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Saturday, October 6, 2012
Now if I wasn’t so sure that I could trust Barry to tell me the truth, I too might be questioning the timing of these new jobs numbers. And I’m just as sure that the fact we’re now finding out that at least two ‘economists’ at the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), you know the folks who come up with these numbers, have contributed to Barry "Almighty’s" campaign, is all completely harmless. Now I must admit that these numbers couldn’t have come along at a better time, especially when, out on the campaign trail, Gov. Romney has been talking about how unemployment has remained above 8 percent. And shame on those who seek to imply that there just might be a little collusion afoot here. Just because one of these guys, a fella by the name of Harley Frazis of Bethesda, MD, has contributed at least $2,000 to Barry and $9,000 more to the Democratic National Committee over the last three election cycles, that doesn’t mean anything. Nor should it cause concern that during his time at BLS, this fella Harley has published a number of papers including his most recent, "How to Think About Time-Use Data: What Inferences Can We Make About Long-and Short-Run Time Use from Time Diaries?"
And then there’s that other fella who has also contributed to Barry. I’m sure he did so for no other reason than because he just happens to think Barry is doing a good job. After all, there are some of those people out there. This other fella, a guy by the name of Stephen Phillips of Washington, D.C. has contributed at least $270 to Barry during the 2012 cycle. And according to his LinkedIn profile Phillips he served as an economist at BLS between June 2009 and July 2012. And I’m sure it’s all nothing but another coincidence that this guy Phillips was responsible for examining the impact of Obamacare on Healthcare North American Industry Classification System indices. Now I’m sure there are any number of conspiracy nuts out there who would just love us to think that there are many more guys like these two are out there. And even though Barry has been very busy out on campaign trail calling Romney everything but a white guy, while at the same time speaking nary a word about his disastrous record, that’s just politics, right? I mean let’s face it, if you were Barry would you be talking about your record? My God, things are in terrible condition, he can’t do that!
Ok, let’s come back to reality here, shall we? Look folks, I think it’s pretty obvious here that we’re being conned yet again by this man who makes Nixon look like a freakin Saint. Throughout this entire campaign you can count the number of times he’s told us the truth on one hand. He, his team, as well as a majority of those who comprise the state-controlled media, are all very busy playing us all for fools, and the sad thing is, we’re actually letting them. I mean are they really expecting us to see the timing of these numbers as being nothing more than some sort of weird coincidence? I’ll tell you what, what the coincidence really is, is that this sudden drop in unemployment just happens to occur 30 days before an election. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the next jobs report, 4 days before the election, will show yet another drop. Look, even a blind negro should be able to recognize the fact that this sudden decrease in unemployment is completely manufactured and an act of pure desperation in response to an abysmal debate performance on the part of Barry. Barry calls Romney a liar as if we are supposed to believe everything he, Barry, tells us. Oh there’s a liar in this race alright, but it isn’t Romney.
2012 Election,
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