for nothing, or next to nothing. Constantly walking around with a chip on their shoulder and their hand out for their next government check. But it wasn’t always this way. We’ve had many brave black men and women who have gone off to defend this country going all the way back to the Revolutionary War. They did so because they loved freedom and they loved this country. What a difference a couple hundred years makes. And what we see today, I’m sure, has those brave individuals spinning in their graves.

Possessing a pride in our nation seems to have become passe, something that we should feel ashamed of. Those of us who see all the good our country has done all across the world are constantly being accused of being blind to all the misery that it has caused. We're said to be naïve when it comes to how it’s described as being the land of opportunity a place where everyone has a fair shot, in this country, to become a success. We’re constantly reminded of what’s supposed to be the inherent unfairness of our society. Where once self-reliance and rugged individualism were viewed as uniquely American traits, they have now been replaced with much less flattering and truly un-American attributes.

So, should those of us who still truly do love our country be unable to rally in sufficient numbers to defeat Barry, what can we expect the future of our once great nation to eventually come to look like? Very dark, I'm afraid, and in more ways than one. Broke, beaten and left for dead. A Barry at the helm who has no worries regarding his having to be subjected to another election would be free to wreak all manner of carnage upon us. But I fear that we may, in the end, be outnumbered by those whose love of country has been replaced with love of self to the point where they are willing to sacrifice the futures of their children so that they can keep their government goodies going today.

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