

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Friday, December 30, 2011


Look, I like Donald Trump, I really do. I think he's very, how shall I say it,…entertaining. And I think it goes without saying that most of us would enthusiastically agree with the fact that he's a great businessman. But a great businessman does not a good president make. And I think all of this Third Party nonsense that he insists upon stirring up could, in the end, hamper any effort to successfully remove Barry "Almighty" from the White House. I mention this only because there is recent evidence that would suggest that, apparently, the potential for him making just such a third party presidential run may be getting closer to becoming a reality. Frankly, I wish he would just go away, and stick to what it is that he does best and stop trying to create anymore of the craziness than already exists. Because no matter how hard I try, I just can't bring myself to view him as being anywhere near a serious candidate, only as someone determined to make it easier for Barry to get re-elected. And this country simply cannot survive four more years of Barry.

I was reading on "The Blaze" about a supposed confidential email that was sent out late Thursday afternoon from a Florida Tea Party leader and personal friend of Trump. The email requested assistance in building a team in Texas to make certain that, if Trump chooses to run, his name would be on the ballot. The email included:
"Dear Patriot Leader,
 I am a tea party leader in Florida and friend of Donald Trump. I am sure you have heard on the news that Mr. Trump is considering a run as an independent. He has asked me to find a “tea party” Texas Chairman for a potential third party by next week. The role requires a Texas voter registration and is due to the voting laws in Texas. The person would not have to change their party affiliation or anything. Would you or do you know of any Texan that would be interested?"  According to "The Blaze," contact was made with the author of the letter and its authenticity has been confirmed.

Supposedly, the basis for the above email stems from the existence of restrictive election laws that make it difficult for "non-traditional," that is those outside of the Republican and Democratic parties, political hopefuls to get on the ballot in Texas. This early work, needed to assure that a candidate is on the ballot in Texas, is also sparking similar investigation in several states. One assumes that should Trump decide to run for the presidency this fall, his name will be on the ballot in every state. While such "preparations" seem to be underway, Trump has not made a formal decision to run as a third party candidate. However his recent voter registration change from Republican to Independent certainly raises eyebrows and lends credibility to all of the chatter about his intentions. Or, it could all be nothing more than yet another attempt by Trump to keep the spotlight on him. Ya know, in some respects Trump is no better than most of those Hollywood clowns who insist upon injecting themselves into the political process.

Now I have voiced my concerns on several occasions regarding an attempt by a Third Party candidate coming into the race from the right, as it would be, to say the least, self defeating to the cause. It would do nothing more than turn the next election into a cake walk for Barry. Frankly, I'm not sure whether old Donald may be suffering from delusions of grandeur, or a midlife crisis, of sorts, but whatever the reason, all of this third party crap is accomplishing very little, other than to gain headlines for Trump. What Trump needs to do, if he truly is as interested as he claims to be in getting Barry out of office, is to select the GOP candidate that he thinks stands the best chance of accomplishing just that. He can do it now, or wait for the primary process to run its course, but that's what he can do if he's truly interested in helping the cause. But I'm just not sure that's what he's interested in doing. I can never figure out for sure what it is that motivates Trump, because I'm never sure what Trump cares about other than, of course,…Trump.


Once again our old friend, and faux preacher, Rev. Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton demonstrates his inane abilty to attempt to make himself relevant while coming off sounding, and looking, like a complete moron. 

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Apparently that well-known midget and retread from the days of "BJ" Clinton, Robert Reich, has a political prediction for us. Reich who fancies himself an economist, a professor, and was "Slick Willie's" labor secretary says that his prediction for 2012, which he says is based on absolutely no inside information, is that Hitlery and "Slow Joe" will swap places. "Slow Joe" becomes Secretary of State, supposedly a position he’s coveted for years, and Hitlery becomes Vice President. Hence, the Democratic ticket for 2012 becomes the theoretical dream team of Obama-Clinton and a match made in, I'm not sure where. As far as the country would be concerned, it would be a match made deep in the bowels of HELL. It would be even more of a disaster than what we have barely managed to survive for the last 3 years. But that seems to be of very little concern for this little miniature socialist. He's just one more of those out there in the far reaches of that alternate universe where that leftist dream of achieving that ever elusive utopia still exists. He's another one of those leftwing nuts who simply refuses to recognize the mountains of evidence that make it painfully clear that no matter how often it is tried, this socialist fantasy simply doesn't work. Everywhere that it has been implemented, the only results that have ever been achieved have included abject misery and an increase in those forced to live out their lives in poverty. But yet, they keep trying, doing the same things over and over and somehow expecting a different outcome.

So Mr. Reich poses the question, "Why do I say this?" He goes on to answer his own question thusly, "Because Obama needs to stir the passions and enthusiasms of a Democratic base that’s been disillusioned with his cave-ins to regressive Republicans. Hillary Clinton on the ticket can do that." This guy is a real piece of work. What cave-ins, exactly, that Barry supposedly made to these "regressive" Republicans, might this clown be talking about? But wait, he goes on, "Moreover, the economy won’t be in superb shape in the months leading up to Election Day. Indeed, if the European debt crisis grows worse and if China’s economy continues to slow, there’s a better than even chance we’ll be back in a recession. Clinton would help deflect attention from the bad economy and put it on foreign policy, where she and Obama have shined." Shined? How the Hell does this runt define shined? Our foreign policy has been just as big of a disaster as has been our domestic policy. We are now witnessing what happens in the world when the United States shirks it's leadership responsibility. And another thing, I guess it's now Mr. Reich's opinion that the Democrats need to "deflect attention" away from a bad economy that remains in it's current condition because of policies put into place by Barry. According to Mr. Reich, there are more important things at stake than improving our economy or exerting American leadership and influence upon a world in crisis. A world that has essentially been adrift since January 20, 2009.

This mental midget goes on to say that, "The deal would also make Clinton the obvious Democratic presidential candidate in 2016 — offering the Democrats a shot at twelve (or more) years in the White House, something the Republicans had with Ronald Reagan and the first George Bush but which the Democrats haven’t had since FDR. Twelve years gives the party in power a chance to reshape the Supreme Court as well as put an indelible stamp on America." So, at least according to midget boy here, what has become paramount is the gaining of an opportunity to "reshape" the Supreme Court. I guess he's of the opinion that we can just say screw the economy, because there are bigger fish to fry. The prime objective here is to get crackpot leftist justices on the Supreme Court so that we are then able to get this country a little farther into the "progressive" sewer. Now if that little possibility doesn't send a rather significant chill right down the center of your spine, I'm guessing nothing will. Such a scenario would bring about an effective end to America as it has been known since it first came into being. Guys like this loon, are determined to remake this country into something that would have our Founders spinning in their graves. And at some point the American people are going to have to step up to the plate and make it known than the twisted vision that Reich and his crowd have for this country, is not the vision held by a majority of the people living in this country. Or, is it?

