

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Liberal Democrat "Chuckie" Schumer, the Senate’s No. 3 Democrat, has also now gotten into the budget act having come out and accused all of those mean old Republicans of seeking to slow the U.S. economy for political gain in the ongoing debate over cutting budget deficits. And he insists that the Democrats now have the “upper hand” in the negotiations. Well, that would be only if the American people are as blind as they are stupid! Look, in just the last two years, which political party is it that has enacted more economy killing policies, policies that have actually succeeded in doing nothing more than to bring our economy to pretty much of a stand still. The evidence is pretty clear on that. Was it the Republican Party? No, "Chuckie," I'm afraid not, you pompous old gas bag. Our buddy "Chuckie" here, is really doing nothing more than to try to point a boney old finger at the Republicans when it's been the Democrats all along who have been busying themselves trying to kill our economy. And it was the Democrats who used the same tactics of which "Chuckie" speaks, against Bush, only at a time when the economy was actually chugging along quite well. In raising the rhetorical stakes in such a way, "Chuckie" really has accomplished nothing more than to reveal the level of desperation that must now present within his party. While party leaders are about as far apart as they can possibly be over any plan to cut the deficit and increase the U.S. debt limit, "Chuckie" said Republican leaders are seeking deep spending cuts as part of an effort to slow U.S. growth and to purposely hurt Barry "Almighty's" chances of winning re-election next year. Again, I guess he speaking from experience since he must be talking about how Democrats employed those tactics against then president Bush. “It is becoming clear that insisting on a slash-and-burn approach may be part of this plan,” "Chuckie" said today at the Economic Policy Institute in Washington. If there is a group anywhere more familiar with the use of such tactics, outside of al Qaeda of course, that would be the Democrat Party. “It has a double benefit for Republicans: It is ideologically tidy and it undermines the economic recovery, which they think only helps them in 2012.” The only party that has ever gone about the undermining of our economy in the hopes of achieving some level of political gain, it would be the Democrat Party. So, the two parties remain at odds over Republican demands that only spending cuts, and no tax increases, be included in a companion plan to cut record-high deficits. And as we all know, Democrats just hate to cut spending.

Barry, himself, has insisted time and time again that higher taxes must be part of any budget pact and warned of “significant and unpredictable” consequences if Congress doesn’t act soon to raise the debt ceiling. So, apparently, "Chuckie" remains pretty convinced that the Democrats will now have a distinct advantage from here on out in any deficit talks, in part because Republican leaders last week quit bipartisan negotiations, led by Vice President "Slow Joe" Biden, over the tax issue. But I have to ask, just how long can you spend beating your head against a wall before you simply have to say, enough is enough. And as those of us with children have experienced at some point in our lives, and on any number of occasions, you simply cannot reason with a 2 year old without eventually becoming reduced to a babbling idiot. And that is what the Democrat Party has now become, a bunch of two year olds, as well as a bunch babbling idiots. The public will likely blame Republicans for any default on obligations to bondholders, proclaimed "Chuckie," and Democrats should have little reason to compromise on any of "their" main demands. Those demands, of course, include higher revenue through higher taxes and a requirement that any deficit-reduction deal leave intact benefits for Medicare beneficiaries, he said. He declined to provide any numbers regarding the size of tax increases Democrats want to see in a final plan. Well of course he's not going to tell us now how high he wants raise our taxes. Republicans who “say they are perfectly willing to default on our obligations rather than give a single inch,” "Chuckie" said, are “testing the limits of these talks to see how possible it is to get a deal fully on their terms.” “I think they are bluffing,” he said. “We have a good opportunity to prevail on our critical priorities.” So "Chuckie," who I guess feels the situation calls for the making of threats has now thrown down the gauntlet and is advocating that the Democrats hold firm and force the Republican to simply abandon their demands. To surrender to the Democrats and to cower on some corner, allowing the Democrats to then drive us even farther into debt than they already have. Republicans had best not go wobbly now or any hopes of achieving any sort of election victory come 2012 will go up in smoke. "Chuckie" also rambled on about some “jobs agenda” that Senate Democrats plan to advance during the next six months, saying Democrats will propose a measure to boost highway construction, clean-energy legislation and a measure to overhaul the visa system for highly skilled immigrant workers. Democrats have us on the road to economic ruin and must not be permitted to win this fight.

So there you have the latest Democrat strategy that they see as providing them with the best chance they have of ramming something else down the throats of the American people. That being a tax hike to cover the cost of their rabid spending.


If Barry's news conference the other day accomplished anything, it underscored, once again and in very striking tones, what he sees as now being his strategy for winning the debt ceiling fight with Republicans. The reverting to that old Liberal Democrat tried and true tactic of making it a clash of the classes. It’s about to become all about victimization, about, Rich versus Poor, about Us versus Them and about those who support children, food safety, medical research and, presumably, puppies and apple pie versus those rich, and let's not forget evil, fat cats who don't. It's all just so twisted. Look, are we really going to fall for this same worn out rhetoric that has been around since, I can't remember when? Are we that easy to manipulate by this sleazy, corrupt politician and his even more corrupt party? Are we? Really? So I guess in the alternate universe where Barry currently resides, it's only the Democrats who are for kids while its those evil old Republicans, who are out only for corporate jets, and would just as soon throw all them kids under the bus. That is a sharp distinction that Barry hopes could help put the GOP on defensive, but it still may not be enough to persuade Republicans to change their posture on the debt-ceiling talks. Excuse me, but it’s the Republicans who are trying their best to preserve some semblance of a future for those very same kids, trying to prevent them from being essentially forced into servitude to an incredibly massive federal bureaucracy. The GOP has no reason to go on the defensive, all they need to do is to properly communicate the fallacy, as well as the blatant falsehood, of Barry's endlessly idiotic rhetoric. They need to find an articulate member of their group and to then present the facts as they truly exist, and their solutions for our present problem, circumventing the state-controlled media to the greatest extent possible, and going directly to the American people. They simply cannot afford to have their plan filtered through the very obvious liberal bias that permeates today's "mainstream" media. They should never turn down opportunities to make their case via those organizations that form the state-controlled media, but that should not be their primary avenue of choice in getting their ideas out to the American people.

Republicans have cast Barry "Almighty" as being nothing more than your traditional Liberal tax-raiser and a Big-Government spender and rightly so. I means let's be honest here, there has been more than enough proof made available over the course of his presidency, and before, to make that accusation stick. A presidency that, by the way, has already proven to be the most disastrous for this country since that of Jimmy "The Terrorist Lover" Carter. This latest lame attempt of his is, I guess, what he now sees as being the one weapon that may work to turn the Republicans' arguments against them. With more than his usual air of condescension and disdain, Barry even went so far as to dredge up the death of Osama bin Laden in his attempt to score some political points. Give me a break. "I've been doing Afghanistan, bin Laden and the Greek crisis," Barry said, jabbing Congress for being out of session so much. "You stay here. Let's get it done." Let's face it, Barry ain't been doing shit unless you count his very frequent little golf outings, the many fundraisers he has attended and any number of faux official trips which were essentially nothing more than extravagant family vacations. For him to stand up there and to say that he has been engaged throughout this entire process and has actually been leading on the issue is a joke and more than just a little disingenuous. In fact one might go so far as to call it a…lie. But as we have seen so many times throughout our history, the telling of lies doesn't hold the same stigma for Democrats as it does for the rest of us. It's nothing more than a means to an end. To them if the reaching of there desired goals requires a few lies to be told, so bet it. No harm, no foul. I'm sure we all remember quite well the steady stream of lies that we were told regarding Barry's supposed healthcare "reform." In fact we're still being told lies about it, only now the lies are coming from those individuals wearing the black robes of the judiciary. Judges, usually those appointed by liberals, can no longer be counted on to simply interpret the Constitution, now they read things into it that quite simply just aren't there.

In his news conference of a couple days ago, his first since March I might add, Barry insisted that the Democrats had made significant compromises in private talks by agreeing to billions of dollars in budget cuts that would hurt their voters. Not that would hurt Americans, only Democrat voters. You know the ones, the one who continue to pump out kids that they can't support, those who are here illegally and essentially anyone else that they’ve managed to get firmly attached to the government teat that they rest of us foot the bill for. Look, it is a solid gold political fact that Democrats do not compromise, never, they just don't, they only lie about doing so. They present the façade of compromise in order to concoct an image that then allows them to paint the opposition as not being unwilling to compromise. So let's not try to fool anyone here. And once again this is all nothing but a very transparent attempt by Barry to portray the Republicans as being nothing more than obstructionist. But, he whined, it's those stubborn Republicans who are refusing to bend by not agreeing to eliminate tax breaks to owners of those big fancy corporate jets and those evil, profit-rich oil companies. If Republicans get their way, Barry complained, the end result would be unbalanced deal that lifts the debt limit but forces the government to make deeper-than-necessary cuts. Don't you hate when your president is such a sniveling whiner? Then he did it, he went straight for the kids, saying that "If we do not have revenues, that means there are a bunch of kids out there who do not have college scholarships." "[It] might compromise the National Weather Services. It means we might not be funding critical medical research. It means food inspection might be compromised. I've said to Republican leaders, 'You go talk to your constituents and ask them, "Are you willing to compromise your kids' safety so some corporate-jet owner can get a tax break?" ' Sadly, there are probably enough Americans stupid enough to believe all of this tripe. Of course we know that roughly 99 percent of the black population in this country, completely unable to think for themselves, will lap it up, because, well because, that's what they do.

