

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Man, don't you just love all of this new warm and fuzzy civil discourse that's suddenly popping up just about everywhere. First it was in Wisconsin with the Democrats going AWOL by running south of the border into Illinois in an effort to effectively "shut down" the state government, then with Democrats in Indiana following suit in their attempt to do the same thing and now it has even appeared in Washington with the topic of discussion being the prospects of a government shutdown. The most recent example of that afore mentioned civil discourse was put on full display just yesterday when the esteemed Senator "Chuckie" Schumer, D-N.Y., a member of the Democratic Senate leadership, got on a conference call with some reporters. Apparently, however, he began his little dissertation just a little too soon and without realizing that the reporters that had been summoned were already on the line. Old "Chuckie" thought he was on a private line with four Democratic senators who were there to talk with those very same reporters about the current budget stalemate. So it was then that as reporters listened, "Chuckie" went on to describe the tactics to be employed, as well as to instruct fellow his Democrats in how to go about the painting of Republicans, especially House Speaker John Boehner, as extremist Tea Party zealots in the ongoing budget debates.

"Chuckie" instructed this little cadre of sociopaths, which was made up of Senators Barbara Boxer of California, Tom Carper of Delaware, Ben Cardin of Maryland and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, that whenever the opportunity presented itself, they were to tell all reporters within earshot that it is the Republican Party who is to be blamed for any looming government shutdown because it is they have taken up a position of refusing to negotiate. Now we all know how it is that the Democrats define, negotiate. It nearly always a very one sided "discussion" in which they are never the ones who are expected to compromise in any way, that's always left for the other guys. He told the group to make sure that they go out of their way to label the Republican spending cuts as being far too "extreme." “I always use the word extreme,” "Chuckie" told his fellow Democrats. “That is what the caucus instructed me to use this week.” Such is the rampant hypocrisy present in today's highly partisan Democrat Party. The old adage of "Do as I say, not as I do," is very much alive and well. It is the basis for their entire corrupt philosophy. The only way that Democrats are ever able to attain any level of success in advancing their freedom killing agenda, is to lie about and to totally distort any and all facts in order to deceive the American people just long enough to achieve that which they seek. Which is more control through which they are then able to amass even more power!

"The main thrust is basically that we want to negotiate and we want to come up with a compromise but the Tea Party is pulling Boehner too far over to the right and so far over that there is no more fruitful negotiations," "Chuckie" said during the call. "The only way we can avoid a shutdown is for Boehner to come up with a reasonable compromise and not just listen to what the Tea Party wants." "Chuckie" described Boehner as "in a box," over the budget negotiations. This little exchange provided a brief peek behind the curtain coming as "Chuckie" was about to start his conference call with the slimy Democrats mentioned above. So with the No. 3 Democrat in the Senate apparently unaware that many of the reporters were already on the line he began revealing what passes as the current strategic messaging for Democrats on the issue of the budget. So I guess what "Chuckie" is really saying here is that the possibility of government shutdown is viewed as a win/win scenario for the Democrats. Democrats see themselves as being able to remain stubbornly opposed to the Republican budget demands in an attempt to get the Republicans to cave, or they can expedite the bringing about of such a shutdown and then blame the Republicans for it then having taken place. That's quite the winning strategy that these pathetic practitioners of mayhem have laid out for themselves. I can't imaging being so consumed with a need for power that I'd be willing to so thoroughly take advantage of my fellow Americans and then turn right around and be so cavalier about it.

So anyway, after about a minute or two into his little talking-points tutorial, one of these clowns must have finally figured out that reporters were listening because suddenly things went very quiet, or so the report goes. But by that time the cat was officially well out of the bag. After finding their bearings, the Democrats recovered and then launched right into their more scripted and somewhat conciliatory message geared for public dissemination. “We are urging Mr. Boehner to abandon the extreme right wing,” said "Bimbo" Boxer, urging the House to compromise on the scale of spending cuts and to drop proposed amendments that would deny federal financing for Planned Parenthood and for government agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency. Carper, too, hit on the word “extreme,” referring to some House Republicans’ “right-wing extremist friends.” Cardin decried Boehner’s giving into “extremes of his party.” Blumenthal closed by speaking of the “relatively small extreme group of ideologues” who are “an anchor” dragging down the budget negotiation process. If the word "extreme" can be applied to anything, it is the lengths to which these Democrats will go to bring about a financial collapse in this country. So if we follow "Chuckie's" plan to its expected conclusion, if there is to be an agreement that will prevent a government shutdown, it is the Republicans who must compromise in order to avert it.

So after all was said and done, "Chuckie" thanked his colleagues for doing the budget bidding for the Senate Democrats, and then instructed them to go off and do their best to portray John A. Boehner of Ohio, and the speaker of the House, as being painted into a box by the Tea Party, and to decry any and all spending cuts that he is proposing as being "extreme" and "draconian." That is to be the word of the day, to be repeated ad nauseam. Everything is to be portrayed as being "extreme." Also part of the Democrat smear campaign are the continuing efforts being made to portray The Tea Party folks as being nothing more than a group of racist 'extremists" who have but one goal. And that goal is to return us to some dark time in the past and to even reinstitute slavery. Is that a twisted mentality or what? These guys turn my stomach. And they are counting on the stupidity of the American people which, as we have seen on any number of occasions, usually comes to work in their favor. And as always, we have our state-controlled media never hesitant about being willing to play whatever part it is called upon to play by the Liberal Democrats, standing at the ready to lob whatever incendiary rhetoric that may be called for in the ongoing assault on freedom and the campaign to perpetuate the insanity of the so-called "progressive" agenda. They continue to envision they're being able to create that ever-elusive utopia. But at what cost?

Republicans were quick to blast "Chuckie's" imbecilic and outright partisan remarks. “It just lends to the fact to what we’ve always known, that this is a political game," said Rep. Allen West on Fox News. "It’s about gamesmanship, it’s about maneuvering, and it really is about politics. It’s not about doing what is best for the American people, it’s not about reducing the size and scope of the federal government so we can get back to have long-term, sustainable economic and job growth. I think Charles Schumer showed his hand. Now it’s up to the American people to realize who are really the ones who are standing as an obstacle for us to move forward.” Ah, but then that's the $64,000 question, isn't it? Look, it is a very well-known fact that the American people are not the brightest people on the planet when it comes to recognizing, or possessing even a basic understanding of, what it is that's going on here. Rep. West, a man I have very quickly come to admire, added that "Chuckie", "Dingy" Harry, and of course Barry, want, and are quite desperate for, a government shutdown to take place so that they can then use it to blame Republicans, and better position themselves for 2012. Even that ever-present loudmouth, Howard "The Screamer" Dean, says that he's quietly, or not so, cheering for a shutdown to take place because he says, "he knows who will get the blame." So yes, it's all about politics and most definitely not about what's best for the country nor the American people. So we'll just have to wait and see on which side it is that the American people will come down. Will they continue to allow themselves to be hornswoggled by these scumbag Democrats or will they, this time around, finally be able to see through all of the liberal political chicanery. Only time will tell.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Just when I think I've heard it all, Barry comes along to prove me wrong, every single time. So it was then that it came as no big surprise to me when I heard that Barry had uttered what has to be one of the stupidest things I think I've yet heard come from any president of the United States. It was when I heard that Barry "Almighty" had said, just yesterday, that students should take fewer standardized tests and that school performance should be measured in other ways. You know, at a time when we have the least prepared, and least informed, generation ever, now leaving our public school system, is this really the time to start relaxing our educational standards even farther? Too much testing makes education boring for kids, our “Fearless Leader” has said. "Too often what we have been doing is using these tests to punish students," the president told students and parents at a town hall hosted by the Univision Spanish-language television network at Bell Multicultural High School in Washington, D.C. Is this idiot serious? Tests are now viewed as a punishment? I just can't help but wonder if this is all part of some grandiose scheme of Barry’s to make life just a bit easier for all of his teachers’ union buddies.

I don’t know, it just seems that our buddy Barry is pushing a little too hard for a major rewrite of the nation's education law. He would like to have it rewritten in such a way that the result would be an easing of some of its more rigid measurement tools. He said that policymakers should find a test that "everybody agrees makes sense" and administer it in less pressure-packed atmospheres, potentially every few years instead of annually. Hey Barry, here's an idea, how about we have just one test that a student would take after completing their 4 years of High School. And how about we make the passing score, say 50 percent. Barry went on to make the nutty recommendation that schools should be judged on criteria other than student test performance, like maybe attendance rate. As far as I'm concerned there should be one and one criteria by which schools and teachers should be judged. That being the quality of the product that they turn out. Which is something I think we can all agree has been steadily on the decline with each passing year for quite some time.

