

Monday, August 30, 2010


For all of you out there who might not yet have been made aware, to make sure that you all do become aware, "Slow Joe" Biden, and even Barry "Almighty" himself, continue to trumpet that the country, economically speaking, is now moving in the right direction. But I'm puzzled, as I think most of you probably are as well. This all sounds more like that old TV program, "Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction". Because the numbers one uses from all of the available economic data as a reference, even those of us not schooled in economics can plainly see, just don't seem to back up any of the claims being so enthusiastically made. This is all nothing more than some bizarre fairytale and it just doesn't make much sense for anybody, least of all the president and vice president, to even make such unsubstantiated claims in the first place. Because that would mean that they see the fact that things seem to be spiraling downward, and very rapidly so, as us being headed in the "right" direction. Can this possibly be right? I think that even the most novice of economic experts would have to come to the conclusion that what has been coming out of Washington in the form of economic "stimulus", can only be described as something which has been specifically designed to do just the opposite. The intent here has not been to enact measures that would actually assist in economic growth or recovery, it has been to create an environment ripe for the expansion of governmental power and the destabilization, or the destruction, of our capitalist system. Because as the recent series of disappointing economic reports have made so abundantly clear to just about everybody but these two, the economic picture isn't getting any better. Many Americans say they are very much underwhelmed by the "supposed" economic recovery, a recovery that should be accelerating after the long and deep recession that has instead, downshifted into a period of even slower growth. If there is any sense of urgency present here, it is not one that's driven by any concern for the suffering being encountered by the millions of unemployed Americans, but centers instead around the concern of Democrats in they're being able to improve their election chances. So as I say, I'm puzzled by the degree of enthusiasm.

Let's face it, in the first six months of this year, consumer credit averaged $2.4 billion LESS than it did a year ago. Retail sales are up a meager average of 0.15% while the orders of durable goods are up an equally meager 0.86%. And the fact that consumer confidence, a broad gauge of future consumer spending, hovers in the low 50’s, considering that spending drives 67% of this country’s economy, does not bode well for any recovery happening any time soon. The fact that the gross domestic product, a broad measure of economic output, grew at a 1.6% annual rate, down from an initial estimate of 2.4% economic growth rate is especially disappointing coming after the previous two quarters of 5% and 3.7% growth. The report also contained the government's annual historic GDP revisions, and growth was revised downward for the last three years. This means the U.S. is $130 billion, or 1%, poorer than previously thought and that growth will have to be that much faster to catch up. The "right" direction? I think not! Oh, that's right, it's BUSH'S fault. How lame!! The continuing string of bad news about housing, employment and economic growth seem to have little if any impact on the level of cheerful propaganda that continues to spew from the administration's cheerleaders in the state-run media. It has, however, led some Democrats to a rather inescapable conclusion: the economy is not likely to improve enough to be of any help in time for the fall elections. But that hasn't stopped, or even substantially lessened, the attempts being made by the Congressional Democrats and the White House in continuing their efforts to enact policies they believe will "boost" the economy. Polices which are also aimed at attempting to persuade, or con, enough voters into thinking that they are working to make things better. But even some Democrat officials acknowledge it is too late for these initiatives to make much of a change in the economic situation before the Nov. 2 elections. "We begin early voting in about 33 days. It would be hugely unrealistic to anticipate some kind of monumental economic turnaround between now and when people start casting our votes," said Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland, who faces a tough re-election race. "I'm having to deal with the reality of what is. You can't wish it away. What is, is." Really? And people wonder why things haven't improved. Go figure!

Democrats won big in 2008, partly because they were able to blame Republicans for the country's economic woes. And while the economic situation remained dire when Barry "Almighty" took office in January 2009, most Democrats assumed that the economy would rebound by the time they stood for office this year. Although quite honestly, when one looks at the policies that they have worked so hard to put into place you can't help but wonder how it is that they could have ever imagined that the economy would make any kind of a recovery, even a modest one. So now it is the Republicans saying that it is the Democratic agenda that is now to blame for the bad economic news. "Today's disappointing GDP report caps off another week's worth of evidence that President Obama must change course and abandon his job-killing policies to end the uncertainty that is keeping people out of work," House Minority Leader John Boehner (R., Ohio) said on Friday. Amid the continuing economic weakness, there are now some nonpartisan political analysts who believe that there is a good chance that the Democrats may very well lose their majority in the House. Last week, the Rothenberg Political report made the move of downgrading the re-election chances of five House Democrats, and the Cook Political Report did the same thing for 10 House Democrats. And the Cook report may yet move to downgrade the ratings of an additional 10 Democratic candidates, said Mr. David Wasserman, the report's editor for House races. If that in fact does happen, the Cook report would then be listing nearly 80 seats as at "substantial risk," Mr. Wasserman said. Republicans need to capture a net 39 seats to take control of the House. These trends are driven almost completely by the bad economy, Mr. Wasserman said. "As the window of opportunity for recovery before the election closes, more Democrats are entering the danger zone," he said. He added, "Most voters don't believe there is any recovery under way." Gee, I can't imagine why that might be. Ya know, the very ones who were constantly talking "down" the economy when Bush was in the White House are now doing their damndest to talk it up. The only thing is that now it seems more and more people are no longer buying the garbage they're being sold by the Democrats.

In Washington, Democrats continue to hope that they will get at least some credit for legislation aimed at helping small businesses, which they plan to consider in September. Which is pretty ironic really since the man that we presently have in the White House as well as a very substantial number of members of the current Congress, are quite possibly, the most anti-small business people to come along in quite some time. A Democratic House leadership aide said some lawmakers in the party would push for another spending bill to stimulate the economy, though he said other Democrats are likely to oppose such a move. Well of course, since the first "stimulus" bill did such a bang up job, let's do another. And of course, as always we have those Democrats who argue that they have known all along that the economy would not have rebounded by now. DUH! Sen. Robert Menendez (D., N.J.), who leads the committee working to elect Democrats to the Senate, said there was no way Democrats could completely turn around the economy in two years. "I would have loved to have a better economic picture, but it is what it is," he said. "I didn't have great expectations." And you have to ask yourself, did these clowns honestly think that what they have done was going to stimulate any realistic economic growth? With all the pork and waste that was in their bogus "stimulus" legislation, I wouldn't have had any great expectations either there, Mr. Menendez. Always quick to place blame but ever the reluctant ones to accept any, the Democrats now find themselves in somewhat of a rather sticky wicket. I suppose they can make an attempt to blame the Republicans for not voting for the bogus stimulus package that has failed to work as advertised, but I'm not sure how that tactic will play with those voters who possess any amount of brain power. I'm sure among those who make up the die hard dimwitted Democrat base, it will play pretty well, but outside of that I'm not quite so sure. It would seem that the Democrats are very comfortable in their assumption that a majority of Americans are just as brain-dead as those who comprise the very same dimwits who vote Democrat no matter what. But we all know what happens when you assume.

Friday, August 27, 2010


The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) seems to somewhat determined in their efforts to sabotage whatever chances of success that may exist, regarding the much ballyhooed and potentially substantial Republican gains actually becoming a reality come this November. The present efforts underway could prove to be quite detrimental to our being able to kick old "Dingy" Harry to the curb and out of his job as Majority Leader, provided he wins his own election. How can we expect to be successful in this endeavor of all the players have their own separate agendas? There is only one agenda that should be of primary importance, and that is the agenda of the American people and their overwhelming desire to rescue our country from those now currently running it. These petty political squabbles will benefit no one, other than the Democrats of course, and could quite possibly ruin any chance whatsoever of our being able to gain control of one or both Houses of Congress. Which is what should be the priority on EVERYBODY'S mind. So, with that having been said, I would ask that anyone even thinking about sending any amount of money to the NRSC to please seriously reconsider that notion and instead join me in sending money to Jim DeMint's, Senate Conservatives Fund (SCF). Sending money to the NRSC is nothing more than a total waste of time, money and effort, because your money will not be spent as you would wish it to be, on getting conservative candidates elected. Likewise, I've been sending no money to the Republican National Committee (RNC) for pretty much the same reason, instead sending it to specific candidates that I wish to support. Because that's the only way I can guaranteee myself that the right candidates are getting my money! When I see some of those who are now in leadership positions in the Republican Party, from RNC Chairman Steele to NRSC Chairman John Cornyn, I'm amazed that we are still in, at least what appears to be, as good a position as we are regarding November's election. Here we are apparently with a very good chance to position ourselves to prevent our current president from completely destroying our country, and those on our side are now trying to bring down everything. I used to be a big fan of John Cornyn's but not so much any more, I do not understand his motivation behind the actions he has taken in some of the more critical races.

