

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


What may, or may not, become a potential problem for Barry this November, is the fact that there are some African American pastors who are continuing in their march against his gay marriage endorsement. Since May, when Barry first announced his apparent change of heart on the subject, there has been a growing number of black faith leaders who have struggled to understand why it is that he has taken what they view as being an anti-religious stance on the matter. Now, just months before the 2012 election, a group of black pastors is coming together to advance what's been described as an anti-Obama campaign.

These conservative black pastors believe that a national campaign may be the best answer for convincing African Americans that the time has come for them to rethink their support for Barry "Almighty". Rev. Williams Owens, a true man of God and not the typical cartoon character that so often presumes to be the voice of the black community, is president and founder of an organization called the Coalition of African-American Pastors (CAAP). And he is also the man heading up the campaign. He appears to be a man on mission, and a man willing to put his faith above poltics.

“The time has come for a broad-based assault against the powers that be who want to change our culture to one of men marrying men and women marrying women,” Rev. Owens proclaimed at a press conference announcing the campaign at the National Press Club. “They have chosen to cater to the homosexual community, they have chosen to cater to Hollywood, to cater to big money and ignore the people who put the president where he is.” While he has stated that it is an effort to save the family unit, Rev. Owens has given few specifics about what, exactly, the group will be doing.

But considering Rev. Owens’ past history, advocacy against same-sex unions is nothing new. “I am ashamed that the first black president chose this road, a disgraceful road,” Rev. Owens proclaimed on Tuesday, according to the Communist News Network (CNN). At the press conference announcing the initiative, Rev. Owens appeared with five other pastors and claimed to have more than 3,742 faith leaders on board with the initiative. He contended that Barry was taking the black vote for granted and denied any connection between the gay rights and civil rights movements.

Among some of the more controversial comments made, was Rev. Owens insinuation that Barry’s support for gay marriage was similar to supporting child molestation, a comment that he later walked back. “If you watch the men who have been caught having sex with little boys, you will note that all of them will say that they were molested as a child…” he said during the press conference. “For the president to condone this type of thing is irresponsible.” This is only the latest in the slew of African American responses to Barry "Almighty’s" May announcement. But it also the most vocal and visible.

I'm sure most remember how it was that following Barry’s lead, and in demonstrating how it has now become something very far removed from it's initial charter, that the NAACP also enthusiastically endorsed gay marriage. As a result, The Rev. Keith Ratliff Sr. resigned from his national board post with the organization. Previously, Rev. Owens joined other faith leaders in writing a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder and Barry, asking for a meeting to discuss same-sex unions. Personally, I simply do not see such a meeting taking place. I'm sure Barry remains quite confident that any effort to peel away black votes will be unsuccessful.



It was during a Monday broadcast of the Communist Broadcasting Network's (CNN) barely watched program, “Starting Point With Soledad O’Brien,” that Rep. Joseph Crowley, Democrat) stopped by to 'discuss' the difference between the Republican and Democrat approach to the Bush-era tax cuts. Now I'm sure that most of you know that the Republicans want to extend the tax cuts for all Americans who actually pay taxes, while Democrats only want to extend the cuts for those households making less than $250,000 a year. They always makes it sound like $250,000 is just so much money. Especially in this era of Barry "Almighty" when we're paying more for gas, food and utilities before stacking on college, healthcare and retirement costs.

Sounding just like your very typical Democrat, Rep. Crowley told the CNN panel that Congress needs to “reach a compromise.” Now I'm also pretty sure that most of you are fully aware of what Democrats are talking about whenever they bring up the topic of compromise. And it's not how the rest of us define it. But that didn't stop this clown Crowley from claiming, “I believe that right now what we’re looking for is compromise.” He went on to say, “We’re hoping our Republican colleagues will come in. Right now if we passed the bill, if you are a sergeant in the military serving overseas in Afghanistan, you have a wife and children back stateside, you will see a $400 increase in your taxes if the Republican Bill would become law.”

He continued to harp on the standard socialist mantra, where we continually hear these pathetically dishonest Democrats whining, “That’s unacceptable for the middle class and working Americans. We need to pass a bill that makes sense for America, not just for the wealthiest 2 percent of this country.” His interview then took an odd yet very predictable turn when taking into consideration just who it was that was doing the talking.. “To be a millionaire in this country, it is the greatest country the world has known. It is a privilege. And I think most people get that. You work hard, you get ahead, make a living and you contribute back to this country and make it a better country [emphasis added],” he said. Ok, but why half of what you make?

At the risk of once again sounding like the proverbial broken record, as I have said on numerous occasion I am a huge believer in having everybody pay what Barry describes as being their "fair share." That those who have worked so very hard all of their lives to make something of themselves and to provide for their families should continually be made to pay more and more just to cover the cost of those who have no desire, whatsoever, to make something of themselves just doesn't sit quite right with me. Where, exactly, does it state that some people should be made to pay a "fairer" share than that of others? Or that some people should have to pay nothing in the form of taxes while still getting to enjoy all of the 'benefits' that those taxes pay for?

This moron Crowley is no different than every other Democrat that we've ever heard from on this very same topic. I'll tell ya what the real privilege is. It's to have been born in this the freest and most prosperous nation in the history of the world. And as so often has been said, "Freedom ain't Free!" And if we are to have any hope of remaining free, everyone, and I do mean everyone, not just those making over $250,000, are going to need to have a little skin in the game. Everyone needs to contribute to keeping this whole grand experiment afloat. Otherwise we've got half of the population doing nothing more than dragging the other half of us down. And what sense does that make except to stupid goofs like this Crowley clown. Folks, this election is just so, so important. 


So I suppose it should come as no surprise here that one of the more loudly criticized, at least by Democrats, developments generated by former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney’s recent international trip has been his open embrace of the idea that the city of Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, a statement that marks him as one of the more pro-Israeli candidates in recent history. Having said that, it would seem that Barry's administration has had a rather difficult time in trying to decide whether or not Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. It was just last Thursday that White House Press Secretary Jay 'Dim Bulb' Carney refused to say which locality is, indeed, the principal city of Israel.

