

Wednesday, February 28, 2018


As many have likely heard, last Friday ex-resident Barry ‘O’ spoke for about an hour to a rather large audience at a major sports analytics conference at MIT.  His remarks were to be off-the-record and also to be kept completely secret by virtually all of those in attendance, who had to agree that they would not record, photograph, tweet, or report on the event before being granted a seat in the audience.  The most newsworthy thing about the speech is that the public was never supposed to hear it.  But in this day of modern electronics it’s no surprise that word managed to leak out. 

And so, were it not for some enterprising attendee, secrecy would have been maintained.  Had that not been the case we would never know how it was that Barry made the rather bold, yet blatantly untrue, claim regarding how it was that his administration suffered not one scandal that embarrassed him or his team.  It remains unclear why Barry might have thrown in the little caveat by saying that there were no scandals “that embarrassed his team,” but for whatever the reason, he did.  Just as newsworthy is the fact he was able to make such a statement with a straight face.

Now our ex-president did admit, “There were mistakes.”  And he went on to further admit, “We’d screw up, but there wasn’t anything venal during eight years. I know that seems like a low bar, but you look at the presidency; that’s no small thing.”  However, conservatives remember the Obummer years a bit differently, citing the Fast and Furious scandal, the IRS scandal, wiretapping journalists, the terror attacks in Benghazi, delivering pallets of cash to Iran, and Hitlery’s illegal use of a private email server for government emails to name but a few of the many ‘scandals.’

The ex-president also insisted there was not much drama during his years in the White House either, all thanks to his superior leadership and organizational skills.  He said, “Typically speaking, you didn’t hear about a whole lot of drama inside our White House, and that was also rare.”  But Barry failed to mention reports of his press secretary Robert Gibbs’s cursing at Valerie Jarrett and first lady Moochelle. Gibbs left the administration soon after.  He did admit that there were arguments among his “team of rivals” but said it was more about people trying to solve tough issues.

Barry said, “I did have a strong bias towards people who just wanted to get things right, get things done, as opposed to people who were obsessed with ‘I want to be right. I want to prominent. I want to have my name in the headlines.’”  He went on to say, “And if you can create that culture, then you are more likely to be successful.”  Funny, but as someone on the outside looking in, what it looked like to me was that Barry had more of a bias toward people who were interested only in enriching themselves.  And the only ‘culture’ that was created was one of blatant corruption.

But let’s face it, scandals are made and reported on by the media.  And Barry was the media's ideal politician, an anti-white socialist black man.  They were pushing him for president even before he even became a senator.  Barry could be roasting babies alive on the White House lawn and no mainstream media would report it, or even find a problem with it.  THAT'S why there were “no scandals.”  Even a live broadcast of him devouring said roasted babies would cause a flood of media adoration, gushing over his cooking skills and demanding that a Barry Roast cookbook be published!

Barry remains nothing more than a hypocrite. He talks about gun violence yet releases thousands of inmate felons from prison, many who will likely commit more crimes including murder using guns.  He supports sanctuary cities where illegal aliens run wild, many using firearms to commit crimes (it is a felony for an illegal alien to possess a firearm).  He releases illegal alien criminals (many used guns to commit murder and other crimes) from prisons instead of deporting them and many have committed additional murders and other crimes with illegally obtained guns.

His was the most corrupt administration in history, with far more scandals than any other president in American history.  And the media ran interference for him each time.  And because of his lack of conscience, the absence of a moral compass, and being a pathological liar, he was patently incapable of being embarrassed.  He worked as diligently as he could to destroy this Republic without the benefit of having any regret except for the fact that he could not fully complete the task. God intervened and prevented Hitlery from picking up where Barry left off to finish the job.

He is literally bragging about being a sociopath!  Lacking the ability to feel shame or embarrassment is sociopathic.  Lying about the Benghazi video, making impossible claims about Obamacare, calling 2009 the Summer of Recovery, the killing of Qaddafi and the Arab Spring debacle, trying to use executive privilege to shield Holder from charges, going around Congress and setting up DACA, bowing to foreign leaders every single time, calling America racist over and over, I could go on.  An ordinary, mentally healthy mature adult would have blanched at any of these. But NOT Barry, no way!

Barry’s ego is so huge that he still believes he can do no wrong.  People treated him like a God.  They praised him no matter what sort of political shenanigans he pulled. He's the consummate liar, he likes to deceive, he blames everyone but himself for his own screw ups and was one of the worst presidents this country has ever managed to elect.  His entire eight years in office were a very dark time for us.  He’s simply too much of a narcissist to see it.  His mission was not to make America stronger and more prosperous, it was to “fundamentally transform” it into something else.

In the end, do you want to know what will be the most enduring legacy of the Barry ‘O’ years?  It’s not the scandals or the corruption committed by him and others in his administration or even his unlawful executive orders.  Barry’s presidency was a moment, an opportunity, that the American people provided to the Democrats, and the media, to prove that their way, their race-focused politicking, would work, and finally lift up this generation of Americans and this country to the ultimate ideals she stands for, and at last unite all us, which is what all Americans are hungry for.

And what did the Democrats, and all of their allies in the state-controlled media do?  Yep, they behaved badly. To prove themselves right, and being totally invested in their race-based President, they not only aimed to protect him at all costs, they aimed to slander anyone questioning any of his misdeeds, as “racists”, “bigots”, “Nazis”, “Fascists” and every other name they can think of.  And sensing the reluctance of his side to ever criticize him, Barry chose to take full advantage of it and to behave just as badly, boldly badly, audaciously badly, as only he could.

Barry screwed up everything that he came into contact with, not just for the country, but for African Americans and other minorities.  And I believe, in looking back at how the first African American President's term in the White House turned out, at how he behaved AND how much he got away with impunity, as well as at the behavior of the Democrats, and the media, both towards their President and against his critics, that Americans will be reluctant to go down that road again for a very long time to come.  This is the ultimate ruinous tragedy of Barry and is his true legacy.