But just in case any viewers happened to miss his class-warfare message, Barry made sure to refer to those evil rich, corporate-jet owners, at least three more times before he finally taking his second question. Remember the game here folks, repeat the lie often enough, while getting plenty help from the state-controlled media complex, and soon enough the lie becomes something that is actually thought of as being true. But this was not the first time where Barry has spoken in what are the grimmest of terms about the consequences of cutting too deeply in order to strike a bargain that will win enough votes to raise the debt ceiling. But his rhetoric was sharper, and a bit more harsh, than it has been in the past, which may be an indicator of a certain level of desperation on his part. And it may well pose a bit of a risk this time around as it has the potential to anger Republican leaders just as he's supposedly trying convince all those watching that he's actually reaching out to them in compromise. Barry apparently has decided to throw caution to the wind and gamble that he will be able to muster up enough public pressure via his baseless accusations and will therefore end up in a better position to be able to force Republicans to bow to his demand. And as we all know, Barry is an expert when it comes to bowing. But Republicans are facing some pretty stiff pressure of their own; the influential Tea Party movement won't accept any tax increases and wants to see responsible budget cuts as being the option of choice when it comes to the debt limit. Barry's rhetoric may prove to do nothing more than to back them into a corner. Normally, the constitutionally challenged Barry seeks some kind of a middle of the road tone in his rhetoric, keeping his options open and burnishing his image as somebody always willing to find a bipartisan solution. An example of that was how he managed to tap dance around the issue of a New York law allowing for gay marriages during the same news conference. With liberal activists demanding that he support the measure and make gay marriage a cause of his presidency, Barry demurred. It's a states-rights issue, he said. "Each community is going to be different," Barry said. "Each state is going to be different." And said like he really believed it. NOT!

The bottom line here is that Barry and GOP leaders in Washington must soon come to grips with the fact that the nation's sluggish economy will almost certainly take a hit if Congress doesn't choose to increase the amount of money that the U.S. can borrow. Having said that, there has to be some rational spending cut made, because we simply cannot continue with our present level of insane spending. We simply cannot do it. Raising the debt limit was once a routine affair, but that now seems so long ago when the sums of money being discussed were nowhere near what we're taking about today. Republicans are demanding steep budget cuts and no tax increases as the price for votes in favor of raising the limit. All Barry and the Democrats want to do is to raise taxes, hence the stalemate. Barry hopes to save face, and as many Democrats favored government programs as he can. "The question now is, are we going to step up and get this done?" Barry said. He knows the answer is yes, and the only question is how. I guess by doing nothing more that acting like some political thug and calling the other side juvenile, school yard names, he thinks he can get the Republicans to acquiesce. Accusing them of just about everything possible so that they will eventually capitulate on their demands and come around to Barry's and the Democrats' way of thinking. I guess that's how Barry intends on getting this done. "Call me naive," Barry said, "but my expectation is leaders are going to lead." Barry is naive only if he thinks a single news conference is going to change the political paradigm. He's not naïve, what he is, is devious and insidious. And he should be very careful in that before he critiques the ability of others to lead, he should try doing a little of that himself. Because a leader he is not, nowhere close. He's just a fella who likes to vote present on the really tough issues while leaving the actual leadership, the heavy lifting so to speak, on important issues to someone else. It's just easier that way. And besides, it leaves him an out, where he has someone to blame if things go south. Not really a positive leadership trait.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


In what was essentially nothing more than a very obvious, as well as pretty blunt, challenge, maybe even a thinly veiled threat, directed specifically at Republicans in Congress, Barry "Almighty" insisted Wednesday that limiting selected tax breaks for oil companies and the super-wealthy must be part of any deficit reduction plan. "That's not radical," Barry said at a White House news conference. At the same time, he was quick to add that a bipartisan agreement to cut the deficit and raise the government's debt limit and to therefore avert a threatened financial crisis is possible. Sure anything is possible as long as the Republicans decide to cave on the tax hike issue. Democrats, on the other hand, would most likely get to keep pretty much every thing they want. After all, isn't that how these scumbag Democrats, Barry included, always operate in how they define any sort of compromise? Republicans must always be made to capitulate, because after all, it's the Democrats who are always said to be on the side of the little guy. Just ask them or any of their minions in the state-controlled media, they'll tell you the same thing! Thank God we've got those Democrats or there'd be no telling what those Republicans might try to get away with.

Barry offered up no compromise for Republicans who say that the only way to solve the growing debt crisis is to cut spending. Republicans in Congress have been insistent from the very beginning, but more so in recent days, that any deficit reduction plan needs to be limited to spending cuts, including reductions in benefit programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, and exclude additional revenues. And despite Democrat claims to the contrary, there is nothing whatsoever radical about that plan, no matter how hard Barry and his buds in the state-controlled media attempt to portray it as such. It's all scare tactics and nothing else. What is truly radical here is the constant droning on by Democrats who are insistent upon taking no action whatsoever, or very limited action that would meaningless, regarding the accomplishing of any serious reduction in our current out of control spending binge. But Barry said that both parties must be prepared to "take on their sacred cows" as part of the deficit-reduction negotiations. As long as more is given up by Republicans than by Democrats because as everyone knows, Democrat backed programs are always claimed to do so much for the greater good of all, and those programs sponsored by those evil Republicans assist only a select few. Which we know for a fact is nothing but a load of crap.

In his opening remarks, Barry called on lawmakers to renew a payroll tax cut that took effect on Jan. 1, identifying it as one of several measures lawmakers could approve to help create jobs. He also urged passage of trade agreements with Panama, South Korea and Colombia, and an overhaul of the nation's patent laws. Barry's last full-fledged news conference was back in March. And much has happened in the intervening months. What's been identified as a supposed "economic recovery" has slowed, Barry has announced his own blatantly politically motivated plan, a plan devoid of any input by commanders whose recommendations you think he would have sought, to begin withdrawing U.S. combat troops from Afghanistan and this country has now joined in with what is described as an international military coalition working to prevent the rout of rebels hoping to topple Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. Then, of course, there have been numerous rounds of golf that have been played during that period of time which have provided Barry with some much needed relief from the rigors of doing his job. It's hard work shoving down the throats of the American people such things as socialized healthcare and the covering the cost of his rabid, out of control spending.

And looming above all else are the negotiations with Congress on deficit cuts demanded by Republicans as being their price for supporting any increase in the nation's debt limit. Barry stepped to the podium not long after the International Monetary Fund (IMF) publicly urged lawmakers to raise the debt limit, now $14.3 trillion, and warned that failure to do so could produce a spike in interest rates and "severe shock to the economy and world financial markets." So what! Ok, now we're supposed to follow the dictates of the IMF, yet another organization under the very questionable leadership of those who reside at the rather bizarre end of the political spectrum. No, I don't think so. It recommended a long-term strategy for reducing red ink, warning that cutting deficits too quickly could slow the weak recovery of the U.S. economy. Why is it that these people keep referred to an economic recovery that is non-existent? It's like if they say it often enough and loud enough, people will actually begin to believe it. The arrogance of these people, including Barry, knows no bounds. They feel they should be able to dictate to us and that we should never question those dictates. Which isn't quite how our system works, at least not yet. Although Barry has demonstrated on numerous occasions that he cares very little what the American people may think. As of this writing we are still permitted to disagree and to question those actions that we see as being troubling.


So it was then that Barry "Almighty," on Tuesday, brought a made-in-America spiel to Iowa, a politically vital state, proclaiming that it will be innovation and adaptation which will help the manufacturing sector and the entire U.S. economy rebound with more gusto. He admonished a divided Washington to stop bickering and rally together like a team. Well, maybe he should take the time to speak to those on his side of the aisle, since it seems to be their rather bizarre definition of what actually comprises a "team" that is the source of the continuing problem of trying to solve our present budgetary and debt ceiling issues. Listening to this guy give these bogus little talks that are completely devoid of any substance would be funny if not for the fact that we still have so many brain-dead Americans who continue to enthusiastically lap this drivel up. Barry can talk forever and never actually say anything, and yet he's perceived as having just come down from the mountain top. And he very much enjoys his being perceived, and constantly referred to by many in the state controlled media, as being some messianic figure. After all, he is the one that we've all been waiting for. He'll stand up there on high behind his ever-present teleprompter as if he's some God-like figure speaking down to those of us who make up the great unwashed masses. We're supposed to be awe when in his presence and grateful that his is so concerned about our wellbeing which is demonstrated by his doing his very best to make sure we all have everything that we need. Personal responsibility seems to have been brainwashed out of us, we now seem to be much more willing to allow the government to take care of us. And we can plainly see where that has now gotten us.