But just one day after Mitt Romney stated that he believes Jerusalem to be the capital, our industrious little group over at the White House finally seems to have finally, kinda, sorta, made up their collective mind regarding its stance on the issue, claiming that Jerusalem isn’t currently (but could one day, based on negotiations, become) the nation’s capital. Is your head spinning yet? I know mine is. But what about this is different than the way they take a stance on any other truly important issue? Therefore it should also come as no surprise that the Barry White House has immediately gone on record saying he’s wrong, and that they do not believe Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, but that Jerusalem’s status should be resolved via “negotiations

White House has since asserted that Romney’s position was different from that of the Barry administration. “Our view is that that is a different position than this administration holds. It’s the view of this administration that the capital should be determined in final status negotiations between parties,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters Monday. “I would remind you that that is the position that has been held by previous administrations both Democratic and Republican. So, if Mr. Romney disagrees with that position, he is also disagreeing with positions taken by previous presidents like Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan,” Earnest added. Strong words. Also, clearly a strong, and very obvious about face from Barry "Almighty".

But let’s add a few other factors into the mix, shall we. It wasn’t all that long ago, politically speaking, back in 2008, when our 'Dear Beloved Leader' was still just a candidate for president, that he made it quite clear that he believed then that the city was a part of Israel. The then presidential hopeful made this stance so clear that he even contended that Jerusalem must remain Israel’s capital, even at the end of the negotiation process. At the time, Barry said that any agreement with the Palestinians, “must preserve Israel’s identity as a Jewish state with secure, recognized, defensible borders. And Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel and it must remain undivided.” So what might have precipitated that drastic change in position?

Well the first possibility, of course, and the one that probably comes the closest to hitting the mark, would be the fact that back in 2008 Barry was simply lying in an attempt to pander for a few votes from the Jewish community. After which he promptly stabbed them right in the back. But it doesn't seem to have mattered to them much, because at least to most polls, Barry is still liable to garner for himself at least 60 percent of the Jewish vote. Hence, I guess, the source of his new found courage in declaring that the future of Jerusalem now hinges completely on the outcome of any negotiations. After all, if a majority of the Jewish population in this country cares so very little about the fate of Jerusalem, why should Barry care?


Have you ever worked for someone, or even seen someone in some position of employment, and found yourself asking, just how in the Hell did they get that job? Well just such a quandary comes over me every time I see our esteemed Secretary of Homeland Security. This idiot Napolitano has to be, if not the biggest, one of the biggest freakin morons in the entire universe. Further evidence of that was provided to us as recently as last week when she was speaking before the House Homeland Security Committee. It was then that our brilliant and highly competent Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano, told Congress that members of terrorist groups that intend to harm the country enter the U.S. through Mexico “from time to time,” confirming an inconvenient truth that many have been aware of for years.

During the July 25 hearing, Rep. Ron Barber (D-Ariz.) asked Napolitano: “As you know, Madam Secretary, there have been anecdotal reports about material evidence of the presence of terrorists along our southern border. My question is, is there any credible evidence that these reports are accurate and that terrorists are, in fact, crossing our southern border with the intent to do harm to the American people?” With absolutely none of the assurance that one would hope that the head of DHS would convey, Napolitano answered: “With respect, there have been, and the Ababziar matter would be one I would refer to that’s currently being adjudicated in the criminal courts, from time to time, and we are constantly working against different and evolving threats involving various terrorist groups and various ways they may seek to enter the country.” Now don't that give you a warm and fuzzy feelin?

Insisting upon making assertions that quite simply have absolutely no basis in fact, old Janet rambled on saying, “What I can tell you, however, is that that southern border–the U.S.-Mexico border–is heavily, heavily staffed at record amounts of manpower, materiel, infrastructure and the like, and we are constantly making sure we’re doing all we can to make that border as safe as possible.” Ya know, try as I might it’s just very difficult for me to determine, exactly, how the closing of nine Border Patrol stations across four states, including six in Texas, is actually making the border “as safe as possible.” Or how the Barry administration’s decision to end program 27(g), which allowed local law enforcement agencies to enforce federal immigration law without assistance from federal agencies, is making the border “as safe as possible.” Oh, and how many southern borders do we have?

Look, you don't need to be a brain surgeon here to be able to recognize what's going on here. This team of sleazy characters has always been recognized as being willing to put politics above everything else, including even the safety of American citizens. Politics trumps everything with this crowd. And as far as I'm concerned, it has been nothing short of a miracle that we have not had another massive attack in this country on yet another pathetic Democrat's watch. And apparently, all of those chanting "4 more years" aren't the least bit concerned with that fact. I guess as long as they keep getting their government check it's ok. Since January 2009 we have been extraordinarily lucky. And I wonder just how long will our luck hold out? Will it last another 4 years if, God forbid, this horrendous team of misfits manages to get re-elected?


Whatever skills Romney has, or doesn't have, he's got many more skills than Barry.  In Barry, what we have in a Commander in Chief, is a guy who not only hates this country, but hates the military assigned the task of protecting it.  I feel very confident in saying that Romney loves this country and would treat those serving with a great deal more respect than does Barry.

Monday, July 30, 2012


Oh really?  Funny, I didn't hear Gov. Romney apologize for his country once and I don't recall seeing him bow to anybody.  If Gibbs wants to talk about somebody embarassing himself, he needs to look no farther than his guy, Barry.  And not only did Barry embarrass himself, but he embarrassed every single legal American citizen as well!  This guy is nothing but pond scum!




