

Friday, April 29, 2011


They say that truth is stranger than fiction. And they also say that there's no honor among thieves. Which brings me to the current goings on up there in that bastion of liberal lunacy, Massachusetts, a place well known for various forms of collusion between corrupt unions and even more corrupt Democrat politicians that have been going on, I think it safe to say, for centuries. But change may now be in the wind. Things may now be starting to change, very slowly to be sure, but changing none the less. And definitely change for the better. Change that has been encouraged, in a manner of speaking, by a crisis scenario brought about by the need to control spending that simply cannot be maintained at current levels. A scenario that now has Democrats apparently much more willing to throw the greedy unions, at least there in Massachusetts, under the proverbial bus. Because Democrats in that state apparent have decided to now get in on the act of moving to curb excessive union power.

So it was then that the Democratic-controlled Massachusetts House of Representatives voted by 111-42 to strip health care bargaining rights from municipal workers. Can you believe it? As expected, throughout the run up to the vote, Unions had fought very hard in an effort to kill the bill. They carried out their battle through the use of radio ads and warnings to legislators that they were risking the loss of union backing in the next election, at least according to the Boston Globe. But I guess at least in this instance, the threats were all for naught. At least for the time being. To be honest, Massachusetts was the last place that I would have ever thought something like this would have taken place. And if it can happen there, then I'm sure union leaders every where have become very mindful that just such an occurrence is now possible anywhere and could very soon be visited upon them as this ripple effect continues.

“It’s pretty stunning,’’ Robert J. Haynes, president of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO said after the vote. “These are the same Democrats that all these labor unions elected; the same Democrats who we contributed to in their campaigns; the same Democrats who tell us over and over again that they’re with us, that they believe in collective bargaining, that they believe in unions. “It’s a done deal for our relationship with the people inside that chamber,” he added. Have you ever heard a bigger freakin crybaby than this loser? Did he really think that this highway robbery at the hands of union hacks would last forever? These unionized bloodsuckers have been screwing over the taxpayers for decades, and it never seems to be enough for them! More and more people, apparently even some Democrats, are now of the opinion that these parasites need to be responsible for covering a little bit more of their own expenses.

Democratic House Speaker Robert DeLeo said the move would save $100 million a year across the state. “By spending less on the health care costs of municipal employees, our cities and towns will be able to retain jobs and allot more funding to necessary services like education and public safety,’’ he said. Well, well, well. I never thought I would see the day when a Liberal Democrat, especially in Taxachusetts, would actually choose to take the side of the people instead of siding with the unions. Maybe there's hope for us after all. Things simply cannot be allowed to continue the way they have been if there is to be any hope of ever being able to salvage what's left of our country. People need to be convinced that we all need to be more accountable. And it is going to require much effort, and yes sacrifice, from each and every one of us if there is to be any hope of being able to pull this country up before it slams full speed into the deck. Like it or not we all have to be on the same team.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


This may now be essentially old news for some, but for what it's worth, I still want to throw my two cents in, because I think it is very fair to ask the important questions regarding our illustrious president's strange, and rather unsettling, tendency to be drawn to preachers who are so obviously racists. These supposed men of God, who preach not love of their fellow man, but instead, some rather intense and hate filled racist sermons from the pulpit. It may sound a little callous on my part, or maybe even a bit abrasive, but for me I’m more than a just little suspicious of Barry's choice of church that he decided to attend for Easter services. And given the level of media bias present today that is so desperate in its attempts to cast Barry in the best light possible, regular media professionals can no longer be trusted to actually provide even the most basic reporting. Those tingles that keep going up their legs at the mere mention of his name are most likely distracting them away from they're being able to possess any serious level of actual objectivity. They are so protective of their boy Barry, that anyone who dares to say anything that can be perceived as being, even in the slightest, derogatory, must then be retaliated against in the most severe manner possible.

So determined were they to keep the lid very firmly on just how outrageous are the standard ravings of Barry's latest preacher, the one and only detail reported in our state controlled media about the Shiloh Baptist Church, where Barry attended his Easter service, was that it was founded by freed slaves during the Civil War. Sounds pretty innocuous for sure, nothing to see here folks, move along, move along. But, you know that there is always a “but” with this guy, Barry, and this instance is definitely no different. Because there no where in any “news” story was there mention that this was the first presidential visit to Shiloh, nor was there any mention anywhere that this inaugural visit might be more than just mere coincidence. Was there no mention that this is a predominately black church because the media didn't want the American people to know that our president chooses his church based solely on race? I'm just asking, that's all. I mean, he bases just about every decision he choose to make on race, so why not which church he decides to attend on Easter. But, I can only guess at the media's intentions, but when flattering facts are reported and unflattering facts are omitted, we have no choice but to fill in the blanks ourselves. And the accusations of bias become all the more easy to substantiate.

It's understandable, I suppose, that Barry might find himself being a little gun shy and none too eager to jump back into regular church life. After all, given that the one and only church that our, finally "proven to have been born here," president has ever joined in his life proved to be a rather prominent political albatrosses that was hung around his neck during the 2008 campaign. It became such an issue that he was finally compelled to throw his then preacher and spiritual advisor, and supposed reverend, Jeremiah Wright, under the proverbial bus. But with the expending of very little effort, and having to do nothing more than to dig into the blog notes from various reporters it becomes relatively easy, for just about anybody, to piece together the content from the most recent sermon/rant heard by Barry just this past Easter Sunday. Aside from the First Couple being honored guests, Pastor Wallace Charles Smith also announced that his 4 week old grandson was attending church for the very first time.

An un-named pool reporter who happened to also be present noted a very interesting perspective on the infant:

"[Pastor Smith] talked about how his baby grandson's gurgling is actually "talking" because he is saying 'I am here ... they tried to write me off as 3/5 a person in the Constitution, but I am here right now ... and is saying I am not going to let anybody from stopping me from being what God wants me to be.'"

That same un-named reported also noted regarding Barry’s attendance on Easter Sunday that, “POTUS sits through service listening with his arm around Malia, nodding." I suppose it’s impossible to know, with any degree of certainty, whether he might have been agreeing with what was being said, or if the nods were simply out of habit. Either way, the fact that Barry was once again in attendance as race baiting flowed from the pulpit together with the fact that he seemed to have no problem whatsoever with what was being said, should cause any rational person some degree of concern.

So let me see if I have this right. We have another raving racist lunatic of a black pastor who says that he hears American institutional racism springing forth in a baby's gurgle. Let's be serious here, as far as I'm concerned that puts him right up there with the "Dog Whisperer." Really, do most sane people with infants hear Constitutional bigotry in their baby's gibberish? Did any mention of the 3/5 clause or racism in general make it into the Easter service that you attended? Is this pastor's amazing leap from a baby bark to white oppression another coincidence to add to the list, or has he established a pattern of race baiting and white bashing in the past? I'm just askin, that's all. I'm just curious, how anybody can think that such bigotry being heard in a supposed house of worship is acceptable. I have asked the question before, but will gladly ask it again. Is this type of behavior that one can consider as being typical of all black churches? Do all black pastors preach nothing more than pure unadulterated racial hatred? Are these people so consumed with such a staggering level of hatred that it has become and integral part of the way in which they practice their faith? I'm sure there wasn't one individual in that church who took offense to any of the garbage that this supposed man of God was raining down upon them. And I'm just as sure there was no one who got up and walked out. We know for sure that our black president certainly didn't.

Anyway, back to this crackpot, preacher. It doesn't require some crack investigative team, logging hundreds of hours of research time to uncover just what a lunatic this preacher really is. The fact is, that a basic low level YouTube search almost immediately grants the answer to that question and only serves to underscore just how astronomically inept/lazy/biased our state-controlled media is, especially when it comes to anything even remotely related to Barry "Almighty." This guy is, in fact, nothing more than one more, of what I can only assume must be many black pastors who see racism around every corner, preach white hatred, and equate talk radio with the Ku Klux Klan. This very preacher, Rev. Wallace Charles Smith, speaking just last year at Eastern University, essentially said the United States is “still” a racist country, and that Conservative Talk Radio is the modern day embodiment of “Jim Crow” and the “KKK.” He specifically singled out Rush Limbaugh and Fox News as being nothing more than purveyors of “racism and vitriol” – “the same vile filth” that was once put forward by the KKK. This guy is nothing short of a screaming, racist nut! All that was missing from his screed was the "God Damn America," rant.

