

Tuesday, February 28, 2012



Demonstrating a level of dishonesty, as well as outright hypocrisy, that is unique among, as well as something we have come to expect from, those who proudly identify themselves as being Democrats, we have two more imbecilic examples, the perfect Dumb and Dumber, so to speak, from none other than the Congressional Black Caucus, out condemning any attempt at requiring stricter voter identification rules. Now I'm quite sure everyone is pretty familiar with this little cadre of loons referred to as the Congressional Black Caucus, that rather odd assortment of what is essentially a cast of rather weird cartoon characters. They have continued to make it very clear, on any number of occasions, that they fervently oppose any attempt, whatsoever, for tougher voter ID and voter registration laws saying that such laws are simply not needed. And why are they not needed, why because, they claim, documented voter fraud by illegal aliens is totally nonexistent.

It was during some ridiculous little "discussion panel" where the topic of "discussion" was, again, voter identification (ID) laws, recently held at the U.S. Capitol and took place back on February 17, that race thug, John Lewis, Democrat, was asked, “What should be done in regards to illegal immigrants voting?” His answer should come a no surprise to anyone the least but familiar with this clown, as he chose to respond in typical Democrat fashion. By lying through his teeth. He said, “I don’t know of any. I don’t know of any case in any -- in Georgia, in Alabama, in North Carolina, Mississippi or any parts of America -- that some illegal person, some person who’s not a citizen had cast a vote and I just think that’s a lot of say-and-do about nothing. That’s not happening.” Come on, does this goof really expect anyone with a brain to buy such idiotic nonsense? Really? And what does this moron offer up as being proof to back up his screwy premise? Well, not much, really.

You see, all that this dope, Lewis, could do was to spew nothing more than the standard Democrat talking points that we have heard ad nauseam for what seems like, years now. Their idiotic claims have as their source some of the most bizarre thinking imaginable as they make all manner of accusations describing more stringent voter identification laws as being offensive and all about nothing more than pure racism and a return to the days of Jim Crow. He then proceeded to make the idiotic claim that voter ID laws, or proof of citizenship, laws make it harder to restore voting rights to people that paid their debts to society. “These laws are barriers to an all-inclusive democracy," Lewis said "They are a disgrace and a shame. We continue to step backward toward another dark time in our history.” Don't you just love it when these scumbags talk about being "all-inclusive?" This is nothing more than pure unadulterated bullshit. It's almost as if they yearn for the old days. Weird!

It was following this same event, that Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver II, yet another patently dishonest Democrat, was asked, of all things, his opinion on the matter being "discussed". This buffoon responded in what has become very typical Democrat fashion. He was asked, “In your opinion is there anything that should be done to prevent, say illegal immigrants from voting?” In answering the question posed, this dim bulb actually had the balls to say that there are no illegal aliens voting in the U.S.. Cleaver said, “We don’t have any, we don’t have any problems of illegal immigrants voting in this country." Adding, “And in the last 10 years we’ve had something like 13 cases of voter fraud in the 50 states of the United States of America.” I don't know about any of you, but I find myself wondering how it is that a moron like this can get a gig as an elected public official, of any kind. I can only assume that his congressional district must have one of the lowest average IQs in the nation.

But as always when dealing with any Democrat, there is very little accuracy, if any, in anything that they say. They take great pleasure in just making shit up as they go along. Because while it is a fact that tracking illegal immigrant voting is quite difficult, according to a report issued by the Commission on Federal Election Reform in 2005, the Justice Department has conducted more than 180 investigations into election fraud just since October of 2002. Federal prosecutors have charged 89 individuals and convicted 52 for election-fraud offenses, including giving false voter-registration information. The report also noted that in 2000, random checks by the Honolulu city clerk’s office found 200 registered voters who admitted they were not U.S. citizens. And in 2004, at least 35 foreign citizens applied for and received voter cards in Harris County, Texas, the report also noted. Just the tip of the iceberg? Democrats continue to downplay something that is, in fact, a growing problem.

And strangely enough, even though this same bipartisan commission was co-chaired by none other ex-president, and he who was once considered as being the worst president in U.S. history, Jimmy Carter, it still actually recommended the enacting of laws that would require voters to show a photo ID before voting. Imagine that! And despite what these two loser and their many cohorts would like us all to believe, there have been numerous more recent events that also seem to at least suggest the strong possibility of non-citizens voting. It was in 2011 that Colorado’s secretary of state found by comparing drivers’ licenses that Colorado had potentially as many as 16,270 non-citizens on its voting rolls. And back in 2007, the Dallas Morning News ran a piece titled “Non-citizens likely voted in Bexar County” which explained how 330 non-citizens were discovered on voting rolls after they were summoned for jury duty. Hey, no big deal, right? Apparently not to sleazy Democrats.

Another little factoid that I think might be worth mentioning is the fact that the 2004 Washington State gubernatorial election was decided by a mere 133 votes in an election where 1,678 illegal votes, mostly by felons, were cast. Now as stupid as it sounds, the election was upheld because there was no accurate way to determine which candidate was the recipient of the illegal votes. Care to guess? According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, currently 31 states require some form of identification to vote, with eight having strict photo ID requirements. Another 29 states have no ID requirement to vote. Court cases will likely continue over voter ID laws, which opponents like Lewis and Cleaver argue are often unconstitutional. However, in 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court in Crawford v. Marion County Election Board upheld Indiana’s voter ID law which requires government issued photo ID. To be constitutional, voter ID laws have to follow the 24th amendment, which prohibits a poll tax.

These two stooges, Lewis and Cleaver, sounds like a comedy team, were joined on this recent "discussion" panel by a couple of other outstanding examples of superior Democrat brain power, none other than John Conyers and Sheila "Dumber than a box of rocks" Jackson-Lee. A few more luminaries in attendance that indicate pretty clearly the political slant of the entire gathering, included the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the American Civil Liberties Union, the William Kellibrew Foundation, the Advancement Project, the American Association of People with Disabilities, and the George Soros-funded Brennan Center for Justice. Look, the bottom line here is that Democrats view voter fraud as being nothing more than another electioneering tool to be taken advantage of, to the fullest extent possible, whenever the opportunity may present itself. These illegal voters are seen as nothing more than another bizarre core constituency that can be exploited by the Democrat Party, sadly, to the detriment of the entire election process. A fact that doesn't bother them in the least.

In trying to sum things up, just let me say that the Democrat Party, throughout nearly its entire history, has acted as nothing more than a cancer upon this country. And the citizens of this great republic have not always been mere innocent bystanders when it came to allowing this malignancy to metastasize. Far from it! On any number of occasions they have shown themselves to be active participants, taking actions that have actually assisted in creating the right conditions that have then allowed the spreading of this malignancy, that is the Democrat Party, to accelerate. For proof of that we need look back no further that 2008. The net result of which, is that we now find ourselves with a devout Socialist in the White House. And, we have individuals such as those named above who are determined in their efforts to use whatever means at their disposal to continue our downward spiral until they have finally and successfully removed every last vestige of what was once this the greatest experiment in freedom in all of human history. That is their goal. That is their purpose. And it seems that no matter how obvious they may make their desire, the American people, or at least a vast majority of them, remain totally oblivious. And what is likely to be our very last opportunity to perhaps begin the long, painful process of getting things turned around will come this November, and it remains to be seen whether or not it will be taken advantage of.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Demonstrating what can only be described as a lack of any genuine concern for those involved, old Hitlery Clinton chose to sidestep completely a question linking Egypt’s prosecution of American civilians with the fact it has received billions of dollars in U.S. military aid for over 30 years. What our brilliant Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the past Sunday was, “We have problems with a lot of our friends around the world.” We have problems with a lot of our friends around the world? What kind of a stupid statement is that to come from someone who is supposed to be the smartest bitch on the entire planet? And I'd love to ask her why she thinks that might be happening. You think maybe that it have something to do with the fact that we have had a limp-wristed pinko sitting in the Oval Office for the last three years? Personally, and this is just my opinion. I think it has everything to do with it.

