

Sunday, September 1, 2024


Clearly gone are the days when so many of our bona fide ‘movie stars’ have spent time on our military, many in combat and many of those being highly decorated. Today most of our Hollyweirdos would never dream of taking part in the defense of their country. And besides being far less talented than those actors of old, actors of today seem far less intelligent as well as much more eager to side with the enemies of this country And yet, oddly enough, these same people expect the rest of us to pay the high cost these days of seeing one of their terrible, woke infused movies.

Case in point would be none other than that one hit wonder, he whose only real claim to fame comes from playing a green comic strip hero, Mark Ruffalo. Ruffalo recent made it official that he sides with Brazilian dictator Lula da Silva’s judiciary regarding the blocking of Elon Musk’s social media platform X, making it largely inaccessible on both the web and through its mobile app. You see, apparently, X missed a deadline imposed by Brazilian Supreme Federal Tribunal (STF) Minister Alexandre de Moraes to name a legal representative in Brazil, triggering the nationwide suspension.

De Moraes, the equivalent of what in the United States would be a Supreme Court justice, subpoenaed X and its owner, Elon Musk, in a post made on the site itself on Wednesday night, a move the STF itself reportedly described as “unprecedented,” as it marks the first time the Brazilian top court has subpoenaed someone on social media. It marks an escalation in the months-long feud between Musk and radical leftist de Moraes over the issue of free speech and alleged misinformation. The court order came one week after X announced the closure of its office in Brazil.

The decision, according to X’s global government affairs team, came in response to de Moraes threatening to arrest the platform’s Brazilian legal team if it did not comply with his censorship orders. Ruffalo supports the ban and took Musk to task for refusing to cooperate with Brazil’s authorities. He wrote on X saying, “@elonmusk showed his total disrespect for Brazilian sovereignty and, in particular, for the judiciary, setting himself up as a true supranational entity and immune to the laws of each country.” Ruffalo is another of those who clearly takes himself far too seriously.

Many on X were quick to point out the irony of Ruffalo choosing to criticize free speech while using the X platform to express his own rather twisted views. But then that’s how those on the left behave. They are free to say whatever they wish, no matter how untrue it may be, but when some dares to point out the inaccuracies of their claims it is they who are guilty of spreading disinformation and must have their ability to so severely restricted. Makes sense, right? Well, maybe to an uneducated bonehead like Ruffalo, but not to anyone who actually possesses a functioning brain.

So it’s once again what we have here is yet another example of the complete idiocy of Ruffalo, and those of his chosen profession. To rail against Musk and X on X! And for someone so disapproving of Musk and X, he sure does like to use the platform. I wish this overrated actor, Ruffalo would simply move to Brazil and see how lovely life there would be. Maybe after President Trump wins he will. And wouldn’t that be so nice. Another note of his hypocrisy: Criticizing a billionaire, when he is a millionaire a few times over from his comic strip Marvel drivel. This is how stupid Ruffalo is.

Also hard not to notice that this idiot didn’t quit the platform in protest of free speech, instead he simply used it to complain. These people are just self-righteous scumbags. Actors live in a fake world. Their entire life is built on lies and lying for a living. Hollyweird is on life support and fading fast, but not fast enough. Most of these morons have sold their souls to the Communist Chinese. Ruffalo is another enemy of the people. He seeks to promote tyranny and the subjugation of free people. Another has-been trying to keep his name in the lights! He should go live in Brazil.

The Left is only in favor of censorship of speech that does not fully support their radical authoritarian agenda. If their agenda was censored, they would get really angry. I’m always so astonished at why people take to heart the words of people who do nothing more than make pretend for a living. Actors are people who have no real skill to do any sort of actual work. These people get to read a couple sentences, written by someone else. and do it as many times as they need too. They are worthless human beings that deserve to be shunned, and not worshipped.

Ruffalo is like that other imbecile, Sean Penn. No matter how much failed states like Venezuela and Cuba prove leftist policies lead to dictatorships, they keep showing they are incapable of learning because you can’t fix stupid. Ever wonder why so many Hollyweirdos are communist sympathizers? I’m so sick and tired of these Hollyweird liberals and the trash they spew and films they make. Thank God, the movie industry is dying a slow agonizing death. No sane individual in America today really cares what those like Ruffalo have to say. Most see these people for what they really are.

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