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Friday, October 12, 2012
As bizarre as his behavior was during the vice president 'debate', and I use the term 'debate' very loosely, his exaggeration of the facts, and outright lies, seemed, to me, to be just as obvious. Many thought that when it came to the foreign policy portion of Thursday night’s debate, that old 'Slow Joe' would be in his element, that he'd show that young whipper-snapper a thing or two. But I'm not sure that that actually proved to be the case. I mean, there were more than a few instances where old 'Slow Joe' not only stretched the truth, but where he just flat out lied. One thing you see an awful lot from politicians like Biden is that when they don' really want to talk about something that they've screwed up so badly, they try to steer the conversation to other things. Which really wasn't all that difficult for Biden throughout the entire debate since the moderator seemed to be quite willing to assist when needed. A moderator who, by the way, has been a frequent visitor to both the White House as well as to the vice president's residence. Curious, don't you think?
Anyway, the many examples of Biden's more obvious inaccuracies (lies) varied in the degree of falsehood that he chose to impart upon those listening. Some were straight up lies while other were more just fudging of the actual facts. Some of the more obvious examples include but are limited to the following:
On the subject of Iran our favorite moron, Biden, could not have appeared to be more clueless had he been trying to. He said, "Iran is more isolated today than when we took office. It was on the ascendancy when we took office. It is totally isolated." Oh really? He followed up that imbecilic remark with, "The ayatollah … [presumably supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei] sees the world for the first time totally united in opposition to him getting a nuclear weapon."
A fact that Biden must have missed is the fact that it was just two months ago that Iran held the biggest international gathering it has hosted since the 1979 Islamic revolution, a week-long summit of the Non-Aligned Movement. Iran has been elected to chair the bloc for the next three years. In a final communiqué at the summit’s conclusion, NAM leaders expressed support for Tehran’s activities "in the field of peaceful use of nuclear technology," and rejected unilateral sanctions against Iran. Together, NAM accounts for around 60 percent of the world’s independent nations. Then, I guess thinking that the rest of us have been paying as little attention to things as he has, 'Slow Joe' went on to say, "This is the guy [President Obama] who brought the entire world, including Russia and China, to bring about the most devastating, most devastating, the most devastating [sanctions] efforts on Iran …" Oh really? Earth to Joe, Earth to Joe, come in please!!!
The actual fact of the matter is that while Barry did manage to get Russia and China onboard for an Iran sanctions resolution in the Security Council in June 2010, "the entire world" did not back the measure. Of the 15 members of the council Turkey and Brazil opposed the resolution, while Lebanon abstained. And in what was stark contrast, the Bush administration was twice able to accomplish what its successor has not, a unanimous (15-0) Security Council vote for sanctions against Tehran over its nuclear activities. Those resolutions were passed in Dec. 2006 and Mar. 2007. On a third occasion (Mar. 2008) the Bush administration achieved a 14-0 vote for a sanctions resolution (Indonesia abstained). And a fourth resolution (Sept. 2008) – which did not impose new sanctions but reaffirmed the previous measures – also passed unanimously.
And then when the subject came to Israel, Biden simply made no sense at all saying, "The president has met with Bibi [Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu] a dozen times." Right, I'm sure Mr. Netanyahu views Barry as being one of his best buds. And I couldn't help but wonder if the Prime Minister might have been just a tad bit offended by Biden's repeated use of his nickname, "Bibi." And again the facts don't quite line up with any of the claims being floated here by old 'Slow Joe'. Barry has met with Netanyahu nine times since taking office. The Israeli leader reportedly requested a tenth meeting on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly in New York last month, but no meeting was scheduled. Instead Barry thought it much more important to make his fifth appearance with the hags there on the daytime television show, "The View."
On the subject of Syria Biden proved yet again how this administration has its finger on the pulse. Biden, (asked why the logic regarding acting to prevent massacres in Libya did not apply to Syria) said, "It’s a different country. It is five times as large geographically, it has one-fifth the population, that is Libya, one-fifth the population, five times as large geographically." Libya, which is slightly bigger than Alaska according to the CIA World Factbook, is actually nine times bigger than Syria, which is a little larger than North Dakota. Libya’s population is a quarter of the size of Syria’s. (Biden initially appeared to have fumbled the data here completely, prompting former House Speaker Newt Gingrich to tweet that the vice president was "absurdly wrong" on this point. A closer reading of a convoluted sentence – Biden’s addition of the phrase "that is Libya" – suggests that the inaccuracy was not as egregious as it might have first appeared.)
And then, of course, we came to the events in Libya. And it was here that Biden was perhaps the most dishonest. According to 'Slow Joe', "We weren’t told they wanted more security there [at U.S. missions in Libya]. We did not know they wanted more security again." Now if I remember correctly it was just last week that both House Oversight Committee chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) in a letter to Secretary of State Hitlery Clinton listed a string of attacks and threats in Benghazi in recent months, and claimed that the administration had turned down "repeated requests." And I believe there were four separate requests, from the U.S. mission in Libya for some additional security. At a House Oversight Committee hearing this week, administration officials confirmed that requests had been received from U.S. diplomats for more security in Benghazi. Deputy assistant secretary for diplomatic security Charlene Lamb told lawmakers she had not supported the requests. Why should she, she was nice and safe in here little corner office,
Last but not least was the topic of Afghanistan. Ignoring completely the fact that the highest death toll in Afghanistan has come under the stellar leadership of our current Commander-in-Chief, all Biden could say was, "There have been more than two dozen cases of green-on-blue where Americans have been killed." Fifty-two International Security Assistance Force members have been killed in 36 insider, or so called "green-on-blue," attacks this year alone. According to statistics compiled by the New Delhi- based Institute for Conflict Management, 116 coalition fatalities in 69 such incidents have been recorded since the beginning of 2009.
Now I know that a great many on the left are feeling pretty good about 'Slow Joe's' 'performance. You know, those on the same level of intelligence as morons like Chris Matthews and Bob Beckel. It goes without question that these guys view rudeness and arrogance as being favorable character traits and not, in any way as flaws. And as much as I wanted to simply turn the channel, I didn't, instead choosing to stick it out all the way to the bitter end. But I gotta tell ya, if I was a Democrat I would have been embarrassed. But I'm not, so I was just angry because an hour and half of my life that I'll never get back was wasted. Wasted because Biden wanted to make up for Barry's piss poor performance in his first debate with Romney. Supposedly his goal was not so much to actually provide any amount of substance or to take part in a substantive discussion, it was, instead, to go out there and bully Ryan, interrupting him at every opportunity all in an effort to 'stir up the base.' And I guess that was accomplished. But other that pleasing those who were already going to be voting for the team he was representing who else might he have convinced. I would argue not very many, if any at all.
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