Barry can make all the claims that he wishes about his administration being the most scandal free and transparent in recent political history.  And there are many in the state-controlled media who will echo such claims, and many Americans who will, for whatever reason, believe them.  But the vast majority of Americans, whether they’re willing to admit it or not, know in their heart that this man devoted his entire time in office to doing all that he could to make this country weaker and less prosperous.  And sadly it is from this man’s presidency that this country may never fully recover.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Apparently there is a level to which some people will gladly stoop in their effort to garner for themselves that ever-elusive ‘15 minutes of fame.’  I’m sure that by now most have heard of David Hogg, the 17-year-old Florida school shooting witness and now enthusiastic anti-gun crusader, who in trying to take full advantage of his new found ‘fame’ made the rounds to many of the Sunday ‘news’ shows.  And in so doing Hogg revealed a demeanor that was equal parts deer-in-the-headlights mixed with the Damien character from the movie, ‘The Omen’.  It was a rather strange spectacle of a mean-spirited little zealot in over his head spewing all manner of conspiratorial gibberish as unnerved adults responded with tight smiles and patronizing nods.

More than a week after the Parkland school shooting massacre, with the raw emotion of 17 dead innocents subsiding, the ginned up state-controlled media hysteria having pretty much run its course, and the public waking up to the fact that, outside of the killer himself, it’s the government that is very much to blame for the fact that this massacre was ALLOWED to take place.  Both the FBI and the Broward County Sheriff’s office, headed up by a man who has to be one of the most incompetent individuals to ever head up a law enforcement department, have much to answer for.  Not an NRA which five years ago called for additional school security and a tightening of the very background checks that might have kept a firearm out of this killer’s hands.

Up until Sunday, this kid, Hogg, had served almost perfectly as the media’s avatar of hate towards the NRA, the Second Amendment, as well as gun owners everywhere.  But that was while he was surfing a sizable wave of emotion.  Now that he needs to actually say something substantive, something beyond I’M OUTRAGED he’s come to appear as little more than delusional.  Sure, Hogg is still a mean little brat, a bully drunk on his own unearned power, but now that the wave has crested, Hogg had to switch gears.  Give him (or his handlers) credit for understanding that.  Nevertheless, Hogg’s masterplan is to, get this, drive a wedge between the NRA and NRA members using wild-eyed conspiracy theories spiked with venom against Dana Loesch.

While appearing on the Clown News Network (CNN) Hogg’s bitter immaturity and belief in childish things made him look equal parts mean, helpless, manipulated, and ridiculous.  The only thing Hogg appears to have learned from the silly conspiracy theories surrounding him is how to spread his own.  First he gave Loesch a promotion from mere spokesperson of the NRA to CEO.  Then he revealed that Loesch is a super-secret lobbyist for gun manufacturers.  Then no, it’s gets worse.  Loesch is an arms dealer who actually sells guns.  But Hogg saved his most frightening revelation for last.  Apparently, Loesch is the leader of some sinister organization, a bloodthirsty villainess who’s comfortable in the knowledge that she owns Congress and politicians.

And in responding to what was Hogg’s sizable avalanche of ‘fake news’, all the host of the laughably-titled ‘Reliable Sources’ could do was ask in awe, “Where does the information come from when you talk about this?”  Hogg quickly put the question to rest with this bit of precision craftsmanship saying, “My previous research in speech and debate through learning about universal background checks, having to argue on both sides.”  And it was then that Hogg revealed that he sees a future for himself in both media and politics.  Are we witnessing a young ‘Jake Tapper’ in the making, attempting to make a career for himself on the dead bodies of his classmates?  Perhaps it’s time for the young Mr. Hogg to undergo a psych evaluation of his own.

And then during Monday’s bizarre episode of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” that this little twerp declared that it’s Gov. Rick Scott who should be seen as being responsible for the Broward County Sheriff Department’s actions, or inaction, leading up to and during the Parkland school shooting.  Hogg said, “I’m glad you bring that up. It is raising concern the fact they didn’t go up, but that brings up two things. One, how can we expect our teachers to step in and take action if trained security guards part of the sheriff’s department wouldn’t take action. And two, why are these elected officials trying to blame this on the bureaucracy. They’re in charge of them. This is their fault. They should have been regulating them.”

He said, “I’m not going to allow them to pressure these people because at the end of the day it’s their fault. These elected officials are the boss of these sheriff personnel and just like the president is the boss of the FBI, Governor Rick Scott is essentially the boss of Scott Israel the sheriff, and as such he should be held accountable and can’t blame this on the bureaucracy and expect to get reelected.”  He added, “I want to point something out, that football coach was a security guard and he was protecting those students. He is one of the people that stepped in, unlike those cowardly Broward County Sheriff’s officials. Honestly, I fully support law enforcement and we always should. Without them, I wouldn’t be able to speak here today.”

And he concluded by saying, “We wouldn’t have a functioning democracy where everybody can practice their First Amendment right to freedom of speech. Sadly, these are a few individuals did not conduct their job correctly but I don’t think it’s right that Governor Rick Scott is blaming this on the bureaucracy in an effort to get reelected.”  What this imbecile chooses to ignore is the fact that Rick Scott is NOT “essentially the boss of Scott Israel the sheriff.”  Also Hogg’s eagerness to accuse those of blaming “the bureaucracy in an effort to get reelected” might have something to do with the fact that his father, Kevin Hogg, happens to be a retired FBI agent.  Thus it was dear old dad who was a member of this very same bureaucracy.