Erick Erickson over at Redstate had what I thought was a great piece on Friday that lays bare the most recent example of the NRSC shenanigans going on up in Alaska. He writes that, "17,000 of the 24,000 absentee ballots in Alaska will probably be counted Monday. Given Joe Miller’s late surge, it may not help him. However, I am told by a number of people that given where those absentee ballots came from and his overall support in the areas, the odds remain in Joe Miller’s favor." So it would seem that with it once again caught backing the wrong horse, our stellar NRSC should have simply kept its nose very much out of what was going on in Alaska. Mr. Erickson goes on, "But word is coming out of Washington that the National Republican Senatorial Committee, already in “cover their butts” mode, is intervening in Alaska to help Lisa Murkowski." The will of the people must be considered as being paramount. Incumbent or not, those up for election or re-election are deserving of no extra help against those from whom they may find themselves embroiled in a primary challenge. Those in positions of party leadership must force themselves to remain completely detached until the primary process has been allowed to run its course with a candidate being selected by the voters. Before that there is absolutely no reason for involvement by either the RNC or the NRSC, none! The party establishment should never attempt in any way to manipulate the outcome of any election, primary or general. Mr. Erickson writes that, "John Cornyn, Chairman of the NRSC, has been upfront that the NRSC will help incumbent Republicans being challenged. But there is a problem with Murkowski. I have confirmed through multiple sources that Lisa Murkowski has already approached the Alaska Libertarian Party. In exchange for putting her on the Libertarian ticket in November, Murkowski will hand the Libertarians a sizable chunk of her +$1 million war chest. The Libertarian Party Chairman, Scot Kohlhaas, is denying direct talks with Murkowski, and says it probably won’t happen, but I can confirm conversations are still happening regarding this." And I whole heartedly agree with Mr. Erickson when he says that, "I am willing to bet that John Cornyn is sending Murkowski help without first getting a promise from her that she will not run third party if she loses." Shades of Charlie Crist. How much money was funneled to Charlie's campaign by Mr. Cornyn, only to then have Charlie, when he saw that he was going to be getting his butt kicked, switch to Independent then turn around and keep all of the money. What a deal. This is no way to run a railroad!

I, for the life of me, can't quite figure out what it is that those in charge see as being their long term goal here. Is it to get more conservatives elected or is it to maintain the status quo? Let's face it, the leadership has a very impressive string to failures that can be firmly attached, and traced directly back, to the actions of those who are controlling the flow of money. And, as Mr. Erickson states in his column, "What’s more, the NRSC, in “cover their butts” mode, is telling every reporter who will listen that Lisa Murkowski did not take the NRSC’s advice and attack Joe Miller. In fact, the NRSC gave the same advice to Sue Lowden, Jane Norton, Charlie Crist, Trey Grayson and other NRSC losers." He adds that," The advice is simple — attack the opponent for being fiscally responsible, i.e. opposed to earmarks and being a real fiscal conservative. Joe Miller is speaking out on this and accusing the NRSC of meddling in the election. If and when he gets to Washington, the number of people opposed to the present GOP leadership will have one more." And I find myself in agreement when Mr. Erickson makes the point that, "It’s as if Rob Jesmer, the NRSC’s Executive Director, is a Tea Party saboteur, intentionally destroying the NRSC." But, "On the bright side, because of Rob Jesmer’s incompetence, the GOP has one of the most conservative batches of candidates in a long time: Angle, Buck, Lee, Paul, Rubio, and Toomey — all opposed by the NRSC and supported by Jim DeMint." Yep you read it right. The most conservative batch of candidates in a long time and all are being "OPPOSED" by the very organization that should be working extra hard to get them all elected. Go figure! It is all a very sad commentary when those charged with the responsibility of finding good, solidly conservative candidates seem to be ignoring that which is their primary responsibility, and it is just one more example of why the GOP suffers from a severe credibility problem. I become a little more worried with each passing day that we're going to end up blowing this opportunity, and I fear there may not be another such chance that will come around in my lifetime. To have so much at stake in this election and to still be willing to play these stupid games reveals, and very clearly so, the lack of seriousness with which our leadership seems to be taking things. Playtime is over boys, we can ill afford to take any unnecessary chances and allow what should be a very successful election outcome to slip through our grasp.

It is just this type of unseemly activity that is all too reminiscent of typical Democrat shady electioneering practices that are present during every single election cycle. We should consider ourselves as being better than that. If these clowns, through their own idiotic actions, and ineptness, succeed in snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and allow this train wreck of a presidency to continue pretty much unabated, then I'm afraid that the days of me calling myself a Republican may finally have come to a very unceremonious end. This is the type of behavior one expects to see from the likes of "Dingy" Harry and Barry "Almighty" not from those who call themselves Republicans! And you just have to know that the state run media would be salivating and only too happy to play up to the hilt any backroom dealing that comes to light. We can't say we're different from the Democrats if we are going to insist on exhibiting the same rather distasteful tendency to behave just like them. It just seems that our party leadership does nothing more than talk out of both sides of their mouths. They say one thing on TV and quite another when they're in some smoke filled backroom. That's not the ideal way to build trust. We all need to be having the same goal here which is the getting of more conservatives elected to Congress. If that is not your goal, then get out of the way and make room for those whose goal it is. PLEASE


Thursday, August 26, 2010


The ever idiotic New York City Mayor, Mike "Sanctuary City" Bloomberg, seems to be one more on a long list of many Democrats looking to use the opposition to the “Ground Zero Mosque” as one more way to slander the overwhelming number of mainstream Americans who are voicing their objection to the building of this mosque. "People say, 'Well, you know, do they have the money? Can they raise the money? Where does it come from?' I don't know," said the mayor, a staunch defender of the proposed center, on his weekly radio show. "Do you really want every time they pass the basket in your church and you throw a buck in, they run over and say, 'OK, now, you know, where do you come from? Who are your parents? Where did you get this money?' No," he said. "A handful of people," he concluded, "ought to be ashamed of themselves." If find his analogy insulting as well as more than just a little overly simplistic and a little disturbing, to say the least, all of which are very common problems when dealing with Democrats regarding nearly any important topic. Because the degree of fanaticism one normally finds in one’s church, I dare say, is a pretty far stretch from what one normally finds in even the most “moderate” of mosques. This moron goes on to say, “Islam did not attack the World Trade Center, Al-Qaeda did. To implicate all of Islam for the actions of a few who twisted a great religion is unfair and un-American.” Oh really? I beg to differ there, Mr. Mayor. Let's be honest here, this "great religion" doesn't require a whole of twisting before more than just a "few" of its devout followers become willing, even eager, to commit a rather unique level of savagery. So you have to ask yourself, just what motivates a guy like Bloomberg to say something so patently untrue? And with there being an already existing mosque just four blocks away, it becomes even more obvious that this whole charade has much less do with the building of a place of worship than it has with the erecting some sort of holy symbol for a bloody religion and one that commemorates the lives of those 19 individuals who took such great pride in the act of murdering so many innocents in the name of their God and prophet. An edifice, of sorts, that both survivors of the horrific events of that day as well as those who lost loved ones to the actions of these fanatics, will be forced to look at every single day. To continue to actively support the building of this mosque, as the Democrats are now doing, should be considered as being nothing short of an act of outright betrayal toward all the victims that were the result of the 9/11 attacks. This whole exercise is intended as nothing more than as a provocation, plain and simple.

