

Friday, September 6, 2024


So, I’m sitting here trying to figure out just what it might have been that was so terrible about the four years Donald Trump was president that would make reasonable people not want to return to them. I mean did he assign his Department of Justice the task of harassing his political opponents? And despite all the calls to “Lock her up,” did President Trump actually make any attempt to go after Hitlery? Did he make any move to return the country to the days of slavery?  And did make any attempt remove any of the day’s rabidly leftwing television programming off the air or do anything to effect those in the ‘fake news’ media who were busy slandering him.

Nope, it was none of the above. So, what is it that he might have done that today would cause so many on the left to have their panties in such a bunch. Now I’m no rich leftist so paying $1.65 for a gallon of gas under President Trump sure beats what I’m paying now, which is nearly double. And those tax cuts that so many Democrats love to claim only benefited the rich, sure as Hell benefited me. And something else, as a veteran it was nice to see a president who was against sending more of our young men and women off to risk their lives fighting another senseless war in another God forsaken shithole of a country for the benefit of absolutely no one.

And too, it was under the leadership of President Trump that our economy, decimated after the preceding eight years under his Democrat predecessor, quite literally exploded. Once freed from the burden of so many senseless regulations that were put into place, again, by his Democrat predecessor our economy boomed and as a result brought about the lowest unemployment rates in history for both working women and minorities. And I was glad that we finally had as our president a man willing to do more than to just talk about securing our southern border. President Trump ensured that our border was made more secure than it had been in years, perhaps decades.

And let’s not forget that it was also President Trump who removed the chains regarding how it was that this country was dependent upon others, many of whom who hate this country, for our source of energy. President Trump made us not only energy independent, but also the number one exporter of crude on the planet. Add to that the fact that removed us from unfair trade agreements, replacing them with agreements that were far more fair and equitable. Agreements that placed America on an equal footing with countries like China. President Trump also forced our NATO partners to pay their fair share of the cost for their own national defense.

And it was President Trump also rebuilt our military, again after it was decimated by his Democrat predecessor, and ensured that as a fighting force it was second to none. Something else that President Trump accomplished that, I think, he gets little credit, or recognition, for was his rather creative approach in bringing about relative peace to the Middle East, easily the most violent region on our planet. That and he was not afraid to go to North Korea to visit with their leaders and brought some level of stability and calm to that region as well. He demonstrated on more than one occasion, actually throughout is entire presidency, a desire to put the homeland first.

All in all, President Trump did a rather magnificent job as president despite the best efforts of those in the Democrat Party, and even many of those within his own party, to prevent him from advancing his agenda and making good on the promises he made to the voters. And in so doing they used every unsavory tactic imaginable. And yet, when all was said and done President Trump made it so we could all be proud of being American again. And so in looking at where our country, and the world, is today it’s difficult to understand just how far we have been made to fall, and to comprehend how anyone can claim that those in charge have done anything but a horrible job.

Those now in charge have done nothing more than to dismantle to the greatest extent possible, and as quickly as possible, everything economically, militarily, and fiscally, that President Trump accomplished. They are responsible for what is now, despite claims made by Democrats and members of the ‘fake news’ media, a weak economy and a level of inflation that now sits at a 40 year high. And thanks to these people we are once again dependent upon adversaries for our energy, violent crime is now rampant, our southern border has been made non-existent and our public schools have been turned into nothing more than grooming stations for leftwing perverts.

Yes, our current Democrat duo has made a rather spectacular mess of things. And more importantly, they’ve done so very much on purpose. And, I must admit, that I’m a bit confused by the fact that more Americans seem unable to recognize that fact. Seriously, look at any major U.S. city, or state, where the Democrats have been in charge for a significant amount of time, and then compare that to what the country looked like in January 2021 and to what it will look like in January 2025. It doesn’t take a genius to realize Democrats have an uncanny knack for destroying things and yet we have those among us willing to vote for continuing the destruction.

And finally, it’s more often than not that I’m left shaking my head whenever I hear some of the idiotic rhetoric used by those on the left, especially when it comes to lauding the many supposed achievements of those now in power. One has to wonder how these people who are supposed to be so smart, so political savvy, and who are supposed to have their finger on the pulse, can at least seem to be so totally disconnected from reality. It’s almost as if they are totally oblivious to all that is taking place. But how can that be? Now I would ask what it might be that motivates such people to be so blatantly dishonest, but I think we all know the answer to that.

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