I anything, her idiotic comments demonstrate, and pretty clearly so, just how hollow our foreign policy has become, especially with them coming as the politically-charged trial of 43 non-governmental organization staffers, including 16 Americans, opened in Cairo on Sunday, and then was quickly adjourned until April 26. These Non-Government Organization (NGO) employees are accused of receiving unauthorized foreign funding, operating without licenses and undermining Egypt’s sovereignty. None of the Americans appeared in court. Most are not in Egypt, but the seven who are have now been barred from leaving the country. The incident has placed unprecedented strains on the U.S.-Egyptian relationship, with senior American officials warning that $1.5 Billion in military and economic aid could be at risk. But why is this nation, now run by what is essentially a terrorist organization on the receiving end of any U.S. taxpayer money? Especially $1.5 Billion?

In what was a Communist News Network (CNN) interview she provided while visiting Morocco on Sunday, old Hitlery was asked about the matter and stressed the importance of the bilateral ties. “We are having intense talks at the highest levels of the Egyptian government because, obviously, we’d like to see this resolved. Our relationship with Egypt is, I think, very important to both countries, and we have a lot of work to do together,” she said. “We want to support the new Egyptian government, we want to support the aspirations of the Egyptian people, and we have to resolve this matter.” Have you ever heard a bunch of more non-committal gibberish in your life. Talk about trying to play both sides of an issue. This is nothing more than the standard fare of gutless diplomacy typical of all Democrat administrations. Appeasement is always the method of choice. But what these liberal pacifists fail to recognize is the fact that the only thing some people understand is the use of brute force.

“But this is a country – I mean, how do you feel about this?” the interviewer pressed. “Thirty years you’ve been supporting the Egyptians, and this is what they do to the Americans?” Old Hitlery responded, “Well, I don’t want to go making this a dramatic confrontation.” She went on to say, “It’s a problem. We have problems with a lot of our friends around the world. We’re trying to resolve it.” Ok, then how exactly does this imbecile define a "dramatic confrontation?" We have Americans being held, against their will, in a foreign country and this bitch doesn't want to offend the culprits? Those who are holding these "hostages" should be provided with an ultimatum. Release the American Citizens, or we're coming to get them, and the blood from and collateral damage will be their hands. This level of warped mentality demonstrated by not only Hitlery, but Barry "Almighty" as well, directly corresponds to the growing level of antagonism being directed at this country from all across the globe.

Following the trial adjournment, Hitlery was asked again about the case, during a media appearance with her Moroccan counterpart, but this time chose to keep her big pie hole shut saying instead that she would hold off on further comment “until I am fully briefed and have reached my own understanding of what was and was not decided today.” Gee, now there's an idea. Maybe before shooting from the hip, it might be better to take a sufficient amount of time to formulate a little better statement. These Americans work for the U.S. government-funded International Republican Institute and National Democratic Institute, the democracy advocacy group Freedom House, and an organization that trains journalists. One of them, Sam LaHood of the IRI, is the son of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. Now no matter how useless this guy is he shouldn't be having his kid held hostage by terrorists.

Testifying before the House Foreign Affairs Committee earlier this month, Freedom House President David Kramer said the implications of the case went beyond the bilateral relationship. “Regimes around the world are following very closely what the Egyptian authorities are able to get away with in their efforts to rein in civil society and go after American-funded non-governmental organizations,” he said. “We recognize that authoritarian leaders in other nations are closely watching the outcome of the current standoff between civil society and Egyptian authorities with long term consequences,” IRI president Lorne Craner told the lawmakers. And that's exactly right, and why the response for Barry and Hitlery have been not only wrong, but reckless and dangerous. It increases the risk faced by every single American overseas who is only there to help. If we are continued to be perceived as being all show and no go, then this is what we can expect to see happen on an increasingly frequent basis.

Look, this most recent incident serves as a perfect example of all that is wrong with a foreign policy that is based on Barry's rather twisted philosophy. The direct result of such thinking is, as we have continued to witness, a complete lack of respect for this country as well as a severely reduced capability for this country to be able to, in any way, actively encourage participants or to provide the necessary leadership that results in the creating of a positive impact on world events. The reducing of American influence on world events has been a long term goal of both Barry and Hitlery, and now thanks to the millions of ignorant voters, they have been able to move very close to accomplishing just that. It is clearly reminiscent of the Carter administration and its impotent method of dealing with Iran when it held 52 Americans captive for 444 days. What it took then was for a man with courage and conviction to get elected, Ronald Reagan, and strangely enough the hostages were all released very shortly thereafter. That's not something we can expect to see coming from Barry anytime soon. Remember, it was his desire to "take this country down a notch, or two," and I think that that, sadly, has now been achieved.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


We continue to hear Barry whine incessantly about how it was that he inherited such a mess that after three years he been unable to fix it. Actually the only thing he has succeeded at has been to make things so very much worse. But the one thing that we seldom, if ever, hear about, and is something that he also inherited from Bush, was the then price of a gallon of gas. And something else we rarely hear about from either Barry or his many minions in the state-controlled media, is the fact that the average price for one gallon of unleaded gasoline has increased nearly every month since Barry “Almighty” was inaugurated on January 20, 2009. At that time, when George W. Bush was leaving office, the price of gas was $1.78 per gallon. Today, three years and one month later, the average price is $3.64.

In addition, according to the average price data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, prices (in nominal dollars: not adjusted for inflation) peaked during George W. Bush’s second term at $4.09 per gallon and that came in July 2008. Prices then fell to $2.15 in November, when there was an election, and fell even further in December 2008 to $1.68 per gallon. When Bush entered office in January 2001, the price of gas was $1.47 per gallon. It then peaked during Bush’s first term at $2.02, and that came in October 2004. Counter that with the fact that under Barry “Almighty”, prices have not fallen below $2.05 per gallon since April 2009, and the highest average price, so far, was $3.93 in May 2011. And I find strange that we hear none of the alarmist rhetoric we heard when Bush was in office.

Last week, in a report from the Communist Broadcasting System, better known as CBS News, it was stated that a shell station in Lake Buena Vista, Fla., was charging $5.99 per gallon for premium, and another station in Orlando, Fla., was charging $5.79 per gallon for regular unleaded. The average price in Florida is $3.67 for unleaded. The AAA Web site lists the average regular fuel prices for each of the 50 states, showing California with the highest average at $4.20. The U.S. city average for the price of one gallon of unleaded gasoline, as documented by the U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics -- from when our “Dear Beloved Leader” was elected in November 2008 to today -- is presented below. It should take you very long to identify a disturbing, and very troubling, trend. A trend that has its source, Barack Hussein Obama.

