I can only assume that this is more of what this moron considers as being his unique brand of comedy. My advice to him would be that if he has nothing positive to add to the conversation, than he should simply keep his twisted opinions to himself. But we know that's not going to happen. He'd rather throw a bit more gasoline on the fire instead.
"A place where honest, serious and frank discussions on politics, current events, and social issues take place."

Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
In a speech given on a recent campaign stop in Iowa, our stellar Vice President, old "Slow Joe" Biden, stubbornly continued to play the blame game as he insisted that the continuing high level of unemployment is all because of what he described as, “this God-awful recession we’ve inherited.” So even after more than three years of implementing all manner of polices that have succeeded in only making things very much worse, these guys can still make the claim, and with a straight face, that it remains all Bush's fault. Don't you just love these liberals? The consequences of their actions are somehow never to be considered as being their fault. I've heard that liberalism is a mental disorder, maybe there is more that just a little truth to that. I mean how else can you explain this blatant disregard for the truth or this complete unwillingness to accept any responsibility whatsoever for anything that has transpired over the course of the last three years? It wasn't Bush's policies that have made things so much worse, it's been the policies of Barack Hussein Obama!
Now according to the non-partisan National Bureau of Economic Research, the last recession began in December 2007 and ended in June 2009, a mere five months into Barry and "Slow Joe’s" first, and hopefully last, term in office. In the 33 months since the recession ended, at least according to the NBER, the U.S. economy has been in a period of expansion. Oddly enough, one of the current members of that NBER committee which determines when recessions begin and end is someone by the name of Christina Romer, who, as it just so happens, formerly served as chairperson of Barry’s Council of Economic Advisers. Now a little side note here on old Christina, is that less than two weeks before Barry took office in 2009, she published a little report that made the claim that Barry's stimulus plan, if enacted, would keep unemployment under 8 percent. In fact, unemployment has never been under 8 percent since then, even though in February 2009 Congress enacted Barry's plan, which the Congressional Budget Office estimated at that time would cost $787 billion, but ended up costing much more.
So in a way that only he can, "Slow Joe" attempted to explain what he believes is happening in the U.S. economy. "Slow Joe" told those assembled crowd in Davenport, Iowa, a story, a fairytale if you will, about his dear departed father. “He said, Joey, you got to understand one thing, a job is about a lot more than a paycheck,” said "Slow Joe". “It’s about your dignity. It’s about your respect. It’s about your sense of yourself. It’s about your place in the community." Man, that's too funny. Is anybody buying any of this gibberish? Joey? Really? How about "Slow Joey?" But old "Slow Joe" wasn't finished with his silly little story, going on to say that, “And too many people have been stripped of their dignity as a consequence of this God-awful recession we’ve inherited.” Adding, “And we’re determined--we’re determined--I think all of us, Republican and Democrat--are determined to turn that around.” Well, I suppose he's half right. But I think you'd be pretty hard pressed to find a single Democrat anywhere, whose willing to do what's really necessary to actually get this thing turned around.
The "expansion" that supposedly began in June 2009, when the last recession is said to have ended, has not seen any of the growth in real GDP nor any of the decrease in unemployment that has occurred in other recent economic expansions. In no quarter of Barry "Almighty’s" presidency, at least according to the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis, has real GDP grown at an annual rate of as much as 4 percent. The most robust growth during the Barry "Almighty" presidency occurred in the first quarter of 2010 when real GDP grew at a rate of 3.9 percent. In the last four quarters, real GDP has grown by 0.4, 1.3, 1.8 and 3.0 percent. President George W. Bush also experienced a recession in the early months of his presidency. That recession, according to NBER, began in March 2001 and ended in November 2001. But by the third quarter of 2003, according to BEA, real GDP was growing at a rate of 6.7 percent. Over the course of 2004, the year that Bush sought reelection, real GDP grew at 3.5 percent.
During George W. Bush’s first term, unemployment peaked at 6.3 percent in June 2003, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. During the election year of 2004, unemployment stayed below 6 percent, peaking that year at 5.8 percent in March. The highest that unemployment went during George W. Bush’s presidency was 7.8 percent—the level it hit in January 2009, the month Bush handed over the office to Barry. Since Barry’s coronation, unemployment has never been lower than 8.3 percent in any given month. That is the level unemployment hit in February 2009, Barry’s first full month in Office. That is also the level it stood at in February 2012 after Barry had been president for three full years. Prior to Barry’s presidency, the last time unemployment was as high as 8.0 percent was in January 1984, the year President Reagan sought reelection. In 1984, however, according to the BEA, the U.S. economy was booming, growing at a 7.5 percent pace for the year. From January to November of 2004, unemployment dropped from 8.0 percent to 7.2 percent.
I guess I'm more than a little confused on exactly how it is that, the incredible amount of spending that has taken place, the sky rocketing cost of food and fuel, the fact that we now have more people living in poverty and on the government dole than ever before, and all having occurred over the course of the last three years, can somehow still be attributed to Bush. It's like I'm living in some weird alternate universe where everything is the complete opposite of what it seems. The Democrat mission here appears to be one where they go about the wreaking of as much havoc as possible while at the same time working to convince the American people that none of the resulting damage is because of anything that they might have done. And with an army of willing accomplices in the state-controlled media more often than not Democrats are never held accountable. All they do is to point their boney old fingers at the other guys and say it's all their fault and they allowed to get away with it. So once again here we have old "Slow Joe" busy perpetuating the party line and continuing to blame the guy who left town over 3 years ago.
Before the passage of the Affordable Care Act, i.e Obamacare, unfunded obligations for federal health programs totaled $65 trillion over a 75-year period, according to the office of U.S. Senate Budget Committee ranking member Jeff Sessions (R-AL). But now Senate Budget Committee estimates(based on the Obama Administration’s own numbers as well as those from the Congressional Budget Office) show "unfunded obligations" have increased by $17 trillion, to $82 trillion since "Obamacare" passed in 2010. "Added to the government’s existing obligation for entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, the total now comes to almost $100 trillion," the Washington Free Beacon’s Andrew Stiles writes. "That is almost seven times the United States’ annual gross domestic product (GDP)," Stiles adds. "It’s money we don’t have, but money we’re committed to spend," Sen. Sessions said on Thursday, "it must be removed from the books."
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Well, it would seem that Barry "Almighty" has now picked up an endorsement from what you would think a very unlikely source for an American president. That would be the voice of the former Soviet dictatorship, Pravda, that satellite member of our own state-controlled media. It has now coming out swinging at Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney regarding his recent comments made about Russia. "Russia is the geopolitical foe," Romney said earlier this week in response to Barry telling his Russian counterpart, when he thought no one was listening, to give him "space" so that he could have "more flexibility" after the 2012 presidential election. Personally, I see nothing wrong with what Romney said, and think it is a pretty accurate assessment. Russia consistently works to counter this country's efforts on nearly every front, and it is far from being a friend of the United States.