Smith totally rejects the idea that America has moved, or is moving, past race. In fact, he said racism is very much alive and rampant in America, especially on the conservative airways. He clearly insinuated that Fox News hosts are racist and that Rush represents the new breed of KKK members. Saying that, “Anytime you can have the kind of hate-mongering that continues in the hallowed halls of talk radio it show that Barack’s presidency has not solved the problem,” Smith said in 2010. “Now Jim Crow wears blue pin stripes … and he doesn’t have to wear white robes anymore, because now he can wear the protective cover of talk radio, or can get a regular news program on Fox. He doesn’t have to wear his white garments anymore.” He continued: “Even such venerable saints as Rush Limbaugh know the lines they are not to cross. But any of their constituency can hear clear the same vile filth spewing forth in their statements that was once the purview of Robert Shelton and members of the Ku Klux Klan and the White Citizen’s Council.” Have you ever heard more racist and incendiary language coming from a pastor? I mean other than from Jeremiah Wright, of course. That this pathetic individual can feel free to spew such a level of hatred and still manage to be comfortable in his accusing others of doing nothing more that spreading hate, would be laughable if it weren't so serious. It is but one more example of the level of hypocrisy that is present on the left.

While this pastor may be a little less flamboyant than Barry's previous preacher for 20+ years, Jeremiah Wright, in both tone and wardrobe, the evidence is clearly in. Obviously, Barry has a preference for and actively seeks out this special brand of church. Race, or so it would seem, is our President's primary motivation on a variety of decisions, and the media will actively provide any amount of cover needed for minority racists as long as it fits within their current narrative. To say the least, there appears to be a rather disturbing theme that we see running through those from whom Barry chooses to get his spiritual guidance. So it was then that as many in the media stood and applauded this past Easter Sunday when Barry and the family went to church, might there have been much more going on that met the eye. Call it an Easter slight of hand so to speak. Sunday’s visit to Shiloh Baptist Church in D.C. shows again that Barry really is a man of faith, the reports would seem to suggest. But while the media rushed to report on the first family’s attendance of the predominately black congregation, what it failed to mention were the outlandish views held by the church’s racist pastor. And while those views have not been delivered in the same fiery manner as Barry’s former pastor, Jeremiah " God Damn America" Wright, they do sound eerily familiar.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton is out there once again, plastering that ugly mug of his in front of any television camera in sight and grabbing any microphone that happens to be within reach. This time we find the preverbal "racist" pot stirrer in New Jersey where he has busied himself telling workers fighting for their jobs at a New Jersey residential center for severely disabled women, that it's wrong for governors like Gov. Chris Christie to balance state budgets on the backs of the "working class." Al urged the Vineland Developmental Center workers to demand justice not only for themselves but for the center's 350 residents. You tell 'em, Al. Man, his concern for these poor people brought a tear to my one good eye. NOT! I think it very safe to say that maybe, just maybe, old "Bull Horn" might have an over-inflated sense of importance. Blacks may buy into his poisonous rhetoric, and he may be welcomed on places like CNN and even Hannity's show on Fox News, but most reasonably intelligent people see him for exactly what he is, a race baiter and loudmouthed buffoon. And by the way, I think of myself as being a member of the "working class" and I'm getting damn sick and tired of having my taxes go to the paying of these folks as well as for their rather extravagant benefits packages. More often than not their benefits surpass my own, which by the way, I have to pay for as well.

But, old Al does seem to fancy himself as being some sort of spiritual spreader of the gospel, but what he is in reality is nothing more than a very prolific purveyor of hate, and one that never misses an opportunity to spread his rather unique brand of vile, and rather insidious, propaganda. I'm thinking that most likely he was ordained off the back of a cereal box. I mean really, here's a guy who takes an extreme amount of pleasure in doing nothing more than sowing the seeds of hate and discontent like some warped kind of modern day Johnny Appleseed. The sad thing is, is that he has been able to make a pretty good living from doing so. And in this most recent endeavor of his, he has joined forces by teaming up with some of your typical scumbag national union leaders and scheduled numerous events around the state of New Jersey in an attempt to smear that state's governor by drawing attention to the perceived hardships facing New Jersey's "working families." In all honesty, these "working families" are just more overpaid and underworked state workers who have, over time, become firmly affixed to the taxpayer teat and are now whining incessantly about much needed budget cuts that needed to be made in order for the state to be able to survive.

These Leftist Labor "leaders" just love to repeat over and over again how it is that proposed budget cuts are putting a squeeze on the middle-class and working families. These imbeciles couldn't care less about middle-class and working class families. What they're all about is the perpetuating of the typical Democrat mantra of victimization of the little guy that they see as being a systemic problem of our capitalist/free market driven economy. And what they really care about is the dues that they are then able to steal from these "working-class" people to fill their coffers. So therefore what is absolutely paramount to these union thugs is that the taxpayers must remain responsible for providing for the excessive pay and benefits of these folks so they in turn can continue forking over the bucks to these unions. Look, what got not only New Jersey in trouble, but the country as well, are the exorbitant salaries and benefits packages that these people have enjoyed for to many years on the backs of the taxpayers. It's time, Hell it's way passed time, for these parasites to start paying their own freight. Gov. Chris Christie's proposed budget calls for saving $1.6 million a year by shutting down this Vineland Developmental Center. The governor also wants to overhaul teacher tenure. Good for Governor Christi!

But never one to give up easily, our buddy Al has continues to sound like a broken record as he once again accused Gov. Christie of balancing the state budget on the backs of the working class as he spoke to workers at a southern New Jersey residential-care center for disabled women that faces a shutdown. Al was joined in this little endeavor by national union leaders Randi Weingarten of the "American Federation of Teachers" and Lee Saunders of the "American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees" for a rally in Vineland, one of several the trio is holding around the country. The group later met with state lawmakers in Trenton and attended a workers' rally in Newark. These hypocrites simply can no longer be on the receiving end of any amount of respect, they are not the ardent defenders of the little guys that they so loudly profess themselves to be. What they are, are the defenders of is of the current money making racket that they have created for themselves as a method of ripping people off in the form of union dues. Dues that can then be use to pay off guys like Al and any number of corrupt Democrat politicians.

"We have committed to going all over this country to deal with the reality that we cannot balance the deficits and the budgets that we didn't cause on the backs of working-class people," Al said. "They are not talking about shared sacrifice. They are talking about putting it all in one place." I find it very hard to believe that guys like Al actually believe the garbage that they so enthusiastically peddle to the weak minded masses. States are going broke and the closure of the Vineland Developmental Center would eliminate 1,450 full- and part-time jobs in the Vineland-Bridgeton-Millville region. Besides closing Vineland, Christie has also proposed overhauls to pension and health-care benefits that would require all public workers to pay more. He also proposed changing teacher tenure and tying teacher raises to student achievement, and frequently berates the teachers union for standing in the way of those proposals. He's doing what he was elected to do! Just like Scott Walker in Wisconsin and John Kasich in Ohio, these guys have budget crises in their respective states that require speedy action. Hence all of the squealing coming from these union hacks now that their gravy train may finally be coming off of the tracks.

The governor's office did not return a message for comment, and, I think, wisely so. Hell, I wouldn't either bother responding to this bigot either. Why provide a blowhard like Al with any level of credibility by choosing to respond to any of his idiotic accusations. He's a complete fraud and a low life that is totally undeserving of any response that might prove to enhance his reputation as being an individual possessing any level of character. There is no rationale whatsoever for the governor to chose to dignify Al or the nonsensical accusations he continues to spew with any sort of a response. Look, clowns like Al are simply enthralled with the sound of their own voices. To choose to respond is to do nothing more than to throw gasoline on the fire. The best tactic to use when dealing with this caliber of individual is to simply ignore them. These guys love to ramp up the rhetoric for no other reason than to try to get a rise out of people, and the more you ignore them the louder they seem to get. But that does alter the fact that ignoring them is often the best way to counter their endless drivel. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could get Al so wound up that he'd simply vapor lock?

