

Friday, July 29, 2011


Come on "Dingy," you beady-eyed little shit, it's time to give all of this "extremist" crap a bit of a rest. Because I think it's pretty plain here, that if there is anyone who can rightly be referred to as being extremist, it would be every single Democrat in Congress along with our "community agitator" of a president. Apparently old "Dingy" has now officially decreed that he will never agree to a debt ceiling deal that would require another vote before the end of 2012, and blamed “extremists,” i.e., Republicans for blocking a deal now. So again, who is it that's sounding like an extremist? And I don't see how the Republicans are "blocking" anything. They've put forth 3 separate plan and the Democrats have yet to put forward one. To me that sounds like: Adults 3, Spoiled Brats 0.

Anyway, I guess some reporter asked old "Dingy" on Friday if he would be open to any sort of a compromise allowing another vote on this matter before the end of 2012. “No, no, no. We cannot be in this battle all the time,” "Dingy" said. So I guess that the only ones who are expected to, in any way, compromise, that would have to be the Republicans. Because you see, Democrats see themselves as being well above all of that silly compromise stuff. Weasels like "Dingy" want this whole issue as far removed from the psyche of the American voter as possible come election time. They are well aware of the fact that American's have notoriously short memories regarding the dirty deeds that are done in Washington.

“Right now the extremists have locked down this Congress,” Reid continued. “We’re doing nothing. The extremists have locked down the White House. They’re not able to do their work. The country is in an economic malaise and they want to keep this up.” Extremists, extremists, extremists! What a bunch of, to use Debbie Wasserman Schultz's words, "partisan politicking." This caliber of behavior that we coming from Democrats in Congress is pathetically juvenile to say the least. And I'm curious about what exactly it is that the Republicans have done that would prevent "Dingy", or even Barry for that matter, from coming up with their own plans. Instead all they've done is to sit back and take pot shots at the plans put forth by the Republicans. That's adult!

And evidently all it takes for House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) to now be referred to as being an "extremist" is to do nothing more than to try to gain support for his bill that would increase the debt ceiling – or the amount the government can borrow. The Boehner bill would increase the ceiling by $1 trillion and require another debt ceiling vote in early 2012 that would require an agreement on more cuts. Yup, sound pretty extreme to me! It should go without saying, and for the obvious reason I mentioned earlier, that Barry and Democrats want a single vote to increase the debt ceiling by $2.4 trillion that would last until well after the 2012 elections. Because as always, it's never about what's best for the country, but what's best for Democrats.


Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Democrat from Florida, has opened her big fat pie hole yet again. This time that pillar of brain power and chair of the Democratic National Committee, actually had the audacity to accuse House Speaker John Boehner of “partisan politicking,” and issuing a threat, of sorts, she said if he doesn’t "compromise" with Democrats on a debt-ceiling deal, Republicans will “have no one to blame but themselves for the fallout.” Hey Debbie, how about we see a little compromise coming from you and some of your fellow scumbag Democrats? What she's really saying here is that in order for any deal to be struck the Republicans are going to be required to abandon all of their demands and to then completely capitulate to the Democrats, or else. Now I'm not sure about you, but where I come from surrender just does not equate to compromise. The bottom line here is that Ms. Wasserman and her perverted ilk don't want to cut spending from anywhere other than the military and then they want to jack up taxes. They like all of this spending because, after all, it's accomplishing just what they want, a very hostile economic environment specifically designed to bring about the complete collapse of our economy. So what is there exactly that Republicans should now compromise on especially when that is what we're now being confronted with? And ya know what, if the American people aren't smart to see who it is that's really heavily involved in the partisan politicking, then we're screwed anyway! Of course, when it comes to the American people and they're being observant about the goings on in Washington, I'm never too confident.

The Florida Democrat released the following statement Thursday after House Speaker John Boehner again postponed a vote on the Republicans' debt-ceiling bill. Boehner lacked the votes to pass the bill, which does not cut spending enough to satisfy Tea Party conservatives. Democrats won't back the Republican bill, partly because it raises the debt limit in two stages. “This should be a wakeup call to Speaker Boehner and the intransigent Republican Majority -- the ‘it’s-my-way-or-the-highway’ approach to solving our debt and default crisis is the wrong way for Congress and the American people," Wasserman Schultz said in a statement. "What’s been clear to everyone from the beginning should be clear to the Speaker now: it will require Democratic votes to resolve this crisis and it will require compromise to secure those votes and move beyond this impasse. “Now that his attempt at partisan politicking has failed, I hope that Speaker Boehner will finally join with President Obama and Democratic Congressional leaders in a serious way to enact bipartisan legislation to prevent an historic and catastrophic default on the United States’ debt." I find it interesting that she refers to Boehner's "it's-my-way-or-the highway" approach when the only ones I've seen employing that tactic have been Barry, "Dingy" Harry and every other Democrat out there speaking on the topic. So I think Ms. Wasserman, in this specific instance, is talking out her ass. Which is something Democrats, including our president, are very skilled at doing. The House passed "Cut, Cap and Balance," and sent it to the Senate where "Dingy" refused to bring it up for a vote. So again I ask, who is it that can be called guilty of “partisan politicking?"

In fact, it has been Speaker Boehner who has spent many hours in discussions with a White House that has been anything but willing to compromise. Hours spent all in an attempt to reach some sort of a deal. Those talks collapsed when, to use Boehner’s words, Barry "Almighty," as he so often does, “moved the goalposts.” And isn't that always the way with Democrats? Boehner said a tentative deal fell through when Barry insisted upon raising taxes and “refused to get serious about cutting spending.” So I'm more than a little confused when this bimbo, Wasserman Schultz, say something as idiotic as, "There’s not much time left to solve this problem, but if Republicans are finally willing to sit down with Democrats, we can achieve a real solution that protects our credit rating, avoids default and begins to get our fiscal house in order. If Republicans, at this late hour, refuse to do so, they’ll have no one to blame but themselves for the fallout.” That this is the way this imbecile thinks is more than a little scary to me. And for her to describe the Republicans as being the ones who are being intransigent, very clearly reveals the level of deceit that is underway from her and her fellow sleazy Democrats. The only ones putting up any number of speed bumps and/or road blocks regarding the prospects of a viable deal being reached are the Democrats. That, my friends, should be painfully obvious here. What Debbie and her friends are hoping for here is that they can hang tough just long enough that a few Republicans will go squishy and send up the white flag out of their fear of being labeled by the Democrats. Maybe Debbie and her pals in Congress should be concerned about a little possible fallout.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Never one to give up on the cause of those out there on loony left kook fringe, we once again have that brilliant member of Congress and ardent defender of those who would wish to do us harm, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas). With this moron the hits just keep on coming. At a hearing of the House Committee on Homeland Security that was supposed to be about the radicalization of young Somali American Muslims by the al-Shabaab terrorist group, Ms. Jackson-Lee thought it much more important to recommend that the committee hold hearings on what she sees as a much more serious, as well as a rapidly growing, problem here in these United States. And what, you may ask, might be that problem be that has Ms. Jackson-Lee in what can only be described as a tizzy? Why nothing other than all of those sneaky, and especially racist, “right-wing extremists,” of course. Jackson-Lee used much of her allotted five minutes to question panelists with expertise on radicalization about the alleged hacking into telephones of 9-11 victims by the now-closed News of the World tabloid in England. “I would add to that, that I would like to have a hearing on right-wing extremists, ideologues who advocate violence and advocate, in essence, the terrorizing of certain groups,” Jackson-Lee said.