"One thing I never want to see happen is schools that are just teaching the test because then you're not learning about the world, you're not learning about different cultures, you're not learning about science, you're not learning about math," the president said. The primary culture that students should be learning about is ours, and they need to be learning about our history. Barry went on, "All you're learning about is how to fill out a little bubble on an exam and little tricks that you need to do in order to take a test and that's not going to make education interesting." If Barry were truly interested in making school less boring and more interesting, he would implement a plan that would reduce the level of indoctrination that is presently going on and return schools to doing what it is they are supposed to do, the teaching of "The 3 R's." If we could ever get to the point where we have teachers that are more interested in teaching our kids instead of indoctrinating them, and doing more than simply collecting a pay check so that they can then pay their union dues, that would be a big step in the right direction.

"And young people do well in stuff that they're interested in," Barry said. "They're not going to do as well if it's boring." Barry, that’s my point exactly. Let's get back to teaching the things that we're supposed to be teaching and that ours kids need to be learning. Let’s get away from teaching such things as "Benefits of the gay lifestyle." Hey, what a concept! Barry, who has been pushing his education agenda all month, has expressed concern that far too many schools will be unable to meet annual proficiency standards under the No Child Left Behind law this year. The standards are aimed at getting 100 percent of students proficient in math, reading and science by 2014, a goal now widely seen as unrealistic. Maybe if we focused our efforts more on limiting the power of these corrupt teachers unions, while making sure those teaching our kids are actually qualified to do so, that goal might not seem to be so unrealistic. The Barry administration has proposed replacing those standards with a loftier yet less prescriptive requirement that by 2020 all students graduating from high school should be ready for college or a career.

Barry wants Congress to send him a rewrite of the 2001 law before the start of a new school year this fall. Although his education secretary, Arne Duncan, has been working hard with lawmakers of both parties, the deadline may be unrealistic with Congress focused on the budget and the economy. Congressional Republicans also look to be unwilling to sign off on Barry's plans to increase spending on education. What we don't need to be doing is to throw more money at this supposed crisis in education. What we need to start doing is to weed out the far too many crappy teachers that are currently in the system. And we need to bring out of control unions under control, telling them to go piss up a rope. As we heard not all that long ago from the NEA General Counsel say that children are not their priority. As he freely admitted in this speech to teachers, the NEA’s aim is to acquire power, and to advance its ultra-left agenda including advocating for special homosexual rights. We need to strip them of their ability to that. We need teachers who will put our kids above the dictates of their unions. If Barry was serious, this would be the priority of his Education Department.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Apparently, the very liberal group, Media Matters, best known to just about everybody as being just one more front group operating under the auspices of billionaire kook, George Soros, has been quietly transforming itself, all in preparation for what its founder and Soros stooge, David Brock, described in an interview, as an all-out campaign of “guerrilla warfare and sabotage” aimed squarely at Fox NEWS. So it is then that Fox News once again finds itself squarely in the crosshairs of the loony left fringe in this country. It seems to me that they could find a much better use of their time and money instead of going after Fox. It’s just all nothing more than a monumental waste of time, money and effort. But as they say, it’s their money and their time. But in an age where Liberals consistently control roughly 90 percent of all print and broadcast "news media," I find myself asking just what is it about Fox NEWS that has these folks so completely terrified to the point where they have now become nearly apoplectic. Even if you took all of the viewers of Fox and then added them to all of those who listen to talk radio or visit the more popular conservative websites, the numbers would still tilt very much in favor of the very Liberal state-controlled media. What is it that is in the genetic make up of these people that makes them paranoid to such a degree that they are simply incapable of accepting any opposing viewpoint? They are never to be criticized, they are only to be agreed with, and those who chose to not go along with them or their cockamamie ideas must be forced into exiled to the outer reaches or be completely destroyed.

This little group of zealots, launched in 2004 supposedly as a supposed "traditional" media critic, now calls itself, and very proudly so, a progressive media watchdog "dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media." You’ll notice that they’ll not waste any of their precious time correcting any “Liberal misinformation” only supposed conservative misinformation as defined by them. But which side is more often found to be guilty of spreading misinformation? Can you say “Obamacare?” Funded in large part by individuals such as Democrat sugar-daddy, George Soros, the group has all but abandoned its initial platform which supposedly involved the monitoring of newspapers and other television networks and has now become quite fixated, even to the extreme, after having narrowed its focus considerably in its effort to take down Fox NEWS. But it isn’t only Fox who has earned the wrath of this cadre of losers. A handful of conservative websites also now find themselves resting firmly atop its hit list. Why you ask? Because these liberal fanatics have come to the conclusion that Fox NEWS is unworthy of being called a news organization. Instead, together with a handful of conservative websites, the group's leaders, with, I'm sure, more than just a little direction from Soros, view it as being nothing but a political organization that serves as the so-called “nerve center” of the conservative movement. So it has now become mission-essential, to attack, slander and malign all those of differing political views.

“The strategy that we had had toward Fox was basically a strategy of containment,” said Brock, Media Matters’ chairman and founder, as well as, or so I’m told, a former conservative journalist. He added that the group’s main aim had been to challenge the factual claims of the channel and to attempt to prevent them from reaching the mainstream media. The new strategy, he says is now one that will essentially be nothing short of an all out “war on Fox.” So I guess, if I have this right, what we have here is an organization that bills itself as being a "media watchdog" but is in reality nothing more than a "media attack dog" on a long leash held the Democrat Party, and going after one media outlet because it doesn't like what is being said. The strategy has now become one designed around this group’s attempt to squelch free speech whenever either what is being said is not something that Liberals agree with, or is something they simply don’t want to hear. Don't try to argue based on the facts of the matter as they are presented, no, instead spread lies and innuendo and use intimidation in an effort to silence the opposition. Oh yeah, that's what this country was built on.

Tactics to be employed during what is sure to be an all out offensive, at least as laid out thus far by this hack Mr. Brock, include the assembling opposition research files not only on Fox’s top executives but also on any number of midlevel officials as well. The group has now hired an "activist" who has led a successful campaign to press advertisers to avoid Fox’s Glenn Beck show. The group is also assembling a substantial legal team that will be there to help those people who have “clashed” with Fox, actively encouraging them to file lawsuits for defamation, invasion of privacy or other causes. And it has also now hired two experienced “reporters,” Joe Strupp and Alexander Zaitchik, to dig into Fox’s operation in order to help assemble a book on the network, due out in 2012 from Vintage/Anchor. Media Matters last month also issued a report criticizing “Fox and Friends” co-host Steve Doocy’s criticism of a blog by one of the group’s leftist reporters. Alexander Zaitchik has penned a new book on Glenn Beck that is now out entitled, "Common Nonsense: Glenn Beck and the Triumph of Nonsense." Strupp likes to refer to himself as being an "investigative reporter," guess that the latest liberal definition for political hatchet man. Anyway, I think you get the idea where it is that these morons will be coming from in the future.

Mr. Brock said Media Matters also plans to run a broad campaign against Fox’s parent company, News Corp., an effort which most likely will involve opening a United Kingdom arm in London to attack the company’s interests there. The group hired an executive from MoveOn.org to work on developing campaigns among News Corp. shareholders and also is looking for ways to turn regulators in the U.S., U.K., and elsewhere against the network. The group will “focus on [News Corp. CEO Rupert] Murdoch and trying to disrupt his commercial interests — whether that be here or looking at what’s going on in London right now,” Brock said, referring to News Corp.’s — apparently successful — move to take a majority stake in the satellite broadcaster BSkyB. “The strategy that we had had toward Fox was basically a strategy of containment,” said David Brock, the founder of Media Matters. Now the strategy of the liberal group has changed. The new strategy is “war on Fox.” This whole scheme gives fanaticism a whole new meaning. And for what? Are these people that insecure regarding their position on the key issues today that they are now compelled to eliminate any and all voices of opposition? I guess so.

Well boys and girls, look how far we've come. I sure am glad that we have all of this new civility, aren't you? By the way, did you ever notice how it is that the only liberals ever use the term "WAR" that it's always in conjunction with those who form their political opposition and their policies? But, in having declared their little war on Fox News, has the group quite possibly stepped across the line of legality. Of course, as we all know, as far as Liberals are concerned, all is fair when it come to politics and political agendas to be pursued, as long as the agenda is always a very Liberal one. The fact that their chosen tactics may be brought under closer scrutiny, with questions being raised about its legality, is of very little consequence, or concern to them. Such are the rules that apply only to them, for they are acting with only the best of intentions.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


It was just a couple of short years ago it was Barry's good buddy, that well known Democrat Party sugar daddy, George Soros, the billionaire wack job, who said it was his goal to reorganize the entire global economic system. That’s quite the feat and shows what a monumental ego that this crazed individual has. In order to imagine yourself as being capable of reorganizing anything on a global scale, you’d have to think pretty highly of yourself. So it is then in just about two weeks, Soros will be setting out on this mission of his to reorganize things, to the detriment of America. So how is it that there can be talk of organizing such a massive undertaking and yet preparations for a gathering whose purpose it will be is to discuss the tactics to be used, seems to have gone completely noticed in our watchdog media. If certain individuals have taken notice, they are keeping things very much to themselves.