While in New Jersey, Al urged the workers at the Vineland Developmental Center to demand justice for themselves and the 350 severely disabled women who will be displaced if the center closes as planned. Christie's proposed budget calls for saving $1.6 million a year by shutting the center within two years. The west campus is on schedule to close June 30, with the east campus to follow in 2013. Felicia Zimmerman, 40, who has worked at Vineland 18 years, said it was the only job she has held since high school. Ok, Ms. Zimmerman, whose fault is that, exactly. Who was it that might have held a gun to this woman's pinhead and prevented her from perhaps going back to school so that she could maybe get another job. I'm sure there are any number of taxpayer funded programs in New Jersey that she would have been available for. But it was she, and she alone, who made the decision not to do so, no one else. "This is all I know," she said. "I'm scared to death." Too bad, so sad! It's time to grow up, Ms. Zimmerman. Welcome to the real world. That these public employees possess a mentality that allows them to see absolutely nothing wrong with their expecting taxpayers to cheerfully fork over the necessary funds to pay for their, often times, luxurious benefits, is freakin amazing. Those same taxpayers who, by the way, are also responsible for paying for such things as their own, usually very basic, healthcare and retirement plans.

Lee Saunders, AFSCME's international secretary-treasurer, said Christie was "dead wrong" about closing Vineland because the facility "provides essential services to the people who need them most." However, Human Services spokeswoman Nicole Brossoie said keeping people with developmental disabilities isolated in facilities like Vineland runs counter to a federal Supreme Court mandate. "Closure is being advanced to protect the civil rights of people with developmental disabilities, in particular their right to move out of institutions and into communities, as determined by the U.S. Supreme Court," she said. Wonder what Mr. Saunders, most likely a very big supporter of New Jersey liberal Supreme Court, has to say to that? These guys always stand up and cheer when some leftist court trounces the Constitution in their favor, and then whine when a decision goes against what it is that they are trying to do. They can't have it both ways, but it doesn't keep them from trying.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


The answer to that question may be a very resounding…yes. And just think about it for a minute, if that is so, we owe it all to our very own president, Mr. "Hope and Change" himself, Barack Hussein Obama. I can only guess that if there is still anybody out there who remains even slightly curious about what Barry might have meant by his promise of "Hope and Change," this final straw, should now make it painfully obvious. However, if they're still in doubt, then I can only surmise that they must be complete morons. This has been the mission of our president, he was, and remains so, fervently committed to the bringing about of the total and complete demise of these United States of America as a world power, financially, internationally and militarily. It has been his primary objective since his first day after assuming office, and probably even before. So now that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has dropped what can only be described as a bombshell, I'm surprised not to see a huge "Mission Accomplished" banner flying high over the White House. What is worrisome to me is the fact that such an announcement can be made and yet very few Americans have seemed to take notice. Ah, yes my friends, ignorance truly is bliss. But then, I suppose this should come as no big surprise to anyone really. But with the international organization, for the first time, having now actually set a date for the exact moment when the “Age of America” will end and as the time when the U.S. economy will be overtaken by that of China, every American should now be experiencing a very cold chill running down their spine. So it is then that according to the latest IMF official forecasts, China’s economy will surpass that of America in real terms in 2016, that's just five short years from now. So put it on your calendars boys and girls, apparently this is what you voted for in 2008. You took a guy with no practical experience, who was a devout Socialist, a man who I think it safe to say, quite literally, hates America, and you elected him as your president. Why? Because he's black, of course! Unfortunately, we can no longer afford to allow ourselves the luxury of living in denial when it comes to what might motivate this man. Barry and the Democrats work very diligently to create their perception of reality, fortunately it's a perception that is so very easily contradicted by the actual events that are unfolding before our very eyes. FOR GOD'S SAKE PEOPLE, LOOK AROUND YOU!

When this little IMF bombshell is placed together with the recent Standard and Poor's declaration, this prediction provides a rather new, as well as painful, context which, when applied to the current bout of budget wrangling taking place in Washington right now, paints a rather stark portrait of where we may be headed as a country. It raises enormous questions about what the international security system is going to look like in just a mere handful of years. And it casts a deepening cloud over both the U.S. dollar and the giant Treasury market, which have been propped up for decades by their privileged status as the liabilities of the world’s hegemonic power. It is a sad commentary that, at least according to the IMF forecast, whomever is elected U.S. president next year, be it Barry "Almighty," Mitt Romney, or even the Trumpster, they will be the last to preside over the world’s largest economy. And yet, is it not our own fault for electing this, this "community agitator" as our president? Most people aren’t prepared for this. Hell, most of them aren’t even aware it’s that our demise is this close. And if you listen to experts of various political persuasions, they will tell you that there is no cause for alarm, this moment is still decades away. They’ll say, don't worry, be happy! The most bearish will put the figure out in the mid-2020s somewhere. Sadly, such is not the case. China’s economy will be the world’s largest within five years or so. But still Democrat rhetoric designed more to misrepresent the facts than to present of an accurate portrayal regarding our current precarious position, is present everywhere. It is, of course, then fed straight into what can only be described as the state controlled media "echo chamber" and is then either pumped out across the airwaves or used to fill page upon page of every "news" paper and/or "news" publication all across this land. The American people are going to have some very tough decisions to make and in the very near future. They will have to decide if they are going to continue to allow themselves to be convinced into peering through the rose colored glasses that the Democrats put in front of them, along with continuing to fall victim to the never-ending liberal scare tactics regarding what needs to be done to fix our problems, or if they are finally going to have the gonads that are going to be required in order to save themselves. I'm not real confident about the outcome there, folks! Not at all.

Look, it was just 10 short years ago that the U.S. economy was three times the size of China’s. Now I know to many, predictions of the kind being made by the IMF rate right up there with those the we are witness to on a nightly basis as we watch any weather forecast. All forecasts are fallible but they vary greatly in the severity of their consequences. There are always variables that can come into play which can alter, to some degree the outcome that has been predicted. Therefore, while the actual date identified as being when China will in fact surpass the U.S. might come even earlier than the IMF predicts, or it may somewhat later, there is little doubt among experts that it will come. Because as this Barry created train wreck of an economy continues, there is nothing in the works to do anything other than to make matters much, much worse, so that we get to the point where the actual date matters very little. Now if by chance the great Chinese juggernaut should blow a tire, as a growing number predict that it might, it could possibly delay things by several years, but at the present time it would only serve to delay what appears, at least for now, to be inevitable. But let’s not deceive ourselves here or allow Barry to convince us that we are invincible. Because at this stage of the game we most definitely are not! I'm sure he and his "economic council" will be pooh-poohing this whole notion of America becoming number two. Thanks to Barry we've already become the equivalent of "Number Two," if you get my drift. Because the outcome of this sleigh ride to Hell is scarcely in doubt. It is the end of the Age of America. And as has been stated by far too many of those who should know, “We are witnessing the end of America’s economic hegemony."

Sadly in a way, we have lived in a world dominated by the U.S. for so long now that there is no longer anyone alive who can remember it any other way. And it is that mentality, I think, along with the disastrous policies that have been put in place by Barry "Almighty," that has served to exacerbate the current problem. Far too many people, take far too much for granted which in turn makes it much easier for corrupt and patently dishonest individuals like Barry to have a much bigger impact then they would normally be allowed to have, on how it is that the average American citizens perceived the world around them. Americans have allowed themselves to be lulled into having a false sense of security of sorts, and it’s something that Barry and the Democrats may well have tapped into. The truth of the matter is that America overtook Great Britain as the world’s leading economic power in the 1890s and essentially never looked back. And both those countries live under very similar rules of constitutional government, respect for civil liberties and the rights of property. China, on the other hand, has none of those “qualities.” It s the antithesis of both Britain and America. Therefore, the Age of China will feel, and look, very, very different. Victor Cha, senior adviser on Asian affairs at Washington’s Center for Strategic and International Studies, has said that China’s neighbors in Asia are already waking up to the dangers that may lie ahead. “The region is overwhelmingly looking to the U.S. in a way that it hasn’t done in the past,” he said. “They see the U.S. as a counterweight to China. They also see American hegemony over the last half-century as fairly benign. In China they see the rise of an economic power that is not benevolent, that can be predatory. They don’t see it as a benign hegemony."