Before Jackson-Lee was recognized by Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), the committee chairman, the panel of witnesses gave details about how al-Shabaab, an affiliate of al-Qaeda, is recruiting young Somali men who live in the United States to travel to that African nation to participate in terrorist training camps. “Early in 2011, Canadian national security officials confirmed the disappearances of dozens of young Canadian Somali males who had traveled to Somalia to fight for the Al Shabaab, a terrorist group that is officially allied with al Qaeda and al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula,” said Ahmed Hussen, Canadian Somali Congress National President, at the hearing. “Three of these individuals have died in Somalia fighting for this group.” But not being especially interested in the topic, nor the purpose of the hearing, and with such comments apparently not making all that much of an impression on her, Ms Jackson-Lee then decided to veer off on one of her rather unique brand of tangents. She seems to be much more interested in some perceived, albeit non existent, threat that she sees as having its source in those supposed "right-wing extremists" who she seems to see lurking in every shadow and around every corner. According to her, that is the much bigger threat here at home and we should therefore be paying much more attention to it.

“The unique and extraordinary threats to national security that foreign terrorist organizations present to the United States are abundantly clear,” W. Anders Folk, former assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Minnesota, testified. “Al-Shabaab’s successful recruitment of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents, and the existence of a base of ideological and actual support for al-Shabaab in the United States raise a number of issues that require study in order to ensure that the United States maintains its safety in the face of the threat posed by the group.” Minnesota has one of the largest Somali populations in the United States, according to witnesses who testified at the hearing. And as such you would think that that fact would be of primary concern to those responsible for safeguarding the country, as Minnesota could likely provide a window of opportunity in this country where we could face a similar type of activity as that which has been experienced in Canada. But that never seems to dawn on this rather dim bulb who apparently has a very different agenda from that of the Committee upon which she sits. And if she is the one elected to represent her district, you have to ask, is this the best they could do. If so, then one can only assume that the individuals who comprise that district must surely have a collective IQ roughly equivalent to the shoe size of any one member of this very stellar group.

In his opening remarks, Chairman King described how the hearing would reveal the “direct threat” al-Shabaab poses to the United States. “You will hear how al-Shabaab, who bin Laden called one of the most important armies of Islam, is engaged in an ongoing, successful effort to recruit and radicalize dozens of Muslim-American jihadis, who pose a direct threat to the U.S.,” King said. Jackson Lee, ever the paranoid nutjob, focused instead on what she called domestic “hate groups,” and asked that a 39-page document on such groups be added to the congressional record of the hearing, which King allowed. She also asked that two Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) documents regarding domestic terror cases be added to the record. Jackson-Lee said that the committee should be briefed by federal law enforcement agencies, including the FBI and the Central Intelligence Agency. “My concern with the focus of the hearings that we have had is the isolation of certain groups,” Jackson-Lee said. Right, now why might we want to isolate and keep track of those groups who wish us nothing but harm. And why is she so hesitant about doing so?Does Ms. Jackson-Lee view these Islamic murderers as allies of some sort. Does she view them as being on the same side? I guess I just can't figure out why it is that she is so doggedly determined to protect those organizations who have some pretty sinister motives.

It's individuals like Ms. Jackson-Lee here, who are not only responsible for the fiscal mess that this country is now in, but also for continually, and habitually, allowing this country to be placed firmly within the sights of every screwy, wackjob Islamic fanatic anywhere on the planet. People this stupid should not be permitted to serve in public office, in any capacity. Their stupidity makes them extremely dangerous to the rest of us who on our worst day wouldn't even consider electing someone who is such a blatantly obvious imbecile as is Ms. Jackson-Lee. Democrats, in general, and down almost to a man, or women, in Congress, possess a deep and seething hatred for this country, and Ms. Jackson-Lee personifies that hatred. The destruction of America is paramount to such people and they are willing to partner up with anyone in their effort to be successful in that endeavor. Our country is under attack on nearly every front, and out in front, enthusiastically leading the charge, are folks just like Ms. Jackson-Lee.


The more these pinhead Democrats keep coming, the more ludicrous sounding they get. This time around we have yet another genius Democrat in the person of New York Rep. Jerrold Nadler, aka, "Pumpkinhead," who has made the insane argument at a recent news conference with the Congressional Out of Poverty Caucus that the United States does not currently have a budget crisis. Ok, forget about the outright lunacy of his argument, what on God's green Earth is the "Congressional Out of Poverty Caucus?" I guess I have not been paying nearly enough attention here regarding the goings on in Congress. "That’s the real crisis – the unemployment, not the deficit. We don’t have a deficit problem right now. In the long term, we have a deficit problem – we’ve got to get it under control but not right now," or so said the brilliant Mr. Nadler at the Capitol on Wednesday. "Right now we’ve got to get unemployment under control. If we got unemployment down to 7 percent, down to 5 percent, which is what it was in 2005, and 2007 rather before the recession hit, if we got it down to 5 percent, half the deficit would be eliminated just by that – half the deficit without cutting a nickel from the budget. So, we have to address the real problem. The real problem is we are not taxing properly." Not taxing properly? The policies advocated by buffoons like Nadler and, of course Barry, that have been put in place thus far, have directly resulted in 2.4 million jobs having now been lost in the last 31 months.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that the federal budget deficit will reach $1.5 trillion by the end of the fiscal year 2011. The current national debt limit is $14.29 trillion. Rep. Nadler, of course, supports a higher corporate tax rate which is already the highest in the World. "In 1950, corporations paid taxes equal to 8 percent of GDP, today they’re paying taxes equal to less than 1 percent of GDP. In 1980, corporations' taxes were 6 percent, sorry, were 30 percent of total tax revenues, today they’re 6 percent of total tax revenues – they’re taking the taxes off the corporations and off the rich," he said. He continued, "When we talk about, ‘we’ve got a budget deficit crisis’ no we don’t. We have a tax crisis, we have a crisis that we’re not taxing properly and we have a recession and an unemployment crisis. "The way to get out of that unemployment crisis is to spend money on more food stamps and on aid to states and local governments so they don’t lay off people and on infrastructure so we can be competitive and put people to work and if we did that, unemployment would go down, tax receipts would go up and we’d be well on our way out of this so-called crisis." What has gone on over the course of the last 10 years and, yes actually is something in which Bush did play a role, is that the government has essentially doubled in size and therefore doubled in the cost that it takes to run it.

This rabid amount of spending and the accelerated pace of government expansion is not something that is in any way sustainable. And this idiot's suggestion that the answer to our problem is as simple as spending even more money on such things as food stamps and on aid to the states so that they can keep unionized public employees on the job, goes beyond being insane, it's absolutely irresponsible. This is not rocket science. And I just cannot for the life of me, understand why it is that with people like this Democrat moron out there making such imbecilic statements that rational people simply cannot see who the main culprits are behind our present economic and fiscal situation. Never in our history has such a massive amount of spending taken place in such a short period of time. And we're just supposed to sit back and let it continue because fat slobs like this jerk are either living in denial regarding our current fiscal mess, or are simply just flat out lying to us. This runaway freight train has got to be stopped before it plows headlong into the wheelhouse. And the Democrats, Barry included, want to do nothing more than to continue with business as usual. There is a complete unwillingness on the part of the Democrats to do anything substantive regarding this supposed deadline on 2 August. I think they are hoping for the worst, because that is the caliber of individual that we are dealing with here. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


At what I guess is called his weekly pen-and-pad session on Tuesday, House Minority Wimp, and blowhard extraordinaire, Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) continued what can now be described as the ongoing Democrat rant, as he directed a diatribe of harsh criticism toward the Republicans in the House of Representatives. “Unfortunately, we are not yet having an adult moment,” Hoyer said “Unfortunately, we continue to hold hostage the credit of the United States and the economy of the United States and, indeed, the global markets," he said. Right, the fact that we have a Democrat accusing someone of not acting like an adult is laughable in itself. It's the Democrats' inability to behave as adults that essentially got us in this mess in the first place. And if anyone is holding anyone "hostage," it the Democrats who are holding the U.S. taxpayers, and small business owners, hostage. Hoyer characterized the current budget battle between Republicans and Democrats as a “sorry, irresponsible spectacle.” He then likened Republican leaders to baseball great Barry Bonds, saying that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and the rest of the Republican leadership had done nothing but “walk” on the debt issue. “We’ve seen the Republicans walk more than Barry Bonds,” he said. Kind of a stupid analogy if you ask me. Because why is it that they have been forced to walk?

