

Monday, September 2, 2024


I think we all know that Democrats have long had rather tenuous relationship with the truth. And you would think that after all of the lies and the blatant corruption of the last four years, there would be only a few people who are actually dumb enough to believe what any Democrat tells them. Take for instance what was heard from one of those Democrats just this past Sunday. Because, you see, it was then, during the broadcast of ABC’s ‘This Week,’ that Jared Polis, Democrat governor of Colorado, actually went so far as to claim that Democrats, including Cumala, “have always been supportive of building barriers and walls for certain parts of the border."

Ok, so we’re now supposed to believe that Cumala supports implementing efficient and effective ways to stop the flow of drugs and human trafficking across our southern border. And yet, for nearly four years she chose to do absolutely nothing about it. And it’s Polis who’s of the opinion that the citizens of his state have to cower in fear inside their homes because their apartment buildings have been taken over by Venezuelan gangs. Now while I am most certainly not an expert when it comes to all things political, it did seem to me that this guy was a rather weird choice to be sent out on the Sunday ‘news’ shows to cheerlead for border walls.

And it was faux ‘journalist’ Jon Karl who started off what was a rather bizarre exchange by saying, “Another issue that didn’t come up in the CNN interview is her now apparent support for at least in some aspects, the border wall. I mean, we’ve seen in her ad, she uses images of the border wall. She says she’ll sign the Senate bill which provided $650 million for more border wall construction. She had called previously, the border wall a medieval vanity project, and a stupid use of money that she vowed to block.” Karl then asked, “So what’s changed there?” Polis said, “Look, this is another issue that as it gets into the public discourse is very misleading."

And it was from there that Polis went on to say, “Democrats in general, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, you know, Barack Obama, have always been supportive of building barriers and walls for certain parts of the border as part of a comprehensive border strategy.” Karl said, “Wait a minute. She called the border wall a medieval vanity project, a stupid use of money and said that she would block funding for it. So she wasn’t talking about supporting.” Polis said, “That’s true. The border wall that Donald Trump has proposed is a huge boondoggle waste of taxpayer money.” And yet, did our intrepid ‘journalist,’ Mr. Karl, ask which parts of the border? Of course not!!!

Polis went on to say, “He effectively talked about a wall across the entire border rather than using barriers of different kinds effectively in a cost-effective manner including imagery from satellites, including on the ground intel to secure and lock down the border. What Kamala Harris is for is securing the most cost-effective way possible to stop the illegal flow of people, of guns, of drugs across that southern border. Of course, Donald Trump’s border wall would not work, would waste taxpayer money. Of course, barriers and walls are a part of the overall comprehensive strategy that Kamala Harris will deliver on to secure the southern border."

First of all, Karl actually pointing out Cumala’s hypocrisy and flip-flops using her own words? What the Hell is up with that?  When these loyal diehard Democrat propagandists start asking questions that expose the truth, it’s not a good look for Democrats. So it seems like the ‘Cumala-Joyful-Warrior-Train’ has just topped the first big hill of the roller coaster and is about to start heading downhill quickly. Secondly, if the Democrat media machine is down to trotting out feckless idiots like this doofus Polis, a guy who’s allowing foreign national gangs to take over parts of his state, to act as a surrogate for Cumala, that’s even a worse look. So go figure!

I’m sure most will remember how it was that this scumbag, Polis, initially dismissed the concerns of Aurora, Colorado residents regarding the takeover of local apartment complexes by the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua, describing the concerns as “imaginary.”  Aurora has been grappling with the presence of the notorious gang, which has taken control of several apartment complexes in the city. Despite overwhelming evidence, including video footage, police reports, and testimonies from residents, Polis’s administration simply downplayed the severity of the situation. Apparently, he’s now backtracked, claiming to take the situation “very seriously."

