

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


When I look around at the various polls that are supposed to be telling us the state of the current presidential race, I can't help but wonder what it is that must be running through the minds of those who feel comfortable saying that they plan on voting for Barry. And I must admit, I do get more than just a little depressed. You see, for the life of me I simply cannot understand why it is that so many people, outside of those in the black community of course, seem to be so willing to believe all of the lies being told to them by Barry. There seems to be no effort on their part to actually explore whether or not he's actually telling the truth. Barry is desperate to pit us all against one another, and we're allowing him to do it. He is destroying our country right before our eyes, and a majority of us seem to be cheering him on in that endeavor. I just don't understand what makes people think that way?

What's happened to us, as a people, that we're are now essentially cannibalizing ourselves. What is it about this man that he is so able to convince so many of us, and even those of us with children, to be so eager to accept his side of the argument? Especially when the proof that his ideas do not work, quite literally, surrounds us. And when did this toxic form of jealously that now seems to be so prevalent in our society, kick in, where just because your neighbor may have a nicer house or a newer car than you, it's automatically assumed that they must be doing something devious or dishonest? Barry is constantly spewing his fair share mantra, but in what other country on the entire planet does every citizen have a fairer shot? And he likes to talk about everyone paying their fair share, and yet nearly half of us in this country are allowed to skate by without being asked to pony up anything. Fair? No, I think not!

Because Barry has not managed to accomplish a single thing that can be viewed as being positive, over he course of his time in office, he therefore has nothing on which he can lay claim to as being a reason to vote for him, Therefore, he must come up with a plan B. Barry's Plan B is to, and by any means he can, distract attention away from all that he has done as he has set about on his mission to "fundamentally transform". His hope has always been to go down in history as being the man who presided over the demise of America. He has been determined in his efforts to make sure the amount of damage that he has done remains unnoticed and well behind the scenes. And yet, as more and more of our liberty and individual freedoms are eroded away by Barry and his cronies, he has successfully conned people into believing what he is doing, and has done, as somehow being of benefit to them.

What is it about people that allows them to freely give up their freedom, and cheerfully replace it with something that is the equivalent of complete servitude to what is viewed as being an all knowing, all seeing, federal government. What makes those who operate out of the shadowy depths of our over zealous bureaucracy to be perceived as smarter than those of us who do not? And have people now become so convinced that our rights come not from God but from those bureaucrats perched on high? We need to snap out of whatever trance it is that we are in before it's simply too late. Although some may say it's already too late. I pray that they are wrong. But I have to be honest here, I don’t hold much hope. I look into the eyes of my daughter and I am so terribly sad that the future I am leaving behind for her appears to be so bleak. Her life is liable to be so much more difficult than mine.

I find myself losing faith that the 'American' people will possess the ability to do the right thing. And these days I find myself wondering how many of us are actually left who proudly refer to ourselves as being 'American'. I fear not many of us really don't, which is one of the primary reasons we find ourselves in our present predicament. In order for a country to be able to prosper, the citizens need to love their country. They need to be willing to put the survival of their country, its ability to remain a sovereign and free nation, above themselves. And I think a substantial number of those residing in this country today ceased thinking that way a long time ago. Many more people today freely admit that they hate this country. And it is that hate that Barry feeds on as he has set about destroying this country. Hate is what gives him his energy, the more hatred he can incite, the stronger he becomes.

And also I find myself wondering just how much worse things are going to have to get before certain folks get a clue. Now you would think that the current state of the black community would be enough to get at least some folks off the Democrat plantation, but apparently things are still going to have to get a whole lot worse. I guess some folks are a lot more dense than others. Because it would seem to be painfully obvious, at least to me, that by looking back at what Barry has done in just the last three years, that it would be less than a wise move to provide him with another four years to wreak even more havoc. But hey, what do I know. I'm just a guy who finds himself a whole lot worse off today than I was back in 2008. I'm paying more for everything today than I was before this socialist got himself elected. And I would think that anyone who finds themselves in the same boat would be a tad bit hesitant about re-electing the guy who's the source of most, if not all, of our more recent problems.

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