To further advance his idiotic little premise, Mr. Reich says, "According to the latest Gallup poll, the duo are this year’s most admired man and woman This marks the fourth consecutive win for Obama while Clinton has been the most admired woman in each of the last 10 years. She’s topped the list 16 times since 1993, exceeding the record held by former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, who topped the list 13 times. Obama-Clinton in 2012. It’s a natural." I still find it rather hard to figure out who it is exactly that can bring themselves to actually admire either one of these two, very prolific, liars. They are two of the most patently dishonest individuals on the entire planet and yet there are those among us who can bring themselves to admire such behavior? Frankly, I just don't get it. As far as I'm concerned getting these two together is far from a dream ticket and much more of a nightmare scenario. Can you possibly imagine the level of corruption that would take place if both of these characters were loose in the White House? And let's not forget the fact that we'd have that old pervert, "Slick Willie," once again rambling around the hallways, in search of some unsuspecting female to molest in the nearest closet. Bottom line here, should this dream of such a union actually come to fruition, the American people would be stupid to fall for it. But then, as we have seen on any number of occasions, the American people aren't the brightest folks you'll ever come across. But who knows, stranger things have happened. So, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


What does it say about us as a nation, when two of the most prolific liars on the entire planet also appear to be the two people most "admired" by Americans. Somehow it seems more than just a little twisted that Secretary of State Hitlery Clinton and Barry "Almighty" continue to be named by Americans as the Most Admired Woman and Most Admired Man living today in any part of the world. And what really seems more than just a little disheartening is the fact that old Hitlery has been named the Most Admired Woman each of the last 10 years, and Barry the Most Admired Man four years in a row. The cast of characters rounding out the top five on the women's side of the house is Oprah "I'm a racist" Winfrey, Michelle "Big-butt" Obama, followed well back, in single digits, by Sarah Palin, and Condoleezza Rice. The four Most Admired men coming in far behind our "Dear Beloved Leader" were George W. Bush, "Slick Willie" Clinton, Billy Graham, and Warren "Taxes, I don't need to pay no stinkin taxes" Buffett. The poll does nothing if not indicate the rather skewed priorities of the American people.

So, is this is what we, the American people, have now been reduced to, choosing two of the shallowest, and most dishonest, individuals on the entire planet to idolize and admire. I guess our self-esteem must be pretty well shot to Hell. I mean really, I can't think of any two individuals less deserving of admiration, except maybe any of those whom we choose to watch on the big screen. We Americans are, apparently, a pretty hapless bunch if we see the traits possessed by these two as being something to be admired. Speaking for myself, I set my standards just a bit higher and my admiration is a little harder to come by. And I most certainly would not waste it on the likes of either Hitlery or Barry. It's been said that the cream will always rise to the top, but in this particular instance I think another old adage would be much more applicable. You know the one that says shit always floats. I simply cannot fathom what people see in either one of these two that would make either appear as admirable. Honestly, for all of the damage that these two have done, or tried to do, to our country they are deserving of nothing but scorn.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Even under the best of circumstances, being inept wouldn't even come close to describing what it is we are witnessing on the part of our president. And while that word has been bandied about pretty freely over the course of the last three years, to continue to do so only serves to imply a certain level of naïveté on the part of the user. Because, I would argue that most, if not all, that we have been witness to over the course of his time in office, has been done with a specific purpose in mind. From his seizure of our healthcare system to his seizure of auto companies and major chunks of our financial sector, all have been done in an effort to, to use Barry's words, "fundamentally transform" America. And in doing so, no one has done more in their effort to exterminate the middle class than has Barack Hussein Obama!

And now as the GOP primaries are officially beginning to heat up, and the 2012 election quickly approaches, the Team Barry "Almighty" has reportedly decided to focus all of its attention on the economy. Perhaps three years of being hammered by Republicans for poor job growth and high unemployment prompted this supposed change of focus. “We’re seeing continuing high levels of unemployment. We see home values declining; foreclosures remain at record levels,” said former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, concluding that Barry "Almighty" “has failed in the job he was elected to do.” And Romney’s not the only high-profile GOP candidate to attack Barry "Almighty" on the economy. All of the Barry's potential rivals have take shot at one point or another. And with good reason, there is so much there to work with.

Therefore, because Barry "Almighty" would very much like to see a repeat of the 2008 election, there had to be a change on strategies, so, therefore, don’t expect to see any of the nonsensical, feel-good messages like “Hope and Change.” Instead, get ready for a whole new tact this time around, get ready for the dawn of “Fair Shot.” As Christi Parsons and David Lauter, of an outfit called McClatchy-Tribune News Service, point out, the Barry administration, up until this point, has relied mostly on the “It Could Be Worse” tactic while defending its economic initiatives. However, and for all of the obvious reasons, strategists in the Barry camp don’t think this message will go far with average Americans. They decided they needed something a bit more proactive and endearing to voters.

So, what about this new campaign theme? Well, Parsons and Lautner report, "…increasingly, Obama and his aides have switched to a longer view, trying to focus attention on what they portray as the president’s defense of the middle class…The theme of giving the middle class a “fair shot” potentially works against whoever survives the demolition derby among the Republican hopefuls…The “fair shot” theme also provides a more positive message than previous Barry formulations, which some analysts saw as harder-edged attacks on the wealthy, after all “fair shot” has a nicer ring to it than "punish our enemies." But my question to anyone willing to buy into this drivel would be, "In what other country on the entire planet, would anyone get a fairer shot than in this country?"

Supposedly this new strategy is based upon “defending the middle class” and giving them a “fair shot.” “This isn’t just about recovering from this recession,” said some nameless senior adviser to Barry, “This is about saving the middle class from a decline that’s been going on for three decades.” The president’s “Teddy Roosevelt” speech at Osawatomie, KS., earlier this year marked the beginning of this new “Defenders of the Middle Class” campaign strategy. You can expect to hear a lot more of this type of rhetoric, especially during his upcoming State of the Union address. “It’s a much stronger position than where he was before,” said Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg. Talking about the “state of the middle class” connects with voters in a way that discussing the “state of the recovery” doesn’t, he said.

Not surprisingly, however, those who perceive themselves as being "in the know," have labeled this new strategy as “class warfare,” and rightly so. They also accuse Barry of doing nothing more than to continue in his effort to “duck the nation’s problem of creating jobs,” again, rightly so. I mean, all joking aside, here we have a guy who has claimed, repeatedly and quite proudly, that he would put his record up against anyone's, yet he refuses to use it as the basis of his campaign. Instead, he comes up with yet another cutesy bumper-sticker slogan, “Defenders of the Middle Class.” “Obama set the stage for the new approach this fall as he told friends that he felt a need to deliver a speech that would look at the nation’s economic troubles from a ‘higher altitude,’” reports Parsons and Lautner.

Numerous Democratic strategists believe that there are two benefits to this new campaign strategy. First, they believe there is a large audience, you know the imbeciles who makeup the Occupy Wherever crowd, that will take an instant liking to the message. Second, they believe ”Republicans have played into their argument by first backing tax cuts for the wealthy and then balking at a payroll tax cut aimed at the middle class,” writes Parsons and Lautner. “The social Darwinism, the trickle-down economics – these are just not working for this country,” said David "The Turd" Axelrod. “The president’s vision was a very distinct vision from what the Republicans are offering.” That is one statement from this corrupt goon I can agree with. Barry preaches nothing but socialism, the Republicans preach freedom. Can't get anymore "distinct" than that!