November $2.15 Barry “Almighty” defeats John McCain in presidential race
December $1.68 Last full month for President George W. Bush
January $1.78 at the time of Barry “Almighty’s” coronation (Jan. 20)
February $1.92
March $1.94
April $2.05
May $2.26
June $2.63
July $2.54
August $2.62
September $2.57
October $2.56
November $2.66
December $2.62
January $2.73
February $2.65
March $2.78
April $2.85
May $2.86
June $2.73
July $2.73
August $2.74
September $2.70
October $2.79
November $2.85
December $2.98
January $3.09
February $3.16
March $3.54
April $3.81
May $3.93
June $3.70
July $3.65
August $3.63
September $3.61
October $3.46
November $3.42
December $3.27
January $3.381
February $3.64*

* February 2012 number is from AAA’s National Average Prices.


"The American people aren't stupid," Barry “Almighty” said on Thursday -- as he insisted that drilling for more oil on U.S. territory is "not a strategy to solve our energy challenge." The president's solution? Algae, for one. There are no quick fixes to the nation's eneergy problem, Barry said, dismissing Republican calls for more drilling as a "bumper sticker." And, as we all know, if anyone knows a thing or two about “bumper stickers”, it would our “Dear Beloved Leader”, Barack Hussein Obama. "We’re making new investments in the development of gasoline and diesel and jet fuel that’s actually made from a plant-like substance -- algae," Barry said at a campaign stop in Florida. "You’ve got a bunch of algae out here, right? If we can figure out how to make energy out of that, we’ll be doing all right." Algae? Really? If we can figure it out? That’s his plan? Man, you gotta be kidding.

Maybe I’m wrong, but I seem to remember something about George W. Bush talking about using some stuff called switchgrass as a possible source for ethanol and how he was pretty much ridiculed by imbecilic “global warming” Democrat nutjobs. And now we’re supposed take this idiotic suggestion by Barry “Almighty” to use algae, seriously. Barry’s goal here is to literally starve this country of all reliable sources of energy for no other reason than to pander to the environmental wackos who are part of the kook fringe of the Democrat Party. Barry said the nation could replace up to 17 percent of the oil it imports for transportation with "this fuel that we can grow right here in the United States. And that means greater energy security. That means lower costs. It means more jobs. It means a stronger economy." It’s all nothing but a crock!

Speaking on Fox News with Bret Baier, Charles Krauthammer said he was "impressed by the president's analysis of this situation." Adding, "He talked about something really revolutionary today -- algae -- a $14-million dollar grant for the development of algae. So it's not oil. His solution is algae." Krauthammer quoted Barry as saying algae can be grown right here in the United states: "Now it happens that algae will grow anywhere on earth," Krauthammer continued. "It grows in oceans and lakes and ponds and your swimming pools, when the pool man is on vacation, in snow, in ice, on soil, lives well on turtles, sloths, the bark of trees and rocks. "Now why are we drilling for oil?" Krauthammer continued. "We are the Saudi Arabia of rocks. We have a mountain range called the Rockies, and we are allowing ourselves to be dominated by these oil producers.”

In what was billed as an "energy" speech, which coincidentally, comes at the same time that gasoline prices are skyrocketing toward record levels, Barry downplayed "annual gas price spikes that happen every year." He said the nation needs an "all-of-the-above strategy that develops every available source of American energy. Yes, oil and gas, but also wind and solar and nuclear and biofuels, and more." That seems to be one of his favorite little phrases these days, an “all-of-the-above” strategy. It’s just that it apparently doesn’t include any new drilling. And I’m not sure how right he is anymore when he says the American people aren’t stupid. Because there is a plethora of evidence that would, at least suggest that, yes they are. Or least a majority of them are. Because they continue to be willing to believe this man’s endless lies and think it perfectly acceptable that he be re-elected. If that isn’t sufficient evidence to perceive them as being stupid, nothing is.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Hitlery Clinton, our stellar Secretary of State, recently told an audience of Arab students in Tunisia to not pay any attention to the rhetoric and comments made by the Republican candidates vying for Barry “Almighty’s” job, saying their rhetoric does not reflect U.S. policy. That’s true in the sense that it doesn’t reflect the dangerous direction of current U.S. policies advocated by Ms. Clinton and her boss. In her current role she has proven herself to be a very willing team player as she has crosses the globe doing the bidding of Barry. She has aggressively conspired against our country at every opportunity, seeking to lessen not only it’s influence on world events, and to the greatest extent possible, but also the level of trust, that was once the hallmark, of having America as an ally. Democrats have been at war with the America of our Founders for decades, and Hitlery has proven herself to be a very dedicated soldier in that war. Because of Hitlery, acting at the behest of Barry “Almighty”, America can no longer be trusted, and our ability to influence or persuade has now been reduced to the point where it can safely be considered as being nonexistent. To the detriment of freedom loving people everywhere.

According to the Communist News Network, otherwise known as CNN, Clinton’s imbecilic remarks came in response to a question from a Tunisian student in the audience who asked about the pro-Israel stance of nearly every American politician, Democrat or Republican, when they run for office. “You will learn as your democracy develops that a lot of things are said in political campaigns that should not bear a lot of attention,” Clinton said. “There are comments made that certainly don’t reflect the United States, don’t reflect our foreign policy, don’t reflect who we are as a people. If you go to the United States you see mosques everywhere, you see Muslim Americans everywhere. That’s the fact. So I would not pay attention to the rhetoric.” This is the standard fare of anti-America drivel constantly being spewed by this naïve moron who is so obviously in over her head. She went on to say, “I would say watch what President Obama says and does. He’s our president. He represents all of the United States,” Hitlery added, saying she was surprised people in Tunisia and other countries “pay more attention to what is said in our political campaigns than most Americans.” A fact that is proven by the fact of who it is that’s now our president.

And then came Hitlery’s attempt at doing her best Nostradamus impersonation, where she predicted Barry, our “Dear Beloved Leader”, will win a second term in the fall. “He will be re-elected president,” Hitlery proudly predicted. God help us if the prediction comes true. Then she added, “I think that will be a very clear signal to the entire world as to what our values are and what our president believes.” Sadly, there’s probably a lot of truth in that last statement. Our president believes that America does not deserve the respect that it has enjoyed for over two centuries. And he has been determined in his efforts, and enthusiastically assisted along the way in that endeavor by Hitlery, to take America down a notch or two. And these two have been very successful. Look around you and you’ll see a world that is coming a bit more unraveled with each passing day. With America having now essentially surrendered its traditional leadership, at the direction of Barry, a void has been left behind. And as we have all heard countless times, nature abhors a vacuum. And the candidates out there who are likely to step and fill that void left behind, are none too friendly to this county. But that seems to matter very little to Barry or Hitlery, because to them, anyone would be better than America.

Friday, February 24, 2012


“That’s the kind of balance you need,” said Geithner. “Why is that the case? Because if you don’t try to generate more revenues through tax reform, if you don’t ask, you know, the most fortunate Americans to bear a slightly larger burden of the privilege of being an American, then you have to — the only way to achieve fiscal sustainability is through unacceptably deep cuts in benefits for middle class seniors, or unacceptably deep cuts in national security.”

What about the parasites among us?  Shouldn't they too contribute something for the privilege of being an American?  What, exacty, is it that entitles them to be on the receiving end of a free ride?  I just don't understand why it is that the socalled rich must pay, not only for their privilege, but for privilege of the leeches in this country as well, of being an American .  Why is it that "EVERYONE" can't contribute something, in an effort to be fair to all?  That is, if this really is all about fairness.     