The rise of China, and the resulting decline of America, is the biggest story of our time. And yet, where are the screaming headlines or the breaking news alerts? Where are all those diligent news types who were always standing at the ready to put the screws to George W. Bush? Sitting on their hands that's where. But to be honest, we really don't need these purveyors of falsehoods to be telling us their perception of what's going on, in fact we would be much better served if we chose to simply ignore whatever it is that they have to say. All we really need to do is to open our eyes and "see." Because today you can see the implications of that decline everywhere, from shuttered factories in the Midwest to soaring costs of oil and other commodities. Chinese interests are snapping up farmland and foodstuff supplies, from South America to China and elsewhere. This is the result of decades during which China has successfully pursued economic policies aimed at national expansion and power, while the U.S. has embraced either free trade or, for want of a better term, economic appeasement. “There are two systems in collision,” said Ralph Gomory, research professor at NYU’s Stern business school. “They have a state-guided form of capitalism, and we have a much freer former of capitalism.” What we have seen, he said, is “a massive shift in capability from the U.S. to China. What we have done is traded jobs for profit. The jobs have moved to China. The capability erodes in the U.S. and grows in China. That’s very destructive. That is a big reason why the U.S. is becoming more and more polarized between a small, very rich class and an eroding middle class. The people who get the profits are very different from the people who lost the wages.” I can't help but suspect that the growing encroachment of our government further and further into our "private sector," under Barry, has had a very detrimental effect here and can be blamed specifically for creating the environment that made our current predicament possible in the first place.

The next chapter of this story is now well underway and, as much as it pains me say this, in the end I'm afraid things do not bode well for America. The America in which my daughter will spend the majority of her life will be much different than the America that I have experienced thus far in my life. And I fear for her. I have to think that anyone with even the slightest amount of intelligence feels the same way that I do. Unfortunately, far too many people are much more concerned about themselves than about the fate of our country. These people see absolutely nothing wrong with the current U.S. spending spree Barry has us one. And they either simply fail to recognize, or stubbornly refuse to, the obvious fact that it just isn't going to work. Not matter what Barry and the Democrats may promise. It hasn't worked thus far, and shows absolutely no sign of working in the near or distant future. Other than funneling a substantial amount of funds into the coffers of Barry's union buddies, all of the crazy spending has only served to make matters worse, much worse. What the rise of China means for defense, and international affairs, could be quite detrimental and have barely been touched upon. The U.S. is now spending gigantic sums, from a beleaguered economy, in an attempt to try to maintain its place in the sun. It's not all that difficult to imagine us being in the same predicament that the Soviet Union found itself in during the 80’s when they were trying to keep up with our pace of spending on defense. Remember the old adage about history repeating itself? You can’t stay on top if your economy doesn’t. That's why Barry has been so determined in his efforts to undermine and to weaken our economy in every way imaginable. And it appears he has been quite successful in his efforts.

Monday, April 25, 2011


The man who for the last 30 years has been not so fondly referred to as being the worst president in the history of this great country, but who has now been bumped down to the number two position, Jimmy "The Incompetent" Carter, will lead yet another band of like-minded misfits on yet another boondoggle to that god forsaken place, North Korea, starting today. By doing so he has made a conscious decision to afford to the miscreants who are in charge of that pathetic little country, yet one more opportunity to use him in their continuing propaganda/smear campaign against this country. Which seem to bother him not in the slightest. The trip is being made under the pretense of, and is based, I guess, on the fictional rationale of being supposedly designed to help push forward talks on curbing the development of nuclear weapons while addressing the food shortages that plague the Stalinist state. At least that was the reason for the trip provided by the group in a statement that they released. Carter, together with former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari, former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland and former Irish President Mary Robinson are in Beijing today. In Beijing, Pyongyang and in Seoul they will meet with top officials, diplomats, scholars and “members of civil society,” which calls itself “The Elders.” Sounds like things should be very productive. NOT! Carter continues to be exquisitely successful in his efforts to become a total and complete embarrassment not only to this country but to freedom loving people everywhere.

So with Carter in the lead, this little band of pathetic starry-eyed idealists, is once more traipsing off, albeit armed with the best of intentions I suppose, in their attempt to convince these heathens in North Korea the error of their ways. These wishful thinkers will once again attempt to show us just how much smarter they are then the rest of us who see this rogue nation, and its leaders for exactly what it is and they are. This is nation that willfully starves its own people, threatens its neighbors on nearly a daily basis, keeps its people in the dark and therefore amounts to nothing more than a shit stain on the world community's underwear. And yet our esteemed Mr. Carter feels compelled to visit this the armpit of Asia. What should happen here is that this trouble maker of a country should be punished like the spoiled child that it is. I'm sure we all remember the tension created on the Korean peninsula last year after 46 South Korean sailors died in the sinking of the Cheonan warship, and blamed on a North Korean torpedo. In November, the North shelled a South Korean island, killing four people. Chinese-led six-country talks aimed at curbing the North’s nuclear program have not taken place in more than two years and would prove to be nothing but a waste of time anyway. “At a time when official dialogue with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea appears to be at a standstill, we aim to see how we may be of assistance in reducing tensions and help the parties address key issues including denuclearization,” Carter said in a statement. What a freakin moron!

One of the other clowns on this little trip, some doofus named Brundtland, who is the former director-general of the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO), has said that the group would also discuss “longer-term food security and health issues that are so important to economic development." Food security, what the Hell is that? This is North Korea that he's talking about right? It's really getting harder and harder to take clowns like this seriously. I've got a concept for ya, maybe if these slime balls in North Korea spent a little less on their huge army, they'd have a bit more to spend on such things as food and health issues. The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization said last month that an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in North Korea endangered the lives of cattle, hogs and goats. Funny, I didn't think that they had all that much livestock in the country to begin with. Let's face it, just how many cows, hogs and goats are there in North Korea anyway. There's nothing there for them to eat either. And I'm told that North Korea's economy shrank 0.9 percent in 2009, when UN sanctions banning "arms trading" and restricting financial transactions were toughened following the country’s second nuclear test in May that year, according to the Bank of Korea in Seoul. North Korea doesn’t release its own data. Gee, I wonder why? And how exactly does an economy that's worth, in its entirety, zero point shit, shrink? Nothin from nothin is still nothin, right?

It's time that we get down to brass tacks here and for all of the mollycoddling to come to a stop. In fact it's passed time, way passed. When a former American president, even an imbecile like Carter, goes over there it does nothing but provide to the goons in charge over there with some level of undeserved credibility. Carter always manages to do more harm than good on any of the many excursions he has made to visit with any number of terrorists, dictators or average run of the mill despots. He is, apparently, a very poor judge of character, but then we know that long before now. Of course that may very likely have something to do with the fact that he is rather deficient in the area of actually possessing any level of character himself. He's just another America hating liberal, out to stir up as much trouble as he can in his continuing efforts to give his country a perpetual black eye. Way to go Jimmy! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK BIG TIME!

Friday, April 22, 2011



Where does this guy come up with this stuff? This has got to be one of the strangest claims I’ve yet heard coming from this outrageously arrogant hypocrite. Talk about the pot calling the kettle…black. No pun intended. Kinda makes you wonder just what illicit drug he might actually be on. This guy is the perfect example of a radical. In fact, if you were to look up radical in the dictionary, you would very likely see his picture. Look, here we have a man, Barack Hussein Obama, at whose feet can now be directly laid, the creation of the worst economic environment since that very same “Great Depression” which he loves to talk so much about. A man trained in the finest traditions of Saul Alinsky, he has now nearly singled-handedly completely dismantled that which has been, up to now at least, a thriving economy that made it possible for the United States of America to achieve a level of economic success, and power, that is, simply put, unrivaled. An economic system that is based upon nothing more than the government getting out of the way and allowing the entrepreneurial spirit of the American people to flourish, which in turn allowed them to bring forth the most potent economic powerhouse this world has ever been witness to. And yet our "Hope and Change" president, since day one of his taking office, has been on a mission to destroy it. He has seen it as being necessary the taking upon himself to do everything in his power to inflict as much damage as is possible upon that which has for centuries made it possible for so many, and not just here at home, to prosper beyond their wildest dreams. The actions that this one man has undertaken, or failed to undertake, has created a scenario that today has this country in a position where it has never before found itself. A precarious position that now leaves our entire future as a free nation very much in doubt. But it all seems to matter so very little to him. Such is the note on which we begin the 2012 election season. And I'm so glad that Barry can find time to do things other than to provide a little leadership regarding the ongoing budget debate, or coming up with, say, a viable energy plan that would help average working Americans as they try to cope with rapidly rising food and energy costs and try to prepare themselves as best they can for what many are now forecasting as being 5 or even 6 dollars for a gallon of gas. Make no mistake here, Barry "Almighty" is the radical here, and no one else.