Look, anyone who seriously thinks that our "Dear Beloved Leader" is some ardent defender of the middle class is, and for very obvious reasons, dumber than dirt. Something much closer to the truth would be to say that he has single-handedly done more to obliterate the middle class than Jimmy "The Butt-Lick" Carter ever thought about. Name me one thing, just one thing, that Barry has done to help out the middle class. Was Obamacare something that was meant to help out the middle class? Or how about his outright refusal to drill here at home in effort to show some level of concern for those in the middle class who are struggling with escalating energy prices? Or how about his efforts to so over-regulate the private sector we're at the point where no one, or hardly anyone, is willing to hire new employees? Defender of the middle class? No, I think NOT!

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Leftist, and rather twisted, “comedian,” and self-professed advocate for social justice, Bill “Dog Squeeze” Maher has always had a rather exuberant penchant for spewing all manner of offensive commentary. And, up until recently, with the Denver Broncos being on a winning streak, and all, many were wondering if God was perhaps playing a role in quarterback Tim Tebow’s successes. While these facts may seem completely unrelated, on Saturday, they managed to converge when Maher sent an anti-Tim Tebow tweet that has ignited a flurry of unhappy responses.

For those of you who may be completed unaware, not being football fans, on Christmas Eve, the Denver Broncos suffered a pretty hefty loss to the Buffalo Bills (the final score was 40-14). It seemed Tebow, who has captivated fans and media audiences over the past two months, was off of his game, way off his game, to say the least. I’m sure most of you are also aware of the fact that our favorite asshole, Mr. Maher has always been highly critical of religion, so it should come as no surprise that he found this specific loss entertaining enough to actually tweet about it.

His message, which employed some of his usual rather harsh themes, very clearly revealed what a piece of dog squeeze this guy really is. His little juvenile rant went like this, “Wow, Jesus just f**ked #TimTebow bad! And on Xmas Eve! Somewhere in hell Satan is tebowing, saying to Hitler “Hey, Buffalo’s killing them.” I think it safe to say that when speaking of Hell, I’m sure this asshole has a special little seat reserved, most like right next to one of his liberal heroes, Teddy “The Murderer” Kennedy. I often wonder who it is that thinks his crap is anywhere near being funny.


Our stellar vice president, “Slow Joe Biden,” has been pretty of late, performing the duties of what has been described as an “attack dog.” His primary target has been GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney who “Slow Joe has criticized for doing, what he describes as, favoring economic policies that “Slow Joe” says would help some people succeed while leaving the majority of Americans behind. Attempting to demonstrate his skill as a writer of fiction, “Slow Joe” made the claims in an op-ed published in Friday's editions of The Des Moines Register. Of course we’ll never know for sure if he actually wrote this little op-ed himself or had some “help,” after all, he does have a long history of being a plagiarist. Anyway, old “Slow Joe” chose to single out Romney in the state where the first votes will be cast in the GOP competition in less than two weeks.

Creating a wonderful little piece of fiction disguised as an op-ed, old “Slow Joe” said that Romney's proposals for the economy "would actually double down on the policies that caused the greatest economic calamity since the Great Depression and accelerated a decades-long assault on the middle class." "Romney also misleadingly suggests that the president and I are creating an `Entitlement Society,' whereby government provides everything for its people without regard to merit, as opposed to what he calls an "Opportunity Society," where everything is merit-based and every man is left to fend for himself," “Slow Joe” wrote. This supposed op-ed is nothing more than another perfect example of what this Martin/Lewis team will not stoop to in order for them to achieve re-election. They will tell any lie, commit any fraud to advance their main tactic of inflaming class warfare.

After months of criticizing the policies of the Barry “Almighty” administration, Romney has had to focus some of his efforts on former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who gained significant momentum in recent weeks in his battle for the GOP nomination. Earlier this week, Romney accused, while doing nothing more than point out what all available evidence suggests, Barry “Almighty” of deepening the economic crisis and backing policies that would redistribute wealth instead of creating equal opportunity for people to do well. Romney said his policies would turn the U.S. into an "opportunity society" while Barry's vision for an "entitlement society" would make more people dependent on government welfare. "The only entitlement we believe in is an America where if you work hard, you can get ahead," “Slow Joe” wrote in his rather lame op-ed response.

For his part, our “Dear Beloved Leader,” Barry “Almighty” has largely refrained from doing any dirty work, preferring instead, to make it appear that he is above all such nonsense. He would rather leave behavior referred to as “counterattacking” his Republican challengers, to others. He likes to say that he will wait until voters have settled on a nominee. But you’d have to be dumber than dirt not see Barry’s fingerprints all over this thug style of politics. “Slow Joe's” column is but the latest aggressive sign that Team Barry believes that Romney will likely prove to be the choice to emerge from the field. And it further demonstrates, and very clearly, that Team Barry is committed to no running on Barry’s record, choosing instead to embark on a path of chosen by so many Democrats of the past, that being one of personal destruction of rivals and class warfare.

Saturday, December 24, 2011


                              MAY GOD BLESS US, ONE AND ALL


Demonstrating the most recent example of what it is that we have come to expect from the loony left in the way of Christmas spirit, we have that potential stroke candidate, Ed Schultz. You see, it was just days before Christmas and with the House Republicans having come off what he described as a political defeat for the Tea Party, which he deeply despises, that this lunatic went off on one of his trademark rants. Now you would think that the nutty MSNBC host and liberal radio "personality" might have demonstrated just a little holiday cheer other than the standard heavy flow of toxic rhetoric spewing from his mouth. Nope, not Ed, he just couldn’t resist letting loose on House Republicans during his radio show Thursday shortly before a deal was announced on the payroll-tax-cut extension. Maybe it an attempt by this twisted moron to boost his listening audience up over the present dozen or so.


In what was a pre-Christmas interview with Baba “The Sea Hag” Walters that aired on ABC the other night, those watching witnessed a very rare event. It was when Barry “Almighty” referred to himself as being lazy and going on to say that it’s the result of having grown up in Hawaii, with the sun and beach. And this fact comes as a surprise to whom, exactly? This guy has spent nearly half of his entire time in office either on the golf course or on vacation somewhere. Anyway in this idiotic interview, Baba asks each: "What's the trait you most deplore in yourself and the trait you most deplore in others?"

"Laziness," the president replies.
"You're lazy?" Baba asks.
"You know, it's interesting,” says the president. “There is a deep down -- underneath all the work that I do -- I think there's a laziness in me. It's probably from, you know, growing up in Hawaii and it's sunny outside, and sitting on the beach”
“Sounds good to me,” Baba replies.

Barry is currently on yet another “family” vacation, this one for 10-days. He was scheduled to leave earlier and to stay in Hawaii for over two weeks, but changed his plans after Mitt Romney, a leading contender for the Republican nomination for president, rapped him for leaving town before a budget deal had been reached. Romney has repeatedly criticized the president for his lax work ethic and for taking long vacations, saying earlier this month: “Obama’s idea of a hands-on approach to the economy is getting a grip on his golf club.”