So now it is according to Mayor Bloomberg that I, as well as all those who oppose the building of this mosque, stand accused of being un-American because we feel that it is not now appropriate to build this mosque at Ground Zero. The site where over 2800 of our fellow Americans were murdered by 19 individuals while on their quest to rendezvous with their 72 virgins. How absolutely twisted! And now I’m being chastised because I oppose this thing being built on the very site where our nation suffered its most horrific attack in its history and here on our own soil, by practitioners of the very same religion as those who wish to now build this monument to the 19 fanatics who murdered those very same countrymen. Mayor Bloomberg is just one more traitorous Democrat who sees absolutely nothing wrong with this. What is it about these Democrats and the soft spot that they seem to have in their hearts, or is it their heads, for these Muslim murderers. I really don't get it. I realize that very few, if any, of today's Democrats actually love their country, but to be so callous as to allow the construction of this "in your face" and supposed religious facility, I think clearly brings to the forefront the level of hatred that they themselves possess for this country. I cannot possibly imagine what it must be like to so easily trivialize the death of 3000 Americans by kowtowing to a bunch of murdering religious thugs just on the outside chance that they might end up voting for you. Is that really now how far down this pathetic political party has finally sunk? Guys like Bloomberg are just as sick and twisted as were every one of those 19 a**holes who flew those planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and into that Pennsylvania field on that very terrible day. This opposition that is coming from a majority of the American people has nothing whatsoever to do with any form of religious bigotry, and Bloomberg, as well as every other Democrat, knows it. It's all about what is right and just. Three thousand of our fellow citizens were murdered on that day and now we're being asked to just forget about it and move on, allowing these heathens who seem to be so permanently stuck in their very violent past, to build their shrine to their medieval and blood soaked faith on the very same site. Those who wish to build this abomination do absolutely nothing but preach hatred against my country because to them we are nothing, we are the infidels. These hypocrites continue to spew their poisonous vitriol to anyone who will listen and all in the name of their God. They comprise a religion that can very easily be accused of having declared what can only be described as being open warfare against my country, and they have essentially admitted to doing so. But guys like Bloomberg fail to take them at their word, and that failure puts the life of every single American in jeopardy.

Practitioners of this so-called "Religion of Peace", habitually speak out of both sides of their mouths. Depending on the make up of the crowd that they happen to be standing before, their faith is either portrayed as being that "Religion of Peace" or as being the only religion that is to be tolerated with all other religions being considered as nothing more than subservient or blasphemous. They make the claim that it is Christianity that is, and always has been, the more violent religion. Now while I suppose there may be some truth to that if you are considering events that took place during some much earlier times, but it is a fact that we have managed to work our way through our more violent past whereas those who make up Islam remain pretty much stuck in a time around the 5th century. I just can't seem to remember the last time I saw some news story that involved some crazy bunch of Christians flying planes into some buildings, detonating themselves, going around lopping people's heads off, or even executing women for committing adultery. Let's face it, these individuals are consumed by a level of pure hatred not seen in any other religion found anywhere else in the World. They use their faith as nothing more than an excuse for the committing of some of the most vile and horrific acts of violence we have ever been witness to. They even send their own children off to blow themselves up, I mean just how sick is that? And we are now supposed to just sit back and allow them to build what will essentially be nothing more than a huge magnet for every hate spewing, murdering whack job out there? The absolute ease with which Bloomberg and his ilk continue to whitewash the militaristic texts and teachings that these Muslim jihadists use to justify their violent acts is nothing short of mind boggling. To be so willing, even eager, to take sides against your own country is something I just don't quite understand. We are not the bad guys here, and yet we have members of one of our two major political parties working overtime, and looking for any excuse, to join the voices coming from those who hate this country, and are diligently working to destroy it. One would think that there may be some sort of collusion involved here between these two groups.

Despite the criticism coming from Bloomberg and the Democrats, the critics of this mosque being built have done nothing more than to raise what should be seen as being legitimate concerns about the Imam at the center of the project. They point out that Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who seems to take great pride in describing himself as being some kind of a prolific bridge builder, capable of spanning great religious divides, rather strenuously refused in a recent radio interview to come anywhere near to directly condemning Hamas. He also said in a 2001 TV interview that in reality it was U.S. foreign policy that was in fact an "accessory to the crime" of the 9/11 attacks. With his making such a statement he finds himself in the company of a great many Democrats who believe that the tragedies that befall America are always America's own fault. He has made half-hearted attempts at condemning acts of terrorism and fanaticism, saying they have no part in Islam, but there never really seems to be all that much conviction behind these attempts. And it was during a 2005 conference in Australia, that he went so far as to compare America to Al Qaeda. Saying that, "We tend to forget, in the West, that the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than Al Qaeda has on its hands of innocent non-Muslims," speaking at the Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Center during a question and answer session dedicated to what sponsors say was a dialogue to improve relations between America and the Muslim world. "You may remember that the U.S.-led sanctions against Iraq led to the death of over half a million Iraqi children. This has been documented by the United Nations." I would ask him this question, "Who has fought harder, and given up more of their young in order to save the lives of Muslims than has the United States of America?" Be it in Iraq, Afghanistan or Bosnia, millions of Muslims are now living in relative security and freedom because of America. Rauf has taken Middle East trips funded by the U.S. State Department (the American taxpayer), which continually makes the claim that Rauf's comments are taken out of context. Yup, just taken out of context, right. Do they really think that we're that stupid? Let's face it, it is a commonly known fact that the most gruesome, heinous and atrocious acts of violence committed anywhere in the world are done so, and on nearly a daily basis, all in the name of Islam. Islam is nothing if not a violent, unforgiving, bloodthirsty, primitive and oppressive faith that is practiced only by some of the most sadistic and masochistic types of individuals on the planet. So I think Mayor Bloomberg, as well as the Democrat Party as a whole are in pretty desperate need of a solid dose of reality.

And lastly, the website for the project, once called the "Cordoba House" is now known as "Park51," and it does explicitly refer to "the mosque," although for some reason it tries to minimize the mosque's importance or significance. The website makes the claim that while a mosque will be located in the planned final structure of Park51, it will be a distinct non-profit organization. It goes on to say that neither Park51 nor the mosque, which hasn’t been officially named as of yet, will tolerate any kind of illegal or un-American activity or rhetoric. Sorry, but organizations such as these have very little credibility, if any, when it comes to the making of such outlandish claims as these. The very foundation of this entire "religion" is based on the fundamental belief of America being the "Great Satan". It is the mainstay of the fundamental belief system practiced by these individuals. So we're supposed take at face value what these deceitful people are telling us and to believe that this mosque will not be a source for such rhetoric or activities? It also states that the final size and location of the mosque have yet to be determined, but, supposedly, it will only represent a small portion of the final structure. Now while Park51's website claims the "final size and location of the mosque have yet to be determined," Sharif El-Gamal, head of Soho Properties, Inc., and developer, of the “Ground Zero mosque,” advertises the project on a Muslim website updated as recently as June 5, 2010, in expansive terms quite different from those lately addressed to the broader public. Al-Gamal’s group declares, “We are trying to establish a full fledged Islamic Center in the lower Manhattan, only two blocks from World Trade Center, New York City, NY. It is a neat and clean facility and can accommodate 1,000 people to pray in Jamat [i.e. collectively] at one time.” Yep, that's just what we need to have built on this site. So, instead of building something that commemorates those who were murdered, we're going to wind up with something that commemorates the murderers. And so I guess it is that if I don't agree with all this tripe, or think that it's not such a good idea, I, and those who share my opinion regarding the building of this mosque, are somehow now the ones to be considered as being un-American.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I've seen a recent poll that, depending on which Democrat wins that party's nomination, shows our buddy Charlie with a slim lead over Rubio in what is going to be our three man race for the Senate seat here in Florida. I think many of us, if we are not already very well aware of the fact that Charlie should not be the man whom we should be selecting as representing us in a Senate, we should be. Charlie is just one more example of what we already have far too many of in Washington. That being individuals who continue to demonstrate a willingness to habitually throw the American people under the proverbial bus all in the name of "progress". He is not someone whom we can rely upon to, when given the choice, do the right thing. He consistently demonstrates the very obvious fact that he simply cannot be trusted. It is clearly a very obvious fact that he has no true core values, principles or beliefs. His actions are determined by whatever he sees as being the most advantageous for himself at any particular time. He is nothing but a turncoat of the highest order, always on the lookout for what's best for Charlie. And evidently he is someone who apparently has gained the support of a good many Democrats who see him as a viable option. Let's face it, Charlie is good at only one thing, and that is the putting of his own political ambition very high on his list of priorities, well above the needs of the people that he would be representing. We'd be sending just one more narcissist to a place already infested with far too many. During his tenure as governor, he's done conservatives no real favors here. Plus, he endorsed fellow RINO, John "The Maverick" McCain, has very warmly embraced Barry "Almighty", both figuratively and literally, and enthusiastically supported Barry's much ballyhooed, yet extremely bogus, "stimulus" plan which has proven itself to be nothing but a complete flop. I think Charlie was banking on being able to take some credit if the economy recovered whereby that recovery could then, by some miracle, be tied to that very same bogus "stimulus" legislation, but it just hasn't quite worked out that way. But then as we all know, the intent behind the so-called "stimulus" bill really never was to try to give a boost to our failing economy, it was all nothing more than an $800 billion payoff/slush fund created for Barry's supporters. It was a piece of legislation which even a blind man could have seen had nothing whatsoever to do with salvaging a faltering economy. And if Charlie couldn't see, or worse, was unwilling to see it as such, how can we possibly trust him to not support any such additional measures should they be brought up for a vote in the future. We can't, it's just that simple folks!