And then it was also on Monday that Hogg took time out to attack President Trump for allegedly evading the draft during the Vietnam War in the 1960s.  Hogg wrote, “Calling the sheriff a coward is so ironic coming from a man who evaded the draft multiple times due to his power and influence. @realDonaldTrump you’re a hypocrite that is owned by the NRA please prove me wrong.”  Trump has criticized as a coward the Broward County Sheriff’s deputy who served as the resource officer at the school, for hiding outside from the gunman rather than entering the school building and confronting him with deadly force during the February 14 attack by a former student that killed 17 students and faculty.  An accusation that I thought was justified.

After having watched those on the left continue to fall all over this kid I can’t help but wonder how long it might be before we see out on the campaign trail with the likes of ‘Mad Maxine’ Waters or any number other hardcore leftwing anti-gun Democrats up for re-election this year.  And as much as I hate to be the one to bust this kid’s balloon, it was Obummer's policies that lead to this shooter NOT being arrested for a felony when he shot his neighbor's animals.  Not to mention the other 38 times that the police were called to his home.  And it was the dynamic duo of Obummer/Holder who went after those schools that suspended children and who didn't want to see them arrested.  That’s where he should focus his ‘anger.’

And for those who may think I’m coming down too hard on this kid, all I have to say is when you venture out into the media and start throwing around loaded terms, as this kid has done, you become fair game for criticism.  Not all of that criticism might be “fair” but that's how life is.  He's exploiting memes and really he's just being a dumb kid who's getting caught up in the media exposure.  And what he's spewing is really nothing more than nonsensical garbage and pure propaganda.  He knows virtually nothing about the topic at hand.  Being a survivor of such an event does not qualify one as being any sort of an expert on public policy. If anything it makes one less reliable because one cannot detach the emotion(s) of the event from the discussion.

Monday, February 26, 2018


It never ceases to amaze me how it is that members of our illustrious state-controlled media, even the many disgraced ones, continue to hold themselves to a much different standard than those who choose to disagree with them on nearly every important issue.  So when during this past Sunday’s episode of CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” ex-Communist Broadcasting System (CBS) “Evening News” anchor Dan Rather likened President Donald Trump to a “fertilizer spreader in a windstorm,” I’m sure very few people were surprised.  It’s a mentality we come to expect.

And it was during this interview that old Dan said, “Most people understand that they’re facing on a daily basis from the White House and from the president himself the rough equivalent you’re facing a fertilizer spreader in a windstorm. And it is past the point of shock with the president.  That Donald Trump, in his mind, you can argue he’s delusional, he thinks he’s triumphant. You say well he’s 35% approval ratings, how you can think that? I have no explanation, but that’s what he thinks.”  Actually, it’s the ‘news’ media that’s doing all the spreading of fertilizer.

Now I’m sure most folks remember very well exactly how it was that old Dan came to lose his rather prestigious anchor position at CBS’s ‘news’ back in 2004. How it was when just two months before the election, he and his crack news team, there at 60 Minutes II, reported that George W. Bush had been AWOL during his time in the National Guard. He based this claim on some documents provided to him by a guy named Bill Burkett.  It turned out that the documents were forgeries.  Rather and his team never bothered to authenticate them.  He simply didn’t see the need.

On the subject of President Trump’s approval ratings, as of last week, they stood at 50 percent, which is higher than Barry ‘O’ was at the same time in his presidency.  Which is pretty amazing considering the endless amount of ‘bad press’ he continues to get and has gotten practically since the day he announced his candidacy.  So if President Trump is a loser, then Barry ‘O’ is the bigger loser.  And whether he is popular or not is irrelevant, what’s of far greater importance is his honest desire to do all that he can in his effort to help the most Americans.

The fact that President Trump happens to have very high poll numbers these days doesn’t really matter.  Because polls go up and polls go down and the truth is polls don't really matter much until an election, which, as they say, is the only poll that really matters.  And this accusation is coming from a guy who tried to interfere with an election by spreading a proven FALSE letter vilifying W. Bush.  His credibility is zero and yet he has the nerve to show his face and to call President Trump delusional! Our news media is now little more than a source of propaganda.

And what I find ironic is that we have the Clown News Network interviewing a boob like Dan Rather?  I mean, here we have the ‘fake news’ network interviewing a proven dispenser of ‘fake news’.  But let’s talk about whose actually delusional.  The leftist agenda of taking our guns, now that’s delusional.  Or the parading children victims out on stage, brainwashing them and using them to push your ridiculously rehearsed talking points thinking that the American people are too stupid to see exactly what these leftist sociopaths are doing, that’s also delusional.   

And let’s face it, Rather was one of the very earliest poster boys for ‘fake news’, but he was, and remains, a member of a rather infamous crowd in the regard.  He tried to deceive us with what was nothing more than ‘fake news.’  He ended up being busted and he forced to resign.  But here he is, still being treated like he someone worthy of being listened to.  Liberals love their hateful liberal media scum.  It's the only way to explain how networks like CNN, NPR, MSNBC continue to remain on the air.  Sadly journalism is America is dead, and it’s been dead for a long time.

Friday, February 23, 2018


Only bad things can happen when one of the good guys simply isn’t up to the task at hand.  And nothing makes that more clear than the recent shooting at a high school in Florida.  It seems that the sheriff’s deputy who was on duty at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School saw retreat as being his primary plan of action, as he failed to go in and confront the gunman.  This poor excuse of a first responder type has since resigned in order to avoid being suspended.  I hope he has nightmares forever.

Anyway, it was ABC 13 that reported Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel had confirmed the deputy, Scott Peterson, was no longer with the Sheriff’s department.  Israel said he viewed video of the incident, saw Peterson “arrive at the west side of Building 12, take a position” but never go in.  As a result, the sheriff’s office moved to suspend Peterson, who resigned before the suspension could take place.  And rumor now has is that this loser, Peterson, and decided to simply retire.