Well folks, since we should be able, by now, to fully recognize our president as being one who never willingly accepts any level of responsibility himself, it should come as no surprise then that when it comes to his formulating of anything that would even remotely resemble an actual energy policy, or his rationale for what's really behind the price of gas, now creeping ever nearer to four dollars a gallon, and actually now having surpassed it some areas, Barry has decided that the best thing for him to do is to, as usual, lie through his teeth and blame the Republicans. Recently our "Dear Beloved Leader" has been busying himself making all manner of claims about how, just because of him, we have now boosted levels of domestic oil output to new highs and have become less dependent on foreign oil suppliers. That's what he would like us to believe. However, according to non-partisan energy observers, as well as his many critics, he is far from deserving any amount of credit for whatever increase in domestic energy production that may now taking place. What he is far more deserving of, is nothing but contempt for his being so eager to throw vast amounts of taxpayer money toward fairytale green technology and redirecting scarce resources toward businesses like Solyndra who, very shortly thereafter, go tango uniform (tits up).

What brings me to making this point is the fact that our "Dear Beloved Leader" recently spoke to a crowd in Miami, just this past Thursday in fact, about growing concern over rising gas prices. Today, the national average for one gallon of unleaded gasoline is $3.57, which is 18 cents higher than just a month ago, according to AAA. In Florida, where it was that "The ONE" recently spoke, the average price per gallon is $3.68. Now keep in mind here that one of those things that Mr. "Hope and Change" inherited from George Bush, which he always so fond of reminding us, was gas at $1.83 a gallon. This silly little speech comes less than a month after Barry outright rejected, pretty much for no other than purely political reasons, the Keystone XL oil pipeline, which would have run from Canada through the midwest to the Gulf of Mexico. An action that he himself took, but one that, again, wasn't his fault, and was blamed on those corrupt Republicans. And in taking credit for something that he had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with, Barry said that "Under my administration, America is producing more oil today than at any time in the last eight years," Barry told the audience at the University of Miami, "That’s why we have a record number of oil rigs operating right now – more working oil and gas rigs than the rest of the world combined."

This is what Barry always does, because we have witnessed it first hand countless times over the last three years. He's nothing more than an opportunist who continues to either completely misrepresent, or simply lie outright, about the policies that he has implemented while he, at the same time, goes around claiming credit for that which has resulted either from the actions taken by someone else, or that has occurred naturally with no action being taken by anybody, let alone him. And a perfect example of this tactic is the fact that any increase in domestic drilling that has taken place has been almost entirely in areas for which the Barry "Almighty" administration exercised no authority, since oil production on federal land declined by 11 percent in fiscal year 2011. That according to a study by the Institute on Energy Research (IER), a free-market energy think tank. Where oil production has increased is on state lands, having increased that year by 14 percent and there has also been an increase of 12 percent on private lands. "A lot of the wells that were supposed to be drilled weren’t because of the moratorium," Dan Kish, senior vice president for policy at the IER, told internet news service, CNSNews.com. "Drilling is up in the U.S. on lands he has no say over. On lands he has all the say over, drilling is down."

In his bragging to the Miami crowd the other day, about how it is that under his brilliant leadership our dependence on foreign oil is down, Barry said, "We’re making progress on this front." Adding, with a level of arrogance possessed by few other than himself, "In 2010, our dependence on foreign oil was under 50 percent for the first time in 30 years. In 2011, the United States relied less on foreign oil than in any of the last 16 years. Because of the investments we’ve made, the use of clean, renewable energy in this country has nearly doubled, and thousands of Americans have jobs because of it." He went on to say, "We’re taking every possible action to safely develop a near hundred-year supply of natural gas, something that experts believe will support more than 600,000 jobs by the end of the decade." You know, the ease with which this guy can lie is more than just a little unsettling. Because while there is some truth to what he says, at least as far as our reduced dependence, the fact is that he has had nothing whatsoever to do with it. And I think most us have now come to fully recognize as pure fantasy his continuing claims about any possible benefit to be reaped from investments, or taxpayer subsidies, made in "clean renewable energy", because they have not produced anything other than millions of taxpayer dollars having been thrown down a very deep hole.

And anyone who bothers to do even a little research finds out very quickly just how blatantly we're being lied to. Because, you see, by spending even the briefest of time over at FactCheck.org one very quickly discovers that our declining dependence on foreign-oil dependence has actually been underway since 2005, so I guess you could say that too would be another one of those things that Barry inherited from President George W. Bush. Also while at FactCheck.org one has access to the same Energy Information Administration (EIA) report from 2011 that said, "There is no single explanation for the decline in U.S. oil import dependence since 2005. Rather, the trend results from a variety of factors. Chief among those is a significant contraction in consumption. U.S. oil product deliveries declined by 1.7 million barrels per day (bbl/d) to 19.1 bbl/d in 2010, from 20.8 million bbl/d in 2005." "This decline partly reflects the downturn in the underlying economy after the financial crisis of 2008," the EIA report continued. PolitiFact.org, another fact check organization, cited Barry’s obvious boasts of reduced dependence on foreign oil as being only, at best, "half true." "But as PolitiFact has reported before, deep-water production comes after years of exploration and preparation," the group reported. "It does not happen overnight and gains made during Obama’s term so far have roots in previous administrations and economic difficulties that have had factories and households paring back."

Barry’s insistence that he supports an "all of the above" strategy for energy production is not evident by his actions, so says Mr. Jack Gerard, president of the American Petroleum Institute. "Today, 85 percent of the outer-continental shelf has been placed off limits once again. When he took office, there were proposals on the table to open up opportunities in those areas," Gerard told CNSNews.com. "Today, in the Rocky Mountains, the leasing has gone down 70 percent since his taking office. We now have 10 federal agencies, departments, looking at the technology of hydraulic fracturing, which has really opened up this vast game-changer both in natural gas and oil in the United States." He added, "The rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline, the proposed increase in taxes, those are all inconsistent with the verbal message of an all-the-above bring along domestic supply." The bottom line here is that we have now have as our president an individual who has demonstrated, any number of times over the course of the last three years, that when it comes to lying, he makes old "Slick Willie" Clinton look like an amateur. If there is one thing we know for certain it's that his guy will lie about absolutely anything and everything. The very obvious fact of the matter is that he is determined to kill any and all attempts at drilling in this country and has demonstrated, very clearly, that he has no interest whatsoever in making any attempt that will result in reducing the price of gas.


This chart pretty much says it all.  Barry "Almighty" has us headed toward the cliff at 100 mph. And all he wants to do is to keep his foot very firmly on the gas.  Have you ever asked yourself the question, why?  I mean, I think I know the answer, but sadly it's something each one of us is going to have come to grips with for ourselves.  And if enough people truly do figure it out then Barry will loose in November, if not, well, it's been a pretty good run for the last 200+ years.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


During an address on Thursday, our "Dear Beloved Leader", Barack Hussein Obama, explained his belief that Republicans see rising gas prices as a political opportunity and thus, are "licking their chops." He also maintained that Republicans’ "three-point plan" to solve the problem of rising gas costs will simply be to "drill" and drill some more.

"Only in politics do people root for bad news," he said.

"You can bet that, since it’s an election year, they’re already dusting off their three-point plan for two dollar gas. And I’ll save you the suspense: Step one is to drill and step two is to drill. And then step three is to keep drilling."