As so it was then that Barry, on this past Wednesday, in yet another friendly venue, took the occasion to castigate Republicans in general, and Rep. Paul Ryan specifically. While attending yet another tightly scripted event, and in front of yet another carefully selected, and obviously very supportive, crowd, he wasted very little time in launching into what was a full frontal assault on those evil congressional Republicans who, Barry claimed, are only trying to push a very "radical" plan to cut the deficit. He claimed that their plan to trim Medicare and Medicaid is nothing if not patently unfair and he ramped up what is very typical Democrat rhetoric before a friendly Facebook crowd gathered at the headquarters of that popular social networking site. And yet, as he sat there making what were essentially nothing more than outlandish, and baseless, political accusations, nearly in the same breath he stated that he thought that a bipartisan accord is still possible. Forget about all that stupid birth certificate nonsense, I want to know what planet this guy is from. So I guess he figures he can continue call his political enemies essentially everything but a white man, and then still expect them to be willing to strike some sort of deal with him. "I think it's fair to say that their vision is radical," Barry told those at this little gathering, one that included questions posed by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg as well as those sent in by the site’s users. "I don't think it's particularly courageous," he said of the GOP plan to convert Medicare to a voucher program and make big cuts to the federal-state Medicaid program for the poor. Continuing to spew the standard liberal mantra of class warfare, he added, "Nothing is easier than solving a problem on the backs of people who are poor, or people who are powerless, or don't have lobbyists, or don't have clout." Republicans in Congress argue strenuously that Barry's deficit prescription is nothing more than a prescription for disaster and would accomplish far too little, relying far too heavily on damaging tax increases. But then isn't that always the Democrat way? This whole concept be being "fair and equitable" is rapidly leading us down the road to ruin. Personal responsibility has become pretty much a thing of the past.

Barry continues his attempts to very aggressively control, and to manipulate, the current budget/deficit dialog. His method of choice for doing so is through all manner of pure exaggeration of the facts as well as the use of the same old tired, yet standard Democrat strategies of portraying as victims the lazy among us and the stoking of the class warfare flames. He must fancy himself as a present day Robin Hood as he goes about making the claim that he would raise $1 trillion by returning income tax rates for high earners to the levels from "BJ" Clinton's administration, when the economy prospered. That, he says, would force wealthy people like himself and Zuckerberg to pay "a little more in taxes." "I'm cool with that," said this stupid doofus, Zuckerberg, as his employees simply laughed like a bunch of dummies and applauded. I’m not sure what it is that these group of morons found so freaking humorous. Either they don't mind paying higher taxes or they are members of that 50 percent of households which pays no income taxes. Either way, as a group, they don't seem to be too terribly bright. So while this jerk off Zuckerberg may be "cool with that," I really don't think that the millions of small business owners out there who are literally struggling to make ends meet, are going to be all that "cool with it." But Barry is far from being the first one to call the Republican plan "radical" by any stretch. There have been any number of imbecilic Democrats who have also called the GOP plan "radical," but what's different here is that our "community agitator" president generally uses less inflammatory language, preferring instead to let his many minions be seen as the ones throwing rocks. Despite his choosing to use incendiary rhetoric on Wednesday in describing the Republicans, Barry said that he still believes his administration and Congress can come to some sort of an agreement regarding long-range plans to cut the deficit by about $4 trillion over 10 years. Barry made his comments in a very cozy and friendly environment surrounded by 19 million "friends," as he went about trashing those who stand in opposition to what he sees as being the action that needs to be taken. Ya know it's pretty sad when you have the president of the United States resorting to what equates to as nothing more than juvenile name calling. It lays bare the very sad fact that our president has a severe lack of any moral character.

Barry continues on his little excursion that has him pitching his budget plans while at the same time raising re-election cash. He has said that trimming $4 trillion from the nation's deficit sounds like a lot but it can be done. But as is typical with this guy, it’s his way or the highway. He will hold yet another staged sophomoric pep rally in Reno, Nevada, as he goes around the country in an effort to convince enough people that his approach will prove to be the more balanced and less painful one when compared to the rival House Republican plan. You know, this guy is just so full of shit, he could export it. His entire "plan", if you really want to call it a plan, does nothing more than to favor tax hikes on what he calls wealthy Americans while at the same time calling for further cuts in the military and other agencies. All of which GOP lawmakers very firmly, they say, oppose. Barry remains diametrically opposed to the Republican plan which would cut tax rates for corporations and high earners, but also close some tax loopholes. It would achieve nearly $6 trillion in savings from spending cuts and overhauling Medicare and Medicaid. And as we are now seeing Barry will stop at absolutely nothing in his efforts to discredit not only the Republican plan but also those who authored it. As we saw during the passage of the healthcare "reform" bill, there is no lie he will not tell, or no accusation that he will not hurl at those he views as being his political "enemies." His behavior continues to be the epitome of un-presidential. He relishes spending time in the gutter, it's where he lives, it’s where he thrives. He is not afraid to use whatever tactic that may be necessary in order for him to be successful in achieving his goal of destroying our economy. He claims to have not yet made any mistakes since he assumed office and still has not gotten beyond the blaming of his predecessor for just about everything. He is a gutless wimp possessing not one ounce of honor, commitment or courage. He is the epitome of the sleazy, dishonest politician. And speaking of his predecessor, I remember the absolute beating W. took from the state controlled media when he said he had not made a mistake. Funny, I've heard nary a peep concerning Barry's statement. No bias in the media? You decide.

I’m reading an excellent book, “GANGSTER GOVERNMENT” by David Freddoso. I strongly recommend it! It is an excellent read! Here's an excerpt from the book, “Gangster government shuns the light and operates in the shadows, cuts deals with favored businesses, writes provisions known only by a select few, offers legislative and regulatory exemptions to friends, and threatens opponents with death by regulation.”

Have you ever heard a better description of how this president and this administration operates? I really don't think so! It illustrates perfectly what has been going on now for over two years, and what mostly likely will continue until we are able to extricate ourselves from this very corrupt politician, this radical.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Or, is it so much worse than that? Does he actually get it but simply chooses to ignore the fact that we are now flat broke? I have a very hard time trying to fathom that at a time when America's global credit is now nearly fully in the crapper, our president, Barack Hussein Obama, can still insist, as he did on Tuesday, on ignoring the harsh realities of what he must know needs to be done. He said that he remains confident that Washington has the political will to slash the massive U.S. debt, despite fierce, fundamental differences with the Republicans about how best to go about doing just that. Barry tried to sound so hopeful of compromise with GOP lawmakers, but he once again he just couldn’t resist and returned to what was nothing more than campaign-style rhetoric during his recent town hall event. And event that focused primarily on accusing the Republicans of offering nothing more than a bleak future for the poor, young and elderly with their budget proposals. Man, it nearly brought a tear to my one good eye. All of those poor unfortunate souls who are at the mercy of those evil, greedy and old white Republicans. But who was it that created those poor souls in the first place, making sure that they essentially became nothing more than wards of the state? Huh, that would be the DEMOCRATS!

Anyway, Barry seemed to be doing some pretty fancy tap dancing as he tried to assure financial markets and the watching world that, yes, the U.S. will get its act together to address its suffocating debt, while at the same time trying to convince the voters that only his plan would share the necessary pain fairly. Yes, above all else we must be fair and equitable in all that we do when seeking ways to remedy our pending insolvency. Which we all know is a crock! Republicans on the other hand didn't sound all that optimistic about reaching a compromise. But then we've heard all that before on the many other occasions and in the end they choose only to cave rather than face even the slightest amount of political pressure. House Speaker John Boehner announced Tuesday that he had picked House Majority Leader Eric Cantor to work with a White House commission on cutting spending. But in doing so, Boehner said, "The American people understand we can't keep spending money we don't have. The only ones who don't are the Democrats running Washington." That's a point that the Republicans are going to need to pound home every chance they get. Because like Barry, many Americans, especially those firmly affixed to the government teat, just don't get it even yet!