On April 8 of this year, a group that Soros has funded with roughly $50 million will be holding what it calls, a major "economic conference." The topic of discussion will be how to begin the implementation of Soros's stated goal and to discuss the best ways to "establish new international rules" and "reform the currency system." It's all goes back to a plan laid out in a Nov. 4, 2009, Soros op-ed calling for "a grand bargain that rearranges the entire financial order." The event will be bringing together "more than 200 academic, business and government policy thought leaders' to repeat the famed "1944 Bretton Woods" gathering that helped create the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. Soros is looking to put into place a new 'multilateral system," or an economic system where America isn't so dominant.

More than two-thirds of the speakers slated to attend this little clandestine event have direct ties to Soros and his money. He is a billionaire lunatic who thinks "the main enemy of the open society, I believe, is no longer the communist but the capitalist threat." Amazingly, at least up to this point, this global gathering has generated less publicity than your average spelling bee. Scum like Soros have numerous allies in the state controlled media here in America as well as in industrialized countries all across the globe. Those who sympathize with his desire are more than willing to assist him in keeping his little endeavor well below the radar of anyone who might have a tendency to sound the alarm. You would think with there are at least four journalists currently on the speaker’s list, including a managing editor for the Financial Times and editors for both Reuters and The Times word would be out. But we've heard nary a peep from our stalwart media.

Just a week before that very same 2009 op-ed was published, the despicable Mr. Soros founded another little project of his, the New York City-based Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET). This is the same little group that will be hosting the conference set at the Mount Washington Resort, which also happens to be, the very same hotel that hosted the first gathering. The most recent INET gathering was held at Central European University (CEU), in Budapest. CEU received $206 million from Soros in 2005 and has $880 million in its endowment now, according to The Chronicle of Higher Education. This, too, is a gathering of Soros supporters. INET is bringing together prominent people like former U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown, former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker and Soros, to produce "a lot of high-quality, breakthrough thinking." INET claims more than 200 will attend, only 79 speakers are listed on its site - and it already looks like nothing more than just one more Soros convention, gathering of likeminded anti-American fanatics. Twenty-two are on Soros-funded INET's board and three more are INET grantees

Make no mistake, this will be a Soros event from top to bottom with his greasy little fingerprints all over it. He is seeking both the means and the individuals which can be used to give his cockamamie plot some credibility and to allay any fears that might be generated by anyone trying to spread the word regarding just what this gathering is really all about. INET is nowhere near being subtle about its aims for this upcoming conference. INET Executive Director Johnson interviewed fellow INET board member Robert Skidelsky about "The Need for a New Bretton Woods" in a recent video. The introductory slide to the video is subtitled: "How currency issues and tension between the US and China are renewing calls for a global financial overhaul." Skidelsky called for a new agreement and said in the video that the conflict between the United States and China was "at the center of any monetary deal that may be struck, that needs to be struck." Soros described in the 2009 op-ed that U.S.-China conflict as "another stark choice between two fundamentally different forms of organization: international capitalism and state capitalism." He conclusion, that "a new multilateral system based on sounder principles must be invented." As he explained it in 2010, "we need a global sheriff."

In the 2000 version of his rather twisted book "Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism," Soros wrote how the Bretton Woods institutions "failed spectacularly" during the economic crisis of the late 1990s. When he called for a new Bretton Woods in 2009, he wanted it to "reconstitute the International Monetary Fund," and while he's at it, restructure the United Nations, too, boosting China and other countries at our expense. "Reorganizing the world order will need to extend beyond the financial system and involve the United Nations, especially membership of the Security Council,' he wrote. 'That process needs to be initiated by the US, but China and other developing countries ought to participate as equals." There is nothing wrong with a world order that has America at its top, the problems come every time we have a Carter or an Barry acting in the capacity of the elected American president. Because men like these two hate America as much as Soros and his sinister compatriots do and are willing to do anything to bring America down to size.

Soros emphasized the point that there needs to be a global solution, making America one among many. "The rising powers must be present at the creation of this new system in order to ensure that they will be active supporters." This guys gives a whole meaning to the word psychotic. Look at the shape the world is in today without any significant level of American Leadership. There is chaos everywhere, and that is just what these loons like Soros desire. It makes the achieving of their goals all the easier. Only they want more, much more, and "progressive/socialists" like Barack Hussein Obama are only too happy to join in, helping out in any way they can in an effort to be accepted as enthusiastic Soros team players. It should cause a certain level of unease, to say the least, in every single American, that their president seems to be nothing more than a puppet being made to dance at the end of strings being pulled by Soros. Barry is only to happy to throw a country that he loathes under the wheels of a Soros funded bus. He's even happier to be chosen to drive that very same bus.

The reach that this man’s billions have afforded to him is incredible. Through the spreading around of his billions, Soros funds more than 1,200 different organizations and you can very easily guess which end of the political spectrum they are all located. Soros has given more than $7 billion to Open Society Foundations - including many media-savvy organizations just a phone call away. So what might explain why it is that the Soros network hasn't spread the word? I think the answer to that is quite obvious. Me thinks me smell a rat, a big fat billionaire rat! This guy has a real vendetta going here and if he is allowed to influence things to the degree that he mostly likely can, it does not bode well for the American people. But since he seems to have the Democrat Party, in its entirely, in his pocket, there is unlikely to be many roadblocks will be put in his way to block any attempts to peddle his special brand of influence. He needs to be stopped. People must be made aware of what sleazy, corrupt little man is trying to do.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Well, well, well, what might we have here? To begin with, no matter where you choose to look today, the world seems to be going to Hell in a hand basket, and at an ever increasing rate of speed. We seem to be on the verge of some sort of cataclysmic event with December 21, 2012 looking much more like a real possibility than some kind of weird Mayan prophecy. And there seems to be a common theme, or one common denominator if you will, in all that is presently going on here both at home and all across the globe. And what that is, is the very obvious lack of leadership on the part of America's president, Barack Hussein Obama. Incontrovertible proof has now been provided that when we choose elect an individual whose only prior "experience" comes from his background as a "community agitator," and is to his very core nothing more that a feckless academic completely incapable of making any sort of a decision, that act brings with it some very dire consequences. You cannot assume a position that requires you to be a leader and continue to do nothing more than to "vote present." The election of Barry “Almighty” has brought about a climate where chaos now reigns supreme. He sees chaos as a tool, a tool to be used as a distraction. He hopes to draw our attention away from what he truly wishes to bring about, the downfall of America.

To be so willing to abdicate your leadership role in a world and do so to the likes of such a corrupt institution as the United Nations is nothing short of a dereliction of duty. Do we really want nations such as France commanding U.S. troops, anywhere? But hey, it's not only the world that is floundering like a ship without a rudder, much the same thing is happening right here at home and with near disastrous results. We're drowning in a sea of debt and the best our so-called president can do is to put forward a budget that, besides not even coming close addressing the debt issue, makes proposals that only serve to make matters much worse. Thus far he has avoided taking any leadership role in the ongoing budgetary discussions, to the point where even Democrats are now complaining. But this little trend of his of avoiding the taking of the lead is nothing new. It was evident in the creating of both the very bogus “stimulus” as well as the healthcare "reform" bills, with Barry choosing instead to allow Nancy "Botox" and "Dingy" Harry to take care of everything. Is that how he defines leadership? Don't get me wrong, I am far from being impressed with the Republican "leadership" in the House. Where is the bold decisiveness we were all lead to believe would take place if we were only to hand over control of Congress to those who portrayed themselves as being "fiscal conservatives?”

And in a world where America provides a crucial counter balance o freedom oppressing forces everywhere, its embarrassing to see how quickly that Barry is so willing, even eager, to relinquish America's leadership role. To essentially allow, of all organizations, a pathetically dysfunctional organization where such anti-American countries as China and Russia are essentially able to steer the direction of the discussions on a wide range of topics toward outcomes that are very counterproductive, even hostile, to this country. They seek to do America no favors, and Barry is right there to lend these enemies of America a firm hand of assistance. And the result is never a positive one. Does he really think that's a good idea? At a time when we should be working to extricate ourselves from this merry band of degenerates, Barry has instead chosen to make America totally subservient to it's anti-freedom, anti-individual and pro-tyranny agenda. From Libya, to Yemen to Japan and all points in between, the very obvious void that has now been left by the obvious lack of American leadership is becoming more apparent every single day. If the entire world can go so haywire in such a short period of time, it should be obvious to even the most imbecilic among us that a strong America, willing to lead, is absolutely critical to things remaining in balance.