So there in the home of the first presidential caucuses, "Our Dear Leader" made a quick, but very unmistakable nod, to his own re-election bid. Fondly, for him, but not so much for the rest of us, recalling his win here in 2008, Barry said to Iowa: "We've got some history together. And together we're going to make some more history for years to come." Geez, let's hope not! Because the history that's been made over the course of the last 2 years has been anything but good. People have got to be able to recognize the catastrophic amount of damage that has been done to this country as a direct result of Barry and the policies which he as put into place and that can only be described as advancing socialism in its most purest form. Barry, who it is said is under steady pressure to bolster a sluggish economy, is showering attention on manufacturing as an American story of adaptation. He chose the setting of Alcoa Davenport Works, an aluminum factory whose products are exported around the world and used for such high-tech applications as, of course, the wings for the presidential jet Air Force One. The plant has re-hired the workers it laid off during the recent recession and is eying an expansion, said Barry, who pushed a broader theme of American resilience. Is that like when he told us that Caterpillar was going to be hiring and then we found out from the Caterpillar CEO that that wasn't quite the truth. Anyway, "You had to up your game," Barry said to the workers. "And that's what we've got to do as a country as a whole. I want the cars and planes and wind turbines of the future to bear the proud stamp that says 'Made in America.'" So, we have to up our game and that will magically fix every thing. Man, that was easy.

But seriously folks, that's nothing more than a bunch of very silly rhetoric. If anyone has to "up their game" I'd say it's the guy doing all of the flapping of his jaws. Maybe a few less golf outings and fundraisers or even a few less vacations disguised as being official trips are what's in order here. We're not even really sure that he was "made in America." But that's a discussion for another time. Look, we all need to do here is to open our eyes and be willing to recognize the fact that all that he has done in the name of economic recovery, was intended to do nothing other than what has actually happened. That being, of course, economic collapse. It's his policies that have brought about the highest inflation in over two years, it's his policies that have essentially kicked the legs out from under the housing market, it's his policies that are the reason we have over 9 percent unemployment, it's his policies that are behind nearly 4 dollar a gallons gasoline and it's his policies that are responsible for you paying more every time you go to the grocery store. Every thing that has occurred since day one of this patently corrupt administration has been intended to happen and all under the guise of it being someone else's fault. Through a very deft use of some pretty slick slight of hand, and with lots of help from a then Democrat controlled Congress, Barry has gone about the manipulating of events in such as way as to further stifle economic growth all the while claiming that the economic environment that he "inherited" is simply much worse than anyone could have possible imagined and will therefore take much, much longer to repair. And it's all nothing but lies. The sole basis for such action is to create a scenario where more and more people will have nowhere left to turn but the government for their daily subsistence.

It was Barry's victory in the 2008 Iowa caucuses that catapulted his then presidential campaign, and the state is now being flooded with Republicans seeking their party's presidential nomination and in the process criticizing Barry's failed economic leadership. Another argument, or perhaps a better question, would be where exactly is it that Barry is trying to lead us. Because, I would argue that, we are essentially right where Barry has led us. So is it really a failure of leadership since he has been very successful in his leading us right to where it is that he wanted us to be? Barry said that the country has the workers, companies and industries to mount a stronger economic recovery: "We are still the United States of America." Ya, by the grace of God, even though Barry has tried his damnedest to transform us into something else. Something that would more closely resemble someplace like, for instance, Cuba. The stop in Iowa is all part of Barry's effort to promote job creation in the midst of an economic slowdown that has reduced hiring and weakened his job approval standing with the public. After last month's weak unemployment report showed an uptick in the jobless rate to 9.1 percent, the White House is warily eyeing the release of more up-to-date numbers on July 8. Most likely there will be yet another totally "unexpected" uptick in the unemployment numbers. And that's another thing, every thing that happens which is related to the economy, is always unexpected by these clowns. They always seem so surprised. Personally, I think there just feeding us bunch of BS, because based on the policies they continue to advocate and to put into place how could anything come as being unexpected or that much of a surprise. Unless, of course, it's actual job growth that taking place outside of the public sector. Now that would be a surprise.

The White House is out making the case that it see a recovery in the U.S. manufacturing industry as being one way to create more private sector jobs and remain competitive in the global marketplace. Last week, Barry announced a $500 million, joint effort by industry, universities and the federal government to help reposition the United States as a leader in cutting-edge manufacturing. Am I the only one curious about where, exactly, that money will be coming from. Back in Washington, Barry is in a high-stakes stalemate with Republicans over a deal that could cut some $2 trillion from the nation's debt and perhaps clear the way for Congress to extend the nation's borrowing limit. The administration says that debt limit must be raised by August 2 or the government will face a catastrophic default on its obligations. And of course we have "Little Dick" Durbin in the Senate and "Timmy the Tax Cheat" over at Treasury sounding the alarm bells as well. That's the way it always is with these guys, everything is a crisis that needs to be addressed right this very second or the world will suddenly come to an end. Barry made no direct reference to that fight but called on the country and its leaders to start "thinking like a team, instead of turning on each other." "I promise you," he said, "if you we continue to adapt and we continue to innovate and we work together to compete around the world, America will come back stronger than before." Barry's promises ain't worth shit, he's a congenital liar who will tell you whatever he thinks it is that you want to hear. He's not to be trusted. He fooled enough people the first go around to win, we can only hope that enough people, minus the blacks of course, won't be fooled the second time around.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


And that advice is...JUST SAY NO! With Barry, through the exhibiting of his stellar leadership ability, having essentially done nothing more than to vote present throughout pretty much the entire discussion on the budget and the raising of the debt ceiling, why should Republicans be placed on the receiving of any blame for the little, if any, progressing having been made thus far regarding these issues. Barry continues to demonstrate a complete lack of seriousness in the way he chooses to address our current budget crisis and the debt ceiling and has essentially accomplished nothing more than the throwing the ongoing talks into complete turmoil. He did just that on Monday afternoon, when he proposed a $600 billion tax hike before even meeting with Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell. You have to ask, what might have been his rationale for doing so just as Democrats and Republicans seemed to be inching toward some sort of an agreement that would stave off the prospect of a default on the nation’s debts. Might it be nothing more than a blatant attempt by Barry to do nothing more than to purposefully sabotage the talks by introducing a measure that he has got to know is sure to have the GOP howling in opposition? As we all know, everything this narcissistic psychopath does is based solely on his attempt to create some sort of political advantage for himself. He's scum and it's the only way he knows. So now we will see if the rubber in fact meets the road as we will now get to see just how resolute the Republicans are in they're opposing of any tax hikes.

This latest monkey wrench that Barry has now thrown into the works drew much scorn from conservatives. "The Democrats’ insistence on touting their desire to 'end tax breaks to oil and gas companies' is becoming quite tiresome," wrote Andrew Stiles at the National Review's website. "It’s basically their only specific new tax proposal, but would amount to saving of just $21 billion over a decade. That’s a long way to $600 billion." Other conservatives also were quick to ridicule the idea that the White House could actually be taking such a proposal seriously. "The White House has proposed raising about $600 billion in new tax revenue, including ending subsidies to oil and gas companies, an idea that failed in the Senate," wrote Bryan Preston at the conservative PJ Tattler blog on Pajamas Media. "It failed in a Democrat-controlled Senate, and with good reason: It’s a terrible idea. I was at first tempted to post a hoary old Admiral Ackbar – “It’s a trap!” graphic on this story, but it doesn’t really merit that," Preston continued. "Calling it a trap at least implies that the GOP might fall for it. Honestly, I don’t see that happening. So if it’s not a trap, what is this? For one thing, it’s the Democrats’ answer to everything. For another, it’s class warfare, which is also the Democrats’ answer to everything." To throw this thing out there, knowing full well there is little chance of becoming a reality, just lends even more credence to the fact that it is nothing more than way to scuttle the talks so that Barry can then turn around and blame the Republicans for the talks failing.