Look, it should be painfully obvious to just about anybody with a brain that Crist comes nowhere near to representing the direction in which we need to be headed, either as a state or as a nation. He represents all that is wrong with Washington, possessing the wrong perception of what the role of government should be. A perception that is not all that dissimilar from the one possessed by Barry "Almighty". He is no more conservative than are clowns like Lindsey Graham, his buddy McCain or either of the girls from Maine. He comes nowhere near to what is now seen as being so desperately needed in Congress at what is clearly a very critical time for our country. Maybe if our country was not hanging by a very thin thread and we did not have a raving socialist sitting in the Oval Office, it wouldn't be so critical, and we could afford to send someone like Crist to the Senate because there wouldn't be all that much damage that he could actually do once he got there. But not in today's political environment, no freakin way. Sending Crist to the Senate is just not worth the risk, not by any stretch of the imagination. Conservatives are going to need to come together and get behind Rubio, and focus like a laser on keeping Crist as far away as possible from any position where he could do any sort of damage. We need no more politicians who are interested solely in the furthering of their own political careers at the expense of the people whom they were sent to Washington to represent. The primary objective of anyone we choose to send to Congress must be their determination to work to bring about some fiscal restraint in Congress and to halt any further weakening of America. And they must also be willing to abide by the will of the people who sent them there. Crist, I firmly believe, would very quickly forget all about the people once he set about wandering those hallowed halls of Congress. I can see him now, walking the halls, chest puffed out, thinking now he is really somebody and looking for ways to profit from his new position using any means at his disposal. And should that require ignoring the wishes of the folks back home, so be it. After all, what do we really know anyway? Come on folks, things are getting really serious here, and the electing of Charlie to the Senate is going to accomplish absolutely nothing in our attempt to put the brakes on our increasingly rapid slide to the left. If we are to have any hope of recovering from our current economic predicament, we are going to need to start the recovery process by turning into the skid. The surest way to do that would be to vote in Rubio.

Crist can make the claim until the cows come home that his only objective for seeking a seat in the Senate is so that he can be a conservative voice for Floridians, but in all reality his aspirations have very little if anything to do with his desire to represent the people of Florida. Charlie continues to be his own biggest fan. Perhaps the most telling thing about Charlie is the fact that if it truly is the best interest of the people of Florida that is on his mind, once he saw that he could not win the Republican nomination, he would have done the honorable thing and thrown his support behind Rubio. Taking such action would have virtually guaranteed that the Senate seat would remain firmly in the Republican column. But no, because of his rather twisted delusions of grandeur, he just couldn't quite bring himself to do it. He is nothing short of being a traitor to the cause, the conservative cause. He has revealed himself to be just one more self-serving hypocrite looking for ways to increase his own personal stature. Crist is pathetic liar, who stated on any number of occasions when the polls initially began showing that he was going to have his butt handed to him by Rubio that he had no intention of leaving the Republican Party. He was asked point blank if he was going to make the switch to Independent and he said NO, he fully intended to run as a Republican. It's very obvious that he wants this job so bad he can taste it and will do or say whatever he sees as being necessary to get it. Therefore, he is not the caliber of individual that the people of Florida, regardless of party affiliation, should be voting for. And at the end of the day, should Crist actually win this race, I doubt there will be very little difference between his voting record and that of our stellar Democrat Senator, Bill "Spineless" Nelson. Nelson is just another Democrat hack who has the people of Florida so far down on his list of priorities as to have them being nearly nonexistent. He's nothing short of a fraud who continues to vote in lockstep with "Dingy" Harry Reed, ignoring completely those who voted for him. We must not allow ourselves to be convinced into sending yet another Barry disciple to Congress. We can do much better than electing Charlie Crist. We must do better!

Monday, August 23, 2010


Whether or not this much talked about Ground Zero Mosque becomes a reality, if the controversy has brought anything to the forefront, it is the revelation of the growing, and very dangerous, alliance between the Democrat Party and any number of various Muslim organizations now present here in America. Organizations which have, as their common thread, an affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood and its worldwide connections. From Barry “Almighty” to Chuckie Schumer to Nancy Pelosi to New York’s moron of a governor, David Paterson to the moronic junior Senator from Minnesota, Al Franken, secular Democrats all, all are very supportive of the Mosque being built at Ground Zero. While polls repeatedly have shown that a vast number of Americans are against this abomination being built, Democrats continue, once more, to ignore the will of the people by throwing their support behind this monument to terrorism being built. And being built on what is still considered by most Americans to be nothing short of sacred ground. With questions regarding both funding and backers of this mosques remaining unanswered, the basis for supporting this mosque can be based on nothing else that pure politics. In fact Nancy Pelosi has even gone to far as to call for an investigation of those groups and individuals who oppose it being built. But there were many indications regarding the presence of this alliance long before the debate involving this mosque. There were any number of questionable contributors to the Barry campaign for president who had, and continue to maintain, relationships with any number of very dubious organizations. Such organizations as the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Muslim Students Association (MSA), the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), the Muslim Arab Youth Association (MAYA), the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and many others. Contributors which the state run media showed not the slightest interest in investigating and making the public aware. Was it the prospect of Barry implementing a Jihad presidency that served as the requisite motivation for these highly illegal contributions?

We are all aware of the fact that the Democrats have a history of habitually demonstrating the same hostility toward our Constitution, as do today’s Islamists. The desire for government to control every aspect of a person’s life is another thing that both the Democrats and Islamists share. Such things as personal property rights, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and of religion as well as the freedom of assembly are also aspects of American society that both groups would love to see come to an end. As well as our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. If one pays attention to the common interests of these two groups, who under normal circumstance would most like be perceived as unlikely allies, it becomes apparent and rather quickly, that they are not such strange bedfellows after all. That the Democrats and any one of the afore mentioned Islamist organizations share a rather wide-ranging platform of anti-capitalist positions on economic issues is only one of the many areas of agreement. These organizations, which it seems that the Democrat Party has now allied itself with, are essentially “collectivist groups” with socialist aims to increase the power of the government through entitlement programs, increased taxation, and restricting free markets whenever and wherever possible. When considering what the goals might be of the Barry administration's current Middle East policy that’s now being employed, one can only look on and say, WTF, over. What might the motivation be for taking any number of the present stances held by the Democrats regarding the continuing Middle East peace dilemma? You have to wonder; just whose side of this ongoing Middle East conflict does America now find itself, and why? Wishing to seek the approval of those very same dictatorial theocracies in one of the most primitive areas of the globe, this man, our president, has gone so far as to give $900 million to the blatant terrorist group, Hamas, who is now in charge of Gaza. And just how many visits has our “Supreme Leader” made to Arab countries with not one, not one, being made to Israel? While Barry “Almighty” is more than willing prostrate himself before the King of Saudi Arabia in a unbelievable act that should have embarrassed every single American, he finds it as being completely acceptable behavior to snub the Prime Minister of Israel, and friend of the United States, Benjamin Netanyahu. This is nothing short of a blatant example of Barry’s being an unseemly and unprincipled individual. Such actions accomplish nothing but to stir doubt in the minds of many of those who hate Israel, causing them to doubt just where it is that American allegiance may now lie and possibly encouraging them to take more aggressive action against Israel than they normally would have. It is a guarantee that these countries will be much bolder in their action against Israel if the feel they have nothing to fear from a Democrat lead America. So it would seem that the Democrats, lead by Barry, intend for America to now desert the Jewish state after years of friendship and to now side with the terror supporting Muslim countries that completely surround it. Even in the instance of a little unexpected honesty, such as when in 1977 and coming in the form of a statement by Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee member Zahir Muhsein, Democrats still choose to ignore the facts. Here's what Mr. Muhsein said: "The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism.”