What was described as an op-ed that was recently posted on Pravda's website, a skilled propagandist, or maybe even a member of Barry's own campaign team, wrote in the infamous former Soviet “newspaper” that, "Electing Mitt Romney as the next President of the United States of America would be like appointing a serial pedophile as a kindergarten teacher, a rapist as a janitor at a girls' dormitory or a psychopath with a fixation on knives as a kitchen hand. His comments on Russia are a puerile attempt at making the grand stage and boy, did he blow it..." Wow, that's a little over the top, don't you think? Judging by the response to his comments I can only assume that Mr. Romney must have really hit a nerve. Usually it is those who end up screaming the loudest who are the very same ones who generally have the most to hide.
Demonstrating an uncanny resemblance to those in this country who refer to themselves as "journalists, the creator, or creators, of this little piece of idiotic pabulum goes on to question American democracy and says that Romney is just an "adolescent" school boy: "Somewhat like Condoleezza Rice did before the Bush regime was er..."elected" ..., Mitt Romney takes the chance to mouth off about Russia, calling her "our number one geopolitical foe" which fights "every cause for the world's worst actors". Unfortunately, such vapid stupidity has become commonplace among senior US politicians, providing the rest of the world with a telling insight as to the real nature of the political class in that country - out of touch, out of date and dangerously jingoistic. In short, overgrown self-opinionated schoolboys with super-egos but nothing whatsoever to back it up with.”
They apparently felt it necessary to pile on a little more, saying that, "True, it feels great to slag off another country's cuisine and say, for example, that "Mexican food is crap! American food is far better!" Adolescent-type comments such as these generally provoke a session of back-patting, and a ra-ra-ra raucous explosion of national pride which after a few drinks degenerates into "My God is better than your God" and then "My President could smack the crap out of yours. Fine for grade school playgrounds. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is where this upstart nonentity Mitt Romney belongs, certainly not to the intricate and complex wheels and cogs of world policy and nowhere near a red button. Imagine this guy as President!" What does it say about Barry that a former Soviet "news" organization would come out and so enthusiastically slam what appear to be his eventual opponent.
Then, those who shall remain nameless, Pravda, and which is something that should come as no surprise to anyone whose been paying attention, proceeded to heap praises upon Barry "Almighty" for the present state of relations between the Soviet U.., whoops, I mean Russia and the United States. "Exactly at a time when Russia and the USA are finding that they have far more in common than differences, exactly when they see that they are much more friends than foes, when they see that there is so much to be gained through collaboration, a foul-mouthed, big-headed oaf like Romney with more money than sense makes a comment that reveals who he really is to the world: a pea-brained, pith-headed simpleton with too much testosterone and too little common sense, with zero tact, no diplomacy and a paramount grasp on the intricacies of world politics. A prize, good-for-nothing ignoramus," writes Pravda.
The piece ends by actually coming out and threatening Romney. "So talking about geopolitical foes...next time Mitt Romney had better back off, butt out and mind his manners, so as not to appear like a foul-mouthed guttersnipe whose utter ignorance and pig-headed arrogance is only too clear for all to see. See how he walked straight into this one, ladies and gentlemen? Imagine THAT as your President..." Ya know, I realize that Russia would rather deal with someone like Barry, but personally I'm looking for someone more interested in putting the interests of my country above the interests of others and I have my fingers crossed that a year from now Romney is my president. Because I'd rather have somebody as my president who has the necessary gonads to call them as he sees them than a limp-wristed pinko pacifist interested in nothing more than kissing some serious former Soviet ass. Barry has done more damage to this country, internationally, than anyone since Jimmy Carter.
Maxine "Dumber than Dirt" Waters is at it again. This proud member of that stellar little group fondly, or not so fondly, referred to as the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) on Wednesday called the shooting of Trayvon Martin nothing short of a hate crime. "I, personally, really truly believe this is a hate crime," said Ms. Waters in a joint interview with none other than the CBC Chairman, Emanuel "Ward" Cleaver and where else but on the Communist News Network (CNN). And so it should come as no surprise that the CBC has now called for a thorough and exhaustive investigation into Martin's death based on its concern that racial profiling was involved. It has also called into question Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law, which allows an individual who feels threatened to "stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force."
I'm sure we're all aware by now that Martin, a 17-year-old African-American, is the kid who was recently shot and killed in a Florida gated community by Neighborhood Watchman, George Zimmerman, who has been identified as being a "White-Hispanic", whatever the Hell that is. His name has now become the official battle cry for all manner of Democrat, and Democrat front group, in their effort to raise money. Mr. Zimmerman, a registered Democrat, said he was acting in self-defense after the teen punched him and smashed his head into the pavement, which has been corroborated by witnesses, at least according to local reports. Zimmerman has not been arrested nor has he been charged with a crime, which has caused many liberals to go nearly apoplectic. His lawyer continues to strongly deny that race played any part in the incident.
So out comes old "Dumb as Dirt" Waters and her trusty sidekick "Ward" Cleaver condemning the "Stand Your Ground" law, a version of which now exists in more than 20 states. "The evidence really points to a fact that you had a gung-ho so-called Neighborhood Watchman who wanted to be a cop, basically, who was following a young black man who was unarmed and had committed no crime," Waters said. "That's pretty stiff evidence that this is possibly a hate crime" Why is it that every time a black is killed it's always a hate crime? Does that include black on black crime as well? Or can we assume that blacks don't hate other blacks? I'm so confused. Like Barry, these people appear just a little too quick to act as both judge and jury at a time when we still have yet to get all of the facts. But facts don't matter to these people.
Martin's parents, who were on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, were also very quick to suggest that race was the primary motivator in the confrontation between their son and Zimmerman. Their lawyer said they have no doubt racial profiling was involved. That's a pretty ballsy statement, don't ya think? I am curious about something here. On what, exactly, do they base their little assertion? Race is not primary motivator every time someone black is on the receiving end of something like this. The incident has sparked national debate and outrage from many lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, as well as being the source of numerous accusations that some are attempting to use Martin's death for political profit. And despite denials, there are many groups on the left who are, in fact, using the incident as essentially nothing more than a cash cow.
We have heard from Rush Limbaugh along with many others, who have now accused Barry "Almighty", and with very good reason, of taking advantage of Martin's death by selling such things as "Obama 2012" sweatshirt hoodies as part of his campaign merchandise. To me that seems to be all a bit unseemly and quite tacky. It's just not the type of behavior that you would expect to see coming from a president, let alone a black president. But hey, he is a Democrat first, an African-American second and an American last, and probably least. It's all about raising money any way you can. And if the death of a potentially innocent black kid can be used to your advantage, all the better. I think we're seeing that there is nothing that Barry will not stoop to saying or doing in his effort to gain re-election.
But of course we have old "Ward" Cleaver pushing back against such accusations that anyone on the left is exploiting Martin's death. Spewing drivel reminiscent of earlier times he said, "The issue is the low esteem in which black life is held, particularly black males." Look if there's an esteem problem, it’s the very low self-esteem that black's themselves seem to possess. "Any time somebody is forcefully stepped up and speaking out against injustice, there are those who say they are using it for their own purposes," Cleaver added, "We have always had to face people making those accusations since the civil rights movement began; that's not going to stop." On Tuesday, Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton, Fulton?, urged House Democrats on a forum organized by member of the House Judiciary Committee to use Martin's death as an opportunity to prevent similar incidents. "Trayvon was our son, but Trayvon was your son," she said.