I can only assume that what this moron, Hoyer, is trying to do here, with his idiotic little Bonds reference, is to do nothing more than to try to turn the tables. He's trying to somehow create a perception here by making it look like Boehner, who, because of intransigent Democrats and their idiotic demands, has chosen to walk out of negotiations twice, is the source of the continuing stalemate. What old Steny fails to mention, however, is the fact that our "Fearless Leader," Barry "Almighty" threw a hissy fit and stormed out of a debt meeting on July 13. Hoyer also made kind of a general statement saying that Boehner’s proposal of spending cuts in exchange for a rise in the debt ceiling “is not a good one.” Ok, why, give some specifics, Steny. Hoyer said it was hypocritical that Boehner released his current plan at around 11:30 pm on Monday night, especially after Republicans had criticized Democrats for ramming through the stimulus bill and the Obamacare health care bill at the last minute. Ok wait a minute, hold your horses, when a sleazy Democrat starts talking about someone being a hypocrite it's time to send up the bullshit flag. Because there ain't no bigger hypocrites anywhere around than this pathetic band of Democrats. If we can believe what we're being told here about this debt ceiling issue, that there is some urgency to get this debt issue resolved, then I'm not sure I understand Steny's comparison. I mean where was the urgency in the shoving of "Obamacare" down our throats?

The House last week passed the “Cut, Cap, and Balance Plan,” but that was then rejected by the Democrat-led Senate with "Dingy" Harry Reid calling the worst piece of legislation in history. Hoyer said he did not think Senate Majority Leader "Dingy" Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) plan went far enough, stressing that he wanted to see $4 trillion in spending cuts. When asked by a reporter what the way out of the debt mess is, Steny responded: “The Reid plan is the way out.” Reid’s plan "claims" to cut the deficit by $2.7 trillion while Boehner’s plan cuts the deficit by $3 trillion. Despite projections that Barry "Almighty" is incurring a record amount of national debt, Hoyer continued to blame the bloated federal government on President Bush who, in Hoyer's world, somehow added $5 trillion dollars to the national debt. Hoyer said: “They [Republicans] incurred this debt. We participated in that. People were advantaged by things we bought with the money. We stabilized the economy. According to the Republicans, we are defending freedom, and I believe that, abroad, saving us from terrorism. Investing in our kid’s education, making sure the American dream is still alive. But too many people are taking a walk at a time of great crisis and challenge. Summer soldiers and sunshine patriots. That may sound corny, but this is a time of such crisis. This is when summer soldiers and sunshine patriots take a walk on their country. Not on Obama. Not on Democrats in Congress. They take a walk on their country and its people."

You know, with each passing day these Democrats sound more and more like they're loosing touch with all reality. It's like they're living in some strange alternate universe that is far, far away from the rest of us, and are now residing in their own, rather unique, little world. Personally I think they've lost their collective mind. They get in front of a television camera or a microphone and they just start to blather. They're getting to the point where they are becoming completely incoherent. They think they're making a point but it comes out as being nothing more than nonsensical gibberish. That they can continue to defend the insane amount of spending that has taken place over the course of the last two years, or about jobs that were somehow saved or about some nonexistent turn around in the economy, gives a pretty clear indication that they're losing their battle as far as being able to hold on to some semblance of sanity. They have truly slipped a cog. They have no credibility on the issues of spending, deficit reduction, taxes or anything even remotely having to do with the economy or efforts made to bring about a recovery. They have no plan, their only plan is to denigrate everyone else's plan. That's a Hell of a way to run a railroad. These people are completely unable, or unwilling, to accept and personal responsibility for what has gone on over the last two years. All that they can manage to do is to still blame Bush.


When speaking to the nation in a primetime television address on Monday night to deliver what many have said was nothing more than a campaign speech, completely devoid of specifics, Barry "Almighty" said that because less money was “coming in” during the recession, the federal government had to “spend even more.” Excuse me? Yup that's right, folks. “The deficit was on track to top $1 trillion the year I took office,” said our "Dear Beloved Leader." And, “To make matters worse, the recession meant that there was less money coming in, and it required us to spend even more -- on tax cuts for middle-class families to spur the economy; on unemployment insurance; on aid to states so we could prevent more teachers and firefighters and police officers from being laid off. These emergency steps also added to the deficit.” Look, the mind numbing rate of spending that has occurred under this president simply is not sustainable. And to even remotely consider that fact that it is, is nothing short of pure insanity.

Besides his once again blaming all of this on Bush, beginning with practically the first sentence of the speech, Barry then went on to make his argument for what he refers to as being a “balanced approach,” once which has tax increases as being part of any deal to increase to debt limit. Now just to refresh everyone's memory here, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), known as the economic stimulus/Democrat slush fund, which was passed by the Democrat-led Congress in February 2009, has already cost the taxpayers, those 50 percent of households who still pay income tax, $821 Billion. The CBO projects that the federal budget deficit will reach $1.5 Trillion by the end of the fiscal year 2011. The current national debt limit is $14.29 Trillion. Official debt figures from the U.S. Treasury show that the 111th Democrat-led Congress added $3.22 Trillion to the national debt. So why should we, the taxpayers, be asked to fork over even more to cover Democrat largesse.

Following the president’s remarks, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) called for a reduction in federal spending and no tax increases as part any deal going forward that would increase the debt limit. “The solution to this crisis is not complicated: if you’re spending more money than you’re taking in, you need to spend less of it,” said Boehner. “There is no symptom of big government more menacing than our debt,” he said. “Break its grip, and we begin to liberate our economy and our future.” Boehner also mocked the economic "stimulus" package signed by Barry. “Here’s what we got for that spending binge,” said Boehner, “a 'stimulus' bill that was more effective in producing material for late-night comedians than it was in producing jobs and a national debt that has gotten so out of hand it has sparked a crisis without precedent in my lifetime or yours.” The bottom line here is that since Barry took office 2.4 million jobs have been lost! The unemployment rate, which he practically guaranteed us would not go above 8 percent if we signed on to his stimulus, shortly thereafter went to 10.1 and is now resting quite comfortably at 9.2.

Barry has proven the case better than anyone else ever could have that this approach to solving economic and financial problems such as the one that we are currently experiencing cannot be solved by huge amounts of government spending. It's simply impossible. But don't count on him reversing course anytime soon. The only hope we have of getting things turned around is the 2012 election and the sending of Barack Hussein Obama back to Chicagoland. The amount of damage he will have been able to accomplish by then will still take decades to repair. But should we fail in our endeavor to defeat him, America, or at least the America in which many of us grew up, will most certainly be dead.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Ya know, just when I think I've heard just about every stupid statement that could ever be uttered by a moron on the left, along comes ex-speaker "Botox" Pelosi to prove me wrong yet again. Because it was while she was speaking at some news conference on workers rights, that Ms. Pelosi (D-Calif.) claimed that those evil Republicans are using the budget deficit as a way to “destroy your rights” and “undermine the government.” Now really, who besides her fellow psychotic malcontents out there on edge of reality is really going to believe this drivel? “This isn’t just about they’re saying we should reduce the deficit. We all want to be fiscally sound. We don’t want to do harm to our economic growth but we know that if we can save some money, we’d like to do that. This isn’t about that,” said Pelosi, alongside Reps. George Miller (D-Calif.), Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) and Harold A. Schaitberger, the President of International Association of Fire Fighters during a news conference at the Capitol on Tuesday.