Barry has made a conscious effort to prostrate himself, and by proxy the rest of us, before the world at large. He has repeatedly bowed down to any number of world leaders while at the same time he, “offers a vision to the world of America diminished and constrained,” and he, “arrived in China as a fiscal supplicant, not the leader of the free world.” He has repeatedly badmouthed American power in Europe, as well as at the Summit of the Americas and at the United Nations. He is consistent in his efforts to “signal weakness internationally in a very big way,” says former UN Ambassador John Bolton. He operates under the misguided notion that showing American weakness by reducing our nuclear capabilities will induce others to become weaker as well. Barry’s massive deficit spending poses a severe risk to American power as well. Might it all be part of some grand scheme by our president? His agenda is one that is designed to shift America’s economic power, via sacks of borrowed money flowing to the other side of the world. And by creating a scenario that has America even more starkly dependent on the world’s new rising powers, enemies such as China, the Gulf States and Russia see this time as being a prime opportunity to tilt the balance of economic power further in their favor. Thank you President Barack Hussein Obama. Thank you, very much!

Here at home one of Barry's more enthusiastic cheerleaders is that idiot and well-known former Labor Secretary, Robert "The Shrimp" Reich. Mr. Reich is presently busying himself these days by going around spouting what is nothing short of some of the most sophomoric pabulum regarding what should be done to bring about an economic recovery as you'll hear anywhere. You have to ask yourself, is this caliber of individual that Barry gets his screwball ideas from. This miniature buffoon's latest rant is one where he is telling anyone who will listen that above all else the government "should not" cut spending at a time when the economy is trying to recover, and that Barry should challenge GOP ‘rubbish’ claims that reducing federal expenses will create more jobs – or he will pay a political price. What is so hard for morons like this to understand about the fact that we are broke? We have no more money to spend and yet they advocate the spending of more money, a lot more money. They have got to be possessing of some ulterior motive here, there can be no other explanation for such raving. We're in debt up to our eyeballs, to the point where very soon the Communist Chinese may very well be directing to us how we manage our fiscal policies. And this goof calls it all rubbish? The policies that this dwarf continues to advocate have been proven any number of times that they do not work. And yet he continues.

“When consumers are reluctant to buy, when big businesses are sitting on about $1.6 trillion worth of cash – they’re not going to invest until they have customers – that’s the time you don’t want government to hold back; you want government right now,” Reich said Wednesday on MSNBC. Hey "Shorty," just why is it that those businesses might be more than just a little reluctant to spend all that money? Might they be waiting to see what cockamamie new scams the Democrats might come up with next and are more than a little unsure of what those scams are liable to cost them? "Shorty" went on to say, “Yes, the deficit’s a long-term problem, but right now you don’t want to cut government spending, yet [House Majority Leader] Eric Cantor and the Republicans are indulging – you hear it over and over and over – it's a big lie." Of there is anyone who can be described as being an expert on lying, midget boy here and others of his political ilk are the ones that fit that bill. These people will say or do absolutely anything in their attempt to portray themselves as being other than what they are. The level of dishonesty being foisted onto the American people by shysters like Little Bobby Reich is appalling. It is imperative that people be convinced of the need to look past all of the rhetoric of such pathological liars as Reich, and to go in search of what that know to be the truth.

“Here’s the problem – George Orwell understood this in his novel ‘1984’ that came out in 1949: Unless it’s rebutted, unless there’s a repudiation, a sharp, clear repudiation, people eventually start listening,” Reich said. “They hear it all the time – they start believing it, particularly if they’re under some economic stress.” Reich said it is up to Barry to set the record straight. “There’s no challenge,” he continued. “The president ought to be out there – the president of the United States ought to be saying: ‘This is rubbish.’ The president is the only one who has the bully pulpit. “If he doesn’t counter, and counter these Republican mistruths, he will be in trouble next year.” Bobby is being more than just a little disingenuous here in his attempt to accuse Republicans if using Orwellian language when discussing our current out of control spending. Let’s be clear here, if there is anybody busy practicing what Orwell had in his novel, it sure ain't the Republicans. Once again you have a blatant "progressive/socialist" accusing the Republicans of doing that which this clone and his leftist cohorts are doing. It's quite sick actually. It reveals a very obvious lack of any personal character as well as any morals. He proudly stands there, like all liberals, looking the American people dead in the eye, and lies to them. He is just one more flim-flam man on a long list of many.

So is this nonsense really what this clown really thinks? Really? If so, he's more of a moron that even I give him credit for. These leftists are truly living in an alternate reality, as they have absolutely no concept whatsoever of what really needs to be done to get us out of this economic quagmire that we are in, thanks to them I might add. Or maybe they do know what needs to be done but are perpetuating their lies so as to further exacerbate our current economic downturn for their own political benefit. They are determined to bring about a complete and total economic collapse in this country so that they can then reconstitute things under the socialist banner. They hate this country and they most assuredly hate capitalism. It goes against everything that they believe in. And the really scary thing here is that they are making great strides in bringing this country to her knees. These shifty little shits are working feverishly 24/7 to wreak as much havoc and economic destruction as they possibly can. They are insidious in their plotting of new and ever improved ways to undermine all that makes this country great. They can never bring themselves to focus on those things that will make us stronger only on ways that will lessen our stature and our influence.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Well, well, well, what might we have here? To begin with, no matter where you choose to look today, the world seems to be going to Hell in a hand basket, and at an ever increasing rate of speed. We seem to be on the verge of some sort of cataclysmic event with December 21, 2012 looking much more like a real possibility than some kind of weird prophecy. And there seems to be a common theme, or one common denominator if you will, in all that is presently going on here at home and across the globe. And what that is, is the very obvious lack of leadership on the part of America's president. Incontrovertible proof has now been provided that to elect an individual whose only "experience" comes from his background as a "community agitator," and who is to his very core is nothing more that a feckless academic completely incapable of making any sort of a decision, brings about some very dire consequences. You cannot assume a position that requires you to be a leader and continue to nothing more than to "vote present." The election of Barry has brought about a climate where chaos now reigns supreme.

And so now, even stranger still, is the fact that it would now appear to also have the rather bizarre and earth shattering scenario where we have at least nine liberal Democrats having found something that they actually agree with Republicans on. That of course being that Barry’s authorization of military strikes on Libya without congressional consent, is unconstitutional. Imagine that, Democrats, any Democrats, actually thinking of something as being unconstitutional. Those Democrats have now joined GOP critics, including Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana, ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Tea Party favorite Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky. And Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, yes the same guy who claims to have seen a flying saucer, has even gone so far as to suggest that Barry’s action could be an “impeachable offense.” My, my, just look how far we’ve come. Democrats using the "I" word when talking about Mr. "Hope and Change." Now while I would agree with their recommendation for impeachment, his authorizing of these air strikes is but one offense on a long list of many offenses that have Barry deserving of impeachment.

Senator Paul points out that Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution very clearly states that, “Congress shall have power to declare war.” “It is alarming how casually the administration talks about initiating acts of war, as though Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution does not exist,” the freshman senator says in a statement on his congressional website. “Frankly, it is not up to the president whether or not we intervene in Libya, or set up ‘no-fly’ zones, or send troops. At least, it is not if we follow the Constitution.” Now I think we can all agree that Barry’s has a very low opinion of our Constitution, he sees it as being much more of an impediment as anything. Actually, Democrats as a whole has always had a rather "loose" interpretation when it comes to our Constitution. They have this rather unique ability to read into things that are not there and ignore the many things that are there, and that our Founding Fathers thought were important.

Barry has no authority to launch military attacks under the War Powers Resolution, Senator Paul argues, because the United States has not been attacked. “This is not our fight,” he adds. “If the administration wants to make it our fight, let them make their case before Congress and put it to a vote. I would strongly oppose such a measure, but that is the proper way to proceed.” Rep. Roscoe Bartlett of Maryland, a senior Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, echoes Paul’s view. “The United States does not have a King's army," he said in a statement Monday. "President Obama's unilateral choice to use U.S. military force in Libya is an affront to our Constitution." I’m sure we all remember the hoops that Bush was forced to jump through in his effort to pacify the Democrats, including Barry, in the run up to the war in Iraq. And how many times was he forced to bend over backwards in his effort to encourage these gutless cowards to do the right thing. Barry now seems to be under the mistaken impression that the same rules do not apply to him. So while Bush was determined in his desire to bring all those responsible for the attacks of 9/11 to justice, he also displayed the requisite leadership in doing so. This whole Libya thing has been grossly mishandled since the get-go and a big reason for that is the sorely lacking leadership abilities of Barry.

