

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Since essentially purchasing the US presidency, the Marxist-Leninist Barry "Almighty" thugocracy has gone on to commit one act after another that can, I think, safely be said to border on treason. Treason both upon the USA as well as upon its people. And now we have this group of bigots, in the form of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), going from city to city using all manner of incendiary and violent rhetoric which has now, quite literally, declared ‘War’ on what they call the racist Tea Party. This groups of imbecilic malcontents has even gone so far as to make the claim that the Tea Party wants to lynch blacks. Members of the CBC have called for bank runs and civil unrest in their neighborhoods. This is nothing if not pure insanity. As the Tea Party has continued to attempt to reign in Congressional spending, the CBC has become even more vicious and inflammatory in the level and tone of its rhetoric. Members of the radical, as well as very racist, Congressional Black Caucus are now spewing such vile hatred against Tea Party members as to compare Tea Party efforts to attempt nothing more than to stabilize the US economy to ‘enacting Jim Crow laws’ and ’seeing us [blacks] hanging on a tree’. This is not only unconscionable but, it is the equivalent of Islamists calling for and implementing the overthrow of the US government by force. Apparently the Marxist CBC, speaking for all of “black America,” has now declared war on the “white” Tea Party. By the way, Jim Crow laws as well as Ku Klux Clan lynchings were both tools of choice favored by Democrats. And, as Barry’s poll numbers continue to drop his methods to retain power become more and more malevolent. Going back to the campaign of 2008 I'm sure we all remember Barry doing a little inciting of his own as he told his supporters to go out and get in people's faces, and to bring a gun if the opposition were to bring a knife.

I find myself asking the question, "Is there a black member left anywhere in Congress who hasn’t been completely corrupted by bribes and power? Is there a black member left in that once-noble body who actually cares about the survival of this country? Rep. Allen West has now come out and lambasted Rep. Carson’s, his fellow CBC member, outrageous comments that the Tea Party is racist and implying lynching as “reprehensible." Mr. West, a Republican from here in Florida, is the only GOP member of the Congressional Black Caucus, but stated just today to “Fox and Friends” host Steve Doocy today that, “I think I’m reconsidering my membership in the Congressional Black Caucus.” West, who listened to an audio of Carson’s attack of the tea party, derided such comments as “reprehensible.” In addition, he said, the black caucus is ignoring black issues and using the Tea Party as a scapegoat. Members of the CBC are responsible for what can only be described as a diatribe of racially invective language designed for the specific purpose of inflamming and exacerbating racial hatred in this country. Folks, this is only the latest on a long list of assaults on We-the-People. Assaults, the intensity of which has now increased dramatically since the "election" of Barack Hussein Obama. And now, every attempt that is made to successfully unravel the damage that he insists upon doing to this country, is being tied to his race. It's not his race that I have a particular problem with, it's his socialist polices and his desire to "fundamentally transfrom" this country. It's he and many of his supporters who continue to make race the driving issue here. Either we stop these goons calling for race riots, or we die by their hands. As I have warned, and most of us already knew in our guts, we must fight or submit to the oppressors, and submission means both physical and spiritual death. The Barry Thugocracy, via its CBC mouthpieces, have now gone on record and declared war on the people of the United States of America. This consists of “high crimes” and is the purest form of treason. If you’re not willing to fight for Liberty, you doom yourself to die under Tyranny.

And now we have yet another leading member of the Congressional Black Caucus, Rep. Andre Carson (D-Ind.) who is actually the Caucus whip, who is firmly standing by incendiary language he used at a recent town hall when he charged that Tea Party aligned members of Congress view African Americans as “second-class citizens” and would like to see them “hanging on a tree.” These racist Democrats insist upon taking us back to a time that has not existed for a very long time and for no other reason than to attempt to hold onto to their political power. They should be viewed as traitors to their community, but of course we know that that is not going to happen. Rep. Carson’s office did confirm that this pathetic scumbag made the remarks at an August 22 CBC Job Tour event in Miami and said that the comments were “prompted in response to frustration voiced by many in Miami and in his home district in Indianapolis regarding Congress’ inability to bolster the economy.” Frustration? This is how a supposed responsible elected official responds to frustration? “The tea party is protecting its millionaire and oil company friends while gutting critical services that they know protect the livelihood of African-Americans, as well as Latinos and other disadvantaged minorities,” Carson spokesman Jason Tomcsi said. “We are talking about child nutrition, job creation, job training, housing assistance, and Head Start, and that is just the beginning. A child without basic nutrition, secure housing, and quality education has no real chance at a meaningful and productive life.” Mr. Tomcsi added, “So, yes, the congressman used strong language because the Tea Party agenda jeopardizes our most vulnerable and leaves them without the ability to improve their economic standing."

Apparently there was a video of the esteemed Mr. Carson making his rather hate-filled remarks circulating online Tuesday night. The clip is a compilation of footage from several CBC town halls during the August recess. “I’m saying right now, under (CBC) Chairman Emanuel Cleaver’s leadership, we have seen change in Congress ... but the tea party is stopping that change,” Carson said at the event, according to the video. “And this is beyond symbolic change. This is the effort that we’re seeing, of Jim Crow.” “Some of these folks in Congress right now would love to see us as second-class citizens,” Carson continued. “Some of them in Congress right now with this tea party movement would love to see you and me — I’m sorry, Tamron — hanging on a tree.” “Tamron” appears to be a reference to MSNBC’s Tamron Hall, who was moderating the town hall meeting. Carson’s remarks are the latest sign of growing tension between the CBC and the Tea Party movement. It just two weeks ago that Rep. Maxine "Dumb as a doorknob" Waters (D-Calif.), and a member of the CBC, said at a California town hall that the Tea Party “can go straight to hell.” As this nasty little trend continues and these racial hypocrites continue to ramp up the intensity of their baseless accusations, I think while it may play well with the less intelligent among their supporters, it may also serve to turn off a great deal of people who would otherwise be supportive of this cadre of lunatics commonly referred to as the Congressional Black Caucus. And as much as these characters would like create the image that there is no difference between today and that dark time between the 1880s up to the 1930s, when such atrocities were in fact happening, such is not the case. Strangely, listening to these individuals you would think that they almost wish that it was so.

For these slimy characters to use such destructive language, and for no other purpose than to incite, is despicable. These are supposed to be our elected leaders and instead they behave like common hoodlums in some third world dictatorship. But the truly sad thing here is that a majority of those in the black community will buy into this drivel while these clowns laugh all the way back to big fancy homes and prestigious offices proud of the fact that they have yet again gotten away with throwing a bit more gasoline onto the fire. These pompous bigots care very little for those who look up to them for leadership, those whose only purpose it is, is to be used by these corrupt politicians as a way of allowing them to attain the highest level of political power possible. These hate-mongers who so energetically profess that they are out to protect the less fortunate among us are actually out for no one but themselves. And the sooner the loyal followers of these clowns finally realize that, the sooner they will most likely see their lives take a drastic turn for the better. That is, of course, if they really want their lives to be better. What's sort of ironic here is the fact that it is this very same Democrat Party, to which these individuals have sworn their allegiance, that in no way favored either the Civil Rights Act or the Voting Rights Act and that neither piece of historic legislation would have ever been passed without the overwhelming support of many who share the same ideals as today's Tea Party. And yet these morons are now out there screaming at the tops of their lungs that the Tea Party supports lynching. Actually what the Tea Party is all about is the limiting of the size, scope and power of the federal government which, if achieved, would have a very positive impact on the lives of every single American, no matter what their color. If ever there was a cause behind which blacks and white could unite, this is it. Perhaps that's what has the Congressional Black Caucus so scared.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