Believe it or not, my friends, figures show that 151.7 Million of your fellow Americans, or 49.5% of the U.S. population, paid no federal income tax in 2009. That information comes to us courtesy of figures recently compiled by the Heritage Foundation. How's that make those of you who make up the other 50.5 percent feel? You think that's sounds fair? Do you think that it's perfectly fine that these parasites continue to be a drain on the resources of our society as they continue to get a free ride on our backs? And yet we continue to hear from Barry "Almighty", our "Dear Beloved Leader", over and over and over again about how it is that EVERYBODY, needs to be paying their fair share. WTF, over? To my way of thinking every single American earning an income, no matter what the amount might be of that income, should be REQUIRED to pay a federal income tax. Either we all pay something, or none of us pay anything! Now that's fair. So until Barry is of the same opinion he can take his idiotic fair share rhetoric and shove it where the sun don't shine. Because frankly, I'm sick of hearing it!

So anyway, the numbers that are now available show that in 2009 just 50.5 percent of Americans paid any income tax to the federal government, which, by the way, is the lowest proportion in at least half a century. And the number of people outside the tax system could have climbed even higher since, as the economic downturn has continued to bite and unemployment has remained high. I think it very safe to consider it as being pretty much a no-brainer that the decreasing number of taxpayers not only serves to threaten government revenues but could also be a source of resentment from those who believe that the cost of covering these welfare recipients is taking money out of the economy. And you can most definitely put me in that crowd. I love being forced to cough up more and more of my hard earned money so that Barry can turn right around and divvy it out to those who will either end up spending it on drugs, booze or hookers. Or to those who insist upon having children courtesy of multiple "fathers", children that they have no way of actually supporting.

It was as recently as 1984, or back in the middle of the Reagan era, which is not really all that long ago, historically speaking, that we had 85 percent of Americans paying federal income tax, meaning just 34.8 Million people were not. So in just a mere 28 years that number has now ballooned by roughly a factor of four. That's pure insanity! Granted, the 49.5 figure does include children, retired folks and others who do not participate in the labor force. Nonetheless, the numbers do largely reflect the sudden jump in the unemployment rate after the 2008, Democrat manufactured, financial crisis and subsequent recession that followed. Unemployment rose from around five percent at the beginning of 2008 to a high of 10 percent in October 2009, and that was after Barry's much ballyhooed "stimulus" package which, as we all know, pretty much proved to be nothing more than a complete bust. That, you may recall, or maybe would rather forget, was supposed to prevent unemployment from going over 8 percent. All it ended up doing was to bankroll every cockamamie Democrat pet project imaginable.

Another rather telling finding by the Heritage Foundation shows that 21.8 per cent of U.S. citizens now receive some form of financial assistance from the federal government. This means that 67.3 Million people, and that's a record high by the way, are now 'dependent on the federal government', and, of course, that excludes government employees who rely on the public sector, that is the 50.5 percent of us who pay income tax, for their salaries. Now when you take the fact that we now have fewer taxpayers and combine it with the fact the we also now have higher welfare payments, we come up with a doomsday scenario that puts intense pressure on the public purse and where our national deficit now running at $1.3 Trillion per year. The Heritage Foundation argues that the reduction in the number of taxpayers will create an electorate dominated by non-taxpayers, who will always support higher taxes and spending because their own money is not at stake. And who will always, most assuredly, vote for those, the Democrats, who allow them to continue to pay zero income tax.

So I ask you again, what is the least bit "fair" about any of this? Not only do these parasites get away with paying no income tax but a good many of them are also eligible for things like food stamps, rent subsidies and even free cell phones. So it's a double whammy for we in the 50.5 percent. And what really ticks me off is that most of these noncontributing members of our society get "back" astronomical amounts of money in the form of IRS income tax "refunds". Now just how in the Hell is someone entitled to get a refund when they've paid absolutely nothing in taxes in the first place? But while some folks may prefer to call it a refund, what it is is actually just another form of welfare. Ya know, at some point soon we're going to be needing someone to finally stand up and say this madness simply cannot be allowed to continue. I know, I know, it's all wishful thinking on my part that someone would actually possess the political courage and intestinal fortitude to do just that. But something is going to have to be done here because the alternative of doing nothing is not very pretty. Actually, it's pretty damn dire.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


You know, sometimes you just gotta call a spade, a spade or a liar, a LIAR. Because, quite frankly, I'm getting pretty damn tired of our scumbag president being allowed to continue to go completely unchallenged when telling some of the most outrageous lies imaginable. And now we're hearing about how it is that this douche bag has the "balls" to say that he does not "accept responsibility" for high gas prices, and we're just supposed to except that? Hold on there Buckwheat! And as always he takes the cowards way out, sending some imbecilic spokesman out to argue the fact that he has done everything humanly possible to bring down the escalating price of oil and blaming those high gas prices on oil price increases caused by global factors. He must mean those things like killing all drilling in the Gulf or anywhere on federal land? Or how about his deciding to kill the Keystone XL pipeline project? Is that what this idiot means by Barry having done everything possible to bring down gas prices?

And in what had to be one of this biggest whoppers yet heard from this psychopathic bunch over at the White House, was when, that babbling idiot that makes Bob Gibbs look like freakin genius, Jay Carney actually said, "The president accepts the responsibility that he identified the next president should accept, back in 2008, which is the need for comprehensive energy policy." Now you would think that even a brain dead Democrat could come up with something better than that. But that's what he said just today when asked if Barry "Almighty" "accept[s] responsibility" for the high price of oil and gas. "If you're suggesting that there is responsibility for a rise in the price of oil, it's certainly not because of anything he hasn't done to expand oil production," Carney added. Gee, call me crazy, but somehow I just can't, for the life of me, see a lame excuse like that ever working for George W. Bush, or any Republican for than matter. Ya know, there's a special place in Hell that's being reserved for our illustrious president.

And then, AND THEN, asked if he believes it is fair for Americans to blame the president, this bonehead Carney made the pathetic excuse that gas price hikes are "a recurrent problem." And added that domestic oil production is at a record high right now and that Barry has opened "millions of acres in the Gulf of Mexico" to drilling. And then our buddy Careny did what this team of pathetic assholes have continued to do practically since day one, he blamed the Republicans. Lying through his f*@king teeth he said that "the president did not turn down the Keystone pipeline," arguing that Republicans prevented a full environmental review from taking place. I simply can't recall at ever seeing this level arrogant narcissism in a public official, let alone a president in my lifetime, And I'll tell you what my friends, if the American people prove themselves to be too stupid to see through all of this crap, well then, I think it very safe to say that we are totally and completely screwed.


Putting on yet another one of his, what have by now become quite commonplace, demonstrations of arrogance, the level of which is rarely seen in any individual, and is in keeping with what he says is his "We Can’t Wait" initiative, our "Dear Beloved Leader", "The ONE", Barry "Almighty" has once again asserted, and in no uncertain terms, that if Congress chooses not to enact "his" policies, then by golly, in the future, he will simply take matters into his own hands and continue to forge ahead on his own. "When Congress refuses to act, Joe and I are going to act," Barry said on Tuesday, with "Slow Joe" Biden standing at his side. "In the months to come, wherever we have an opportunity, we’re going to take steps on our own to keep this economy moving." Pretty ballsy, that's for sure. And doesn't that just give you that old warm and fuzzy? But seriously folks, our president is someone who possess a rather twisted mentality to say the least, one that actually prevents him from doing those things which would expedite getting this country turned around and back on solid economic, as well as fiscal, footing. Our president is someone who has never actually been in charge of anything that would indicate that, in any way, he possess the requisite skill set to even begin to know how to get done those things that would actually result in turning things around. Everything he does, and I do mean everything, is based solely on politics. It's all about his agenda to "fundamentally transform" this country, and if the Constitution does not grant him the authority to act unilaterally, which it most certainly does not, then he fully intends on doing so, anyway.