Laziness is but one of the very many troublesome traits possessed by our, less than stellar, president. And his simply being “lazy” is far from being the most important or dangerous. Far more dangerous are the traits that we have seen him demonstrate on any number of occasions over the course of the last 3+ years that reveal a very flawed individual. Traits like dishonesty, his inability, or unwillingness, to tell the truth, his complete lack of character and his willingness to “use” the American people to accomplish an agenda, the specific purpose of which is, to destroy this country.

For him to sit there, during this interview, with his big-butted wife, with that smug look in his face, and while in a location that very few average Americans can afford to “vacation” this year, thanks to his socialist policies, was nothing if not nauseating. But then, average don’t have the U.S. taxpayers to rely on to pick up a significant portion of the tab. Barry “Almighty” has thrown us, our Constitution and our country under the proverbial bus more times than I care to count. And I don’t see him backing off of his continuing to do so in, what I hope, will be his brief remaining time in office.


Friday, December 23, 2011


Even more lunacy on display.  This supposed journalist comes completely unhinged and when presented with the truth.  It would be funny if our economic situation wasn't so serious and the conditions, in general, in this country weren't so dire.


What a bunch of nuts. But, taking place where it does, this is considered normal behavior.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Well in what shows just how out of touch today’s “movie stars” are with those of us whom they depend on to see their idiotic movies, a number of big names from the entertainment industry have made significant contribution not only to Barry “Almighty’s” campaign for a second term in office, but to the Democratic National Committee as well. According to the campaign contribution data on the OpenSecrets.org Web site, actor George “Loony” Clooney is renewing his support for Barry “Almighty” in 2011 with a $2,500 contribution for the primary and another $2,500 donation for the presidential race – total $5,000. Clooney’s contributions are up from the maximum individual donation of $2,300 that he gave Barry in the 2008 campaign. But “Loony” Clooney is but the tip of a very big, and one that very obviously drifts to the left, iceberg.

Under federal election campaign finance law for 2011-12, an individual may give $2,500 to each candidate and $30,800 to a national party committee, such as the Democratic National Committee (DNC) or the Republican National Committee (RNC). “Loony” Clooney gave the maximum $30,800 to the DNC, the same day he gave the two donations for the Barry primary and general election. Tom Hanks, a two-time Oscar winner for Best Actor, is also, like Clooney, renewing his support for Barry. Hanks gave two $2,500 donations to Barry on Apr. 26, 2011. He also gave the maximum $30,800 to the DNC that same day. Actor Michael Douglas, who recently renewed his role as Wall Street wizard Gordon Gekko in “Money Never Sleeps,” donated $2,000 to Barry. Michael’s father, Kirk Douglas, evidence that he’s as stupid as he is old, gave the maximum $2,500 to Sen. Diane Feinstein.

Filmmaker Steven Spielberg, a big fan of Fidel Castro, went above and beyond, giving $30,800 to the DNC, $8,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee on July 31, and two $2,500 donations to Barry “Almighty.” Spielberg also gave the maximum $2,500 to Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), two $2,500 donations to Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), another $2,500 to Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), and another $2,500 to Rep. Howard Berman (D-Calif.). Some of Spielberg’s esteemed fellow filmmakers joined him in directing their contributions toward Democratic causes. Director Ron Howard gave $1,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, while Rob Reiner, proving he’s still a “Meathead” and Cameron Crowe donated $5,000 and $500, respectively, to the same committee. Crowe also contributed the yearly maximum of $2,500 to Barry.

Over on the music side of the house we have those who comprise the primary cause for my being unable to remember the last time I bought someone’s “album.” I honestly cannot remember that last time, other that for a various number of country signers, I went out and purchased a collection of songs by anyone. We have singer-songwriter, and well-known burnout, Neil Young who gave the maximum: $30,800 to the DNC, and two $2,500 donations to Barry. Neil’s wife, Pegi Young, who must also be a victim of reduced mental facilities, also gave the maximum: $30,800 to the DNC and two $2,500 donations to Barry. And then we have that five-time Grammy Award winner James Taylor who proudly matched Young’s contributions to both the DNC Services Corp. and Barry, giving the maximum annual contributions.

I fail to understand what it is that these useful idiots hope to accomplish by the making of these very significant contributions to both Barry and the Democrat Party. It was the many heroes of Barry who, in their attempts to seize power, made sure that the first ones exterminated were those who perceived themselves as being “artists.” As I have said before it is characters like those mentioned here, that forms the basis for my no longer being willing to cough up the price of a movie. And when I do go, which is rare, when I get home I feel like I need to take a shower because I feel so dirty. When I do go to the movies I don’t feel like being lectured to, I go because I want to be entertained. But entertainment no longer seems to be the rationale behind making movies. I need to be taught something about global warming, evil corporations or some other nonsense. Going to the movies just is any fun anymore.


Barry “Almighty” is now busily trolling for sob stories, real and or imagined it matters not, not out of any genuine concern for those writing the stories, but, instead, to use as political ammunition. Ammunition that he hopes to be able to use in his efforts to apply pressure to Republicans in forcing them to finally agree to a “2 Month” extension of the payroll tax. An extension that really makes no sense. Since beginning this little “Operation Sob Story” on Wednesday, when it asked the question, "What does $40 mean to you?" the Barry White House claims that it has been literally flooded with responses. One day after the White House asked supposed "working" people to "tell us what your family will give up if your (payroll) taxes increase," we’re told that the stories are rolling in. Stories ranging from a person who worried about not having enough to pay the cable bill -- or continue family pizza nights, to "Our cable internet bill is $49 per month. If we lose this payroll tax cut then we will have to give up either (our) internet access or possibly our 'Friday Family Pizza' night. Either way, we will lose something that brings us together as a family," wrote "K.Z" from Frederick, Maryland. Another person wrote that $40 will "buy lunch from the cafeteria for almost a whole month for my twins." And on and on it goes.

The White House claims that it received over 18,000 submissions through a form on Whitehouse.gov, averaging over 1,000 an hour and coming in from every state in the nation. But if we’ve learned anything from this White House, it’s the fact that it has a tendency to exaggerate numbers. An extension of the payroll tax cut will save a "typical" family earning $50,000 around $40 a paycheck, so the White House says. But a fact that all of those providing the White House with their personal sob stories seem to ignore, is that it also will reduce the only dedicated funding source for Social Security benefits. But very few people in Washington are talking about that and most certainly not Barry or the Congressional Democrats. So Barry and his fellow Democrats continue in their attempts to blame House Republicans for the current stalemate over extending the payroll tax cut. But once again they’re being more than a little disingenuous. The House bill calls for a year-long extension; but the Senate passed a bill extending it for two months. So unless the two bills are reconciled by the end of the year, the payroll tax will go up. Some conservative Republicans say the payroll tax cut extension is a bad idea, period, because it siphons money from the Social Security Trust Fund.

Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.) is among the conservatives who voted against extending the payroll tax cut. "While I support comprehensive tax reform, I do not support the flawed legislation presently before us," Rep. Wolf said on Dec. 13. "The issue today, as defined by both political parties and the president, is whether or not a temporary – and costly – one-year payroll tax “holiday” should expire at the end of the month. The real issue is whether it is responsible for Washington to further shortchange the Social Security Trust Fund at a time when it is already on an unsustainable path." Wolf called the payroll tax extension a "raid on Social Security, which is already going broke," and he noted that the money paid into the system now -- through payroll taxes -- pays benefits for existing retirees. "Granting another tax holiday is unwise. It puts the existing benefits of those 55 million Americans who currently receive Social Security at risk to continue a failed 'stimulus' policy," Wolf said. Many, including The Wall Street Journal, have severely chastised the House Republicans, saying their failure to compromise has provided to Barry the upper hand in the continuing conversation. But if hindsight is 20/20, this “tax holiday” should have never been agreed to in the first place. That was the mistake.

So is this what we, the AMERICAN people, have now been reduced to? Beggars willingly made to be dependent upon the beneficence of our “Dear Beloved Leader? Are these the modern day examples of the self-reliance, rugged individuality and perseverance that built this country into being the envy of the World? It would certainly appear so. Have we allowed Barry to make us into, what is essentially, nothing more than a pathetic imitation of those whiny, sniveling Europeans? When going over all of these supposed stories from “working” Americans, I find it unbelievable to see just how far down we have permitted ourselves to be dragged by Barry. This is “Hope and Change?” Gone, today is any semblance of a willingness, on the part of the individual, to take an active role in getting themselves through these Barry created hard economic times. A majority of these sob story writers would, apparently rather depend on government than on their own abilities, it’s just easier. I can only assume that all, or most, of these people have bought, hook, line and sinker, Barry’s socialist propaganda, and have therefore allowed themselves to be convinced into believing that only government has the capability to get them through difficult times. They need to snap out of it! AND FAST!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Actor Matt Damon is pissed off and, by God, he isn’t going to take it anymore. Old Matt who has traditionally been a major supporter of Barry “Almighty,” made it rather obvious earlier this year that perhaps the bloom had fallen off the Barry rose, as far as his opinion of our socialist president was concerned, as he began to reveal a rather strong dislike for the president’s policies. Now, just months later, the Oscar winner is upping the ante a bit regarding the intensity of his attacks. But how it is, exactly, that Mr. Damon is able to perceive himself as being, in any way, qualified to offer up a critique of anyone’s policies is anyone’s guess.

It was back in March that the esteemed Mr. Damon criticized Barry’s education policies, telling CNN’s Piers Morgan, “I really think he misinterpreted his mandate. A friend of mine said to me the other day, I thought it was a great line, ‘I no longer hope for audacity.’”  “He’s doubled down on a lot of things, going back to education…the idea that we‘re testing kids and we’re tying teachers salaries to how kids are performing on tests, that kind of mechanized thinking has nothing to do with higher order,” Damon continued. “We’re training them, not teaching them.” No Matt, what we’re very enthusiastically doing is indoctrinating them. Pay attention!

More recently in the new issue of Elle Magazine, that highly sought after source of political insight and commentary, Damon doesn‘t hold back in an interview expounding on his negative assessment of Barry’s overall performance. The actor attacks the president for not getting “stuff done” and he uses some strong language to describe his first term. “I’ve talked to a lot of people who worked for Obama at the grassroots level. One of them said to me, ‘Never again. I will never be fooled again by a politician,’” Damon said. “You know, a one-term president with some balls who actually got stuff done would have been, in the long run of the country, much better.” Where does this guy come up with this stuff?

I talked about these screwed up Hollywood types before, and this latest rant by Damon will, most assuredly, be only one more on long list of many. These readers of other people’s words continue to view themselves as being someone that we, the little people should listen to as they go about the trashing of our country. And who really gives a rip what this moron or any of his clownish friends really thinks about anything. They act as if they are playing a part in some bad movie, and then seem offended when we tell them to shut up and do what it is that you do best. They feel free to live the high life while telling us to drive smart cars and how to manage our thermostats.


Ya know, it just never fails, every time I think that I’ve finally heard it all, I know that I can always count on some brain dead fellow citizen, who is most always some imbecilic Democrat, to come along and prove me absolutely wrong. And I have been assisted yet again in proving my theory, courtesy of a recent event that has taken place and with aid coming from someone who’s no stranger when it comes to putting her rather twisted perspective of things on display for all to plainly see. Coming off what I’m told was an apparent fart, or not, on live TV last week, Whoopi Goldberg declared on “The View” Tuesday that communism is “a great concept” that “makes perfect sense.”

All of should now be familiar with the stupidity of Ms. Goldberg. This time her idiotic comments came during a discussion with her fellow “hosts” regarding the death of North Koran perverted dictator, Kim Jong Il, after establishing that his son and successor, Kim Jong Un, had been educated in Switzerland. “If you say that this is how our culture is and then you send your child to a Swiss boarding school — you know, this is what happens with communism. It’s a great concept. On paper it makes perfect sense. But once you put a human being in power, it shifts. We saw it in Russia, we’ve seen it all around the world. It’s nuts. But, I keep my fingers crossed.”

And of course never wishing to be outdone when it comes to being a moron, old Joyless Behar said, “We wish them well in North Korea.” Who is it, exactly, that continues to watch this odd collection who, between all of them, share no more than a dozen or so brain cells, with the majority of them clearly possessed by Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Is this really what now constitutes quality television programming? And just how much of a simpleton do you have to be in order to glean any amount of entertainment value, whatsoever, from this lame gathering of a bunch of old hens? I can only assume that it’s only Democrats who watch, because anyone with a brain simply cannot relate to this ignorant little group.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I’ve often wondered what must it feel like to possess no morals, no conscience, not even the slightest amount of character or personal integrity to the point where you can lie with ease and make obviously false accusations so easily to achieve something so trivial, in the big scheme of things, as an election victory. To find the answer to what that must be like, we would need to look no further than that sleaziest of characters, and one who’s helping to run Barry “Amighty's” re-election effort, David Axelrod. Now while these are the typical traits that we’ve come to expect from all Democrats, Mr. Axelrod has managed to take them to all new heights as he goes about the using of all manner of tactic to get his guy re-elected. Mr. Axelrod’s recent attempt to smear the entire GOP, clearly demonstrates the level of scorched earth tactics upon which he is willing to embark. This slime-bag claims he's not salivating over the chance to slam Republicans over the latest dust-up back in Washington over the extension of the payroll tax cut. "If I have the choice between extending the tax cut for a year and energizing our economy and having an issue to run on, I'd rather energize the economy," Axelrod said in an exclusive interview with Fox News. "I think that it's better for the country, it's better for the president. Frankly it's better for the Congress even if they don't see it.”