What's really kinda hilarious here is the fact that "Team Barry" has come out and, in an effort to score some cheap political points, has actually accused the racist Republicans of politicizing this kid's death when in fact the only ones spending an inordinate amount of time and energy doing just that are any number of sleaze-bag Democrats. Especially, black Democrats, including Barry "Almighty" himself. "His Republican opponents have jumped all over him because they do want to play politics with this issue. The President spoke from his heart on this, it was trying to emphasize with some parents who had just lost a child. By any measure, this was a tragedy and we need to let the investigation take its course," said Stephanie Cutter, some bimbo identified as being Barry's Deputy Campaign Manager, on MSNBC. "People have to stop politicizing it," she added. "It's no surprise that some of our Republican opponents are trying to make an issue with this. But the President spoke from the heart and we need to let the investigation take its course." This stupid accusation simply doesn't hold water. I mean how many Republicans are out there using this tragedy as a fundraising tool? Ah, that would be NONE. Meanwhile, how many Democrats are? I rest my case!
That genius of the House of Representatives, Sheila Jackson Lee, has now added her voice to those of many other black "leaders" and has put forth her own crackpot theory regarding the Trayvon Martin case. Ms. Lee is of the opinion that the injuries Zimmerman sustained on the night in question could have been self-inflicted. Sure, sounds reasonable to me.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
It would seem to be the opinion of House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) that our president may be being a little less than honest with the American people. Rep Issa says that, “the American people should be very afraid” after hearing Barry "Almighty's" accidentally recorded remarks to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Monday that after the election he would have more “flexibility” in dealing with the Russians. "I judge that in fact he’s going to sell out our national defense after the election," said Issa. And I must say, for one, I wholeheartedly agree with Rep. Issa's assessment of the situation. I trust Barry no farther than I could ever have any hope of throwing him. It would seem that the gravest threat we now face as a nation, may well be coming from our very own president who now finds it as being completely appropriate to have some rather clandestine conversations with a potential adversary.
So it was at the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday, that Rep. Issa was asked about the president’s strange remarks to Medvedev, which were inadvertently picked up by a microphone and recorded. “Can I ask you about the President’s remarks to the Russian president yesterday?" was a question posed by someone outside of the "mainstream" media. "Does he mean he’s going to be making concessions to the Russians after the election?” Issa responded: “Well clearly, the president has a plan to do after the election what he can’t or won’t do before the election. And he’s going to do it without ever being honest with the American people.” Adding, “I think that’s clear.” Mr. Issa added, “Now, how much of a sell out of America’s security -- [Incoming Russian President Vladimir] Putin certainly is not on our side, doesn’t want what we want, has certainly proven to be a new generation dictator of Russia.” Kinda makes you wonder just how many other conversations of this type might have gone on that we're unaware of?
Mr. Issa went on to say that, “So, when he sends to the president [Medvedev] who’s about to leave office in favor of Putin coming back in and taking over officially, that we can work together to get what Putin wants, quite candidly the American people should be very afraid that any President who’s going to be flexible with Putin is going to be flexible with an enemy of America, an enemy of the West, an enemy of even delivery of oil and natural gas to people in need in the winter.” Adding,“Understand, it has been the Putin administration that has cut off the flow of natural gas in the winter to Eastern Europeans if they didn’t play ball with them." Mr. Issa also said that, "So, that’s the person that he’s quote, going to be ‘flexible’ with after the election.” And I can't help but wonder just what it is that Barry means when he says that he'll be more "flexible" after the next election. Does he mean that he'll be able to be even less accountable to the American people?
All this came about on Monday while he was in Seoul, South Korea, as Barry, our "Dear Beloved Leader", thought he was speaking to Russian President Medvedev privately when a live microphones caught his rather questionable remarks ahead of a summit meeting on nuclear security. “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him (Putin) to give me space,” Barry said. “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.” “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” Medvedev replied. Barry attempted to "clarify" his remarks, in other words, he tried to use some idiotic lie to try to cover himself, on Tuesday, saying he is not “hiding the ball” on his goal to reduce nuclear stockpiles. Barry's claimed, “Arms control is extraordinarily complex, very technical, and the only way it gets done is if you can consult and build a strong understanding, both between countries and within countries."
What a bunch of pure unadulterated drivel. Ya know I'm not sure what scares me more, the actual remarks Barry made to Medvedev or the fact that he could so quickly come up with a lie that he thought would be convincing. Anyway, Rep. Issa was asked if he thought that Barry owed a better explanation of his remarks to the American people, and if Congress should look into it. “A free press should be asking the questions and trying to get answers,” Issa said. “And if they can’t get answers as to what this really meant, and an honest answer and a full answer of the kind of disclosure that would occur afterwards, then quite candidly the voters will have to decide.” “I personally don’t think that the statements like that of a president are the subject of my committee," said Issa. He went on to say, "I won’t be following up on it. I think that they’re available for the press to ask and for the American people to judge." Mr. Issa added, “I, as an American citizen, was already not voting for the president."
“But, you know, I judge that in fact he’s going to sell out our national defense after the election or something along that line, because I know Putin to be a man who, unlike what George W. Bush said, you cannot see into his soul or his heart," said Issa. "He has been a really awful person for countries around him and for America. And right now he’s the only--he and the Chinese are standing with Bashar Assad as people in Syria are being murdered.” And I can't say that I can argue with anything said by Mr. Issa. This kinda adds a little credibility to the notion of Barry being some sort of a "Manchurian Candidate" showing it to be a very frighteningly real possibility. And it should make every American citizen wonder just whose side it is that Barry's on. We know that he has a very deep-seated loathing for this country, but I don't think that anyone actually thought that he would go so far as to be so cavalier in his effort to sell us out. Or so obvious. But apparently we were wrong.
With our economy now laying in shambles, unemployment much worse than what's being reported by this administration, gas and food prices soaring, more people than ever before living in poverty and/or on the receiving end of some form of government "assistance, Barry has now embarked on a quest. A quest to find the perfect distraction. He needs something, anything, to divert attention away from the horrendous condition that our country is now in, and is so because of him. And now, with the help of just about everyone in the state controlled media, even Fox News I'm sad to say, he seems to think that he's found just what he was so desperately searching for. He sees himself as now having struck gold. So it shouldn't come as any sort of a surprise to anyone that, being ever true to form, Barry "Almighty" has set about using the tragic death of an unarmed black teenager as his means of killing two birds with one stone; diverting attention away from those issues that are truly in need of being discussed and to attempt to make race the focal point of all his troubles. If America just wasn't so darned racist he'd be able to get so much more "accomplished".