The move came at a time after Republicans had signaled that they were finally prepared to talk about cuts to military spending, one of the major roadblocks to agreement. “When we say everything is on the table, that’s what we mean,” House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy said before Barry’s announcement. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, who makes Robert Gibbs look like damn near a genius, announced the tax proposals after Barry met Senate Majority Leader "Dingy" Harry Reid on Monday morning before he was due to meet McConnell later in the day in a bid to find “common ground.” Common ground? How is it possible to discuss achieving some "common ground" with a low life like Barry. It's not going to happen. These little get-togethers mark the first time that Barry has taken it upon himself to get personally involved in any of the debt ceiling talks. Carney said that Barry remains hopeful that the two sides can come to an agreement but said Republicans have to realize that some taxes must go up. "It's the only way to get it done," Carney said. Sounds like a bit of an ultimatum to me. I'd be telling Barry, "UP YOURS!" Among Barry’s proposals were an end to tax breaks for big companies and the richest and taxing equity and hedge fund managers on income tax rates rather than capital gains tax rates. Other changes include changing depreciation rules on corporate jets, limiting itemized deductions for the wealthy and repealing a tax benefit that companies use for inventory accounting. Barry's focus in rectifying the current situation remains very firmly headed in the wrong direction. He continues to refuse to cut spending at the levels that it MUST be cut. This is maddening. I guess he feels that if he can resist spending cuts long enough the Republicans will simply cave as they have in the past and he'll get his tax increases in exchange for some very minimal spending cuts.

Earlier the Republicans were making it clear that such tax increases are the only point on which there can be no negotiation, so Barry’s move seems almost assured to stall the talks once more. But like I said earlier, that's his plan. McConnell said, "It is my hope that the president will take those off the table today so that we can have a serious discussion about our country's economic future." Old Mitch is living in a dream world if thinks Barry is going to alter his plan of attack. It ain't gonna happen, this is how Barry plays the game. He's been working like a madman for the last two years to get us right here, with us now being flat busted broke. Barry has just five weeks to bring the two sides to an agreement that will allow the country to raise the $14.3 trillion ceiling before August 2 or risk defaulting on its debts. And yet I can't help but think that that is exactly what he wants to have happen. Last week, bipartisan talks led by "Slow Joe" Biden fell apart when the GOP representatives walked out. House Speaker John Boehner insisted the increase in the debt limit must be offset with spending cuts without any tax hikes. "These are the realities of the situation," he said. "If the president and his allies want the debt limit increased, it is only going to happen via a measure that meets these tests." And McConnell added, “Throwing more tax revenue into the mix is not going to produce a desirable result, and it won't pass. Putting aside that Republicans don't like to raise taxes, Democrats don't either."

Speaking, I guess, for the Democrats, "Dipstick" Carney said, "We won't support an approach that gives millionaires and billionaires $200,000 tax cuts annually while 33 seniors pay for that with $6,000 per person increase in their Medicare costs.” This is the same crap that we hear from these guys over and over and over. When all else fails they pull the class warfare card. We need to go after all of those greedy old millionaires and billionaires and fleece them of every dime they have as we watch the economy continue to move even deeper into the crapper. "Slow Joe" had been leading the talks that had involved Rep. Eric Cantor and Sen. Jon Kyl on the GOP side and Sens. Max Baucus and Daniel Inouye along with Reps. James "The Tea Party is Racist" Clyburn and Chris Van Holland for the Democrats. But they came to a screeching halt when Cantor walked out on Thursday and Kyl followed close behind. Carney said the involvement of the president, and the leaders of the two parties in both the Senate and the House had always been inevitable. "It is not as though this negotiating group could simply declare into law what they agreed on,” he said. “The process was always going to have to proceed out of the negotiating room and move forward with the engagement of the speaker, Senate leaders, the House minority leader, the president, et cetera." Before Barry's little stunner, both sides seemed to be softening. Republicans had started to talk of military cuts in recent days, especially as troops prepare to leave both Afghanistan and Iraq. So, with Republicans being to show a certain degree of flexibility, Barry saw the need to throw a grenade making a preemptive strike, of sorts, in an effort to create a new roadblock that he was sure the Republicans would reject. His goal here seems to be to stall any talks so that he can then portray the Republicans as being the obstructionists here and thus attempt to portray them as being solely responsible for any potential default.

Previously defense spending had been seen as non-negotiable within the GOP. But recent news stories that revealed the military is spending $20 billion a year in air conditioning costs alone have suggested there may be some room for cuts at the Pentagon. Freshman GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, an active-duty Air National Guardsman who flew missions in Iraq, acknowledged in the Washington Post that defense spending is “a pillar of Republican strength.” But he added, “Look, I know there are sacred cows, but we cannot afford them anymore,” And another Republican, Rep. Robert Hurt of Virginia added, “I would never support anything that would reduce the safety of the troops on the ground. But bureaucracy is bureaucracy, and there are ways to get at it, even in the Pentagon.” Look, I can understand these guys taking this position, but at the same time there is absolutely no reciprocation from those on the left regarding their own "sacred cows." And this is the way it always is. Republicans must always agree to cuts in their favored areas while the Democrats do not. Word has to go that until a little more compromise is seen as coming from those on the left, there will be none coming from those on the right. This cannot be allowed to deteriorate into what is essentially a one way street, where Republicans are expected to capitulate while Barry and the Democrats do nothing more than to make endless demands.

To be fair, and with leaving Barry completely out of the discussion, Democrats have moved too. Before he left the talks, Cantor had even praised them for finding $2 trillion in cuts over 10 years. Now the prospect of any agreement may leave Boehner with the most to lose, should things got further off the tracks thanks to Barry. Which, I still argue, was his intent all along. Barry simply cannot be trusted. He's a liar and is patently dishonest. So now many pundits have come to believe that Cantor’s decision to quit the talks was a politically motivated bid to score points with Tea Party members and other conservatives in the GOP. I'm not going to question Mr. Cantor's motives yet, but this has got to be a team effort, and if it is shown that this was nothing more than an effort to score points, it was a very foolish, and juvenile prank to pull at a most inopportune time. “The speaker is now politically exposed to fire from every direction as he goes into the final phase of negotiations with President Obama and the Democrats,” so said Fox News "analyst," Juan Williams writing in The Hill. And of course, as always, we can always expected to hear an objective viewpoint coming from our friend Juan who can always be counted on to utter his usual harsh words for all conservatives, this time directing them at Cantor, saying he “threw Boehner under the bus,” by leaving the talks and telling The Wall Street Journal before informing leaders of his own party. “Now there is a new and profoundly rude way to announce a political divorce,” wrote Williams. Williams is a joke, and a very well-known enthusiastic cheerleader and a true blue supporter of Barry and his socialist policies, to the point of having now reduced himself to the equivalent of a pathetic lapdog. He went on to say, “The bottom line is that Cantor’s decision to abdicate any pretense of being a political leader set a trap for Boehner."

But old Juan's opinion, notwithstanding, the political implications are also huge for Barry "Almighty", who won’t want to go into next year’s election as the president who allowed the country to go into default because he was essentially being nothing more stubborn. A Gallup poll last week showed his approval rating has now slumped to 45 percent, trailing his disapproval rating of 48 percent. A poll from The Hill earlier this month showed 48 percent of likely voters believe he has hurt the economy, and only 41 percent think he’s helped it. Hurt it? Hell, he's killed it! Ya know, I'd like to meet some of the morons who must make up a pretty large portion of that 41 percent, because they must be some truly enlightened individuals. Most are, most likely, blacks who continue to see Barry as someone who can do no wrong. Whether or not there has been a trap set for the Speaker, we cannot allow Barry to simply make demands, with our response being first to complain and then to cave to those demands while saying things would have been worse had we not done so. That's no way to run railroad or a government. As much as Barry would like to think is on the same level as his buddies Chavez or Fidel, in being able to dictate to the rest of us just how things will go, but lucky for us, he's not. And he needs to be reminded of that fact in the most forceful of ways. The time to start that process is now and the time to finish it will come on Election Day, November 2012.


Not too long after it first got off the ground the accusations started flying pretty hot and heavy from many of those in the left wing, state controlled, “mainstream” media. How Fox wasn’t a “real” news network like, say, CNN or even MSNBC. So I suppose Fox News felt a certain amount of pressure at the time to bring onboard a certain individuals as perhaps a way silence at least some of the critics who were so eager to accuse it of possessing a conservative slant, or to use their words, a right wing bias. An accusation made for no other reason than because Fox dared to present both sides of an argument or issue. In what I think was a knee jerk reaction, Fox went out of its way to sign up those who were viewed as not being necessarily conservative. So, there were at least three, how shall I say it, personalities that were signed on to do just that. Of the three I am discussing here, two were CNN retreads Greta Van Susteren, Geraldo Rivera and the third was, of course, NBC castoff, Chris Wallace. I’ve never been too keen on Chris Wallace and recently old Chris kinda stepped on himself when he referred to Michelle Bachmann as being a flake. Now there's some objective journalism. Way to go, Chris. Anyway, of the three I suppose I watch Greta the most only because my wife likes to watch her. I watch Geraldo the least because I simply can't stomach the ego, or the stupidity for more than about 5 minutes. But I watch Wallace only slightly more than Geraldo, more because of the guests he has on than because I think Wallace is some brilliant interviewer. Now while I can understand up to a point why these three were asked to join the Fox team, I question the need of actually doing it. It's not like CNN, MSNBC or the three major networks have anyone who hasn’t got a flaming liberal bias. The faux conservatives that they do manage to have on, more often that not, aren't worth listening to. The one lone exception is CNN who has Bill Bennett on with some regularity. And he always represents himself very well.