However, it’s in his next breath that the esteemed Mr. Axelrod flatly charges that the latest move by House Republicans to block a Senate compromise extending the tax cut for two months is nothing more than an effort by the GOP to choke off any economic recovery and damage Barry Almighty's already difficult re-election prospects. "You have to wonder whether some folks over there think somehow -- think screwing up the economy, throwing a wrench in the works is a good political strategy for them," Axelrod told Fox News. What an imbecilic statement made by a man supposedly some kind of political genius. Here he is, Mr. Axelrod, an active participant in a campaign to reelect the one man who has done more, to use Mr. Axelrod’s own words, to “screw up the economy,” enthusiastically pointing at those of trying to repair all that Barry has done, as being the bad guys. "Somehow if they can slow the recovery down, if they can cost a half million or delay a half million jobs, that that will hurt the president." House Republicans were expected to reject Senate-passed payroll tax legislation with a price tag is $33 billion. The Senate measure allows for the Social Security tax rate to stay at 4.2 percent from 6.2 percent for another two months instead of the year that most House GOP members prefer.

Speaker Boehner recently, and rightly so, took exception to Mr. Axelrod’s idiotic accusations saying, "Doing a two-month extension instead of a full-year extension causes uncertainty for job creators." The Speaker went on to say, "A two-month extension creates uncertainty and will cause problems for people who are trying to create jobs in the private sector." Boehner said he wants to come up with a compromise the old-fashioned way -- in a conference of House and Senate lawmakers, though House votes on the issue were postponed until Tuesday. Back in Washington, Barry “Almighty” and his aides say they're not watching the GOP nomination fight closely as they deal with the Congressional endgame. In the president's hometown, however, Fox News was given a tour of the Barry “Almighty’s” team's 50,000-square-foot re-election headquarters where dozens of paid staffers are working around the clock to be ready for the eventual Republican standard bearer. In an interview across town in the offices of Axelrod's private consulting business, which is lined with photos of political memorabilia and campaigns past, the president's top campaign strategist mused this year's race is even more exciting than the 2008 Democratic slugfest between Barry and Hitlery.

Demonstrating what he must presume to be an opinion those on our side care about, Axelrod said he's no longer sure about the conventional wisdom that has former Governor Mitt Romney outlasting former Speaker Newt Gringrich and the numerous other contenders.  "I think that the assumption has been that Governor Romney will wear everybody out, that you know he'll win the war of attrition," said Axelrod. "But who knows?" Even after having said that, Axelrod still trained his fire on Romney. "The whole core of Governor Romney's campaign is that I'm not a politician, I'm a businessman," said Axelrod. "Leave aside the fact that he's been running for office for 17 years, and that he's put 52 million dollars of his own into those campaigns. I think when you spend 52 million dollars on your own campaigns, you qualify as a politician." Axelrod also mocked Gingrich by borrowing an old adage from a former Chicago alderman who years ago decided not to run for higher office. And in revealing his rather juvenile side, in talking about Gingrich, Axelrod has made such sophomoric statements as, "The higher a monkey climbs up a pole, the more you can see his butt.” Axelrod went on to explain his idiotic statement as, "Meaning that the more prominent you become, the more you become the front-runner, the more everybody takes a close look at you. And that's certainly what's happening with the Speaker.”

Still, ever the lying hypocrite unable to be taken at his word, Axelrod vowed that if Gingrich winds up being the GOP nominee, the Barry campaign would not use any of its ads or other mediums to slam the former Speaker about his personal life -- although the door, of course, would still be open for the any number of outside Democratic groups that can be called upon to launch such attacks. "Obviously people will make judgments on these candidates as human beings and how they live their lives," said Axelrod. "I'm not going to stray into those waters." Right! Like this piece of shit will leave no stone unturned in his efforts to be Barry reelected. Axelrod said the Barry campaign would rather focus on substantive issues like the economy, and believes it has a compelling case the President rescued the nation from a second Great Depression and slowly but surely is turning it around. Well that certain hasn’t been the case thus far. Barry has no record on which to run. Axelrod noted there were more than two dozen debates in the 2008 Democratic primary and he laughably suggested that the current GOP field is nowhere near as strong as the group that included Barry, Hitlery and other Democrats like “Slow Joe,” who would go on to get his clock cleaned by Sarah Palin, and Chris “I’m so big of a crook I can’t run for re-election” Dodd. "There were a lot of plausible presidents on that platform," said Axelrod.

Some times I find myself wondering, just who is it that Mr. Axelrod is trying to convince. Is it the American people, or is it himself. But at the same time I am very well aware of the tactics that scum like Mr. Axelrod are willing to use in order for them to accomplish that which they desire most. It’s a win at all costs with little regard for the wellbeing of the country or those of us just trying to make a living that enables us to provide for our families. As I have said before, Democrats like Axelrod, as well as his boss Barry, quite literally hate this country. They are on the constant prowl for new and ever more inventive ways to destroy it. And if they can convince enough stupid Americans that they are something other than what they are, just long enough to win the next election, well then, my friends, we are truly doomed as a free and sovereign nation. This next election may very well prove to be an IQ test, of sorts, for the American people. No matter who the GOP candidate is, in the end, there will be a very clear and stark difference between them and Barry. As such, it will be made very easy for the American people to decide in which direction they wish the country to go, and therefore what price, in freedoms lost, they may wish to pay. Will enough of the American people allow themselves to be convinced by slime like Axelrod that Barry needs time to finish his job of destroying America? Or not!


And she was doing nothing more than calling it like she, and everyone else, sees it.  Penn and his numerous Hollywood liberals seem to perceive things just a bit differently than most "normal" people.  They seem to forget, or choose to ignore, the fact that were they to live in any other country, their pathetic lives would be far different.  It's a holier-than-thou, do as I say, not as I do, attitude that's so prevalent among today's "movie stars" that, I think, can easily be identified as being the source for what is a growing lack of "enthusiasm," shall I say, that we see coming from more and more Americans for going out and coughing up bigger and bigger chunks of their hard earned money to see the movies made by these losers. 

Friday, December 16, 2011


There is nobody in the country that can make the case better than Nancy herself, that these congressional Democrats have no desire, nor interest, whatsoever, in doing anything that will get this country back on its feet and headed in the right direction.  Democrats are interested in ony one thing, the aquisition of political power through the rapid expension of government and they have no qualms about using whatever tactics they see as being successful in helping to meet that end.  To be perfectly blunt, Democrats SUCK!  

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Finally, proof that there still remains some level of sanity in Congress, however slight, was evidenced by the fact that despite a plea from the Barry "Almighty" administration that the military ban on sodomy and bestiality be repealed, a House-Senate conference committee has restored the ban to the final version of the National Defense Authorization Act. The sodomy-bestiality ban would have been repealed by the version of the bill that had been approved by the Senate. I mean you have to ask yourself, what kind of individual is it that would think it perfectly acceptable to force those serving our country into the uncomfortable position of having to tolerate such behavior and for no other reason that to increase the odds of getting votes from those who favor taking part in such activities. It goes to show just how low this administration is willing to sink as goes on its quest for votes.

It was a spokesman for the House Armed Services Committee that said on Wednesday that the Barry "Almighty" administration had “made its pitch” on repealing Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice related to sodomy, but the members of the conference committee “were not persuaded” that such a change was actually needed. Tom McClusky, vice president of government relations for the Family Research Council, praised House Armed Services Chairman Howard “Buck” McKeon (R-Calif.), saying McKeon was one of the reasons why the Senate-passed provision did not wind up in the final conference report. McClusky also credited public outrage directed at members of the Senate--who had voted 93-7 less than two weeks ago to repeal Article 125. Outage sparked because most Americans possess a higher level of respect for the military than do most Democrats.