So what is it about, you may ask? Well Ms. Pelosi goes on to tell us that, “This is an excuse – a budget deficit is an excuse for the Republicans to undermine government – plain and simple. They don’t just want to make cuts; they want to destroy. They want to destroy food safety, clean air, clean water, the Department of Education. They want to destroy your rights. They do not like government.” But there was more as Ms. Pelosi continued her imbecilic rant, “They’re riding an engine of popular support on ‘okay, we have to reduce the deficit’ and they’re using that as an excuse to destroy.” This bitch really ought be transported to the nearest rubber room, because she very clearly has gone round the proverbial bend. Her grasp on reality is very tenuous at best, as she goes about the grabbing of straws in her attempt to paint the Republicans as being the bad guys in all of this.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that the federal budget deficit will reach $1.5 trillion by the end of the fiscal year 2011. The current national debt limit is $14.29 trillion. Ms. Pelosi and her trusty sidekick at the time, George Miller, criticized House Republicans for considering the "Protecting Job from Government Interference Act" which would prevent the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) from “ordering any employer to close, relocate, or transfer employment under any circumstance.” The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers distributed a statement to reporters at the conference urging members of Congress to vote against the legislation because it would prevent the NLRB from continuing legal action against the Boeing Corporation for moving an assembly line to South Carolina. The NLRB, which should have long ago simply been done away with, has now very obviously been hijacked by Barry and his zealots that presently serve on the board that in all realty has come to serve no useful purpose.

Pelosi said Republicans “vision” of America is not “one of fairness” to American workers. “The Speaker has said between him and the President, they have a different vision of America – and that’s how come their budget proposals are different, quite different. Maylon [Mitchell, President of Professional Fire Fighters of Wisconsin] said it over and over again about shared sacrifice. We get the sacrifice; they share the wealth. That’s what it is.” She continued, “They [Republicans] have a different vision of America and that vision of America is not one of fairness to Americans – American workers. They fear you because of their desire to have endless wealth and not take any responsibility for helping to grow the country that helped them succeed.” BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!!! Yes, above all else we must have fairness.
Pelosi did not take questions at the conference. No shit. Really?


Yup, old Barry was going be their golden goose. It was going to be happy days are here again. They finally had one of their own in the White House. The "real" first black president, not some wanna be. Barry was going to pay all of their rent, give them all free healthcare, put food on all of their tables, pay the daycare costs for all of their illegitimate kids and, best of all, he was going to sock it to all of those greedy white folks. Hell, some of them even thought they'd be getting a new car. That's what they all thought, and that's why they all voted for him. But a funny thing happened on the way to utopia. Barry created an economic and financial nightmare the likes of which we have not witnessed since the Carter years and before that, the "Great Depression." And it is Barry's efforts to radically "transform" this country into something that more closely resembles the European model that can be identified as being the root cause for our present situation that has produced a growing number of casualties. And it just so happens that the greatest number of those casualties can be found in minority communities. You see, apparently the wealth gaps between whites and minorities have now grown to their widest levels since the U.S. government first began tabulating them a quarter-century ago. The recession and uneven recovery have erased decades of minority gains, leaving whites on average with 20 times the net worth of blacks and 18 times that of Hispanics, according to an analysis of new Census data. Oddly enough, if you were to look back at the times when minorities have experienced the most growth in net worth you will also most likely find that during those times there has been a Republican in the White House. And still these morons continue to vote for Democrats.

This most recent analysis shows the severity of the racial and ethnic impact that the Barry inspired economic meltdown, which has ravaged housing values and sent unemployment soaring, has brought about. It also offers the most direct "government" evidence yet of the wealth divide, a disparity between predominantly younger minorities whose main asset is their home and older whites who are more likely to have 401(k) retirement accounts or other stock holdings. "I am afraid that this pushes us back to what the Kerner Commission characterized as `two societies, separate and unequal,'" said Roderick Harrison, a former chief of racial statistics at the Census Bureau, referring to the 1960s presidential commission that examined U.S. race relations. "The great difference is that the second society has now become both black and Hispanic." What exactly is a "chief of racial statistics?" Boy, I'd love to see what's in that job description. And what might be the qualifications for such a position? So I'm guessing that somehow this wealth divide is the fault of those who are able to have 401(k)s? And I can't help but wonder how many of these "younger minorities" might have been allowed to buy more house than they could have ever hoped to pay for. And for that they can also, again, thank the Democrats. It was because of scumbags like Bawney Fwank, Chris Dodd, that these folks were lured into situations that simply were not going to end well for them. And, still these morons insist on voting for Democrats.

The median wealth of white U.S. households in 2009 was $113,149, compared to $6,325 for Hispanics and $5,677 for blacks, at least according to the analysis released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center. Those ratios, roughly 20 to 1 for blacks and 18 to 1 for Hispanics, far exceed the low mark of 7 to 1 for both groups reached in 1995, when the nation's economic expansion lifted many low-income groups to the middle class. The white-black wealth gap also is the widest since census began tracking such data in 1984, when the ratio was roughly 12 to 1. "What's pushing the wealth of whites is the rebound in the stock market and corporate savings, while younger Hispanics and African-Americans who bought homes in the last decade, because that was the American dream, are seeing big declines," said Timothy Smeeding, a University of Wisconsin-Madison professor who specializes in "income inequality." A fella who specializes in income inequality, what a crock. There's someone we need to be listening to. NOT! I do have a question, and maybe this specialist in "income inequality" can answer. Might this wealth apparent wealth disparity also stem from an unwillingness on the part of many of these minorities to stay in school, choosing instead to essentially become nothing more than what equates to being wards of the state? And might it also have something to do with they're being unable to move up the wealth ladder. The bottom-line here is that we all have decisions and choices to make throughout our lives, and the better the decisions the better the chance of having a good life. I shouldn't be made responsible for the bad decisions of others. Like they say, garbage in, garbage out!

Stock holdings play an important role in the economic well-being of white households. Stock funds, IRA and Keogh accounts as well as 401(k) and savings accounts were responsible for 28 percent of whites' net worth, compared with 19 percent for blacks and 15 percent for Hispanics. "There's a good chance the wealth gap will widen further," Smeeding said, citing the stalled housing market. "What we need to do is help lower-income people move up." According to the Pew study, the housing boom of the early to mid 2000s particularly boosted the wealth of Hispanics, who were disproportionately employed in the thriving construction industry. Hispanics also were more likely to live and buy homes in states such as California, Florida, Nevada and Arizona, which were in the forefront of the real estate bubble, enjoying early gains in home values. Those gains quickly shriveled in a housing collapse that was very much expedited by the policies of this president and the last Congress. After reaching a median wealth of $18,359 in 2005, the wealth of Hispanics, who had derived nearly two-thirds of their net worth from home equity, declined by 66 percent by 2009. Among blacks, who now have the highest unemployment rate, conservatively estimated to be somewhere around 16 percent, their household wealth fell 53 percent from $12,124 to $5,677. And still they remain loyal to the political party who has put them in that position. I just do not get it!

In contrast, the median household wealth of whites dipped 16 percent from $134,992 to $113,149, cushioned in part by a stock market recovery that began in mid-2009. "The findings are a reminder, if one was needed, of what a large share of blacks and Hispanics live on the economic margins," said Paul Taylor, director of Pew Social & Demographic Trends. "When the economy tanked, they're the groups that took the heaviest blows." Ok, and why is that? Might it because that's where they insist upon living? They consistently buy into how they are somehow victims of an unjust society when the majority of the situations that they are made to suffer are purely self-inflicted. The latest data come as Barry "Almighty" and congressional leaders face an August 2 deadline to figure out a deal to cut deficits and raise the debt ceiling or risk seeing the U.S. default on its financial obligations. Democrats and Republicans have been wrangling over proposals that could cut trillions of dollars from programs such as the Medicare health plan, mainly for older Americans, and the government's retirement plan, Social Security; they also are divided over whether to bring in new tax revenue, such as by closing corporate tax loopholes or increasing taxes for the wealthy. The costs for these programs are unsustainable, pure and simple. At a time when 50 percent of households pay absolutely zero income tax, these folks who are essentially nothing more than freeloaders are going to need to start covering some of the expenses incurred on their behalf.