In referring to the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Florida, Barry actually had the unmitigated gall to say, “You know, if I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.” A very simple statement, that really says a lot. Because by drawing attention to Martin’s race, Barry attempts to suggest, as only he can do and in his own inimitable way, that the shooting was racially motivated. Barry went on to say, “All of us have to do some soul-searching to figure out how does something like this happen.” Adding, “and that means that we examine the laws and the context for what happened as well as the specifics of the incident.” You see, Barry sees all of those in white America as somehow being willing accomplices in having allowed this shooting to take place. Now keep in mind here, we, and that includes Barry, still know every few of the actual facts about this case. We are beginning to find out that this teen was far from being the innocent little kid that we've seen pictures of on television. And I feel fairly confident in saying, that if I had been in Mr. Zimmerman's position, I may very welll have acted in the same way. Sorry, Barry, no soul searching needed here!
Now riddle me this everyone. Knowing the Democrats and those in the state-controlled media as we all do, suppose, just suppose, that the shooter had been black and the victim now laying dead had been white. Would the level of supposed outrage been the same? Would we have had old Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton rushing to the defense of the shooter? Then try to imagine President Bush telling the press, “Blacks are more than seven times more likely to commit murder than non-blacks. Blacks need to do some soul-searching to figure out why. You know, if I had a son, he would look like the victim of that shooting.” As it happens, while Martin expressed fear that Zimmerman was following him, there is no evidence whatsoever that the shooting was racially motivated. Quite the contrary, George Zimmerman, the neighborhood-watch volunteer who shot Martin, has served with his wife as a mentor to many African-American youth. Whoops, kinda shoots down that theory. And on a brief side note here, just what the Hell is a "White-Hispanic?" Is that something new?
“Obama is supposedly a constitutional lawyer but pronounces guilt before indictment and trial,” says John L. Martin, a former FBI agent who headed Justice Department espionage prosecutions for nearly 25 years. As a young agent, it was Martin who was one of the lead investigators of the murders of three civil rights workers in Mississippi in 1964. “There is no such thing as a presumption of innocence,” Martin says. “Instead, Obama accuses all non-black humanity of what may be the wrongful acts of one individual. There is no such thing as individual responsibility or individual accountability. We are all responsible for pulling the trigger.” Let's be honest here, Barry is about as far removed from being a constitutional lawyer as you can get. And his basic knowledge of what our founding document actually says is most likely on par with any moron you can walk up to on any street. Democrats are known for reading what they want into those words that are written. They attempt to twist the Constitution into what resembles a pretzel in their effort to claim that it allows them to to all sorts of things which it very clearly does not.
Barry’s idiotic comments regarding this most recent tragedy are eerily similar to remarks he made back in 2009 when he accused the police in Cambridge, Mass. of “acting stupidly” because they arrested some black Harvard professor who was being somewhat unruly and belligerent. And they are consistent with Barry’s rather dark view of America, a view, by the way, that he would seem to share with that esteemed racist and devout hater of American, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who, as you may recall, was Barry's minister and supposed mentor for over 20 years. I'm sure we all remember how, Wright, made the imbecilic suggestion that America created the AIDS virus for the specific purpose of killing off blacks. Barry has had many other questionable associations in the past with individuals who quite literally hate this country. This behavior we consistently see coming from him isn't something that one normally expects to see coming from our president. As well, most everything he says or does makes it readily apparent that he perceives this country as being inherently racist. That despite the fact that a majority if its citizens chose to vote for Barry, a black man, for president.
As with most others in the black community, Barry is very quick to assume any criticism directed at him is based entirely upon nothing more than prejudice against all blacks. And most definitely, any criticism of his policies are to be summarily dismissed on the grounds that it has as its source some racist agenda. In his attempt to attach race to nearly everything, his speeches routinely refer to children “no matter what they look like” suggesting that opponents of his policies are racists who simply do not want blacks to succeed. In much the same way, Barry has pitted the poor against the rich, or class warfare, undercutting the most basic of American ideals. He has even endorsed the Occupy Wall Street movement, which seeks to redistribute Americans’ wealth and encourages envy. To those who have experienced genuine discrimination against blacks, what is heartbreaking about this public emphasis on race is how it has effectively set back race relations. If this were a truly colorblind society, no one would mention race or notice skin color. Wasn't Barry supposed to be the "One" who would bring the races together? Instead what Barry and the many Democrats who follow his example have done by using any excuse to cry racism, is to essentially turned back the clock to the 1960s, when the first thing we thought about when seeing a black man was the color of his skin.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
I've often wondered what it is about those people, liberals, who profess to be so caring when it comes to all issues regarding their fellow man, that makes them some of the most hate filled individuals on the entire planet. The intensity of the hate and anger that these people are apparently consumed, is the source for some of the most toxic rhetoric imaginable. And this hate is always directed at individuals for no other reason than because of a differing political opinion on any number of issues. So then, I suppose, that it come as no surprise then that there has been a national chorus of Cheney-bashing over the ex-vice president’s heart transplant, with many of those on the left gleefully weighing in, and disgusting Republicans and political observers who say the uncivil liberal Twitterfest is ... heartless.
To identify just how far down into the toilet our society has now gotten, one need look no further than the flood of internet vitriol coming from all manner of pathetic liberal scumbags and aimed squarely at former Vice President, Dick Cheney. Examples that make the claim that he didn’t deserve a heart, jokes that he never had one and even cynical hopes that the transplanted heart will reject its new host. “It’s a shame the political discourse has deteriorated to the point where people’s health is treated callously,” said former state Sen. Richard Tisei, who is running for Congress against U.S. Rep John Tierney. “I think people in general would like to see the political tone raised to a higher level.” Not much chance of that happening anytime soon. It’s typical behavior for Democrats.
“That’s disgraceful,” Boston College political science professor Marc Landy said about the attacks, saying Cheney wasn’t the nation’s most-loved political leader, but “he is a man of tremendous integrity and talent.” “You’d like to think people would be more restrained in their remarks,” said state House Minority Leader Brad Jones. “He just had the surgery yesterday. I assume there are still certain risks.” Jones added that while liberals often claim the moral high ground, “more often they take the moral quicksand.” Let's face it, liberals are some of, if the most, hypocritical people on the planet. It's always their way or the highway, and if you fail to see that then you suck. They see themselves being morally superior, which is kind of ironic since they possess absolutely no morals.
In Herald online comments, reader Dustycc53 remarked: “Wasted on a war criminal. Hey Dick how many kids did your lies kill? That's ok, hell can wait a little longer.” A website joked Cheney’s operation failed because “surgeons mistakenly transplanted the bleeding heart of a liberal” into the unflinchingly hawkish veep. “Damn. No more jokes about Cheney not having a pulse,” tweeted liberal blogger Dan Kennedy, a Northeastern University assistant professor. “Cheney’s only remaining medical problem is no reflection when he looks in the mirror.” He added defensively later, “Hey, it’s a great day for the Cheneys. Why shouldn’t we have some fun?” And thus we have the perfect example of the caliber of professors that are currently teaching our kids on a majority of our college campuses.