As for Senator Lugar, he said in a congressional hearing last week, “If we are going to declare war against Libya, we ought to have a congressional declaration of war.” And Senator John Cornyn of Texas, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, tweeted on Sunday that the president is treating Congress as a “potted plant.” While over on the Democratic side, there were nine liberal House members who “strongly raised objections to the constitutionality of the president’s actions” during a Democratic Caucus conference call Saturday, or so two Democratic congressmen who took part later told Politico. “They consulted the Arab League. They consulted the United Nations. They did not consult the United States Congress,” a Democrat lawmaker said. Ok, and these guys are surprised by this, why exactly. This guy, Barry, has always exhibited a rather perverted willingness to bow at the altar of the United Nations. And to show just how concerned he is with things currently unfolding in Libya, he cutting his vacation short by two whole hours. What a guy! Who says he doesn't care?

One of these nine Democrats, Rep. Kucinich has publicly issued the strongest criticism of Barry “Almighty.” "President Obama moved forward without Congress approving. He didn't have congressional authorization. He has gone against the Constitution, and that's got to be said," Kucinich told Raw Story in an interview on Monday. “I'm raising the question as to whether or not it's an impeachable offense. It would appear on its face to be an impeachable offense.” That doesn’t mean Obama should in fact be impeached and removed from office, Kucinich said. “That's a whole separate question. But we have to clearly understand what this Constitution is about." I’m always amazed when liberals started quoting the Constitution. Kucinich now says he plans to offer up a measure that would defund U.S. efforts in Libya. Another Democrat, Senator Jim Webb of Virginia, a former Marine and Navy secretary, complained on Monday on MSNBC that Congress has “been sort of on autopilot for almost 10 years now, in terms of presidential authority, in conducting these types of military operations absent the meaningful participation of the Congress.” I once met this guy when he was the Navy Secretary. I thought he was a stiff then, and I still do. I am very unimpressed with this clown.

As an Illinois senator and then presidential candidate, Barry himself has strongly stated that the president can’t authorize military action without congressional approval unless it’s necessary to stop an imminent attack on the United States. It was in a December 2007 interview, that a Boston Globe reporter asked Barry under what circumstances the president would have the constitutional authority to bomb Iran without first seeking authorization from Congress. Barry’s response was to say, “The president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.” But apparently his view has changed. On Monday, Obama sent Congress a letter stating that as commander-in-chief, he has constitutional authority to authorize the Libya strikes, which were made in concert with our allies. The White House also noted that Obama met with congressional leaders to consult about the Libya situation Friday.

National Security Adviser Tom Donilon, asked about Obama’s 2007 statement, said the administration “welcomes the support of Congress in whatever form that they want to express that support,” according to The New York Times. But he insisted Obama could authorize the action on his own. “This is a limited — in terms of scope, duration and task — operation, which does fall in the president’s authorities,” Donilon said. Most constitutional scholars, which was also something that I though Barry has claimed to be, agree that our founding fathers purposely separated the power to decide to start a war from the power to conduct it. But since the Korean War, presidents of both parties have ordered military action without going to Congress first. But Barry insists upon the notion that the United states is doing nothing more in Libya than the supporting of the United Nations coalition. It is but one member of the team.

On the budget front, the attacks on Libya could erase much of the budget cuts Republicans pushed through Congress recently. GOP leaders say those reductions have totaled $285 million a day since March 1. But defense analysts tell The Hill that the Libya action could be draining the Defense Department of more than $100 million per day. “We are working on cost estimates,” Pentagon spokeswoman Cheryl Irwin said. For now, the Defense Department is “cash flowing the Libyan operations out of funding available under the [2011] continuing resolution.” Sen. Lugar says his colleagues should discuss the cost issue. “Congress has been squabbling for months over a budget to run the federal government for a fiscal year that is almost half over,” he said in a statement Monday. “We argue over where to cut $100 million here and there from programs many people like. So here comes an open-ended military action with no end game envisioned.” Exit strategies are only something to be loudly demanded by guys like Barry, but not something they need to fret over themselves. Their cause is just so much more just than the ones of their political opponents.

The level of cool detachment with which Barry seem to be treating the calamities that seem to be happening all around him would indicate that they are of very little concern to him. And it is all just a bit unnerving. It’s either that or he has absolutely no idea of how he might be able to go about addressing them. I'm not sure which type of behavior I find more distressing. It just seems to that the worse things seem to get the bigger the stupid grim plastered across his face. He is without a doubt the least presidential of any president in at least my lifetime. The man is about as far removed from being any kind of a real leader as you can possibly get. And we are now witnessing why strong American leadership is absolutely vital to the World and what can happen when it is so obviously missing.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Old "Slow Joe" may think of himself as being a pretty clever fella, obviously Barry thought as much, but sadly for him, such is just not the case. Because as we have very clearly seen on any number of occasions and going all the way back to his plagiarism days, "Slow Joe" has never really been much more than a pretty dim bulb. But apparently, a dim bulb that was able to successfully get himself re-elected by a state sufficiently populated with other dim bulbs. I know, I really shouldn't say such things, after all here in Florida we've got numerous examples of our own dim bulbs. Those dim bulbs come to us in the persons of that raving nut Corrine Brown and that other prime example of stupidity, Bill "I'm an Astronut" Nelson. So it is then that we seem to have any number brain-dead Democrats spread all across this great land. But it would appear, as some have said, that old "Slow Joe" just might be in a class all his own. Let's face it, if brains were dynamite, old "Slow Joe" wouldn't even be able to blow his nose.

And so it was then that Vice President "Slow Joe" Biden, while speaking at a fundraiser in Philadelphia Friday for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), chose to compare the Republicans in Congress to people who excuse rapists by blaming their victims. Where does he come up with this stuff? What a brilliant analogy! Old "Slow Joe," always known for speaking his mind, what little of it there is, and at times putting his foot in his mouth, or should I say down his freakin throat, said that those extremist Republicans who want to arbitrarily and indiscriminately slash spending while at the same time cutting taxes for the evil rich are similar to rape apologists. In setting up his little comparison, or his exercise in stupidity, old "Slow Joe" carefully explained to the audience that before the Violence Against Women Act that he had so proudly championed and was then passed into law, before that “there was this attitude in our society of blaming the victim," at least that was the account provided by the press pool in attendance at the event. Ok folks, how do spell moron. Easy, J-o-e B-i-d-e-n, moron.

“When a woman got raped, blame her because she was wearing a skirt too short, she looked the wrong way or she wasn't home in time to make the dinner,” Biden said. “We've gotten by that,” he said. “But it's amazing how these Republicans, the right wing of this party – whose philosophy threw us into this God-awful hole we’re in, gave us the tremendous deficit we’ve inherited – that they’re now using, now attempting to use, the very economic condition they have created to blame the victim – whether it’s organized labor or ordinary middle-class working men and women. It's bizarre. It's bizarre.” Bizarre? What's bizarre is that this mental midget can see the out of control spending binge that taken place since he and Barry first came through the Oval Office door and still make the calim that it is not their fault. Here we go again with this imbecile once more blaming it all on Bush. Now there may have been a bit of hole when these two schleps took over, but the speed with which that hole has been made very much deeper, rests entirely with the current administration and their congressional cohorts. And besides, Dumb and Dumberer have now officially been at the helm now for over two years. So at what point is this "Martin and Lewis" team finally going to man up and accept some level of responsibility for what they themselves have brought about?

After Biden's appearance at this fundraiser, his office tried to tell us what it was that old Slow Joe meant. They attempted to focus on the economic message that our rocket scientist VP was trying ever so diligently to convey. "The vice president was obviously making the point that on any issue, we shouldn't blame the victim," was what he was trying to say, at least so says Biden spokeswoman Elizabeth Alexander. So that's what he was "obviously" trying to do? Obvious to whom, exactly? "Blaming workers or union members for states' fiscal crises – an argument made by some Republican governors – isn't the answer." Barry had tapped Old Slow Joe to be his lead negotiator with congressional Republicans on the budget and we have now seen how well that has worked out. Biden's nothing short of an idiot, there's just no other way to put it. He's living proof that the majority of those who currently reside in Delaware can't be all that much brighter than the morons who live in Massachusetts. It's those morons who are prefectly comfortable with re-electing that other pompous gasbag, John Kerry Heinz, who I believe, spent a rather short, yet highly productive tour, medal-wise, in Vietnam. I swear, if you took Biden's IQ and added it together with Kerry's the total would be less than either of their shoe sizes. Kerry gets a medal in Vietnam for a self-inflicted gunshot wound, how "Three Stooges" is that?

