

Tuesday, September 24, 2024


I think it’s important to understand that just because an individual is heralded, especially by those on the left, as some sort of ‘expert,’ it most certainly doesn’t mean that he, or she, is actually an expert. And when it’s one of these so-called ‘experts’ that is then used to lecture us, regardless of issue, it’s always important to take anything they say with a grain of salt. For instance, if one of these ‘experts,’ at the encouragement of those in the ‘fake news’ media, were to issue a dire warning of the many dangers of voting for President Trump, telling us that we must wake up and come to our senses or face a catastrophe, we should recognize it for what it is.

But the really strange thing here, and I do mean really strange, is how these ‘experts’ accusing me, and those like me, of somehow being asleep at the switch and in need of waking the fuck up, are the very ones who have, quite literally, been asleep for decades and most certainly during the entire four years that Donald Trump was President. And it was recently that one of these same ‘experts,’ a guy by the name of Douglas Brinkley, a guy billed as being a ‘presidential historian,’ claimed on Monday, during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Morning Schmo,” that voters “better wake up” to the “doomsday scenario” that would unfold if President Trump were elected.

‘The Schmo’ started off a rather bizarre exchange by asking, “What’s at stake with about 45 days left? What’s at stake?” Brinkly answered, “American democracy, nothing less. Donald Trump is usurper of democracy. He’s a wrecking ball. You’ve been talking today rightfully reminding people of January 6 but the hellscape he has developed of dividing our country, we have a chance to unite. Kamala Harris is doing an incredible job, momentum is her way. I think it’s just getting some more young people engaged. North Carolina is the state. I know everybody is waiting on Pennsylvania, but North Carolina is really interesting that Harris has a chance of winning there."

He continued, “If you are talking about the danger, the inherent danger of Donald Trump, he’s radioactive. He wants to come in and gut government because it’s rhetoric that sounds good. You start trying to get rid of civil service, collapse the federal government, you are going to find a country in disarray.” Brinkley added, “With the new prerogative the courts gave that presidents are above the law we are walking into a doomsday scenario if Trump gets in. People better wake up, take the smelling salt and pay attention right now these next days are going to be fast.” So once again all we hear are lots of allegations with no proof to support any of them.

The only true “wrecking ball” in this country has been, and continues to be, the Democrat Party. Democrats took the four years of peace and prosperity that we had under President Trump and said we can do better. And now here we sit nearly four years later with rampant inflation and violent crime, a world that is quite literally on fire, a nonexistent southern border, our children being molested nearly at will while at the same time we’re told by dolts like Brinkley that imbeciles like Cumala are doing an incredible job. And while doing so not a goddamn peep is heard from those who claim to be bona fide, unbiased, objective ‘journalists!’ It’s all so bizarre!

And where do such people get off saying these types of things. We already know who President Trump is. He presided over the best economy in my lifetime with low gas prices and lower unemployment. They wail about January 6th, but there already has been a peaceful transfer of power so all of the gnashing of teeth is silly on its face. And just what part of our ‘democracy’ did President Trump usurp? Did he invalidate elections? Did he jail political opponents? Did he collude with Big Tech to suppress information? Did he collude with those in the ‘fake news’ media to aggressively promote false narratives of his opponent? Did he try to assassinate his opponent?

How do these people who profess to be so intelligent, make statements like this when they’re looking on as this country is literally going down the toilet. As a ‘presidential historian’ you’d think that this boob Brinkley would know that this country is not a democracy, in other words 51 percent of the country does not get to vote to enslave the other 49 percent, we literally fought a war over this already and his side lost. Conversely, the majority will not be subject to the tyranny of the minority which is literally what this guy Brinkley, and those like him, seems to be seeking. For a so-called ‘historian’ this clown doesn’t sound like he’s studied much of anything.