Trying to sound a bit more upbeat, our old buddy Barry said, "Here's the good news: I believe that Democrats and Republicans can come together to get this done." Speaking before what was a friendly crowd at Northern Virginia Community College outside Washington, he said, "There will be those who say that we're too divided, that partisanship is too stark. But I'm optimistic." He's also full of sh!t! With all his rosy talk of "compromise" what he neglected to mention, either on purpose or otherwise, was the new context which must now be applied to not only his comments, but to the entire budget process. That being a new warning that the federal government "must" rein in its out of control debt or risk losing its sterling credit rating, which could in turn further erode whatever economic recovery that may be presently underway. Remember now, it was on Monday that Standard and Poor's, a key credit rating agency, lowered its outlook for the government's fiscal health to "negative" amid sliding confidence in Washington's ability to deal with its debt. Gee, I can't imagine what might give them that idea. Do you?

Though the "bipartisan" debt negotiations, to be led by Vice President "Slow Joe" Biden, are set to begin on May 5, Republicans in the House and Senate are insisting they will not vote to raise the nation's fast-approaching borrowing limit unless Barry agrees to some substantial spending cuts now. Both Barry and the House Republicans have offered plans to trim trillions from yearly deficits over the next decade or so, but the plans are on opposite ends of the reality spectrum. And since we are all very well aware of how Barry and the Democrats define "bipartisan," what lies ahead could prove to be very interesting to say the least. However, fueled in part by an angry populace, Barry and the GOP do agree that cutting the nation's debt is essential for growth, stability and the well-being of the next generation, but deep differences do exist regarding the best way to go about dealing with the problem. Said Barry on Tuesday: "If we keep on spending more than we take in, it's going to cause serious damage to our economy." Duh? Where does he come with this stuff? Does he really think that we're so stupid that we won't see just who is it that has been behind all of the insane spending?

The annual government deficit for just this year alone is projected to be over $1.6 and will only get much worse as the baby boom generation retires and Medicare costs escalate even further. So what's left is the enormous chasm regarding how best to deal with what will be a rapidly worsening imbalance between money coming in and money going out. Barry continues on his little traveling propaganda spewing road show across the country this week doing his best to push his "road to ruin" plan for reducing defense spending and health care costs, increasing taxes on the wealthy and protecting priorities he deems as being untouchable. His pitch overlaps with the burgeoning 2012 presidential campaign, which could well be defined by this debate over just what the role of government needs to be. The House Republican blueprint would overhaul Medicare and Medicaid, cut the top income tax rate but eliminate some tax breaks and shrink most discretionary spending to where it was before Barry "Almighty" took office in 2009. Which is not quite how our buddy Barry feels about things and making his feelings perfectly clear in the recent town hall, as he took very specific aim at that very notion.

On the transportation front, for example, our "Community Agitator-in-Chief" said, "Well, so what, we cut transportation by a third, and what's going to happen to America? We're just going to have potholes everywhere? We're just going to have bridges collapsing everywhere?" Just what the Hell does he think, that we can simply go on spending with reckless abandon and not worry about any of the consequences? What a warped mentality! Am I the only one who sees this pathetic nonsense for what it is? This isn't even a rational argument to begin with. It's nothing more than a wink-wink, nod-nod to all of his unions buddies. And you've got a crowd of imbecilic college twerps lapping it all up. And so it went, with his making overly simplistic comments which are sure to be repeated ad nauseam during any number of town halls yet to come where other crowds of morons have gathered together to hear their Messiah speak, whether it's this week or during any number of months out into the future. Barry accused and will continue to accuse, those mean old Republicans of wanting to simply cut taxes for all of those evil "rich" folks all at the expense of early education for our kids or health care for seniors, poor kids and the disabled. "That's not who we are as a country," he said. "We're better than that." We're also broke! A point he didn't bother to mention.

Working to create a campaign atmosphere, he made his appeal to the student-dominated crowd asking that they help him, not overtly with his re-election, but instead by backing him in what he sees as the coming fight. That's right, always turn to the stupid and uninformed when you see that you're in trouble. This guy is a real sack of sleaze. "There's a way to solve this deficit problem in an intelligent way that is fair and shares sacrifices so that we can share opportunity all across America," Barry said. "But I can't do that if your voices are not heard. There are powerful voices in Washington; there are powerful lobbies and special interests in Washington. And they're going to want to reduce the deficit on your backs." Yup, Barry's way is the only intelligent way, what a freaking crock. And by the way, if it's anybody who should know about the powerful lobbies and special interests in Washington, that would our "Fearless Leader," Barack Hussein Obama. The campaign has barely gotten underway and already he's reverting to his standard method of requesting that his mind-numbed supporters go out and get in the faces of those who dare to disagree. What a guy! What a jerk! What an asshole!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


There is now a darkening economic cloud that has, for at least the time being, sent Barry "Almighty’s" job performance ratings plummeting to just 47 percent, or just 1 point higher than his lowest ever mark, at least according to a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll. But is it not fair to say that these plummeting poll numbers can be seen as being pretty much self-inflicted? Might they be seen as a direct result from this whole ongoing fiasco consisting of nothing but bogus attempts to "stimulate" our economy through what is nothing more than one costly government boondoggle after another? Who in their right mind can look at the way Barry has gone about instituting his plans to bring about an economic "recovery" and still view him as being even remotely capable of "handling" the economy. All you have to do is to listen to the man. He has one and one solution only for fixing our economic woes, raise taxes. What a plan. This guy is an economic genius.

Barry's economic approval ratings continue to tank, they are now at the lowest level since September, when he stood at 41 percent approval and 57 percent overall disapproval. And this should come as a shock to anybody why exactly? This whole charade of attempting to bring about an economic recovery has instead been a very purposeful attempt to do just the opposite. Can anyone point to any rational, self-respecting economist who is willing to go on the record and can say with a straight face, that all that has been done by Barry as been done are perfect ways to strengthen our economy? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the motives behind Barry and his team are designed to one thing and one thing only. And this is to bring about a total and complete financial and economic collapse in this country. Nothing else explains the actions being taken, or not taken, by this supposed team of economic whiz kids. What these people are in reality is nothing short of a cadre of economic saboteurs. They attempt to use all manner of scare tactics in their effort to never let a good crisis go to waste.

And just in case the White House didn’t receive the message that a majority of Americans are now sending, Wall Street attempted drove the point home on Monday when benchmark rater Standard & Poor’s cut its long-term outlook on U.S. debt to a dismal negative rating, signaling a financial crisis if the Obama administration does not bring down the national debt. But the White House remained in denial, assuming that it knew much better than the experts at S & P. A recent poll shows that Americans agree with the S & P verdict. In a tie with his overall worst economic approval rating, 57 percent said they disapprove of how Barry is handling the economy, with 46 percent saying they strongly disapprove. Only 23 percent strongly approved. What do you wanna bet that just about everyone of those folks resides in the black community. These folks will stick by Barry no matter what, especially as long as he continues to stick it to the rest of us! That's what these people are all about. Never mind that the country is going to Hell in a hand basket with Barry leading the charge, as long they keep getting their checks it's ok by them!

On the heels of the recent gloomy economic news, GOP leaders have again clearly stated the urgency for making the drastic cuts in federal spending that are so badly needed and saying that raising the debt ceiling should be contingent upon the level of success met in making those cuts. Republican Rep. Eric Cantor, majority leader of the House, said Republicans would not sign off on any debt-limit increase without serious reforms, according to The Hill. “For decades, Washington has blindly increased the debt-ceiling limit while doing little to stop spending money that it doesn’t have, a dangerous pattern that must end,” Cantor said. “As S&P made clear, getting spending and our deficit under control can no longer be put off for another day.” However, the question that remains is will the Republicans stick to their guns or simply fold under the weight of criticism that is most assuredly headed their way. This is not the time for idiotic political games, there is simply too much at stake here. They need to communicate what it is that they see as being needed, and then do it. There can be no wishy-washy nonsense in their portrayal of just how bad things are and how they can be fixed. We need concrete solutions and we need them fast. Compromise on the part of the Republicans is not a tactic to be accepted as being useful.