While Republicans were quick to seize upon Biden's comments, the response left a little to be desired. The party's House campaign arm called the comments both "tasteless and offensive." "As much as Vice President Biden should retract this specific statement, he should apologize for comparing our country’s dismal economic situation to such horrid acts as violence against women,” said Joanna Burgos, spokeswoman for the National Republican Campaign Committee (NRCC). Wow, now that's a response that'll make old "Slow Joe" sit up and take notice. NOT! Look, this is all these sleazy Democrats know how to do and it's what they always resort to. Juvenile name calling and infantile temper tantrums when they don't get their own way, it's typical behavior. Together they make up a gang of those who most likely got beat up for their lunch money on what was most certainly a daily basis, and now that they have been provided with a little political power, they see this time as being their prime opportunity to perhaps provide a little payback. And the Republicans are going to have to toughen up and be willing to kick some Democrat butt if it becomes necessary. The Republicans need to act more like that bigger kid who picked up the smaller bully and threw him to the ground in the video that's been flying around. You simply cannot permit morons like Biden to keep getting away with saying such stupid things. Ignorance cannot continue to be considered an excuse.

And then it was over in his home state of Delaware where Joe, that ever diligent watchdog of taxpayer provided stimulus money, on Saturday witnessed the newly-renovated Wilmington, Delaware Amtrak station be named for him, and appeared humbled by the honor. "Slow Joe" became famous, or infamous, for frequently traveling from his hometown to Washington on Amtrak during his nearly four-decade Senate career, but said that he is not worthy of the accolade. Well, on that point I think I can wholeheartedly agree with worthless old "Slow Joe." The only thing this bonehead is worthy of is a quick trip to "The Home." "The truth is, I don't deserve this, unless you reward longevity," said our selfless friend of the little guy, "Slow Joe." At least according to delawareonline.com. The Wilmington station is now officially referred to as being the Joseph R Biden, Jr. Railroad Station. Whoopee! A $37.7 million renovation was recently completed at the former Wilmington train station, with construction taking almost two years. It should also be noted that amount included $20 million from the very same stimulus act which Slow Joe "helped" to oversee. Just one of those things that makes you go hmmmmmmmm.

Now the Wilmington station, whoops, I mean the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Railroad Station is one of the busiest stations in the nation, even though by Amrak standards that's not really saying a whole lot. And it is part of Amtrak's, a rampant money loser despite substantial government subsidizing, heavily traveled, by liberals at least, Northeast corridor. During his little "acceptance" speech, "Slow Joe" recalled some of his more fond memories from the many years of his traveling on the train to the nation's capital, especially in hard times. Hard times for whom exactly, "Slow Joe?" This guy is such a pathetic jerk off. "Everything, good or bad in my career, the first people I encountered were getting on the train," "Slow Joe" said. They were the first ones there for me. I mean literally. They would say, 'Joe, it's going to be ok.'" Man, don't that just bring a tear to your one good eye? The $20 Million of taxpayer money that was spent refurbishing this train station so that it could then be named for "Slow Joe," was nothing short of a monumental waste. It's nothing more than pouring my hard earned money which was confiscated by Barry down a bottomless hole. And yet we're suppose to buy into the notion that this mess that we're in is of Bush's making. Not quite, "Slow Joe," not quite.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on Saturday condemned Vice President Biden's invocation of rape while criticizing the GOP. In what I would consider a less than forceful response to yet one more bit of evidence regarding the sanity of our illustrious VP, Mr. Priebus chose to respond via his Twitter page: "Using a rape analogy to describe one's political opponents is inexcusable & beneath the office of the Vice Presidency." To me that's nothing more than Mr. Priebus saying to "Slow Joe," "OH YEAH, YOU AND WHAT ARMY!" Come on, for crying out loud people. It's time to call these individuals out regarding their continuing use of inflammatory rhetoric. And besides, what the heck happened to all of that civility that was so enthusiastically called for. Or does that only apply when Republicans are talking about douche bag Democrats? These Democrat hacks such as "Slow Joe" cannot continue to say such outlandish things without being put on the receiving end of some sort of payback. If anyone is getting raped, it’s we the taxpayers getting raped at the hands of Barry and his band of fiscal rapists. Ok boys and girls, it's time to grow a spine and to then go for the jugular. We need to be bold and decisive in getting our fiscal house in order, letting our actions speak louder than the mealy mouthed language coming from "Slow Joe" and any other scumbag Democrat. We can no longer afford to pussyfoot around!

Friday, March 18, 2011


In nearly any region of the world today in which you may choose to look, I think it safe to say that bad things are happening. And yet, where is the leadership of America. The world not only expects it but depends on it, and when it is absent, a void that is left behind begs to be filled. And those hostile to the interests of America waste little time in taking advantage of the opportunity to displace this country. Now you would think that this would be of significant concern to the man who is our president. Again, you would think that our president would put a certain level of precedence on these events and the advocating of any number of possible solutions, above the planning of his next tee time or family outing. But unfortunately, such is not the case. So at a time when we have burgeoning debt crisis and financial collapse occurring right here at home, gas rapidly approaching 4 dollars a gallon, a horrific disaster that continues to unfold before our very eyes in Japan, a disaster, by the way, that could very well end up impacting more than just Japan in several different ways and Libya literally going up in smoke with hundreds of innocent people being slaughtered every day, just where the Hell is Barry? Has anybody checked the golf course lately? After all, I'm sure that we can all rest easier now that I guess he's felling pretty comfortable with his picks for the Final Four. Everywhere we look it seems that the world is beset with all manner of calamity and yet there is no sign of interest coming from Barry. I'm sure we all remember how deftly he handled the Gulf oil spill. Image had that been George W. Bush. We'd still be hearing stories in the state controlled media. But there continues to be nary a word in our "mainstream" press about how our president is so obviously missing in action, nor his dogged determination in refusing to exhibit any level of a leadership whatsoever.

Muammar Gaddafi, or however you spell that creep’s name, is seen every single day as moving relentlessly in his effort to crush the Libyan revolt that once promised the overthrow of one of the world's most despicable regimes. So while Barry was somewhat active in the encouraging of Mubarak to leave town in Egypt, where's Barry now? Was Mubarak that much more of a ruthless character than is Barry's "friend" Gaddafi? And Japan continues to face a very uncertain future to say the least, and may very well be on the verge of a disaster the magnitude of which could dwarf anything we have been witness to since World War II. A nation such as the United States needs the individual who professes to be its leader to take full measure of his position at times of crises, especially when the path forward is no longer clear. But Barry just doesn't seem to be up to the task. Which, I suppose, should come as no real surprise to anyone who recognizes his total shallowness as an individual, or his complete lack of any character. He is as they say, an empty suit. He seems incapable of grasping the significance of this moment in time. This is not "A" time for leadership; this is "THE" time for leadership. And yet, Barry remains blissfully MIA. The moment demands that he rise to the challenge of showing America and the world that he is willing to take the reins, that he is willing to lead us through this worldly obstacle course. That he is willing to step up to the plate and actually LEAD. How leaders act in times of unanticipated crisis, those in which they do not have a formulated game plan and must instead navigate in treacherous waters, defines them. Those who are able to think on their feet and can remain calm as others look to them for direction and guidance as well as to be decisive, they are the true leaders among us, no matter in what capacity that they are operating in. Barry isn't doing himself any favors as he goes about acting in ways that are defining him in such a way that could ultimately end up destroying him. But I see no indication that he is willing to make any changes.

You know, it isn't merely the fact that he isn't up to the task or incapable rising to the challenge. He is "avoiding" taking the challenge altogether, he's doing nothing more than he always does, he's voting present. He's the bystander who’s refusing to get involved. Here we have the one guy who can, with his teleprompter that's always at the ready, have access to a microphone 24/7, and yet he has been remarkably silent regarding events that are absolutely glaring in their need to be addressed. He has the power to tell the broadcast networks in the middle of the day that he, Barry "Almighty," has a major address to deliver on an unprecedented world situation, and they will cancel their programming to make time for his important message. And yet, since Friday and a press conference in which he managed to leave the American position on Libya even more muddled than it was before he decided to speak about, we have not heard his voice. By the "Messiah" having not chosen not to speak, he has spoke volumes regarding just how little concern he has for any of these ongoing world events. Except in a radio address where he talked about education legislation. However, he did choose to appear at a fund-raiser in DC and he did sit down with ESPN to reveal his NCAA picks. Boy, I sure feel better now. There are those, even on the Democrat side, who are now of the opinion that he simply cannot go on like this. And it has been said by Niall Ferguson, someone whom I am told is a very pessimistic economic historian, and has been echoed by many others, it would seem that the best we can now hope from this man who is now our president, is that he leaves the country in the same kind of shape that Jimmy Carter left it in. But aren't we already well passed the level of damage that Carter was able to inflict? And this guy, Barry, has only had the job for 2 years. Imagine the mess that will be left after 2 more years.

