

Saturday, September 14, 2024


It would seem that it’s with each passing day, as we creep ever closer to the next election, that amongst those folks in the ‘fake news’ media there seems to be a little less interest in whether, or not, the American people recognize what they’re up to. And so, they remain determined to do all that they can in their effort to have an impact on public opinion that is in their favor and, as such, they seem to be willing to say whatever it is that they may feel is necessary to achieve their objective which is, of course, President Cumala. And it is a hatred for this country that has become so pervasive in our ‘news’ media that it’s none of these people who can be trusted.

Take for instance MSDNC host Jonathan Capehart. It was on Friday of this week, during an appearance on “Chris Jansing Reports” that this guy declared that it was “frightening” that roughly half the country supports President Trump. How sad it is that these little liberal fucks have no understanding of the American people. The economy and immigration are the two top issues voters are either angry and/or concerned about. Those two issues are what President Trump is proposing fixes for. So, yeah, we support him. Apparently to Democrats it would be frightening having secure borders, affordable gas and groceries, no new wars, and a good economy.

Anyway, Capehart said, “I’ve been watching Donald Trump’s press conference since before we were doing the segment before you jumped to it as the Q&A portion. I have to tell you, listening to him and particularly that answer, one word that comes to mind is reprehensible. A former president of the United States is that basically poo-pooing the concerns of the elected officials in the affected city, in Springfield, Ohio. The Republican governor of the state debunked this and yet he’s still talking about it and throws it back to the border. Then what he says in addition to that is that this is why I will lead the largest mass deportation in the history of the country."

He continued, “This language he uses. It’s the first time I’ve heard him use the word nest when talking about immigrants. They’re coming from nests and they’re coming to this country? He is dehumanizing and devaluing migrants as part of the prelude for this mass deportation. It is unconscionable that he is saying these things and that the Republican Party is not pushing back.” Capehart added, “What is most frightening of all is that just about a half of the country is buying what he’s selling.” Capehart needs to leave his little bubble and interact with people who live in small cities or rural towns with little or no interest in foolishness those in the media are so obsessed with.

Actually, what’s truly frightening is that we’re supposed to believe that it’s half the country that is somehow able to support Cumala. And it’s frightening that anyone is buying the lies the Democrats are selling. They have fabricated a narrative to make Cumala into something she is not and to expect everyone to believe she just changes her lifetime of positions in an instant while she openly brags that her values haven’t changed. Cumala is an evil, nasty, untrustworthy person. And it’s frightening that anyone would believe otherwise. And It’s terrifying is how the press makes it seem that 50% of the country think Cumala is appealing when at best it’s maybe 30%.

Fake news is nothing more than pure Democrat propaganda. Most, if not all, of President Trump’s predictions have come to pass, and very accurately. Only a fool wouldn’t listen to what he has to say. Crime is soaring, DOJ just released crime data from victims showing that under Joey rape has soared by 42%, robbery by 63%, and aggravated assaults by 55%. ABC fact checked President Trump stating that FBI statistics show crime is down, knowing full well many cities were not reporting crime after Joey/Cumala forced the FBI to change reporting structure in 2021 right after they opened the borders. Facts don’t lie but Democrats and the ‘news’ media do!

OK so let’s have a lesson in reality: Number One, it’s more than half the country that supports President Trump and, Number Two, it’s because all of us have had the displeasure of living in the country since 2020 when Joey and Cumala assumed office under very questionable circumstances to say the least. How can one look at what these people have done to our country and still want them to be allowed to remain in power unless, of course, one is a Democrat. Stick with the party, screw the American people, that’s the Democrat motto. What is reprehensible is that the Democrats are responsible for this mess that President Trump will once again have to clean up.

And the truly frightening thing here, is that it’s roughly half the country that seems quite willing to turn America, into a communist banana republic shithole of a country. These communists think our Constitution is frightening. What is frightening is a nation with no borders, no deterrent for crime, that kills its unborn and calls evil good and good evil. It is frightening to think that half the country does not realize that the administration Cumala is a part of could make her promises a reality tomorrow. President Trump is the only thing standing in the way of the global elites and the left absorbing the country. The drama hasn’t begun to unfold yet, so buckle up.

Quite franky, President Trump is selling nothing. He, and us, believe in our country. We’re Patriotic. We’re appreciative of the opportunities that we all have because we live in this country. Being proud Americans seems to irritate leftists like this shitbag Capehart. The only ones selling anything are the Democrats, and those in the ‘fake news’ media, again like this moron, Capehart. It’s they who are working tirelessly to sell their silly bullshit about taking the country in a different direction to anyone who will listen. Those who, for whatever bizarre reason, actually want four more years like the last four and can therefore be convinced into voting for Camula.

And too, what’s frightening is that half isn’t buying what President Trump is selling. That is terrifying. We will lose our republic if people make the wrong choice in voting. Think about it, returning to a time of no wars, low inflation, lower prices, lower taxes, deporting criminal illegals, secure borders and two genders? Yup, I am buying it. What else is frightening the number of American women and children being raped and murdered by illegal aliens. The risk of illegal aliens voting in our elections. The cost associated with allowing them into our country. People’s precious pets becoming a food source for savages. President Trump and his rhetoric? Not frightening at all.

What I find to be both shameful and disgusting is the fact that those in the ‘fake news’ media are working so hard to cover up Cumala’s blatant lies and many shortcomings. Where do they shop, live or purchase the necessities of life that are not impacted by the economic crisis brought on by the current installed administration? Screw the ‘fake news’ media, I believe what I see and have experienced in my over seventy years and this is a disgrace and well worth fighting against. These people seem to be very easily frightened by many things. Things like democracy, acid rain, the ozone layer, another ice age, hot weather, and making America great again.

Over half of those who will vote, will vote for President Trump because he was a successful President. We had a secure border, low inflation, a strong military, and bright future. With Cumala we will have the opposite of all those things. Only bad, and lots of it. But as bad as it is, just wait if she were able to cheat out a ‘win.’ It’ll be “Katie, bar the door!” I was living much better during the Trump years, so I’m not sure why anyone is surprised that people would want to try and bring them back. A frightening part for me is that there are those who claim to be frightened by his plan to deport people here illegally. But was it frightening when ‘BO’ deported illegals?

And it’s frightening that half of the nation continue to support the Democrats. And what is truly sad is the fact that the majority of blacks still support the party of the KKK and slavery and seem not smart enough to understand that it’s the Republican Party that wants to see all Americans succeed and to have their shot at the American dream. This buffoon Capehart gets paid big bucks to be a loudmouth moron, he seems quite content in the knowledge that far too many blacks live in squalor in the ghetto, he’s just doing what he’s paid to do, convince blacks to continue voting for the party that keeps them in squalor and that makes it more difficult for them to escape it.

Yes, those of us here outside the beltway and here in the heartland are buying what President Trump is selling, because what he’s selling is the salvation of this great country, not its certain destruction courtesy of Cumala and the Democrats. Cumala is a Marxist and as such is not capable of being President of the United States. I can’t imagine what four more years under her control will do to our country. You can look at any large Democrat controlled city and see what she has in store of us. God help us if she gets elected. But President Trump, if he wins the election, will do his best to get this country back on the right path. America WILL be Great Again!!! At least I hope so.

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