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Friday, October 12, 2012
Even though it has been pretty thoroughly debunked, Barry "Almighty" isn’t quite ready to throw the towel in just yet. Even after throwing billions and billions of taxpayer dollars at various ‘green energy’ companies only to then watch them go belly up, he’s still determined to pursue this theory that has NO basis in actual scientific fact. IT’S A SCAM FOLKS! And it’s a scam that's proven to be very, very profitable for Al Gore. For instance, 14 green-tech firms in which Gore invested received or directly benefited from more than $2.5 billion in loans, grants and tax breaks, all part of Barry’s historic push to seed a U.S. renewable-energy industry with public money, YOUR tax money. Over the course of his startling metamorphosis, Gore became an environmentalist hero with release of his silly film and a book both warning of carbon emissions dangerously overheating the planet. He founded an investment firm devoted in part to backing green-minded companies and later partnered with a leading venture capital firm to invest in clean energy start-ups. And Gore is only one of those to garner for themselves some rather significant financial gains.
In his attempt to convince people that he’s right and all of those bona fide scientists who tend to disagree with the entire phony concept, who are, according to Barry, nothing more than "flat-Earthers", Barry set about using every dishonest tactic imaginable. In a recent campaign outing Barry did his best to warn his supporters, who possess a less than average intelligence, about the very dangerous threat posed by global warming, he did his very best to paint a worst case scenario that could serve as the premise for one of those bad Sci-Fi Channel movies. And in so doing, vowed that spending even more money to subsidize green energy firms would serve to prevent it. "By the way, yes, my plan will reduce the carbon pollution that is eating our planet because climate change is not a hoax," Barry said at a campaign rally at the Bank United Arena at the University of Miami. "More droughts and hurricanes and wildfires, that’s not a joke. That’s a threat to our children’s future, and we can do something about it." None of which it true by the way, but when the object of your campaign is not to talk about your record of the last four years, truth matters very little, especially to someone like Barry and his trusty sidekick, 'Slow Joe' Biden.
During this recent pep rally/campaign stop, Barry said that he planned to spend even more taxpayer money to subsidize even more green projects such as wind and solar if elected to a second term all in an attempt to save our children from a future consumed by the effect of this horrendous 'climate change.' Too bad he's not as concerned about the fact the he's now saddling those very same children with a crushing amount of debt that they'll spend their entire working life trying to pay for. Meanwhile, Barry’s opponent, Mitt Romney, has continually criticized him for spending $90 billion on green energy companies, and rightly so, because most, if not all, of those very same companies have now entered into bankruptcy leaving taxpayers holding the bag, a very empty bag. Just this week, the House Energy and Commerce Committee announced it is seeking information from the Department of Energy about a $400 million loan to some outfit called Abound Solar, which recently filed for bankruptcy. Abound was the fifth stimulus-funded green energy firm and the third to file for bankruptcy after Solyndra and Beacon Power.
With all of the intensity of a true believer, Barry vowed to fund his little subsidies with all of that loot that he plans on acquiring courtesy of his ongoing war against oil and those evil oil companies. His plan is to finance his ‘green energy’ boondoggle by taking away those tax breaks oil companies enjoy, which as has already been pointed out comes to nowhere near the amount of money that Barry plans on spending on his 'global warming' scam. "So, now you’ve got a choice. My plan would cut our oil imports in half and invest in the clean energy that has created thousands of jobs all across America," Barry said at the Florida rally. "Not just oil and natural gas, but wind and solar and clean coal technologies and fuel efficient cars and long lasting batteries. If you want to know how we’re paying for it, one of the things we do not allow oil companies to collect another $4 billion in taxpayer-funded corporate welfare every single year," Barry added. The last time I checked you couldn't run your car on solar or wind power. And the prospects of being able to generate sufficient energy though wind and solar power is so far off that we'll all be dead by the time it happens.
Barry said the United States should not fall behind the rest of the world in the green energy markets. "I will not let China or anybody else win the race for clean energy technology," Barry said. Boy that sure makes me feel better. But somebody really needs to tell Barry that that is one race that China has no interest in winning, to the point where they are not even in the race. They’re not that stupid. They must be sitting back and laughing their assess off at us. But not one to be deterred from his insane argument, Barry went on to say, "I want to see that technology develop right here in Florida, right here in the United States of America, creating jobs right here." Barry went on to repeat, "By the way, yes, my plan will reduce the carbon pollution that is eating our planet because climate change is not a hoax. More droughts and hurricanes and wildfires, that’s not a joke. That’s a threat to our children’s future, and we can do something about it." This entire argument is absolute insanity. And really pretty arrogant when you stop and think about it. Man is incapable of effecting climate in any way, being neither able to make it warmer or cooler.
What Barry's plan will do, and the only thing his plan will do, is to drive our economy further into the ditch and our country even further into debt. If he is re-elected by the time he is through we'll be paying 10 dollars for a gallon of gas, if we're lucky, and $1000 a month to heat and cool our homes. That my friends is pure insanity. Why do you think that countries like China and India don't seem to be so quick to jump on the ‘climate change’ crazy train? Because it’s an economy killer! We in this country are literally sitting on top of more oil reserves than are in all of Saudi Arabia. And yet we are not allowed to drill for it. We have enough coal to last us for 100 years, and yet because of Barry's EPA coal mines are being forced to shut down, resulting not only in driving up the cost of energy, but also resulting in even more people being out of work. Under Barry we have no rational energy plan, nothing that allows for the drilling or mining of our vast energy resources while the same time advancing truly reliable renewable energy sources. Barry has put all of our eggs into one energy basket, and it just isn't working.
It makes no sense! At least not to anyone other than those like Al Gore, for whom it makes all the sense in the world. And because it makes no sense, that's all the more reason for all of the idiotic claims to be considered as being highly suspect. Look, it should be painfully obvious, at least to anyone with an ounce of brain power, that it's all nothing more than a attempt by Democrats to conceive of a way to acquire for themselves even more control over the lives of every single American. They want to be able to control the temperature we keep our homes, the amount of water that we use, the kind of light bulbs we use and it goes on and on and on. Is this what we really want? How many times has this got to be disproven before these Democrats are finally willing to give it up? The answer is, never. Not as long as they have the White House and either house of Congress. It's one more reason why we all need to get behind Mitt Romney and put the Republicans in control of Congress. And look I'm not naïve enough to think that we are not going to need to keep a close eye on things, but I know I trust Romney a Hell of a lot more than I trust Barry. I'm not a fan of either Boehner or McConnell, but they are infinitely better than Reid and Pelosi.
2012 Election,
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