In a White House meeting just last week, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and other black groups urged Barry to resist deep cuts such as in housing assistance or safety net programs including Social Security and Medicaid, a medical program mainly for the poor and uninsured, saying it would disproportionately hurt urban areas with some of the highest rates of poverty and unemployment. The U.S. poverty rate currently stands at 14.3 percent, with the ranks of the working-age poor at the highest level since the 1960s. Some analysts believe the poverty rate will climb higher when new figures are released in September. "Typically in recessions, minorities suffer from being last hired and first fired. They are likely to lose jobs more rapidly at the beginning of the recession, and are far slower to gain jobs as the economy recovers," said Harrison, who is now a sociologist at Howard University. "One suspects that blacks who lost jobs in the recession, or who have tried to help family members or relatives who did, have now spent whatever savings or other cashable assets they had." Look, cuts are going to need to be made, this nanny state thing that we have going here just ain't working. And the policies being instituted by Barry "Almighty" are serving to do nothing more than to exacerbate an already very serious problem. We're broke, and nothing that is currently being presented by the Democrats is going to remedy that situation. Barry stubbornly refuses to do what needs to be done. And still, these morons continue to vote for Democrats!! And, AND, they will most likely vote again, and in large numbers, for Barry "Almighty."


This time it's another one of those mentally challenged Democrats, this one from California and in the person of one Barbara Lee, who is a member of the House of Representatives. This loon released a statement on Monday that made the claim that the “debt crisis” has been completely “manufactured by House Republicans” who are “attempting to advance an extremist agenda.” There's that word "extremist" again. All we hear from idiots like this Ms. Lee are the same talking points over and over and over again ad nauseam. What those evil Republicans are doing is extreme, extreme, and even more extreme.

“The current, so-called ‘debt crisis’ has been completely manufactured by House Republicans attempting to advance an extremist agenda. This should be a simple vote to allow the US Treasury to fund all of the programs and obligations of the entire federal government that are already in the law,” said Rep. Lee in a statement handed out to reporters before a Democratic press conference on jobs at the Capitol. Say it often enough and loudly enough and I guess at some point you yourself begin to believe the drivel you're spewing. So-called debt crisis? Than what's the big deal about this perceived deadline on 2 August. What's the rush, Ms. Lee?

Rep. Lee has called for Congress to increase the debt limit with no strings attached like spending cuts. “Enough is enough,” she said. “We should immediately pass a clean bill to raise the debt ceiling so that we can work on the real crisis in this country – the jobs crisis.” What morons like Ms. Lee don't seem not to get that a growing number of Americans are finally beginning to understand, is that what has been, and continues to be, extreme is the amount of purely reckless spending that has been underway for the last nearly three years.

And these simpletons can go on blaming Bush, as our stellar president did again last night, until the cows come home, but at some point the American people, minus the black folks of course, are going to expect Barry to take some responsibility for what has transpired since he assumed office. This "Blame Bush" mantra is beginning to now wear pretty thin on most people who possess even a limited intelligence. Granted, when Barry first stepped foot into the Oval Office is was walking into an economic environment that was less than ideal. But all he has done since that very first day is to make matters much, much , much worse.

Monday, July 25, 2011


DUH! Like any of us really needed a poll to inform us of this little well-known factoid. The only way that you could be in any way oblivious to something that is so very obvious, the being the fact that today's state controlled media complex has now officially morphed into what is now nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party is to be dumb as a brick. No offense to bricks everywhere. So it is then that I'm afraid that journalists everywhere who may be in need of an ego boost regarding their chosen profession as being some lofty endeavor for the good of all mankind, won’t like their reflection in this latest poll from The Hill about how they are perceived by the general public. Because it's in the results of that poll that almost 70 percent of likely voters characterize the Fourth Estate as biased, and 57 percent contend that reporters are either very unethical, or at least somewhat so. Now there's a resounding endorsement for those who are supposed to be our stalwart defenders of the Republic. Not!

What’s more, the growing coziness between members of the press and the Democrats is becoming readily apparent to a growing number of people, with 46 percent of the 1,000 likely voters polled July 21 saying the media favor Democrats and make very few attempts to hide that fact. Another 22 percent detect a Republican tilt, and 28 percent say the media porridge is just right. And reporters are just too cozy with the politicians they cover, according to 44 percent of the poll participants, while 22 percent disagree. Men are much more inclined than women to cite what's been described as being the coochie-coo factor, with half of the male respondents saying they’re too close, compared with 38 percent of the female participants. I am curious though about who it is that sees a tilt toward the Republicans. Are these morons referring to Fox News, who for no other reason than that they have the nerve to present both sides of an issue and that somehow makes them right-wing ? So if I get this right, whenever you show even the slightest objectivity, that automatically makes you biased toward Republicans.

Regarding the level of ethics possessed by our fine press corps, only 39 percent of those taking part in the poll find the news media as being somewhat or very ethical, according to the Hill, which notes that the Pulse Opinion Research poll was taken as the now-shuttered News of the World phone-hacking scandal continued to unfold in the United Kingdom and U.S. politicians, primarily Democrats eager to take down Fox News, have called for an investigation of parent News Corp.’s actions here. The Hill’s analysis notes what it describes as “intriguing patterns” in the findings, in which centrists and liberals don’t use as broad a brush to paint the media, while conservatives take out their poison pens. Not sure what they're getting at there, but regardless, one-third of moderates say the media report appropriately on politicians, while only 17 percent of conservatives hold that same opinion. However, almost 40 percent of centrists detect a Democratic bias in the media, compared with only 19 percent toward Republicans. Again, just where is that anyone sees a bias in favor of Republicans?

So here we have yet another poll telling us something that just about all of us already knew. And this perception that most people have is far from being anything that's new. But even though the major players in the state controlled media complex are well aware of the fact of how they are viewed by a growing number of Americans, and have been for some time, they continue to live in a weird form of denial. Far from doing anything to alter that perception, over time they seem to have become even more determined in their biased approach to the "news." Today's media has essentially degenerated to the point where they no longer fill any sort of a useful function or purpose. They might as well being the payroll of the DNC. And I'm sure some of them most likely are. It's just a very sad state of affairs that those who comprise what used to be referred as the "mainstream" media are now considered to be so far out of the "mainstream" as to make them no longer a reliable source of useful information. They have done, and continue to do, a great disservice to the American people. And for what, exactly?

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Apparently not wanting to be left out of the conversation, and with all the brainpower of your less than average ice cube, Senator Babs Boxer, Democrat and left wing loon from California, felt compelled to provide her brilliant insight regarding the ongoing debt ceiling discussions. In so doing, she perpetuated the standard line of Democrat rhetoric/talking points in her criticizing Republicans for using the term 'job creators', calling their rhetoric “so much bull.” “Why do they cut and cap our hopes and dreams? To protect tax breaks for the millionaires and the billionaires. It’s quite obvious. They call them – what do they call them? The job creators,” she told a news conference at the Capitol on this past Wednesday, referring to the “Cut, Cap and Balance” bill that passed the House but was rejected in the Senate as what “Dingy” Harry referred to, as being the worst piece of legislation in history. No, “Dingy,” actually that would be “Obamacare.” Actually, who it is that has been busier than anyone else over the course of the last 2+ years, in going about the killing of the hopes and dreams of millions of Americans? Who is it that, through his socialist policies, has created an environment where 2.4 million jobs have been lost since he assumed office? The answer to that question, my friends? None other than Barack Hussein Obama!