So here we had this deputy cowering outside while the children he was there to protect lay dying.  Perhaps someone from the Clown News Network (CNN) should go and interview all of this cowardly deputy’s family members, ex-schoolmates, former employers, etc., like they do with the shooters family.  They can ask them if he was a coward all of his life, and did they notice anything about his behavior recently that would have revealed that he would turn out to be such a gutless coward? 

But that would likely be too much to expect from any of the clowns there on CNN.  Besides, that would likely have an adverse effect on the narrative that they have worked so hard to cultivate.  The shooting lasted six minutes and he was hiding outside for four of those minutes. How many died in those four minutes?  Or maybe the better question would be, how many could he have saved?  One, three, five, ten or maybe even more?  But we’ll never know because all he did was to call for backup!

And I’m sure it won’t be long before this gutless wonder of a deputy will have those on the left rushing to his defense.  Hell, maybe they are already even as we speak.  And I’m sure there will be more than a few asking, “What was it that you expected this poor man to do?”  Well, the answer to that is a relatively simple one, I expected him to do his job.  He was essentially the last line of defense against this kind of event, he was there to prevent such a thing from happening.  And he failed miserably.

And we’ve all heard the accusations coming from the left about how we who support the National Rifle Association (NRA) as well as the Second Amendment all have blood on our hands.  Sorry, but I refuse to accept that I am in any way at fault for what occurred at this high school, or for the fact that the deputy put there to safeguard those children decided to turn chicken.  The ones with blood on their hands are the ones who continue to support the idiocy in making schools “gun free” zones.

It was just this past Thursday that we had Barry’s one time ‘Green Czar’, and self-described communist, Van Jones, appearing on CNN’s “Newsroom,” and while discussing school shootings he made the claim that many young people in favor of gun control see the National Rifle Association (NRA) as the Ku Klux Klan.  Jones said, ”We haven’t had the kind of innovation, experimentation, trying of things—I don’t know of any of the things being proposed would make any difference at all yet.”

And this boob went on to say, “But we should know more than we know right now. We should have been able to try things, and we haven’t been able to. So now what’s happening is you have a whole generation of young people who essentially see the NRA as their enemy. To them, the NRA is like the KKK. It’s just some hostile force that is against them, that’s risking their lives.”  He added, “These kids, they’re not fighting for their future—they’re fighting for their right to survive, to have a future.”

The rhetoric coming from these anti-gun zealots, like Jones, continues to get more and more incendiary in nature with each new atrocity.  And what they seem not to realize is because of the toxic language used when describing those with whom they disagree, the only thing they’re really accomplishing here is to drive up the amount of money donated to the NRA by folks like myself.  Things have now moved well beyond being able to have any sort of a civilized discussion on the topic of guns.

In other news, one of the left’s arguments for banning guns is based on the fact that 2/3 of gun deaths involve suicide, yet they want to force doctors to assist in the suicide of troubled individuals instead.  Mental health represents one of the largest threats facing this country today and a very significant portion of it originates from liberalism itself. And I would argue that we would not be where we are today if the mentally ill liberals in Congress had received treatment years ago.

And if you look at leftist websites, you’ll see how people are saying, “see look, this proves that a good guy with a gun doesn’t stop a bad guy with a gun. Armed teachers won’t do anything either.”  So therefore we shouldn’t expect that armed good guys will do something.  The truth is that if you arm ten teachers, maybe two or three will decide to act.  As the public now sees, there are cowards even in police departments.  You will always have those who simply sit back and those who will ALWAYS rush in.

So it only stands to reason that the more willing teachers you allow to armed, the more likely it is than one will choose to act.  Moreover, what deterrent effect there is can be achieved with as little as 10% of the faculty being armed. A potential assailant has no idea who is or isn't carrying a gun.  Teachers don’t want to be sitting ducks either.  Most will fight back when it counts.  Even if “MOST” were not up to the task, if you had 5% to 10% step up under pressure, this problem would be solved.

And after one or two school shooters get their brains blown out by an armed teacher I’d be willing to bet that it would be enough to deter any cowardly punk from doing it in the future.  If it didn’t totally stop the carnage, it would surely make it much less likely; saving countless young lives.  Anyone with the slightest of analytical ability can see this. If someone opposes it, their critical thinking is severely skewed or they have an entirely political agenda and could care less about the lives of the school children.

There are over 300 million guns in America and our porous borders won’t be ably defended for the near term, so their call for gun control to save the children is a deceitful con and scam like most of their communist policies. Those that perpetuate it are condemning more children to death instead of changing policies to actually solve the problem.  They are pushing Communist doctrine to further their agenda knowing full well it will cost countless lives if they are successful.

And if you think Barry ‘O’s intention was anything other than to disarm the law abiding citizens you are delusional.  Sales are down slightly because Barry was the best gun salesman in the history of gun sales.  So many guns were purchased that demand dropped. Just another example of more Democrat lunacy.  Democrats, the party of unintended consequences.  Their effort to disarm the public and eliminate the Second Amendment actually resulted in more gun ownership.  Comical.

Thursday, February 22, 2018


First of all let me start off by saying that despite what many of those in the Democrat Party would like everyone to believe, taking my guns will NOT prevent the next mass shooting from occurring whether it takes place at a school or in some Vegas hotel parking lot.  Second, we all need to remember that these demands for stricter gun laws have nothing to do with public safety, or even about gun control.  What it’s about, and what it’s always been about, is people control.  And if you can’t bring yourself to see that then clearly you are someone who should never ever be permitted to own a gun, of any kind.  Because that’s what drives the left’s effort at gun control. 

If you’re like me you were totally unaware that last night the Clown ‘News’ Network (CNN) sponsored what they laughably billed as being a ‘town hall’, the purpose of which appeared to be nothing more than attempt to shame those of us who are proud defenders of our Second Amendment.  And I can now say that my low regard for both Jake Tapper and CNN has now officially bottomed out.  They showed themselves as being beneath the dignity of anything approaching honest journalism.  As we have long known, when the left can't win a debate with facts they always attack the opponent, and get emotional.  And this town hall/hatefest, was no exception.  