Others suggested Cheney bypassed normal transplant protocols. RightWingWatch MA tweeted, “#iloveobamacare because you shouldn’t have to be a rich former vice-president to get lifesaving care.” Is this not some of the most clever stuff you've ever heard? I'm mean it took some pretty significant brain power to actually dream some of this stuff up. I haven't heard such drivel since my days in the elementary school playground. Yesterday, doctors at Inova Fairfax Hospital in Virginia declared the transplant operation a success. Experts said it’s unlikely Cheney could have used influence to get a heart. It's always been my understanding that these things were based on the severity of the patient's condition, and I have no reason to think that that was not the case here. But then, I'm not an unhinged Liberal.
U.S. Sen. Scott Brown’s campaign declined to comment on Cheney’s recent surgery. However, his Democratic challenger Elizabeth Warren stated: “I wish the former vice president a speedy recovery.” Sure she does. I'm sure that little comment was designed solely for public consumption. I'd be willing to bet that comments made behind closed doors are considerably different and a little more honest. Because that's how these people operate. We're supposed to think that they are all as pure as the wind driven snow and individuals with only the best of intentions. Sadly, nearly always just the opposite is true. They are some of the most vindictive, mean spirited and corrupt people that you'll ever meet. And it's like they naturally assume everyone is as sleazy as they are.
For the life of me, I simply cannot fathom how it is that someone can attain the level of hate that is possessed by a majority of liberals. Is it the way they were brought up? Does it stem from a stint in one of our institutions of "higher" learning? Or is it all about something as basic as they’re simply being jealous? What? I thought Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit.com summed things up pretty accurately, I think, when he essentially dismissed the left’s online mean-spiritedness as a sign of weakness: “Barack Obama’s presidency is a failure and all they have left between now and the election is to get the base angry. So they’re spreading a lot of hatred. Hate is all they have left.” I think that’s a fairly accurate assessment of these folks and hits the nail pretty much right on the head.
And as much as these people try to deny it, they are quite comfortable operating from down in the gutter, and do their best to drag the rest of us down there with them. It's like they have nothing better to do than to sit around and dream up ever more inventive names to call those people who dare to disagree with them. Then they laugh and snicker, thinking that they are just so darn clever. But what they are, are a bunch of imbecilic juvenile delinquents who apparently have way too much time on their hands. And that's most likely because they get to sit around their place of residence all day long waiting for their next government check to arrive. Of course these malcontents always remain at the ready should their presence be required for some local union rally or some other form of cockamamie protest.
* Viewer discrestion advised, coarse language
Monday, March 26, 2012
Something that should come as no surprise to anyone, and that is also something we've heard nary a peep about from Barry or his stellar Attorney General, is that the fact that the rather insidious little group who refers to itself as the new Black Panther Party has now apparently offered up a bounty of $10,000 Saturday for the “capture” of the Florida neighborhood watch captain who killed unarmed teen Trayvon Martin. “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” leader Mikhail Muhammad spewed after announcing the reward for George Zimmerman at a protest in Sanford, Fla. Mr. Muhammad called on 5,000 black men to mobilize and capture the neighborhood watch volunteer. “If the government won’t do the job, we’ll do it,” Muhammad said, leading chants that included “freedom or death” and “justice for Trayvon.” Where the Hell are we, in the old west? Is this the voice of reason? This is nothing more than mob rule. And yet we continue to hear nothing from our "Dear Beloved Leader."
This fella Muhammad said that new Black Panther’s chairman, Malik Zulu Shabaz of Washington, was taking donations from black entertainers and athletes. The group hopes to collect $1 million off the outrage by next week. So this group of supposed "concerned" citizens has now actually admitted to the fact that they are using this teen's death as a means of raising money. I can only guess that the parents are fine with this. Personally, I'd be more than just a little upset. New Black Panthers members pointed to what they called the "inaction of government officials," from Sanford city officials up to the governor, and accused them of lying and delaying justice. They have also stated that Angela Corley, the newly appointed special prosecutor, is an enemy of the black community. “She has a track record of sending innocent young black men and women to prison,” Muhammad said. Of course, with these people you must either always side with them or run the risk of be referred to as the enemy.
And an opinion that I'm quite sure that this little cadre of miscreants disagrees with is the one that has the Southern Poverty Law Center referring to this twisted little group as being nothing more than a black-separatist group, created in 1989, that is both “virulently racist and anti-Semitic.” Imagine that! And as such groups always do, they have seized upon this incident and proceeded to not only use it to fan the flames of racism but also as a means of raising money for themselves. Because as we should all know by now, Martin, who is African-American, was wearing a hoodie and carrying a pack of Skittles and an ice tea on the night of Feb. 26. He was supposedly heading back to his father’s fiancé's townhouse. Zimmerman, 28, called 911 to report a suspicious person in the gated community and followed the teen despite the dispatcher’s request that he stand down. Zimmerman said he shot Martin in self-defense. Zimmerman’s family says he is Hispanic and race was not an issue.
And then of course we cannot ignore the fact that we also now have Spike Lee entering into the fray and cheerfully doing his best to get into the action by apparently retweeting the home address of Mr. Zimmerman. Two messages were posted to Lee’s official Twitter account, one Friday and one Saturday, with a street address and the words “EVERYBODY REPOST THIS.” Both messages were still visible on Lee’s account Sunday morning. Lee has tweeted numerous times about Martin’s death. I can only guess that old Spike is yet another opportunist out to use the tragic death of this teen as a means to breath new life into his flagging career as a movie "director." Pretty sad, don't you think? You know it says a lot about the character of an individual, or of a group for that matter, that they can so easily stoop to the using the death of a teen in such a callous manner to either encourage contributions or for free public relations. It takes away the credibility for their claims.
Is it just me, or does it seem like all of the ones now trying to score the most points from this horrible tragedy are all black? I seem to recall many statements coming from those in our state controlled media praising the fact that with the electing of Barry "Almighty" a new era of racial harmony was about to be ushered in. That there would come a reducing of the racial divide claimed by so many to exist in this country. But I think it very fair to say that just the opposite has now occurred. And what should be obvious to even the most casual of observers is that whatever divide there was that may have existed before the election of Barry has, most assuredly, become very much wider. That divide has now become a chasm and the main reason for any worsening of race relations in this country can be traced right back to Barry "Almighty" himself. Barry spends a great deal of time giving a great many speeches in his attempt to increase racial tension by creating the false notion that our society is somehow inherently unfair, and to the extreme, when it comes to treatment of those in the black community. And it's all nothing more that a lie. And he knows it.
It was this past Sunday while appearing on that Clinton retread and now self-professed journalist, Stephie Stephanoploulos' show "ABC's This Week," that David Plouffe, Barry "Almighty's" senior advisor and 2008 campaign manager, saw fit to lay into Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich for his remarks scolding the president’s comments on the tragic death of Florida teen Trayvon Martin"
“Those comments are reprehensible. You know, Speaker Gingrich is clearly in the last throes of his political career. And, you know, you can make a decision about whether to go out with some shred of dignity, or say these irresponsible, reckless things, and he’s clearly chosen the latter path, and that’s unfortunate to the country."