And as recent as September 23, 2009 Barry made it very clear on whose side of this issue he, as well as his party, have chosen to stand. While standing before that august and highly dysfunctional organization known as the U.N., he made the statement, “We continue to emphasize that America does not accept the legitimacy of continue Israeli settlements.” With him, at the same time, calling for the establishment of a “viable, independent Palestinian state with contiguous territory that ends the occupation that began in 1967, and realizes the potential of the Palestinian people.” Barry is well aware that a “contiguous” Palestinian state would cut Israel in two. Then in November 2009 came the official statement, saying essentially the same thing, from the Barry State Department. The statement, “Our goal in the region is clear: two sides living side by side in peace and security; a Jewish state of Israel, with which America retains unbreakable bonds, and with true security for all Israelis; and a viable, independent Palestinian state with contiguous territory that ends the occupation that began in 1967, that ends the daily humiliations of Palestinians under occupation, and that realizes the full and remarkable potential of the Palestinian people.” William J. Burns, the State Department’s undersecretary for political affairs went on to say, “We do not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements.” Going further this same individual added, “We consider the Israeli offer to refrain settlement activity to be a potentially important step, but it obviously falls short of the continuing Roadmap obligation for a full settlement freeze.” But what demands were being made of the Palestinians in order to get free of these “daily humiliations” and claim their “viable, independent” state “with contiguous territory”? Why, nothing at all, of course. True to this continuing, and rather disturbing, pattern being displayed by Democrats, has made no demands whatsoever upon the Palestinians.

This is all nothing more than the continuation of the very obvious and ongoing assault against Christianity being conducted by the Left, one that has been continuing unabated for nearly as long as I can remember. Over that period of time it has become far too acceptable to degrade and ridicule religion as well as certain people of faith. It now seems to be very much in vogue to bash Christians and the religion to which they belong. And because of the Left's slanderous rhetoric designed to maintain some misconceived perception regarding the existence of a mythical wall of separation between Church and State, society as a whole has suffered greatly by losing much of its civility over the years. Of course it would seem that that proverbial wall is applicable only to the Christian and Jewish faiths. Since acquiring their new ally in this very same assault, in return for their assistance, Islam apparently has become immune to any such criticism or ridicule. Because if you happen to be a Muslim, well then, you should be permitted to follow the demands of your religion completely unfettered, no matter how arcane or primitive they may be. A direct result of this ever-present onslaught on Christianity has been an encouragement, of sorts, for a growing aggressiveness of the nationwide Muslim community to very covertly encroach further and further into America's constitutional society. At the same time it seeks to make an ever-increasing number of demands for more and more autonomy within that very same society. Because there seems to be a growing sentiment among far too many in the Muslim community of this country that they are somehow entitled, because of their “beliefs”, to replace the system of laws of this country, within their own communities, for now, with Sharia Law. And it would seem that a growing number of Democrats are in complete agreement with that notion. What these individuals seem to be completely missing here is the fact that that is not exactly how our system works. We are not a nation of many little enclaves living by their own rules, we are "One nation under God", with all our citizens operating under the same set of laws that, theoretically, are to apply equally to every citizen. Despite how the Democrats may feel about it, no one is supposed to get a pass because a certain behavior that, while against the law for every other citizen, is suddenly “not” against the law because it is permitted in the practicing of one’s faith. That's nothing but pure nonsense! All they are entitled to is the right to freely practice their religion without fear of any form of reprisal as long as in the practicing of that religion, laws, our laws, are not broken. At the same time, they do not have the right to infringe upon the rights of others to practice their religion. A result of this alliance that seems to exist, this particular demographic seems to be under the mistaken impression that America should now be expected to bend to their will, that they must never be the one asked to conform out of respect for their "religion." However, the Democrats seem to be just a little too willing to allow these religious fanatics a certain amount of flexibility in their efforts to set about the taking advantage of our freedoms to energetically work at undermining our present constitutional system of laws. This simply cannot be tolerated.

Let's face it, it is a commonly known fact that the most gruesome, heinous and atrocious acts of violence committed anywhere in the world are done so, and on nearly a daily basis, all in the name of Islam. And it is those who practice this so-called "Religion of Peace", who for whatever reason, see nothing wrong with this. And apparently, at least as long as they have the same agenda as do the Democrats, neither does Barry. Ironically, Barry repeatedly makes the claim that it is the Republicans who wish to take us back to the future. But the truth is, nothing could be further from the truth. Because it is the Democrats and their allies who wish to take us back, way back. It would seem that people are in need of constant reminding of the fact that, despite what Barry and the Democrats would like to claim, it is not America that must alter itself to make itself as being welcoming to all those who wish to come to our shores, it is those who wish to be considered as being American who must be called upon to conform to the requirements of our culture. While there will be no demands made upon to totally divest themselves of their culture, they must be made to realize that it is now secondary. That’s where this alliance is its most insidious. The American people must be made to realize that the participants in this most dangerous of alliances, wish nothing more than to turn this country into an equivalent of Third World dictatorship. America must not be allowed to become the type of country that would ever become conducive to the rather twisted Muslim religious sensibilities. I have had it with these psychopathic religious zealots coming into my country and murdering, or attempting to murder, innocent men, women and children in the name of their violent religion. Despite what Barry says, America "is", and always has been, a Christian country, founded on the Judeo-Christian faith, principles and teachings. And when Barry says, "I know, too, that Islam has always been a part of America 's story," as he did June of last when he was in Cairo, I'm sure exactly what it is he is talking about. I’m a pretty fair student of American history and I don't seem to recall any Muslims playing any kind of role anywhere in the history of my country. Now I know there have been more than a few attempts made at destroying it. Is that what Barry “Almighty” meant? We here in America are not Muslims nor do we wish to become Muslims for any number of very clear reasons. For one thing, Islam is not now nor has it ever been throughout its existence, anything that remotely resembles in any way, shape, matter or form, a religion of peace. What it is, is a complete antithesis of Christianity, which is a religion of peace. Islam is nothing if not a violent, unforgiving, bloodthirsty, primitive and oppressive faith that is practiced only by some of the most sadistic and masochistic types of individuals on the planet. It is for these reasons that those who chose to practice it should be allowed only very limited access into this country and those who are allowed to enter, should have their movement severely restricted. These people preach what they practice, which is nothing but unadulterated hatred, religious intolerance and violence.

We cannot count on the state run media to expose what goes on behind the curtain regarding the activities of these co-conspirators as they plot how to destroy our country. And we cannot allow ourselves to be convinced into believing that this whole scenario is harmless and that these people mean us no harm. If we allow this charade to continue we are nothing short of active participants in our own demise as a free and independent nation. Both of these group must be made aware that we know what they are up to and that we are willing to do whatever is necessary to save our country from them. This November we must back up our words with action. The question remains, will we?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


And on it goes with this president. It grows more apparent with each passing day that the president has a certain level of contempt for the American people. He sees them as being greedy, wasteful and to a certain degree, selfish. And he very obviously cares very little about what it is that they think, or how they feel about the manner in which their country is currently being governed. His approval or disapproval numbers seem to matter very little to him, because I suppose as he sees it, we're stuck with him until at least 2012. Therefore he feels that he can do whatever he wants regardless of whether or not it coincides with the will of the people. And if in fact he does not get reelected come 2012, I have a feeling that it won't really matter all that much to him because by that time he will have had an ample number of opportunities to do all that he had wished to do when he set out on his mission to destroy America. An America which is home for such unalienable freedoms as rugged individualism, property rights, intellectual property rights, freedom of speech and religion and the right to assemble. All are basic God given rights and all are what Barry seeks to diminish or to perhaps get rid of entirely, or worse, with his seeing government as being what should be the lone source able to allocate all such freedoms. And sadly, together with numerous likeminded allies in the Congress and the state run media, he is making considerable progress. And by the time he is through, much of what he will have been able to do will likely be very difficult, if not impossible to undo, which is just what he intends. And should he in fact fail to get reelected, one thing that will most definitely result once he has left office, is that he will, by virtue of the impact he had upon this country, earn a very prominent spot, becoming an overnight sensation, on the leftist lecture circuit where he will have much to talk about at, no doubt, some pretty hefty asking prices. After all, he is a Nobel laureate and will be seen as the man who not only oversaw, but was the man who actually brought about, the demise of America. He will have as his main accomplishment the putting of America on the fast track to oblivion, which I think it safe to say, has been his goal from the outset. And he has had a great many accomplices in this effort to do so, including every one of those who saw fit to vote for him. I hope they are comfortable in their deceit and are able to enjoy the misery that they can be considered as being responsible for bringing upon our once great nation. I think it safe to say that I have a very deep sense of loathing for every one of them because of what they have done, especially since it was done for no other reason than for their own personal gain or simply as an act of malice with them seeing Barry's election as being some form of payback directed at "Whitie." Furthermore, it is quite obvious the disdain that he has for those who did not vote for him. All one has to do to find the basis for that accusation is to look no further than the recent Gulf oil spill and at the states that were effected by it. All have Republican governors. One can't help but wonder if the response would have been just as slow and nearly nonexistent had the governors of those very same states been Democrats. And then there's Arizona, with it's own Republican governor. I could ask if Barry would have sunk to suing that state had the governor of Arizona been a Democrat. But then that would be a rhetorical question since if there was currently a Democrat governor of Arizona, the law, for which the state was recently sued for trying to implement, would have never existed in the first place. Instead, it is most likely that Arizona would have become a sanctuary state, which even though a violation of federal law, is something which Barry seems to have absolutely no problem with. This man was hailed as being the great uniter, the "ONE" we were all supposed to be waiting for, but today I think it would be very difficult to argue against the fact that he has proven to be anything other than very much the opposite. I think it safe to say that he is most likely the most divisive individual to have ever held his present office. Because I would venture to say that this country has never been more divided than it is today, and mainly because of one individual. Barry Soetoro, a.k.a., Barack Hussein Obama, hm, hm, hm.