Geraldo, aka, Jerry Rivers, is just a flat out moron and he proves that point better than I ever could just about every time he opens his mouth. I'm told he's a lawyer, or was a lawyer, and sometimes, because of that, he tries to come across as being some great legal mind, but usually ends up just being laughed at by the real lawyers he may have on his show. His has to be the least watched program on the entire Fox News network. His resume contains more than a few oddities, every thing from the opening of Al Capone's vault to getting his nose busted on his stupid Maury Povich-like television show. Greta actually doesn't seem to be quite as much of a lefty as she was when she first appeared on the network, but still she comes across as not being too terribly bright whenever she interviews a majority of her guests. The most irritating thing about watching her show is the fact that she is constantly interrupting her guests as if she hasn't quite got this whole TV gig down yet. And she's been doing it how long now? All the way back to the OJ Trial, if I remember correctly. With Wallace it is very easy to see that the apple doesn't fall very far from the tree. Daddy, that old fossil, Mike Wallace, has never had any problem letting folks know exactly which end of the political spectrum he is very firmly on. Cut from the same cloth as that other CBS (Communist Broadcasting System) lefty icon, Walter "And that's the way it is" Cronkite, Mike Wallace seems to have no problem whatsoever in being able to go about the casting of his country in any light that will unfavorable to the extreme. He and Dan “Forged Documents” Rather made quite the team.

I must admit that I truly do miss Brit Hume, whom I’ve always thought of, and still do, as being the journalist's journalist. I used to watch his show, now taken over by Bret Baier, the most because you could always count on him to tell you the unvarnished truth. I still enjoy watching him whenever he's on some show or another especially if Juan Williams is also on the same show. Whenever they are on the same panel, Brit has no problem whatsoever with making Williams look like the moron that he is. He can shred Juan’s arguments and hardly work up a sweat. Speaking of Williams, he too has found a pretty regular home on Fox after losing his gig over there on NPR. But just about every time he shows up somewhere in order to make one program or another "Fair and Balanced," it becomes pretty clear, pretty quick just how it was that he got his gig on NPR in the first place, and why it was such a shock that he got canned from that very vocal Democrat propaganda organ. I've often wondered if he'd be the same enthusiastic supporter of Barry, if Barry weren't black. I seriously doubt it. Old Juan has always been quick to mention the fact that the reason behind much of the complaining about Barry's policies is that it's all race driven. He's not the least bit objective and habitually proves himself to be nothing more than just one more rabidly paranoid black man in America. He's one of those that will defend Barry to his dying breath for no other reason than because Barry is black. And it's sad really, that he can so easily sit back as Barry destroys this country and not have the guts to criticize because he just bring himself to say anything bad about another black guy. That's not journalism, however it is the way that journalism is practiced to today by Williams and his fellow liberals.

I don't watch Fox near anywhere near as much as I used to, counting on it less and less and choosing, instead, to get most of my useful information from various websites. Over time they, more and more often, have come to have this tendency to take some useless story that has absolutely no informational value and run it, and run it and run it, until you essentially want to scream. It became more about ratings that about actually working to inform the general public. The latest example involves that young woman down here in Florida who killed her daughter. Enough already with the endless hours of this woman’s trial coverage. There are just so many truly important issues out there that need to be discussed and that the American people need to be made aware of, that to spend so much time on something like this, while it may be very tragic, is not something that requires 24/7 news coverage. We’ve seen endless coverage like this before. Whether it was about men who killed their wives, who were suspected of killing their wives, of drugged out starlets who met an untimely demise and her boyfriends squabbling over money and a little girl, and then there was story about the girl who disappeared on her senior trip to a Caribbean island. Are any of these really the most important issues of the day? NOPE! I'm just tired of the tabloid type journalism. The focus needs to return to the important issues of the day and the actual informing of the American people regarding all of the shenanigans going on in Washington. Granted there was recent survey that was done that showed those that watch Fox News are better informed about the issues than are those who watch CNN or MSNBC. But if I remember right, the spread wasn't that great. A well informed voting public will be key in our being able to pull ourselves out of this quagmire that Barry has us buried in up to our armpits. Fox News needs to move away from the nonsense stories and focus much more on those stories that provide the best information available to the American people as 2012 grows closer.

Monday, June 27, 2011


U.S. Treasury Secretary "Little Timmy the Tax Cheat" Geithner did his best last week, to defend Barry's recent decision to release emergency oil reserves, saying on Friday that it was anything but a political stunt. "It's really as simple as this: there's a war in Libya, costs between one and two million barrels a day in lost output, I think 140 million barrels off the market so far," he said in response to a question at Dartmouth College, where he spoke on a panel. "Reserves exist to help mitigate those kinds of disruptions and we helped to organize a coordinated global international response to help ease some of that pressure," he added. Someone needs to inform this moron, as well as his idiotic and misinformed boss, that that is not why our petroleum reserves exist. They are, or at least have been considered as such under Republican presidents, part of our nation defense and are to be used should we, God forbid, be involved in some war or conflict where our oil supplies would be interrupted or even severed completely. And since a goodly share of the oil we import today has as it source countries who are not exactly our friends, I'd say that could be a real concern. But I guess not to Barry or this loser, Geithner. This entire team of misfits quite literally has no concept of what it is that they're supposed to be doing. The entire focus remains on Barry's agenda that he ran on, his mission to radically transform this country. And when looking over the last 28 months it would be very hard to argue against the fact that he has made some pretty substantial progress in the endeavor. There is nothing that he will not stoop to as he works to get this country into a position from which it will be unable to recover from.

The Paris-based International Energy Agency announced on Thursday that it was tapping member countries' emergency reserves, some 60 million barrels over 30 days, for only the third time since it was founded in 1974, to fill the gap in supplies left by the disruption to Libya's output. I'll admit I don't know a whole lot about this 28-nation IEA, but supposedly this little group was set up after the Arab oil embargo as a counterweight to OPEC. Apparently this "agency" was formed during that previous very dark period in our history, that debacle which is referred to today as being the Carter presidency. Apparently this IEA issued a statement that said the move was a bid to boost the global economic recovery by holding down oil prices. My question is, who are these people and how exactly is this release of what is, in the big scheme of things, very little oil, supposed to boost some nonexistent global economic recovery? What gives them the right to dictate to us, as a sovereign nation, just how much of our reserves we need to turn loose? Wouldn't it be nice to have as president a man who would actually stand up for our country? And of course, it should go without saying that the United States will provide half of the total volume that is to be released while the other 27 nations will, supposedly, provide the other half. Gee, sounds fair to me. NOT! Naturally, lets just screw over the Americans one more time, they're used to it. Our pathetic president can never quite resist the urge to throw America under the bus whenever the opportunity may present itself. The decision caught energy and financial markets by surprise and generated criticism from oil companies, members of the OPEC oil-producing cartel and Republican opponents of the Barry's corrupt and purely politics-driven administration.

Since oil prices already had fallen from early-May peaks that were near $115 a barrel, critics said the action appeared aimed more at propping up Barry's popularity rating much more than being about helping out consumers at the pump. But Timmy, the ever eager little beaver trying to support his boss, met with local business leaders earlier on Friday in nearby Manchester before speaking at Dartmouth, and said that putting additional oil supplies on market was "sensible policy" that should give a lift to a slowly expanding economy. "It will provide some modest help and relief" to the U.S. economy, Geithner told reporters afterward. "It was a prudent use of existing reserves." This stupid action will provide nothing but a very short term relief, if it provides any relief at all, which clearly reveal the politics involved here. We need to be drilling, but I guess actually going out and drilling for more oil is not a "sensible policy" that needs to be pursued. High oil prices have put "significant" pressure on global growth, he said. Timmy has limited his foreign travel this year, concentrating on trying to build support in Washington for a hike in the debt ceiling before August 2 when Treasury said the country will be at risk of default. But he has made several day trips to different regions, like Friday's to New Hampshire, urging business groups to tell Republican lawmakers that concluding a budget and debt deal is urgent. Yes, we must convince everyone that we are now being faced with yet another urgent crisis that is in need of being addressed immediately if not sooner. We've heard this very same line time and time again since before these clown even came town. Crying wolf yet again there, are we, Timmy?