It was back on August 29, 2010 in an interview with that stellar journalist, NBC’s Brian Williams, that Barry "Almighty" then said he would be proposing a plan for jobs and economic growth as soon as he returned from his summer vacation. So does that sound familiar to anyone? Well it should, since it's the same claim he made regarding what he would be doing upon returning from his latest vacation this year. “We anticipated that the recovery was slowing – the economy is still growing, but it’s not growing as fast as it needs to. I’ve got things right now before Congress that we should move immediately, and I said so before I went on vacation, and I’ll keep on saying it now that I’m back,” Barry then told Williams when asked if he had a jobs plan. “There are a whole host of measures we could take, no single element of which is a magic bullet, but cumulatively can start continuing to build momentum for the recovery,” he said. I don’t know about anyone else, and memory is the first thing to go, but does anyone remember any great plan ever materializing? Anyway, does anyone seriously think that this guy really has any intention whatsoever of taking any action that would actually improve the prospects that would actually increase employment? The promise made then of a plan echoes a similar promise Barry made on Monday, saying that in the coming week he would present "concrete" proposals that would spur hiring and economic growth.

In making his latest promise, Barry said, “Next week, I will be laying out a series of steps that Congress can take immediately to put more money in the pockets of working families and middle-class families, to make it easier for small businesses to hire people, to put construction crews to work rebuilding our nation’s roads and railways and airports, and all the other measures that can help to grow this economy.” Barry said this while at a Rose Garden ceremony to herald in his new Council of Economic Advisors Chairman, and yet another supposed brilliant academic, yet with no real world experiences, Alan Krueger. Barry proposed only one "concrete" idea during the interview back in 2010, and that was legislation that would have “eliminated” capital gains taxes on small business. That idea did not make it through Congress. However, a similar measure allowing some small-businesses to write off 100 percent of their capital gains taxes on new investment was attached to the deal extending the Bush tax rates. Another less-concrete idea, to allow businesses easier access to credit, did eventually pass, making $30 billion available to small banks in exchange for increased lending to small businesses.

Then on Monday there was a rather pesky little exchange that took place when a question was asked about the Barry’s upcoming speech on jobs and economic growth. White House Spokesmoron Jay Carney had the "audacity" to say that only the most ‘fervent partisan’ would suggest the 8 million plus jobs lost in this recession were lost because of actions taken by Barry "Almighty." Too bad no one took the time to remind Mr. Carney that, unlike his boss, facts don't lie. Because like it or not, and no matter how energetically he may claim otherwise, the number of jobs that have been lost over the course of this recession are directly related to the policies put in place by this president. The question that started the little exchange was asked by CBS reporter Norah O'Donnell and appears in the official White House transcript of the press briefing:

Q -- Jay, the question is what is different in this new speech? What is going to be different?

MR. CARNEY: Well, you will see what the President proposes to enhance growth, enhance hiring, and you will judge then what's different about the new ideas that are contained within it as well as ideas that you've heard about. But I can't let the premise go uncommented on when you talk about the amount of job loss in the time since the President took -- was sworn into office. I don't think anybody except the most fervent partisan would suggest that the 8 million jobs lost because of this recession were lost because of actions that this President took. Those jobs were lost within the four months -- in the months prior to his swearing-in, his inauguration, and in the months thereafter. Since this President’s economic policies had a chance to take effect there have been more than 2 million private sector jobs created. The economy has grown, albeit not at a pace that satisfies him or any of us here in the administration. And that’s just a matter of absolute record and fact -- indisputable. The fact is that we inherited a terrible situation, a terrible economy, and an economy that threatened to become far worse than it did become -- because of the actions that this administration took with Congress in 2009 and perpetually since then in different measures that have been taken, as well as -- including December of last year.

Q: The President and you’ve made the case that the President inherited this economy. When does it become his economy?

MR. CARNEY: Look, he’s responsible every day for this economy. He absolutely understands that and makes it clear. And he’s responsible for working directly and with Congress to take every measure possible to improve the economic situation in this country to increase growth and job creation. But it has to be absolute --

Q: Is he responsible for the economy?

MR. CARNEY: -- he is not -- what has to be clear when you phrase a question like that in the way that you did, it has to be clear the situation that we have been -- the hole that we have been climbing out of as a country -- Democrats, independents, Republicans -- Americans have all been climbing out of because of the terrible, great recession that this country has endured. So he is on the job and responsible every day. And that’s why he is -- to go back to your first question -- why he is coming forward in the coming days with new proposals to further job creation and economic growth.

Have you ever heard anything more idiotic in your life? Here we have Barry now having been in office nearly three years now, having put in place any number of disastrous polices that have resulted in nothing more than higher unemployment and yet it is still all to blamed on Bush. Incredible!

And just a word or two about this guy Krueger, Barry’s nominee to chair his Council of Economic Advisors. Talk about a real piece of work, this guy takes the freakin cake. He's nothing more than another one of those left-wing screwballs who very enthusiastically supports a European-style consumption tax that taxes every stage of production for a good or service, a policy generally referred to as a Value Added Tax, or VAT. Now there's something that will provide a big boost to our struggling economy and be a boon to increasing employment in this country. Alan Krueger, a Princeton University economist no less, called for the Value Added Tax in a commentary for the New York Times in January 2009. The White House, however, has said on more than one occasion that President Obama would not consider such a tax. Sure, like we're supposed to believe that about a guy who has never seen a tax he didn't like. “Why not pass a 5 percent consumption tax to take effect two years from now? There are many different ways to implement a consumption tax, but for simplicity think about a national sales tax,” Krueger wrote in the Times piece published on Jan. 12, 2009, shortly before Barry took office.

Unlike the “Fair Tax” proposal or national sales tax proposal that has been considered in recent years by U.S. politicians who want to "replace" the current income tax, the VAT would be a levy that adds to the current tax structure. WOW, what a deal!! “In the long run, a 5 percent consumption tax would raise approximately $500 billion a year, and fill a considerable hole in the budget outlook,” Krueger wrote. He added that the consumption tax has a downside, but would likely be the easiest way to increase taxes. “The main downside of this proposal is that taxes reduce economic activity,” wrote Krueger. Now there's a absolutely brilliant idea, let's further reduce economic activity, that's sure to spur much needed job growth. According to this character, “But the government must make critical trade-offs, and a consumption tax could be the most efficient means to raise revenue to finance essential government functions.” Krueger added that, “Another downside is that a consumption tax is a greater burden for the poor, who spend a relatively high share of their income.” So explain to me again why this would be a good idea. It reduces economic activity and puts another burden on the poor, I'm not see the up side here other than it would take more of what little disposable income Americans still and direct it into the government's coffers.

“Alan brings a wealth of experience to the job,” said Barry. “He’s one of the nation’s leading economists. For more than two decades, he’s studied and developed economic policy, both inside and outside of government. In the first two years of this administration, as we were dealing with the effects of a complex and fast-moving financial crisis, a crisis that threatened a second Great Depression, Alan’s counsel as chief economist at the Treasury Department proved invaluable.” If confirmed by the Senate, Krueger would succeed Austan "Ghouls"bee as the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers. Before "Ghouls"bee, Christina Romer held the position under Barry, as the administration struggled to improve the U.S. unemployment picture, which currently stands at 9.1 percent. “I rely on the Council of Economic Advisers to provide unvarnished analysis and recommendations, not based on politics, not based on narrow interests, but based on the best evidence, based on what’s going to do the most good for the most people in this country,” said Obama. “And that’s more important than ever right now.” What a freakin crock! Based on the best evidence? Barry droned on saying, "We need folks in Washington to make decisions based on what’s best for the country, not what’s best for any political party or special interest,” he said. “That’s how we’ll get through this period of economic uncertainty, and that’s the only way that we’ll be able to do what’s necessary to grow the economy.” What a load of crap! Heaven help us!

