

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


As I have said on numerous occasions, I just don’t understand why any intelligent individual, male or female, would choose to waste a second of their life watching CNN. This rather odd assortment of faux journalists and blatant political hacks saying whatever they’ve been told to say by their benefactors in the Democrat Party in their ongoing assault, the purpose of which is to endlessly assail President Trump. That and, more recently, to tell anyone willing to listen about how wonderful, and just chock full of accomplishments, their chosen nominee to be our next president, Cumala, is. You see, their sole objective is do all that they can to defeat President Trump.

It was this past Tuesday during an appearance on CNN’s ‘News Central,’ that one the networks many resident bimbos, Ana Navarro, made what was, I guess, an attempt at some sort of sarcasm when she said President Donald Trump was “going to be pregnant” with the “horrible consequences” of the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Navarro, also of ‘The View’ fame, if I remember correctly is someone who’s billed as being one of the network’s conservatives, but to my recollection has never exhibited any behavior that would indicate that she is anything other than a complete moron who is under the employ of the Democrat Party.

But anyway, it was Brianna Keilar, the host of this supposed “news” program who began the conversation by asking, “Can you talk a little bit about the strategy of taking it, this message to Trump’s backyard and the campaign doing that? What is to be gained with that as the backdrop, as we see this very significant referendum vote happening here shortly in Florida on their six-week abortion ban?” Navarro said, “Well, I think there’s credible reasons that make a logical to start it in Palm Beach. One is the fact that the issue is on the ballot in Florida. But also that you can point down the road ten miles away from where we were, lives, Donald Trump."

And she went on to say, “You have got to tie Donald Trump to the consequences of Dobbs that have resulted in these horror stories women are having to endure.” Being pregnant is a horror story? Since when? Perhaps if pregnant women who think this way would have taken the proper precautions, or perhaps abstained entirely, they wouldn’t find themselves in such a horrific state. They made an adult decision to ignore using birth control. Decisions have consequences. Maybe the time has come for these snowflakes to realize that. But then I’m likely applying too much in the way of common sense to the entire issue. After all, it really isn’t that complicated.

But anyway, Navarro went on to add, “Donald Trump wants to be a little bit pregnant on Dobbs, right? In front of some audiences, he takes pride and credit for having gotten Roe v. Wade overturned. In front of other audiences, he wants to keep a distance. On the one hand, he tells you he wants more than six weeks, but then he tells you within 24 hours that he’s going to vote no on Amendment 4. Well, he can’t have it all the ways. We’re not stupid, and we don’t forget. And he is going to be pregnant with the consequences, the horrible consequences of Dobbs. And he’s going to have to carry it to term. Because come November, women will remember."

Navarro is another of those who seems unable to differentiate between males and females of the human species, which is why she is on CNN and ‘The View,’ since it’s smart people that are not wanted on either venue. Navarro is another of those who gets trotted out every time someone is in need a ‘female Republican’s’ opinion on any issue but especially on the issue of abortion. Navarro continues to demonstrate the fact that she is simply too stupid to understand that the states now have the right to decide their abortion laws, which is actually in accordance with our Constitution. Although I’m sure her knowledge of that document is rather limited.

Personally, I see abortion as being more of a niche issue. After all, only a fraction of American voters are of child bearing age woman, and of those, a large percentage are married, religious or conservative. And much like the war in Ukraine and the ridiculous green agenda, this is all nothing more than a grift, the issue isn’t the issue. Democrats have the extreme position on abortion. Democrats want partial birth abortion for any reason and in some cases post birth abortion. Democrats see babies just like they see black slaves, a lower life form that is not a human being but a piece of property. That is why they are pushing so hard to sell those baby parts.

These frauds and political hacks that now make up the most corrupt ‘news’ media in the entire world, no longer even try to hide the fact that they’re nothing more than political activists disguised as supposed ‘journalists.’ And I just don’t see the states’ rights abortion issue as being the most pressing matter in the minds of the Democrat ticket? They already have the ‘kill the baby’ in the delivery room crowd, are they now going to push for infanticide up to preschool crowd as well? And to use such an issue as a way to motivate your voters proves that Cumala and A-Walz have to be the vilest pair of candidates that have ever been atop of any ticket.

Navarro is nothing if not thoroughly irrelevant. And while CNN is straining to be relevant, they are people without credibility, or even any suaveness. Navarro is as relevant as Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger and has been running her mouth for years. To date I can’t recall her being right on anything of consequence. These people are desperate to make abortion the top issue in this election, as if no one cares about the cost of living. Perhaps she’s counting on enough people being angry because President Trump was so instrumental in getting rid of Roe v Wade and that they must now drag their daughter to another state in order to murder their own grandkids.

If women show up in large numbers to vote solely for abortions, then the country truly is fucked because abortion is really a minor issue. And you would think women would be aware that abortion is not the main issue. I mean, if they grocery shop, put gas in their car or pay bills, you would think they’d get it. And how about the open border with illegal invaders pouring in to hurt them and their family? These people are absolutely insane. Forget the border invasion, forget about the insane cost of living, just focus on killing babies. Abortion is a small potatoes issue when families can’t afford school supplies, rent, utilities, gas, car payments, and food.

Women in this country need to start thinking more about what kind of country they wish to leave behind for their surviving children to grow up in rather than worrying about whether, or not, they can simply choose to end their pregnancies. A little responsibility would go a long way in most of these cases. Navarro is another member of a not so unique, and very dark, little group of women’s rights activists acting like infants throwing a fit. What we have here is nothing more than toxic femininity. And here’s a suggestion that Ms. Navarro should take to heart, prevention is key and is far less intrusive and less expensive. Perhaps it should be tried sometime.

And finally, you have to ask yourself, what does it say about those who are able to look at what’s being made to take place in this country today, with our wide open southern border, our sky high inflation and skyrocketing violent crime, an anemic economy, high gas prices, the country now on the verge of WW III and all of the transgender bullshit and see abortion as being the single most important issue in need of being addressed. I mean who in their right mind, has such screwed up priorities? And it’s so many of those in our ‘fake news’ who persist in advocating for such lunacy and yet they still expect to be taken seriously. And when they’re not they come totally unglued.

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