As we all know emotion solves nothing, and those people who continue using it fail to understand that fact.  They scream, and they yell thinking that it helps them make their point, but such antics demonstrate nothing but their desperation.  Let them scream at their next mass murder scene when their lack of effective ideas does nothing to solve the problem.  This ‘town hall’ was nothing more than a pathetic use of raw emotion by CNN in an attempt to undercut our Second Amendment rights. The Second Amendment distinguishes between free people and slaves, and it was enacted into our Constitution as the citizens’ check on an abusive government.

This scripted student, that loon teacher, this buffoon sheriff, and that shill crowd want to blame the gun rather than blame the monster who pulled the trigger.  And if this incompetent sheriff really believes that 18-year-olds are just “immature kids,” as he put it, and, therefore, shouldn't be permitted to own a gun, then maybe we need to revisit the entire concept of whether 18-year-olds should be permitted to vote.  Further, where is the blame on the FBI for failing to investigate this obviously very twisted individual when it admits that in early January it was given specific and concrete information about him and his desire to shoot up a school?

And further, where is the blame on this blowhard, buffoon of a sheriff for not taking the necessary steps to have this monster committed when the police were sent to his home on at least 39 separate occasions. This monster was a ticking time bomb and Sheriff Blowhard did absolutely nothing!  And I may be in the minority here but is anybody else starting to hate these smug and snot-nosed little brats and their condescending tones?  I'm sorry for what happened to their school but I WON'T be lectured or talked down to by a 17 year old punk still living with mommy and daddy. The United States doesn't make public policy based on the tantrums thrown by kids.

And it was during this freakshow event that we heard from Democrat Senator Bill Nelson who, in seizing the emotion of the event, indicated that he now wants to ban over 200 different rifles in response to last week’s Florida school shooting.  Nelson, for those of you who may not be aware, is up for re-election this November which might help to explain his rather overzealous, and albeit rather disgusting, approach to dealing with this most recent tragedy.  And it was also Nelson who, back on February 15 and 16, took the opportunity to claim the AR-15 is “not for hunting” but for killing.  Because of this, he says the AR-15 does not enjoy Second Amendment protections.   

Nelson knows it’s not the guns, that it's the evil people pulling the triggers that commit the murder of innocents.  But he sees an opportunity begging to be taken advantage of and he can’t bring himself to let it go by.  Does he really believe taking guns away from law-abiding citizens will in any way stop someone that is hell-bent on killing innocent people?  Of course not.  People shoot people, people stab people, people run people over with vehicles, people beat people with baseball bats and on and on.  The only way to stop a bad person with a gun is with a (trained) good person with a gun.  You know that, I know that, and even this boob, Nelson, knows that.

And you would think that any individual reasonably educated would understand that our Second Amendment was not thought to be important enough to be included in our Constitution simply for the purpose of hunting.  The Second Amendment was put in place as being our hedge against tyranny and it provides to “We the People” the ability, as well as the right, to defend ourselves.  Thank God the Founders guaranteed our right to keep and bear arms.  They wanted the citizenry to possess the same hardware as the military, back then.  And it remains to this day that the millions of gun owners in America are the very best deterrent against any wannabe dictator.

And as a result of CNN’s anti-gun town hall/hate-fest, it appears that both the event itself and its kooky left-wing moderator, Jake Tapper, are now both facing widespread criticism over what many saw as a being a “show trial,” of sorts. Tapper is being singled out for much of the criticism from those who say he remained silent as abusive personal attacks were hurled at both Sen. Marco Rubio and NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch.  At the Wednesday night spectacle, those in favor of protecting our Second Amendment civil rights were seriously outnumbered by an audience packed with hostile gun-haters and emotional questioners, including children.

According to various reports, the anti-gun participants of this obviously staged event were provided with scripted questions all of which were written and provided by CNN.  Now of course the last-place network has denied this by accusing a school shooting survivor of being a liar.  His accusation, however, can be considered as very credible given CNN’s long and rather disturbing history of using plants.  Throughout the hour, the audience heckled, howled, and poured derision on Loesch and Rubio.  Other than admonishing his audience for calling Loesch a “murderer,” Tapper stood by in silent approval as abuse and personal attacks rained down on his outnumbered guests.

Tapper, who likes to present himself as male feminist, also chose to remain silent when the audience booed a rape survivor who now supports the Second Amendment. CNN and Tapper, a former Democrat operative and Salon contributor, have faced growing criticism over the climate of hate the network frequently manufactures against President Trump and his supporters, or anyone on the right — oftentimes through fake news.  Tapper frequently attacks others over their tone and rhetoric, he does so while ginning up hatred against Trump by smearing the president as “un-American,” “unhinged,” and “unmoored.”  It’s just what he does, it’s ‘fake news.’

And when it comes to what it is that Tapper and his network would have us believe, and some of the facts they would prefer that we remain unaware of, consider the following:

Myth: Gun availability is what is causing school shootings

Fact: Schoolyard shootings have been occurring since at least 1974, so it is not a new phenomenon due to increases in gun ownership.

Fact: More than 50% of these murderers started thinking about their assaults two or more weeks before the shooting, and 75% planned-out their attacks, showing that these events are not spontaneous.

Fact: In rural areas, guns are everywhere, and children are taught to shoot at young ages – yet these areas are almost devoid of schoolyard shootings. Clearly, availability is not the issue.

Myth: Gun availability leads to massacres.

Fact: In 62% of mass public shootings, the assailant had a history of having “displayed signs of mental health problems prior to the killings.”
Myth: Assault weapons are a serious problem in the U.S.

Fact: In 1994, before the Federal “assault weapons ban,” you were eleven (11) times more likely to be beaten to death than to be killed by an “assault weapon.”