Monday, August 29, 2011


The headline reads, "Pollsters: Modern History Shows Obama Can't Win in 2012." A headline like this can cause one of two perceptions to come to mind. It can be viewed as a reality in the sense that, yes in fact, the chances of Barry being successful in his attempt to gain re-election have now been significantly diminished, or it can be seen as being nothing more than some sort of ploy designed to lull those of us wishing to rid ourselves of him, into some sense of false sense of optimism, believing that Barry can now be very easily beaten. These days there are very few polls, or pollsters, that I feel are all that trustworthy. I feel you can pretty much make a poll say anything that you want it to say and also because, nearly everyone taking polls these days has a some sort of motive or an agenda that they are working very hard to advance. And what better way to convince people that what you're proposing is a great idea, than to create the impression that it is supported by a majority of Americans. And many of today's polling outfits are very capable, as well as very highly skilled, at manipulating the data that they present to us. Data that is portrayed being the most accurate and that is meant to sway public opinion when in fact quite often it is just the opposite. The best method of our being able to determine which candidate deserves your support is to ignore the vast majority of these polls and simply do the research yourself. With the internet at your disposal you have countless sources that can be accessed to verify fact from fiction regarding the record of any candidate. We simply cannot afford to rely on others to tell us what they claim is the truth, or to be objective when telling us about any of the candidates.

Now it comes to us via any number of supposed wily political strategists, whose motives for doing to I simply cannot determine with any degree of certainty, that with the economy being so dismal, Barry "Almighty" will have to essentially re-write the political history books if he hopes to win re-election. We're told that the latest bad news for Team Barry is the fact that economic growth for the second quarter was revised downward from 1.3 to a mere 1 percent on Friday, far below the level of activity required to put even the slightest of dents in the nation’s chronic, high joblessness. Those slumping GDP numbers followed an economic-outlook report by the Congressional Budget Office that we're told supposedly touched off alarm bells in Barry’s campaign. Despite optimistic assumptions about GDP growth, inflation, and deficit-spending, the CBO projected U.S. unemployment to be at or above 8.5 percent through the fourth quarter of 2012. Again we're told that that means Barry will have to earn a return engagement to the White House under virtually unprecedented circumstances. And he’ll likely have to alter his campaign strategy in order to do it. “It becomes a game changer,” claims Matt Towery, CEO of the nonpartisan InsiderAdvantage polling company, “in the sense that he and the White House had every expectation two and a half years ago that unemployment would be well under 8 percent, that the stimulus package would work, and that [high unemployment] would not be an issue for him.” I still find it "extremely" hard to believe that Barry actually thought that his "stimulus" plan would actually result in "stimulating" anything in the way of actual economic growth.

The latest indication that Barry "Almighty" may be forced to jettison the post-partisan, hope-and-change mantra that propelled him into the White House in 2008 is a Pew Research Center poll showing only 49 percent of U.S. voters now consider him to be a strong leader. That’s down sharply from 58 percent in May and personally still sounds a little high. Also, Pew reports only 44 percent describe him as a person who can get things done, down from 55 percent. “I think Barack Obama is in deep trouble,” says Democratic pollster and Fox News contributor Doug Schoen. Much has been made of the fact that Ronald Reagan won re-election in 1984 with an unemployment rate of 7.2 percent. But that precedent now offers little encouragement for Barry "Almighty," and for two reasons. The obvious consideration is that the economy is expected to be in significantly worse shape in November 2012 than when Reagan won re-election. But equally significant is that unemployment dropped while Reagan was in office and was heading down on Election Day. When Barry "Almighty" took office, unemployment was 7.8 percent. The CBO report predicts it will still be well above that level when voters pass judgment on Barry. But let's not start planning our victory celebrations just yet. If there is one certainty in American politics it is the fact that Democrats are not above cheating in their attempt to hold onto power. And they have a very willing army of supporters in today's state-controlled media conglomerate standing at the ready to assist whenever needed. A media that has essentially been reduced to being nothing more than the propaganda arm of the DNC.

To better understand why the CBO projections are supposed to be some potential game-changer, consider this: The last time voters sent a president back to the White House when unemployment was north of 8 percent was 1940. That year, liberal icon, FDR was re-elected despite a Depression-era unemployment rate of 14.6 percent. But that example doesn’t provide much comfort to Democrats either. After all FDR, like Reagan, earned the voters’ patience by substantially lowering the unemployment rate from what it was when he took office. So is Barry "Almighty" toast before his campaign even begins? Unfortunately, no. “His campaign will have to shift the issue,” say Towery in an interview with Newsmax. “They’re going to have to find a way to make unemployment and the economy not the major issue. Now that’s almost going to be impossible -- but it is really their only way.” Towery envisions the following options for Team Barry: 1) He can move hard to the left and really push the class-warfare issue. By talking about taxes on millionaires and corporate-jet loopholes, Barry will energize and solidify his loony-left base. But it also risks unnerving the independents that Barry desperately needs to bring back into the fold to win re-election, 2) He can encourage the GOP to make an “unforced error.” Towery predicts Barry will prod Republicans in the hope that it leads them to make some sort of self-inflicted wound. He says refusing to extend the payroll-tax cut in an election year is one obvious example. Too much talk of slashing Medicare and Social Security is another, or 3) Barry can sufficiently rough up the GOP nominee and Republicans in Congress by painting them as extremists who would be too risky to trust with the presidency. “President Obama is weak,” Schoen says, “and I think what he is counting on is that Republicans will be weaker and less well regarded than he is.” Again, the risk is that Barry's choosing to smear his GOP rival is a dangerous alternative which could result in turning off independents. One of these strategies, or more likely a combination of all three, could help Barry achieve what no politician since FDR has accomplished: Getting re-elected after unemployment goes from bad to worse.

Mr. Towery, who served as a political strategist for former House Speaker Newt Gingrich in the 1980s and 90s, expects Barry to go sharply negative in an effort to redirect attention away from a badly slumping economy and toward whether the GOP alternative can be trusted to fix what ails it. I don’t think you need to be some slick political strategist to know that Barry will most definitely be going negative, in fact he already has. When looking at the sleazy cast of characters on his reelection team it's impossible to imagine them doing anything but to go "extremely" negative. “There’s only one thing in politics you do when you’re that low,” Towery says. “You try to bloody the other guy up just as much as you can." “I mean, it’s the only answer. I don’t care what anybody says: He can’t put enough commercials on about how hard he works or whatever. It isn’t even working in the African-American community. When Maxine Waters is out there giving you trouble, you know you’ve got problems.” With unemployment so high, Towery says, the bottom line for Barry and the Democrats is brutally simple, “They’ve got to just bloody up whoever gets the nomination, or the party as a whole,” he says. But even then, Towery says Barry may need help from Republicans in order to win re-election in 2012. “If you ask me what the Obama administration is looking for,” Towery says, “they’re looking for a fumble on behalf of Republicans, a totally unforced error." However, in order for the negative stuff to have the level of impact that the situation demands, Barry is going to have to rely pretty heavily on the stupidity of the American people as well as their willingness to continue to buy into all the negative crap.