What motivates such a man as our current president? Why does a man seek to be the leader of a country that he possesses such a near hatred for as well as for many of the people who comprise its population? I ask this after witnessing him time and again taking such great pleasure in his recurring attempts at belittling this country whenever and wherever the opportunity may present itself. He spends a great deal of time and effort in seeking out those who wish to see America's stature diminished, always eager to show them that, besides being a fellow traveler and as such, they also now have a very powerful ally in they're working toward the successful culmination of their primary objective. With them having what can easily be perceived as now possessing a man on the inside, they seem very optimistic about their chances of bringing about a major reduction in both American influence and stature within the global community. And they are hoping to be equally successful in their attempts to take from the American people any number of rights that are guaranteed to us by our very own Constitution. And again Barry shows no sign whatsoever of being the least bit interested in preventing such hostile behavior, demonstrating instead a willingness, even an eagerness, to assist those embarked on such a perverse mission. As well, our very own president, in an effort to earn the blessings of any number of foreign countries, has taken on an active role in some very disturbing efforts to usher in, and to even expedite, the end of the dollar as the world currency, saying quite matter-of-factly, that its time has essentially passed. And the fact of Barry's being very Islam friendly should also be more than just a little unnerving to the American people. He has cast aside new friends by repeatedly turning his back on Eastern European countries and on friends in Latin and South America while at the same time busying himself by cozying up to what have been, at least up to now, obvious enemies of America, and for what? On top of everything else, he seems very willing to sign away our sovereignty by entering our country into all sorts of arrangements and treaties that attempt to undermine our Constitution here at home all in an effort to make Americans citizens subservient to "international laws." Agreements of the type that in the future we may be unable to escape out from under. All in an effort of allowing groups such as the UN and the EU to supplant this nation's Constitution, hoping to replace with us being force to be a part of some cockamamie World Government. It would seem that the greatest threat yet faced by this nation in its entire history has as its origin a man who was duly elected to the highest office in the land. How scary is that? But what really scares me is the fact that I truly believe that most Americans simply do not care enough to march off to the polls this coming November and at least make an attempt to curb some of this blatant anti-Americanism that continues to ooze from our very own Democrat controlled government. I fear we may have lost our collective mind! It would seem that a substantial number of Americans seem largely indifferent regarding what is currently underway by this administration, with many openly claiming that they either intend to not vote or to vote for someone representing something other than either major party. That, my friends, is nothing more than a recipe for disaster. There are wild claims flying around from numerous sources about the presumed outcome of this next election. Claims that may have a very limited basis in fact, and based on some rather dubious polls. We all should know by now that the only poll that counts is that one conducted on election day, the result of which may be that, when the dust finally settles, many may be left feeling disappointed and disheartened. The Republican Party has much work to do and a very short period of time in which to get it done. If they wish to come anywhere near what is being hyped as a major trouncing of the Democrats this November then much convincing is going to be required. It will have to be made very clear that the errors of the past will not be repeated in the future. That lessons have been learned. But in all honesty, we will not be made aware regarding the level of success achieved in that endeavor until after all of the votes have been counted. And realistically speaking, short of major gains being made, I'm afraid little progress can be made in the putting up of any roadblocks to what is very rapidly becoming a disastrous presidency. And even if sufficient gains are made, with the Republicans gaining control of one or both Houses of Congress, should they fail in carrying out and of what was promised during the campaign, their tenure could be very short lived.

The disaster that has befallen us because of this man, Barry "Almighty", is really quite unlike anything we have been forced to deal with in quite some time. We now have a temporary president doing permanent damage with us now essentially facing a threat that runs the gamut, coming at us economically, socially and internationally, not from the outside, but from within and from what would, under normal circumstances, be considered a highly unlikely source. However, these are not normal circumstances as the source of the threat that we now face is the very man who is our president. In our current president we have a man willing to ally himself with any number of enemies of our country, as he shows not even the slightest hesitation in assisting them in their attempts to diminish our country in any and all ways possible. "Hope and Change?" I think not, not by any means. "The remaking of America?" Most assuredly so! But remade into what exactly? That is the all important question that while it has yet to be answered, there has been a definite trend established that provides us with a very clear indication of what Barry desires. Here is a man who sees nothing whatsoever as being positive about his country, nothing inherently good about his county and is someone who sees it as being guilty of imposing its own unique brand of evil upon the World. Far from seeing it as a force for good, he sees it as just the opposite, being happy to join in the chorus of others who do no more than constantly condemn America. He finds fault at every opportunity and never stands up to defend America against her critics, instead joining in the voices of criticism. So, those of us who are the American people have now become something that Barry seems to consider as more closely resembling lab rats for him to use in his effort to increase his personal standing among those leaders whom he sees as being his compatriots in the establishing of a World government. And not only does he see himself as being the perfect candidate for the job of leader of that World government, he seems perfectly content to allow the advancing of any number of "global initiatives" the would essentially rob the American people of not only their Constitutional rights but of a goodly amount of their cash as well. Americans must come to realize that the priorities of their president are NOT the priorities of those who proudly call themselves Americans. His agenda is, to its very foundation, anti-American in every aspect.

And so, as more time passes by we the people come to have less and less say in how it is that we choose to be governed. We're simply told that we are too stupid to know what's best for us, and it is to be left to those in charge to decide such things. And far too many of us seem to be willing to go along with that nonsense. As I have said before and will very likely say again, we are rapidly running out of time and of opportunities to put the brakes on this freedom smothering malignancy that has taken hold of our country. We need to put aside our petty differences if we are to have any chance of rescuing ourselves from what is almost certainly some very dark times that lay ahead. As difficult as it may sound to some, the Republican Party, may be our only option for survival and to avoid all that Barry has intended for us. But with their past behavior still fresh in the memory of many, it is going to be nearly impossible for some to now support them even though failure to do so will only result in the further detriment of our ability to save our future. In all honesty, it will be too difficult for many to now trust them after being so badly betrayed in the not so distant past. All I can say is, what other choice do we have? Sure we can vote for third party candidates, or write in "Joe the Plumber" but in the long run what will that accomplish other than allowing even more Democrats to achieve electoral victory thus making the job of saving our country all that much more difficult. Everyone must do what their conscience tells them to do, all I ask is that everyone think long and hard before committing to something that will have both very long-lasting and, very likely, extremely dire consequences for the millions who will make up the future generations of Americans.

Monday, August 9, 2010


While not wanting to sound like I am somehow claiming to possess some level of superiority here, I have to say that I am extremely curious about something. What is it about being a member of pretty much any minority community that seems to instill or encourage in those individuals the rather strange mentality that drives a rather warped sense of entitlement? When looking around and taking note of the obviously precarious position in which this country now finds itself, what is about those who make up an overwhelming majority of these people, that has them possessing such an inane sense of being owed something? And where does this "need" to portray oneself as being a "victim" come from? Does it stem from something ingrained in their DNA, have they just become too comfortable in their welfare status or, is it that they have simply been manipulated by a political party into believing that they truly are unable to make it on their own without the receiving any of the unique assistance that only that the Democrat Party can provide. And how exactly did they reach a point where they have achieved such an incredible level of collective, as well as chronic, paranoia that, even among the very well educated, although that may in itself be the problem, seems to run rampant with they’re thinking that all of us white folks have nothing better to do than to be out to get them? Look, I'm a live and let live kinda guy I possess no ill will toward those different from me as long as what they do has no impact on me or on my ability to provide for my family. I am someone who favors helping anyone truly down on their luck and in need. But not forever, even my generosity has a very specific limit. At some point people need to be motivated enough to get out there and develop a little initiative and self-respect to fend for themselves. And don’t try to tell me you can't find a job because of your race. That's nothing more than a cop out, plain and simple. It's now time for a great many of these people to do nothing more than to, quite simply, grow up. Because if they are "victims" of anything, it would be their own ignorance. Ignorance of why it is exactly that the overall condition of their community, over time continues to change very little. And the reason for that little dilemma would of course be, the Democrats. But that little light bulb just never seems to come on. Hell, it doesn't even flicker!