Barry "Almighty", made the above mentioned comments while speaking at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building near the White House, as he praised Congress for voting to extend the payroll tax cut. If we're being honest here, this crummy little pay roll "tax cut" will accomplish little more than to put on the fast track the insolvency of Medicare. And for him to make the claim that it somehow helps out the middle class is at best an exaggeration and at worst nothing but one more lie on a very long list of his many previous lies. He even went so far as to claim that he will fight for middle class voters regardless of what Congress does. "With or without Congress, I’m going to continue to fight for them. I do hope Congress joins me instead of spending the coming months in a lot of phony political debates focusing on the next election." What a freakin crock! If he's working to do anything it's to work practically 24/7 to destroy the middle class. It was earlier on Tuesday that the White House announced that as part of its "We Can’t Wait" bumper sticker campaign, the Departments of Agriculture and Commerce will be expanding the federal government’s purchase of bio-based products, promote regional rural job creation efforts, and develop a rural health care workforce. "The actions we are taking will bring new economic investments to our rural communities, to ensure the people who live in these towns have a better, brighter future," said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, who chairs the White House Rural Council. Is that not one of the most idiotic things you've ever heard? And it's a perfect example of the cockamamie priorities are of this group.

And in his continuing to exhibit some rather disturbing behavior that can only be described as being more than a little dictatorial, as well as his tendency to simply rule by decree, Barry, our "Dear Beloved Leader", has issued a presidential directive, of all things, that actually calls for a 50-percent increase in the number of federally purchased bio-based products, including items such as paints, soaps and detergents that are developed from farm-grown plants, rather than chemicals or petroleum bases. Boy, now there's something that's going to provide a big boost to our economy. The White House also announced what it refers to as being the Rural Jobs Accelerator. Man, you gotta hand to these guys, they may not be able to do much of anything else, but they sure have a knack fro coming up these silly little catch phrases. Anyway this Rural Jobs thing is something that's been described as being a national competition that will provide about $15 Million for projects already appropriated to the USDA, the Economic Development Administration (EDA), Delta Regional Authority and the Appalachian Regional Commission. Further, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Labor signed a memorandum to connect community colleges and technical colleges that support rural communities with the materials and resources they need to support the training of Health Information Technology (HIT) professionals that work in rural hospitals and clinics. This all nothing more than a continuing effort at smoke and mirrors with Barry spending more money that we don't have on something that will have zero effect on improving our economy.

Look folks, the bottom line here, as well as being something that we really need to come to grips with, is the fact that if there is one thing that "We can't wait" to do it is to finally rid ourselves of this America hating president once and for all. Whether we choose to admit it or not, he has as being his primary objective, the destruction of our country. He positively salivates at the possibility of his being the one who will go down in history as being "The ONE" who not only presided over, but also as "The One" who actively worked to bring about, the decline of American power and influence. His goal seems to be one of removing it as far as possible from being in any position that would enable it to exert a positive influence over a world that is rapidly becoming more unstable by the day. His agenda is one that has as its central theme the implementing of such policies that will not only bring that wet dream to fruition, but will actually expedite the bringing about of our economic ruin and eventually a complete economic collapse. And he seems to be progressing quite nicely with nary a complaint from a significant number of Americans, which is something that I just can't quite figure out. Why are folks not gathering in the streets calling for a reversal of those policies that are quite literally pushing us right over the cliff? This whole, "Constitution? We don’t need no stinkin Constitution", Chicago style mentality that seem to permeate this White House should be more than a little disconcerting to every single American. Because these people see nothing as standing in their way that would prevent them from implementing anything that they see fit, and how dare anyone try to stop them.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012



Well, well, well, lookee what we have here. It would seem that the ongoing saga of "Hope and Change" has taken yet another nasty turn as unemployment in these United States bumps back up to nine percent as of mid-February. That is up from the much bally-hooed 8.3 percent from just a month earlier, though I think we all know that that number was nothing more than a carefully crafted work of fiction. This newest information comes to us courtesy of a just released Gallup survey. "The U.S. unemployment rate, as measured by Gallup without seasonal adjustment, is 9.0% in mid-February," Gallup said in its mid-month unemployment survey, released on February 17. "The mid-month reading normally reflects what the U.S. government reports for the entire month, and is up from 8.3% in mid-January." Gallup said the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) would likely report a rise in the "official unemployment rate" in early March, when it publishes its February figures.

Gallup’s mid-month figures are not "seasonally adjusted," so that fact may provide to Barry a limited amount of "flexibility" regarding his being able to manipulate the "official unemployment rate." However, because Gallup and the BLS both conduct their unemployment surveys around the same time and Gallup’s early figures can provide a barometer, of sorts, of where the "official rate" is likely to be headed. "Gallup’s mid-month unemployment reading, based on the 30 days ending Feb. 15, serves as a preliminary estimate of the U.S. government report, and suggests the Bureau of Labor Statistics will likely report on the first Friday of March that its seasonally adjusted unemployment rate increased in February," Gallup said. The survey also found that "underemployment" – those unemployed and those working part-time because full-time jobs are unavailable – rose to 19 percent, up from the 18.7 percent Gallup found in January.

Gallup said its report reflected a continuing trend of weakness in U.S. labor markets, marking a "sharp deterioration" in job market conditions. "Regardless of what the government reports, Gallup’s unemployment and underemployment measures show a sharp deterioration in job market conditions since mid-January." Gee, ya think? That decline was consistent with an economy struggling with weak growth and sharply rising energy prices, Gallup said, making it "premature" to think that the economy would not be a major factor in November’s presidential elections. "Further, it suggests that it is premature to assume the condition of the economy will not remain a major issue for Americans both financially and politically in 2012." Gallup’s survey is a random telephone tracking survey of 30,000 adults conducted through February 15, whereas BLS’s survey is done over one week in the middle of each month and surveys 60,000 households. But even Gallup's numbers don't come anywhere near accurately reflecting the severity of our current employment problem.

So in the meantime here we sit, waiting for something from this White House other than what are essentially nothing more than lies designed to pacify us or distract us. We know they're lies because recently the Congressional Budget Office released a report that shows the real unemployment in America remains very firmly affixed in double-digits, at 15 percent, at least for the month of January. And that figure is considerably higher than the White House’s very fictional 8.3 percent figure that does not include either part-time workers seeking full-time work or those who have simply given up looking for work altogether. Furthermore, the CBO reported that the "United States is experiencing the longest stretch of high unemployment since the Great Depression" with no end in sight through 2014. Worse yet, the CBO reports that the ravages of the Barry "Almighty" Economy have created an unprecedentedly high rate of long-term unemployment, which the CBO defines as a person who has been seeking work for over 26 months.

