

Friday, September 20, 2024


What’s truly frightening, at least to me, as we head into this next election is that the Democrats have two things going for them in being able to achieve victory, a ‘news’ media that refuses to do its job and an American electorate that often appears to be too stupid to get out of its own way. And really, regarding our so-called ‘news’ media, it’s far worse than merely refusing to do their job of government watchdog, it’s that they’ve reduced themselves to being the very worst kind of propagandists. Because instead of providing the American public with vital information regarding what their leaders are actually up, they work to keep the public very much in the dark.

And in so doing they rob from the American people their ability to obtain the necessary information needed to make an intelligent, and informed, decision when it comes to for whom they should cast their vote. And it’s this behavior on the part of so-called ‘journalists’ that can be said to go well beyond being simply anti-American, these people have become nothing less than un-American as they work hand in hand, and very aggressively so, with the Democrat Party for the downfall of this country. Far from being bona fide ‘journalists’ the vast majority of those now relied upon to provide reliable ‘news and information’ are, in fact, nothing but political activists.

And so it’s become impossible to determine who in our ‘news’ media is telling us the truth. So now the safest thing to do is to simply assume that everyone is lying to us because most everyone we see on our television likely is lying to us, right down to the local ‘news’ clowns. And the sooner one realizes that it’s all nothing more than propaganda, the sooner one becomes willing to search out the truth and committed to do whatever is necessary to find it. Those in the business of providing us with our ‘news’ and information prey on the weak minded among us because they’re a soft target, so to speak, willing to take at face value what they’re told and to run with it.

And those in our ‘news’ media seem not to be bothered in the least that they do us all a great disservice. Because instead of working to root out government corruption, to lay bare the more unseemly, even sinister, side of our government, these supposed intrepid watchdogs have, for whatever the reason or motivation, been convinced to aid and abet corrupt politicians. Now whether it’s been done merely for money or because they too have been brainwashed, I don’t suppose it really matters, in the big scheme of things. What matters is their apparent willingness, even an eagerness, to look the American people squarely in the eye and repeatedly lie to them.

And try to imagine just how different, how much better off, this country would be if we had a ‘news’ media that was genuinely interested in getting to the truth and to then make the American people aware of that truth. If that were actually the case the most obvious difference from today’s world would be that there would likely be no Democrat Party, and for the very simple reason that they would have long ago been driven into hiding because of having their lies exposed. Imagine this country with no Democrat Party. There would likely be fewer wars, and more prosperity. But as we all know, here in the real world Democrats are permitted to lie pretty much at will.

And sadly, it’s Democrat lies that are so often peddled as being the truth by those who should really know better and who actually possess the power to expose them. I have no doubt that some of our supposed ‘journalists’ do believe that they are somehow the ‘good guys,’ but I believe it’s far more who simply believe in doing what they perceive to be in their own financial or professional best interests. And that’s really pretty pathetic. To appear day after day, or night after night, portraying oneself to something that one clearly is not, is simply dishonest. But unfortunately, that’s what we’re left with when tuning into any program whose purpose is to inform us.

And finally, I’ve never paid much attention to CNN or MSDNC, there’s always been a bias there, although not to the degree we see today. And while I was once an avid viewer of Fox News, after they willing took part in the most blatant act of election theft in our history back in 2020, I don’t watch them either. And it wasn’t long after that I came to the realization that I really don’t need some talking head telling me who to vote for. That if I just kept my eyes and ears open who I need to vote for would be a no brainer. I mean, I know what my wallet looks like at the end of every month, and I certainly don’t need some jerkoff ‘journalist’ telling me it’s all a figment of my imagination.

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