Fact: In the first 7 years since the ban was lifted, murders declined 43%, violent crime 43%, rapes 27% and robberies 49%.

Fact: Nationally, “assault weapons” were used in 1.4% of crimes involving firearms and 0.25% of all violent crime before the enactment of any national or state “assault weapons” ban. In many major urban areas (San Antonio, Mobile, Nashville, etc.) and some entire states (Maryland, New Jersey, etc.) the rate is less than 0.1%.

Fact: Even weapons misclassified as “assault weapons” (common in the former Federal and California “assault weapons” confiscations) are used in less than 1% of all homicides.

Fact: Police reports show that “assault weapons” are a non-problem:

And lastly, if we are foolish enough to allow the Democrats, along with a certain number of RINO Republicans, to exploit these obviously distraught children in their effort to convince us that we need to willingly relinquish our Second Amendment rights, and that we would somehow be better off by doing so, then it truly is the beginning of the end.  Personally, if I were ever to lose a child in such a horrific way, I would be far angrier at those who missed the many warning signs as well as at those who insist upon making our schools ‘gun free zones’ which do nothing more than to turn our children into targets.  And what is it that motivates them to do so?

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Apparently more determined than ever, in his effort to be the biggest pain in the ass imaginable as he now heads for the exit, pro-open borders, and soon to be ex- senator, Jeff Flake has committed to introducing what is his likely dead-on-arrival immigration legislation that would, if passed, result in giving amnesty to potentially millions of illegal aliens in exchange for three years of funding for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. What a deal, how could anyone say no to that?  Right?

Flake recently took pen to paper composing a Washington (Com)Post op-ed in which this avid supporter of wage-crushing, mass low-skilled immigration into the U.S., said his minor wall funding-for-amnesty plan is necessary because the nearly 800,000 illegal aliens enrolled on the ex-president Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program “represent the very best of America.”  How is it that those who are the very best of America are actually here ILLEGALLY?    

Anyway, it was in his little piece that Flake wrote, “But there are teachers, students and members of the military who are DACA recipients. They are friends and colleagues who represent the very best of America — hard workers and productive members of their families and communities — and they do not have the luxury of accepting defeat and moving on to the next agenda item.”

While admitting defeat regarding his effort, and that of a few of his fellow Establishment Republican’s, to work with Democrats to pass what would be nothing short of a massive, wage-cutting amnesty plan without any reduction, whatsoever, to current legal immigration levels, whereby more than one million mostly low-skilled legal immigrants are admitted to the country annually, Flake, like the true spineless RINO that he is, placed blame for that defeat squarely on President Trump.

And Flake, in what can only be described as being true RINO fashion, made clear his true colors by choosing to be one of 14 pro-amnesty and business-first RINO senators who chose to block a President Trump-endorsed immigration plan that would have given DACA illegal aliens amnesty while eventually reducing the number of legal immigrants who enter the country every year to raise the wages and quality of life of America’s working and middle class.  Flake is nothing but a disgusting liar.   

Flake went on to write, “But if I’m being candid, after what we’ve experienced over these past weeks, I can’t see this Congress agreeing with this president on a package that includes a path to citizenship for DACA participants coupled with significant changes to our legal immigration structure. That comprehensive immigration reform has proved to be beyond our grasp.”

And he added, “That is why, when the Senate reconvenes next week, the first action I will take will be to introduce a bill extending DACA protections for three years and providing $7.6 billion to fully fund the first three years of the administration’s border-security proposal. I’ll be the first to admit this “three for three” approach is far from a perfect solution, but it would provide a temporary fix by beginning the process of improving border security and ensuring DACA recipients will not face potential deportation.”

And in putting forward this plan of his, Flake makes very clear exactly which side of the immigration issue he’s on.  Because you see, his plan does not include any of the illegal immigration reforms that the Trump administration has demanded, including provisions that would close legal loopholes to more swiftly and effectively stem illegal immigration at the border.  So it should come as a surprise to no one, including Flake himself, that he’s a one term wonder being encouraged to head toward the exit.  

After all, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has made it abundantly clear that without closing the legal loopholes outlined by the agency in an immigration deal, a border wall would stand alone trying to deter illegal immigration without any other major reforms to keep illegal aliens from entering the country.  But such warnings always seem to fall on deaf ears when it comes to the anti-America, pro-illegal immigration crowd in the Democrat Party and to RINOs like Flake.

The entire concept of expansive amnesty is nothing short of insanity.  Because it has the potential of becoming uncontrollable and could therefore result in a stifling of recent wage increases that American workers have enjoyed due to President Trump’s “America First” immigration enforcement measures.  But such a notion seems not to bother, in the least, supporters of such a concept.  And they pretend that such a claim is nothing more than an argument made by those who are anti-immigration.

And it’s Flake’s plan that would almost immediately flood the U.S. labor market with at least an additional permanent one to 3.5 million foreign nationals who would be legalized and thus eligible to legally compete for working and middle-class jobs against Americans, as well as a flood of illegal alien workers who would likely storm the U.S.-Mexico border in the wake of an amnesty.  We must work on preventing those from entering our country illegally.  We can no longer afford not to.  

And I can only assume that Flake must hate legal American citizens as much as the Democrats do.  If he views law-breaking invaders, illegal aliens, as representing the best, what other conclusion is there.  And at what point is it that these invaders no longer represent the best of America?  When they rape or murder American citizens?  Or when they get away with crimes committed in sanctuary cities and states that legal Americans would normally be sent to prison for committing?  Just sayin’.

Let’s face it, Flake and his RINO buddies are little more than traitors.  These DACA illegal aliens are nothing but a bunch of anti-American, anti-White, culturally violent, welfare dependent, spiteful and vindictive parasites who have no desire to assimilate. And why would these RINOs want millions more people who, after gaining their U.S. citizenship, would proceed to reliably vote Democrat?  I mean where’s the logic in that?  And why are they in that big of a hurry to bring about their political demise?