My main concern here, or a fear really, is that as we get closer to the election there may be an increase in voter complacency or over confidence. That people will just automatically assume that there ain't no chance in Hell that this guy can get reelected so their vote really isn't needed and it's safe for them to just sit this one out. Or, that the level of general discontent with the current Republican field will sufficiently manifest itself and therefore effectively splinter support for whomever gets the Republican nomination with folks deciding instead to support a third party candidate. Look, we simply cannot afford to put our trust into any of these political soothsayers, they're simply doing a job for which they are quite handsomely paid. Their job is to manipulate public opinion to the best of their ability. In other words, it's their job to try to fool us into believing one thing while the actual fact of the matter is something entirely different. Our motto for the upcoming election should be, "Trust but verify." The truth is out there and it is going to take a certain amount of effort on the part of we the voters to get to it. There should be no doubt that Barry and his team are going to pull out all the stops in their effort to distract us away from all that is presently going on here. That's just standard operating procedures for these scumbags. And no matter how hard they try to paint the opposition as being "extreme," when looking back over the course of the last three years, can it be said that anyone could have possibly been any more "extreme" than Barry and the Democrats have been? They had what can safely be described as absolute power for 2 full years, and what did they choose to do with that power? If those actions taken by Congress and our "community agitator" of a president do not fit the definition of "extreme," then nothing does. 

Friday, August 26, 2011


In what is now being played up as being some huge public blow to the electoral fortunes of both Barry "Almighty" and the Democratic Party, the president of the AFL-CIO said Thursday that organized labor is preparing to ditch Democrats and go it alone in building up its own grassroots structure. Specifically, AFL-CIO President "Dick" Trumka told reporters that the nation’s largest labor federation will scale back their involvement with the Democratic Party in advance of the 2012 elections. In 2008, unions spent over $400 million for Barry "Almighty's" election. Asked if the AFL’s move is a huge blow to Barry "Almighty," Democratic pollster Doug Schoen told Newsmax.TV: “Absolutely. Obama needs to get labor back and I think he’ll be courting them furiously in the weeks and months to come." I'm simply not buying any of this idiotic nonsense. I just think it's all for show, but what I can't quite figure is, what the motive might be that's behind all of the silly theatrics? I think we know that if push comes to shove here, these union goons will pretty quickly fall in line behind the Democrat Party and do whatever it is that they feel they need to do to get Democrats elected. It's just what they do, and have always done. And for Trumka to now imply that things have somehow been altered to the point that this cozy little arrangement between these two very corrupt entities may be in peril, is just silly.

While Trumka continues with what is, apparently, now the standard Democrat tactic of having nothing but scathing words for the Tea Party movement, he actually went so far as to lay out a potential scenario that would very closely mirror the Tea Party’s grassroots structure and its clout in the GOP. The impression he's trying to create here is one that big labor no longer wields the clout that it once had inside the Democratic Party and on the liberal end of the spectrum in American politics. But I think most us realize that's simply not really the case. Trumka, however, made it clear that his plan would supposedly cost the Democrats both in contributions and labor volunteers in many districts almost immediately. That would cripple key Democratic get-out-the-vote efforts in many swing districts on Election Day. “We’re going to use a lot of our money to build structures that work for working people” Trumka said, according to Politico.“You’re going to see us give less money to build structures for others, and more of our money will be used to build our own structure.” Look, can we really believe anything that this guys says? I just don't think so! I seriously doubt that there is any significant rift that has developed between these two groups, Big Labor and the Democrats, who both have essentially the same toxic agenda regarding the future of America.

Trumka’s remarks came after the news earlier this week that the AFL-CIO will set up a so-called super PAC to spend unlimited amounts of money on political activity for next year’s elections and beyond. Trumka confirmed Thursday that the union is moving forward with plans to create the PAC. The AFL-CIO’s outside effort will help keep union-backed candidates more accountable for promises made on the campaign trail, Trumka said. “Let’s assume we spent $100 in the last election,” he said, explaining the union’s position. “The day after Election Day, we were no stronger than we were the day before,” said Trumka. “If we had spent that [$100] on creating a structure for working people that would be there year round, then we are stronger.” Trumka also said that many labor leaders are weighing whether to skip the party’s 2012 convention. “There are some of our affiliates that aren’t going to participate,” said Trumka, speaking to reporters at a breakfast sponsored by The Christian Science Monitor, “We’re still talking about it.” Big labor’s problems with the Barry "Almighty" administration include outstanding issues like the failure to pass a union-backed card check bill that would ease organizing, as well as the administration’s support for free-trade agreements with Colombia, South Korea and Panama. I just don't see these issues as rising to a level that would sufficient enough to cause the severing of a partnership that has proven to be quite lucrative for both parties.

Trumka articulated a broader critique of the Barry "Almighty" administration, telling reporters that the president has allowed Republicans to set the terms of debate — focusing on what he called a manufactured debt crisis instead of a jobs agenda. “I think he made a strategic mistake when he confused job crisis with deficit crisis,” Trumka said. “He started playing on the Republican ground.” “He’s going to give a speech in a couple of weeks on job creation,” Trumka told reporters. “If he’s talking about another percent or two break from a tax here and doing something with patent control, and doing three years down the road something with infrastructure bank, that’s not going to get the job done.” He called for more direct action. “As we approach this Labor Day, our working-class people are looking for three things: jobs, jobs, jobs,” Trumka said. Well if Mr. Trumka was as truly serious regarding his concern over jobs, jobs, jobs as he claims to be, then he would better serve those folks that he supposedly represents by getting behind those very same Republicans who he complains that Barry has allowed to set the terms of the debate. Because it is they, and not Barry "Almighty," or the Democrats in Congress, who are advocating the necessary policies that would have a very positive impact on job creation. And his failure to do so very clearly demonstrates that he's nothing more than an obvious fraud who is much more interested in increasing the political power of his union than in jobs, jobs, jobs.

Now come on folks, are we really expected to believe as this pathetic jerk Trumka claims, that some how unions are going to desert the Democrat Party and Barry "Almighty?" I think not. I can't help but wonder if this is all simply nothing more than some ploy that these sleazy characters see as something that can somehow be turned onto some political advantage. Am I being a conspiracy nut? I'm just having a very hard time believing that after decades of having been firmly entrenched in the Democrat camp, that somehow these union punks who have been on the receiving end of any number of goodies from this president, are going to go out on their own. Sorry, but I just ain't buying it. Anytime you have people the caliber of both Trumka and Barry "Almighty" you can never really afford to take anything that they may say at face value. To do so you run the very serious risk of being lured into a situation that would, in all likelihood, not prove to be beneficial for you. My gut is telling me that this cockamamie ploy here is nothing more than an attempt at some sort of political sucker punch and is something that we need to be very wary of. I guess we'll see.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Apparently in the hope of greasing the skids, so to speak, for Barry come 2012, a couple of supposed top Democratic pollsters, by the names of Doug Schoen and Patrick Caddell have come out and predicted that a third-party candidate will enter the presidential race as voters continue to show their dissatisfaction with both major parties. Americans are “searching beyond the two parties for bold and effective leadership,” Schoen and Caddell say in an article which they wrote for The Wall Street Journal. But I have no doubt that these two fellas most certainly have an ulterior motive here for they're bringing this whole idea up. And if Americans allow themselves to be maneuvered into doing such a thing as this, then they will have accomplished nothing more then to virtually guarantee victory to Barry, effectively allowing him to complete his plan for the destruction of this country. And they will have no one to blame but themselves for allowing such a travesty to take place. While the whole notion may look on paper as a way for people to demonstrate their dissatisfaction for how things are presently being done in Washington, the reality of it is that this may be the only way that Barry wins in 2012. And wouldn't old Barry be laughing all the way back into the Oval Office if we fall prey to this whole idiotic idea.