And as hard as it may be for some to believe, over 40 percent of Americans who are currently unemployed have been out of work for more than half a year, as compared with about one-quarter during the 1981–1982 recession. The extent of long-term unemployment is much greater than would be expected on the basis of its historical relationship with the overall unemployment rate. That means that during the 1981-1982 recession President Ronald Reagan led America out of–which was the only other time in the post-World War II era that unemployment rose above 10 percent as it did in October 2009 under Barry "Almighty"–long-term unemployment was 15 percent less than it presently is today under Barry. And yet Barry seems intent on only making things worse, with his only solution to our current mess being the raising of taxes for those who create the jobs. Yup, that's the answer. Even with all of this Barry still would beat all Republican comers if the election were held today. Just how stupid are the American people? Why would anyone want to re-elect the guy who is determined to destroy our country? Have we lost our collective mind?


Yet another washed up, has-been out trying to re-ignite his "glory days," has now joined the ranks of so many other "entertainment types" who saw the slandering of their country as being the most expeditious way of doing just that. It was over this past weekend, that we heard from Bruce Springsteen while he was in Paris, that supposed cultural center of the universe, peddling his latest attempt at a comeback by way of a new album, entitled "Wrecking Ball," to reporters. But, as usual, rather than focusing on what is referred to as "his music," and I use the term loosely, he instead chose to use a press conference as a platform from which to spew some his leftist political drivel. And in doing so, he also took a bit of time to shower praise upon the Occupy movement, going so far as to credit it with inspiring some of GOP presidential contender Newt Gingrich’s rhetoric.

According to this moron, who must fancy himself some sort of political genius, "Previous to Occupy Wall Street, there was no push back at all saying this was outrageous, a basic theft that struck at the heart of what America was about, a complete disregard for the American sense of history and community." Adding, "The temper has changed. And people on the streets did it. Occupy Wall Street changed the national conversation, the Tea Party had set it for a while. The first three years of Obama were under them." These idiotic comments should come as no surprise to anyone the least bit familiar with previous rants made by this jerk, because he has a very long history of leftist allegiances. But going a little farther with his leftist tripe that he has in the past, it was what he said next that was considered as being particularly noteworthy.

"Nobody had talked about income inequality in America for decades, apart from John Edwards, but no one was listening," he babbled on. Going on to say, "But now you have Newt Gingrich talking about ‘vulture capitalism’, Newt Gingrich, that would not have happened without Occupy Wall Street." My definition of "vulture capitalism" is what this guy charges people for the privilege of hearing his "music." While we’re told that this pathetic old loser won’t be hitting the campaign trail for his hero, Barry, during the 2012 campaign, he still made his political preferences known to those listening. He then proceeded to put on a demonstration of what can only be described as that uncanny ability possessed by so many on the left of being able to talk out their ass as he offered up some rather typical pabulum regarding how he sees Barry’s performance thus far:

"He kept General Motors alive, he got through healthcare—though not the public system I would have wanted—he killed Osama Bin Laden, and he brought sanity to the top level of government. But big business still has too much say in government and there has not been as many middle- or working-class voices in the administration as I expected. I thought Guantanamo would have been closed but now, but he got us out of Iraq and I guess we will soon be out of Afghanistan." When I here such things said by those who owe so much to they’re living in a country that provided them with the opportunity to excel, it stirs something inside me, a feeling that I don’t like. You see, I love my country, very much and I have a very low tolerance for scumbags like Springsteen who so very obviously do not.

With a voice like his and style that reminds me of watching someone in the midst of some sort of an epileptic seizure, where else but in America could a moron like him become a "recording artist?" And wouldn't you think that he could be just a bit more appreciative, because had he been born anywhere but in this great country he would have progressed no further than the selling of pencils on some city street corner. And yet he sees it as being perfectly acceptable, to go about the slamming of his country as a way to breath new life into what is nothing more than the flagging career of someone who should have long time ago called it quits. I think it extremely sad, in a way, what some people will resort to when trying to rekindle a flame that died out a very long time ago. It would seem these entertainment types possess some rather substantial egos.

Monday, February 20, 2012


Ah, the rigors of being the First Lady, it's enough to just flat wear your big ass out. So it is then with the economy very firmly on its knees, thanks to her husband, and many American families now in the position of having to forgo their annual vacations, again because of her husband, we once again have our esteemed First Lady out there enjoying vacation number 16 and all since her husband first came into office. Barely a month after returning from a rather luxurious Christmas break in Hawaii, we find Mrs. Barry on holiday once again, her destination of choice this time is the rather exclusive Colorado ski resort of Aspen. Mrs. Barry "Almighty" is spending Presidents' Day weekend in the upscale resort with her daughters, Sasha and Malia, and was seen hitting the slopes on Saturday. The Secret Service have been in town for the past few days scoping out safe places for the family to "relax." Yup, it's good to be Queen and to be able to enjoy all of the fringe benefits that goes with the title. A good gig if you can get it.

Pitkin County Sheriff, some fella named Joe DiSalvo, confirmed Mrs. Barry had arrived Friday afternoon, saying, 'it's a privilege to have the first lady here.' He told the Aspen Daily News he met with Secret Service officers and has placed seven of his deputies at the service of the First Family. A privilege? The Sheriff must be a Democrat. Anyway, Mrs. Barry and kids are staying at the home of Jim and Paula Crown, owners of the Aspen Skiing Co, the Daily News reported. Last year Mrs. Barry gave a little speech at their home, in front of roughly 150 supporters. Each attendee coughed up between $1,000 and $10,000 to attend the little soiree, that was essentially a joint fundraiser for the DNC and Barry’s 2012 presidential campaign. The holiday is not the first time the first girls have been on skis. Their first attempt came in Feb 2010 when she took the girls to Liberty Mountain Resort, in Carroll Valley, Pa. just is 60 minutes from the White House. This time around I guess a more exotic, as well as more costly, locale was required.

Also, it was just last year that Mrs. Barry took the kids to Vail and Beaver Creek on a Presidents' Day break, just days after Barry "Almighty" tried to peddle his cost-cutting budget to the American people by asking them to stay at home. 'If you’re a family trying to cut back, you might skip going out to dinner, or you might put off a vacation,’ he said. Once again while Barry returned to the White House after a fundraising trip to West Coast, the rest of his family headed to Colorado, rather than visiting slopes closer to Washington in Virginia or Pennsylvania. Their trip came despite previous criticisms over the family's extravagant vacations, including a trip last summer to Martha's Vineyeard where the family rented a farm estate for around $50,000 a week Mrs. Barry also raised eyebrows when for the second year in a row she left earlier than her husband for their annual Christmas holiday in Hawaii, incurring additional expenses of an estimated $100,000. That little 17 day holiday is estimated to have cost taxpayers $4 Million.

I can only assume that our illustrious First Lady is a very firm believer in that old adage, "There's no such thing as taking too many vacations, especially when they are all on somebody else's dime." These people, Barry "Almighty" and family, are the epitome of the Democrat Party, in that they firmly believe why spend your own money when you can spend someone else's. I guess what they expect from us is the we take some level of solace in the fact that at least someone gets to on a vacation, or perhaps they expect the rest of us to somehow be satisfied with living vicariously through them as they go on one exotic vacation after another. Personally I like to enjoy my vacations in the first person, not by trying to enjoy myself by watching others enjoy themselves while at some resort I'll never make it to because I may no longer be employed. And can you possibly image the uproar if we ever had a Republican president who had chalked up 16 vacations in the span of less than 3 years? There would be calls for impeachment coming from any number of Democrats as well as the state-controlled media.