Well apparently, ex-president and our only surviving president to ever be impeached, 'BJ' Clinton is all set to play a starring role in this year's Democrat convention, or so aides have said, and he will be the one to formally place Barry "Almighty's" name into nomination by delivering a prime-time speech designed to present a forceful economic argument for why Barry deserves to win a second term. I guess he's now been tasked with making silk purse out of a sow's ear. The prominent role of old Slick, which is scheduled to be announced on Monday, signals an effort by the Barry campaign to pull out all the stops in an attempt to rally Democrats when they gather for their party’s national convention in Charlotte, N.C.

An even more important audience for old 'BJ' will be those voters across the country who will see the address carried by television networks. According to fellow slimy character, David Axelrod, 'BJ' is the ideal character for the role. “There isn’t anybody on the planet who has a greater perspective on not just the last four years, but the last two decades, than Bill Clinton,” said David "The Sleazeball" Axelrod, noted strategist for Team Barry. At least that's what he said in an interview on this past Sunday. “He can really articulate the choice that is before people.” There is most definitely a very stark choice current before the people this election, and it is a painfully obvious one. Our choice is simply, economic death, or Romney.

Our esteemed vice president, 'Slow Joe' Biden will be make what I'm sure will be his much anticipated appearance on the final night of the convention, and will be tasked with making the case for Barry before the largest audience of the week during an outdoor speech. 'Slow Joe' and Barry will appear together on stage before they accept the party’s nomination for a second term in the White House. It is unusual in recent election cycles, although not without precedent, for the vice president not to get the stage to himself during a night at the convention. But in his speech, aides said, 'Slow Joe' is expected to remind Americans about the last four years and the administration’s accomplishments in a difficult economic climate. In other words, blame Bush!

For 'Slick Willie", who has, for whatever bizarre reason, become one of the most popular figures in the Democrat Party, his speech will be among the most high-profile roles yet that he has assumed for Barry "Almighty". The address is intended to offer a strong contrast with the Republican ticket and will be closely watched, particularly given a string of blunt statements, and retractions, that the old Slickster has made this year when talking about the Barry administration. Oh yes, there is most definitely a very strong contrast between to the two candidates. One believes in the American can-do spirit, the belief that the rights of the individual trump the desire of the government and of course, freedom. The other candidate does not.

Question: Who but the most brain liberals on the planet are going to allow themselves to be sold what it is sure to be essentially nothing but a bogus bill of goods by "Slick Willie" Clinton? As much as these people would wish it, people aren't blind. And just how much of a "forceful economic argument" can he make if he sticks to telling the truth regarding how it was that we got here? Nothing that Barry has done since assuming office has been specifically designed to help the economy. Everything that has been put into place was intended to have just the opposite effect. The only way that the Slickster is going to be able to describe the last four as being anything other than an abysmal failure is to lie through his teeth. And as we all remember, that's a skill that he excels at.

Just as a little side note here, I've often wondered what it is that's behind the reason that old Slick remains so popular with so many Democrats. Then it just kinda hit me. Being the rather pathetic bunch that they are, it must be because he's the only guy to ever have balls enough to get a blowjob in the Oval Office. That has to be the reason, after all knowing Democrats as I do that's more than enough for most of them to remain so enthralled with the douche bag. He's proud of his impeachment, he wears it like a damn badge of honor, who but a slimy Democrat would do that? Liberals are really a disgusting bunch, when you get right down to it. That's why they're all so determined to bring the rest of us down into the gutter with them.


Ya know, I think I've heard about the so-called 'gutsy' call, supposedly made by our stellar Commander-in-Chief, to take out bin Laden, until I wanna puke. I mean here we have a president who could not have a lower opinion of those serving, and who sees them as nothing more than something to be used in his effort to portray himself as something that he most definitely is not. And I find it a bit humorous that every time Barry finds himself in any kind of jam, the first thing he always does is to spout, "Ya but I got bin Laden, and George Bush didn't." And now we find out that he canceled the operation to kill America's most wanted terrorist on three separate occasions before finally deciding to approve the May 2, 2011 Navy SEAL mission. And why would he do such a thing? Apparently at the urging of none other than senior advisor Valerie Jarrett. At least that's according to a new book scheduled for release August 21, The Daily Caller (DC) reported.

In “Leading From Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors who Decide for Him,” Richard Miniter writes that Barry "Almighty" canceled the mission first in January 2011, then again in February, and also a third time in March. Valerie Jarrett, a senior advisor and assistant to the president for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, reportedly persuaded Barry to hold off each time, the book reveals, again according to The DC. Miniter, a two-time New York Times best-selling author, cites an unnamed source with Joint Special Operations Command who had direct knowledge of the operation and its planning. This most recent information serves to reinforce a story that came out shortly after the raid took place that pointed out the fact that had the mission failed, in an effort to prevent Barry from having a Jimmy Carter moment, there was a plan in place to rain all manner of blame on those actually participating. Typical Barry.

Administration officials said after the raid that the president had delayed giving the order to kill the arch-terrorist the day before the operation was carried out, in what turned out to be his fourth moment of indecision. At the time, the White House blamed the delay on unfavorable weather conditions near bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. But a funny thing was discovered when Mr. Miniter obtained that day’s weather reports from the U.S. Air Force Combat Meteorological Center, he said, they showed ideal conditions for the SEALs to carry out their orders. “President Obama’s greatest success was actually his greatest failure,” Miniter told The DC. “Leading From Behind,” he said, traces six key decisions of the Obama administration, and shows how the president made them, or, in many cases, failed to make them. The president has made the assassination of Osama bin Laden a focal point in his re-election campaign, calling it one of the "gutsiest calls of any president in recent history."

Sadly, this is the caliber of individual that we currently have as our president. He has demonstrated on any number of occasions that his philosophy is one where he came into office with no intention to actually lead, but instead, to only tear down. He is nothing but a subversive well schooled in the Alinsky way and as such was able to convince enough people to elect him to the office he sought. And, unfortunately, it has been an opportunity that he has not allowed to go to waste. For those of you who remain on the fence when it comes to whom to vote for this November, Barry or Romney, a very simply, and brief, look back over the last nearly four years should provide you with at least some insight. Say what you will about Romney, he is not a Socialist, and he does not hate this country. And while I am not sure he is up to the task of yanking back from the brink, I'm confident in saying that, especially if we have a Republican Congress, at least he'll be willing to try.