As the basis for their little thesis, these two clowns point to a poll that Schoen conducted showing that 57 percent of voters now say there is a need for a third party. “The American people are desperate for a leader who stands outside of the political establishment currently running Washington. A leader who can speak for the American majority — offering not just rhetoric, but a new direction and a proven record of getting things done,” they say. Both of these guys have worked as pollsters for Democratic presidents, Caddell with Jimmy "The Moron" Carter and Schoen with "BJ" Clinton. They point to the challenges from third-party candidates John Anderson, who carried 7 percent of the vote, in 1980 and Ross Perot, who got nearly 19 percent 12 years later. “We have seen in the past where economic distress and political alienation can lead,” the pollsters write. “And the conditions in those years were nowhere near as severe as they are today.” While this may sound like a good idea, this is not the time to be putting such a notion to the test. Now I realize that there is not going to be that one candidate that everybody is going to be able to enthusiastically get behind, but we are going to have to settle on the one candidate who we think has the best chance of defeating Barry in 2012. that should be what is seen as being paramount, the getting rid of Barry "Almighty."

The premise regarding the whole notion of a drive for a third-party candidate coming about has been in the wind for some time now, primarily by those who see such an event as being increasingly beneficial to Barry "Almighty." These wishful thinkers sight disillusion with both Barry "Almighty" and the current crop of GOP candidates has being the basis for such a scenario coming to fruition. Just this month, former Clinton aide, and well known lunatic, James Carville also came out and predicted that a third party candidate would emerge, and former New York City Mayor Ed Koch yet another Democrat, has said he would like to see columnist George Will or current New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg run. It's imperative that the American people recognize this for what it is. What it is, is nothing more than a subliminal attempt to plant the seed in the minds of just enough people that, yes by golly, we'll show them, we'll just vote for a third party candidate. Such an action would be the ultimate equivalent to the biting of your nose to spite your face. It makes no sense, because it would do absolutely nothing to correct the current goings on in Washington, and realistically, only serve to make matters much, much worse.

The Wall Street Journal article points to several places where the third-party candidate could crop up, a mercurial run from someone such as Donald Trump, from the center with a candidate from the bipartisan Americans Elect, or with a tea party candidate from the right. “The tea party movement is functioning as a quasi-third party already, having already demonstrated an unprecedented level of activism, enthusiasm and influence over the primary and general-election outcomes during the 2010 midterms — and, most recently, driving the debate over the debt ceiling,” Schoen and Caddell say. “The political order as we know it is deteriorating and disintegrating, and politics abhors a vacuum. So there is very good reason to believe that a credible third party, or even fourth political party, may be on the ballot in 2012. The American people clearly are looking for alternatives. Now.” The only ones who would be made to suffer, were some third party candidate to become a reality, would be those of us on the right. The base of support for the Republican candidate would be splintered with the net result being a cakewalk for Barry and quite possibly a sufficient number Democrat congressional candidates winning on Barry's coattails to again give the Democrats control of both houses of Congress.

Having already experienced the consequences of what was essentially one party rule during the first two years of Barry's reign, are we sure it's that that we want to go back to. The American people must think very long and hard about this and ask themselves is this really something they want to do. Because to do so would effectively destroy any possibility whatsoever for our children and grand children of having a future that the can enjoy. We must put things into their proper perspective and not allow ourselves to be convinced by others to buy into what they see as being a bang up idea. They are only suggesting such a thing for no other reason than because they see it as being beneficial to their candidate. These people are looking to take advantage of any dissatisfaction that may exist regarding the Republicans candidates in an attempt to peel off enough support for whatever candidate it is that eventually garners the nomination, and for no other reason that to increase the odds for a Barry victory. That would be the worst possible scenario, and we cannot allow it to become are reality. We are going to put any petty differences aside and remain very much united as we march toward the 2012 election. This unmitigated disaster of a presidency cannot be allowed to go beyond that date. It must be brought to and end!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Am I the only one who recognizes the fact that we now have some of the most racist and dishonest individuals on the planet now very enthusiastically throwing around accusations of racism and directing them at group of people who are, without a doubt, the least racist folks you will ever meet? The Tea Party did not come about because of anything that is even remotely connected to race. The fact of the matter is that these people finally got to the point where they were fed up with being taken for granted by elected officials and getting bled dry in the form ever increasing taxes that are then used for nothing more than the subsidizing of massive entitlement programs handed out primarily to Democrat constituents. Every act of actual racism comes from those pathetic individuals hurling the latest batch of accusations, people like Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, and now this other racist imbecile, Frederica Wilson, another scumbag Democrat from down here in Florida. So just days after Rep. Maxine “Dumb as a doorknob” Waters told her supporters that those who make up the Tea Party movement could go “straight to hell,” her fellow black House Democrat has added to the incendiary rhetoric by her saying that the Tea Party movement is "the real enemy." There seems to be a rather nasty little trend developing here. There seems to be a concerted effort here coming from black members of Congress to disparage in anyway possible members of the Tea Party. And I can't help but wonder if this is all part of some overall strategy and that they may be doing so at the behest of the Democrat leadership in Congress or perhaps even of the DNC. Or, quite possible, both.

"Let us all remember who the real enemy is. The real enemy is the Tea Party," Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Fla., said at a Miami town hall, according to The Hill. "The Tea Party holds the Congress hostage. They have one goal in mind, and that's to make President Obama a one-term president." Ms. Wilson's comments suggest that members of the Congressional Black Caucus may now have struck upon a rather sinister plan that has as its primary tactic that of attempting to portray anyone who has the audacity to disagree with these pathetic Liberals as being motivated solely by race. And these sleazy black politicians seem to be very energetically employing a uniform strategy of using race in their continuing assault on the Tea Party. All this in spite of the frequent calls by some of these very same Democrats for a move toward a much more civil tone in political discourse. However, it seems to be very obvious that these simpletons see any rules of civility as simply not applying to them. They are to be allowed to say whatever they want about whomever they want and to immune from being called on it. What these Democrat bigots fail to recognize is that what they are now witnessing is a growing sentiment that people are finally getting tired of footing the bill for liberal entitlement programs and costly bailouts. So in response what these mental midgets have now decided to do is to respond with in very juvenile manner of calling the Tea Party people disgusting names. And these are our supposed leaders. But I’m not sure of they’re winning many converts. Now granted I’m sure that those who comprise the core constituencies of these unscrupulous characters will eat this stuff up, if for no other reason than because of their failure to identify the true cause of all of their self-inflicted problems.

“This is a tough game. You can't be intimidated. You can't be frightened. And as far as I'm concerned — the Tea Party can go straight to hell,” so said the esteemed Ms. Waters, Democrat, at a recent town-hall-style meeting out in la-la land (California). And then of course as always we have that racist shakedown artist Jesse Jackson, who enjoys being referred to as a reverend, also participating in the town hall with Ms. Wilson, comparing the modern Tea Party movement to opposition to the civil-rights movement. "The Tea Party is a new name on an old game," he said. "Dr. King fought a 'tea party' in Alabama." I find it more than a little ironic here that this imbecile would make such a claim in the first place, because most likely were it not for folks like those in today's Tea Party, neither the Civil Rights Act of 1964 nor the Voting Rights Act of 1965 would never have been passed. It was racist Democrat who were the biggest opponents of those very pieces of legislation. But, apparently, Mr. Jackson doesn't remember that little fact. I think moist of us realize that this is how slimy characters like Jackson and his fellow pot stirrer Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton, make their money as well as to maintain their value to the Democrat Party. These two buffoons have been throwing their own people under the bus for years in order to maintain their seat at the table of the Democrat Party. And I’m quite sure that Dr. King, if he were alive today, would be oh so proud of the level to which Jackson and Sharpton have now stooped, and very often in his name, and that have they accomplished nothing other than to increase the racial tensions in this country. They are two of the most divisive people in America today, and have done nothing to serve those who they claim to represent.

