

Monday, October 1, 2012


Try as they may, fella’s like Al Gore and our buddy Barry, along with the many other believers in the religion that is ‘manmade climate change’, try to convince us that the end is near, and we really must now look at changing our evil ways and start worrying about the effects of global warming, it would seem that this old girl we call Earth has somewhat of a different idea. You see, while clowns like Gore have been sounding the alarm for what seems like forever, about what they see as being our impending doom, Antarctica has quietly set a new record for the greatest sea ice extent ever measured at either pole, and that’s not sacrilege coming from some anti-global warming people, but that’s according to a number of various sources.

"NSIDC (National Snow and Ice Data Center) seems disinterested in their own data, choosing instead to write stories about penguins being threatened by declining Antarctic sea ice," states the web site Real Science. It goes on to say, "If current trends continue, the earth will be completely covered with ice much faster than the climate models predicted." And the website, Sunshine Hours adds, "Anyone wonder why NOAA isn’t making a fuss about this?" Nope, we’re all just supposed to go along with the global warming morons, fretting about the polar bears, the penguins and God knows what else. But it’s all junk science, with all of these wild claims having already been shown, repeatedly, to be completely false.

Steve Goreham, executive director of the Climate Science Coalition of America and author of the new book "The Mad, Mad, Mad World of Climatism: Mankind and Climate Change Mania" argued that the finding appears to challenge the theory of climatism, or a belief that man-made greenhouse gases are destroying earth’s climate. "It’s interesting that climate scientists are so alarmed by declining Arctic ice. The Arctic Icecap is only 1 to 2 percent of Earth’s ice, while the elephant, the Antarctic Icecap, contains about 90 percent of Earth’s ice," he wrote on the website phillyburbs.com. "The climate models underestimated the decline in Arctic ice, but they are confounded by the growth in Antarctic ice," he explained.

And besides Al Gore, who, by the way, has made literally millions of dollars off of his efforts to create all manner of ‘climate change’ hysteria, is far from being the only big supporter of this cockamamie theory. He has also been joined in that endeavor, and quite enthusiastically I might add, by our stellar president who is now asking us to re-elect him. Hence his refusal to allow drilling anywhere, and his penchant for throwing substantial amounts of money at every "green energy" boondoggle to come along. Is this really what we’re looking for in a president? And it’s also because of his energy policy, or lack of, that we’re also being forced to spend increasing amounts of money just to heat and cool our homes.

DOESN’T THAT MAKE ANY SENSE TO ANYBODY? Barry and the Democrats are determined to ‘use’ this junk science based on very faulty data, to drive energy costs through the roof. They plan is for them to rake in ever increasing amount of ‘revenue’ that can then be used in their effort to buy votes. We’ve already seen coals mines being shut down in several states because they’re becoming to costly to operated because of restrictions being put in place by Barry’s EPA. States, if you can believe it, where Barry actually ‘leads’ in the polls. I’ve a hard time trying to understand how it is exactly that these people can watch as their jobs disappear and still think that it’s a good idea to vote for the guy responsible.

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