As we all know Democrats thrive on hate, jealously and envy. And in their wild eyed determination to destroy this country, they are perfectly content with the way things are going. An so, will be more than happy to march off to the polls and vote for Barry. While they say that they don't know Romney, or like Romney, or trust Romney, or think that he has a funny religion, what they're really saying is that they just don’t feel like working to support themselves, and as long as Barry is willing to fund them, that's fine with them and they will cheerfully give him their vote. The consequences matter very little to them. This November when we trudge off to the polls, those of us who still do love our country, are going to have to make sure that we outnumber those who don't. Our survival depends on it. Barry is going to be willing to give away whatever he has to in exchange for votes. And if, God forbid, he is successful, well then, I'd just rather not think about that right now.


Well, one of our favorite faux reverends, old Jesse "The Extortionist" Jackson, in speaking about his son who is currently undergoing 'treatment' for what's been described as 'depression', said there is currently "no timetable" for the younger Jackson to return home. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., is said to be recovering from depression and gastrointestinal issues at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. Most likely, I would think, any timetable for leaving the facility would be, and coincidently so, would be closely tied to whatever the length of time the specific statute of limitations that might be involved here. Let's face it, that's what these pathetic little weasels do every time they get caught with the hand in to cookie jar. They run off to some kind of rehab.

Old Jesse spoke to reporters Saturday outside a downtown Chicago movie theater. The supposed civil rights leader was, where else but, with protesters in support of a ban on assault weapons. "There is no timetable on his recovery," Jackson said. "We hope he will fully recover." Recovery? Jackson Jr., a Chicago Democrat, has been on a secretive leave of absence for nearly seven weeks. The congressman went on leave June 10, but his office didn't disclose it until weeks later. Initially, his office said Jackson was being treated for exhaustion. Since then, the office has said his condition was more serious and required inpatient medical treatment. Sure it did!

The younger Jackson is facing an ethics investigation in the U.S. House connected to former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who was convicted on corruption charges. Jackson was not charged and has repeatedly denied wrongdoing. I know it's difficult to believe that a guy like Jackson could ever be accused of any wrong doing. I mean he comes from such an honorable and respectable family and all. As far as I'm concerned this is just one more bit of proof that what goes around comes around. He's nothing but another sleazy character who thought he could get away with something because of his name. And he needs to be headed off to prison to join his buddy Blago. And the sooner, the better!




Saturday, July 28, 2012





Ok I give up, just what planet is this stupid bitch really from?  Oh that's right, silly me, she's from that gay little town of San Francisco out there in the land of the fuits and the nuts.  That place where truth means very little, and folks are just supposed to believe whatever it is that you tell them.  That place where if it feels good you can just do it.  That place where if you want, you can just walk around naked.  The place where there are more weirdos per capita than anywhere else in the country.


Bsides being completely disingenuous and totally dishonest, he's also nothing more than a very skilled, and very pathetic, liar.  None of the problems that we are now made to face are to be seen as being his fault.  They are all to be judged as being the fault of others.  Primarily the Republicans, the ones trying to reign in his attempts at becoming dictator. 


Friday, July 27, 2012



Some moron over there at that venerable institution, the Washington Post, by the name Jonathan Capehart has actually said that the RNC's above ad, ‘it ok to make a change” is somehow racist. Now keep in mind that this guy is black, and therefore ‘must’ view all things related to Barry through the prism of race and, as if in some weird attempt to make himself look smarter than he actually must be, he wears glasses.

Anyway this little twerp, Capehart, says that the ad serves to give the undecided voters "the pass they may be looking for to vote against Obama." Capehart says the ad helps sooth racist voters who complain "that they are branded racist if they disagree with anything [Obama] says or does." Come on, really? Is that what this ad does? The relevant transcript of the conversation that took place is below.

CAPEHART: “By telling potential voters 'it's okay to make a change,' the RNC is saying it's okay to like the guy personally but not vote for him again. But the most effective message, it's okay to make a change and not be thought of as a racist.

'You gave him a shot, he gave it his best shot. He failed.' Throughout Obama's presidency, folks have complained that they are branded racist if they disagree with anything he says or does. And it doesn't help matters that some of President Obama's most ardent supporters have done exactly that.

That's why the it's okay to make a change ad is so dangerous for Obama's reelection efforts. It gives those few yet undecided voters the pass they might be looking for to vote against Obama. So squawk all you want about the unfairness of that "you didn't build it" ad that has been knocking the president around the last few weeks. It's the "it's okay to make a change" message that the campaign needs to counter as aggressively as the RNC is pushing it.”

So, once again we’re seeing proof of the fact that because their guy has nothing on which to run, no record, no nothing, everything, and I do mean absolutely everything ‘must be framed in the context of race. We can’t say he’s destroyed the economy because he’s black. We can’t say unemployment remains high, because he’s black. We’re not supposed to be able to say anything, because he‘s black. Ok, so what!  He’s not only black, but he sucks too!


Some of our more esteemed Democratic senators, in an attempt to shove through gun control, are offering an amendment to the cybersecurity bill currently being debated. The proposed ‘amendment’ would limit the purchase of high capacity gun magazines for some consumers. Shortly after the Cybersecurity Act gained Senate approval to proceed to filing proposed amendments and a vote next week, ‘Little Chuckie’ Schumer, that dim bulb Democrat from New York, and one of the sponsors of the gun control amendment, came to the floor to defend the idea of implementing, what he called, “reasonable” gun control measures.