In his remarks at Dartmouth, Geithner said many factors restraining U.S. economic expansion were temporary, including supply-chain disruptions from Japan's massive earthquake in March. Man this guy really reaching, with it being very obvious he will say absolutely anything in an effort to convince anyone who will listen, that this administration is diligently working on an economic recovery plan. But all available evidence point to the unavoidable conclusion that they are working toward the accomplishing of just the opposite. Timmy also said that an adjustment in housing markets was about two-thirds over. He said costlier energy and less vigorous worldwide growth would keep U.S. economic growth to around a 2 percent annual rate in the first half this year, but he insisted that underlying trends were improving. Me thinks that Timmy is talking out his ass. If you believe all of that nonsense I've got some ocean front property in Arizona I can sell you really, really cheap. Anyway, regarding budget talks in Washington, Geithner said he was confident Congress can still reach a deal, even after a top Republican lawmaker, that would be Rep. Eric Canter, the House Majority Leader, walked out of the talks last week. But he said tax increases cannot be taken out of the equation. Of course they can, Timmy, you just don't want them to be. Look as I have repeated this ad nauseam here, what we have here IS NOT a revenue problem. What we have here is a spending problem. And apparently we also have is a failure to communicate in that Barry and his weird little sidekick Timmy, don't want to hear that taxes don't need to be raised.

"You need to have modest changes in revenue," Geithner said. "There is no way to do a deal without it." I'm curious to know just how it is that "Little Timmy" defines "modest." I have a sneaking suspicion that it's not quite the same way that the rest of us do. He said that business leaders whom he met with on Friday had some encouraging words about the environment they face. Oh really? And just who were those guys? "Things are gradually getting better," Geithner said, adding that the U.S. economy is still growing "a little slower" than had been expected. A "little slower than expected?" It would be funny if it weren't do deadly serious. I'd say these guys were like the "Keystone Cops" but they're much more dangerous than that. U.S. economic growth in the first quarter was an annualized 1.9 percent, the Commerce Department said on Friday. Wow, we got a regular economic boom going on here! That was revised up from a previous 1.8 percent reading. You gotta be kidding me! But it is still way too low to be any kind if an engine for private job creation, with the high U.S. unemployment rate of 9.1 percent posing a reelection challenge for Barry "Almighty." The budget deal "needs to get done in a way that doesn't put too much pressure on the economy near term," said Geithner, calling for "the right kind of balance" and a deal that does not skew too much to elements that could hinder growth. Business people badly want to see Washington reach a broad agreement on the budget, and soon, Geithner added. "A lot of people think that would be good for the economy, and I agree." Blah, blah, blah.

There is one fact and one fact only that accurately describes what is going on here. It is the fact that this entire administration has absolutely zero interest in doing anything that will actually be good for our economy and that will actually stimulate the growth of jobs in the private sector. Since day one they have been interested in doing nothing more but than driving it even further into the ditch and then blaming Bush. I just don't think that any self respecting individuals who call themselves economists, of which Paul Krugman is not one, would say that any of the actions this administration has taken would produce a result that would come as being unexpected by anyone. And a good many of our moron population in this country has bought into all of the garbage spewed by Barry and his team. And I think it is very safe to say, and with a high degree of certainty, that every thing Barry does, and I do mean everything, is based entirely on politics. Whether it’s the releasing of oil from the reserves, to refuse to defend the Defense of Marriage Act or the bringing of too many troops home too quickly from Afghanistan. It's all about politics and improving his chances for victory in 2012, which is something that needs to be prevented if we are to have any chance of moving beyond this period of extreme moral, social, economic as well as financial decay that will, no doubt, come to be referred to as being the Obama presidency. Right now this country is so far off of the tracks and there seems to be so little interest being shown by our president regarding the subnative things that NEED to be done to, if not get us entirely back onto the tracks, at least headed back toward the tracks.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


As the celebration of the birth of our nation approaches, I thought this would be a most appropriate time to bring up the fact that our being able to continue into the future as a free and prosperous nation, from this point on, is hanging by a thread. What America is in desperate need of right now, that is, if it is to have any hope of surviving, is what can only be described as being a true “Conservative Uprising.” And if uprising is too strong a term for you to use, how about simply saying we need an overwhelming resurgence of “conservative” values. “We the people” can no longer rely on dishonest politicians who are so eager pander to any number of self-serving minorities while on their quest for votes. Because in doing so they leave the country at large completely unattended as it descends ever further into what can only be described as, chaos. Minorities, whether based on skin color, some perverse sexual persuasion or a specific violent, primitive and intolerant religion, have all come to command far too much attention from those in positions of political power. Our country is rapidly plunging headlong into a vast abyss of incredibly dense, and very deep, darkness, and very few of those who could work to turn things around, are doing just the opposite. They seem interested in nothing more than speeding up our descent into the pit of complete governmental control. Meanwhile, there is a growing movement in this country that may be coming into existence at just the right time. This movement, the Tea Party, is what we should be very willing to use as the tip of our spear going from this point forward. Where the election in 2010 was our point of embarkation, the election in 2012 should be viewed as being step two in working toward the achieving of a successful victory in beginning the long process of turning America around. Back toward what it was that the Founders’ had in mind when they first conceived of this grand idea and then brought it to fruition in giving birth to this great nation. As that old adage goes, if not us, who if not now, when. America is becoming more socially, morally, economically and financially bankrupt with each passing day. I am not saying that we should push toward establishing a third party, but instead, as the hard left effectively took over the Democrat Party, conservatives, true conservatives, need to be much more assertive and be willing to demand the playing of a much larger role in the Republican Party.

While the Liberal state-controlled media continues in its intensifying of thinly, and not so thinly, veiled attacks on a largely conservative fly-over America, it, at the same time, is very desperate to keep very well hidden from the American people, the failed, and failing, policies of the Left. Orchestrated from behind the scenes by the very ones that we elect to represent us, are the very same policies designed to rob us of our freedom while at the same time accelerating government intrusion into areas which it has no business. These folks can’t even take the time to read the legislation that they pass, worse than that, they tell us there really is no need for them to read it. Long before Barry “Almighty” came onto the scene and became the least experienced individual ever to be elected president, the state-controlled media complex has always seemed ready, willing and able to circle the protective wagons around the liberal agenda and their anti-freedom, economy killing policies. It did so via a series of misleading, and outright false, stories that together formed a bulwark of Democrat propaganda. This fact, while always obvious to many, was confirmed for all who were paying attention during what can only be described as being the worst case of “journalist malpractice” in our nation’s history. That being the election of Barack Hussein Obama. We saw where many of the foremost members of the media secretively plotted methods to defend against and even punish those who criticized the Barry “Almighty” campaign as they do now to protect his regime.

Barry “Almighty,” the media's action hero, had finally arrived, and the state controlled media complex, being "Obama's Little Helpers," would continue to run interference on behalf of the authoritarian machine so that every wrong would be righted and every right would, ironically, thereby be threatened. The media's newly assumed role as our Constitutional Republic's designated "Sleepwalkers," now finds all sorts of meaningless issues to occupy its journalistic time. Meanwhile, examples of blatant abuse power and outlandish governmental acts of obvious acts of corruption by the current administration continue to pile up well away from the media’s formerly vaunted presses, with questions simply being ignored or permitted to go totally unanswered. The most egregious act of betraying the American people took place during a democratically controlled and tragically misguided Congress, under the “leadership” of “Botox” Nancy Pelosi and “Dingy” Harry Reid. These two willing, and very corrupt, accomplices acted in concert to allow an Authoritarian Leftist to continually chip away at our traditional way of life as well as our ability to regain our economic footing and, therefore, our lives. As the policies of the last 24+ months proceed to take firm hold in the land, the economy has reacted as expected, unless of course your one of those imbecilic malcontents on the left. Our economy has been essentially doing nothing more than to slowly slip into a form of paralysis, as the noose of government meddling gets tighter around its neck. While our increasingly socialist government continues to either over-regulate or to seize complete control of various segments of privately owned companies, institutions and even entire industries all under the auspices of some "dire need" in an effort of to avert some mythical crisis. A crisis, more often than not, created by that very same government bureaucracy now making claims of being able to repair the damage. Because of these individuals, the bureaucrats, America has rapidly morphed into a faltering land of weak promise rather than its former role as a bastion of individual liberty and success.

This facts become even more clear as we see an out of control Federal Government continue its outright brazen attacks against state governments over issues ranging from the enforcing of federal law regarding illegal immigrants to the squelching of whole industries to provide employment to many of those living in certain states. Undocumented Aliens being permitted to take full advantage of both a State's and a Country's continually diminishing fiscal resources is not what most Americans consider to be defensible, and yet THEIR savior appears to be OUR Government. We have had a Federal Government attacking employees and companies within an industry for the mistake of "another country's company" in the form of the Gulf moratorium on deep water drilling. In the midst of this spectacle, we all scratch our heads in confusion, wondering exactly "who" the Government is trying to save when those who are most affected are the very same ones who live in a region already in economic shock. What started out as a media-driven disaster, and one which was supposed to haunt us for decades, has now become an unfortunate event that was, once again, taken advantage of by our overbearing government. And now we have the government telling a privately owned company, Boeing, where it can and cannot do business. Why? Because of Barry’s commitment to corrupt unions in exchange for a substantial amounts of campaign cash.