Now if there is anyone who would know the proper definition of 'reprehensible' it would most certainly be this scumbag Plouffe. As with everyone else on Barry's team, this is just more evidence of a concerted effort to use racism as a electioneering tool. We've seen it countless times before and as long as the black community continues to fall for it we'll continue to see it used by Demcorats in the future.
All of this faux outrage we see coming from this pathetic clown is yet more obvious evidence of an attempt to distract attention to the more important issues regarding the election. An economy that's in shambles, continuing high unemployment that's considerably higher that what Barry's manipulated figures might indicate and gas and food prices that are quite literally going through the roof. Barry and his team will try anything to divert attention away from these issues. Even use the death of a 17 year old.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Eager to take advantage of anything that he sees as providing any potential political advantage, Barry “Almighty” has apparently decided to weigh in on the controversial killing of a black teenager in Florida, and in very personal terms, on Friday. I guess he thinks that it needs a little special presidential attention, since he went so far as to compare the boy to a son he doesn't have and calling for American "soul searching" over how the incident occurred. So once again, instead of waiting for the facts of the case to be fully investigated, and with race evidently playing a part in it, our very un-presidential president has decided that it is now appropriate for him to enter the fray. Sound familiar to anyone. Might we expect another “beer summit” in the not too distant future? This guy is always so eager to portray America as being steeped in racism. It’s like he’s stuck back in another time.
I’m sure that by now we are all quite familiar with the case where seventeen-year-old Trayvon Martin, dressed in a "hoodie" sweatshirt, was shot dead a month ago in Sanford, Florida by a 28-year-old white Hispanic neighborhood watch volunteer who said he was acting in self-defense. Sounding more than a little disingenuous and like the proverbial opportunist, Barry, in making his very first comments involving this tragedy, said, "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon." "Obviously, this is a tragedy," Barry told reporters. "I can only imagine what these parents are going through. And when I think about this boy, I think about my own kids." Give me a break! The only thing about this entire event that Barry gives a squat about is how he can best use it to stir the black community to the polls this November to vote for him. Yes, he is that shallow.
This case has now rippled across the entire nation and prompted all manner of rallies, sponsored by a manner of supposed black “leaders”, protesting the failure of the police to arrest the shooter, George Zimmerman. More broadly, they attempt to make the idiotic claim that there is now some pattern of racial discrimination be perpetrated against blacks all across the country. They cite as their most recent example, Sanford, Florida as being their proof. Barry, as always, is once again attempting to make the most of the fact that he is our first black U.S. president, having repeatedly given the issue of race a very prominent place in his approach to nearly every single issue. He made these remarks at a scheduled White House event for him to announce his pick to lead the World Bank, but things seemed more than a bit scripted as he waiting briefly after the announcement in order to take a reporter's question about this specific incident.
Now while Martin's parents thanked the president for his words, personally, if I were them, I would have resented the fact that this political opportunist was seeking to do nothing more than to use the death of my son as a way to turn the incident into being some sort of political advantage. "The president's personal comments touched us deeply and made us wonder: If his son looked like Trayvon and wore a hoodie, would he be suspicious too?," they said in a statement. I just can’t imagine them actually being that naïve. Do they really not see that Barry is simply using them and their personal tragedy as an attempt to enhance his appeal to the black community? He needs these people to come out in the next election as they did in the last, and he is not above using the death of this black 17 year old as a way to score some much needed political points with this specific segment of our population.
At the center of things appears to be the Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law allows people to use deadly force in self-defense. Similar laws are in effect in at least 24 states including Florida, according to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Calls are mounting to repeal them. Earlier this week, a Florida state senator said he was drafting new legislation to drastically change the law in Florida. A South Carolina state representative said on Friday he had introduced a bill to repeal his state's law. Bakari Sellers, a black Democrat and gun owner, said he wanted to prevent an incident like the Trayvon Martin shooting happening in his state. This guy, too, is working to do nothing more than to perpetrate a deception here by his making the stupid statement, "I'm six-five and a black guy," he said. "I just know that it could have been me." What a MORON!! But hey, he’s a Democrat.
So it goes without saying that Barry “Almighty” would say that, in his opinion, the "Stand Your Ground" laws should be “studied”. "I think all of us have to do some soul-searching to figure out how does something like this happen. And that means that examine the laws and the context for what happened, as well as the specifics of the incident," he said. "Every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this, and that everybody pulls together -- federal, state and local -- to figure out exactly how this tragedy happened." Also, I would think it imperative, to use Barry’s own word, that the president remain very firmly out of things, at least, until the dust has settled and the events that lead up to this horrible incident can be properly sorted out. It simply is not his role to get involved here, but, again, because he sees it an opportunity, he inserts himself into it.
Barry, as we know, or think we know, is supposed to be the son of a white mother from Kansas and black father from Kenya, is often hesitant to reflect on race, a sensitive topic in the United States, which, it is said, still grapples with a legacy of slavery, segregation and discrimination. And as already mentioned, it was early in his White House tenure that Barry inflamed another racially tinged incident after declaring, again before knowing any of the actually facts regarding what had occurred, that police had "acted stupidly" when arresting a well-known “black” documentary filmmaker, Henry Louis Gates, after an altercation at his home. He later invited both Gates and the white police officer, Sergeant James Crowley, to the White House, where the men shared a drink in what has since become known as Barry's "beer summit." So might we be seeing a trend here?
In Sanford itself, Norton Bonaparte Jr., the city's manager, acknowledged that tensions between the black community and police "go back many, many years." "The trust that existed is gone, so we have to start from ground zero," he said. Sanford's police chief and a Florida state prosecutor overseeing the case stepped aside on Thursday as criticism grew over the concerns, as well as accusations, surrounding the police handling of the investigation. Since we have a perceived injustice perpetrated against a black individual, Barry’s Justice Department has now seen fit to ride to the rescue, choosing to take an active role in the investigation. Senior officials from the department met with the Martin family in Florida on Thursday, along with their lawyer. A Justice Department spokeswoman said early in the week that they must collect evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that there was intent to violate civil rights laws. Right!
Let’s be realistic here, if anyone can be said to be responsible here, I think it very safe to say that at least some of the fault rests squarely on the black community itself. Granted, it was Mr. Zimmerman who was the one to pull the trigger, but why might he have perceived that there was a danger. And don’t tell me it was because he simply hates black folks. I believe I once heard old Jesse “The Extortionist” Jackson say once, that when walking down a dark street and hearing footsteps behind him, he was always more than a little relieved to see that it was a white person who was walking behind him. Many blacks try to be intimidating in their dealings with whites, they see it as somehow being funny. Unfortunately, this twisted mentality can also spawn events such as this most recent tragedy. As they say, perception is reality, and while I feel sorry for this family, I’m not yet ready to throw Mr. Zimmerman under the proverbial bus.
