

Friday, September 13, 2024


I must say, if MSDNC is good at anything it’s the fact that it has the uncanny knack of being able to attract some of the biggest kooks on the entire planet. And one of the kookier kooks that frequently shows up to spew his incessant, as well as idiotic, drivel is some frizzy-haired fuck by the name of Eli Mystal. This guy is nothing more than a straight up moron, which likely accounts for the fact that he tends to be one of the more frequent ‘contributors’ appearing on MSDNC. Although, I must admit, he rarely, if ever, has anything constructive to contribute to any conversation. He’s of those clownish leftists who is clearly thrilled with the sound of his own voice,

Apparently, this guy Mystal is the ‘Justice’ correspondent for that leftist rag, ‘The Nation.’ But what it might exactly be that a ‘Justice’ correspondent corresponds on I have no idea. Anyway, it was this past Wednesday during yet another appearance on MSDNC’s ‘The ReidOut’ that Mystal accused supporters of President Trump of being just as “despicable” as he is. And while I will agree that this useless fuck certainly does know a thing or two about being “despicable,” he knows absolutely nothing about the supporters of President Trump. But then, when one appears on MSDNC, one doesn’t necessarily need to know what one is talking about, it’s immaterial.

Anyway, it was the host of this biggest waste in primetime television, Joy Reid, who said, “The way he desecrated Arlington National Cemetery would be career-ending for a normal politician. Even this piece about saying my building was the tallest until they brought down the World Trade Center, and now it is the second tallest. Everything he does is despicable.” And it was in typical fashion that this boob Mystal said, “The reason it does not end his career is his supporters are just as despicable. Trump is a narcissist, so his whole thing is a complete lack of compassion and empathy for everybody else. It is all about him. That is why he lies about 9/11."

He added, “He is probably the least compassionate president we’ve had in 200 years since Andrew Jackson, and it works for him because his supporters are just as un-generous and have just as little compassion and empathy for others. So when he is seen essentially, as you guys have put it, desecrating our national symbols, and when he is seen putting himself above all else, his supporters also want that to be the case. They want to do that in their own lives. That is how they think of themselves. That why it is that it never hurts Trump when he takes these crass and classless actions. It’s because his supporters think that being crass and classless is actually kind of cool."

So, what we have here is clearly nothing but more of the same. More drivel from a guy who is bigoted against anyone who doesn’t believe as he does and insults them in the most vile, heinous and repugnant ways. And you know, as much as I hear President Trump go after his opponents, I’m pretty sure that I’ve never heard him disparage Democrat voters the same way that these radically leftwing Democrats insist upon going after Republican voters. You know, how we’re a bunch of deplorables, the dregs of society, I’m sure everyone is quite familiar with all the names we’ve been called. But then, that’s really all those on the left, like Mystal, have to talk about.

Yup, it’s those “despicable” old Trump supporters who actually support the U.S. Constitution, as written, and who are patriotic Americans. Meanwhile, it’s the Marxists, like this guy Mystal, who very enthusiastically support such things as CRT, DEI, multicultural diversity, pluralism, race-baiting, confiscatory monetary policy, government overreach and who most definitely do not believe in the U.S. Constitution, as written. Marxists support authoritarianism, totalitarianism. Marxism has failed in every nation where it has been implemented, it is a failed ideology. It has also resulted in the murder of over 100 million people. But I digress.

And aren’t we always told how liberals are the ones who “embrace diversity,” and “inclusion,” and oh, “equity?” Aren’t they supposed to be the joyful ones, ready to reach across the aisle, with a crocodile smile? But I get it, that this is the essential difference between the liberal and conservative mindsets: conservatives want to keep nurturing what works, even though imperfect; liberals want to cancel what’s working because it’s not perfect. To a man like Mystal, any threat to their utopian vision (utopia means no place) of perfection is reason enough to destroy that threat, to demonize it, to kill it. But it’s a fantasy they can neither define nor describe.

Both this guy Mystal, and Reid, exude the most virulent brand of hate for anyone who is not a participating leftist. They are overtly racist, and yet they have the nerve to label us as despicable. These leftist Democrats are all miserable beings filled with envy, jealousy and, most definitely, hate. They spew their criticisms and lies about those of us who love America and work our asses off every day to fund their many social experiments. These two are the epitome of despicable. It’s individuals like these two who are the main reason racism continues to thrive in this country; and they will never stop ‘poking at the lion’ which may not end well for them.

I will agree that President Trump is a flawed man, just as we all are, including this leftist buffoon Mystal. Although it’s most on the left who seem to view themselves as being perfect in every way. However, if President Trump was really as bad as all of these leftists’ claim, why do they have to continually make up the many lies and false claims about him? It’s hard to imagine that America has fallen so far that race-baiting is not only a profession, but that these hate filled buffoons have their own television shows and get paid obscene amounts of money. Telling overt, and obvious lies doesn’t absolve bad policy, and America is living all the bad policies of Cumala.

Democrats do not love our country and just the thought of wanting good things for all citizens and making our country better for all is so alien and foreign to them that they simply can’t grasp the concept. President Trump is not perfect, not even close, but he will put America and its citizens first! He truly loves our country which Democrats just don’t understand. When you put illegal immigrants before veterans and taxpaying citizens, when you put men in women’s locker rooms or have perverts grooming our children and now Cumala is talking about government-controlled food pricing, it becomes very clearly, very quickly the level of hatred the last has for this country.

Mystal is another clown who thinks of himself as a patron saint of compassion and empathy and tolerance because he’s just so full of love as he spews another hateful tirade against millions of people who don’t think like he does. Just another pompous quack who loves nothing but himself and the money he makes selling lies. He does not know me or my family and yet he can hate. These dividers have hurt this country, its children, its culture, and for what? Mindless, thoughtless power? And to what end? They are incompetent, never satisfied because of their fear of the real world and so they gaslight everyone around them because lying is all they know how to do.

Another loon calling Trump supporters names. How unoriginal! Mystal is another of those stooges who could only find a home at MSDNC. Mystal can take his ridiculous opinions, and ridiculous clown self, and go sob in a corner. He’s nothing more than an agitator, someone who wants to be an outcast because he has neither the brains nor the talent to co-exist and be successful out here in the real world. Maybe if he could educate himself, get rid of that absurd afro, comport himself as an adult, there might be some hope for him. But he’s likely quite content being a kook, obviously he’s very good at it. And like my dear old mom used to say, everyone is good at something.

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