The amendment is being sponsored by your standard cadre of all-star Democrat loons. You know, folks with names like Frank Lautenberg, Barbara Boxer, Jack Reed, Bob Menendez, Kirsten Gillibrand, Chuckie Schumer and Dianne Feinstein. Supposedly, S.A. 2575 would make it illegal to transfer or possess large capacity feeding devices such as gun magazines, belts, feed stripes and drums of more than 10 rounds of ammunition with the exception of .22 caliber rim fire ammunition. The amendment is, apparently. identical to a separate bill sponsored by Lautenberg. Feinstein happens to be the sponsor of the assault weapons ban, which expired in 2004.

According to these Democrats, so skilled in deceiving the public, the proposed amendment would only affect sales and transfers after the law took effect. Chuckie defended the Brady law and assault weapons ban on the floor Thursday evening, perhaps in preparation for the coming fight with Republicans and gun rights activists. Chuckie also suggested that both the left and right find common ground. “Maybe we could come together on guns if each side gave some,” Schumer said. He suggested that Democrats make it clear that their goal is not to repeal the Second Amendment. Bullshit, that’s exactly their goal! And they have no intention to ‘give’ anything!

“The basic complaint is that the Chuck Schumers of the world want to take away your guns,” ‘Little Chuckie’ said of the argument made by gun lobbies. “I think it would be smart for those of us who want rational gun control to make it known that that’s not true at all.” Of course that’s true. Chuckie is simply lying, in an attempt to hoodwink people. ‘Chuckie’ also tried to rationalize the point that it would be reasonable for the right to recognize that background checks on those buying guns is necessary, as called for in the Brady law. He also said average Americans don’t need an assault weapon to go hunting or to protect themselves. My statement to this clown is, “SO WHAT!”

“We can debate where to draw the line of reasonableness, but we might be able to come to an agreement in the middle,” Chuckie said. “Maybe, maybe, maybe we can pass some laws that might, might, might stop some of the unnecessary casualties … maybe there’s a way we can some together and try to break through the log jam and make sure the country is a better place.” Look, I think experience tells us that slime like Chuckie have no desire to compromise, nor to honestly debate, nor to ‘give a little’. The bottom line here is that people simply cannot be trusted and we cannot afford to give them an inch out of fear that they’ll end up taking a mile.

So next week the Senate is expected to debate and vote on proposed amendments to the cybersecurity bill. Republicans had better stand firm against this idiotic amendment as well as any others that may find their way into the debate. As I have said before, the fact that these pathetic creeps have now successfully seized our healthcare, that act has only served to emboldened them to now go after our guns. And while this supposed amendment sounds pretty harmless on its face, it is but the first step toward that very slippery slope, at the bottom of which we will find ourselves being forced to forfeit that which the Constitution guarantees to us. We must tread very lightly here!



Last month, it was reported on data that suggested that the supposed 'temporary' millionaires tax enacted in the state of Maryland had succeeded on in chasing millionaires out of the state. The report put together by the anti-tax group, 'Change Maryland', sparked a firestorm in the state and prompted a vigorous defense by the state’s flaming liberal governor, Martin O’Malley, who maintains his claim that the state remains an economic 'powerhouse' despite its rather exorbitant taxes. Like most, if not all Democrats, O'Malley prefers raising taxes to reducing spending.

However, there is some new data on job losses in the state that is very likely escalate the battle even more, highlighting the broader, national debate over taxing the wealthy. 'Change Maryland' is citing new job figures that actually show Maryland losing more than 10,000 jobs this year, and that would be more than any state in the nation. The Bureau of Labor Statistics said Maryland lost 11,000 jobs in June alone, the third worst performance in the nation. But that, most likely, will have very little effect on the state's tax rates. Higher taxes are always the answer for Democrats like O'Malley.

'Change Maryland' says the state’s high taxes and fees make it one of the most highly taxed states in the nation and have accomplished little more than to chase away jobs and job creators. The “millionaires' tax,” which imposed a top rate of 6.25 percent on people making $1 million or more, expired in 2011, but there is talk of reviving it. "I'm deeply concerned that state government's onslaught of taxes and fees is causing us to lose businesses, jobs and taxpayers at an alarming rate," said 'Change Maryland' Chairman Larry Hogan.

Mr. Hogan says Maryland has raised taxes and fees 24 times just since 2007, costing the state economy $2.4 billion. 'Change Maryland' also says that Maryland has lost 40,000 jobs in that very same period of time, which is more than any state in the region except for Pennsylvania. Governor O'Malley responded by saying that his state has lost only 1,200 jobs this year, making the claim that 'Change Maryland’s' numbers don’t include January, which showed strong job gains. The state had 25,000 more jobs in June compared to the same month in 2011, or so the governor claimed.

What’s more, O'Malley claimed that his state had 6,000 more millionaires in 2011 than it did in 2007, bringing its total millionaire count to 157,779, that according to data from Phoenix Marketing International. The state supposedly has the highest percentage of millionaires in the country, according to Phoenix. In another blog post responding to this week's numbers, O'Malley's office said that while the state would like employment to be higher, its 6.9 percent unemployment rate is lower than the national average, at least as it is being reported by the federal government.

Socialists like this buffoon O'Malley simply have no interest, whatsoever, in actually reducing spending. They continue to feel completely justified in ripping off those who are the producers in our economy in their effort to subsidize those who vote Democrat . You know, the very same ones who 'refuse' to pay their 'fair share' and yet feel entitled to live off the rest of us. These pathetic parasites who are required to pony up exactly nothing in the way of income taxes. Frankly, until enough people depart states like Maryland, the whole notion of reducing spending is not likely to cross the minds of people like O'Malley.




Seeking to get out the truth, as best he can, about Barry "Almighty’s" recent executive order dictating how the DREAM Act is to essentially be implemented by fiat, Senator Jeff Sessions recently lent his microphone to two different individuals, both of whom would know, and pretty extensively so, something about that same issue. What they had to say was not particularly encouraging, at least for those who desire to secure our borders. Sen. Sessions introduced his two guests as Chris Crane, President of the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council, which is the union that represents immigration and customs enforcement agents, and George McCubbin, President of National Border Patrol Council, which represents 17,000 border patrol agents and support staff.