The playing of the race card has always been a very integral, and frequently used, tool of Democrat Party electioneering. And while you would think that there would be less of a tendency to use such tactics, unfortunately, just the opposite is true. Barry seems to be more than willing to go well out of his way to exploit any situation that possesses even a hint of racism, real or imagined, if sees some political benefit in it. I seem to recall him saying that it was not his desire to be the president of just those who voted for him, but for those who didn’t as well. On that count, he has been nothing short of an abysmal failure. He has sought to be only the president of those who make up the core Democrat Party constituencies and has used the rest of us in his attempt to cover the cost of ensuring those people continue to enjoy their free rides. He works feverishly to create a racial divide in this country so that he can then take political advantage from it to the fullest extent possible. It’s disgusting and quite un-presidential.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Shades of 1987? Never one to be the least bit shy about searching out a reason to get in front of the nearest television camera or microphone, we once again have that well-known faux preacher, celebrity racer baiter and MSNBC host, Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton, out there doing his best to rile up the black community, this time in Sanford, Fla. "Bull Horn's" appearance comes in the wake of the killing of 17-year-old student Trayvon Martin. “Some people said to me in the media — ‘Let me get this straight,’ they said. ‘Reverend, it seems like there’s a lot of people who are angry — are you afraid of violence?’” Sharpton preached to the central Floridian crowd. “I said, ‘No. I’m afraid of the violence you already had.’” “Violence is killing Tray Martin,” Sharpton continued. “Don’t act like we are the ones [who are] violent. We didn’t shoot nobody.” Let's face it, Sharpton lives for violence, and is a skilled practitioner of inciting violence and using it for his own purposes. And I find it hilarious that there remains anyone who still calls him "Reverend.”
Anyway, despite the incendiary tone of his customary rhetoric, old "Bull Horn" Sharpton warned the thousands of those in attendance at his little gathering, to avoid resorting to violence at all costs as the Martin case progresses. And in attempting to portray himself as being something other than what he is, a psychopathic opportunist, Sharpton bellowed, “I want our people to understand that how you behave is going to be a reflection on this case.” Sharpton instructed the crowd, “No matter how angry we get, don’t let them make you act in a way that they will say, ‘see, that’s what to think with Trayvon.’” Adding, “We are going to act intelligent.” Sharpton said, “We going to act dignified. And, we’re going to be determined. We may be angry, but we’re not mad dogs. We’re too smart to fall for [that].” I'll tell ya what, if these people were so darn smart, then that last guy they would be listening to is this buffoon Sharpton. Because by doing so, they do themselves no favors.
And adding his voice to this chorus of lunacy, we have some imbecilic left-wing radio host, Joe Madison, who I guess fondly refers to himself as the “Black Eagle”. He spoke about how he thinks the shooting of Martin is a sign of overt racism. “In America, we are culturally conditioned to believe that white is superior, black is inferior,” Madison said. “The manifestation of that cultural valuing is that black people are undervalued, underestimated and marginalized.” Madison alleges that this incident was a “hate crime” and said that he, Sharpton, and the others who came to the rally, did so to “protect” other young men in Sanford and elsewhere. “And, let me say something to these Republican candidates, if I might,” Madison added. “Don’t you ever, ever say again that there aren’t any role models in America.” What a bunch of racist garbage. Such language sadly proves that if racism is alive and well in these United States, then it has as its home, the black community.
Sounding like someone straight out of the 1940s or 50s, this moron Madison went on to say that he and the others came to “protect” Mickey Mouse, another “very important citizen of Florida.” “A little black fellow that wear white shoes, and he’s got big ears,” Madison said, describing the classic cartoon character whose creator’s theme park, Walt Disney World, is mere miles away from Sanford. “Hell, if he had been wearing a hoodie, he would have got shot,” Madison said. “Mickey Mouse would have been shot.” Ya know, this type of idiotic drivel really serves no useful purpose. And by his making such an idiotic comment, I can only surmise that this moron is out to do nothing more than to use this incident as an opportunity to up his ratings. And hey, what works better that screaming racism? And as with the case of Sharpton, I think it shows a certain shallowness, as well as a definite lack of any moral character to use such an event to further one's own career.
And yet another left-wing kook radio host, some clown named Mark Thompson who I guess is on Sirius radio, had to go all the way back to 1955 before being able to come up with he apparently thought was a similar incident, and that could also be compared to the Martin case of today. That was an incident involving Emmett Till. Apparently Till was a 14-year-old black teenager killed in Mississippi after allegedly flirting with a white woman. Like Martin, Till was only visiting the area he was killed in and, like Martin, Till was not identified for three days. “We have seen this before,” Thompson arrogantly declared on stage in his attempt o make some comparison between Till and Martin. “This is racism perpetrated by violence. And where you have racism perpetrated by violence, one of the result of that is that African American adults in general are infantilized and black men are emasculated.” But what this hypocrite seems to ignore completely is the fact that it's the left in this country that has done the most damage to the black community, on any number of levels.
Sharpton and these supposed radio personalities are really quite the band of pathetic individuals. All they have really done here is to essentially commandeer the grief shared by this entire community for their own selfish purposes. Hoping to somehow personally benefit from the stirring up of as much anger and hatred as possible. And why is it always clowns like this who are portrayed as being the voices of the black community. Wouldn't that same black community be much better served if it were to follow the example set by someone like Rep. Allen West? Here's just a bit of what Rep. West has said about this recent tragedy, "Let’s all be appalled at this instance not because of race, but because a young American man has lost his life, seemingly, for no reason. I have signed a letter supporting a DOJ investigation. I am not heading to Sanford to shout and scream, because we need the responsible entities and agencies to handle this situation from this point without media bias or undue political influences. This is an outrage." Let's see, Rep. West or "Bull Horn", whose the more responsible? Who is more deserving of being listened to?
In what has to be described as being one the screwiest rationales yet floated by the Democrats regarding the benefits of Obamacare, we once again have Nancy "We'll have to pass it to see what's in it" Pelosi saying at a Thursday Capitol Hill news conference, that Obamacare facilitates the type of “liberation” that the “Founders had in mind” because it allows you to quit your job and become a “photographer,” a “writer,” a “musician”--or “whatever.” She went on, as only she can do, saying, “As you hear from these stories, this is a liberation, this is what our founders had in mind--ever expanding opportunity for people." She attempted to further her idiotic argument, “You want to be a photographer or a writer or a musician, whatever -- an artist, you want to be self-employed, if you want to start a business, you want to change jobs, you no longer are prohibited from doing that because you can’t have access to health care, especially because you do not want to put your family at risk,” she said. Is this not the most idiotic argument to use in an attempt to convince people, that this power grab by the Democrats is actually a good thing?
The House Democratic Leader appeared alongside two of her fellow Democrats, one of our favorite old gasbags, Steny Hoyer and that well known racist and bigot, James "The Tea Party is a bunch of racists" Clyburn to, what they described as, "celebrate" the health care law that was passed two years ago Friday. Pelosi brought with her some folks who were introduced as being her constituents, who told what were supposed to their own personal accounts of just how this great and wondrous law has benefited them by allowing children to stay on their parent’s health plan until the age of 26, and ending denial of coverage for preexisting conditions. “How many people in America do you think have a preexisting medical condition?" Pelosi asked. “That is, they may have been sick when they were little, or they had cancer and are now cancer free, and isn’t that a celebration? Adding, “But you always carry the preexisting condition and the discrimination with you -- until now,” she said. “And we cannot let that be rolled back, that affects tens of millions of Americans directly and their families as well, so our whole country.” What a complete crock of shit! The majority of Americans hate this thing!