And ya know, how dare these self-righteous, sanctimonious and yes, even, ignorant individuals continue to use as an excuse, something that ended over 140 years ago. Granted, I'm not going sit here try and claim that there weren't things like segregation that did take place for far too long and much too far into more recent times, historically speaking, and I'm sure that some would say that they still take place. But which political party was it that worked, and continues to work, toward the taking of specific actions to bring about an end to such things? And while the president at that time may have been a Democrat, which Party was it that ensured the successful passage for both the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act in 1964 and 65, it wasn’t the racist Democrat Party. Ah, that would be the same party that took the nation to war to end slavery, the Republican Party. Perhaps if they made themselves a bit less ignorant regarding history or spent less time listening to all of the drivel coming from their supposed “spokesmen,” who we know are beholden to the Democrats, they might finally get a clue as to who it is that is on their side. And again, it sure ain't the Democrats! What’s really pathetic is the fact that these people have a personality complex of a most bizarre and extreme nature. The “only” ones who see them as being supposedly inferior and are determined to convince them that they are, remains to be those who are supposed to be the one offering up the most encouragement, not excuses. Come on folks, for crying out loud, GET A GRIP! Life's tough, nobody is entitled to a free ride. We all have choices to make in our life, sometimes we make good ones, sometimes we don't. But no matter who you are, the making of bad ones is no ones fault but your own. It's time to claim a little ownership here. And it is a fact of life that some folk’s decisions are easier than other folk’s for any number of reasons. It is just a very simple fact that while we may not all be born with the same advantages, we are all born with the same opportunities. But it all boils down to what we need to do to make of the most of those opportunities and if we are willing to do whatever's necessary to take advantage of them. Quit your damn whining, after all, nobody likes a whiner. Get off your duff and find something to do that justifies your existence. Something other than trying to continually reach into my wallet! The best thing that any of these folks could do for themselves is to cut the umbilical cord that runs from themselves straight to the Democrat Party and has done so ever since the creation of that infamous “Great Society." If they were ever to actually do that, the sense of freedom that would come rushing into them would be unlike anything they have ever experienced. It truly would create for them real “hope and change,” not the vague illusion promised by others, but as something tangible and actually brought about by their own actions. Because the intent of the Democrats is not to move those at the lower end of the economic scale up, but instead it is to move those at the upper end, down. It's a philosophy of let's all be miserable together, except of course for the political elite. Realistically speaking, what is that I would gain personally by having someone else being brought down to where I am. We should all want to strive to be up there where they are and should be willing to work hard in order to get there. But the Democrats are constantly putting up more and more roadblocks preventing us from doing so. WHY? Because the need for victims is what's paramount to the Democrats being able to move forward with their highly toxic agenda, that's why!

These people continue to be their own worst enemy and on so many different levels. They insist on voting for the one political party which has been the sole source of all their misfortune, which should strike anyone looking in from the outside as being more than just a little odd. What exactly have they gotten in return for their blind devotion and their continuing affiliation with the Democrat Party? The guarantee of receiving a taxpayer funded check from the government? Is that all that they see their self-respect as being worth? Ah, and then there was that brainchild of LBJ’s called the “War On Poverty” or, what now I suppose might be referred to by some as being something like the poverty contingency operation. And just has been accomplished by all those billions of dollars spent? Well, let’s see, we have a prison population that still has as its largest percentage of inmates, members of the minority community, the family unit within the minority community that is essentially laying in absolute shambles, a 70 percent out of wedlock birth rate, if we’re being honest, the stigma of affirmative action and their continuing to remain essentially trapped in self-destructing neighborhoods located in fiscally imploding cities, and being run by none other than….Democrats. And yet, these people remain convinced that they are so much more better off than if they were to ever cast a vote for those evil, racist, church burning, lynch mob crazy Republicans. And just who is that repeatedly portrays that image to them? Why that would be none other than those perpetually self-promoting racist scumbags of which Al "Bullhorn" Sharpton, Jesse "Blackmailer" Jackson and "Calypso Louie" Farrakhan are only three of the biggest offenders. It is men like these who, while obviously being on the Democrat Party payroll, are the main reason that the minority which they claim to represent, continue to demonstrate their undying allegiance to a political party whose sole purpose is to ensure that those who comprise this minority remain stymied in any effort made to improve their lives. These people are constantly encouraged to believe that the best they can ever hope for will result only from their continuing to remain willingly dependent on the Democrat Party. How tragic is that? Ignorance is no excuse and neither is being clueless. These people have got to realize that it is the Democrat Party that is the speed bump on the road to they're being to achieve any satisfactory level of progress and has essentially maintained them in their lower level existence. And the sooner they realize that the ones whom they continue to trust and to look upon as being trusted leaders are nothing more than well paid accomplices, essentially shills, of the Democrat Party, the better off they are going to be. Which begs the question, why do they tolerate it? Can it really be as simple as they're being permanently affixed to the receiving end of the steady flow of taxpayer funded Welfare checks and food stamps? Have their expectations really been reduced to that? Are they really that afraid of kicking off the training wheels and just going for it, throwing caution to the wind? Despite what Barry may say, if you wish to become successful, you're gonna need to take risks. Risks that will very much be worth it if, any level of success is achieved. Obviously if failure is the result, then the risk may not seem worth it at the time, but then you pick yourself up, review the things that were learned in order to increase the odds of becoming successful in any future attempts. But don't come crying to me with you hand out for any of my hard earned money because you're simply afraid to crawl out from under the shelter of some government entitlement umbrella.

I worry about the future especially when I see the ease with which so many people can be so easily manipulated into believing things that are so patently false. People seem to be willing to believe that their inability to succeed at something must be someone else’s fault, after all, they have just tried so hard. The only reason that they are somehow being prevented from succeeding must be because of their skin color. No, they're being prevented from succeeding because the Democrats need victims, and what better way to supply yourself with victims, than to create them and to then blame their plight on the opposition party. There does remain a political party in this country who possess a very obvious racial bias, but as much as some would like you to believe, it is NOT the Republican Party. It is nothing more than the luck of the draw that we may possess the natural ability or the necessary talent, skill or commitment to succeed at some endeavor. We each have or own unique abilities and skill sets but without the opportunities to put them into practice they are worthless. That is where the Democrats come in. They work ever so diligently to reduce those opportunities through any number of ways. But if they were to simply stand aside, one would very easily be provided with any number of opportunities to try, and to actually achieve, some degree of success. But if the Democrats were to do that, well then these people would no longer be victims in "need" of Democrat entitlements, and therefore no longer in need of the Democrats. Everyone has some natural ability or skills, and when mixed with hard work "anyone" can achieve measurable success were it not for the impediment of the Democrat Party. And that goes for everyone no matter their race, who has been blessed with the privilege of living in this country. But too many listen to, and give far too much credence to, those who tell them that they can't. They are told that if only they were white, then all their problems would be solved. BUNK!! And yet, when someone actually takes the time to make the effort to try to convince them of the truth, they're simply not willing to listen, resorting to name calling and sometimes even threats of violence. Even when those trying to enlighten come from within their own community. The term brainwashing does not even begin to describe the condition with which these people presently find themselves being afflicted. No offense intended here, but it's much more closely resembles being brain dead. What gives these people any right to make demands that they be entitled to their fair share of my earnings as if they are owed something? I owe them nothing, least of all any of the money I earn by actually working for it. Which is something maybe they should be forced to try out for themselves. Yeh, yeh I know, now I'm a racist. Get over yourselves, you'll be much better off in the long run!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Is there anything that today's Democrats won't do to get votes? To what lengths will they go to throw our country under the bus while on their quest to obtain ever more political power? And just how committed are these Democrats, exactly, in their desire to pursue their bastardization of the legislative process for no other reason than to govern in complete opposition to the will of the people? What tactics are they not willing to employ, or to resort to, in order to guarantee success for their efforts to subvert our Constitution? To what lengths will they go to disguise or to hide from the people their true motives and agenda? To what depths of dishonesty, fraud or intimidation will they not sink, to ensure that it is their candidates who achieve electoral victory? Always remember and never forget, to the egotistical Democrats, the ends ALWAYS justify the means, ALWAYS!