Personally, I’m really getting tired of being called a racist by individuals who have demonstrated the fact that they are actually the racist ones, and to the extreme, as they continue to behave in way that can only be descibed as being pathologial in nature. What these pathetic lowlifes have now effectively done here, is to reduce themselves to roughly the equivalent of pond scum, they have shown themselve to be people willing use all manner of accusations, but especially of racism, against those whose only fault it is, that they disagree with these Democrats regarding what government should do and what it should not do as well as how much government should cost. And if we had a president with even the slightest amount of character he would, for no other reason than in the name of civility, be coming to the defense of those now being accused. But instead, what does he do? He chooses to join in the chorus of bigots busily hurling the inflammatory rhetoric and referring to those who align themselves with the Tea Party as, “Tea Baggers.” How utterly presidential, don’t you think? The pure insidious nature of the tactics now being employed by these unscrupulous individuals, including our "community agitator" of a president, and for no other reason than that they hope to achieve some level of political gain, is sickening. The Democrat Party has now managed to sink to yet another all new low.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Barry "Almighty," on Monday was seen as once again reaching out to his proverbial butt buddy, and respected business figure, Warren Buffett along with Ford chief Alan Mulally as he attempts, yet again, to frame some semblance of some major new plan that we've been told is in the works regarding jobs and the deficit. Barry made the calls from his rented vacation farm house on the resort island for the well-heeled, Martha's Vineyard, off the left wing loon haven of Massachusetts, or so said deputy White House press secretary, Josh Earnest. Look, I'm just not that big a fan of Buffett. I don't trust him as far as I could throw him. And just what is it, exactly, that he has done that has earned him so much "respect?" Is it just because he's managed to make tons of money? I simply cannot bring myself to trust anyone who can so easily allow themselves to, in anyway, associate with someone the caliber of our "community agitator" of a president. All too often, and especially in politics, we see that birds of a feather, flock together. Nothing good, for the American people, can come of this rather strange little alliance, because, make no mistake, both of these men are out for no one other than themselves. They're certainly not out to make things any better for the American people. Neither of these two men got to where we find them today by being nice guys. We should all be very aware of the thug tactics that have been employed by Barry in the past, and if Buffett is someone who can have no problem with that, then I would also call into question his motives for now allying himself with Barry.

Barry remains very fond of citing billionaire leftist and Berkshire Hathaway chief, Buffett as an example of that category of Americans, fondly referred as "those corporate jet owners," who would not mind in the least being asked to pay higher taxes that could then be used to benefit the rest of the country. And the fact that Buffett doesn't mind being used in such a way, does make me curious about what it is that he may see as being in it for him. Anyway, according to this moron Earnest, "The president and Mr. Buffett discussed the overall outlook on the economy and the reaction to the headwinds we've experienced over the last couple of months." Again with these mythical "headwinds" that poor Barry has had to contend with as he has continued to try oh so hard in his efforts to reinvigorate our sagging economy. This stooge Earnest said, "They talked a little bit about some possible measures that would spur investment and increase economic growth. And they also talked about some measures that could address the long-term fiscal situation in this country." Meanwhile, Barry and Mulally discussed the auto and manufacturing industries and expanding growth, stimulating exports and investment, at least according to this fella Earnest. These stooges who stand out there in front to defend the goings on of this patently dishonest administration have zero credibility. He is not going to be honest with us regarding what is was that these individuals were actually discussing.

Also on Monday, Barry, who has rightly been criticized by Republicans for his many frequent "vacations," described as working or otherwise, while many Americans are left to face some severe economic struggles, was briefed on market and financial developments by Brian Deese, who I guess is supposed to be a "top" economic aide. From where I stand, most, if not all, of Barry's "top" aides have pretty much been scraped off the bottom. All any of the policies thus far put into place have done, is to make things significantly worse. Now we have heard nearly ad nauseam about how Barry is going to be unveiling some masterful new jobs and deficit plan after lawmakers return to work in early September, but Republicans have already signaled that they are cool to many of the aspects of his plan that have already managed to float to the surface. Barry claims to be seeking ways that will kick start a US recovery, but the actions he has taken thus far say something far different. And in the meantime all he can to is to whine incessantly about all of those supposed "headwinds" that are continually hampering his efforts to get the economy going. "Headwinds" such as the Arab Spring, Japan's tsunami tragedy and the European debt crisis. And a recent Gallup poll found that public approval for his style of economic management leaves more than a little to be desired with a majority of Americans, with those who, for whatever reason, think he doing just a bang up job now being down to 26 percent.

What I really think we need to do here, is to set all of this class warfare rhetoric off to the side and recognize the fact that any cockamamie plan dreamed up by Barry that has as its core the increasing of taxes paid by all of those millionaires and billionaires, which by the way is a position being advocated by both billionaire Buffett and Barry "Almighty," realistically speaking won’t even make a dent in the national debt or in Barry's record federal budget deficits. So why we don't we just take that off the table right at the outset here. And look, that's not just me saying that this is an idiotic idea, but it is the result of a new study. “Even taking every last penny from every individual making more than $10 million per year would only reduce the nation's deficit by 12 percent and the debt by 2 percent,” so says the non-partisan Tax Foundation’s, David Logan. “There's simply not enough wealth in the community of the rich to erase this country's problems by waving some magic tax wand,” said Logan. But still all we continue to hear from Barry is his continuing droning on about those greedy millionaires and billionaires who simply are not paying their fair share. What about all of those leeches in our society who continue to get away with paying absolutely nothing. What is it that is so special about them that allows them to enjoy a free ride at the expense of the rest of us. Talk about fairness, how fair is that? Man, what a deal! Everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE, should contribute something.

The billionaire Mr. Buffett, in an August 15 op-ed in, of all places, the New York Times said it was time to stop “coddling” the wealthy, such as himself, and called upon Congress to raise taxes on those making $1 million or more. “But for those making more than $1 million there were 236,883 such households in 2009 I would raise rates immediately on taxable income in excess of $1 million, including, of course, dividends and capital gains. And for those who make $10 million or more there were 8,274 in 2009 I would suggest an additional increase in rate,” our old buddy Warren wrote. “My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress,” wrote Buffett. Ok, so what's stopping Mr. Buffett and all of his "friends" from whipping out their old checkbooks and writing a nice fat little check payable to the U.S. Treasury? Go for it, there, Warren. Knock yourself out! Give whatever amount will make you happy! There is nothing that says you can't "give" as much as you want to the government. I'm certainly not going to stop you! I simply do not understand how someone as smart as Mr. Buffett is supposed to be, doesn't recognize the fact that what we have here is not a revenue problem, but a spending problem. Or does he? Which causes me to further call into question just what it is that motivates him to be so cozy with Barry. There has got to be something going on under the table here that the rest of us are not privy to.