All you need to know about this boob Brinkley is that he thinks Jimmy Carter was a great president and he’s a big fan of John Kerry-Heinz. So, we must simply consider the source. And don’t most responsible ‘historians’ at least wait for the history to be made before they prognosticate through their stinkin’ hump! This Brinkley is not at all objective, he’s a screaming partisan hack who feels that he’s fit to lecture the rest of us on what is very clearly his own biased, and rather warped, opinion! I will welcome the re-election of President Trump, it’s the only thing that will save America and prompt those that can’t bear the stress to leave it and live somewhere else!

And so, it’s in this fraud Brinkly that we have nothing more than just another rabid leftist of a so-called historian. Apparently, the guy doesn’t even know what happened in just the last eight years during which Trump was elected, ‘lost’ an election, left office on schedule, and is now seeking to return to the presidency via an election. Unlike the Democrats who executed the first successful coup against a sitting president in our history. It’s alarming how people will say anything to enhance their own small world. This guy knows what he’s saying is completely opposite of what is true, but only does it to enhance his little world that he surrounds himself with.

These Democrats insist upon ratcheting up the rhetoric, saying such things as, “A Republican victory will be the end of democracy and the beginning of Hitleresque tyranny.” They have tried lawfare against President Trump. There have now been two assassination attempts. They’re flooding America with illegal immigrants in order to dilute Republican voting power. Do you really think this can go on indefinitely? You know, up until the Clintons came along, before the ‘fake news’ media became a fully functioning branch of the Democrat Party, those things that have been employed again President Trump would have been loudly and emphatically rejected.

Clearly the election of Cumala would do nothing more than to deliver upon the American people more disasters in the form of more wars, open borders, human and drug trafficking, more big government borrowing, price inflation, failed schools, crime waves, anti-Business legislation, communism, tribalism, racism, genderism, culturalism, higher taxation, nanny-State, obliteration of our Constitution, and a massive multi-year economic depression. ALL of it done intentionally. The Democrat Party is a professional subversive organized crime entity. Democrats destroy everything they come into contact with. All Democrats must go.

Clearly this guy Brinkley is less a “presidential historian” than a full blown leftwing activist. Declaring that President Trump, who has a proven record of success and of protecting America, is now our most dangerous enemy is nothing if not pure leftwing drivel. According to this boob, if Cumala wins ‘democracy’ will be saved. Meanwhile, debt will skyrocket, as will inflation, as she undoubtedly will continue to spend billions of dollars that we simply don’t have. There will be no press conferences only occasional word salads. Cumala will not unite anything. This fool claims she’s a moderate. She is not. Her pen will run out of ink in the first five minutes if she wins.

This boob claims that Cumala “is doing an incredible job?” Is he living in the same country as me? It never ceases to amaze me when these “experts” make outlandish statements that are completely removed from reality. So, this incompetent clown approves of the queering of America, the dumbing- down of kids, the parasitic border invasion, and the perpetuating of the Ukrainian debacle - all for the sake of making America a tortured, black hole. The last 12 of 16 years, eight under ‘BO’ and Joey with four under Joey and Cumala, were a total disaster for the majority of Americans Do we really want more? Which is why we must vote for President Trump 2024!!!

This guy Brinkley has now officially become little more than a rodeo clown. He lacks even the dignity and self-awareness to be embarrassed by the utterance of such unvarnished drivel. And have you noticed how none of these turds have answered a basic question. Trump has been President, and did not end democracy or become a dictator. Why now? All that we have here, in this guy Brinkley, is yet another communist front man, espousing democracy while at the very same time secretly coveting totalitarianism by the Left, by the proto-Communist Democrat Party. They are the greatest liars of our time, save maybe for the ‘fake news’ media.

These guys are nuts! They are free to make up whatever they want, but it doesn’t make it true. Of course, they know they’re lying, all in order to support the communist takeover that’s happening. Joey and Cumala have been more destructive to the Constitution and the American way of life than any administration in my 70+ years. On the other hand, the Trump years were the best in in decades for average working Americans. As a nation, we had stability and reason for pride with President Trump. The chaos in both our major cities, and abroad, came under Cumala. With President Trump, all the doom the puppet masters predicted, never came.

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