“They say, ‘don’t tax the job creators.’” Never the least bit shy about resorting to the telling of telling a few lies here and there if the need arises, like all Democrats, Babs says she has officially checked it all out and is now here to tell us the whole truth and nothin but the truth. She claims, “the fact is if you look at the biggest job creation motor in this country, small business, only 1.4 percent of them earn more than 450,000 – 3 percent of them earn more than 250,000 so that’s just so much bull. Let’s put that baby to rest. When Jon Stewart, the comedian starts making fun of you for constantly saying job creators is they don’t know how to say the words millionaires and billionaires so they came up with this slogan which is false on its face.” I’d say anything that this moron Stewart sees as being necessary to be made fun of, just might be something that he’s trying convince people is totally unworthy of their consideration and should be ignored. Because besides it being the truth, it is something that just might help Republicans. I think that most people with absolutely any amount of intelligence can very plainly see that without his staff of writers standing behind him, Stewart is essentially just another dim bulb, not some brilliant mind that many claim. But hey, birds of a feather flock together, as they say.

So in her ridiculous rant Boxer, being completely unable to come up with anything that can even remotely be called an original thought on the subject, could do no better that to refer to comments that she heard Stewart make on, what I guess was, last Monday’s edition of his idiotic television show, “The Daily Show.” You have to wonder though, what does it say about the intelligence of a U.S. Senator who can do no better than to parrot what is being said by some moron standup comedian, even one who takes great pride in his being lauded as some brilliant political satirist or pundit, a supposed modern day Will Rogers? “Republicans are no longer allowed to say that people are rich. You have to refer to them as job creator. You can’t even use the word rich. You have to say, this chocolate cake is so moist and job creator,” is what Stewart said on his stupid little inconsequential program. It’s not funny and it’s not true. And it reveals a certain recklessness on Stewart’s part that he would so blatantly misrepresent the truth while he does nothing more than go in search of a laugh. He adds nothing of benefit to the discussion, he seeks only to distract from the seriousness of the situation by making fun of those who have the “only” viable plan for getting us out of the mess that his people got us into. These people are really quite pathetic.

Friday, July 22, 2011


You can always very plainly see how deeply it is that our dear "old" friend, "Dingy" Harry Reid, truly cares about the American people. He feels our pain as we fill up our gas tanks, buy food for our table, about not being able to find a job to support our families, or when the bank takes our home. So it was then after taking all of that into consideration and without even a hint of bipartisanship, that Senate Majority Leader "Dingy" Harry Reid on Thursday proclaimed the Republican deficit-reduction plan – the “Cut, Cap, and Balance Act” – as a waste of the Senate’s time. “I think this piece of legislation is about as weak and senseless as anything that has ever come on this Senate floor. And I’m not going to waste the Senate’s time day after day on this piece of legislation, which I think is an anathema to what our country is all about,” "Dingy" said on the Senate floor.

Stating as only a true statist dunderhead like Reid could, he described things with his typical arrogant fashion by saying, “So everyone, understands. We’re going to have a vote tomorrow (Friday)…I’m not going to wait until Saturday. We’re going to have a vote tomorrow, and I feel confident this legislation will be disposed of one way or the other. The American people should understand that this is a bad piece of legislation – perhaps, some of the worst legislation in the history of this country.” Bad for who exactly, "Dingy?" Bad for you and Barry who want to spend this country into oblivion? What the Democrats are doing is nothing short of unconscionable. And really, the Republicans in the Senate, at least those in leadership positions, are no better. So, the vote will be today. And we need to be watching very closely to see how those who are supposed to be on our side vote.

The Republican proposal would cut government spending, cap the growth of future spending, and allow a vote on a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced federal budget. "Dingy" invited Republicans to go ahead and debate the bill “to their heart’s content.” He also complained that “the loudest voices from the Republican Party are not reasonable leaders, but Tea Party extremists.” Again with the accusations of being extreme. If it is anyone who is operating from the extreme, it's "Dingy" and his fellow Democrats. In his comments on the Senate floor, "Dingy" urged “reasonable Republicans” to join Democrats in reaching a compromise “that is good for the country.” Such a compromise, he said, must avert default and cut the deficit “in a balanced way” – balance in this case meaning tax increases.

The House of Representatives passed the Cut, Cap and Balance bill on Tuesday. As House Speaker John Boehner noted, Senate Democrats still haven't passed legislation of their own to prevent a government default. "It's time for the Senate to act," he said. So far, all legislation attempting to put the country back on a sound fiscal footing has come from House Republicans. But the weak-kneed Republicans and in particular those involved in that idiotic "Gang of Six" have not help matter much as far as in getting this plan brought to the forefront. And I think it safe to say that they have been somewhat deliberate in their efforts to sabotage to entire plan by bringing out their ridiculous plan on the same day of the vote in House "Cut, Cap and Balance."

I heard Sen. Saxby Chambliss on Hannity's radio show yesterday, and talk about a clueless individual. This moron just doesn't get it! The three Republican stooges who took part in the "Gang of Six," served no other purpose than as willing accomplices to Barry "Almighty." This level of irresponsibility is not acceptable and cannot be permitted to continue. If guys like Chambliss insist upon being what are essentially unindicted co-conspirators here, then they need to go, and at the earliest possible opportunity. The stakes are too high for these buffoons in the Senate to do nothing more than to simply play politics. Action needs to be taken, and any Republican who chooses to vote against "Cut, Cap and Balance," should be considered as being very firmly in the enemy camp.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Apparently you can now count Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, Democrat of course, as joining in amongst the growing number of those on the kook left fringe who now seem to have made a collective decision, that they must see as being to their political advantage, to present a united front against anything that the Republicans may try do to get our country back on track and on some semblance of firm fiscal footing. What this moron has now done was to essentially start taking pot shots at Republicans, as he made it quite clear that it is his opinion that House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) and the “dinosaur wing of the Republican Party” are actively trying to ruin the economy by undermining debt-ceiling negotiations. RUIN the economy? Where has this idiot been for the last two and a half years, living under a rock? (Not a reference to any GEICO commercial) If anybody can rightly be accused of trying to ruin the economy, and to a very large part succeeding in that endeavor, Mr. O'Malley need look no further than the current occupant of the Oval Office.

Speaking to reporters at a Capitol Hill news conference Thursday, this clown O’Malley described what he sees as being a scenario where certain elements of the GOP are trying to undermine the economy for not other reason that to harm Barry "Almighty" politically. O’Malley claimed that these Republicans are trying to either push the country into default or hurt the economy by cutting government jobs. I'm not sure I'm getting his rationale here, but I'm sure it must make sense to him. “I believe that there are some members – some members – of the Republican Party who, in order to defeat President Obama in the next election, would like to kill the jobs recovery now, either by default or by massive sudden cuts to public sector jobs,” O’Malley said. Jobs recovery? What jobs recovery? There have been over 2.4 millions jobs lost in the private sector since this guy's hero, Barry "Almighty" first came strutting in the White House. Barry has done more damage, nearly singlehandedly, than has the party to which Mr. O'Malley refers to as having a "dinosaur wing.”

When asked by CNSNews.com after the press conference which Republicans he was talking about, Gov. O’Malley firmly fingered the House Majority Leader and a “dinosaur wing” of the GOP. “I’m talking about Eric Cantor and the dinosaur wing of the Republican Party,” O’Malley said. Asked whether other conservative Republicans – such as Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) – might be part of his “dinosaur wing,” O’Malley refused to answer, saying only that he hoped the “Republican Party of Lincoln” would prevail. “I won’t go further than that because I want to allow space for the goodness of the Republican Party of Lincoln to re-emerge,” he said. This guy is so full of shit it amazing. Where does he get off talking about the party of Lincoln? You know, guys like this imbecile make me laugh. And who was it, exactly, back in Lincoln's time, who were working so hard to thwart Lincoln's efforts to put a stop to slavery? Ah, that would have been the Democrats! Mr. O'Malley's party is the party of slavery and of racism. Every segregationist that has ever served in Congress has been a Democrat. Mr. O'Malley would serve himself much better, I think, if he were to dismount from his rather high horse.