I know, questions, questions and more questions. And are they all really that necessary, they’re just so bothersome. Well, YES, they are necessary! And as distasteful as it might seem to many, these are now the types of questions that we need to be asking ourselves before choosing which party we deem as being worthy of our support! They are all very important questions and all are deserving of some very important answers. Arrogance, deceit, dishonesty, and smugness, may be mere words to some, but they are very rapidly becoming the watch words that can now be used to accurately describe the present mentality on display, every single day, and that we continue to see coming from a substantial majority of our elected leaders. But in all honestly, we have no one to blame here but ourselves, we brought about this whole highly destructive scenario and of our own free will. In our opting to vote for "hope and change," too many eagerly bought into the lies and decided to simply hand over complete control of our government to one political party, and unfortunately as it turned out, it proved to be the wrong political party. Ya know, they say absolute power corrupts absolutely and looking at Washington today, I'd have to say that that is a fact, as we are now seeing first hand just how much truth there is in that old adage. We now have in power what is obviously a very corrupt, unethical and insidious Democrat Party that I think it very plain to see is pretty much rotten all the way to its core. And by placing the reins of power into the hands of these people as we did, what we also did was to effectively eliminate all of the checks and balances that were designed to protect us from just the runaway government that we are now witnessing. But is what we are seeing in our government nothing more that a direct reflection of ourselves, of our priorities, after all, it was we the people who elected these rank hypocrites. Unfortunately, there seems to be this susceptibility that is demonstrated by far too many people to vote for, let’s just call them, the less desirable candidates. Because it is these same people who are constantly on the hunt, always looking for a way to get something for nothing, or if not for nothing, then at least for what can be gotten in exchange for the minimum amount of effort required. Therefore, they choose to vote for those candidates who they see as being more prone to initiate the kind of legislation that will ensure that things are made “easier” for them. They are unwilling to pay their fair share but yet want the rest of us to subsidize their reckless and lazy lifestyles and are more than willing to vote for those who will ensure that we who work and pay taxes, continue do so. That whole notion is something that is in serious need of being rethought, because without some serious behavior modification taking place, things do not bode well for our survival. With too many people now looking for a free ride on the backs of others and with that behavior actually being encouraged by the Party currently in charge, the likely end result for all is not one that's going to be very pleasant, for anybody. We are very near to approaching something that has long been sought by the Democrat Party. That being the so-called tipping point. That magical number that will be achieved when we will have more people not paying taxes than are paying taxes. Once Democrats have achieved that, they see themselves as being pretty much invincible, believing that all those who are able to escape the tax man will definitely not be voting for any candidate who declares his/her desire, to have some measure of taxes paid by everyone. Currently 47 percent of households in American pay no income taxes which goes to show you just how scary close the Democrats are to reaching their magic number.

Which brings me once more to the election this November. As I have said on any number of occasions, the outcome of this coming election is going to be absolutely critical to the very survival of what remains of our Constitutional Republic. If we are to have any hope of surviving intact beyond this current administration, then there needs to be a drawing of that proverbial line in the sand. A line that will form our line of embarkation, of sorts, from which we can begin our long march back toward what it was that our Founders had originally intended for us. However, should it come to pass that we decide to do nothing more than to maintain the status quo, well then, I'm afraid that our days as a free and sovereign nation will most definitely be numbered. If, however, we decide to make this a referendum on what is presently being done and on the direction in which we are being taken, then, possibly, we can work toward the rescuing of our country and wrestle control away from those whose only desire seems to be to destroy it. Those whom we decide to entrust with the role of governing, must be men and woman of character who believe passionately in this country and who hold what this country is, very near and dear to their hearts. Personal gain is not something to be sought, what should be of the utmost importance to those in government is what benefits all Americans. Reason, once more must be brought to the forefront and to be what's used as the basis for the creation and passage of legislation. If there is no reason for it then it must not be needed. What's best for America has to be what is our main priority. We need to return to the guiding principles laid out for us over 230 years ago. The size of our government must be kept small and manageable and those involved in it must realize that they are permitted to serve at the consent of the people and they should conduct the business of government accordingly. For example, a rational immigration policy must be established where all are welcome, who are here legally, but only if they wish to become one of us and to celebrate willingly all that it means to be American. English is our language, God is an integral part of our culture and we are proud of the fact that we are unafraid of hard work. If anyone finds any of these things as being something that they simply cannot abide by, then by all means, they should not come here. While no one is ever asked to forget their culture, they must be willing to become part of ours, to add their uniqueness to that which makes America, in its entirety, unique among all other countries on the planet. They must recognize that we are a nation of laws, our laws, not the laws of their nation, but of this nation, and that allowances will not be made because of ignorance to what our laws allow.

Over time it would seem that our system of government has become rather badly corrupted, brought about through some rather unscrupulous efforts instigated by less than honorable characters for the specific purpose of moving us farther away from what was originally conceived. Because of corrupt individuals, we have now gotten to the point where it would seem that the rule of day has become one where far too many self-serving individuals presently see a role in government as nothing more than a means of gaining personal stature as well as a way of amassing great personal wealth. Misplaced priorities abound, with we the people becoming the main casualty of the resulting consequences. Many of our present politicians are, for all intents and purposes, nothing more than chameleons. They come before the people pretending to be one thing, seeking favor long enough to be returned to office for yet another term, only to revert to their true selves once they have successfully hoodwinked the voters and been safely returned to office. Honesty and integrity seem to be traits that are in seriously short supply these days regarding those whom we entrust with the power of governing. This practice must be stopped, but the only ones capable of doing so are “We the people.” What will assist us in this endeavor will be for us to finally get to a point where we realize how important, even crucial, for us to disregard any information whatsoever that may be directed at us through what has formerly been referred to as the "mainstream media." Because in all honesty, it is now safe to say that there is no longer anything even remotely "mainstream" about any of what is considered as being today's “mainstream” media outlets. It has been officially co-opted by the Democrat Party to the point where it now faithfully serves as nothing more than the propaganda department for the Party. It no longer owes any allegiance to the American people, only to the Party. Which puts us, the people, at a very severe and distinct disadvantage, in that if we wish to seek information it will now fall to us to go in search of it, and to then sift through the nonsense and to then verify what is valid and what is not. As time consuming as this may prove to be, it is what's going to be necessary if we are to have any hope of being able to then use it to base any kind of a rational decision upon it. While Fox News may be the least tainted of all the major "news" outlets, it still should not be perceived by anyone as being a reliable source to the extent that it provides information which requires no additional verification. Journalism as we have known it, to be perfectly blunt, has simply ceased to exist, having now officially gone the way of the dodo bird. We can no longer accept at face value any of what those in the "media" would have us believe, because more often that not it's a lie. The line that once existed between fact and fiction has been slowly fading over time until finally it has now disappeared entirely. Unsubstantiated claims are now reported as being fact and facts are very often never even reported upon, or mentioned only in passing, especially if they run contrary to the Democrat Party line. And with that, what we, those who wish to be informed, are now forced to do is to go about the rolling up our sleeves and to get to work. We must search out all of the information that we can, and then like present day Paul Reveres, disseminate it to as many individuals as possible. We must be the spreaders of knowledge to all, to those who agree with us, but even more importantly, to those who do not. Because if we can change just one mind we've made progress in our effort to get and to keep as many people as we can informed and aware of what is really going on here. We must all come to rely upon one another so that we can then present a more united front against those who would try to distract us with what is nothing more than nonsensical rhetoric and drivel all in an attempt to influence us by their act of perpetuating the Democrat Party gibberish.

The bottom line here, is that we may never know the true extent of the damage that we have done to ourselves as a result of the 2008 election. And because of that, there is now so much more resting on the outcome of this coming election. We are now going to be required to ask ourselves some very important questions prior to entering the voting booth. And to make sure that we feel confident in our answers we are going to be required to make sure that we remain properly informed. The only way that voters who care about such things are going succeed in that endeavor, is to now become very proactive in that regard. The majority of the burden, as far as the researching and validation of information, is going to rest squarely on the shoulders of those responsible voters who seek to become informed voters. We can afford to take nothing for granted, especially anything we may read, hear or watch and that comes from anyone who may call him or herself a journalist. Trust but verify, are now the words by which we must live by at least until such time as some degree of sanity makes a comeback regarding those to make up the press. Believe nothing of what you read and only half of what you see and we may just make it through this nightmare. God willing, of course!