But as scary as his leadership failures may be to me, and despite how disastrously, even ineptly, he has handled any number of crises that have occurred over the course of the last two years, even scarier is the fact that he could still manage to turn his impotent presidency around. In his effort to succeed in that endeavor, Barry would do well to be thinking about following the example of a very unlikely Republican predecessor of his, our old buddy Richard "Tricky Dickie" Nixon. The many crises that Barry is now being confronted with are eerily similar to the kinds of calamities that greeted Nixon during his first term from 1969-1972. Then, as now, the world was quite a volatile place and had quite a number of hotspots. Wars had erupted between China and the Soviet Union, India and Pakistan, even El Salvador and Honduras. Jordan was nearly taken over from within by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). There were humanitarian disasters in Biafra (the result of civil war), Bangladesh (due to flooding) and Nicaragua (deadly earthquake). There was more, much more, including a war he inherited in Vietnam, just as Barry has the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. So there are more than a few similarities. Plus the level of corruption present in both administrations can be said to be quite similar as well. And yet, Nixon got things turned around. So I suppose anything is possible, although nothing would make me happier than to see this guy go down in flames.

Nixon in 1968, unlike Barry 2008, was elected as a minority president with only 43 percent of the vote. Yet, in 1972, he won what, in some measures, was the most lopsided election in American history with 61 percent of the vote. So, how exactly was Nixon able to achieve such a feat? Well, in large measure it was because he appeared to be a serious man grappling in deadly earnest with the serious problems presented to him by a world that appeared to be careening out of control. He demonstrated what many viewed as being high competency when it came to matters on the world stage. He and his team (primarily Henry Kissinger) developed coherent policies and strategies for coping with a troubled world. There was no question, to friend or foe, that he was fully engaged, paying attention, and deeply involved. Now fast forward 40 years or so to today and compare what Nixon did to what Barry is doing, or I guess a better way to put it, what Barry is NOT doing. Have you ever seen a man who portrayed an image of paying less attention or being totally disengaged than Barry? He comes across as being totally disinterested. I lost count a very long time ago of the number of rounds of golf he has played, or the number of family vacations, at my expense, that he has taken. I think it goes without saying that this guy's priorities are more than just a little skewed. Sometimes I find myself wondering if this apparent disinterest of his isn't all part of his game plan. We know that he has a rather low opinion of the country that he was elected to lead. But it would seem that he is much more determined to be viewed as the individual who not only presided over, but was singularly responsible for, the decline of America and American stature throughout the world. It's as if he is doing all that he can, and as quickly as he can, to diminish America in the eyes of the entire world.

Now while I cannot argue against the fact that Nixon was in many ways an awful president, including the making of some of his foreign-policy choices, there was no doubt that foreign policy and America's leadership in the world regarding events taking place outside its borders was of paramount importance to him. All this had the dramatic effect of elevating Nixon during his time in office, so that when it came time to run against McGovern in 1972, Nixon seemed like a Titan to McGovern's appearance as being kind of a wimp by comparison. How Nixon conducted himself in office in times of crises made possible his triumphant re-election. Right now, the manner in which Barry is now busy conducting himself, and in a time of crisis, is having the complete opposite effect. He began his presidency as a potential colossus, remember the Roman-esque backdrop. He was the one that we were waiting for. He was going to "transform America," for the better. Or so everyone was told. What he has accomplished is to make us look weak and indecisive, because he is weak and indecisive. And if he doesn't change, he will finish his time in office as nothing more than even more of a wimp than the one he is already perceived as being. And it extremely difficult for wimps to win second terms. But maybe that just doesn't matter to him. If he is able to succeed in his effort to sufficiently tear down the country in his first 4 years, he may see that there is no need for a second 4 years. But nothing would give me more pleasure than to see Barry go the way of McGovern come 2012.

I think for many it is very apparent, even obvious, that Barry loves the idea of being president, but he has great difficulty in being able to make nearly any kind of a decision. What Barry seems to be most interested in is having the title and the prestige that goes with it. He thoroughly enjoys being called "Mr. President" but at the same time he has no interest in all that the job entails. He doesn't want to do any of the work that goes with the job, it's like it's an inconvenience or requires just too much darn energy to be expended. Energy that could be much better spent either on the golf course or on vacation somewhere. In that way, I think it fair to say, that as our first black president, his behavior is pretty much typical. If you know what I mean. After all, why work if you've got something better to do? He sees it as nothing more than an opportunity to shift the country drastically to the left. He has no interest whatsoever in what is happening outside our borders and ever little regarding what is taking place inside them. And I would agree that even in the domestic arena, I think there is a lot of truth in what is being said about Barry passively deferring to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi on all legislative matters. One can debate whether action is appropriate in Libya or not, but when it comes to foreign policy I agree with those who claim that it is a pretty safe bet that Barry will do nothing, because doing something would require a decision. I think that should be abundantly clear to anyone who has closely observed the man and taken a look at his background. Remember the words of the managing editor of the Harvard Law Review who said that Barry loved the title of Editor of the Law Review, but he didn’t want to do the work. The managing editor said he rarely saw him except when it was to glad hand or take credit for something that was being done. Additionally, Barry never wrote a single thing for the review during his tenure, something that is almost unheard of.

Looking for the course of the last two years of his reign, in every single case, his problem has been one of his lacking any leadership skills whatsoever. Barry, very simply put, is not a leader, and to be perfectly blunt here, he has no idea of even how to be a leader. But at the same time that doesn’t prevent him from wanting to be treated like a leader or to assume leadership roles that offer him any amount of prestige, perks and pleasure derived from simply from being the "president." The reason Barry can’t make a decision is he can’t reason like a leader must. As was mentioned a number of times during the 2008 campaign, and apparently falling on the deaf ears of the voters, was the fact that he has no experience in making decisions. Let's face it, how complicated are the decisions made by your average "community agitator?" And he is essentially clueless regarding the decision making process as practiced by a leader. He’s never really been in the position of having to make anything that would even remotely resemble a leadership decisions. So he simply tries to avoid making them altogether by, like I said earlier, simply voting present. One way he does it is to ignore the problem. Another way he does this is to appoint commissions and panels concerning problems the country faces in order to defer the problem (and decision) to someone else. He also likes to defer to the “international community” on foreign policy or the Democratic leadership in the legislature on domestic things. Again, the avoidance of decision making and not the quality of a leader. And, in the end, he lets others make decisions for him and then he jumps on the bandwagon with a speech full of fanciful rhetoric about how they (whichever party he is deferring to on whatever issue) have listened to him and decided on a course much like he recommended. Or something like that. A leader enjoys making important decisions, they go out of their way to make decisions. But not Barry.

Even some Democrats are capable of recognizing a poor leader when they see one, and are now taking notice of just how poor a leader Barry really is. They’ve been hollering for weeks, some of them quite vocally, that he needs to step up and show a little leadership in the budget process. To this point he’s done much of nothing but forward a budget that was nothing more than a joke. He gave a press conference on energy because gas prices have increased. Essentially his line of argument, concerning domestic oil, is we’re doing fine and we shouldn’t worry. DUH? Maybe he doesn't have to worry, but I'm going broke putting gas in my car at nearly four bucks a gallon. I had to laugh the other night when I saw some ABC News moron, an avid and very obvious Barry supporter, on Greta the other night. He said that he sees no lasting effect coming from Barry's serious lack of leadership abilities and his apparent disinterest in world events. And he went on to say that for all of the pounding he has been taking from some in the media, as well as potential political opponents, that his 48 percent approval was actually pretty good. He said he had no doubt that Barry would be able to easily weather all of the criticism that he is receiving at the present time over his obvious lack of any leadership skills. Well, I guess we will see if this "Kool-Aid" drinker is correct in his rather biased assumption. People have a tendency to gravitate toward those they perceive as being strong leaders and more often than not they will shy away from those they view as being nothing more than opportunists or pretenders. With Barry, there simply is no there, there. And I think as time goes by more and more people are asking themselves is this guy the face that they want representing the United States of America.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Back on January 7 of this year, I posed the question regarding what it was that we might expect to see from the 112th Congress and what impact a massive influx of Tea Party Supported candidates might have. And in fairly short order I think we have come to have that question answered. Sadly, I think what we have seen thus far has been more than just a little disappointing. We are at place that is very far away from all of the grandiose rhetoric that we heard in November after the voters had decided that they would take a chance and return control of the House of Representatives back to the Republicans. I can only imagine how many may now be questioning the wisdom of their decision. This continuing display by Speaker Boehner, as well as the entire Republican leadership team, of always going squishy and at critical times whenever there is the slightest sign of resistance by the Democrats is not really conducive to being able win the day. All long as these scumbag Democrats sense any amount of weakness from those on our side, they'll be able to maintain control of the debate. Any hesitation coming from those on our side will only result in causing the Democrats to dig in further. Democrats still remain capable of running roughshod over Congress, with our spineless cadre of wimpy Republicans apparently being content to do nothing more than what they're told. This is not what we voted for, not by any stretch. Where is the "LEADERSHIP" that we all thought we were voting for? The country is rapidly headed full speed ahead right down the old crapper, and there seems to be no real sense of urgency in trying to prevent that event from occurring. WHY IS THAT? The performance of our leadership team of Boehner, Cantor and McCarthy, up to this point in time anyway, has been quite underwhelming to say the least.