We now have 26 states in the process of suing the Federal Government, and therefore by proxy, Barry “Almighty,” over the unconstitutional requirements of his catastrophic healthcare law, which promises to both very quickly, and massively, deconstruct the best healthcare system in the world. The whole concept that forms the basis of this blatant governmental seizure is the reducing of our present system to a second rate, obviously dysfunctional, like going to the DMV or Post Office, single payer system, and in very short order. For those "non-believers" out there, you need only delve, ever so lightly, into the many eyewitness accounts of the problems associated with other countries’ government controlled healthcare systems. And should you embark on such research, I would strongly recommend you’re utilizing the web rather than the traditional media, assuming, of course, you prefer the truth to being told liberal fairytales based on lies. The fallacy that this “reform” is, in any way, actually the boon that it is proclaimed to be, is proven, beyond the shadow of a doubt, is the fact that there have now been over 1400 waivers granted to a very select members of Barry favorites. There has been a huge outcry and continued rejecting of Obamacare by a whopping 73% in a very stinging mass rebuttal to the enjoined members of the Executive, Legislative and Fourth Estate branches of our governance. But most certainly the 500 or so people who make up our elected "elites" in Government are far wiser and therefore eminently more qualified than the diminutive subsection of 200 million Americans who disagree.

We’re now faced with an army of sitting, lifetime appointed, Federal Judges who feel they are entitled to take it upon themselves to essentially legislate from the bench. They have no problem whatsoever overruling the will of the people on everything from gay marriage to dictating the management state budget issues by doing, of all things, quoting the Constitution. There was a case where one of these rogue judges overturned the concerted vote of over 7 million people in California under the auspices of following the Constitution. The Federal Judge in question, who is reportedly a “practicing homosexual” disallowed the democratic wishes of the majority under the auspices of the 14th Amendment and equal protection. We wonder if perhaps the Judge might harbor an impending desire to marry his "dude." If so, the Judge could have been easily ascribed to being under the influence of conflicting interests. I’m sure we all remember the judge in Wisconsin who, demonstrating a very obvious bias as well as a reckless disregard for the Constitution, chose to side with Democrats who ran to another state, and the unions, as she attempted to insert herself in the running of that state. Judges habitually assume they have the power to tell the governors how they can and cannot conduct legislative business in their state. Also there are judges in New Jersey who feel they can dictate to the governor of that state how he is able to do his job. And don’t forget the two judges who, more because of the politics than for regard of the Constitution, have said that Obamacare and all of its requirements are, actually, within the limits established by our Constitution.

Constitutionally speaking, a number of Conservatives and some Libertarians do see a problem with disallowing an individual whose personal desires and attractions deviate from a given norm from seeking their "full pursuit of happiness." However, this paradigm of rationality brings up a number of other areas in the personal pursuit of happiness that also stray from "typical" behavior. For instance, if gays are given this right of pursuit, as recently was decided in New York, then who is to say that a polygamist does not also have that same right of equal protection. And then if polygamists can join the club of "state marriage sanctification," then why not those adults who are attracted to youths and their loved ones who are at the "beyond extreme" sub-sector of "youthful offenders", where do we draw the line or does that line even now exist? The predominant Conservative attitude on this point seems to be "do what you want but don't ask us or our Governments to bless it and condone it," and yet this is what we are being perpetrated over the heads of the people by the government, once again. Are these extreme comparative stretches? Maybe, maybe not, and yet would gay marriage have even been considered 50 years ago? Does a Judge have the right, such as in a case in New Jersey, to disallow State law due to a Religion that does not recognize the primacy of State law over Shariah law in which women are considered second degree Citizens?

We must now note that Capitalism seems to be at its greatest when enjoyed by Liberals, and always with other people's money. It’s always those very same liberals who insist upon the fact that we do as they say, not as they do. Isn’t it ironic, to say the least, that the ones who beat up and denigrate Capitalism and free markets the most, are always the very same ones who enjoy and employ it's largesse the best. For example, Sen. John Kerry Heinz, who I believe spent a very brief, yet profitable, time in Vietnam, has his Yacht-Gate, Charles Rangel has his Ethics-Gate and Maxine Waters had her Influence-Gate, not to leave out Pelosi and her Jet-Gate. Or Chris Dodd or Bawney Fwank who were hip deep in the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae debacle. Yet because they’re Democrats this type of behavior is almost expected, so therefore it’s excused. We have the Black Democratic Caucus supposedly outraged at both Barry and the powers that be in Congress due to their complicity in having the gall to conduct an ethics investigation into the Waters and Rangel scandals with regard to two verified instances of questionable actions. I first heard the word "racism" brought into the mix by that idiot Juan Williams on Fox News. This is the type of usual objectivity that I have come to expect this clown Williams, who is nothing more than one black who views absolutely everything through the lens of race.

Then there's the Muslim sympathizing Liberals in New York City who had no problem whatsoever with the building of a nine story Islamic Mosque nearly on the sight of 9/11's Ground Zero. The cost has been reported to be in the $100 million range as the Islamists, no doubt, snicker at Americans for our politically correct idiocy. Unfortunately, the US Constitution does not allow for the singling out of a religion to restrict, so we must, therefore, grit our teeth and trust to the locals to prevail in most cases. It is indeed a well-known fact that the practitioners of Islam routinely build mosques on the various sites if the victories. This is why the Muslims refer to this New York City project as “The Cordoba Project." While the Imam in charge has generously christened himself the "bridge-builder," we shudder to think of what kind of bridge it is that he is referring to. If those issues are still not enough, we have food-stamp usage by Americans at an all time high; we have a state threatening to sell a National Park due to Government intransigence in the face of a disastrous economy; we have Social Security actually entering into the red this year; we have State controlled, Citizen-owned GM donating to Democratic causes, jobless claims up again, rumors of another Presidential Executive Order in which the Federal Housing Giants forgive the underwater portions of federally owned mortgages which are upside-down--at taxpayer expense, and much, much more. Each of the long list of items enumerated above, when recounted individually, would not seem like much. And yet when we pull all of these items together, lay them out much like a jigsaw puzzle, and then try to piece them together we can see a grand theme at work, and yet the cut of the pieces just do not seem to fit properly, as of yet. Given time, the pattern should come into sharp focus, but will it be too late by then?

The Media, along with a majority of those in Academia, see and therefore defend the damaging effects of these policies, then desperately trumpet any change as being positive news and herald the fact that we have turned some perceived corner and are now blazing down the homestretch of regain prosperity when in fact, we’re doing nothing of the kind. The are nothing more than the purveyors of nothing more than wishful thinking. All of this while members of the extreme Left seem angered at their man, Barry's inability to run the table with every Socialist, Big Brother policy known to mankind. While the Leftist-inspired ideology, touted as being "just absolutely great for us all," is gradually set into motion, we then correspondingly see an incremental economic downturn in prosperity as its effects take hold. More specifically, every time a liberally-inspired new measure or law gets put into play, it seems to result in a corresponding failure or downturn of yet another affected sector--or at least a severe downgrading of that particular sector. But still, they don’t view it as being a failure of the plan, or even of the plan’s execution. Failure is always blaming on some vague outside forces. It is a fact that the ideology of the left has actually done more damage to the very people it was meant to aid, than if nothing would have been done at all. People of this Nation, however, are now, however slowly, beginning to awaken and are coming to understand the daunting implications of turning their way of life over to a radical group that has its sole source of experience nothing more than a tenure in the bizarre world of academia and will have no more of it.

The simple truth is that there is no practical or functional way to have the best of every world. But in an America, which was sleekly designed as a means for the absolute best of man's higher individual pursuits, the Statist ideology being put into play is both unnatural and unwieldy. The American system was designed with the singular importance of the individual and his or her rights in mind, not that of the group's or the collective. As a result, any further efforts to radicalize the nation will result in further damage to what is, already, a very tenuous and fragile economy and, therefore, to the future integrity of our nation as a whole. Put another way, Barry and the Democrats seem to be trying to get the vehicle that is our economy even further into the same ditch that they have repeatedly accused the opposition of getting us in, in the first place. To claim they are doing anything else is simply dishonest. I find it fittingly ironic that the very thing that the Liberals find most appealing in their self-protected, highly regulated world, is the very thing that most damages the individual pursuit of self and individual rights, which they claim to hold so dear. Yet, even though many of these same individuals begrudgingly recognize that the foundation of their beliefs are nurtured rather than nullified by both a Constitutional rule of law and by the tenets of Conservatism, they are determined to undermine both to the greatest extent possible.