Why is it that so many RINOs seem so willing to take part in bringing about their own political suicide by allowing unlimited immigration?  Low labor costs can only be part of it.  Flake claims they represent the very best of America, and yet in Flake's home state of Arizona, studies show they're much more likely to commit crimes.  And yet we’re supposed to believe that DACA recipients are all valedictorians, soldiers or doctors.  It is much more likely that they’re high school dropouts and gang bangers.

Those of us who voted for President Trump know how exactly how this immigration problem can be, and should be, solved.  And we all remember how it was that he promised to get it solved.  It’s all quite simple, really, and we should not be willing to accept any diversions from, allowances for, or variations of, the plan regarding how we all know it needs to be implemented.  The plan is pretty basic and of course it begins with the building of a big beautiful wall.  The simple plan is as follows:

1. Build the wall.
2. Terminate all benefits given to illegal aliens and their family members.
3. Enforce all immigration laws.
4. Crack down on businesses and employers that hire illegal aliens.
5. Deport all illegal aliens and anchor babies.
6. Terminate all funding for sanctuary cities and states.
7. Implement and enforce E-Verify.
8. End chain migration.
9. Terminate visa lottery system.
10. Arrest all politicians and businesses that harbor illegal aliens.
11. End the anchor baby BS. Anchor babies are not USA citizens.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


You know, it just never fails.  Every time we have one of these tragic shooting events everyone on the left somehow feels entitled to chastise those of us law abiding citizens who one a gun.  You know, like we’re children and we need to be careful with our toys or we’ll end up having them taken away.  It’s always in the wake of mass shootings, where inevitably the shooter’s weapon of choice was a rifle with a high-capacity magazine, that leftists always harp on their nonsensical “he wouldn’t have killed as many if he only had a knife” narrative.  And while I hate to sass my self-proclaimed superiors, it’s according to the FBI that knives are used in far more killings than rifles each year, and it’s not really even close.

You see, according to a FBI report, “[R]ecent statistics from 2016 show that knives actually kill nearly five times as many people as rifles that year.”   In 2016, 1,604 people were killed with a bladed instrument, while rifles were only used in 374 murders.  In 2013, the numbers were similar: 1,490 killed by knives, 285 by rifles.  Yet, the Left screams “ban assault rifles now!”  These “military grade” weapons must look a lot scarier to Democrats.  The dramatic looks of the weapon are equally matched by the dramatic rhetoric of the Left which demonizes this particular firearm above all others.  Banal-looking handguns are much further down their lists even though deaths due to handguns are the highest of all.

And then we can add to that the blatant propaganda now being peddled by the Communist Broadcasting System (CBS) that puts forward the idiotic claim that here in Florida it’s much easier to buy an “assault rifle” than anti-diarrhea medicine, in bulk.  They had to emphasize the buying in “bulk” because buying small quantities of the medicine is as easy as walking into the store, grabbing the package, paying for it, and walking out.  However, as any intelligent person knows, buying any kind of rifle entails walking into the store, picking out the rifle wanted, filling out ATF form 4473, handing over one’s ID, wandering around in the store while they call the FBI and do a background check, then paying for the gun and walking out.

The diarrhea medication scenario and that of purchasing a rifle are nowhere near comparable.  But never fear, CBS News lists four other things which they believe prove that it’s way too easy to acquire an “assault rifle” in Florida.   Those four things are the purchasing of medical marijuana, the use of which is against federal law, purchasing 25 pounds or more of fertilizer, obtaining a marriage license, and purchasing the types of cold medicine used to make methamphetamine.   CBS News points out that those wanting a marriage license in the state of Florida have to wait a “mandatory three days” before the license is valid.  They acknowledge that out-of-state residents face no such waiting period.

And in order to make their fertilizer comparison work, these geniuses at CBS had to go with 25 pounds of fertilizer or more because you can walk right into your local fertilizer store, pick up 24 pounds or less, and walk right out.  The cold medicine scenario doesn’t hold up under scrutiny because such a purchase simply requires showing one’s valid ID.  So, in reality, buying a regular pack of anti-diarrhea meds, 24 pounds of fertilizer or less, eloping to Florida to get married, or buying a package of cold medicine are all far easier than buying an “assault rifle.”   The making of such nonsensical claims by those in the media is precisely the reason why fewer and fewer people are paying any attention to those in the media.

In truth, other than spending an inordinate amount of time on the brainwashing of our children regarding how it is that our constitutional republic is actually designed to function, our schools also spend a great deal of time teaching our children how to be little more than victims in all aspects of their lives.  Going on offense has become completely foreign to them. They hear a shot and they drop to their knees to be executed.  Sure a different attitude than what I grew up with.  Fight back. Fight for your life in any way you can.  Let teachers be armed that want to be armed, but don't advertise who is and who isn't.  Uncertainty will likely deter most criminals. I'm sorry but being a pacifist when it's your life at stake makes me sick.

When was the last time we heard of a mass shooting where the perpetrator used a bona fide fully automatic weapon?  Never!  At least none that were purchased as such.  Why? Because they've been banned for decades.  So, those bent on such destruction simply move to the next most deadly legal weapon.  So suppose we ban AR-15s.  What will these homicidal types do then?   Well, what they always do, move to the next most deadly legal weapon, most likely just another semi-automatic rifle.  Ban those, and they move to semi-auto handguns, and so on and so forth.  Some laws may cut off certain avenues of action for these criminals, but pretending we can magically stop shootings with a few NEW laws is the height of naïveté.

