

Saturday, September 7, 2024


I’ve been wondering just how delusional those who comprise the forces of the ‘Dark Side’ have become in their continuing effort to prevent President Trump from being re-elected, and I’ve come to the conclusion that they don’t really see themselves as being delusional. And so there’s likely going to be no limit to what these people will do, or will say, justified or not, true or not. The end always justifies the means, with these people, and in this case the end is ensuring President Trump is not sworn in as the next President of the United States next January. And so, it will be left to the American people to sort through all of the BS and see it for what it very clearly is.

And it’s none other than Joe ‘The Schmo’ Scarborough, one of the many players there on the ‘dark side,’ who has again accused President Trump of being everything but what he was, the most conservative president since Ronald Reagan. Which when you think about it is pretty ironic since ‘The Schmo’ claims to be a conservative himself. And it was on Friday that the host of MSDNC’s “Morning Joe” tried to make the argument that if elected, President Trump will become an “autocrat” who will randomly jail people and take television stations off the air. So what the Hell ever gave him that idea, I mean is that what he did the last time he was in office?

Anyway, ‘The Schmo’ said, “This is one of the things that I’ve just not understood, and we’ve said it here. We all talk about saving democracy and how democracy is threatened by a man who said he was going to terminate the Constitution, a man who said he was going to be a dictator on day one, a man who said he was going to kill his political enemies with Seal Team Six or if he chose to kill his enemies with Seal Team Six and count be arrested while he was President of the United States.” He added, “So, yeah, the threats to democracy are real.” But I’m curious, why didn’t he do any of that during his first term? Or is ‘The Schmo’ simply trying to scare the kiddies?

‘The Schmo’ then went on to say, “But the threats to the free market, the threats to free enterprise, to our economy, I mean, Andrew Ross Sorkin, obvious, this is a guy who, as we have said, who’s talking about being an autocrat. And not just talking about going after political enemies but going after people, CEOs that don’t agree with his policies, a guy that’s talking about actually moving all the power in, moving the power of the Fed into his hands, moving the power of the FEC into his hands, FCC, moving the power of what TV networks are on air, what TV networks are off the air, deciding who goes to jail, he said it, and who doesn’t go to jail."

‘The Schmo’ said, “Really, I would think any Fortune 500 CEO would be like, ‘I cannot deal with all the question marks that would be hanging over this guy over the next four years.'” Personally, I happen to be one of those who thinks that ‘The Schmo,’ has finally gone round the bend, he’s allowed his politics to get ahead of his brain. And as far as I’m concerned that if dirtbags, like ‘The Schmo’ can't finish their rants with, “…like he did during his first term”, it should be pretty clear to anyone what’s really going on here. Look, President Trump has no interest in getting even, although I really wish he would, his only interest is in getting America back on track again.

Such garbage as this is neither news, nor is it opinion or even an educated guess. What ‘The Schmo’ said is patently untrue. It was a vile and deliberate attempt to smear a presidential candidate for a specific purpose and there must be some level of accountability for people like ‘The Schmo.’ What he’s doing is to warn us that President Trump might very well do what the Democrats are already doing, and have been doing, for at least eight years. The Democrats have turned this country into a “banana republic.” Censorship and political selective application of the law is now a ubiquitous part of life in America, at least if you happen to be a conservative.

This is simply more of the same sort of nonsense coming from those who not only support, but actively encourage, the use of political lawfare against everyone who dares to disagree with the political left. With all of the lawfare used against President Trump in collaboration with the White House and all those in the ‘fake news’ media do is to provide cover for this administration’s corruption. President Trump has said that this is not what government is for. Vengeance belongs to the citizens who should never again believe what Democrats or the ‘fake news’ media say. And if any of these clowns go off the air it will be because the jig is up and folks have stopped watching.

Democrats in power are very similar to the Nazis of the 1930s and 40s: Mass spying on U.S. citizens, check. Run a gulag to hold political prisoners without trial, check. Use the school system to indoctrinate children to correct political position(s), check. Orchestrate multiple show trials with pre-determined outcomes against your political opponents, check. Use agencies of the government to suppress any opposition to your power, check. Control the media to block any news that is against the regime, check. Use the high office to sell favors and influence to become fantastically wealthy, check. We are now in a Fascist Police State run by a dictator in the White House.

Without question it’s the lying ‘fake news’ media that is the enemy of free people, and if freedom is to continue there must be some level of accountability, and, where necessary, serious consequences. ‘The Schmo’ is ranting like the lunatic that he, and those few who are regular viewers, are terrified of Donald Trump, and they have good reason to be, because their ballgame of lying and stealing is on the verge of being over! Hence all the panic. I mean, how can all of these lies be broadcast without consequence?  All I want to see is some level of accountability for politicians and media groups that purposely lie in order to deceive people for political purposes.