What we have been witness to over the course of the last 24+ months is the most blatant attack on our Constitution since the days of that Democrat icon, FDR. The abuses of power that have occurred over that brief time are simply to numerous to attempt to list here. We have as our president a man who sees himself as being able to “rule” by decree, and who views our Constitution as being an impediment. An impediment to be detour around using any method available. Those of us truly interested in saving our country and in wresting control away from this “Community agitator” madman and his unethical and insidious political party must decide for ourselves if we are up to the task. We must finish the job in 2012 that we started with the election of 2010. And for those whom we elected and who have decided that they wish not to be part of “We the people’s” team, well then, they can be sent back home. They will either be considered as being part of the solution or part of the continuing problem. So I ask again, if not us, who and if not now, when.

However political parties may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion
~George Washington

Friday, June 24, 2011


The moment of truth may now have finally arrived for our Republican leadership in Congress. Demands are now being made, by the people, that they had best start behaving like the leaders that they profess themselves to be. It's wasa pas t time for then to start exhibiting a little much needed backbone. The people are now demanding that some level of sanity now be applied to level of nonstop spending that has now been underway for more than 2 years. I know, this is nothing new, the government has been busy spending wildly long before Barry came strutting into town, but he has definitely added significantly to the more recent madness. So it was then that the drive to accomplish some manner of major deficit-reduction deal entered a new phase Thursday when Republican negotiators pulled out of bipartisan talks, leaving it to Barry "Almighty" and House Speaker John Boehner to resolve the toughest issues. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R., Va.) said he was backing out of the talks for now because the group had reached an impasse over the question of whether tax increases should be included in the deal. No surprise there, Democrats think tax hikes are the solution to everything. The only other Republican in the group, Sen. Jon Kyl (R., Ariz.), soon followed suit, agreeing that only the highest levels of leadership could break the logjam between Democrats' demand that the budget deal include tax increases and Republicans' adamant opposition to that demand.

The ongoing talks were supposed be aimed at striking some sort of a budget deal, or force some sort of Republican compromise, in hopes of easing the way for Congress to raise the government's $14.29 trillion debt limit. Treasury Department officials, led by "Little Timmy the Tax Cheat" Geithner, who continues to do his best "Chicken Little" routine, say that without additional borrowing authority all Hell is gonna break loose, and that if there is no agreement by August 2, the government will run out of cash to pay its bills. Well that kind of begs the question why the bills were allowed to get to high in the first place. This supposed whiz kid "Timmy" was one of those nut jobs rabidly supporting the disproven theory that we can spend our way out of our current economic slump. I'd say that's been disproven yet again! Anyway, they continue to warn that defaulting on any U.S. obligations could trigger yet another financial crisis and recession. More scare tactics from this incompetent team of boobs. Haven't we had enough of that? All this administration has done thus far, is to attempt to create one crisis after another all in an effort to pave the way for their mind numbing spending and government expansion. They exhaust all efforts at trying to convince us that the only way out of our current economic predicament is for the government to spend ever more money that we don't have. It's past time to slam on the brakes!

The assembled group doing all this discussing and led by stellar vice President, and the well-known plagiarist, "Slow Joe" Biden, canceled its meeting which had been scheduled for Thursday. The suspension of the group's work could signal the beginning of the final stage of budget negotiations, which most participants had long assumed would be concluded by Barry, Speaker Boehner and "Dingy" Harry Reid. Or it could indicate that the groups' members are unable to proceed in a direction that will actually accomplish the purpose of they're getting together in the first place. I'll leave that to you to decide. But in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Cantor did say that, "We've reached the point where the dynamic needs to change." Adding that, "It is up to the president to come in and talk to the speaker. We've reached the end of this phase." Doesn't sound all that encouraging to me. But, who knows. Congressional and White House officials remained optimistic that higher-level talks could build on the tentative agreements reached by the so-called, "Slow Joe" Biden group. Mr. Cantor said the group had identified more than $2 trillion in spending cuts over the next ten years. However, a Democratic official close to the talks said the total was only about $1.2 trillion. "As all of us at the table said at the outset, the goal of these talks was to report our findings back to our respective leaders,'' old "Slow Joe" said. "The next phase is in the hands of those leaders, who need to determine the scope of an agreement that can tackle the problem and attract bipartisan support. For now the talks are in abeyance as we await that guidance."

Barry and Speaker Boehner had already stepped up their personal contact with each other and I'm sure everyone remembers the much-ballyhooed golf outing last weekend and the little-noticed meeting at the White House on Wednesday night. White House officials confirmed the meeting was held before the president gave his prime-time speech on Afghanistan, but they, of course, declined to say what the two men might have discussed. Mr. Boehner was notified Thursday morning of Mr. Cantor's decision to leave the talks. The speaker said later he understood Mr. Cantor's frustrations, and that he stood willing to engage in talks with the president. "I would expect to hear from him," Mr. Boehner said. Don't hold your breath there, Mr. Speaker. Oh, and Mr. Speaker, let's not decide to take matters into our own hands and agree to readily with whatever it is that Barry proposes. We all know he lies like a rug, and you are there to protect the American people. The recent breakdown should come as no real surprise to anyone who has been paying even the least amount of attention to what has been going on, because from the very beginning, the spendthrift Democrats have insisted that some form of new revenue or tax increases be part of any eventual solution, given the goal of the entire process is reducing the projected growth in the federal deficit by $4 trillion over 10 years. At the same time, however, Republicans have been equally firm in they're rejecting of any tax increases as the primary method of raising any additonal revenue. As has been said any number of time, what we have is not a revenue problem but a spending problem. However, I suppose both sides have some level of political incentive to resist compromise as long as possible in talks that are being very closely watched by their respective political base of voters.

At "Slow Joe's" group's last meeting Wednesday, discussions over whether to include taxes were particularly contentious, Mr. Cantor said. This was unlike most meetings over the past seven weeks, in which "Slow Joe" kept the talks focused on areas of possible agreement on spending cuts, while sidestepping the tax issue. Democrats have been hopeful that Republicans might make some concessions on taxes. In other words they were hoping the Republican would eventually cave regarding the strong opposition on the issue of taxes. In the Senate last week, 33 Republicans did vote to abolish tax subsidies for ethanol manufacturers. But Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has been sounding an increasingly strident message of opposition to including any tax increases in any budget deal that might be agreed to. As well he should be. If he doesn't see the writing on the wall, put there by the American people, then he's freakin blind! Because the alarms are now sounding and the appropriate warnings have officially been sent. Hold the line, DO NOT chicken out! ForAmerica, a conservative activist group, has produced a video challenging House Speaker Boehner and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell not to be “chicken,” and to support the group’s “Cut, Cap, and Balance” pledge – cut the deficit, cap spending, and balance the budget. The pledge would commit signatories to oppose any increase in the congressional debt limit (currently $14.29 trillion) unless substantial cuts in spending are made to reduce the deficit next year. Also, enforceable spending caps must be enacted to put the federal government on a path to a balanced budget, and Congress must pass a constitutional balanced budget amendment that permanently limits federal spending and requires a supermajority to enact tax increases.

The ForAmerica pledge has already been signed by 11 senators, 14 House members, and 16 candidates for federal office, including GOP presidential candidates Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) and former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty. The video, which the group says will be sent to 1.5 million people via e-mail, begins by noting that “chickens tend to flock together, often following each other without a real sense of direction.” The video then sharply criticizes the House and Senate GOP leadership saying, “Many chickens tend to find their homes in Washington, D.C. But Americans don’t want to be led by chickens. Speaker Boehner, Leader McConnell, all congressional Republicans, conservatives in this country didn’t elect you to chicken out on the debt ceiling.” “This is a fight we can’t give up,” says the video narrator. The video came on the heels of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Boehner’s representative in negotiations to raise the debt ceiling, walking out of debt-limit/budget talks on Thursday after Democrats insisted on tax increases as part of any deal. “Regardless of the progress that has been made, the tax issue must be resolved before discussions can continue,” Cantor said in a statement. I could not agree with Mr. Cantor more. The Democrats are of the opinion that they can just spend, spend and then spend some more and then blackmail the rest of us into covering the cost, claiming that if we don't we're going to be faced with and fiscal Armageddon. Well, duh! Why should we foot the bill for all of the giveaways to those who comprise the Democrat Party's core constituencies. It makes no sense. I refuse to allow scumbag Democrats to hold hostage my daughter's future. And if the Republicans decide to go all weak kneed squishy, then they're finished as a political party. At this point their survivability rests entirely on them. And if they think we're bluffing, then shame on them!