Look, there are roughly 300,000,000 guns in America.  Of those, only approximately 11,000 will be used to commit homicides, this year.  That’s .004% of all guns that will end being used to commit homicides, this year.  And yet, if you spend any amount of time listening to those who comprise our state-controlled ‘news’ media you’d think things were far more grim.  And all of this ‘fake news’ is coming from the same leftwing cast of characters.  Now I can only assume that they must think that if they continue lying to us over and over again, about anything political, that we will eventually come to accept what they’re telling us as true.  If that is in fact what motivates these producers of such propaganda I have a surprise for them. 

Monday, February 19, 2018


Isn’t it odd how the loudest accusations regarding the fitness of President Trump to serve as our president because of his being a racist, or mentally ill, or a sociopath most always originate from what has become a particular enclave comprised of individuals who are some of the most racist, most perverted and, dare I say, dangerously mentally ill people in the entire country.   And I can’t help but wonder if there will ever come a day when any of those on the left, especially these very same people, will come to grips with the fact that it is they who are most responsible for Donald Trump’s being elected president in the first place.  Because were it not for the fact that a socialist was elected in 2008 and 2012, and another socialist was the Democrat candidate in 2016, a Democrat would now be sitting on the Oval Office.  

And yet useful idiots like everyone’s favorite ‘Meat Head’, Rob Reiner, continue their assaults on our president with Reiner having now escalated his attacks on President Trump just this past Sunday, when he took to social media to demand that Republican ‘patriots’ take a stand to “end” what he called the ‘sickness’ of his presidency. The 70-year-old filmmaker, an all too frequent critic of the president who previously launched a committee to explore possible Russian interference in the 2016 presidential race, blasted President Trump in a Twitter rant in apparent response to a school shooting in Florida this week that left 17 people dead and 15 others injured.  Perhaps he should spend a bit more of his time trying to make movies that turn out to be other than box office flops instead of continuing to harp about the president.

Anyway, it was in his recent twitter rant that old ‘Meat Head’ wrote, “How much longer do we have to put up with a mentally ill sociopath?”  And then in demonstrating his rather obvious lack of originality he went on to write, “When the f*cked up psyche of the leader of the free world comes before the horrific deaths of innocent children, it’s time for GOP patriots to stand up and end this sickness.”  Reiner repeatedly criticized President Trump on his Twitter account this week, both in response to the Florida attack and to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s indictments of 13 Russian nationals for some alleged interference in our 2016 presidential campaign.  Rarely in any of his idiotic Twitter rants does ‘Meat Head’ prove anything other than the fact he has become nearly completely unhinged.  It’s all so bizarre.

And it was in a Friday post that ‘Meat Head’ appeared to go so far as to actually accuse the president of treason after the Mueller’s indictments were announced.  He wrote, “It is now crystal clear that Russia had a profound impact on the 2016 election.” And then went on to write, “They have attacked US, they are continuing to attack US. If Trump is unwilling to acknowledge this and unwilling to protect US, the word TREASON is now center stage.”  I always find it more than a little hypocritical whenever I hear these leftwing loons, like old ‘Meat Head’, throwing around the T-word.  Because there is nowhere else in this country that will you find a more concentrated number of treasonous vipers than right there in Hollyweird.  After all, if Liberalism is a mental illness, which it is, then Hollyweird is the psycho ward.

And of course ‘Meat Head’ also took the opportunity to accuse President Trump of failing to act on guns due to influence from the National Rifle Associate (NRA).  He wrote, “There are 21,000,000 reasons why Donald Trump refuses to protect our children from being slaughtered by guns.”  And added, “The NRA has deep pockets. But we will show them that our hearts and our pockets are deeper than theirs.”  Reiner spoke at the anti-Trump Women’s March Los Angeles in January, where he accused the president of “tearing away at the fabric of our democracy.”  Earlier this month, the filmmaker referred to President Trump’s presidency as “the last battle of the Civil War” while accepting some silly social justice award from the even sillier African American Film Critics Association Awards in Beverly Hills. 

‘Meat Head’ has worked for years toward the destruction of America.  He’s a confused soul who believes so many things that aren't true, because reality does not comport with his particular perspective.  His life has been pampered and protected and so far removed is he from the common folk that refuses to acknowledge that stricter gun laws leave those same common folk vulnerable to hoodlums and tyrants, while the elite, like himself, are shielded by private security and are treated deferentially by public servants. President Trump didn't cause this violence, he didn't collude with the Russians, he didn't sell our uranium to any hostile powers and he didn't abandon a girlfriend to drown in a sinking car. President Trump is the least threatening man in Washington.  I'm not so sure about anyone else there these days. 

I do think it’s important to keep in mind that as far as those like ‘Meat Head’ are concerned, it's all about being a means to an end!  Most of these devoted leftists, who now comprise the Democrat Party, are of the opinion that our Constitution needs to be shredded in order for them to achieve their goal of a global government!  They want to put an end to the ‘Bill of Rights’ included in our Constitution and the first thing they see as being in need of being removed is our Second Amendment!  All the great socialist heroes of the American left from Stalin, to Mao, to Castro, to Chavez were able to successfully disarm their populace prior to administering their forced enlightenment.  ‘Meat Head’ seems to favor disarming law-abiding citizens so his globalist pals can then force socialism and poverty upon the rest of us.

And finally here’s a question for which I’d like to hear an answer from old ‘Meat Head’.  Why is it, do you suppose, that Barry ‘O’ and his corrupt band of Democrats never even made an attempt to pass ANY sort of ‘meaningful’ gun control during the entire two years that they were in complete control of Congress?  Well, ‘Meat Head’, I’ll tell ya why!  Because even your beloved Democrats saw gun control as being political suicide and something that would likely have started an insurrection.  Shootings were happening during Barry's tenure and even though he did nothing, not a soul on the left was calling him treasonous, mentally ill, a sociopath or that he needed to be removed from office. So as far as I’m concerned, ‘Meat Head’, you and all your friends can take your sanctimonious, hypocritical BS and shove it where the sun don’t shine.