And isn’t amazing what these leftwing clowns will say, and with a straight face no less, when they know there’s no chance of them actually being forced to backup any of their many lies. We’ve all heard Cumala in the past, when she’s said that she will not have borders. Or that she wants every illegal to come into the U.S. to vote for Democrats and to ensure that her party remains permanently in power. Communism is just a few months away and if those of us who love our country, as well as our freedom, don’t turn out in numbers that will make it impossible for the Democrats, with their legions of dead and all manner of illegal voters, to cheat.

Polis is another those who apparently had too much time on his hands, so he ran for public office. Another ivy leaguer, Boulder based, tech trust fund baby from California who inherited the wealth of his parents greeting card empire. He used a chunk of it to buy himself five terms to the U.S. House. Then he used another chunk of it to buy himself the Colorado governorship in 2018 getting support from another Silicon Valley transplant multi-billionaire, tech mogul Tim Gill. Polis is divisive and dismissive of those who disagree with his radical leftism, especially ranchers and residents of the Western Slope. These guys have turned Colorado into the California of the Rockies.

And it’s now because of political scum like Polis that Colorado was just rated the third most dangerous state in the entire country. The first? Well, that would now be New Mexico. The illegals are trying to build Denver into the new hub for the illicit drug trade coming from Mexico. They know Colorado is now an easy mark because of Gov. Polis. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that Polis is likely on the payroll of these people in exchange for greasing the skids by guaranteeing that they will have little to worry about from law enforcement. After all, that seems to be how the Democrat Party operates these days, while average Americans have to live in fear.

Hell, it’s easy for Democrats to claim they support building a wall now that they’ve welcomed in all of the illegal immigrants they’re likely to need, once they force some form of amnesty through Congress, to win every election for the next 50 years. Obviously, Cumala was in lockstep with Joey regarding the decision to purposely allow into this country millions of those who do not belong here. And clearly the motivation for doing so was to create more Democrat voters. It most certainly was not out of some deep concern for those trapped in the crime ridden countries down south. Democrats don’t care about anyone but Democrats and holding onto power.

A border wall would have cost a fraction of what we’re now spending on illegal immigrants and drugs flooding over our borders in the form of lower wages, more crime, record high deaths from drug overdoses, loss of productivity due to people lost to drugs, homelessness and so much more. Not to mention the cost of maintaining the illegal immigrants, and the damage done to our society by coddling these illegal immigrants. And it’s all of those who obeyed the law and followed the rules who are now getting stuck with the bill for all those who allowed to flout our laws. That’s bad. The Wall wasn’t the boondoggle. Unfettered immigration IS the boondoggle.

Polis may be a rich, tech savvy CEO, but he’s nothing more than a political hack! He’s the one who brought all of the illegals to Denver, 40,000 of them and then wanted to send them all to nearby communities that said NO! This guy is not a leader by anyone’s definition! Everything he said was pure bullshit. Does anyone expect this do-nothing for his own state to be even remotely honest about anything else? This is the governor who argued that the illegal gang problems in his state were just figments of resident’s imagination. You know, nothing to see hear, move along, move along. Polis is as useless as every other Democrat. Party, as always, above everything else.

And President Trump never stated ‘The Wall’ was the end-all solution. It was designed as part of a multi-layered border barrier, including electronic air and ground surveillance. Democrats cried it cost too much and we didn’t have the money. The project would have cost billions, but far less than the hundreds of billions we're spending every year on illegal aliens in-country, as well as the hundreds of billions we’re throwing at Ukraine. Funny how we have unlimited money for them. With a proper Wall system in place, it would have paid for itself within a year and saved us hundreds of billions in the long run. Fucking Democrats...all they do is lie.

And yet, we’re all supposed to believe that the Democrats, including Cumala, “have always been supportive of building barriers and walls for certain parts of the border.” And because it was just last week that we had an arena full of woke Democrats wearing camouflage trucker hats and rocking out to Lynyrd Skynyrd, this week we’re supposed to believe imbeciles like this Polis as he’s out shouting “hooray for border walls.” You couldn’t make this shit up if you tried. And yet he’s free to make the rounds to the various Sunday ‘news’ shows and make his ludicrous claims and not once, not a single solitary time, asked to justify any of what he claimed.

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