Then as now, Democrats have consistently been on the wrong side of everything that improves the live of the American people. All of the American people not just those who are stupid enough to vote for Democrats. There can now be no doubt, that what we now have is truly a band of liberal idiots on parade here. The level of hypocrisy now on display from these pathetic Democrats is nothing short of astounding. It's always they who are to be considered as the only ones who truly have America's best interests at heart. But really it's just the opposite that is much closer to the truth. Democrats are the biggest frauds to ever walk this planet. They are liars and deceivers of the highest order. And they mean to do this country and those who love it great and grievous harm. To believe anything that they have to say is to place yourself, and our country, in grave danger. Their sole purpose in life is to amass as much political power as is possible and to insure that they, and they alone, remain in positions of power. They are ideologes on a mission, and that mission is to destroy America.


Poor old senile Tom Harkin, Democrat Senator from Iowa, has finally gone round that proverbial bend, either that or he must be imbibing just a bit too much Iowa corn and apparently in the liquid form. His brain, apparently, is now in the rather advanced stages of turning to mush, or is it mash. Whatever the reason, he seems to have now officially joined in the chorus of Democrat "Cut, Cap and Balance" naysayers and has now essentially set about accusing Republicans of being what he calls "dead-beat debtors," among other things. Man, is this guy clever, or what. It all came down during a Democrat press conference on Wednesday morning where old Tom was joined by some of the more stellar members of the Democrat Party. Sorry there Tom, but if you really want to see what a real dead-beat debtor looks like, just walk over to the nearest mirror. "The debate and fight is not between Democrats and Republicans. It's between some Republicans and their sort of cult fringe as I refer to them out there," Harkin said. The guy's a genius! Where does he some up with this stuff, by watching Jon Stewart? Either that or from that other mental midget, that former MSNBC star, Keith Olbermann. Either way, old Tom needs to find himself a new source for his snappy political innuendos, because he's starting to repeat himself.

Lying through his teeth, as is always the typical behavior that we have come to expect from any Democrat, poor old Tom said, "Democrats are willing to do whatever is necessary to raise the debt ceiling, not for future borrowing but to pay the debts that we racked up in the past. Which, mostly was racked up by a Republican House, a Republican Senate and a Republican President in the last 8 years. Yet, they're not willing to pay the bills," Harkin said. Well duh, of course slimy Democrats are willing to do "whatever is necessary" to raise the debt ceiling, and to make the imbecilic claim that it's the Republicans who are solely to blame for "racking" up all the debt is more than just a little hypocritical. It also shows us that old Tom's mental condition may have deteriorated much more than any of us thought. You know, it's amazing how these sleazy Democrats were able to pass legislation that effectively seizes control our healthcare without ever having read it, while at the same time telling us about all of the great and wondrous things that it would do "for us." But this time around, in the case of the "Cut, Cap, and Balance" bill, they still obviously haven't bothered to read it, but now, it’s not so much about all of the nonexistent benefits that it will provide or all of the money that it will save, as it was with Obamacare, instead it's all about the severe damage that this legislation will do to our economy, the poor and America's reputation in being able to pay its bills.

And still another act that very clearly reveals that he is most definitely suffering from what can only be described as being some sort of mental disorder, Harkin went so far as to actually label the Republican Party as being "kind of a cult" at the Capitol on Wednesday. "The sad reality is that America no longer has a two party system. One of our two parties has morphed into a kind of a cult driven by a singular fixation and obsession – preserving and expanding tax breaks for the wealthy at all costs. This so-called balanced budget amendment would make it all but impossible to raise revenues in the future," said Harkin at a press conference on the "Cut, Cap and Balance" legislation passed by the GOP-led House on Tuesday. Look, if there is a political party that has morphed into some kind of screwy cult, that would very plainly be the Democrat Party. And while spewing the standard Democrat talking points and nothing more, old Tom rambled on saying, "This would permanently lock in the benefits of special tax breaks for the wealthy as well as the outrageous 15 percent tax rate for hedge fund billionaires so millionaires and billionaires get royal treatment. It’s the middle class would be devastated by the ‘Cut, Cap and Kill’ Medicare bill." This moron truly is living in some alternate universe. Harkin is living proof that yes, ignorance truly is bliss.


Spewing even more imbecilic and patently false rhetoric about what this bill is, the sow of the Senate, Senator Barbara “Miss Piggy” Mikulski (D-Md.) has come and called the House Republicans’ "Cut, Cap and Balance" legislation "stupid," a "scam" and "cruel," alleging that it "could very well kill the future" of America. Continuing her psychotic rant, she went on, "What a sham. What a scam. I’d be tempted to just blow it off if it were not so cruel, stupid and dangerous. It’s cruel because it invents new rules of how we’re going to calculate social security, what we’re going to do to Medicare," she told reporters, alongside Senators Little “Chuckie” Schumer (D-N.Y.), Barbara “Bimbo” Boxer (D-Calif.) and Tom “ The Tea Party is a Cult fringe” Harkin (D-Iowa) at the Capitol on Wednesday. Talk about the "Three Stooges." The collective brain power of this little cadre of simpletons couldn't light up a 5 watt bulb.

"It’s stupid because it doesn’t solve our problems and it’s dangerous because it could bring our economy down. It does ‘Cut, Cap and Kill’ Medicare but it could very well kill the future of our country. What are the plain facts? It cuts spending to 1965 levels – that was 46 years ago – 46 years ago when making $8,000 a year was considered a fantastic salary. Would you want to go back and make $8,000 a year? I don’t think so." Well let's look at anything Ms. Mikulski and her party have come up with. Oh, that's right that would be nothin, a big fat zero. Therefore the Republican bill beats anything these losers, including Ms. Mikulski, have come up with by default. And just how much farther down does she think this legislation can take this country than Barry has already brought it? All these pathetic loudmouth can do is bitch and complain about what the Republicans have offered up as being a solution to the problem created by Ms. Mikulski and her party of economic saboteurs.

The “Cut, Cap and Balance Act of 2011” would prevent the House or Senate from considering any "bill, joint resolution, amendment, or conference report that would cause the most recently reported current GDP outlay limits set forth in section 319 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to be exceeded."

The outlay limits, according to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) are as follows: 21.7 percent for fiscal year 2013;

20.8 percent for fiscal year 2014;
20.2 percent for fiscal year 2015;
20.1 percent for fiscal year 2016;
19.9 percent for fiscal year 2017;
19.7 percent for fiscal year 2018;
19.9 percent for fiscal year 2019;
19.9 percent for fiscal year 2020; and
19.9 percent for fiscal year 2021.

The bill would also allow a vote on a constitutional amendment requiring Congress to pass a balanced budget each fiscal year, meaning the amount of funds Congress appropriates would have to match the amount of revenue the government collects. If all of this sophomoric behavior on the part of Ms. Mikulski and her Democrat comrades shows anything, it should very clearly demonstrate to the American people that there is a complete lack of seriousness regarding the very serious fiscal problem that this country is currently facing on the part of the Democrat Party. These people are a joke, and they deserve to be treated as such. And I'd like to ask Ms. Mikulski, is there really anything out there that could better kill America than anything that Barry "Almighty" is already doing to kill it? 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


In what was very typical Democrat fashion, in that whenever you don't have any ideas of your own, just go out and lie about the other guy's ideas, we witnessed yet another example recently in their attempt to misrepresent current Republican budget legislation. Such was the case when Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), who also happens to be the ranking member on the House Budget Committee, made several obviously false statements about the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act during a news conference on Tuesday. Van Hollen, joining House Democratic Whip Steny "The Douchebag" Hoyer at his weekly press briefing, said he thought it was important that the public know where the two parties stand on the budget-control legislation, saying the effort by the House GOP is not a “garden variety” balanced budget amendment.