Mr. Crane was the first to speak. He started out by saying, “It‘s impossible to understand the full scope of the administration’s changes, but what we are seeing so far concerns us greatly.” As an example of what might be causing this concern, Crane cited the issue of prosecutorial discretion for what he called “DREAMers,” i.e., illegal immigrants covered by Barry "Almighty’s" new executive order. According to Crane’s description, the order has effectively allowed prosecutors to treat these individuals as not only immune to immigration law, but immune to practically all law. Moreover, any illegal immigrant can simply claim to have a GED, or be enrolled in high school, and the law will be applied to them with no questions asked. Gee, what a deal!

“There is no burden for the alien to prove anything,” Crane said. As to the lawlessness charge, Crane brought up a story of an illegal immigrant who was arrested on four different charges, several of which were felonies, and only one of which was related to his immigration status. Yet the reaction from prosecutors was to let the immigrant in question walk out without the least bit of concern. “He’s a DREAMer. Release him,” Crane remarked bitterly to summarize the response of prosecutors. McCubbin, for his part, accused Homeland Secretary Janet Napolitano of painting an unrealistically rosy picture of her record on immigration, while simultaneously surrounding herself with “Yes” men. “When you surround yourself with people who always say ‘yes,’ you will get the answer you want,” McCubbin said.

Look, I think most of us recognize what it is that's really behind this most recent example of what's become a very typical form of dictatorial action by our 'Dear Beloved Leader'. And if you happen to be a supporter of his, then you must also be someone who enthusiastically share his rather obvious hatred for this country. I, on the other hand, am someone who loves my country and have no desire, whatsoever, to see it overrun by people who seem to think that it's perfectly acceptable to break our laws and mooch off of the taxpayers of this country. Barry's primary concern here appears to be less about enforcing the laws and much more about the creating of a fresh source of Democrat voters. This is but one more reason why we MUST defeat him in November.


Thursday, July 26, 2012




 Obviously feeling some heat from the anti-gun crowd within his party, especially in the wake of the Colorado movie-theater massacre, Barry "Almighty" apparently has now seen the need to be a bit more vocal regarding his position on the matter. It was on Wednesday night that he made the statement that he would “leave no stone unturned” in seeking new measures to reduce violence nationwide, including more restrictive background checks on gun purchases. “A lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals,” Barry said at the annual National Urban League convention in New Orleans. And in sounding much like his allies over at the Unite Nations, Barry said, “They belong on the battlefield of war, not on the streets of our cities.”

Barry, in what continues to be very typical Democrat fashion, set about blaming “politics and lobbying” for defeating gun-control measures when outcries arise after mass shootings here in the U.S. And he said the nation’s attention should not just be focused on mass shootings, such as the one on Friday in Aurora, Colo., but on the daily shooting deaths of youths from gun violence in major cities. “Every day, the number of young people we lose to violence is about the same as the number of people we lost in that movie theater,” Barry said. “For every Columbine or Virginia Tech, there are dozens gunned down on the streets of Chicago or Atlanta, here in New Orleans. Violence plagues the biggest cities, but it also plagues the smallest towns.” Dozens? Really?

It was Barry’s first comment on gun violence since the shooting in Aurora that killed 12 people and wounded 58. Police said James Homes, 24, carried out the killings with an assault rifle, a shotgun and two handguns. Progressives are pushing Barry, who campaigned four years ago on a platform of stricter gun control, to speak out on the subject and use the tragedy to impose stricter gun regulations. But the White House has been saying since the shooting last week that Barry has no plans to seek new gun legislation. Of course Barry has no plans to seek new gun legislation, why should he? And why should he, since he figures he can accomplish the same goal through signing the UN 'Arms Trade' Treaty, even bring the topic up this close to an election?

“We’ve been able to take some actions on our own, recognizing that it’s not always easy to get things through Congress these days,” Barry said. “The background checks on those looking to purchase firearms are now more thorough and more complete. Instead of just throwing more money at the problem of violence, the federal government is now in the trenches with communities and schools and law enforcement … we’re partnering with local officials to reduce crime using best practices.” He added that the administration has been promoting intervention programs to keep young people out of gangs. But he said those steps have not been effective enough, and, of course, blamed “opposition in Congress” for preventing more restrictive gun laws.

“I, like most Americans, believe that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual the right to bear arms,” Barry said. “But I also believe that the majority of gun owners would agree that we should do everything possible to prevent criminals and fugitives from purchasing weapons, that we should check someone’s criminal record before they can [purchase a gun], that a mentally unbalanced individual should not be able to get his hands on a gun so easily. These steps shouldn’t be controversial, they should be common sense. So I’m going to continue to work with members of both parties and with religious groups and with civic organizations to arrive at a consensus around violence reduction. Not just of gun violence, but violence at every level." Barry thrives on all manner of violence.

As usual, one fact that is always left out during any discussion on restricting gun rights. is how many lives are actually saved every single day because someone had a gun. How many lives would have been saved in Aurora had just one person in that theater been carrying a gun? But we can't talk about that, we need to remain focused on the atrocity because the liberal objective here is to get rid of all guns, not encourage more people to buy them. And another fact that is so very conveniently glossed over is the fact than many more 'innocent' lives are lost in automobile accidents every day than are lost because of guns. But gun control is what the Democrats see as being their next big objective after finally succeeding in seizing control of our healthcare. So that becomes the next big priority.