Mrs. Barry "Almighty" and 40 of her friends paid for personal expenses, such as hotels and meals themselves.
But the U.S. taxpayer would have paid for the 68-strong security detail, personal staff and use of presidential jet Air Force Two.
Payment for the secret service team ran at around $281 each - nearly $98,000 for the duration of the summer break.
Use of Air Force Two comes in at $149,900 for the round trip, not including time on the ground.
Mrs. Barry's personal staff, of which there were an unknown number, should also be taken into account
According to the Hawaii Reporter the costs were:
$63,000 on an early flight bringing Mrs. Barry and the children to Hawaii ahead of our "Dear Beloved Leader"
$1,000,000 on Barry’s return trip from Washington on Air Force One
$16,000 to rent nearby homes for Secret Service and Navy Seals
$134,000 for 24 White House staff to stay at the Moana Hotel
$251,000 in police overtime
$10,000 for an ambulance to be on hand at all times
Mrs. Barry and the kids stayed at the Sebastian hotel on Vail Mountain, where rooms cost more than $2,400 for multi-bedroom suites.
The family appear to have flown there on Air Force Two.
They were escorted to the resort by about a dozen vehicles, including 15 state and local law enforcement officers.
The Blue Heron Farm estate, where the Barry "Almighty" family stayed, rents for about $50,000 a week.
Mrs. Barry and the kids flew to the estate just hours before the president to make the most of the holiday - again, incurring extra flight costs.
According to U.S. News and World Report, the Coast Guard was required to keep ships floating near the property. The presidential helicopter and jet remain at the ready and security agents will be on 24-hour duty.
According to the Hawaii Reporter the costs were:
$63,000 on an early flight bringing Mrs. Barry and the children to Hawaii ahead of the President but add security and personnel for a total of about $100,000
$3,271,622 on Barry’s return trip from Washington on Air Force One
$151,200 to rent nearby homes for Secret Service and Navy Seals
$72,216 for 24 White House staff to stay at the Moana Hotel


When it comes to politics, the American people are a rather, how shall I say, ignorant lot. There are other words I could use, I suppose, but ignorant, is the most polite. I say this because it would seem that a majority of Americans would rather believe the lies and the toxic rhetoric that has as its source both the Democrat Party and the state-controlled media than to expend even a limited amount of energy to go in search of the facts, which are so very easily accessible. And on no other topic is that fact more apparent than when discussing taxes, and what's fair and what's not. One of Barry's favorite mantras, and has been for some time, is that everybody needs to be paying their "fair share." But I'd like to ask Barry just how fair is it to those of us who continue to fork over and increasing amount of our hard earn money to Uncle Sam, at a time when 49.5 percent of Americans pay absolutely no federal income tax. To me, if there is an ultimate unfairness in the system, that would be it. And it also paints a very clear picture about what it is that's so patently dishonest regarding Barry's continuing propaganda regarding the "need" to raise taxes.

A fact that has been demonstrated on any number of occasions over the course of our history is that high marginal tax rates do nothing more than to discourage work effort, saving, and investment, and actually promotes both tax avoidance and tax evasion. And what has been proven time and again, is that higher tax rates bring in less, not more, revenue. On the other end, and something you rarely hear about from those on the left, is that a reduction in high marginal tax rates actually boosts long term economic growth while reducing the attractiveness of tax shelters and other forms of tax avoidance. If we use the Economic Recovery Tax Act (ERTA) of 1981, as our case study, we see that the economic benefits, as summarized by "Slick Willie" Clinton's Council of Economic Advisers in 1994: "It is undeniable that the sharp reduction in taxes in the early 1980s was a strong impetus to economic growth." It was too bad that the Council could not bring itself to acknowledge the counterproductive effects high marginal tax rates can have upon taxpayer behavior and tax avoidance activities. But, I suppose, that would have been too much to expect.

Now I know Barry and the Democrats would love nothing more that to continue in their efforts to convince as many Americans as possible about how it is that all those evil rich folks are simply getting away with murder. But unfortunately, for them, the facts would indicate something very different entirely. Pesky things, those facts. And something that the Democrats do their level best to avoid when spewing their incessant drivel. Because you see, referring back to our case study, in 1984 the Joint Economic Committee (JEC) provided "factual information" about the impact of the tax cuts of the 1980s. For example, the JEC then published IRS data on federal tax payments of the top 1 percent, top 5 percent, top 10 percent, and other taxpayers. These data show that after the high marginal tax rates of 1981 were cut, tax payments and the share of the tax burden borne by the top 1 percent climbed sharply. For example, in 1981 the top 1 percent paid 17.6 percent of all personal income taxes, but by 1988 their share had jumped to 27.5 percent, a 10 percentage point increase. Such "facts" clearly expose the lies we continue to hear from Democrats.

And in 1988 the share of the income tax burden borne by the top 10 percent of taxpayers increased from 48.0 percent in 1981 to 57.2 percent. Meanwhile, the share of income taxes paid by the bottom 50 percent of taxpayers dropped from 7.5 percent in 1981 to 5.7 percent in 1988. A middle class of taxpayers, that place where the majority of us reside, can be defined as those between the 50th percentile and the 95th percentile or those earning between $18,367 and $72,735 in 1988. Between 1981 and 1988, the income tax burden of the middle class declined from 57.5 percent in 1981 to 48.7 percent in 1988. This 8.8 percentage point decline in middle class tax burden is entirely accounted for by the increase borne by the top one percent. Several conclusions can be drawn from this data. First of all, reduction in high marginal tax rates can induce taxpayers to lessen their reliance on tax shelters and tax avoidance, and expose more of their income to taxation. The result in this case was a 51 percent increase in real tax payments by the top one percent. Meanwhile, the tax rate reduction reduced the tax payments of middle class and poor taxpayers.

Now it should come as no great surprise that there continues to be many in the state-controlled media, legions actually, who love nothing more than to tout the fact that if there's one thing that Republican politicians agree on, it's that slashing taxes brings the government an increase in revenue. And in that effort they work to leave no stone unturned in their portrayal of such a premise as being nothing more than a fallacy, smoke and mirrors, pure illusion, a sly deception or even as being essentially an outright lie. Back when then president George W. Bush said, "You cut taxes, and the tax revenues increase," and Vice President Dick Cheney also explained that reducing taxes, "does produce more revenue for the Federal Government," many in the media to exception to such "economic nonsense" and both men were maligned to no end. Then in 2008, presidential candidate John McCain declared that "tax cuts ... as we all know, increase revenues." And his then rival, Rudy Giuliani, couldn't have agreed more saying, "I know that reducing taxes produces more revenues." Both were soundly ridiculed by any number of morons in our leftist media.

Barry and the Democrats are very fond of saying how it is that we simply cannot go back to the old ways of doing things. But it would appear that the old ways, at least when it comes to taxes, proved to work pretty darn well at bring back an economy that was at the brink after four years of Jimmy "The Bonehead" Carter. The evidence is, quite simply, irrefutable. When individuals are being "forced" to fork over less money to the government, they have more money to spend on other things. And it's the spending on those other things that is the life's blood of our economy. The fact that lower taxes stimulate economic growth is an established fact which only serves to lay bare the rather warped philosophy on taxes held by the Democrat Party, and in particular this president. It would seem to very clearly demonstrate the fact that the Democrat philosophy is based less on the government's ability to collect revenue and more on its being able to control the citizenry. Because if the Democrats were truly concerned about getting our economy rolling again the quickest to accomplish that feat would be to lower taxes across the board. But because they stubbornly refuse to do that, their motives for doing so become all the more clear.