Let's face it, the national debt jumped by $72 Billion, that's BILLION, on Tuesday even as our stalwart Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives passed yet another continuing resolution to fund the government for just three weeks that will cut a whopping $6 Billion from government spending. And this how Mr. Boehner defines leadership? Somehow this is just not what I was expecting. The plan fact of the matter is that Congress can cut $6 billion every three weeks for the next 36 weeks, and only manage to save between now and late November as much money as the Treasury added to the nation’s net debt during just the business hours of Tuesday, March 15. Our team is going to need to exhibit a courage on this issue if there is to be any hope whatsoever of preventing that which most of see as being a forgone conclusion. The entire financial collapse of our country. At the close of business on Monday, according to the Treasury Department’s Bureau of the Public Debt, the total national debt stood at $14.166 trillion ($14,166,030,787,779.80). At the close of business Tuesday, the debt stood at $14.237 trillion ($14,237,952,276,898.69), an increase of $71.9 billion ($71,921,489,118.89). Since the beginning of fiscal year 2011--which began on Oct. 1, 2010--the national debt has climbed from $13.5616 trillion ($13,561,623,030,891.79) to $14.2379 trillion ($14,237,952,276,898.69) an increase of $676.3 billion ($676,329,246,006.90). Congress would need to cut spending by $6 billion every three weeks for approximately the next six and a half years (338 weeks) just to equal the $676.3 billion the debt has increased thus far this fiscal year.

There was a significant number of defections among the House Republicans when it came to vote on the latest short-term U.S. spending bill. The mere fact that members felt they could oppose their leadership, exposed some potentially significant divisions that may in fact complicate negotiations with Democrats on a much broader budget plan. In Tuesday's House vote, 54 Republicans opposed a measure to fund the government until April 8, forcing their leaders to rely on support from Democrats to pass the bill, 271-158. The legislation aims to give lawmakers more time to break their stalemate over funding the government through Sept. 30. The stopgap measure goes to the Senate, where Democrats who control that chamber expect it to pass and be sent to Barry. Why shouldn't it pass, it was nothing more than what Democrats said they would be willing to support. Joining 186 House Republicans in backing the bill were 85 Democrats. Republicans opposing it included tea party-backed freshmen, other fiscal conservatives who wanted more spending cuts and social conservatives seeking to include policy directives in the measure on issues like abortion. If our leadership is of the opinion that they can revert to the old ways of being nothing more than Democrat-lites and still command the respect of those who voted them into office, then I'm afraid that they're in for a rather rude awakening and their time in the majority will be rather short lived.

The vote underscored the challenge for House Speaker John Boehner, an Ohio Republican, as he works to reach agreement with Democrats on the longer-term 2011 budget. “We have no idea what Mr. Boehner can agree to” in the talks, said Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the second-ranking House Democrat. “You can’t come to an agreement on any kind of compromise with 54 people who can’t compromise with their own leadership.” Other Democrats said the vote shows that Boehner will have to compromise with their party to enact a spending plan that avoids a government shutdown. Mr. Boehner should tread very lightly in his attempts to "compromise" with those on the sleazy left. Either he wants to seriously address the issues at hand, or he wishes to return to the minority "leader," and only he can make that decision. “Speaker Boehner wouldn’t have been able to pass this short-term measure without Democratic votes, and he won’t be able to pass a long-term one without Democratic votes either,” Sen. Chuckie Schumer, D-N.Y., said. “It’s time for him to abandon the Tea Party and forge a bipartisan compromise.” Now there's some good advice coming from Chuckie. What Boehner needs to be doing is the abandoning of his persistent willingness to bend over and spread 'em in front of the Democrats. If it anyone who should be put in the position of bending over, it should be guys like Chuckie.

The House passed a measure on February 18 that would cover funding the rest of this fiscal year and that would have cut $61 billion from 2010 spending levels. The bill also would make policy changes, including defunding of the Barry's supposed healthcare "reform," Planned Parenthood, and of course public broadcasting. The Senate waste very little time in promptly defeating it last week. So what was Mr. Boehner's answer to that dilemma? Why, it was to simply reduce to $61 Billion to the $6 Billion that that Democrats had been saying all along was the amount that they were willing to pass. There's a word for that where I come from, it's known as nothing more than blatant cowardice. Throughout this fiscal year, which began back on October 1, lawmakers have relied on stopgap measures to avoid a shutdown of non-essential government services. The current spending authority, enacted earlier this month and opposed by only six House Republicans, expires March 18. This disturbing trend cannot be allowed to continue. At some point a rather deep line in the sand is going to need to be drawn. And the longer we put just such a scenario off, the more difficult it is going to become to do just that. Time is one thing we do not have. The urgency with which our present situation needs to be addressed, is increasing by the minute and we have those who are our supposed leaders doing nothing more than sitting on their hands.

Republicans who opposed yesterday’s bill to fund the government for three more weeks said passing another short-term measure only postpones the debate over spending cuts and the policy provisions. And with that I would wholeheartedly agree. The bill that was passed will cut $6 billion in spending and omits policy items. “The American people sent us here to be bold and I don’t think this a bold step,” said Rep. Joe Walsh, a freshman Republican from Illinois who was among those opposing the measure. Again, I agree with the freshman. Judson Phillips of the Tennessee-based Tea Party Nation called on the group’s members to phone, e-mail, and use social networking tools to lobby lawmakers against the measure because it didn’t include the policy provisions. “I had three families come up to my office yesterday and ask me to vote against” the bill, said Rep. Allen West, a Republican freshman from Florida who opposed it. Personally, I think this guy West is GREAT! I wish we could clone him. Also urging lawmakers to vote against the measure were the anti-abortion Family Research Council, the Club for Growth, which seeks limited government, and Heritage Action for America, whose website says it advocates “conservative policy.”

After the vote, the defectors' position was one of them saying that by taking their stand they had actually strengthened the Republican position in budget negotiations. “I think we gain leverage” because Boehner “can say, ‘We’ve taken this thing as far as we can go, and we can’t do anything more unless you give us something,’” said Rep. Steve King, an Iowa Republican pressing to kill any spending measure that doesn’t defund the healthcare law. House Republican leaders spent the early part of this week working to shore up support for the short-term measure among their most fiscally conservative members. Boehner posted a video on his website March 14 saying the House would use other legislation to press ahead on its effort to stop funding for the health-care law. I'm sorry but I just don not trust any of these folks enough to put any amount of faith in promises now being made regarding any future attempts at killing "obamacare." The Republican-led House will “do everything we can to stop this gravy train and ensure this job-crushing healthcare law is never fully implemented,” the speaker said in the video. Blah, blah, blah. I don't believe him. Representative Scott Garrett of New Jersey, a Republican who voted “no” after supporting the previous stopgap spending measure, said party leaders “worked it hard” to get backers for the bill. He also said he didn’t believe there was any dispute within the party about the overall goal of cutting spending. “We had a difference on strategy — how to get there,” Garrett said.

Also opposing the bill was Rep. Jeff Flake, an Arizona Republican who made the argument that continuing with these stopgap measures does nothing more than to play into Democrats’ hands because by only postponing any kind of a decision on the entire 2011 budget does nothing but to make it all the more likely the fight will merge with an upcoming battle over increasing the federal debt limit. He said that debate should focus on bigger changes to government spending, such as cuts in entitlement programs such as Medicare. “The longer we kick this can down the road, the more difficult it is to get to the big stuff,” said Flake. “This is small ball.” The Treasury Department estimates the government will reach the current limit on government borrowing between April 15 and May 31. White House spokesman Jay "Not much better that Bob" Carney said the latest stopgap spending bill will provide some breathing room for lawmakers to work out an agreement on funding through September 30. Yup, that's what's needed, some breathing room. He urged quick action. “The president has been clear: with the wide range of issues facing our nation, we cannot keep funding the government in two- or three-week increments,” Carney said. “It is time for us to come together, find common ground and resolve this issue.” That's rich, Barry talking about finding some common ground. To common ground is for everybody to come over to his point of view or he throws one of his typical little temper tantrums. He's really quite pathetic!

I think what most of us are wanting to see from the Speaker and his entire leadership team is for them to exhibit at least some measure of backbone. Frankly, I'm getting just a little tired of being steamrolled by the power hungry, Constitution stomping Democrats. This sleigh ride to Hell that we're on courtesy of these twisted sleazy Democrats is not going to end well if we're not able to get things under control, and soon. And any squabbling that is taking part in the Republican ranks does little to get us to where it is that we need to end up. The folks on our team are going to have to lead, follow or simply get out of the way. If you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem. It’s time to get serious, in fact it’s well past time. Now LET'S ROLL!