Frankly I'm more than just a little surprised that Barry would even be saying anything on the topic of gun control and the most recent tragedy, other than, of course, to offer condolences. After all as previously mentioned he is currently very busily working behind the scenes by using the new United Nations 'Arms Trade' Treaty in his attempt to circumvent our Second Amendment. As we all know Barry has a definite preference for working in the shadows, out of sight from the prying eyes of those who support our Constitution. But I suppose one good reason to start talking about now is because it an be used as a distraction to draw attention away from the horrible economy and an unemployment rate that remains stuck very firmly over 8 percent.



The other evening, that CNN ratings juggernaut, none other than Piers Morgan, invited New York City mayor, the esteemed "Mr. No More Big Gulp", Michael Bloomberg to join him in there in the studio for what was described as being an honest and revealing discussion in the aftermath of Friday's deadly shooting in Aurora, CO. Knowing, as we do, how it is that both of these ardent defenders of the left feel about the right of the American people to keep and bear arms, it should come as a surprise to no one what they both would like to see being done to severely restrict that right. But what I think might have surprised even some of those in the CNN 'viewing' audience is the lengths to which Bloomberg seems to be very willing to go in accomplishing that endeavor.

And in what was a primetime exclusive interview, we had the head of the executive branch of New York City's government provide what he sees as being the perfect solution for how to go about convincing the American people and it is time to disarm and implement the much stricter gun laws that he says are now necessary here in America: "I don't understand why the police officers across this country don't stand up collectively and say we're going to go on strike," Bloomberg told the "Piers Morgan Tonight" host. "We're not going to protect you unless you, the public, through your legislature, do what's required to keep us safe." Such a recommendation is at best merely reckless and at worst the most outrageously irresponsible thing I think I have ever heard come from any public official.

This proud advocator of the nanny-state and co-founder of some ludicrous little organization referred to as Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) -- a group that is described as being a coalition of more than 600 mayors fighting illegal gun trafficking and gun violence – Bloomberg said that he is frustrated with the level of dangerous ammunition and supplies that are readily available. Ok, so he views a nationwide police strike as being a fix for that problem? Now I'm not aware of what the political make up of this silly little cadre of misfits might be, but I can sure make a pretty educated guess. I mean look, it doesn't take a genius to realize that there is, most likely, a definite tilting to the left, and that we would find the vast majority in this group as believing exactly as these two do.

Bloomberg, in what I can only assume was an attempt to play on the sentiments of those few who may have been watching this idiotic exchange, said, "Police officers want to go home to their families. And we're doing everything we can to make their job more difficult, but more importantly, more dangerous, by leaving guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have them and letting people who have those guns buy things like armor-piercing bullets," he detailed. "The only reason to have an armor-piercing bullet is to go through a bullet-resistant vest. The only people that wear bullet-resistant vests are our police officers." Be that as it may, isn't to actually call for police to go on a nationwide strike as a supposed remedy, like promoting a cure that is significantly more deadly that the disease?

Look, I know we've all heard various politicians say any number of stupid things. But I gotta tell ya, this one ranks right up there with the most bizarre. Because, and I could be wrong here, what do you think would be the very first thing that any rational person would do if suddenly faced with the fact that police were going on strike all across the nation? Besides the fact of considering just how irresponsible, and a blatant dereliction of duty, such an action would be, what would be the only option that we, the citizens of this country, would be left with. Speaking for only myself, the very first thing that I would do would be to go out and buy a gun. A very big gun that held lots and lots of rounds. So I'm just not understanding how this nitwit Bloomberg thinks that such an action would succeed in accomplishing that which he, and every other liberal, wants to take place.


How ironic!  The real punk in this race is Bob's boy, Barry "Almighty".  This is just one more example of just how much of a moron Beckel really is.  And why it is that people continue to think that he has any credability on any topic whatsoever, baffles me.  More often that not he makes no sense, and serves as nothing more than comic relief.



Wednesday, July 25, 2012




Here’s a “brief history of America” as Moore apparently sees it, from his award-winning “Bowling for Columbine”:




Ya know, isn’t it just a bit sad how it is that the Democrats always find the need to cheat? And even though they always accuse the Republicans of being the one guilty of perpetrating all manner of election dirty tricks, somehow it's always the Democrats who are the once caught with both hands in the vote counting cookie jar. Which brings me to the topic of my post here. You see, apparently Mitt Romney's campaign is now asking Virginia Attorney General, Ken Cuccinelli, to launch an investigation into voter-registration forms that are being sent to Virginia residents that are actually being addressed to deceased relatives, children, family pets and others who are ineligible to vote.

Now this scenario, which has been played out on any number of previous occasions is something that I'm sure comes as not great surprise to anyone. After all, it is seen as pretty much the standard operating procedure for the DNC and its partners. Now these specific 'errant' mailings originated from the Washington-based nonprofit group Voter Participation Center and have befuddled many Virginia residents, leading to hundreds of complaints. The organization has been mass-mailing the forms, pre-populated with key information such as names and addresses, to, surprise, surprise, primarily Democratic-leaning voting blocs such as young adults, unmarried women, African-Americans and Latinos.

In a letter to Cuccinelli's office as well as to the State Board of Elections, Kathryn Bieber, an attorney for the Romney campaign, calls for an investigation into the matter by law-enforcement officials, claiming that the mailings appear to violate "at least one and maybe several Virginia laws aimed at ensuring a fair election." Bieber refers to the mailings as "tactics that amount to, or at the very least induce, voter registration fraud," and says the issue "presents a very significant risk to the proper administration of the upcoming general election." This is but another example of why Democrats are so desperate to squash any and all efforts being made to scrub voter rolls.

Citing a Sunday Richmond Times-Dispatch story that brought the mailings to light, the letter also asks the State Board of Elections to require registrars to reject all pre-populated voter registration applications from the group and review the eligibility of all Virginians who have registered in the past two months. "This is the only way for voters and other interested parties to regain confidence in the voter registration and electoral process that has been abused by the Voter Participation Center," the letter says. Now while this should be seen as being a perfectly logical request, I can hear Democrats everywhere squealing like proverbial stuck pigs! After all, this is all just so very obviously racist!