“What this is, is an attempt to manipulate the Constitution of the United States to make it easier to end the Medicare guarantee than to close corporate tax loopholes, which is essentially the blueprint and framework of their entire budget,” Van Hollen said. “Why do I say that? They’ve embedded two provisions into this constitutional proposal. One, they would make it as a matter of constitutional law that you can cut Medicare, Social Security, [and] education with a simple majority vote, but you need a two-thirds vote to cut an oil and gas subsidy for the purpose of reducing the deficit.” This guy Van Hollen is a real piece of work, and the reckless disregard that he seems to have for the truth is a little disconcerting. And ya know, whenever Democrats talk about others manipulating the Constitution, I'm always waiting for that proverbial bolt of lightening to strike them down. Frankly, I was amazed this moron got that statement out with a straight face. Because if anyone is constantly trying to manipulate the Constitution, it's the party of which Mr. Van Hollen is obviously a very proud member.

Anyway, Van Hollen’s statement is much more than being simply incorrect, it's a flat out lie. And what's worse, he knows it's a lie, but it's his story and by God he's stickin to it. The actual fact differ remarkably from what this liar is saying. Actually, the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act exempts Medicare and Social Security from the automatic cuts that would happen if federal spending exceeded the caps set forth in the legislation. “The bill would, if necessary, enforce spending cuts through sequestration, which would automatically cut spending in order to maintain the caps. Under the legislation, mandatory funding for Social Security, Medicare, veterans’ benefits and net interest would be exempted from sequestration,” a summary of the bill states. But I think we all know, or at least we should, that the truth to Democrats is essentially the same as what sunlight is to vampires. It is something to definitely be avoided.

Van Hollen’s characterization of the requirement to end certain subsidies also is more than just a little misleading. Under the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act, a two-thirds vote is required only if Congress wanted to raise taxes. The legislation does not specify whether ending certain tax expenditures would constitute a tax increase. In fact, all the bill says is that a balanced budget amendment must include a provision that “requires tax increases be approved by a two-thirds vote in both Houses of Congress.” It does not say whether eliminating certain subsidies would even qualify as a tax increase under the law. Democrats always feel compelled to exaggerate either for or against, depending on the legislation's originating party, what is actually being proposed by certain Bills.

Van Hollen also made the claim that an amendment that had passed the House Judiciary Committee would cap spending at 18 percent of GDP, and he kind of smirked that the federal government had not spent under 18 percent of GDP since 1966. Van Hollen then went on to link that supposed amendment to the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act, suggesting that the spending caps proposed by Republicans were unreasonable. “If you look at the amendment that was voted out of the Judiciary Committee the other day, it writes into the Constitution a cap on expenditures of 18 percent of GDP. The United States has exceeded that cap every year since 1966,” he said. “Yet, the bill that was reported out of committee and the bill on the floor of the House today requires that you set an artificial cap -- the one that’s been voted out is 18 percent.” Again, not quite the truth.

What this pathetic piece of lying dog squeeze failed to mention was the fact that while it is true that a House Judiciary Committee amendment "would" have set the cap at 18 percent of GDP, that amendment was not adopted. The actual caps in the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act never go below 19.6 percent of GDP, eventually settling at 19.9 percent of GDP in 2021. So you see, the Democrats have no qualms about looking the American people square in the eye, and lying to them. As a political party they are completely devoid of any of the important character traits that we should normally expect to see in our public servants. Servants being the optimum word here. In their willingness to lie at nearly the drop of a hat, they continually reinforce the fact that they are, to their very core, a morally bankrupt group. And they are not to be trusted, ever. And that goes for our president as well.


One of my favorite members of Congress, Rep. Allen West from right down here in Florida, took Broward Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz to task in a recent email, calling her "vile and despicable” and suggesting, "you are not a Lady" after she picked apart a Republican budget-cutting plan Tuesday night on the House floor. Unlike Democrats, Rep. West didn't choose to run around this bimbos back to his talking bad about her to his friends in the media, he confronted her directly and in no uncertain terms made it pretty clear that she's nothing more than just another empty headed moron whose managed to get herself elected by an electorate whose average IQ must reside somewhere down in the single digits.

The subject line of the email: "Unprofessional and Inappropriate Sophomoric Behavior from Wasserman Schultz."

He went on to write:
"Look, Debbie, I understand that after I departed the House floor you directed your floor speech comments directly towards me. Let me make myself perfectly clear, you want a personal fight, I am happy to oblige. You are the most vile, unprofessional, and despicable member of the U.S. House of Representatives. If you have something to say to me, stop being a coward and say it to my face, otherwise, shut the heck up. Focus on your own congressional district!" West wrote in his email.

West said Wasserman Schultz, the chair of the Democratic National Committee, had gone after him personally and suggested she had a vendetta dating back to a protest at his Broward County, Fla., headquarters. "I shall defend myself forthright against your heinous characterless behavior……which dates back to the disgusting protest you ordered at my campaign has, October 2010 in Deerfield Beach. You have proven repeatedly that you are not a Lady, therefore, shall not be afforded due respect from me!" West responded. This half-baked imbecile is nothing short of an embarrassment to the public office that she holds. Like every Democrat she prefers to operate from the gutter. That is where she is the most comfortable, as are most of her ilk.

West wrote the email after Wasserman Schultz said on the House floor that it was “unbelievable for a Member from South Florida" to support a plan that slashes Medicaid and Medicare “in favor of protecting tax breaks for Big Oil, millionaires, and companies who ship American jobs overseas." She never identified West by name. "The gentleman from Florida, who represents thousands of Medicare beneficiaries, as do I, is supportive of this plan that would increase costs for Medicare beneficiaries. Unbelievable from a member from south Florida," Schultz said. West had left the House floor at that point. Of course, because it's always much easier to imply something, cast some innuendo or to generally disparage someone when you don't have to justify or substantiate the accusations that you make. It's quite typical for Democrats.

As Democrats have a tendency to do, this bitch hasn't even got enough courage to spew her idiotic, mind numbing drivel, in the presence of the man she is directing it at. She is a gutless coward who obviously hasn't the manners, class, character of upbringing of an individual like Rep. West. She is a disgrace on a number of levels. What she does is to fit in quite well with some of the other Democrat loons we have here in Florida like Corrine Brown and that pathetic loser Allen Grayson. I never ceases to amaze me that these people can get elected which means that there are enough American who would rather keep the checks coming even as the country goes over the cliff because of scumbag Democrats such as these. There is never an actual discussion that can take place with a Democrat without degenerating into name calling.

According to The Miami Herald, the West and Wasserman Schultz' staffs continued to spar even after the email. "I don’t think that Congressman West is upset at the Congresswoman, but rather with the fact that she highlighted that he and other Republicans are once again trying to balance the budget on the backs of seniors, children and the middle class," Jonathan Beeton, Wasserman Schultz’s spokesman, told the Herald. Angela Sachitano, West’s spokesman fired back: “The constituents in Florida see Congressman West as a true leader and a man of principle while Congresswoman Wasserman-Schultz is once again viewed as politics as usual, and her true character sadly shown today." I would say he obvious lack of any characterwas what was shown.

You will not find a example anywhere that would better portray the very stark contrast that exists between those who currently inhabit the political parties than the behavior of these two individuals. It is obvious who the adults are in the room and who are not. And the character flaws exhibited by Ms. Wasserman Schultz run very deep and are very much ingrained throughout the Democrat Party. Which party is it that always resorts to name calling bordering on outright slander? Which party is it that fully embraces the politics of personal destruction and constantly employs win at all costs tactics? The Democrat Party is made up of some of the most dishonest, unethical and insidious individuals you will ever run into. With the winning of elections being placed above all else.