Because, according to the Tax Foundation study written by the previously mentioned Mr. David Logan, even by taxing the nation’s millionaires at 50 percent and eliminating loopholes and deductions, that would only reduce the deficit by 8 percent and the national debt by 1 percent. “[T]aking half of the yearly income from every person making between one and ten million dollars would only decrease the nation's debt by 1%,” the report said. Taxing millionaires at an effective tax rate of 50 percent would raise only $120 billion more, according to Tax Foundation calculations based on IRS data. Taxing those who make $10 million or more at an even higher rate, as good old Warren Buffett has advised, would also do very little to actually reduce the deficit and debt. Tax Foundation calculations indicate that taxing these individuals at an effective rate of 100 percent would only net the government $186 billion, reducing the deficit by 12 percent and the debt by an additional 2 percent. So what is with Barry's continuing to advocate nothing more than a plan that has as it primary function, the increasing of the rate by which those described as being "rich" are taxed? It is about actually his actually trying to cure what ails our economy, or is it simply nothing more that just another ploy by our "community agitator" of a president to successfully redistribute this nation's wealth? I think the answer to that question is pretty obvious.

As much as Barry touts higher taxes being the cure all to our current deficit problem, it is a fact, that the only way for the government to solve its ongoing fiscal issues with revenue would be to confiscate every single dollar from every single American making $200,000 or more per year, the study said. “Finally, to put everything in perspective, think about what would need to be done to erase the federal deficit this year: After everyone making more than $200,000/year has paid taxes, the IRS would need to take every single penny of disposable income they have left. Such an act would raise approximately $1.53 trillion,” reported the Tax Foundation. Buffett, in his New York Times op-ed, said, “It’s time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice.” Ya know, I'm really getting tired of hearing all of this supposed shared sacrifice crap. Because if we were really going to get serious about it, it shouldn't be to ask those who already paying the lions share of all taxes, to pay even more. As far as I'm concerned, they're already pulling their weight along with the weight of far too many others. I'd be asking our permanent class of pathetic sponges that we have in this country, to pony up and pay whatever amount it is that would be considered as being their fair share. I've said before and I'll say it again, I do not trust this dynamic duo of Obama and Buffett. No way, Jose!

Monday, August 22, 2011


Remember not that long ago when, after some supposed "rabid right-winger" went on a shooting spree in Arizona, and how shortly thereafter we heard Barry "Almighty" decry the need to tone down all of the political rhetoric? So as we now fast forward to today, don't you just love this new age of civility that we now have? So much for scumbag Democrats dialing back their inflammatory rhetoric, right? I'm guessing here that the only ones who were supposed to actually "dial it back" were those hate-filled conservatives, because it has only continued to get even more intense from those on the left, with idiots like Maxine Waters spewing all manner of incendiary gibberish. The double standard here should be painfully obvious to anyone willing to look. But of course, pathetic losers like Waters will deny it is they who are the source of the most vitriolic garbage being put forth out on to the airways. With their "Who me?" attitude, they claim that all they are doing is nothing more than simply responding to all of the hate filled speech directed at them from the right.

And so it was that once again, that as recently as this past Saturday, while out on her home turf in California, the home of the fruits and nuts, that Democratic Rep. Maxine "Dim Bulb" Waters had some additional harsh words for those folks who identify themselves with the Tea Party. “I’m not afraid of anybody,” the California congresswoman told constituents in footage that appeared on ABC affiliate KABC in Los Angeles, not backing down from comments made about President Obama earlier in the week. “This is a tough game. You can’t be intimidated. You can’t be frightened. And as far as I’m concerned — the tea party can go straight to hell.” And I'm sure it can go without saying that her little proclamation was met with very enthusiastic cheers from the audience, including attendees sporting the standard purple SEIU T-shirts. This was yet another very typical liberal gathering where the mentality of both the main speaker and the crowd in attendance, when added all together amounts to less than the shoe size of, in this case, Ms. Waters.

I think it quite apparent why it is that Maxine Waters can say, and with some level of confidence, even arrogance, that she isn't afraid of anyone is because, like every other black in any position of power, including our stellar president, she is quite adept, and quite eagerly I might add, at playing the race card. She, along with the likes of that other imbecilic member of the House, Sheila Jackson Lee, cry racism whenever someone has the audacity, to use Barry's word, to actually call into question their antics or whenever they're accused of saying something stupid. Also should the occasion that their ethics ever be called into question, any accusations made are done so for no other reason that because they're black. Ms. Waters, based on some of her many statements, can rightly be called a card carrying member of the socialist party. That's the way it is with these political lowlifes. They continue to view the rules of civility and of common decency as simply not applying to them. They're special. They are rude, crude and socially unacceptable. They view themselves as being the enlightened among us, even though the majority of them are dumb as a freakin brick.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Demonstrating himself to be, essentially, nothing more than a much younger version of Jon McCain, minus the military heroics, presidential candidate Jon Huntsman has begun pounding away at rival Gov. Rick Perry. Using Perry’s skepticism of manmade global warming and criticism of the nation’s central banker, Mr. Huntsman said those stands hurt the GOP and make the Texas governor come off as a not so serious national figure. I would beg to differ with Mr. Huntsman, in that it’s been shown that the whole premise that any global warming, which may be taking place, being manmade has been shown that it is something completely concocted by those on the left. So I’d say it is his “believing” in this cockamamie charade that has him coming off as a not so serious candidate. And what, exactly would you call an individual, or individuals, who are so obviously on a mission to wreck this nation’s economy and to so devalue the dollar so that it causes other world leaders to say the time has come for the dollar to be replaced as the world’s currency? I’d say my positions are much closer to those of Gov. Perry that to this reject from the Barry “Almighty” administration.

You see, while Mr. Huntsman is a former Republican governor of Utah, he was also Barry “Almighty’s” first ambassador to China, and he has trailed rather significantly in all of early polls nationally and in early voting states since day one of his announcing his candidacy. So with such evidence showing a rather anemic amount of support, that fact has apparently led his campaign to pledge more aggressive attacks on the top tier candidates. On the other hand, Gov. Perry, who entered the race last weekend and has surged to a very prominent role, has provided Mr. Huntsman with, what some would argue, I suppose, an ample opening to take some shots that will hopefully, at least for Mr. Huntsman, help bring more attention to him. What Mr. Huntsman has now been reduced to doing is to take shots at what Gov. Perry said in New Hampshire this past week when he said that he didn’t believe in manmade global warming, going so far as to brand it an unproven scientific theory. He also defended the teaching of creationism in schools because evolution, to use his words, “has some gaps to it.” Both are arguments put forth by Gov. Perry are ones that I wholeheartedly agree with.

“When we take a position that isn’t willing to embrace evolution, when we take a position that basically runs counter to what 98 of 100 climate scientists have said, what the National Academy of Science has said about what is causing climate change and man’s contribution to it, I think we find ourselves on the wrong side of science, and, therefore, in a losing position,” is what Huntsman told ABC’s “This Week.” What a bunch of progressive, and idiotic drivel! Is this really how this guy plans on winning the nomination. I would like to ask Mr. Huntsman, what he thinks about the fact that literally thousands of scientists counter that theory, saying that the whole theory that man is somehow causing the Earth to be getting warmer is based on nothing more that pure junk science? And if I remember correctly, not all that long ago, through various communications that were essentially leaked to the public, it was proven that the whole manmade global warming theory was nothing more than a plot, of sorts, to essentially attack the economies of a select few industrialized countries, the U.S. being one. It was through various emails, and the like, which took place between the perpetrators that very clearly revealed that the entire manmade global warming nonsense, as being just that, nonsense.

