

Monday, November 12, 2012


And still we continue to hear from those who are supposed to be on our side about how it is that the fault for losing the election lies with us and our positions. That we are to rigid in our principles and if we were to be just a bit more flexible in the areas of taxes and immigration, then we'd be set for life. This time such faulty advise is coming from none other than that supposed conservative guru, columnist and Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol who said on Sunday that Barry "Almighty" is likely to pass "major consequential legislation" in his second term and urged the GOP leadership "to pull back" on Republicans in the House and Senate. So that's the answer, "to pull back." How does that entice anyone to vote for you?

"Let people float new ideas. Let’s have a serious debate," he said, appearing on Fox News Sunday." "Don’t scream and yell if one person says, ‘you know what, it won’t kill the country if we raise taxes a little bit on millionaires.’ It really won’t I don’t think." Kristol actually said that Republicans should reconsider Barry’s offer to avert the fast-approaching fiscal cliff. "I don’t really understand why Republicans don’t take Obama’s offer to freeze taxes for everyone below $250,000," he said. "Make it a million? Really? The Republican Party is going to fall on its sword to defend a bunch of millionaires, half of whom voted Democratic and half of whom live in Hollywood and are hostile."

"Defending a bunch of millionaires?" This guy sounds more like a Democrat. Anyway, Kristol predicted that a budget deal will pass next year saying, "And it will be an Obama-type budget deal much more than a Paul Ryan-type budget deal." And then he said. "Elections have consequences." Well no shit Sherlock! He said that both parties need to hold a "totally vigorous open debate" to solve the nation’s budget crisis. "I don’t think the answer is to be more moderate or is the answer to be more conservative," he added. "The answer on some issues is going to be fresh thinking which will be taken as moderate. And some issues actually be more conservative." Does this guy really expect "fresh thinking" or a "serious debate" from the Democrats?

I'm curious about something here, just whose side is it that this guy is on? It sounds to me like he's advocating for an all out surrender on the part of Congressional Republicans! And for what? So that we can then appeal to more of the brain dead masses who, I think it safe to say, have lost, or forgotten, all of what it once meant to be an American? I just don't understand why it is that everybody is always falling all over this guy, and why anybody seems to think that he speaks for conservative everywhere. Well, I'm here to tell you he doesn't speak for me! Now granted he may speak for those inside the beltway types, but certainly not for those of us out here in the hinterland that exists beyond that little habitat of insanity.

Like I've said so many times that I'm getting tired of repeating it, appeasement through the deserting of our principles is no way to entice those who only vote for whomever promises them the most stuff in return for that vote. Let's face it, with the re-election of Barry our republic has now been taken off of life support and it's now is just a matter of time before it will be officially pronounced dead. So why should we waste time taking the idiotic advice of people like Kristol to do that which will do nothing more than to speed up that dying process? What's to be gained from something so suicidal? Unless, of course, his goal here is to speed up the process in order to just get it over with. Maybe that's what he means.

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