This is all so eerily similar to what we heard in May of 2010 when Pelosi was also out front praising the bill in a very similar way, encouraging artists to pursue their passions and simply leave it to the government to provide for all of their health care needs. “We see it as an entrepreneurial bill,” she said at the time. “A bill that says to someone, if you want to be creative and be a musician or whatever, you can leave your work, focus on your talent, your skill, your passion, your aspirations because you will have health care. You won’t have to be job locked.” Job locked? What the Hell does that mean? Only a sleazy Democrat would use such a stupid argument as that, as a way to garner support for something that is based entirely on lies. Lies about the benefits it provides, such as reduced premiums and better coverage, lies about being able to keep your plan and your doctor, lies about how it will reduce the deficit, and lies about the overall cost of implementing this monstrosity. To name just a few. Yep, sounds like reason to celebrate to me, by golly. That the Democrats would choose to celebrate this horrific assault on our freedom is very telling. Because it makes very obvious, the very low opinion they have of the American people.
Said Debbie Wizzerman Schultz: “The Romney-Ryan budget would be devastating to seniors and older Americans. It is a Republican path to poverty that would pass like a tornado through America’s nursing homes where millions of America’s seniors receive long-term and end-of-life care.”
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Question: Why is it, you suppose, the position held by these scumbag Democrats on any given issue is always so fluid? Positions held may vary considerably, and depend entirely on whom it is that they are standing in front of at any particular time. They seem to think it perfectly acceptable to be against something one day, in favor of it the next, and then oppose again the day after that.
Answer: POLITICS, folks, plain and freakin simple
Despite Barry's best efforts to pacify the environmental nuts who make up one of his core constituencies, by initially refusing to make any sort of a decision regarding the pipeline, it would seem, at least according to recent polling data, that that decision runs completely counter to what a majority of the American people would like to see happen. But does it really surprise anyone that Barry would take sides against the American people? A majority of Americans, 57 percent, are of the opinion that the U.S. government should approve construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, while only 29% think it should not. That's pretty standard. And somehow 14 percent of Americans seem to have no opinion at all on the matter. Go figure! Also, and something that should not cause anyone undue shock or surprise, is the fact that Republicans, at 81 percent, were almost twice as likely as Democrats, 44 percent, to want the government to approve the oil pipeline, while half of all independents, 51 percent, also approve of the idea of building it. Support for construction of the pipeline was strongest in the Midwest, 68 percent, followed by the South, 61 percent, two regions through which the proposed new pipeline would run. The question was asked as part of Gallup's annual Environment survey which was conducted March 8-11, 2012.
As presently envisioned by TransCanada, the Keystone XL oil pipeline would bring Canadian oil from Hardisty, Alberta to Gulf Coast refineries in Texas. To get the oil moving, TransCanada wants to build two new sections of pipeline – one, from Alberta, Canada to Nebraska – and the second section, from Cushing, Oklahoma to Port Arthur and Houston, Texas. I'm sure we remember, quite fondly, how it was that Barry "Almighty" decided to delayed any sort of a decision on the job-creating Keystone XL pipeline earlier this year, siding with environmental activists who object to having the pipeline cross a large Nebraska aquifer. Delaying a decision on the Canada-to-Nebraska pipeline until after the 2012 election prompted fierce criticism from Republicans, and from many Americans worried about rising gasoline prices. Gas prices have now gone up over 100 percent since Barry came into office, and there is plenty of evidence that would seem to indicate that that is exactly what Barry is in favor of. He has, and continues to, provide nothing more than lip service regarding ways that the price of gas could be brought down. Choosing instead to focus on green technologies that really have no effect on gas prices. At least until the day we have cars that run on either solar or wind power.
On Thursday, in what is being viewed as Barry's response to all the criticism he's been receiving of late, our "Dear Beloved Leader" has decided he will travel to, where else but, Cushing, Okla., to announce that, yes, he will e working to speed up the permit process for the southern, Oklahoma-to-Texas, leg of the Keystone XL pipeline, which, by the way, does not connect to Canada. Actually it comes nowhere near Canada. Now can somebody, anybody, please explain to me exactly what this accomplishes other than it very clearly demonstrates Barry desire to try to have it both ways. What is it that Barry is trying to accomplish here with his pipeline to nowhere? The northern, Canada-to-Nebraska, leg remains very much in limbo, as TransCanada considers alternative routes through Nebraska. One possible solution that has been mentioned is to have the oil brought in by rail, but upon doing a little investigating it becomes pretty clear, pretty quickly that the main beneficiary of such a little arrangement would be none other than Barry's good buddy, Warren Buffett. Who, it just so happens, owns the railroad that would be transporting all of that oil. Not making any accusations here, but it is something that I find that's more than just a little curious.
And as Rep. John Sullivan (R-Okla.) rightfully points out, when Barry "Almighty" stands in Cushing on Thursday, and announces a fast-track for the permitting process, he’s essentially doing nothing more that pulling a fast one on the American people. Rep. Sullivan is being far too kind in his assessment, because what Barry is actually going to be doing here in making this claim is something he has become rather skilled at over the course of the last three years, and that would be to look the American people dead in the eye, and lie. “The problem is, we don’t need any presidential approval for that. It doesn’t cross any international lines,” Sullivan told Fox & Friends on Thursday. The southern section of the pipeline will be built with permits from the states, the Army Corps of Engineers, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Sullivan said – “and it’s going to happen in spite of the president,” he added. “And I think this is nothing more than a con job. Oklahomans don’t appreciate very much this photo opportunity that he’s doing. And I don’t believe the American people are going to believe in this con job, either.” Well, let's hope they don't. But you know, these days is seems that far too many Americans are only too happy to believe this guy who has demonstrated a willingness to lie to them on a fairly regular basis.
Rep. Sullivan also noted that our stellar president is spending millions of dollars in taxpayer money, flying Air Force One to western and midwestern states, touting his green energy plan, and advocating what he refers to as an "all of the above" strategy, doing nothing more than to pretend he’s “for energy, when he’s not.” “We certainly need the northern part of this pipeline,” Sullivan said. “There’s a tremendous amount of oil up there. And we’re spending over a billion dollars every single day to foreign countries to subsidize these nations and economies -- and that money should be right here, bouncing around our country.” Meanwhile, and as recently as Wednesday while in Maljamar, N.M., standing beside oil rigs on federal land, Barry made the patently false, and very easily disprovable, statement that, "We're drilling all over the place." And as we have discussed before he stubbornly refuses to allow drilling in the areas where there is the best chance of actually finding oil. And his many critics, including all of the Republican presidential hopefuls, have all pointed to the fact that Barry "Almighty" continues to strenuously resist the opening of more federal lands to oil leases, which would both boost U.S. production, revenue for the federal government and create thousands of jobs. I have to agree with them!
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