Huntsman continued on with his pathetic attempt to give his candidacy a little exposure saying he couldn’t remember a time when “we actually were willing to shun science and become a party that was antithetical to science. I‘m not sure that’s good for our future and it’s not a winning formula,” according to interview excerpts released Saturday ABC. The full interview is set to air Sunday. Many conservatives, myself being one, question the evidence that shows climate change is happening or that it is somehow manmade. And they definitely have some very serious reservations regarding the government’s solutions to stem it. Personally, I think it has pretty clearly been show to be the scam that it is. And with Gov. Perry also taking aim on the Federal Reserve and its chairman, Ben Bernanke, he said the central bank’s leader would be committing a “treasonous” act if he decided to “print more money to boost the economy.” Such action, the governor told a crowd in Iowa, would amount to a political maneuver aimed at helping Barry “Almighty” win re-election. To me that’s a perfect assessment of the situation. Huntsman said he wasn’t sure that “the average voter out there is going to hear that treasonous remark and say that sounds like a presidential candidate, that sounds like someone who is serious on the issues.”

Trying to put Perry’s broadside in context, Huntsman said “people are crying out for us to get back to some level of sensibility and this just kind of perpetuates the name-calling and the finger-pointing and the blame game where we want solutions.” “These sideshows,” Huntsman said, take “us that much farther off the ball” from the focus of fixing the economy and creating jobs. Let’s be honest here, if there anyone currently in the race who more closely resembles what one could expect to see in your average sideshow, that would be Mr. Huntsman. The motto for we Republicans this time around should be, “RINOs need not apply.” And we need to very emphatic in how we choose to make any candidate aware of that sentiment. We can no longer afford, the country can no longer afford, to elect a person of such a mentality to the highest office in the land. We need a man of character and whose values are based on solid conservative principles. What we do not need is another wishy-washy progressive Republican at this point in our history. As a nation we are in a very precarious position, balancing as it were, on the very edge of a very steep precipice. What all we Republicans need to say to Mr. Huntsman is, “Thanks, but no thanks! We’ve recently been down this road.”

Saturday, August 20, 2011


It should come as a surprise to absolutely no one that according to a report released just this week by the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the number of people now employed by government in Washington, D.C., has once again increased in the month of July. This little act governmental expansion happened at exactly the very same time that the overall unemployment rate rose in the District of Columbia as well as in 28 of the 50 states. Now according to this report, in June there were 245,700 people employed by government in Washington, D.C., by the end of July, that number had risen to 247,000, or a net increase of 1,300. This included both those employed by the federal government as well as those employed by the government of the District of Columbia. So it is then that with the arrival of Barry “Almighty” onto the scene, I think it very safe to say that the era of big government can be said to have officially returned, and with somewhat of a vengeance. And it comes to us now in the form of the largest federal work force in modern history. The number of those employed by the federal government now tops out at over 2 million for the first time since President “BJ” Clinton declared that “the era of big government is over” and joined forces with a Republican-led Congress in the 1990s to pare back the federal work force. Most of the increases are on the civilian side, which grew to over 1.4million people, in fiscal 2010. This massive expansion of the federal bureaucracy provides plenty of ammunition to those who wish to argue that the government is too big, too intrusive and is trying to do too much under President Barack Hussein Obama.

Theoretically, the number of Americans employed by governments nationwide declined by 37,000 during July, at least according to another BLS report published earlier this month. But, at the same time, according to that same report, the number of people employed by the “federal” government (not counting the Postal Service) actually “increased” by 2,000. That said, the total decline in government workers nationwide was the result of a decline of state and local government workers in some states, plus a decline of 400 employees at the Postal Service. Still, nationwide more than 22 million people continue to work for government at one level or another. Yes, that’s right folks, 22 MILLION, or roughly one in fourteen of us! That would be 22 million public union employees, employees for whom we the taxpayers are responsible for the funding of their rather extravagant pay and benefits packages. Those packages, which are, on average, twice as high for these public employees as it is for those of us out in the private sector who are responsible for picking up the tab. Since Barry “Almighty” was sworn into office, the private sector workforce has effectively shrunk by more than 2.6 %, shedding some 2.9 million jobs. During that same period of time, however, the federal workforce (excluding Census and Postal workers) has grown by over 7%. And then it was in his FY 2012 budget, that Barry proposed adding even more people to the federal payroll. Specifically, Barry wanted to create and additional 15,000 federal jobs including 4,182 additional IRS employees, 1,054 of which will be needed to implement Obamacare. The problem with all these additional government jobs is that government spending does not create the economic growth needed to sustain private sector job growth.

Ironically, at the same time that the number of people employed by federal and local government agencies situated within the District of Columbia increased during July, the overall unemployment rate among people who people who actually reside in the district actually went up. According to the BLS, this is due in part because some of the people employed by government in D.C., commute from Maryland and Virginia—and their jobs are used in BLS calculations to determine the unemployment rates in the states in which they reside, not where they work. This is the typical creative style of government “fuzzy” math. Meanwhile, the overall number of D.C. “residents” who are employed has declined every month since February, while the number of D.C. residents who are unemployed has increased, according to data published by BLS. In February, the total number of D.C. residents employed was 302,678. That dropped to 295,377 in July. In February, the total number of unemployed D.C. residents was 31,611. That rose to 35,861 in July. The unemployment rate among D.C. residents rose from 9.5 percent in February to 10.4 percent in June and then to 10.8 percent in July. A majority of the 50 states—28 of them--joined D.C. in seeing their unemployment rates go up in July. (See list below.) At the same time, even while overall employment by government declined nationwide during July, 16 states did join D.C. in bucking the trend and increasing the number of people employed by government within their borders during the month. (See list below.)
16 States and D.C. With Increased Gov’t Employees in July:
State People Employed by Government June and July

                                  June            July
Delaware                     62,600         63,100
District of Columbia     245,700       247,000
Hawaii                       123,600       125,500
Idaho                         117,700      118,600
Iowa                          246,100      251,200
Kansas                       254,000      258,300
Massachusetts             431,100      432,200
Michigan                      620,400      632,400
Mississippi                   243,200      244,700
Nebraska                     165,400       167,100
New York                  1,472,000     1,487,300
Oklahoma                    338,100        339,400
Rhode Island                  60,100        60,400
Tennessee                   410,800        418,000
Utah                           215,100        215,200
Washington                 534,700         540,000
Wisconsin                    416,700        421,000
28 States and D.C. With Increased Unemployment in July:
State Unemployment Rate

                                June     July
Alabama                     9.9      10.0
Alaska                        7.5       7.7
Arizona                       9.3       9.4
Arkansas                     8.1       8.2
California                   11.8     12.0
Delaware                     8.0       8.1
District of Columbia     10.4     10.8
Georgia                       9.9      10.1
Hawaii                        6.0        6.1
Illinois                        9.1        9.5
Indiana                       8.3        8.5
Maryland                     7.0        7.2
Michigan                    10.5       10.9
Minnesota                   6.8         6.2
Montana                     7.5         7.7
Nevada                     12.4        12.9
New Hampshire            4.9         5.2

North Carolina             9.9        10.1
North Dakota              3.2          3.3
Ohio                          8.8          9.0
Oklahoma                   5.4          5.5
Oregon                       9.4          9.5
Pennsylvania               7.6          7.8
South Carolina           10.5         10.9
Texas                         8.2          8.4
Utah                          7.4          7.5
Vermont                     5.5           5.7
Virginia                       6.0          6.1
Wisconsin                    7.6         7.8