In a recent statement, Rep. Paul Ryan, whose own plan promises to slash $6 trillion over a 10-year period, said that Barry’s current spending spree “threatens not only the lives of future generations, but also the economic security of American families today.” For his part, Barry’s plan calls for nothing more than the raising of income taxes and the repeal of the same “Bush tax cuts” he originally agreed to continue on December 7. There is no focus on the actual cutting of a serious amount of spending. Boy, now there's a plan that guarantees success. Is it any wonder that Barry’s poll numbers could quite possibly doom his 2012 prospects? Although to make such an assumption this early in the political season, I think would be more than a little premature. Even though a Newsmax poll placed Donald Trump far ahead in a matchup with Obama — 68 percent would vote for Trump, 13 percent for Obama, and 13 percent for another candidate. Now while I refuse to put much stock in any poll that has Trump trouncing Barry, it does provide food for thought. Look, out of all the people who will end up being considered as serious candidates, the guy that I give the least chance to be there at the end is Trump. While I agree with a lot of what he says, things that actually needs to be said, at the end of the day he is not going to be viewed as being a serious, nor a viable, candidate.

The independent vote, which Barry relied on very heavily in his 2008 bid, remains dubious for 2012 after showing overwhelmingly in Republicans’ court last year. The Washington Post-ABC poll pits independents squarely against Barry — 55 percent disapproved of the job he is doing. But all that can change very rapidly if these voters come to the conclusion that the Republicans are not serious about getting spending under control. If the feel that they are instead choosing to do nothing more than to use our current economic misfortune to their political advantage, then the tide can very quickly turn to favor Barry. Republicans need to be seen as the ones, unlike Barry, who are putting the country above gutter politics. They need to be seen as the “Elliot Ness” trying to combat what is essentially nothing more than the “Al Capone” gangster-style government of Barry and the Democrats. They need to be seen as being the sane ones who are attempting to rein in all of the fiscal insanity. They cannot allow themselves to be dissuaded from doing what they know needs to be done and they need to convince the American people that they are committed to getting our fiscal house in order.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


When you stop and think about it, Democrats, as a whole, are a pretty sorry lot. I just can’t imagine myself going through life with the same pessimistic outlook as these folks, regarding just about everything in their lives. By their very nature they are nothing more than a bunch of lazy whiners and complainers who constantly have their hands out. They profess to be filled with such generosity and a sense of fair play, when just the opposite is true. They hate anyone who appears to be better off then they, never taking into consideration that had they expended just a little more effort or perhaps made better choices during their pathetic lives, those lives might be a little less pathetic. They suffer from a near terminal case of jealously regarding those who are willing to take advantage of all that living in this country provides to each and every one of us. Instead they chose to advocate the outright theft from those who chose to work, most of what it is that they have earned through their deciding to work very hard in order to provide the best life possible for their families. So it should come as no big surprise that Democrats in America today are twice as likely as Americans living the Great Depression era to favor the imposing of heavy taxes on the “rich” as a means of redistributing wealth. At least according to data published very recently by the Gallup poll.

So, in a Gallup poll that was conducted April 7-11, in the lead-up to the annual deadline for filing federal tax returns, it was shown that 71 percent of Democrats believe the government should use heavy taxes on the “rich” to redistribute wealth. 71 percent! You see, having the government steal from those folks is just so much easier than actually having to demonstrate a little initiative toward being able to provide for yourself. So it was then that in 1939, after ten years of the Great Depression, only 35 percent of all Americans believed government should do that. Apparently back then more people were of the opinion that if they choose to work hard, and take advantages of the opportunities presented to them and were then able to become “rich” themselves they wouldn’t have wanted their hard-earned money to be stolen from them by their government. Today most Democrats neither wish to work hard or to demonstrate a willingness to become self-sufficent, they would rather sit on their rather rapidly expanding behinds, enjoying their sedentary lifestyles while throwing stones at those who work to become successful and make something of themselves. They consider themselves as being entitled to the fruits of another’s labor.

In the survey, Gallup asked more than 1,000 American adults: “People feel differently about how far a government should go. Here is a phrase which some people believe in and some don’t. Do you think our government should or should not redistribute wealth by heavy taxes on the rich?”

Again, it was 71 percent of Democrats who told Gallup that, yes, the government should impose heavy taxes on the “rich” in order to redistribute wealth while 26 percent said that the government should not. By contrast, it was only 28 percent of Republicans who said the government should impose heavy taxes on the rich to redistribute wealth, while 69 percent said the government should not. Overall, in the April 7-11 Gallup survey, 47 percent of Americans said government should impose heavy taxes on the rich to redistribute wealth while 49 percent said the government should not. So essentially we are pretty evenly split. That’s a fact which is really pretty sad when you stop and think about it. Have that many people become so completely comfortable with the fact that they are now so dependent on the government? This political wrangling between Barry and Republican leaders about taxes on the rich reflects the division in sentiment between rank-and-file Democrats and Republicans nationwide. With more than 7 in 10 Democrats agree that the government should "redistribute wealth by heavy taxes on the rich." Fewer than 3 in 10 Republicans (28%) and 43% of independents agree.

Besides party affiliation, Americans' views also differ substantially, depending on their personal income bracket. More than 6 in 10 Americans making under $30,000 a year say wealth should be redistributed through heavy taxes on the rich. Thirty-one percent of those making $75,000 a year and more agree -- even though many in this broad group would not be affected by the new taxes proposed by the president, most of which are targeted at those making $250,000 a year and more. Every one of those 6 in 10 complainers had the very same opportunities as those that make over $250,000 and made a conscious decision not to. It’s all about sour grapes. I’ve heard it put this way before, how exactly does having the government literally steal hard earned money from one individual, improve the life of another. Somehow these whiners and complainers have allowed themselves to be convinced that they are now nothing more than victims of those who make substantially more money then them. What they are really victims of is their own personal behavior and a complete lack of any self esteem whatsoever. They allow themselves to be convinced by self-serving Democrat politicians that they are incapable of improving their lives without the assistance of the government. I would ask those making under $30,000 a year, just why is that? Who limited them to making that amount? The answer, THEY DID!

According to Gallup, back in March 1939, after a decade of the Great Depression, the Roper poll conducted a survey for Fortune Magazine asking the same question. At that time, only 35 percent of Americans believed government should impose heavy taxes on the rich to redistribute wealth while 54 percent said government should not. Although public support for taxing the rich to redistribute wealth is higher today than it was in 1939, it is a bit lower than it was at the beginning of Barry’s presidency. When Gallup asked the question in a survey conducted March 27-29, 2009, two months after Barry’s inauguration, 50 percent said they favored heavy taxes on the rich to redistribute wealth while 46 percent said they did not. On this past Wednesday in an effort to get more folks on his side, Barry delivered what has been described by many as his first campaign speech of the upcoming election season. In it he outlined his supposed plan for dealing with the national debt and calling for higher taxes on wealthier Americans. The Gallup survey on taxing the “rich” was completed two days before the president’s speech. I think that this poll can be offered up as being undeniable proof that Democrats simply are less willing to go out and expend the necessary effort to support themselves and are more willing to simply act as a parasite, leeching off those of us who do.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


In the words of syndicated columnist, Dr. Charles Krauthammer, in his describing of Barry "Almighty's" speech on Wednesday, "I rarely heard a speech by a president so shallow, so hyper-partisan and so intellectually dishonest, outside the last couple of weeks of a presidential election where you are allowed to call your opponent anything short of a traitor. But we're a year and a half away from Election Day and it was supposed to be a speech about policy." And you know, I couldn't have said it better myself. I probably could not have said it as well. But it is a very valid criticism.