Sen. John McCain (R.-Ariz.), the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee had said last week that despite his, supposedly spending many hours working on the Senate version of the bill, he was unaware that it repealed the ban on sodomy and bestiality. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R.-S.C.), who is also a member of the Armed Services Committee, likewise said he was unaware that the bill his committee produced repealed the ban on sodomy and bestiality. McCain and Graham both voted for the bill in the Senate. How can you "spend many hours" working on an important piece of legislation and be oblivious of something as glaring as a ban on sodomy and bestiality? I'm just not getting that. Maybe they should actually read what it is that they are voting for, especially when it involves our troops who have so little to say about their environment.

After it was publicized by several news outlets that the Senate bill would repeal the sodomy-bestiality ban, White House Spokesmoron Jay "I'm a clueless moron" Carney supposedly mocked some reporter who asked him about the repeal at a White House briefing. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), who I generally chalk up to being nothing more than a group of half-baked loons, then sent a letter to Carney rebuking him for dealing with the issue so "flippantly" and also another letter to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta urging that the military's ban on bestiality be retained. I suppose if there is one issue where I'd be willing to say this group has a point it would be this one. While I guess it can be considered as being cruelty to animals how about it simply being viewed as an activity that takes perversion to a whole new level.

And something that should come as no surprise, Aubrey Sarvis, the executive director of the Service Members Legal Defense Network, a top homosexual activist group, said his group was disappointed that the conferees voted to keep Article 125 on the books. “Dropping Article 125 has been recommended for more than a decade by SLDN and several groups, including the Cox Commission that includes distinguished legal scholars from the military and academia, as well as the Comprehensive Review Working Group,” Sarvis said in a statement Wednesday. He went on to add, “The Senate was right to take this action, and it is unfortunate that their attempt to end Article 125 did not prevail. SLDN will continue to work with the Senate, House, and Department of Defense to bring about this needed change." Needed change? No, I really don't think so.

McClusky, meanwhile, said that the Barry "Almighty" administration is not likely to give up on the issue. “I would expect we’ll see the Obama administration going after it again,” he said. “I don’t see how they lie down on this because this is something that for a lot of the homosexual groups whom the administration is beholden to, this is one of their top priorities,” he said. Well that's a no brainer. When it comes to anything that helps in tearing down the morals of our society, and at the same time garners them some votes, its something that Democrats are strongly in favor of. For the time being, there continues to be significant opposition in the House of Representatives to any effort to decriminalize sodomy and bestiality, he added. “Even before the bestiality provision was brought forward, there were many members on the House side who said they would fight this, and bring down the bill, if needed,” McClusky said.

I'm really getting tired of the never-ending assault taking place to remove whatever stigmas that may still remain in our society. The very fiber of our society seems to be under constant attack from those on the left. We now have a president of the United States, the Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces, essentially advocating that the taking part in bestiality by those in the service be permitted to take place without any fear of retribution. Just how twisted is that? Is this what Barry learned from attending Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years? Barry is so intent on destroying this country that there is no longer remains anything that is considered as going to far. He is disgusting, and not only a failure as a president, but a failure as human being. He has no respect whatsoever for those in our military, they are to be treated as labs rats in some sick experiment, especially if in the end it gets him some votes.


Well it seems that a couple of our favorite sleazy Democratic Senators, little “Chuckie” Schumer from New York and his fellow scumbag Ben Cardin, who, like gasbag Steny Hoyer over in the House, is yet another moron from Maryland, have taken it upon themselves to introduce a little jewel of a piece of legislation designed to do one thing, and one thing only. It would be to make it a federal crime to publish false or misleading election material in an effort to prevent people from voting. Is this not a colossal waste of time? You see, it's crap like this that these Senate Democrats would rather waste time on than on actually passing, or at least voting on, the 20+ pieces of legislation passed in the House and awaiting some sort of action by the Senate.

They have named their legislation, using typical Orwellian language, the Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act of 2011, and it would, in theory, bring federal criminal and civil penalties to anyone who intentionally puts out false information in an attempt to dissuade or prevent people from voting. The law only applies to false information published 90 days before a federal election and only to information regarding voting eligibility and the time and place of elections. It sounds like something that is likely to snare more Democrats than it would anyone else. Because intentionally putting out false information prior to an election is something that liberals have been doing for decades. But I'm sure that's not what these two have in mind.

This doofus Cardin, one of the bill’s chief sponsors, went so far as to make the idiotic claim that his bill does not violate the “broad” First Amendment protections afforded to political speech, saying that there is no constitutional protection for “fraudulent speech.” But who is it exactly that would be called upon to define what this “fraudulent speech” might consist of? “There’s not a First Amendment protection of fraudulent speech. It’s not a First Amendment-protected right,” Cardin said at the Capitol on Wednesday. So what might be the political motivation for these two clowns? Because if we known anything about such slimy characters, it's that there is always some sort of ulterior motive that's in play, especially around election time.

Cardin also attempted to portray this little charade would actually provide some benefit in saying that the law would target only those with “an intent to disenfranchise” voters by publishing confusing information about when or where an election was taking place or who was eligible to vote. He explained that the law would not try to outlaw all types of misleading or potentially false political speech, but is only “aiming” at attempts to disenfranchise voters. Again, it sounds to me as if this might be a bigger problem for lying Democrats than it would be for anybody else, because, after all, it's usually they who absolutely relish the spreading of all manner of falsehoods, baseless accusations and outright lies the closer that they get to an election.

“We’re not aiming at that,” said Cardin. “We’re aiming at – as you saw – these are efforts to disenfranchise voters. When you tell them the wrong date or you have a fraudulent party identification that’s clearly fraudulent – issues like that [that] are clearly aimed at disenfranchising voters.” Again, what this moron is talking about are exactly the type of tactics that are routinely used by Democrats, and on a rather large scale. So these two dolts might want to be a little careful here, otherwise all they may end up doing to snare a rather significant number of their own kind. Now wouldn't that be a shame? This whole scheme is nothing more that yet another Democrat attempt to squelch freedom of speech.

The bill would supposedly strictly outlaw any production – print, electronic, or telephonic – of any intentionally false information with the intent to mislead or disenfranchise voters within 90 days of a federal election. The bill would also prohibit intentionally misleading voters about who has or has not endorsed a candidate and prohibits anyone from interfering with or hindering voting or voter registration with the intent to prohibit someone from voting or registering to vote. In other words, the law makes it illegal to intentionally misrepresent an endorsement of federal candidates and to disrupt voting and voter registration drives in an effort to prevent people from voting or registering to vote. Therefore, at least potentially, make voter fraud a bit easier.

The law also directs the attorney general of the United States, in this case the esteemed Eric " I'm a racist and damn proud of it" Holder, to issue corrective information should the prohibitions on misleading information be violated and local officials not act quickly enough to correct the misleading information. The law would allow the attorney general to respond to reported violations of the law by issuing written or any other communications he deems necessary to correct misleading election information. There does not have to be an ongoing investigation or a conviction for the attorney general to be able to issue the correction, only a credible report that the law has been violated. Put this right up there with suing states for enforcing federal immigration laws.

