

Monday, September 16, 2024


So riddle me this, why is it, exactly, that it’s only Democrats who are ever permitted the luxury of using our supposed ever changing world as being the rationale for having changed their long held positions on any given issue or set of issues? And yet, oddly enough, it’s whenever a Republican like, oh let’s say, like President Trump changes his position on some issue, it’s always because there is some sort of an ulterior motive involved. Republicans are never permitted to alter a position held without being on the receiving end of all manner of politically motivated attacks coming from both the Democrats and their many minions in the ‘fake news’ media.

I bring this up because it was during an appearance, this past Sunday, on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press,’ that Pete Buttigieg attempted to make the argument, silly as it may have been, that Cumala has changed her positions and a various number of issues simply because she saw what was happening in the world around her. Imagine that. And it was host Kristen Welker that said, “Vice President Harris has shifted her position on several policy issues when she first ran for president in 2019. She initially wanted to ban fracking, now she doesn’t and she wanted penalties for illegal border crossings and now she doesn’t. She supported Medicare for all and now she doesn’t."

Welker then asked, “To the voters who have concerns about this, if she’s elected, why won’t she change her mind again?” Buttigieg proceeded to spew nothing but political pablum in a blatant attempt to justify Cumala’s 180 degree changes in her position on a number of issues. He said, “Well, look, you develop your policies based on what you see happening in the world around you and what you are able to accomplish in Washington. You take the example of immigration and we just talk through what’s changed over the last five years and lots of ideas were being kicked around five years ago when there was basically zero climate policy during the Trump years."

And he went on to say, “Now we have a climate policy it’s called the Inflation Reduction Act and it does not include a ban on fracking. What it has done is caused a lot of factories to be built right now in places like where I grew up and places like where JD Vance grew up creating jobs in a new energy economy and good old-fashioned jobs that would be destroyed if Donald Trump follows through on his promise to get rid of the Inflation Reduction Act.” And he added, “Those are the policies we are working with and every election is about the future and not the past and that future looks very different depending on who is about to win."

So during the last three and a half years in the White House, Cumala doesn’t see any change going on around her as the country is going down the toilet and yet, one and a half months campaigning for president all of a sudden she has some sort of an epiphany? Seriously? I can’t be the only one who sees that as being just a little too convenient can I? Look, it’s all nothing more than typical Democrat bullshit. We all know she doesn’t mean a word of what she’s saying, she’s just saying it because she’s struggling to get people to vote for her. What’s changing in the world around her are those things changing, and not for the better, because of her and Joey.

President Trump once said, “All they had to do was, nothing!” And again, he was right, regardless of whether we’re talking about the southern border, our energy supply or even the Middle East. But nope, instead they were compelled to fuck up everything. So, what has changed? Well, that would be the slow motion train wreck we are all witnessing in the U.S. with unfettered illegal immigration, the out of control inflation, the illegal immigrant fueled increase in violent crime, the rising cost of essential household items, gasoline, utilities, taxes, food and so much more. Those are all the consequences of policies put in place by the Biden/Harris administration.

And it is the anti-American policies that have been put into place by Joey and Cumala that have resulted in a level of chaos here at home and across the globe not seen in some time. Our illustrious ‘Border Czar’ did absolutely nothing to stop the massive influx of illegal immigrants flooding into our country. And it was their policies that prompted Putin to attack Ukraine. They also provided to Iran the financial means to cause all manner of problems in the region by giving them billions of taxpayer money and lets not forget the Afghanistan debacle that resulted in dead American soldiers with billions of military equipment and thousands of Americans left behind.

So the pitch is now our position has changed because our prior position was faulty but we have it fixed now and you need to trust us to correct our prior errors? Buttigieg is doing nothing more than to spew idiotic Democrat talking points. Nothing Cumala has planned for America has changed and she has neither flipped nor flopped. She is, just as Buttigieg is doing, just lying to cover up her Marxist agenda. As soon as she is elected she will most certainly ban fracking, flood the country with 100 million more illegal immigrants, crash the stock market bury the middle class under the weight of higher taxes and try to end both the Electoral College and the Second Amendment.

Democrat Politics 101: Change your policy to get elected then, once safely in office, do whatever the fuck it was that you wanted to do in the first place. In this case the destruction of America. As soon as Cumala is installed, God forbid, she will go full scale undiluted hammer-and-sickle! You know it, I know it, and Buttigieg knows it. She is accustomed to verbalizing the way prostitutes do. You know, say whatever you need to get your money and then as soon as dumb John is out the door it’s on to the next. All Democrats falsely presume that this nation has no one left willing to fight back against their evil agenda. I’m here to tell you that they are wrong.

Buttigieg is proving, yet again, what a fool he is by simply making excuses for Cumala, and actually expecting us to believe them. These are two of the most inept politicians to ever come down the pike. Buttigieg took a three-month maternity leave while ships backed up in harbors unable to offload their cargo and grocery store shelves went bare. Oh, and then he finally visited East Palestine, Ohio, after President Trump already had and bringing truckloads of water, and whom he falsely blamed for the crash, showing up empty-handed and with a press secretary who refused to speak on camera. This entire administration is a clusterfuck on what is a massive scale.

Cumala is changing her policies because of reality. Life ain’t all fun and games. The electorate does not want a commie in an empty pantsuit. Realistically speaking, Cumala is not changing, she’s merely doubling down on EVERY Joey/Cumala abysmal failure. She is a low IQ clown; it’s embarrassing how low intellect she really is. Cumala just keeps spewing the same old rehearsed lines no matter how worn out they become. But what most people want to hear, is her explaining her changes. Where she stood before, what she thought, what made her change her mind and why. But all we’re getting is “her position was once this but now it’s the exact opposite."

Buttigieg trying to convince me that her almost daily policy changes have absolutely nothing to do with her political fight to win, especially when she has said, “My values haven’t changed,” after holding office for four years, just ain’t working. And I gotta say is that claiming she now realizes the world around her has changed is not exactly a ringing endorsement for why people should vote for her. And when you desperately want to be President, and you lack a moral compass, changing policies is just the thing to do. But if you are principled, have a conscience, core values and beliefs, and live by them, the world around you may change, but you do not.

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