Clowns, like ‘The Schmo’ do know that he was president once already, right? And nothing they fearmongered about then, happened. Perhaps ‘The Schmo’ is in need of a cognitive test himself. And perhaps ‘The Schmo’ can tell us just how many people it was that President Trump put in jail during his first term. Did he put Hitlery in jail, despite the endless calls to, “Lock her up? No? Well then, how many television shows did he have removed from the airways or from cable television? None? Did he ban MSDNC or CNN? Perhaps he should have, but he didn't. ‘The Schmo’ is a liar who once called himself both a Republican and a conservative. Too funny, right?

This type of propaganda has succeeded only in creating hate and division in our country. It’s become nothing more than one big soap opera, and these ‘journalists’ are fighting to see who gets to play the lead role and at our expense. Fascism uses the media to spread lies and propaganda to attack free elections, weaponizes government agencies against the people and, of course, commits censorship on virtually all facts. The U.S. ‘fake news’ media conglomerate is the most corrupted and fraudulent in all human history based on the sheer volume of lies they perpetrate on the American people and the world. They are just an extension of the Democrat Party.

The Democrat Party, as a whole, is mentally compromised and is becoming increasingly unhinged. Democrats have now become deluded to the point where they do not occupy the same reality as the rest of us, yet they are repeatedly provided a platform from which to spread their lies. It’s sad to see grown people spinning yarns as they do that make no sense and indicates a complete ignorance of how U.S. law functions. Not even Joey B. can “take TV stations off the air.” If MSDNC folds, and ‘The Schmo’ does lose his job, it will have had nothing to do with President Trump and everything to do with his habit of making up ridiculous lies and repeating them.

These people are in such a silo they can’t even see how absurd they are. Either that, or they’re smoking some pretty serious drugs. President Trump is no threat to democracy or the airwaves or journalism. Liberals, on the other hand, are a different matter. After all, nothing says “save our democracy” more than shutting down free speech, importing millions of people and pushing for them to be able to vote, diluting the will of the American people regarding the direction of their country, or using the legal system to wage lawfare to make a campaign for office virtually impossible, or refusing to enforce voter ID at elections, or a score of other things for that matter.

And yet ‘The Schmo’ applauds Joey’s efforts to put President Trump in jail by any method possible. Accusing President Trump, and we on the right, of doing precisely what Democrats are doing. Do these idiots really think we’re that stupid? President Trump has never put anyone in prison. It is not up to him, anyway. But the Joey/Cumala regime most certainly has, innocent people. ‘The Schmo,’ along with his main squeeze, are two of the most shallow, stupid, clueless idiots on Earth. Theirs is a show worthy of being taken off the air. Should have already happened. They are vile, according to them Joey’s lawlessness is simply something to be ignored.

And why would President Trump forcibly remove ‘The Schmo’ off the air? His own words make him a far bigger joke than anything President Trump could ever do to him. ‘The Schmo,’ bless his heart, has never claimed to be the brightest bulb in the room. He’s a typical example of that old adage that says, “It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubts.” You know he’s not serious when he doesn’t even acknowledge the authoritarian actions that Joey has taken over the course of the last four years. He sounds like he is truly worried that Cumala may be done, and his worst nightmare is going to be the next President!!

The fact is that the networks are nothing more than the propaganda wing of the Democrat Party. And while it’s the FCC’s job to make sure that the airways are not used in the manner in which they are currently being used, and is the agency which we have paid millions, if not billions, since it was established to do its job, it seems to be failing rather miserably. It’s supposed to regulate broadcast licenses, frequency assignments and content of programing broadcast to the general public. Propaganda, inaccurate news and information are supposed to be grounds for canceling broadcast licensing. And as I said, it has failed miserably in the performance of its job.

There has never been as dangerous a time in this country as what we’ve seen over the course of the last nearly 10 years with these rabid leftists willfully using their broadcast platforms to purposefully spread all manner of malicious lies. Far from reporting on the news of the day, they spend the majority of their time openly lying and inciting fear. These aren’t serious people; this is all nothing more than political theater and ‘The Schmo’ is merely an actor playing a role in it. Their job is quite simple, really, they’re job is to convince as many people as they can that what they’re seeing regarding President Trump simply isn’t real.

The true threat is those like ‘The Schmo.’ Those who make such accusations against President Trump while at the same time acting like the Democrats aren’t doing exactly what they’re accusing President Trump of doing. It’s unconscionable. Caesar was also not a vengeful politician/general. If he had been, he would have lived longer as those who murdered him had pushed him into a civil war that he didn’t want. When he won, he foolishly forgave them. In return they murdered him. So much for the ‘quality of mercy.’ Caesar's one great failing was expecting his fellow patrician senators to be as honest and honorable as he was. That failing got him killed.

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