Cardin said the law could be violated in any number of ways by different people – not just official campaigns – including a radio broadcast giving out misleading information on when an election is happening. “Sure,” Cardin said when asked if a misleading broadcast could violate the law, “[if] somebody’s attempting to stop people from voting, [then] yes.” Ah, so finally in the end we get a little bit of truth. Is this really a problem that's in need of being urgently addressed? I mean the only instances that I can remember where something close to this occurred, the culprits were Democrats. Such sleazy tactics are not something used by those on the right, despite the baseless claims made by those on the loony left, like these two members of the Senate.

The plain truth here is that all these two unscrupulous characters are desperately trying to accomplish here, is a genuine twofer. They're trying to come up with some "legal" method to make it easier to trick-fuck the system. It's obvious that Democrats in Congress, as well as Barry "Almighty" himself, have no record on which they can run. Therefore, they have no alternative but to do all that they can to somehow rig the system so that it's more in their favor. And what concerns me is that more people don't see the level of hypocrisy in play here. Democrats as a general rule don’t give a rats behind about anything other than doing all they can to tilt the playing field in such a way as to provide their tactics some level of legitimacy. And this is nothing but the latest attempt in that endeavor.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Well it seems that our "Dear Beloved Leader," Barack Hussein Obama, is determined to emulate as closely as possible, his South American comrade in arms, Hugo Chavez, as he once again goes about trumpeting his desire, and promise, to circumvent Congress if it doesn’t accomplish his policy objectives and soon. Now it matters not that all of those very same policy objectives have as their purpose a concerted effort to create environment that is detrimental to our being able to get our economy to a place where it could be said to back on track. They are polices designed to do nothing more than to assist Barry in his reelection campaign. The rule of law and the Constitution are to be sacrificed so that, in the end, Barry gets another 4 years to complete his mission to destroy our country. This need to circumvent Congress has been an oft-repeated mantra of the president and of those in his administration, and in a recent interview with KOAA-TV in Colorado Springs, Barry one again reaffirmed his position to go it alone.

The exchange on the network went like this:

Rob Quirk, KOAA-TV: “And one year from today we will know if this a one-term or two-term president. So, I asked the president what will it take from now until then to not only win Colorado again, but reelection as well.

Barry “Almighty”: “Well, what we’re going to have to do is continue to make progress on the economy over the next several months. And where Congress is not willing to act, we’re going to go ahead and do it ourselves. But it would be nice if we could get a little bit of help from Capitol Hill."


Offering up what, I can only assume, was something that he thought was a brilliant piece of political commentary, Chris “Mr. Tingle up my leg” Matthews, the host of MSNBC’s “Hardball,” launched into what can only be described as being nothing more than a tirade, as he went nearly apoplectic on Monday night trying to explain to his dozen or so viewers, the seemingly inexplicable rise of Newt Gingrich as the GOP frontrunner. “The Republican Party is about to seal a Faustian deal with the devil,” Matthews screeched. I’ve always been a little curious regarding the supposed qualifications which Matthew supposedly possesses that makes him someone worth listening to, or would convince anyone that his opinion worth paying any amount of attention to. Other than being a former speechwriter for that loser Jimmy Carter, what’s his supposed claim to fame? What is it that can cause an individual, a supposed adult, to descend into such juvenile behavior causing him to spew some of the most hateful and vindictive rhetoric imaginable?

What is it about this brain-dead liberal hack and, for that matter, brain-dead liberals in general and for whom apparently old Chris speaks, that gives him, or them, the right to make an attempt to pick our candidate for us. That's what we allowed them do in the last go around and we know how well that worked out. He somehow feels entitled to use all manner slanderous drivel in his bizarre attempts to smear any and all candidates that may eventually go up against the guy that sends "a tingle up his leg?" So just because he doesn't like Gingrich, he accuses those in the GOP who do, of being prepared to make a “deal with the devil”? He seems to possess the perverted notion that the GOP is motivated to support Gingrich not because it’s good business but, to turn a quote from “The Godfather” on its proverbial head, because it’s personal. You see according to this raving imbecile, “The Republicans, led by the angriest among them, are about to give away their partisan souls for one all-consuming political purpose: the destruction of Barack Obama."

In a rant that was more than a bit over the top, and bordered on being some sort of psychotic fit, Matthews launched into a tirade, pausing only briefly, to stop and take a breath, “They are about to begin the nomination for president of a figure who represents the Mephistopheles of what they preach: He is nasty, brutal, ready to fight and kill politically, a man of no discernible commitments or values – who has nothing to offer but a sharp-as-hell intellect and a wicked rapier of words.” (breath) “Why are they on the verge of enlisting in the Army of Newt? Because he voices in cold, nasty, deadly tones the words of their contempt. Because he an opportunist ready to seek any route to his opponent’s heart and thereby kill it,” said Matthews. “He is a political killer, a gun for hire. But he offers a prize so precious he cannot be resisted. This, this is the Faustian deal at hand. Newt Gingrich promises the vision on which they on the right have set their hearts – the few minutes of national television in which the President and his wife stand before them in defeat.” Man, it was amazing to me that old Chris didn't spontaneously combust.

So that’s it? The GOP is leaning towards Newt Gingrich for no other reason than it so desperately desires the defeat of Barry "Almighty" that it would stoop to anything, even nominating Gingrich? Cone on Chris, get a hold of yourself. While Matthews’ assessment of the Gingrich phenomenon may have been more than a little out of control, to put it mildly, there is, I suppose, a legitimate question that needs to be asked. And that would be, what is it that might be behind Gingrich's surging in the polls? It should be pointed out that Glenn Beck was one of the first to question the GOPs’ gravitation towards Gingrich. Look, I like Glenn, I usually agree with what he says, and he's likely right about Gingrich being a “big government” and “progressive” politician. And considering that “big government” is precisely what many conservatives want to run against, how is it that Gingrich is ahead in the polls? Well, personally, I'm for anybody but Obama. Having said that, I will not be voting for Gingrich in my state's primary, but if he ends up being the Republican nominee, I will have no qualms whatsoever in voting for him.

Personally, I can't answer why it is that Gingrich now seems to be so popular with so many in the GOP? Or, exactly what he brings to the table that makes him more “electable” than, say, Rick Santorum, Michelle Bachmann, or even Ron Paul? Are we allowing ourselves to be steered toward Gingrich? Anyway, I do think that people have been impressed by his debate performances, but I don’t think that they fully realize that it takes a lot more than a few good debates to win a general election. But at the same time I fail to see how the assessment being presented by Matthews, and others of his ilk, that trying to win a presidential election somehow equals supporting the ‘false god of hatred, is productive in any way, for anybody. If anything, I think, it reveals a hint of desperation on the part of Chris and those on his side. I suppose I do understand, to some degree, the twisted rationale behind it. But I still find asking myself why is it that liberals always assume that the hatred and vindictiveness that motivates them is also what must, therefore, motivate the rest of us? I'm just not a firm believer in their use of scorched earth tactics.