

Thursday, September 12, 2024


When it comes to finding examples for those old adages about certain people being thick as thieves or about how birds of a feather tend to flock together, one really has to look no further than our ‘fake news’ media to find glaring examples of both. This same group of unscrupulous fucks who have willingly chosen to commit themselves to the one political party that continues to have as its primary objective the completely destruction of this country. And, oddly enough, they seem to feel totally justified in having done so. To the point where they will blatantly lie about, distort and/or provide cover for what it is that their Democrat masters are truly up to.

And yet, these same clowns actually have the nerve to sound offended that fewer and fewer Americans actually believe anything they say or to choose to take them, and their rather skewed opinions, seriously. A near perfect example of that involves our most recent presidential debate and the sudden rush by those in the ‘fake news’ media to rush to defend the supposed moderators from accusations of what was the obvious political bias they demonstrated during the debate. And it was one of those defenders, Abby D. Phillip, a member of the stable of bimbos there at CNN, who recently sought to justify the very unprofessional behavior of the two moderators.

You see it was past Wednesday that Ms. Phillip, apparently believing that her ‘fake news’ colleagues were somehow being maligned, took to ‘X’ seeking to somehow justify the presidential debate moderators’ tactic of unevenly fact-checking President Trump and not Cumala, despite her numerous lies. And it was on ‘X’ that Ms. Phillip posted, “Just fyi: when there is asymmetrical lying, there will be asymmetrical fact checking.” Now “asymmetrical,” as in “asymmetrical standards” is apparently something which the left applies to others, but never to themselves. And while there was indeed asymmetrical lying, it was Cumala who was the one doing all of it.

Apparently, her post came in response to all of the criticism coming from the right over ABC News moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis’s constantly fact-checking President Trump while allowing Cumala to skirt by with the more than 20 lies she told during the debate. Moderators tried to fact-check President Trump at least seven times, and Cumala not once. Here we had two supposed professional journalists (and I use the term loosely) who just sat there allowed let lie after lie to slide by without a single comment or challenge. Yes, my friends, ‘journalism’ in America is truly dead. Cumala knew going in that she was free to tell whatever lie she thought necessary.

Based on her comment, I can only assume that Ms. Phillip herself must be a DEI hire. And have you ever noticed how Democrats always accuse President Trump if lying, but never point out any specific lie, nor are they rarely ever asked to? And the few times that they do it, they’re either wrong or merely nit-picking President Trump’s hyperbole or exaggerations, whereas Joey’s and Cumala’s outright lies simply go unquestioned. And it was yet another genius there at CNN, some boob by the name of Daniel Dale, who claimed afterwards that President Trump had told at least 33 lies, while Cumala only told “at least one.” And he was totally serious!!!

Those at ABC, as well as the rest of the ‘fake news’ media, know who and what they are. Any they also know, or should by now, that we also know who and what they are. That goes for NeverTrumper RINOs as well. Frankly I’m not sure what purpose these debates have anymore, they’ve been reduced to be being little more than political theater. Most folks know who and what Cumala is and knew what to expect from her going into this thing. And we all know President Trump and remember how good we had it when he was last in the White House. And we see him as the only man able to get us out of the mess created by Joey, Cumala and the Democrat Party scum.

Yes, of course, it made me angry when they just kept fact checking President Trump and simply tolerating Cumala's lies. It was moderated very poorly. President Trump came across as very presidential and Cumala simply stood out as an idiot. That debate was clearly choreographed between Cumala and ABC, and I don’t care what anybody says, I have no doubt that Cumala was provided with the questions well beforehand. The knockout blow the Democrat was hoping for, just didn’t land. It was too obvious that the appearance of fairness was staged. The coordinated efforts of the mainstream media to attack President Trump has not fooled the American people.

When a candidate doesn't attempt to answer the questions and spends their time caught up in spewing falsehoods it’s an obvious sign they have nothing of value to say about their record or their policies. Cumala would have everyone believe the most pressing issues we face as a nation are abortion on demand, reparations, massive amounts of welfare to illegals and those who are either unwilling to work, free Medicare for all, eliminating fossil fuels and expanding the green new deal, banning guns, gas powered autos, free speech and voter ID. She'll pay for it all by simply printing money. She’s really an economic genius pretending to be a complete fool.

I think we’re experiencing the last gasp of the so-called legacy media, and I they have no one to blame but themselves. Even the dumbest among us will eventually tire of being lied to. And so, as they sell off properties and layoff poorly educated malcontents, they will continue to wonder why they have a no legacy. Cumala is as prepared to be president as an illegal immigrant who just snuck across the border. Everyone is upset with the direction of the country and blames it on Joey. But it’s likely that Cumala and ‘BO’s minions behind the curtain who are the ones who have been calling the shots on this slow-motion train wreck we’ve all been witness to.

And ABC confirmed what most Americans already knew. They are as corrupt as the Democrats and in the tank for Cumala. ABC folks did everything but their job, when the only thing they needed to do was their job. Cumala wasn’t content with just regurgitating the same old debunked lies, she rolled out some new whoppers for consumption. And call a conspiracy nut if you must, but you will never convince that Cumala wasn’t provided with the question with enough time for her to have the appropriate answers scripted and memorized. After all, Democrats have a track record of such behavior. This debate was an exercise in political trickery.

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