So in the name of promoting the "new" civility and in supporting the call for a more toned down political discourse, we witnessed on Wednesday our president once more acting like nothing more than some common punk than as a president as he proceeded to come out swinging in his snoozer, at least for "Slow Joe", of speech on Wednesday. I feel like Rip Van Winkle in that after hearing this "campaign" speech, I find myself wondering if someone somehow managed to move the 2012 election up to June 1? This speech was extraordinary and well over the top, and a rather pathetic response to Paul Ryan's budget. It was nothing more than an example of pure demonization characterized by blistering partisanship and of course the usual and never-ending distortions. It was the kind of speech that presidents usually outsource to some hapless underling so as to provide to the president a certain amount of plausible deniability. But such was not the case this time around, instead Barry chose to essentially call Rep. Ryan "outside." Barry's fundamentally flawed political tirade would have been unusual even for a Vice President to give during the fervor of a heated campaign. The bullying tactics that have worked for him in the past are once again what he has chosen to fall back on. Such behavior could be a risky proposition, since a growing number of people are finally beginning to now wake up and recognize the seriousness of our growing debt problem.

Supposedly, the immediate goal of this outrageous political rant that we were exposed to, was, I guess, an attempt to inoculate the White House from criticism that it is simply not taking seriously enough our current fiscal crisis, especially after blatantly ignoring its own deficit commission last year and then tossing off a $3.73 trillion budget in February that increased spending amid a record deficit of $1.65 trillion. Barry was quite literally chased to George Washington University on Wednesday because Mr. Ryan and the Republicans outflanked him on fiscal discipline and are now setting the national political agenda. And so, acting in typical reactionary as well as retaliatory fashion, Barry did not bother to actually propose an alternative that would rival Mr. Ryan's plan, instead he spent nearly his entire speech doing noting more than to categorically reject all of its reform ideas, repeatedly vilifying them as being, essentially, nothing short of un-American. "Their vision is less about reducing the deficit than it is about changing the basic social compact in America," he said, supposedly pitting "children with autism or Down's syndrome" against "every millionaire and billionaire in our society." Again as usual, Barry was not attempting to join the debate Mr. Ryan has started, but rather to close it off just as it begins and banish House GOP ideas as being detrimental to America. It's all the typical class warfare nonsense that hopefully is losing some of its effectiveness with the American people.

Barry dispersed his unique brand of bile in the rhetoric of bipartisanship—which "starts," he said, "by being honest about what's causing our deficit." Ah, that would be…HIM. The speech he chose to deliver was nothing short of one that was crafted to be patently dishonest even by Democrat political standards. Barry presented what some might call the false choice between merely preserving the government and having with no realistic plan for doing so, aside from making a cockamamie proposal consisting of $4 trillion in imaginary deficit reductions over some gimmicky 12-year budget window that makes the reductions seem larger than they would be over the normal 10-year window. Barry said that the typical political proposal to rationalize Medicare's gargantuan liabilities is that it is "just a matter of eliminating waste and abuse." Barry’s own plan is to double down on the program's price controls and central planning. All Medicare decisions will be turned over to and routed through an unelected commission created by ObamaCare—which will supposedly ferret out "unnecessary spending." Is that the same as "waste and abuse"? Ya know, it just strikes me as being nothing more than typical Democrat mumbo-jumbo, all smoke and mirrors and means absolutely nothing. Every time this guy opens his mouth nothing come out but lies piled upon even more lies. He's really quite pathetic. He is continually resorting to his thug mentality and is really isn't a very pretty, or convincing, picture. He's all show and no go! No big surprise there.

This whole exercise was nothing but an attempt by Barry to rally his loony left base with a promise for major tax increases on those evil "rich" folks. You know, the producers in our economy. Apparently Barry is of the opinion that every U.S. fiscal trouble has as its source the Bush tax cuts "for the wealthiest 2%" but he very conveniently passed right over what he euphemistically called his own "series of emergency steps that saved millions of jobs." And how exactly is he able to quantify those supposed millions of "saved jobs." Anyway, I can only guess that he means the $814 billion stimulus/slush fund that was nothing short of an abysmal flop and a new multitrillion-dollar entitlement in ObamaCare that will in all likelihood kill off job creation. Under the Barry tax plan, the Bush rates would be repealed for the top brackets. But I'm curious, wasn't the "cost" of extending all the Bush rates in 2011 over 10 years about $3.7 trillion? Some $3 trillion of that was for everything but the top brackets—and Barry says he wants to extend those rates forever. Also, according to Internal Revenue Service data, the entire taxable income of everyone earning over $100,000 in 2008 was about $1.582 trillion. Even if all these Americans—most of whom are far from wealthy—were taxed at 100%, it still wouldn't cover Barry's deficit of $1.65 trillion for just this year. How about asking those who continually get away scot-free every April 15 to pony up a bit. No one is “entitled” a free ride. Everyone can put a little into the communal pot.

Barry sought more tax-hike cover by falling back to his deficit commission, seeming to embrace its proposal to limit tax deductions and other loopholes. But the commission wanted to do so in order to lower rates for a more efficient and competitive code with a broader base. What Barry wants to do is to pocket the tax increase and devote the revenues to deficit reduction and therefore more spending. So that's three significant tax increases that he's in favor of—higher top brackets, the tax hikes in ObamaCare and fewer tax deductions. Lastly, Barry came out for what he calls a debt "failsafe," which will require the White House and Congress to hash out a deal if by 2014 projected debt is not declining as a share of the economy. But under his plan any deal must exclude Social Security, Medicare or low-income programs. So that means more tax increases or else "making government smarter, leaner and more effective." Which, now that he mentioned it, sounds a lot like cutting "waste and abuse." Barry ludicrously claimed that Mr. Ryan favors "a fundamentally different America than the one we've known throughout most of our history." Once again Barry is talking out of his anal orifice because nothing is more likely to bring that future about than the Barry's political indifference in the midst of a worsening fiscal crisis. Calling you opponents names or simply ridiculing their proposals in the absence of proposing anything yourself is not how goes about instilling any level of confidence in the people that you know what your doing. I also causes them to possibly question your motives for ignoring possible solutions however politically distasteful they may be to you.

So in the end, what is it that we can hope to see take place? Will Barry come to his senses and commence to do what is right for the country? Or will he continue to be ruled by his determination to advance his socialist agenda at the expense of all else, even the future of our children? All questions that are still lacking any sort of a substantive answer. He is driven by his belief in an all powerful central government and will do whatever it takes and use whatever tactic he thinks will lead to his eventual success. The question that remains is whose side will the American people ultimately come down on? I guess we wait and see.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


"On January 14, 1969, I presented "The Little Old Man" as a teacher. The time was 1923.The students had finished reciting the Pledge of Allegiance which at the time was but 10 years old. The old sage called the children together and said--

"Boys and girls, I have been listening to you recite the Pledge of Allegiance all semester and it appears that it has become monotonous to you or could it be you do not know the meaning of those words. If I may, I would like to recite the Pledge and give to you a definition of the words.

I----meaning me, an individual, a committee of one.
Pledge----dedicate all of my worldly goods to give without self pity.
Allegiance----my love and my devotion.
To the Flag----our standard, Old Glory, a symbol of freedom. Wherever she waves, there is respect because your loyalty has given her a dignity that shouts freedom is everybody's job.
Of the United----that means that we have all come together.
States----individual communities that have united into 48 great states. 48 individual communities with pride and dignity and purpose, all divided with imaginary boundaries, yet united to a common cause, and that's love of country.
Of America.
And to the Republic----a republic, a state in which sovereign power is invested in representatives chosen by the people to govern. And government is the people and it's from the people to the leaders, not from the leaders to the people.
For which it stands!
One nation----meaning, so blessed by God.
Indivisible----incapable of being divided.
With Liberty----which is freedom and the right of power to live one's life without threats or fear or any sort of retaliation.
And justice----The principle and quality of dealing fairly with others.
For all.----which means, boys and girls, it's as much your country as it is mine."

Since I was a small boy, two states have been added to our nation, and two words have been added to the Pledge of Allegiance "under God." Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said, "That's a prayer" and that would be eliminated from schools, too?"

Me and my family used to watch Mr. Skelton every week. His show was one we tried very hard to never miss, always making sure we were home in time to watch. I remember laughing hyterically from beginning to end every single week at the characters he was able to bring to life. He was just a funny, funny man, and one of those rare individuals that we are so seldom blessed with. And he was also a man who fit anyones definition of a true patriot. Which, I'm afraid, is something that cannot be said of "Dingy" Harry Reid nor, sadly, a majority of Democrats!