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Friday, October 5, 2012
Well folks, apparently we're on the verge of finding out just how sleazy this guy can get. Because with its candidate having been pretty much thumped, and very soundly, in the first debate, by a surprisingly aggressive and very articulate Gov. Mitt Romney, we now find Team Barry "Almighty" switching into what can only be described as being full attack mode. They are now moving beyond earlier assaults on Romney’s business record and wealth toward with a new drive that seems focused on nothing more than destroying his character. Something that Barry himself is completely devoid of. Casting aside, completely, the Barry 2008 brand of being the hopeful unifier, Barry’s many gutter-oriented operatives Thursday made a dive straight for the jugular, working on multiple fronts to brand Romney a liar, completely untrustworthy and therefore unworthy of the office that he is seeking. The campaign, Barry aides made clear, would henceforth be conducted exclusively Chicago style. I hope Gov. Romney, and family, are prepared for what's heading their way.
Because what we will now have is the consummate liar, Barry "Almighty", and his team of political thugs who are now setting into motion what amounts to nothing more than a toxic smear campaign. What they will now be setting out to do is nothing more than to do their level best to not only defeat Gov. Romney, but to, quite literally, destroy him in the process. In what is now about to be taken to a whole new level, we are now witnessing a vicious and personal assault that we have rarely witnessed as something conducted by those at the highest level of U.S. politics. White House senior sleaze-ball, David Plouffe repeatedly told reporters aboard Air Force One that Romney was "dishonest." With the president of the United States in a cabin just a few steps away, his top adviser pushed out the new campaign theme that the man who had bested him in the debate Wednesday night is an untrustworthy scoundrel. Such tactics very clearly demonstrates the depths to which this team of sewer dwellers is willing to go in their drive to achieve electoral victory.
Generally presidential campaigns leave such ugly and distasteful things to surrogates familiar with such things. The type of surrogate which Barry seems to have a near endless supply. The goal, at least in the past, has always been, at least in the past, to attempt to preserve the appearance that presidential candidates themselves are above such things. But Barry campaign spokesmoron Jen Psaki opened Plouffe’s remarks by airing for reporters the new Barry "Almighty" campaign ad, "Trust", which claims that Romney is lying about his tax plan and can’t be trusted to be president. On a separate front, top campaign adviser David 'My Mommy Was A Commie' Axelrod convened a phone call with reporters telling them that the "question" for them "is really one of character and whether or not a candidacy that’s so fundamentally rooted in hiding the truth and the facts from the American people and deception is the basis of trust on which you assign the presidency to a person." Axelrod announced that this would be the new theme of the Obama campaign. "That is what we are going to focus on moving forward," he said.
Now what strikes me as all being a bit odd, is that if I didn't know any better I'd swear that when Axelrod describes a candidacy "that’s so fundamentally rooted in hiding the truth and the facts from the American people" that he's talking about Barry's candidacy. So look, what's going to have to happen here is that the American people are going to have to decide if they are willing to tolerate this type of unseemly, and rather sleazy, behavior from the man who wishes to remain our president. Is it to be deemed as being acceptable and appropriate? Now granted I'm sure there are plenty of folks who count themselves as being Barry supporters and who thoroughly agree with whatever tactics that this team of thugs may choose to employ. But what I'm hoping for, even praying for, is that there are more of us who see this as demeaning the office of the president, than see it as being something we should get behind. Will those of us who love this country choose to stand behind Gov. Romney, and fight back against this appalling demonstration by our president.
The bottom line here is that there hasn't been an election that's this big of a no-brainer since 1980. What we have here a president who is essentially interested only is using what is essentially a scorched earth style of campaigning and he seems to care very little about the level of collateral damage likely to be suffered by our electoral process. As we have seen over the course of the last 4 years, this man is not someone who is willing to put the country above his own desires. He sees himself as being deserving of being our president and is therefore entitled to use whatever means available to him to achieve that goal. There is nothing that is to be considered as either crossing the line of as going too far. He is Barack Hussein Obama, and as such should not forced to contend with some challenger whom he views as possessing considerably less stature than himself. His possessing such a mentality allows him to rationalize however he must, the use of any tactic, no matter how destructive it may prove to be in the end. All is fair...
2012 Election,
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