Page Gardner, the bimbo identified as being president and CEO of this bogus little group, the Voter Participation Center, said the organization mailed nearly 200,000 third-party registration forms to Virginia addresses in June, which resulted in 15,026 new voters being registered as of July 18. But one can't help but wonder how many of them were actually alive and breathing? On Monday, the Voter Participation Center responded to the Sunday Times-Dispatch story, stating in a hilarious little letter on its website that "imperfections in the VPC vendors' lists, while regrettable and unfortunate, should not be the reason or the excuse to call an entire process that is working into question." Of course it should!!

Justin Riemer, the State Board of Elections' deputy secretary, said forms have been sent by the group to deceased infants, out-of-state family members, and non-U.S. citizens, among others. In a letter this month, the State Board of Elections asked the group to cease pre-populating their forms and raised questions about how the group was obtaining lists of registered voters, citing the errant forms. Riemer noted that pre-populating the forms violates rules set forth in the state code and the Virginia Constitution requiring that voters fill out their own forms. Think about it, since when has any group affiliated with the Democrat Party ever let something like silly rules get in their way?

When asked to comment on the Romney campaign's letter, the Voter Participation Center issued a rather terse statement noting that their forms are official applications, not registration cards. It always comes down to semantics with these people because they always think that they are just so darned clever. Their statement read in part, "Furthermore, they were approved before we sent them out by the State Board of Elections and are the same applications that anyone can access at a local government office or on the internet." Adding, "Our process is legal and working." Sure it is! This is nothing more but another attempt by yet another Democrat front group to game our electoral system.




With the Democrats having now successfully seized control of our healthcare, thanks in large part to John Roberts, which had been the number one item on their "Things To Do" list since FDR was president, they have now set their sights on our guns. And in so doing they are now proceeding to ramp up the rhetoric as they go about their attempt to check off number two, the seizing of our guns. A recent example of this little exercise in arrogance came on the House Floor Tuesday, when Hank Johnson, Democrat, said “It’s been open season” since the expiration of The Assault Weapons Ban in 2004. I'm sure that's the way this moron sees things, but, as usual, it's nothing more than a pure exaggeration of the facts.

This flaming imbecile, Johnson, went on to say, “We have work to do in this congress. You see, the assault weapons ban in place for a number of years, of ten years actually, expired in 2004 and after the expiration of the assault weapons ban it’s been open season.” This clown said that the had come to that awe inspiring conclusion after much reflection on last week’s terrible shooting that took place at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. Is there nothing that these pathetic Democrats will not stoop to? Apparently, they are willing to use any means possible, even the grief of those involved in this horrible tragedy, to get what they want. They're disgusting!

But this douche bag wasn't done, nope, not by a long shot. In demonstrating the level to which they now have their 'sights' on seizing our guns, he went on, “Now I know that there are people who hold the Second Amendment dear and it is established clearly in law that citizens have a right to bear arms, beyond that the Constitution is silent.” Johnson continued, “So, it leaves it up to us to address issues concerning the reasonable regulation of that right. Should we not have any regulations or should we have regulations that are reasonable?” Ok, but my question to this over-zealous kook, would be whose definition of ;reasonable' are we going to be using?

Now of course this bonehead Johnson did not go into detail, because to do so would most likely reveal a bit too much about what his party has in mind for the rest of us, on any specific gun laws but he did highlight his desire for new regulations. “There are some regulations governing the affairs of people that are reasonable and that includes restrictions on who can bear arms and what kind of arms they can bear. To say that we should have no regulations on weapons, particularly weapons of mass destruction, to me is unwise,” Johnson said. Weapons of mass destruction? Why is it that the only time Democrats feel comfortable in using such a term is when it involves our right to own a gun?

Ok, so now we have these Democrats talking about 'regulating' our God given rights? Excuse me! Just who the Hell do they think they are? Look folks, things are rapidly deteriorating all around us here, and I think it safe to say that the time has now officially passed for us to have drawn that proverbial line in the sand. We are now in the position of having to play catch up and MUST now take a stand if we are to have any hope prevent further losses. They are desperate to remove every last vestige of our individual liberties and our freedom. These despicable zealots view themselves as being entitled, because of their lofty position, to dictate to the rest of us on how we can live out our lives.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012



Dimwitted bimbo Stephanie Miller is out there once again pitching as best she can for her loser boss, Barry “Almighty.” We hear her in a new Barry web video released today spewing the latest version of campaign pabulum. “Mitt Romney recently launched a TV ad that blatantly twists President Obama’s words on small-business owners and entrepreneurs. Romney’s not telling the truth about what the president said and is taking the president’s words out of context," says Ms. Miller. Sorry there babe, but no twisting was involved! "Apart from the flagrant hypocrisy, these attack ads make you wonder, does [Romney] even understand how our economy works?" Cutter asks in the video. "With the public and private sectors working together to create a climate that helps us grow," she said. "President Obama knows that." Let me see, who do I think knows more about how the economy works? A guy who has never run so much as a lemonade stand, and who has never been anything more than a community agitator, or Mitt Romney? Duh! Is this whole thing not a load of some first rate bullshit? These people crucify business owners as they profess to know what’s best when it comes to spurring economic growth. They have been nothing but an abject failure and yet the keep on swinging. Barry has purposely set about to destroy our economy. How can you look at anything he has done and see it any other way? It’s all part of his grand scheme! And you can dress me up and call Sally, but I just don’t see Romney, if elected, going a mission to wreck it further. Look, the lies of these people are becoming more and more transparent. In fact it’s about the only thing that is transparent when it comes to this the most corrupt and secretive administration in my lifetime. Barry lies, his campaign staff lies, his apologists in the media lie, he’s literally surrounded by lies. And what’s really ironic here is that his lies get reported as being true, and Romney’s facts get distorted and reported as lies. The state-controlled media, isn’t it great? The voters are going to have to wake up!