

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


So it was then that Barry "Almighty," on Tuesday, brought a made-in-America spiel to Iowa, a politically vital state, proclaiming that it will be innovation and adaptation which will help the manufacturing sector and the entire U.S. economy rebound with more gusto. He admonished a divided Washington to stop bickering and rally together like a team. Well, maybe he should take the time to speak to those on his side of the aisle, since it seems to be their rather bizarre definition of what actually comprises a "team" that is the source of the continuing problem of trying to solve our present budgetary and debt ceiling issues. Listening to this guy give these bogus little talks that are completely devoid of any substance would be funny if not for the fact that we still have so many brain-dead Americans who continue to enthusiastically lap this drivel up. Barry can talk forever and never actually say anything, and yet he's perceived as having just come down from the mountain top. And he very much enjoys his being perceived, and constantly referred to by many in the state controlled media, as being some messianic figure. After all, he is the one that we've all been waiting for. He'll stand up there on high behind his ever-present teleprompter as if he's some God-like figure speaking down to those of us who make up the great unwashed masses. We're supposed to be awe when in his presence and grateful that his is so concerned about our wellbeing which is demonstrated by his doing his very best to make sure we all have everything that we need. Personal responsibility seems to have been brainwashed out of us, we now seem to be much more willing to allow the government to take care of us. And we can plainly see where that has now gotten us.

So there in the home of the first presidential caucuses, "Our Dear Leader" made a quick, but very unmistakable nod, to his own re-election bid. Fondly, for him, but not so much for the rest of us, recalling his win here in 2008, Barry said to Iowa: "We've got some history together. And together we're going to make some more history for years to come." Geez, let's hope not! Because the history that's been made over the course of the last 2 years has been anything but good. People have got to be able to recognize the catastrophic amount of damage that has been done to this country as a direct result of Barry and the policies which he as put into place and that can only be described as advancing socialism in its most purest form. Barry, who it is said is under steady pressure to bolster a sluggish economy, is showering attention on manufacturing as an American story of adaptation. He chose the setting of Alcoa Davenport Works, an aluminum factory whose products are exported around the world and used for such high-tech applications as, of course, the wings for the presidential jet Air Force One. The plant has re-hired the workers it laid off during the recent recession and is eying an expansion, said Barry, who pushed a broader theme of American resilience. Is that like when he told us that Caterpillar was going to be hiring and then we found out from the Caterpillar CEO that that wasn't quite the truth. Anyway, "You had to up your game," Barry said to the workers. "And that's what we've got to do as a country as a whole. I want the cars and planes and wind turbines of the future to bear the proud stamp that says 'Made in America.'" So, we have to up our game and that will magically fix every thing. Man, that was easy.

But seriously folks, that's nothing more than a bunch of very silly rhetoric. If anyone has to "up their game" I'd say it's the guy doing all of the flapping of his jaws. Maybe a few less golf outings and fundraisers or even a few less vacations disguised as being official trips are what's in order here. We're not even really sure that he was "made in America." But that's a discussion for another time. Look, we all need to do here is to open our eyes and be willing to recognize the fact that all that he has done in the name of economic recovery, was intended to do nothing other than what has actually happened. That being, of course, economic collapse. It's his policies that have brought about the highest inflation in over two years, it's his policies that have essentially kicked the legs out from under the housing market, it's his policies that are the reason we have over 9 percent unemployment, it's his policies that are behind nearly 4 dollar a gallons gasoline and it's his policies that are responsible for you paying more every time you go to the grocery store. Every thing that has occurred since day one of this patently corrupt administration has been intended to happen and all under the guise of it being someone else's fault. Through a very deft use of some pretty slick slight of hand, and with lots of help from a then Democrat controlled Congress, Barry has gone about the manipulating of events in such as way as to further stifle economic growth all the while claiming that the economic environment that he "inherited" is simply much worse than anyone could have possible imagined and will therefore take much, much longer to repair. And it's all nothing but lies. The sole basis for such action is to create a scenario where more and more people will have nowhere left to turn but the government for their daily subsistence.

It was Barry's victory in the 2008 Iowa caucuses that catapulted his then presidential campaign, and the state is now being flooded with Republicans seeking their party's presidential nomination and in the process criticizing Barry's failed economic leadership. Another argument, or perhaps a better question, would be where exactly is it that Barry is trying to lead us. Because, I would argue that, we are essentially right where Barry has led us. So is it really a failure of leadership since he has been very successful in his leading us right to where it is that he wanted us to be? Barry said that the country has the workers, companies and industries to mount a stronger economic recovery: "We are still the United States of America." Ya, by the grace of God, even though Barry has tried his damnedest to transform us into something else. Something that would more closely resemble someplace like, for instance, Cuba. The stop in Iowa is all part of Barry's effort to promote job creation in the midst of an economic slowdown that has reduced hiring and weakened his job approval standing with the public. After last month's weak unemployment report showed an uptick in the jobless rate to 9.1 percent, the White House is warily eyeing the release of more up-to-date numbers on July 8. Most likely there will be yet another totally "unexpected" uptick in the unemployment numbers. And that's another thing, every thing that happens which is related to the economy, is always unexpected by these clowns. They always seem so surprised. Personally, I think there just feeding us bunch of BS, because based on the policies they continue to advocate and to put into place how could anything come as being unexpected or that much of a surprise. Unless, of course, it's actual job growth that taking place outside of the public sector. Now that would be a surprise.

The White House is out making the case that it see a recovery in the U.S. manufacturing industry as being one way to create more private sector jobs and remain competitive in the global marketplace. Last week, Barry announced a $500 million, joint effort by industry, universities and the federal government to help reposition the United States as a leader in cutting-edge manufacturing. Am I the only one curious about where, exactly, that money will be coming from. Back in Washington, Barry is in a high-stakes stalemate with Republicans over a deal that could cut some $2 trillion from the nation's debt and perhaps clear the way for Congress to extend the nation's borrowing limit. The administration says that debt limit must be raised by August 2 or the government will face a catastrophic default on its obligations. And of course we have "Little Dick" Durbin in the Senate and "Timmy the Tax Cheat" over at Treasury sounding the alarm bells as well. That's the way it always is with these guys, everything is a crisis that needs to be addressed right this very second or the world will suddenly come to an end. Barry made no direct reference to that fight but called on the country and its leaders to start "thinking like a team, instead of turning on each other." "I promise you," he said, "if you we continue to adapt and we continue to innovate and we work together to compete around the world, America will come back stronger than before." Barry's promises ain't worth shit, he's a congenital liar who will tell you whatever he thinks it is that you want to hear. He's not to be trusted. He fooled enough people the first go around to win, we can only hope that enough people, minus the blacks of course, won't be fooled the second time around.

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