

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


You know, I’ve been listening to those on the left rail against Republicans for as long as I can remember and rarely, if ever, have Republicans ever fought back. They simply took the abuse, essentially acknowledging the fact that they saw themselves as being little more than the Democrats’ punching bag. And then, along came a guy by the name of Donald Trump, and not only does the railing intensify, but the Democrats proceed to take things to a whole new level and actually blame President Trump for having done so. And all because President Trump chose not to take their shit that has been hurled at him since he first declared himself a candidate for president.

And it should come as a surprise to virtually no one that one of those who has long been railing against Republicans in her own rather unique and inimitable fashion, also just so happens to be she who is apparently not yet over the fact that the American people dared to choose Donald Trump when they could have very easily chosen her as their president in 2016. And so it was that Hitlery was recently once again out and about doing what she does best. It was this past Monday during an appearance on MSDNC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show” that Hitlery argued that President Trump’s politics of “hate and division” has now put the United States’ security in danger.

Hitlery said, “I’m very hopeful, and even optimistic that Americans who do not want to see a continuation of this politics of hate and division will reject Trump.” She continued, “The object in this case is Donald Trump, his demagoguery, his danger to our country and the world. You know, they were merciless about what they saw as President Biden’s problems in the debate and calling for him to withdraw. I believe Donald Trump has disqualified himself over and over and over again to be a presidential candidate, let alone a president.” She added, “I do think more and more Americans are rejecting the kind of chaos that he represents."

And she said, “We can’t go back. That’s what the Harris campaign says all the time. We’re not going back. We’re not going back to, you know, what he failed to do to protect American lives during COVID. We’re not going back to the, you know, romance with dictators that puts innocent lives at risk and puts America’s security in danger. We can’t go back and give this very dangerous man another chance to do harm to our country and the world.” This was classic Hitlery, blame the other side for what she long ago started with her vast right wing conspiracy bullshit!!! Hitlery is the epitome of using the tactic of accusing someone else of doing what she is in fact doing.

They repeatedly call President Trump “Hitler” and a “threat to democracy” and their indoctrinated supporters flip out and commit violence. Democrats and their ‘fake news’ media arm are who’s responsible for the violence that we all see taking place. They need to be held accountable for inciting violence as well as facilitating the ongoing illegal invasion. The full force of the leftist propaganda machine is now underway. These lunatics prefer to reduce this nation to a hotbed of anarchy, rebellion and chaos. There they hope to be able to gain the upper hand and use the upheaval as an excuse to remove most of the institutions of this republic.

Democrats are all very much aware of this latest strategy, hence the reason for Hitlery to rush to the nearest microphone to call for the next assassin to step up. All presidential assassinations, and assassination attempts, have come from the left. They know what they’re doing. The end justifies the means, and by any means necessary. We have to break a few eggs to make an omelet. Hidden in plain sight they have told us for decades that they hate our unwashed, deplorable, bible-reading guts. The vitriol and the hatred of all these leftists, socialists and communists, spews out like a demonic volcano. They are hell-bent on destroying everything in their path.

Clearly, the goal is absolute rule. Not shared power, but to own it completely. Power for power’s sake. It’s the most addictive drug on the planet, and no one person, or group, should have too much of it. The more power Leftists have, the more tyrannical they become. So, while there are many important issues on the 2024 ballot, there is nothing more important than stopping the tyranny we see coming from the Democrats and their allies in the blatantly corrupt ‘fake news’ media establishment. Four more years with the ‘Deep State’ at the helm and we’ll be living in a country somewhere between Venezuela and 1984. The choice is clear: President Trump or tyranny.

Once upon a time, we didn’t use the power of government to suppress political opponents and/or persecute those we dislike. Stalin did. Hitler did. Castro did. Chavez did. Mao did. Kim did. But we didn’t. Now we do. Every time Hitlery opens her mouth, it’s a thankful reminder that this nation was spared a terrible calamity when Donald Trump defeated this foul woman in 2016. Thank the good Lord that she has been reduced to only occasionally appearing on lunatic networks like MSDNC, where all she can do is bloviate, and not actually DO anything. Getting old is bad enough, but getting to be as old, ugly and bitter as she is, must be just horrible.

Hitlery sold her soul for the power she never achieved. She remained in a cold, loveless marriage. She destroyed many careers and lives all so she could be president someday. And now she has to look in the mirror every day and accept the fact that her life has been empty and meaningless. And she knows exactly what she’s doing. She’s appealing to brainwashed female voters. That’s who’s watching garbage like MSDNC. That’s why she will use words like “hate” and “extreme.” And of course she uses their favorite propaganda word, “dangerous.” It’s like a joke to people who have a mind and can see through it, but the angry brainwashed females take it seriously.

Hitlery, the career politician whose arrogance, ineptitude, mendacity and borderline psychopathy have left path strewn with countless rape victims, mysterious deaths and the wrecked lives of those she perceived as being obstacles to her ambition? The Clinton who doesn’t understand that she lost her bid to become president because she’s a loathsome, clueless and disgusting egotist who represents all that is evil, ignorant and debased in American politics. The politics of hate and division is exemplified by Hitlery. The aging queen of Democrat power politics is still trying to remain relevant, when in fact she will always be nothing more than a footnote.

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