

Thursday, September 26, 2024


Enough already with endlessly trying to compare President Trump to Hitler. And dare I say, if someone is seriously looking for someone to compare to one of the most evil individuals in history, they will likely have much better luck by looking at those in the Democrat Party and at just about any Democrat politician. Because it’s any of these clowns who would much more closely resemble the kind of person Hitler was. From their political beliefs to their willingness to do whatever is thought to be necessary in their quest to first acquire power and then, once acquired, to maintain that power, Democrats bare a very close resemblance to Hitler and his Nazi Party.

And yet these comparisons continue. Most recently on MSDNC and by network columnist and contributor Charlie Sykes. You see, it was this past Tuesday, during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Deadline,” that Mr. Sykes accused President Trump of using rhetoric that is literally like the words of Adolf Hitler. And knowing, as we all do, the intelligence level of those who choose to tune in to watch MSDNC, this goofball Sykes was likely doing little more than preaching to the choir, aka those who already have no intention of voting to improve their country. Which begs the question, why bother to once again make such baseless accusations in the first place?

Because they must! They have nothing else. And so we once again have yet another MSDNC mouthpiece doing his best to incite further violence against President Trump, and at the same time other cesspool flotsam media outlets are busy writing their next diatribe about Republicans inciting violence. Anyway, it was then that Sykes said, “At the Republican National Convention here in Milwaukee, they held up signs saying Mass Deportation. As you point out, this is who Donald Trump is. This is not a gaff or a one-off. This is what he is running on. He’s doubling down on it.” He said, “He has an entire crowd chanting this, and why are they focusing on the Haitians of Springfield?"

And Sykes went on to say, “The racism is so raw. I can’t help but think that we are six weeks out from this election and what commentary it will be on American culture and the American people if, in fact, they look at this man and they say yeah, let’s put him back in power.” And he added, “This is one of those fundamental moments frozen in time where America has to decide. Again, there is nothing subtle about the racism here. He’s moved on from Mexicans to Haitians. Haitians who are here legally, and he keeps talking about it even though his initial story has been completely debunked, completely refuted.” Again with the race card? Seriously?

Now I think it might be worth noting that Mexicans are not a race. Neither, might I add, are Haitians a race. You’d think this boob would be smart enough to know that. But then he is an employee of MSDNC, so likely not. And yet he continued by saying, “Over and over again, he’s talked about how these migrants, again who are here legally, are poisoning the blood of America, of the United States. They are poisoning our blood. Now, this is real throwback rhetoric. I don’t think there is no glossing over this. There is no normalization of this.” If these liberals were forced to quit lying, they'd be unable to utter a single word. But that’s never going to happen.

Anyway, this dolt concluded by saying, “That is literally Hitler, Hitlerian rhetoric.” Really? President Trump is now calling for those here illegally to be sent off to extermination camps? Who knew? Did I miss something? You would have thought that the ‘fake news’ media would have been all over that!!! You know, someone once told me that when someone on the Left makes allegations against you, it’s likely more of a confession! Sykes and all of his leftist butt buddies are continually projecting their own actions onto those of us on the right. Perhaps Sykes can point out to us when a man who was already president displayed a single Hitler policy in four years.

So here we have MSDNC once again pulling out the race card in one more desperate attempt. Racism is like that mystery fart in a crowded room, everyone’s pointing fingers, but the loudest complainer is usually the culprit! It seems like the ones quickest to accuse others of being racist might just be revealing their own prejudice. So, next time someone shouts “racist” in a crowd, maybe it’s worth wondering who’s actually spreading the stink! Actually, the real racism here is when a little fascist like Sykes attempts to dictate to the rest of us what we can, and cannot, speak about, or even think about in the country where I was born, because of my race.

And a funny thing, it would seem that rumor has it that old Charlie used to be the conservative voice of reason on Milwaukee radio. But he chose to throw it all away because he thought Donald Trump was going to lose. Once he didn't, old Charlie didn't have an audience to come back to. So, he turned into a leftist commentator on MSDNC while still pretending to be a Republican. Now, MSDNC doesn’t have much use for him, so he has to throw out all of these wild claims in order to try to be somehow relevant because now he needs the money. It’s all pretty sad when you stop to think about it. Actually, it’s all pretty pathetic, but should we expect anything different?

And it’s no real secret that the vast majority, or over 95 percent, of these Haitians are not true asylum seekers, but are instead nothing more than economic migrants. Which makes it all even more reprehensible to claim that an objection to them being here is somehow racist. It’s not, it’s about survival. These people weren’t brought here to simulate into our society or to be productive citizens. They are here for two very Nefarious reasons; to become Democratic voters, and to be cheap labor to subsidize the labor. You will know this to be true when you run the numbers; they cost a lot more than they produce. Only a government could afford 10 million of them.

Now I’m assuming that this may come as a big surprise to someone like Mr. Sykes, but this country has immigration laws and those who have ignored them by having entered this country illegally are in violation of those laws. If we don’t have a border, we don’t have a country. It’s just that simple. I am sorry about that, but it’s unfair to those who are trying to enter this country through the legal process. Immigration without any vetting, health checks, and without assimilation is a disservice to those legal immigrants who enter this country and a huge disservice to our natural born citizens. So enough already with all of the stupid Hitler comparisons!

For any number of reasons, these crazy lunatic Democrats just don’t get it. White Americans aren’t allowed to complain about the fact they’re being replaced. They’re not allowed to notice that America’s last white suburbs are being ghettoized. Oh no. You’re forbidden to notice that! And if you do, you’ll be called “racist.” That’s because whites are forbidden to stand up for their fellow whites. BIacks can stand up for bIacks, you see, and Mexicans for Mexicans, but not whites for whites. That’s strictly verboten. Because as long as people like Sykes can terrorize you into silence, they can advance their goals. So, wake up, folks! You’re losing your country!

And since when is it racist to want people to assimilate into the country they came to and racist to want your country, your city to be safe from gangs and other dangers? The party of Charlie Sykes chooses to violate our immigration laws to the extreme by allowing 12 million people into our country on bogus claims of asylum, and then is offended because President Trump has communicated that many of these people will be returned to their home country at some point in the future. This man is clearly insane. In addition, he’s clearly disconnected from the wishes of the average American citizen. We’re tired of paying for liberal, progressive bullshit.

And finally, you know you’re winning when your opponent is in full blown panic mode. The panic attack is coming from everywhere and it’s laughable. These people are all sounding pretty desperate. And why shouldn't we deport those who have no right to be here? It’s just a consequence of them not having been turned away at the border in the first place. To argue against deporting, them is an argument for a completely open border, since apparently, according to Sykes, mere entry into the U.S. automatically confers a right to be here. But that’s just not the way it works, nor ever intended to work. The system has been so bastardized as to make it totally useless.

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